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prefix: '&4&lFactionShop&8ยป &7Purchased &f%item% &7for &b%points% Points&7!'
slot: 1
block: STONE #Validated Through XMaterial Class Located At:
name: '&aShop Item 1' #Display name of the item wanted in shop.
- '&cFully Customizable Lore!'
- '&b&l{cost} &7Points'
cmds: #You can have more then 1 command in this as it is a list of commands!
- broadcast %player% bought Test Shop!
cost: 5 #The number of faction points it will cost to buy this item.
glowing: true #Do we want it to glow or not?
slot: 2
block: STONE #Validated Through XMaterial Class Located At:
name: '&aShop Item 2' #Display name of the item wanted in shop.
- '&cFully Customizable Lore!'
- '&b&l{cost} &7Points'
cmds: #You can have more then 1 command in this as it is a list of commands!
- broadcast %player% bought Test Shop!
cost: 5 #The number of faction points it will cost to buy this item.
glowing: true #Do we want it to glow or not?
slot: 3
block: STONE #Validated Through XMaterial Class Located At:
name: '&aShop Item 3' #Display name of the item wanted in shop.
- '&cFully Customizable Lore!'
- '&b&l{cost} &7Points'
cmds: #You can have more then 1 command in this as it is a list of commands!
- broadcast %player% bought Test Shop!
cost: 5 #The number of faction points it will cost to buy this item.
glowing: true #Do we want it to glow or not?