DroppingAnvil 441382acdc Fix issues with 1.13+
Signed-off-by: DroppingAnvil <>
2019-11-05 18:31:17 -06:00

408 lines
8.5 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.RelationParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.ChatMode;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.WarmUpUtil;
import mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.List;
* Logged in players always have exactly one FPlayer instance. Logged out players may or may not have an FPlayer
* instance. They will always have one if they are part of a faction. This is because only players with a faction are
* saved to disk (in order to not waste disk space).
* The FPlayer is linked to a minecraft player using the player name.
* The same instance is always returned for the same player. This means you can use the == operator. No .equals method
* necessary.
public interface FPlayer extends EconomyParticipator {
void setNotificationsEnabled(boolean notifications);
boolean hasNotificationsEnabled();
* Used to determine if a player is in their faction's chest
* @return if player is in their faction's as a boolean
boolean isInFactionsChest();
* Set if the player is inside of their faction's chest
void setInFactionsChest(boolean b);
boolean isAlt();
void setAlt(boolean alt);
* Used to know if stealth is toggled on or off
* @return if stealth mode is on or not.
boolean isStealthEnabled();
* Toggles the stealth of the FPlayer depending on the parameter
* @param stealthToggle - toggles stealth
void setStealth(boolean stealthToggle);
* Sets the kills and deaths of a player.
void login();
* Caches the kills and deaths of a player.
void logout();
* gets the faction of a FPlayer.
* @return Faction of the FPlayer.
Faction getFaction();
* Sets the faction of the FPlayer
* @param faction faction to set.
void setFaction(Faction faction, boolean alt);
* Gets the faction ID of the player.
* @return FactionsID string
String getFactionId();
* Check if a player has a faction
* @return boolean
boolean hasFaction();
* Gets autoleave status
* @return boolean of the autoleave
boolean willAutoLeave();
void setAutoLeave(boolean autoLeave);
long getLastFrostwalkerMessage();
void setLastFrostwalkerMessage();
void setMonitorJoins(boolean monitor);
boolean isMonitoringJoins();
Role getRole();
void setRole(Role role);
boolean shouldTakeFallDamage();
void setTakeFallDamage(boolean fallDamage);
double getPowerBoost();
void setPowerBoost(double powerBoost);
Faction getAutoClaimFor();
void setAutoClaimFor(Faction faction);
boolean isAutoSafeClaimEnabled();
void setIsAutoSafeClaimEnabled(boolean enabled);
boolean isAutoWarClaimEnabled();
void setIsAutoWarClaimEnabled(boolean enabled);
boolean isAdminBypassing();
boolean isVanished();
void setIsAdminBypassing(boolean val);
ChatMode getChatMode();
void setChatMode(ChatMode chatMode);
boolean isIgnoreAllianceChat();
void setIgnoreAllianceChat(boolean ignore);
boolean isSpyingChat();
void setSpyingChat(boolean chatSpying);
boolean showScoreboard();
void setShowScoreboard(boolean show);
// FIELD: account
String getAccountId();
void resetFactionData(boolean doSpoutUpdate);
void resetFactionData();
long getLastLoginTime();
void setLastLoginTime(long lastLoginTime);
boolean isMapAutoUpdating();
void setMapAutoUpdating(boolean mapAutoUpdating);
boolean hasLoginPvpDisabled();
FLocation getLastStoodAt();
void setLastStoodAt(FLocation flocation);
String getTitle();
void setTitle(CommandSender sender, String title);
String getName();
String getTag();
// Base concatenations:
String getNameAndSomething(String something);
String getNameAndTitle();
String getNameAndTag();
// Colored concatenations:
// These are used in information messages
String getNameAndTitle(Faction faction);
String getNameAndTitle(FPlayer fplayer);
// Chat Tag:
// These are injected into the format of global chat messages.
String getChatTag();
// Colored Chat Tag
String getChatTag(Faction faction);
String getChatTag(FPlayer fplayer);
int getKills();
int getDeaths();
void takeMoney(int amt);
boolean hasMoney(int amt);
//inspect Stuff
boolean isInspectMode();
void setInspectMode(boolean status);
// Fly Checks
Boolean canflyinWilderness();
Boolean canflyinWarzone();
Boolean canflyinSafezone();
Boolean canflyinEnemy();
Boolean canflyinAlly();
Boolean canflyinTruce();
Boolean canflyinNeutral();
// -------------------------------
// Relation and relation colors
// -------------------------------
String describeTo(RelationParticipator that, boolean ucfirst);
String describeTo(RelationParticipator that);
Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator rp);
Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator rp, boolean ignorePeaceful);
Relation getRelationToLocation();
ChatColor getColorTo(RelationParticipator rp);
String getRolePrefix();
// Health
void heal(int amnt);
// Power
double getPower();
void alterPower(double delta);
double getPowerMax();
double getPowerMin();
int getPowerRounded();
int getPowerMaxRounded();
int getPowerMinRounded();
long getMillisPassed();
long getLastPowerUpdateTime();
void updatePower();
void losePowerFromBeingOffline();
void onDeath();
// Territory
boolean isInOwnTerritory();
boolean isInOthersTerritory();
boolean isInAllyTerritory();
boolean isInNeutralTerritory();
boolean isInEnemyTerritory();
void sendFactionHereMessage(Faction from);
// -------------------------------
// Actions
// -------------------------------
void leave(boolean makePay);
boolean canClaimForFaction(Faction forFaction);
boolean canClaimForFactionAtLocation(Faction forFaction, Location location, boolean notifyFailure);
boolean canClaimForFactionAtLocation(Faction forFaction, FLocation location, boolean notifyFailure);
boolean attemptClaim(Faction forFaction, Location location, boolean notifyFailure);
boolean attemptClaim(Faction forFaction, FLocation location, boolean notifyFailure);
boolean isInVault();
void setInVault(boolean status);
void msg(String str, Object... args);
String getId();
void setId(String id);
Player getPlayer();
boolean isOnline();
void sendMessage(String message);
void sendMessage(List<String> messages);
void sendFancyMessage(FancyMessage message);
void sendFancyMessage(List<FancyMessage> message);
int getMapHeight();
void setMapHeight(int height);
boolean isOnlineAndVisibleTo(Player me);
void remove();
boolean isOffline();
boolean isFlying();
void setFlying(boolean fly);
void setFFlying(boolean fly, boolean damage);
boolean canFlyAtLocation();
boolean canFlyAtLocation(FLocation location);
boolean isEnteringPassword();
void setEnteringPassword(boolean toggle, String warp);
String getEnteringWarp();
boolean checkIfNearbyEnemies();
int getCooldown(String cmd);
void setCooldown(String cmd, long cooldown);
boolean isCooldownEnded(String cmd);
// -------------------------------
// Warmups
// -------------------------------
boolean isWarmingUp();
WarmUpUtil.Warmup getWarmupType();
void addWarmup(WarmUpUtil.Warmup warmup, int taskId);
void stopWarmup();
void clearWarmup();