2018-11-07 10:14:42 -06:00

267 lines
12 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.SavageFactions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MiscUtil;
import me.clip.placeholderapi.PlaceholderAPI;
import mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TagReplacer.TagType;
public class TagUtil {
private static final int ARBITRARY_LIMIT = 25000;
* Replaces all variables in a plain raw line for a faction
* @param faction for faction
* @param line raw line from config with variables to replace for
* @return clean line
public static String parsePlain(Faction faction, String line) {
for (TagReplacer tagReplacer : TagReplacer.getByType(TagType.FACTION)) {
if (tagReplacer.contains(line)) {
line = tagReplacer.replace(line, tagReplacer.getValue(faction, null));
return line;
* Replaces all variables in a plain raw line for a player
* @param fplayer for player
* @param line raw line from config with variables to replace for
* @return clean line
public static String parsePlain(FPlayer fplayer, String line) {
for (TagReplacer tagReplacer : TagReplacer.getByType(TagType.PLAYER)) {
if (tagReplacer.contains(line)) {
String rep = tagReplacer.getValue(fplayer.getFaction(), fplayer);
if (rep == null) {
rep = ""; // this should work, but it's not a good way to handle whatever is going wrong
line = tagReplacer.replace(line, rep);
return line;
* Replaces all variables in a plain raw line for a faction, using relations from fplayer
* @param faction for faction
* @param fplayer from player
* @param line raw line from config with variables to replace for
* @return clean line
public static String parsePlain(Faction faction, FPlayer fplayer, String line) {
for (TagReplacer tagReplacer : TagReplacer.getByType(TagType.PLAYER)) {
if (tagReplacer.contains(line)) {
String value = tagReplacer.getValue(faction, fplayer);
if (value != null) {
line = tagReplacer.replace(line, value);
} else {
return null; // minimal show, entire line to be ignored
return line;
* Scan a line and parse the fancy variable into a fancy list
* @param faction for faction (viewers faction)
* @param fme for player (viewer)
* @param line fancy message prefix
* @return
public static List<FancyMessage> parseFancy(Faction faction, FPlayer fme, String line) {
for (TagReplacer tagReplacer : TagReplacer.getByType(TagType.FANCY)) {
if (tagReplacer.contains(line)) {
String clean = line.replace(tagReplacer.getTag(), ""); // remove tag
return getFancy(faction, fme, tagReplacer, clean);
return null;
public static String parsePlaceholders(Player player, String line) {
if (SavageFactions.plugin.isClipPlaceholderAPIHooked() && player.isOnline()) {
line = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(player, line);
if (SavageFactions.plugin.isMVdWPlaceholderAPIHooked() && player.isOnline()) {
line = be.maximvdw.placeholderapi.PlaceholderAPI.replacePlaceholders(player, line);
return line;
* Checks if a line has fancy variables
* @param line raw line from config with variables
* @return if the line has fancy variables
public static boolean hasFancy(String line) {
for (TagReplacer tagReplacer : TagReplacer.getByType(TagType.FANCY)) {
if (tagReplacer.contains(line)) {
return true;
return false;
* Lets get fancy.
* @param target Faction to get relate from
* @param fme Player to relate to
* @param prefix First part of the fancy message
* @return list of fancy messages to send
protected static List<FancyMessage> getFancy(Faction target, FPlayer fme, TagReplacer type, String prefix) {
List<FancyMessage> fancyMessages = new ArrayList<>();
boolean minimal = SavageFactions.plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("minimal-show", false);
switch (type) {
FancyMessage currentAllies = SavageFactions.plugin.txt.parseFancy(prefix);
boolean firstAlly = true;
for (Faction otherFaction : Factions.getInstance().getAllFactions()) {
if (otherFaction == target) {
String s = otherFaction.getTag(fme);
if (otherFaction.getRelationTo(target).isAlly()) {
currentAllies.then(firstAlly ? s : ", " + s);
firstAlly = false;
if (currentAllies.toJSONString().length() > ARBITRARY_LIMIT) {
currentAllies = new FancyMessage("");
return firstAlly && minimal ? null : fancyMessages; // we must return here and not outside the switch
FancyMessage currentEnemies = SavageFactions.plugin.txt.parseFancy(prefix);
boolean firstEnemy = true;
for (Faction otherFaction : Factions.getInstance().getAllFactions()) {
if (otherFaction == target) {
String s = otherFaction.getTag(fme);
if (otherFaction.getRelationTo(target).isEnemy()) {
currentEnemies.then(firstEnemy ? s : ", " + s);
firstEnemy = false;
if (currentEnemies.toJSONString().length() > ARBITRARY_LIMIT) {
currentEnemies = new FancyMessage("");
return firstEnemy && minimal ? null : fancyMessages; // we must return here and not outside the switch
FancyMessage currentTruces = SavageFactions.plugin.txt.parseFancy(prefix);
boolean firstTruce = true;
for (Faction otherFaction : Factions.getInstance().getAllFactions()) {
if (otherFaction == target) {
String s = otherFaction.getTag(fme);
if (otherFaction.getRelationTo(target).isTruce()) {
currentTruces.then(firstTruce ? s : ", " + s);
firstTruce = false;
if (currentTruces.toJSONString().length() > ARBITRARY_LIMIT) {
currentTruces = new FancyMessage("");
return firstTruce && minimal ? null : fancyMessages; // we must return here and not outside the switch
FancyMessage currentOnline = SavageFactions.plugin.txt.parseFancy(prefix);
boolean firstOnline = true;
for (FPlayer p : MiscUtil.rankOrder(target.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true, fme))) {
if (fme.getPlayer() != null && !fme.getPlayer().canSee(p.getPlayer())) {
continue; // skip
String name = p.getNameAndTitle();
currentOnline.then(firstOnline ? name : ", " + name);
firstOnline = false;
if (currentOnline.toJSONString().length() > ARBITRARY_LIMIT) {
currentOnline = new FancyMessage("");
return firstOnline && minimal ? null : fancyMessages; // we must return here and not outside the switch
FancyMessage currentOffline = SavageFactions.plugin.txt.parseFancy(prefix);
boolean firstOffline = true;
for (FPlayer p : MiscUtil.rankOrder(target.getFPlayers())) {
String name = p.getNameAndTitle();
// Also make sure to add players that are online BUT can't be seen.
if (!p.isOnline() || (fme.getPlayer() != null && p.isOnline() && !fme.getPlayer().canSee(p.getPlayer()))) {
currentOffline.then(firstOffline ? name : ", " + name);
firstOffline = false;
if (currentOffline.toJSONString().length() > ARBITRARY_LIMIT) {
currentOffline = new FancyMessage("");
return firstOffline && minimal ? null : fancyMessages; // we must return here and not outside the switch
return null;
* Parses tooltip variables from config <br> Supports variables for factions only (type 2)
* @param faction faction to tooltip for
* @return list of tooltips for a fancy message
private static List<String> tipFaction(Faction faction) {
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
for (String line : SavageFactions.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("tooltips.list")) {
lines.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', TagUtil.parsePlain(faction, line)));
return lines;
* Parses tooltip variables from config <br> Supports variables for players and factions (types 1 and 2)
* @param fplayer player to tooltip for
* @return list of tooltips for a fancy message
private static List<String> tipPlayer(FPlayer fplayer) {
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
for (String line : SavageFactions.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("")) {
lines.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', TagUtil.parsePlain(fplayer, line)));
return lines;