package com.massivecraft.factions.commands; import com.massivecraft.factions.Board; import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf; import com.massivecraft.factions.Econ; import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation; import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction; import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions; import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role; public class FCommandUnclaim extends FBaseCommand { public FCommandUnclaim() { aliases.add("unclaim"); aliases.add("declaim"); helpDescription = "Unclaim the land where you are standing"; } @Override public void perform() { if( isLocked() ) { sendLockMessage(); return; } FLocation flocation = new FLocation(me); Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(flocation); if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) { if (Factions.hasPermManageSafeZone(sender)) { Board.removeAt(flocation); sendMessage("Safe zone was unclaimed."); } else { sendMessage("This is a safe zone. You lack permissions to unclaim."); } return; } else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) { if (Factions.hasPermManageWarZone(sender)) { Board.removeAt(flocation); sendMessage("War zone was unclaimed."); } else { sendMessage("This is a war zone. You lack permissions to unclaim."); } return; } if (Conf.adminBypassPlayers.contains(player.getName())) { Board.removeAt(flocation); otherFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(otherFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" unclaimed some of your land."); sendMessage("You unclaimed this land."); return; } if ( ! assertHasFaction()) { return; } if ( ! assertMinRole(Role.MODERATOR)) { return; } Faction myFaction = me.getFaction(); if ( myFaction != otherFaction) { sendMessage("You don't own this land."); return; } String moneyBack = ""; if (Econ.enabled()) { double refund = Econ.calculateClaimRefund(myFaction.getLandRounded()); // a real refund if (refund > 0.0) { if(Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts) { Faction faction = me.getFaction(); faction.addMoney(refund); moneyBack = " "+faction.getTag()+" received a refund of "+Econ.moneyString(refund)+"."; } else { Econ.addMoney(player.getName(), refund); moneyBack = " They received a refund of "+Econ.moneyString(refund)+"."; } } // wait, you're charging people to unclaim land? outrageous else if (refund < 0.0) { if(Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts) { Faction faction = me.getFaction(); if(!faction.removeMoney(-refund)) { sendMessage("Unclaiming this land will cost "+Econ.moneyString(-refund)+", which your faction can't currently afford."); return; } moneyBack = " It cost "+faction.getTag()+" "+Econ.moneyString(refund)+"."; } else { if (!Econ.deductMoney(player.getName(), -refund)) { sendMessage("Unclaiming this land will cost "+Econ.moneyString(-refund)+", which you can't currently afford."); return; } moneyBack = " It cost them "+Econ.moneyString(refund)+"."; } } // no refund else { moneyBack = ""; } } Board.removeAt(flocation); myFaction.sendMessage(me.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" unclaimed some land."+moneyBack); } }