name: Factions version: ${project.version} api-version: 1.13 main: com.massivecraft.factions.FactionsPlugin authors: [Olof Larsson, Brett Flannigan, drtshock, ProSavage, SvenjaReißaus, Driftay] softdepend: [Skript, CoreProtect, PlayerVaults, PlaceholderAPI, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, PermissionsEx, Permissions, Essentials, EssentialsChat, HeroChat, iChat, LocalAreaChat, LWC, nChat, ChatManager, CAPI, AuthMe, Vault, Spout, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, AuthDB, CaptureThePoints, CombatTag, dynmap, FactionsTop] commands: factions: description: Reference command for Factions. aliases: [f] permissions: factions.kit.admin: description: All faction permissions. children: factions.reserve: true factions.kit.mod: true factions.config: true factions.convert: true factions.lock: true factions.reload: true true factions.modifypower: true factions.ahome: true factions.setmaxvaults: true factions.convertconfig: true factions.*: description: This is just an alias for factions.kit.admin children: factions.convertconfig: true factions.kit.admin: true factions.kit.mod: description: All faction permissions but configuration and persistance. children: factions.kit.halfmod: true factions.disband.any: true factions.setpeaceful: true factions.setpermanent: true factions.setpermanentpower: true factions.powerboost: true factions.sethome.any: true*: true factions.join.any: true factions.join.others: true factions.admin.any: true factions.mod.any: true factions.kit.halfmod: description: Zones, bypassing, kicking, and chatspy children: factions.kit.fullplayer: true factions.managesafezone: true factions.managewarzone: true factions.bypass: true factions.kick.any: true factions.ownershipbypass: true factions.chatspy: true true factions.kit.fullplayer: default: true description: Can also create new factions and use title colors. children: factions.kit.halfplayer: true factions.create: true factions.title.color: true factions.kit.halfplayer: description: Can do all but create factions. children: factions.check: true factions.audit: true factions.drain: true factions.wild: true factions.missions: true factions.tntfill: true true factions.permissions: true factions.setdiscord: true factions.discord: true factions.paypal: true factions.setpaypal: true factions.admin: true factions.autoclaim: true factions.promote: true true factions.claim: true factions.claim.line: true factions.claim.radius: true factions.deinvite: true factions.description: true factions.disband: true true factions.home: true factions.invite: true factions.join: true factions.kick: true factions.leave: true factions.list: true true factions.mod: true true factions.noboom: true true factions.owner: true factions.ownerlist: true factions.power: true factions.power.any: true factions.relation: true factions.sethome: true true factions.stuck: true factions.tag: true factions.toggletitles: true factions.title: true factions.version: true factions.unclaim: true factions.unclaimall: true factions.scoreboard: true factions.showinvites: true factions.seechunk: true factions.monitorlogins: true true factions.togglealliancechat: true factions.mapheight: true factions.ban: true true factions.tnt: true factions.checkpoint: true factions.rules: true factions.setwarp: true factions.warp: true factions.banner: true factions.vault: true factions.getvault: true factions.check: description: give players access to use check commands factions.admin: description: hand over your admin rights factions.admin.any: description: give or revoke admin status for any player in any faction factions.setstrikes: description: ability to change/modify strike counts factions.spam: description: ability to toggle spam commands on and off factions.viewchest: description: ability to view a factions chest/pv factions.grace: description: gives ability to toggle grace period on and off factions.invsee: description: Allows players to use the inventory see command factions.missions: description: Allows players to use missions command factions.alts: description: Allows players to use the alts command factions.announce: description: announce things to the peasants factions.autoclaim: description: auto-claim land as you walk around factions.bypass: description: enable admin bypass mode factions.lookup: description: Lookup claim & home stats for faction description: change chat mode factions.chatspy: description: enable admin chat spy mode factions.claim: description: claim land where you are standing factions.claim.radius: description: claim land in a large radius factions.config: description: change a conf.json setting factions.convert: description: change a backend storage factions.create: description: create a new faction factions.deinvite: description: remove a pending invitation factions.setdiscord: description: set discord link factions.discord: description: view factions discord factions.description: description: change the faction description factions.disband: description: disband a faction factions.disband.any: description: disband another faction description: display a help page factions.home: description: teleport to the faction home description: bypass all home teleports factions.invite: description: invite a player to your faction factions.join: description: join a faction factions.join.any: description: join any faction, bypassing invitation process for closed factions factions.join.others: description: specify another player in the join command, to move them to the specified faction factions.kick: description: kick a player from the faction factions.kick.any: description: kick anyone from any faction factions.leave: description: leave your faction factions.list: description: see a list of the factions factions.lock: description: lock all write stuff factions.lockspawners: description: toggle placement of spawners factions.managesafezone: description: claim land as a safe zone and build/destroy within safe zones factions.managewarzone: description: claim land as a war zone and build/destroy within war zones description: show the territory map, and set optional auto update factions.mod: description: give or revoke moderator rights factions.mod.any: description: give or revoke moderator rights for any player in any faction description: show your factions current money balance description: show money balance for factions other than your own description: deposit money into a faction bank description: withdraw money from your faction bank description: withdraw money from your factions other than your own description: transfer money from faction to faction description: transfer money from faction to player description: transfer money from player to faction children: true true true true true true true*: children: true true true true true true true true factions.noboom: description: toggle explosions (peaceful factions only) description: switch if invitation is required to join factions.owner: description: set ownership of claimed land factions.ownerlist: description: list owner(s) of this claimed land factions.ownershipbypass: description: bypass ownership restrictions within own faction's territory factions.setpeaceful: description: designate a faction as peaceful factions.setpermanent: description: designate a faction as permanent factions.setpermanentpower: description: set permanent power for a faction factions.stuck: description: teleports player outside a faction factions.setpaypal: description: set paypal to faction factions.power: description: show player power info factions.power.any: description: view an other players power level factions.powerboost: description: apply permanent power bonus/penalty to specified player or faction factions.relation: description: set relation wish to another faction factions.reload: description: reload data file(s) from disk description: save all data to disk factions.sethome: description: set the faction home factions.sethome.any: description: set faction home for another faction description: show faction information description: show exempt faction information factions.tag: description: change the faction tag factions.title: description: set or remove a players title factions.title.color: description: set yours or other player's titles to be colored. factions.version: description: see the version of the plugin factions.unclaim: description: unclaim the land where you are standing factions.unclaimall: description: unclaim all of your factions land factions.scoreboard: description: ability to toggle scoreboards factions.showinvites: description: show pending invites to your faction factions.seechunk: description: see the chunk you stand in factions.setwarp: description: set a warp for your faction factions.warp: description: access your faction warps factions.modifypower: description: modify other player's power factions.monitorlogins: description: monitor join and leaves of faction members factions.claim.line: description: claim in a line description: sort factions factions.togglealliancechat: description: toggle alliance chat on and off factions.dontlosepoweroffline: description: Don't lose power for being offline. factions.ahome: description: Ability to send players to their faction home. factions.autoleavebypass: description: Bypass autoleave. factions.vault: description: Access faction vault. factions.setmaxvault: description: Set a faction's max vaults. factions.mapheight: description: Set your /f map height. factions.ban: description: Ban players from Factions description: Allow use of /f fly factions.rules: description: add/remove/set rules for your own faction. factions.checkpoint: description: set or go to faction checkpoint factions.tnt: description: add/take from faction bank factions.near: description: get nearby faction members factions.upgrades: description: open upgrade menu factions.getvault: description: get faction vault item factions.coleader: description: promote member to co leader factions.tpbanner: description: teleport to banner factions.banner: description: create banner factions.killholos: description: kill invisible holograms factions.stealth: description: Enter faction stealth mode factions.focus: description: Focus a certain player in another faction factions.coords: description: broadcast your coords to the player factions.chest: description: Open virtual shared faction chest factions.claimat: description: click to claim permission node for /f map factions.paypal.viewall: description: View other factions' paypal ID factions.paypal: description: Set/view your own faction's paypal. factions.showclaims: description: View all you faction claims.