Brettflan 58e7e5e3f1 New command /f powerboost <p|f|player|faction> <name> <#>, which will apply a permanent power bonus/penalty to a specified player or faction. When applied to a player, it will affect their max power and min power. When applied to a faction, it will be applied to current and max power levels. Whether it is a bonus or a penalty depends on whether the number you specify is positive or negative.
New permission factions.powerboost which is required to use the above command. This permission is added to the factions.kit.mod permission kit.

example usage:
/f powerboost p Player1 1.5  (give player "Player1" a bonus of 1.5 power)
/f powerboost f SomeFaction -6  (give faction "SomeFaction" a penalty of -6 power)
2012-01-28 11:58:18 -06:00

719 lines
18 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.RelationParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.LWCFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.persist.Entity;
public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator
// FIELD: relationWish
private Map<String, Relation> relationWish;
// FIELD: claimOwnership
private Map<FLocation, Set<String>> claimOwnership = new ConcurrentHashMap<FLocation, Set<String>>();
// FIELD: fplayers
// speedy lookup of players in faction
private Set<FPlayer> fplayers = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
// FIELD: invites
// Where string is a lowercase player name
private Set<String> invites;
public void invite(FPlayer fplayer) { this.invites.add(fplayer.getName().toLowerCase()); }
public void deinvite(FPlayer fplayer) { this.invites.remove(fplayer.getName().toLowerCase()); }
public boolean isInvited(FPlayer fplayer) { return this.invites.contains(fplayer.getName().toLowerCase()); }
// FIELD: open
private boolean open;
public boolean getOpen() { return open; }
public void setOpen(boolean isOpen) { open = isOpen; }
// FIELD: peaceful
// "peaceful" status can only be set by server admins/moderators/ops, and prevents PvP and land capture to/from the faction
private boolean peaceful;
public boolean isPeaceful() { return this.peaceful; }
public void setPeaceful(boolean isPeaceful) { this.peaceful = isPeaceful; }
// FIELD: peacefulExplosionsEnabled
private boolean peacefulExplosionsEnabled;
public void setPeacefulExplosionsEnabled(boolean val) { peacefulExplosionsEnabled = val; }
public boolean getPeacefulExplosionsEnabled(){ return this.peacefulExplosionsEnabled; }
public boolean noExplosionsInTerritory() { return this.peaceful && ! peacefulExplosionsEnabled; }
// FIELD: permanent
// "permanent" status can only be set by server admins/moderators/ops, and allows the faction to remain even with 0 members
private boolean permanent;
public boolean isPermanent() { return permanent || !this.isNormal(); }
public void setPermanent(boolean isPermanent) { permanent = isPermanent; }
// FIELD: tag
private String tag;
public String getTag() { return this.tag; }
public String getTag(String prefix) { return prefix+this.tag; }
public String getTag(Faction otherFaction)
if (otherFaction == null)
return getTag();
return this.getTag(this.getColorTo(otherFaction).toString());
public String getTag(FPlayer otherFplayer) {
if (otherFplayer == null)
return getTag();
return this.getTag(this.getColorTo(otherFplayer).toString());
public void setTag(String str)
if (Conf.factionTagForceUpperCase)
str = str.toUpperCase();
this.tag = str;
public String getComparisonTag() { return MiscUtil.getComparisonString(this.tag); }
// FIELD: description
private String description;
public String getDescription() { return this.description; }
public void setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; }
// FIELD: home
private Location home;
public void setHome(Location home) { this.home = home; }
public Location getHome() { confirmValidHome(); return home; }
public boolean hasHome() { return this.getHome() != null; }
public void confirmValidHome()
if (!Conf.homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory || this.home == null || Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this.home)) == this)
msg("<b>Your faction home has been un-set since it is no longer in your territory.");
this.home = null;
// FIELD: lastPlayerLoggedOffTime
private transient long lastPlayerLoggedOffTime;
// FIELD: account (fake field)
// Bank functions
public double money;
public String getAccountId()
String aid = "faction-"+this.getId();
// We need to override the default money given to players.
if ( ! Econ.hasAccount(aid))
Econ.setBalance(aid, 0);
return aid;
// FIELD: permanentPower
private Integer permanentPower;
public Integer getPermanentPower() { return this.permanentPower; }
public void setPermanentPower(Integer permanentPower) { this.permanentPower = permanentPower; }
public boolean hasPermanentPower() { return this.permanentPower != null; }
// FIELD: powerBoost
// special increase/decrease to default and max power for this faction
private double powerBoost;
public double getPowerBoost() { return this.powerBoost; }
public void setPowerBoost(double powerBoost) { this.powerBoost = powerBoost; }
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Construct
// -------------------------------------------- //
public Faction()
this.relationWish = new HashMap<String, Relation>();
this.invites = new HashSet<String>(); = Conf.newFactionsDefaultOpen;
this.tag = "???";
this.description = "Default faction description :(";
this.lastPlayerLoggedOffTime = 0;
this.peaceful = false;
this.peacefulExplosionsEnabled = false;
this.permanent = false; = 0.0;
this.powerBoost = 0.0;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Extra Getters And Setters
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean noPvPInTerritory() { return isSafeZone() || (peaceful && Conf.peacefulTerritoryDisablePVP); }
public boolean noMonstersInTerritory() { return isSafeZone() || (peaceful && Conf.peacefulTerritoryDisableMonsters); }
// -------------------------------
// Understand the types
// -------------------------------
public boolean isNormal()
return ! (this.isNone() || this.isSafeZone() || this.isWarZone());
public boolean isNone()
return this.getId().equals("0");
public boolean isSafeZone()
return this.getId().equals("-1");
public boolean isWarZone()
return this.getId().equals("-2");
public boolean isPlayerFreeType()
return this.isSafeZone() || this.isWarZone();
// -------------------------------
// Relation and relation colors
// -------------------------------
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator that, boolean ucfirst)
return RelationUtil.describeThatToMe(this, that, ucfirst);
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator that)
return RelationUtil.describeThatToMe(this, that);
public Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator rp)
return RelationUtil.getRelationTo(this, rp);
public Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator rp, boolean ignorePeaceful)
return RelationUtil.getRelationTo(this, rp, ignorePeaceful);
public ChatColor getColorTo(RelationParticipator rp)
return RelationUtil.getColorOfThatToMe(this, rp);
public Relation getRelationWish(Faction otherFaction)
if (this.relationWish.containsKey(otherFaction.getId()))
return this.relationWish.get(otherFaction.getId());
return Relation.NEUTRAL;
public void setRelationWish(Faction otherFaction, Relation relation)
if (this.relationWish.containsKey(otherFaction.getId()) && relation.equals(Relation.NEUTRAL))
this.relationWish.put(otherFaction.getId(), relation);
// Power
public double getPower()
if (this.hasPermanentPower())
return this.getPermanentPower();
double ret = 0;
for (FPlayer fplayer : fplayers)
ret += fplayer.getPower();
if (Conf.powerFactionMax > 0 && ret > Conf.powerFactionMax)
ret = Conf.powerFactionMax;
return ret + this.powerBoost;
public double getPowerMax()
if (this.hasPermanentPower())
return this.getPermanentPower();
double ret = 0;
for (FPlayer fplayer : fplayers)
ret += fplayer.getPowerMax();
if (Conf.powerFactionMax > 0 && ret > Conf.powerFactionMax)
ret = Conf.powerFactionMax;
return ret + this.powerBoost;
public int getPowerRounded()
return (int) Math.round(this.getPower());
public int getPowerMaxRounded()
return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMax());
public int getLandRounded() {
return Board.getFactionCoordCount(this);
public int getLandRoundedInWorld(String worldName)
return Board.getFactionCoordCountInWorld(this, worldName);
public boolean hasLandInflation()
return this.getLandRounded() > this.getPowerRounded();
// -------------------------------
// FPlayers
// -------------------------------
// maintain the reference list of FPlayers in this faction
public void refreshFPlayers()
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return;
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.get())
if (fplayer.getFaction() == this)
public boolean addFPlayer(FPlayer fplayer)
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return false;
return fplayers.add(fplayer);
public boolean removeFPlayer(FPlayer fplayer)
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return false;
return fplayers.remove(fplayer);
public Set<FPlayer> getFPlayers()
// return a shallow copy of the FPlayer list, to prevent tampering and concurrency issues
Set<FPlayer> ret = new HashSet<FPlayer>(fplayers);
return ret;
public Set<FPlayer> getFPlayersWhereOnline(boolean online)
Set<FPlayer> ret = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
for (FPlayer fplayer : fplayers)
if (fplayer.isOnline() == online)
return ret;
public FPlayer getFPlayerAdmin()
if ( ! this.isNormal()) return null;
for (FPlayer fplayer : fplayers)
if (fplayer.getRole() == Role.ADMIN)
return fplayer;
return null;
public ArrayList<FPlayer> getFPlayersWhereRole(Role role)
ArrayList<FPlayer> ret = new ArrayList<FPlayer>();
if ( ! this.isNormal()) return ret;
for (FPlayer fplayer : fplayers)
if (fplayer.getRole() == role)
return ret;
public ArrayList<Player> getOnlinePlayers()
ArrayList<Player> ret = new ArrayList<Player>();
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return ret;
for (Player player: P.p.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (fplayer.getFaction() == this)
return ret;
// slightly faster check than getOnlinePlayers() if you just want to see if there are any players online
public boolean hasPlayersOnline()
// only real factions can have players online, not safe zone / war zone
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return false;
for (Player player: P.p.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (fplayer.getFaction() == this)
return true;
// even if all players are technically logged off, maybe someone was on recently enough to not consider them officially offline yet
if (Conf.considerFactionsReallyOfflineAfterXMinutes > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() < lastPlayerLoggedOffTime + (Conf.considerFactionsReallyOfflineAfterXMinutes * 60000))
return true;
return false;
public void memberLoggedOff()
if (this.isNormal())
lastPlayerLoggedOffTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// used when current leader is about to be removed from the faction; promotes new leader, or disbands faction if no other members left
public void promoteNewLeader()
if (! this.isNormal()) return;
if (this.isPermanent() && Conf.permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion) return;
FPlayer oldLeader = this.getFPlayerAdmin();
// get list of moderators, or list of normal members if there are no moderators
ArrayList<FPlayer> replacements = this.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.MODERATOR);
if (replacements == null || replacements.isEmpty())
replacements = this.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.NORMAL);
if (replacements == null || replacements.isEmpty())
{ // faction admin is the only member; one-man faction
if (this.isPermanent())
if (oldLeader != null)
// no members left and faction isn't permanent, so disband it
if (Conf.logFactionDisband)
P.p.log("The faction "+this.getTag()+" ("+this.getId()+") has been disbanded since it has no members left.");
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
fplayer.msg("The faction %s<i> was disbanded.", this.getTag(fplayer));
{ // promote new faction admin
if (oldLeader != null)
this.msg("<i>Faction admin <h>%s<i> has been removed. %s<i> has been promoted as the new faction admin.", oldLeader == null ? "" : oldLeader.getName(), replacements.get(0).getName());
P.p.log("Faction "+this.getTag()+" ("+this.getId()+") admin was removed. Replacement admin: "+replacements.get(0).getName());
// Messages
public void msg(String message, Object... args)
message = P.p.txt.parse(message, args);
for (FPlayer fplayer : this.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true))
public void sendMessage(String message)
for (FPlayer fplayer : this.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true))
public void sendMessage(List<String> messages)
for (FPlayer fplayer : this.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true))
// Ownership of specific claims
public void clearAllClaimOwnership()
public void clearClaimOwnership(FLocation loc)
if(Conf.onUnclaimResetLwcLocks && LWCFeatures.getEnabled())
Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage("boardclearat / clearclaim");
public void clearClaimOwnership(String playerName)
if (playerName == null || playerName.isEmpty())
Set<String> ownerData;
String player = playerName.toLowerCase();
for (Entry<FLocation, Set<String>> entry : claimOwnership.entrySet())
ownerData = entry.getValue();
if (ownerData == null) continue;
Iterator<String> iter = ownerData.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
if (
if (ownerData.isEmpty())
if(Conf.onUnclaimResetLwcLocks && LWCFeatures.getEnabled())
public int getCountOfClaimsWithOwners()
return claimOwnership.isEmpty() ? 0 : claimOwnership.size();
public boolean doesLocationHaveOwnersSet(FLocation loc)
if (claimOwnership.isEmpty() || !claimOwnership.containsKey(loc))
return false;
Set<String> ownerData = claimOwnership.get(loc);
return ownerData != null && !ownerData.isEmpty();
public boolean isPlayerInOwnerList(String playerName, FLocation loc)
if (claimOwnership.isEmpty())
return false;
Set<String> ownerData = claimOwnership.get(loc);
if (ownerData == null)
return false;
if (ownerData.contains(playerName.toLowerCase()))
return true;
return false;
public void setPlayerAsOwner(String playerName, FLocation loc)
Set<String> ownerData = claimOwnership.get(loc);
if (ownerData == null)
ownerData = new HashSet<String>();
claimOwnership.put(loc, ownerData);
public void removePlayerAsOwner(String playerName, FLocation loc)
Set<String> ownerData = claimOwnership.get(loc);
if (ownerData == null)
claimOwnership.put(loc, ownerData);
public Set<String> getOwnerList(FLocation loc)
return claimOwnership.get(loc);
public String getOwnerListString(FLocation loc)
Set<String> ownerData = claimOwnership.get(loc);
if (ownerData == null || ownerData.isEmpty())
return "";
String ownerList = "";
Iterator<String> iter = ownerData.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (!ownerList.isEmpty())
ownerList += ", ";
ownerList +=;
return ownerList;
public boolean playerHasOwnershipRights(FPlayer fplayer, FLocation loc)
// in own faction, with sufficient role or permission to bypass ownership?
fplayer.getFaction() == this
fplayer.getRole().isAtLeast(Conf.ownedAreaModeratorsBypass ? Role.MODERATOR : Role.ADMIN)
return true;
// make sure claimOwnership is initialized
if (claimOwnership.isEmpty())
return true;
// need to check the ownership list, then
Set<String> ownerData = claimOwnership.get(loc);
// if no owner list, owner list is empty, or player is in owner list, they're allowed
if (ownerData == null || ownerData.isEmpty() || ownerData.contains(fplayer.getName().toLowerCase()))
return true;
return false;
// Persistance and entity management
public void postDetach()
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed())
Econ.setBalance(getAccountId(), 0);
// Clean the board
// Clean the fplayers