2011-03-05 10:53:08 +01:00

850 lines
30 KiB

package com.bukkit.mcteam.factions;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.entities.*;
import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.struct.*;
import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.util.*;
public class Commands {
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> helpPages;
// Build the help pages
static {
helpPages = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList<String> pageLines;
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasHelp, "*[page]", "Display a help page"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasList, "*[page]", "List all factions, paginated"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasShow, "*[faction name]", "Show faction information")); // TODO display relations!
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasMap, "*[on|off]", "Show territory map, set optional auto update."));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasJoin, "[faction name]", "Join a faction"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasLeave, "", "Leave your faction"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasChat, "", "Switch faction only chat on and off."));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasCreate, "[faction tag]", "Create new faction"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasTag, "[faction tag]", "Change the faction tag"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasDescription, "[description]", "Change the faction description"));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasOpen, "", "Switch if invitation is required to join"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasTitle, "[player name] *[title]", "Set or remove a players title"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasInvite, "[player name]", "Invite player"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasDeinvite, "[player name]", "Remove a pending invitation"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasClaim, "", "Claim the land where you are standing"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasUnclaim, "", "Unclaim the land where you are standing"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasKick, "[player name]", "Kick a player from the faction"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasModerator, "[player name]", "Give or revoke moderator rights"));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasAdmin, "[player name]", "Hand over your admin rights"));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasRelationAlly, "[faction name]", " "));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasRelationNeutral, "[faction name]", " "));
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasRelationEnemy, "[faction name]", " "));
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Set which relation your WHISH you had to another faction.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Per default your relation to another faction will be neutral.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"If BOTH factions wishes \"ally\" you will be allies.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"If ONE faction wishes \"enemy\" you will be enemies.");
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can never hurt members or allies.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can not hurt neutrals in their own territory.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can always hurt enemies and players without faction.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Damage from enemies are reduced in your own territory.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"When you die you loose power. It is restored over time.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"The power of a faction is the sum of all member power.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"The power of a faction determines how much land it can hold.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can claim land from a faction if it has to low power.");
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Only faction members can build and destroy in their own");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"territory. Usage of the following items is also restricted:");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Door, Chest, Furnace and Dispenser.");
pageLines.add(" ");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Make sure to put pressure plates in front of doors for your");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"guest visitors. Otherwise they can't get through. You can ");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"also use this to create member only areas.");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"As dispensers are protected you can create traps without");
pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"worrying about those arrows getting stolen.");
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(TextUtil.commandHelp(Conf.aliasVersion, "", "Which version are you using?"));
// Some utils
// Update to work with tag and follower names
public static Follower findFollower(Follower me, String name, boolean defaultsToMe) {
if (name.length() == 0 && defaultsToMe) {
return me;
Follower follower = Follower.find(name);
if (follower != null) {
return follower;
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"The player \""+name+"\" could not be found");
return null;
public static Faction findFaction(Follower me, String name, boolean defaultsToMe) {
if (name.length() == 0 && defaultsToMe) {
return me.getFaction();
// Search player names
Follower follower = Follower.find(name);
if (follower != null) {
return follower.getFaction();
// Then faction names
Faction faction = Faction.findByTag(name);
if (faction != null) {
return faction;
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"No faction or player \""+name+"\" was found");
return null;
public static boolean canIAdministerYou(Follower i, Follower you) {
if ( ! i.getFaction().equals(you.getFaction())) {
i.sendMessage(you.getNameAndRelevant(i)+Conf.colorSystem+" is not in the same faction as you.");
return false;
if (i.role.value > you.role.value || i.role.equals(Role.ADMIN) ) {
return true;
if (you.role.equals(Role.ADMIN)) {
i.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Only the faction admin can do that.");
} else if (i.role.equals(Role.MODERATOR)) {
i.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Moderators can't controll eachother...");
} else {
i.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be a faction moderator to do that.");
return false;
// The base command
public static void base(Follower me, ArrayList<String> tokens) {
if (tokens.size() == 0) {
String command = tokens.get(0).toLowerCase();
if (Conf.aliasHelp.contains(command)) {
int page = 1;
if (tokens.size() > 0) {
try {
page = Integer.parseInt(tokens.get(0));
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// wasn't an integer
help(me, page);
} else if (Conf.aliasLeave.contains(command)) {
} else if (Conf.aliasJoin.contains(command)) {
join(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasCreate.contains(command)) {
create(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasTag.contains(command)) {
tag(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasDescription.contains(command)) {
description(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasChat.contains(command)) {
chat(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasList.contains(command)) {
list(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasShow.contains(command)) {
showFaction(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasMap.contains(command)) {
showMap(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasInvite.contains(command)) {
invite(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasDeinvite.contains(command)) {
deinvite(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasOpen.contains(command)) {
} else if (Conf.aliasTitle.contains(command)) {
title(me, tokens);
} else if (Conf.aliasKick.contains(command)) {
kick(me, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasModerator.contains(command)) {
roleChange(me, Role.MODERATOR, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasAdmin.contains(command)) {
roleChange(me, Role.ADMIN, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasClaim.contains(command)) {
} else if (Conf.aliasUnclaim.contains(command)) {
} else if (Conf.aliasRelationAlly.contains(command)) {
relation(me, Relation.ALLY, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasRelationNeutral.contains(command)) {
relation(me, Relation.NEUTRAL, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasRelationEnemy.contains(command)) {
relation(me, Relation.ENEMY, TextUtil.implode(tokens));
} else if (Conf.aliasVersion.contains(command)) {
} else {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Unknown faction command"+Conf.colorCommand+" "+command);
// The other commands
public static void help(Follower me) {
help(me, 1);
public static void help(Follower me, Integer page) {
me.sendMessage(TextUtil.titleize("Factions Help ("+page+"/"+helpPages.size()+")"), false);
page -= 1;
if (page < 0 || page >= helpPages.size()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"That page does not exist");
me.sendMessage(helpPages.get(page), false);
public static void leave(Follower me) {
Faction faction = me.getFaction();
ArrayList<String> errors = me.leave();
if (errors.size() == 0) {
faction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(faction)+Conf.colorSystem+" left your faction.");
me.sendMessage("You left "+faction.getTag(me));
if (faction.getFollowersAll().size() == 0) {
// Remove this faction
for (Follower follower : Follower.getAll()) {
follower.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"The faction "+faction.getTag(follower)+Conf.colorSystem+" was disbandoned.");
public static void join(Follower me, String name) {
Faction faction = findFaction(me, name, false);
if (faction == null) {
ArrayList<String> errors = me.join(faction);
if (errors.size() > 0) {
faction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(faction)+Conf.colorSystem+" tried to join your faction.");
} else {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You successfully joined "+faction.getTag(me));
faction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(faction)+Conf.colorSystem+" joined your faction.");
public static void create(Follower me, String tag) {
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if (me.hasFaction()) {
errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You must leave your current faction first.");
if (Faction.isTagTaken(tag)) {
errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"That tag is already in use.");
if (errors.size() > 0) {
Faction faction = EM.factionCreate();
me.role = Role.ADMIN;;
for (Follower follower : Follower.getAll()) {
follower.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(follower)+Conf.colorSystem+" created a new faction "+faction.getTag(follower));
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Now update your faction description. Use:");
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorCommand+Conf.aliasBase.get(0)+" "+Conf.aliasDescription.get(0)+" "+"[description]");
public static void tag(Follower me, String tag) {
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if (me.withoutFaction()) {
errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You are not part of any faction");
} else if (me.role.value < Role.MODERATOR.value) {
errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be moderator to rename your faction");
if (Faction.isTagTaken(tag) && ! TextUtil.getComparisonString(tag).equals(me.getFaction().getComparisonTag())) {
errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"That tag is already taken");
if (errors.size() > 0) {
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
String oldtag = myFaction.getTag();
// Inform
myFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" changed your faction tag to "+Conf.colorMember+myFaction.getTag());
for (Faction faction : Faction.getAll()) {
if ( == me.factionId) {
faction.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"The faction "+me.getRelationColor(faction)+oldtag+Conf.colorSystem+" chainged their name to "+me.getRelationColor(faction)+myFaction.getTag());
public static void list(Follower me, String inPage) {
ArrayList<Faction> FactionList = new ArrayList<Faction>(Faction.getAll());
int page = 1;
try {
page = Integer.parseInt(inPage);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// wasn't an integer
page -= 1;
// TODO Doesn't the second sort bellow completely overwrite the first??
// Sort by total followers first
Collections.sort(FactionList, new Comparator<Faction>(){
public int compare(Faction f1, Faction f2) {
if ( == 0)
return 1;
else if ( == 0)
return -1;
else if (f1.getFollowersAll().size() < f2.getFollowersAll().size())
return 1;
else if (f1.getFollowersAll().size() > f2.getFollowersAll().size())
return -1;
return 0;
// Then sort by how many members are online now
Collections.sort(FactionList, new Comparator<Faction>(){
public int compare(Faction f1, Faction f2) {
if (f1.getFollowersWhereOnline(true).size() < f2.getFollowersWhereOnline(true).size())
return 1;
else if (f1.getFollowersWhereOnline(true).size() > f2.getFollowersWhereOnline(true).size())
return -1;
return 0;
int maxPage = (int)Math.floor((double)FactionList.size() / 9D);
if (page < 0 || page > maxPage) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"The faction list is only " + (maxPage+1) + " page(s) long");
String header = "Faction List";
if (maxPage > 1) header += " (page " + (page+1) + " of " + (maxPage+1) + ")";
me.sendMessage(TextUtil.titleize(header), false);
int maxPos = (page+1) * 9;
if (maxPos > FactionList.size()) maxPos = FactionList.size();
for (int pos = page * 9; pos < maxPos; pos++) {
Faction faction = FactionList.get(pos);
if ( == 0) {
me.sendMessage(faction.getTag(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" "+faction.getFollowersWhereOnline(true).size() + " online");
} else {
me.sendMessage(faction.getTag(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" "+faction.getFollowersWhereOnline(true).size()+"/"+faction.getFollowersAll().size()+" online, "+faction.getLandRounded()+"/"+faction.getPowerRounded()+"/"+faction.getPowerMaxRounded());
public static void showFaction(Follower me, String name) {
Faction faction = findFaction(me, name, true);
if (faction == null) {
Collection<Follower> admins = faction.getFollowersWhereRole(Role.ADMIN);
Collection<Follower> mods = faction.getFollowersWhereRole(Role.MODERATOR);
Collection<Follower> normals = faction.getFollowersWhereRole(Role.NORMAL);
me.sendMessage(TextUtil.titleize(faction.getTag(me)), false);
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Description: "+Conf.colorSystem+faction.getDescription());
if ( == 0) {
if(faction.getOpen()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Joining: "+Conf.colorSystem+"no invitation is needed");
} else {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Joining: "+Conf.colorSystem+"invitation is required");
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorChrome+"Land / Power / Maxpower: "+Conf.colorSystem+ faction.getLandRounded()+" / "+faction.getPowerRounded()+" / "+faction.getPowerMaxRounded());
String listpart;
// List relation
String allyList = Conf.colorChrome+"Allies: ";
String enemyList = Conf.colorChrome+"Enemies: ";
for (Faction otherFaction : Faction.getAll()) {
if (otherFaction == faction) {
listpart = otherFaction.getTag(me)+Conf.colorSystem+", ";
if (otherFaction.getRelation(faction) == Relation.ALLY) {
allyList += listpart;
} else if (otherFaction.getRelation(faction) == Relation.ENEMY) {
enemyList += listpart;
if (allyList.endsWith(", ")) {
allyList = allyList.substring(0, allyList.length()-2);
if (enemyList.endsWith(", ")) {
enemyList = enemyList.substring(0, enemyList.length()-2);
// List the members...
String onlineList = Conf.colorChrome+"Members online: ";
String offlineList = Conf.colorChrome+"Members offline: ";
for (Follower follower : admins) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(me)+Conf.colorSystem+", ";
if (follower.isOnline()) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
for (Follower follower : mods) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(me)+Conf.colorSystem+", ";
if (follower.isOnline()) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
for (Follower follower : normals) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(me)+Conf.colorSystem+", ";
if (follower.isOnline()) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
if (onlineList.endsWith(", ")) {
onlineList = onlineList.substring(0, onlineList.length()-2);
if (offlineList.endsWith(", ")) {
offlineList = offlineList.substring(0, offlineList.length()-2);
public static void showMap(Follower me, String mapAutoUpdating) {
Board board = Board.get(me.getPlayer().getWorld());
if (mapAutoUpdating.length() > 0) {
if (Conf.aliasTrue.contains(mapAutoUpdating.toLowerCase())) {
// Turn on
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem + "Map auto update ENABLED.");
// And show the map once
} else {
// Turn off
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem + "Map auto update DISABLED.");
} else {
me.sendMessage(board.getMap(me.getFaction(), Coord.from(me), me.getPlayer().getLocation().getYaw()), false);
public static void invite(Follower me, String name) {
Follower follower = findFollower(me, name, false);
if (follower == null) {
ArrayList<String> errors = me.invite(follower);
if (errors.size() == 0) {
follower.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(follower)+Conf.colorSystem+" invited you to "+me.getFaction().getTag(follower));
me.getFaction().sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" invited "+follower.getNameAndRelevant(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" to your faction.");
public static void deinvite(Follower me, String name) { // TODO Move out!
Follower follower = findFollower(me, name, false);
if (follower == null) {
ArrayList<String> errors = me.deinvite(follower);
if (errors.size() == 0) {
follower.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(follower)+Conf.colorSystem+" revoked your invitation to "+me.getFaction().getTag(follower));
me.getFaction().sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" revoked "+follower.getNameAndRelevant(me)+"'s"+Conf.colorSystem+" invitation.");
public static void open(Follower me) {
if (me.role.value < Role.MODERATOR.value) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be moderator to do this");
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
myFaction.setOpen( ! me.getFaction().getOpen());
String open = myFaction.getOpen() ? "open" : "closed";
// Inform
myFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" changed the faction to "+open);
for (Faction faction : Faction.getAll()) {
if ( == me.factionId) {
faction.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"The faction "+myFaction.getTag(faction)+Conf.colorSystem+" is now "+open);
public static void title(Follower me, ArrayList<String> tokens) {
if (tokens.size() == 0) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must specify a player name");
String name = tokens.get(0);
Follower you = findFollower(me, name, true);
if (you == null) {
if ( ! canIAdministerYou(me, you)) {
// All ok! Set the title!
String title = TextUtil.implode(tokens);
// Inform
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
myFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" changed a title: "+you.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction));
public static void kick(Follower me, String name) {
if (name.length() == 0) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must specify a player name.");
Follower you = findFollower(me, name, false);
if (you == null) {
ArrayList<String> errors = me.kick(you);
if (errors.size() == 0) {
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
myFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" kicked "+you.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" from the faction! :O");
you.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(you)+Conf.colorSystem+" kicked you from "+myFaction.getTag(you)+Conf.colorSystem+"! :O");
public static void roleChange(Follower me, Role targetRole, String name) {
if (me.role.value < Role.ADMIN.value) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be faction admin to do this");
if (name.length() == 0) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must specify a player name.");
Follower targetFollower = findFollower(me, name, false);
if (targetFollower == null) {
if (targetFollower.factionId != me.factionId) {
me.sendMessage(targetFollower.getNameAndRelevant(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" is not a member in your faction.");
if (targetFollower == me) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"The target player musn't be yourself.");
if (targetRole == Role.ADMIN) {
me.role = Role.MODERATOR;
targetFollower.role = Role.ADMIN;
// Inform all players
for (Follower follower : Follower.getAll()) {
if (follower.factionId == me.factionId) {
follower.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" gave "+targetFollower.getNameAndRelevant(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" the leadership of your faction.");
} else {
follower.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(follower)+Conf.colorSystem+" gave "+targetFollower.getNameAndRelevant(follower)+Conf.colorSystem+" the leadership of "+me.getFaction().getTag(follower));
} else if (targetRole == Role.MODERATOR) {
if (targetFollower.role == Role.MODERATOR) {
// Revoke
targetFollower.role = Role.NORMAL;
me.getFaction().sendMessage(targetFollower.getNameAndRelevant(me.getFaction())+Conf.colorSystem+" is no longer moderator in your faction.");
} else {
// Give
targetFollower.role = Role.MODERATOR;
me.getFaction().sendMessage(targetFollower.getNameAndRelevant(me.getFaction())+Conf.colorSystem+" was promoted to moderator in your faction.");
public static void claim(Follower me) {
if (me.withoutFaction()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You are not part of any faction.");
Coord coord = Coord.from(me);
Board board = Board.get(me.getPlayer().getWorld());
Faction otherFaction = board.getFactionAt(coord);
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
if (myFaction.equals(otherFaction)) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You already own this land.");
if (me.role.value < Role.MODERATOR.value) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be moderator to claim land.");
if (myFaction.getLandRounded() >= myFaction.getPowerRounded()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You can't claim more land! You need more power!");
if (otherFaction.getRelation(me) == Relation.ALLY) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You can't claim the land of your allies.");
if ( != 0) {
if ( ! otherFaction.hasLandInflation()) { // TODO more messages WARN current faction most importantly
me.sendMessage(me.getRelationColor(otherFaction)+otherFaction.getTag()+Conf.colorSystem+" owns this land and are strong enough to keep it.");
if ( ! board.isBorderCoord(coord)) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must start claiming land at the border of the territory.");
if ( == 0) {
myFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" claimed some new land :D");
} else {
// ASDF claimed some of your land 450 blocks NNW of you.
// ASDf claimed some land from FACTION NAME
otherFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(otherFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" stole some of your land :O");
myFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" claimed some land from "+otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
board.claim(coord, myFaction);
public static void unclaim(Follower me) {
if (me.withoutFaction()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You are not part of any faction");
if (me.role.value < Role.MODERATOR.value) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be moderator to unclaim land");
Coord coord = Coord.from(me.getPlayer());
Board board = Board.get(me.getPlayer().getWorld());
if ( me.getFaction() != board.getFactionAt(coord)) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You don't own this land.");
me.getFaction().sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(me)+Conf.colorSystem+" unclaimed some land.");
public static void relation(Follower me, Relation whishedRelation, String otherFactionName) {
if (me.withoutFaction()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You are not part of any faction.");
if (me.role.value < Role.MODERATOR.value) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be moderator to set relation to other factions.");
if (otherFactionName.length() == 0) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must specify another faction.");
Faction otherFaction = findFaction(me, otherFactionName, false);
if (otherFaction == null) {
if ( == 0) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Nope! You can't :) The default faction is not a real faction.");
if (otherFaction.equals(me.getFaction())) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Nope! You can't declare a relation to yourself :)");
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
myFaction.setRelationWish(otherFaction, whishedRelation);
Relation currentRelation = myFaction.getRelation(otherFaction);
ChatColor currentRelationColor = currentRelation.getColor();
if (whishedRelation == currentRelation) {
otherFaction.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Your faction is now "+currentRelationColor+whishedRelation.toString()+Conf.colorSystem+" to "+currentRelationColor+myFaction.getTag());
myFaction.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Your faction is now "+currentRelationColor+whishedRelation.toString()+Conf.colorSystem+" to "+currentRelationColor+otherFaction.getTag());
} else {
otherFaction.sendMessage(currentRelationColor+myFaction.getTag()+Conf.colorSystem+ " whishes to be your "+whishedRelation.getColor()+whishedRelation.toString());
otherFaction.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Type "+Conf.colorCommand+Conf.aliasBase.get(0)+" "+whishedRelation+" "+myFaction.getTag()+Conf.colorSystem+" to accept.");
myFaction.sendMessage(currentRelationColor+otherFaction.getTag()+Conf.colorSystem+ " were informed you wishes to be "+whishedRelation.getColor()+whishedRelation);
public static void description(Follower me, String desc) {
if (me.withoutFaction()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You are not part of any faction");
if (me.role.value < Role.MODERATOR.value) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be moderator to set the description");
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"The new decription was set :D");
// Broadcast the description to everyone
for (Follower follower : EM.followerGetAll()) {
follower.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"The faction "+follower.getRelationColor(me)+me.getFaction().getTag()+Conf.colorSystem+" changed their description to:");
public static void chat(Follower me, String msg) {
if (me.withoutFaction()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You are not part of any faction");
if ( ! me.isFactionChatting()) {
// Turn on
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem + "Faction only chat ENABLED.");
} else {
// Turn off
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem + "Faction only chat DISABLED.");
public static void version(Follower me) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You are running "+Factions.factions.getDescription().getFullName());