package com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.entities; import java.util.*; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.struct.*; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.util.Log; import com.bukkit.mcteam.util.ChatFixUtil; public class Follower { public transient String id; // The is the name of the player public transient Player player; // The is the name of the player public int factionId; public Role role; private String title; private double power; private long lastPowerUpdateTime; private boolean mapAutoUpdating; public Follower() { this.resetFactionData(); this.power = this.getPowerMax(); this.lastPowerUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.mapAutoUpdating = false; } protected void resetFactionData() { this.factionId = 0; // The default neutral faction this.role = Role.NORMAL; this.title = ""; } public Player getPlayer() { return this.player; } public boolean isOnline() { return this.getPlayer() != null; } public boolean isMapAutoUpdating() { return mapAutoUpdating; } public void setMapAutoUpdating(boolean mapAutoUpdating) { this.mapAutoUpdating = mapAutoUpdating; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title;; } //----------------------------------------------// // Health //----------------------------------------------// public void heal(int amnt) { Player player = this.getPlayer(); if (player == null) { return; } player.setHealth(player.getHealth() + amnt); } //----------------------------------------------// // Power //----------------------------------------------// public double getPower() { this.updatePower(); return this.power; } protected void alterPower(double delta) { this.power += delta; if (this.power > this.getPowerMax()) { this.power = this.getPowerMax(); } else if (this.power < this.getPowerMin()) { this.power = this.getPowerMin(); } Log.debug("Power of "+this.getFullName()+" is now: "+this.power); } public double getPowerMax() { return Conf.powerPerPlayer; } public double getPowerMin() { return -Conf.powerPerPlayer; } public int getPowerRounded() { return (int) Math.round(this.getPower()); } public int getPowerMaxRounded() { return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMax()); } public int getPowerMinRounded() { return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMin()); } protected void updatePower() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long millisPassed = now - this.lastPowerUpdateTime; this.lastPowerUpdateTime = now; int millisPerMinute = 60*1000; this.alterPower(millisPassed * Conf.powerPerMinute / millisPerMinute); //; // This would save to often. So we save this on player quit instead. } public void onDeath() { this.updatePower(); this.alterPower(-Conf.powerPerDeath); } //----------------------------------------------// // Territory //----------------------------------------------// public boolean isInOwnTerritory() { return Board.getFactionAt(this.getCoord()) == this.getFaction(); } public boolean isInOthersTerritory() { Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(this.getCoord()); return != 0 && factionHere != this.getFaction(); } public Coord getCoord() { return Coord.from(this); } public void sendFactionHereMessage() { Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(this.getCoord()); String msg = Conf.colorSystem+" ~ "+factionHere.getName(this); this.sendMessage(msg); } //----------------------------------------------// // Faction management //----------------------------------------------// public Faction getFaction() { return EM.factionGet(factionId); } public ArrayList join(Faction faction) { ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); if ( == this.factionId) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You are already a member of "+faction.getRelationColor(this)+faction.getName()); } if( ! faction.getOpen() && ! faction.isInvited(this)) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"This guild requires invitation."); } if (this.factionId != 0) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You must leave your current faction first."); } if (errors.size() > 0) { return errors; } this.resetFactionData(); if(faction.getFollowersAll().size() == 0) { this.role = Role.ADMIN; } else { this.role = Role.NORMAL; } this.factionId =; faction.deinvite(this);; return errors; } public ArrayList leave() { ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); if (this.role == Role.ADMIN && this.getFaction().getFollowersAll().size() > 1) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You must give the admin role to someone else first."); } if(this.factionId == 0) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You are not member of any faction."); } if (errors.size() > 0) { return errors; } this.resetFactionData();; return errors; } public ArrayList createFaction(String name) { ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); if (this.factionId != 0) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You must leave your current faction first."); } if (Faction.isNameTaken(name)) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"That name is already in use."); } errors.addAll(Faction.validateName(name)); if (errors.size() > 0) { return errors; } Faction faction = EM.factionCreate(); faction.setName(name);; this.join(faction); this.role = Role.ADMIN;; return errors; } public ArrayList invite(Follower follower) { ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); //Log.debug("this.role: "+this.role); //Log.debug("this.role.value: "+this.role.value); //Log.debug("FactionRole.MODERATOR.value: "+FactionRole.MODERATOR.value); if (this.role.value < Role.MODERATOR.value) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You must me be a moderator to invite."); } if(errors.size() > 0) { return errors; } return this.getFaction().invite(follower); } public ArrayList deinvite(Follower follower) { ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); if (this.role.value < Role.MODERATOR.value) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You must me be a moderator to deinvite."); } if(errors.size() > 0) { return errors; } return follower.getFaction().deinvite(follower); } public ArrayList kick(Follower follower) { ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); if ( ! follower.getFaction().equals(this.getFaction())) { errors.add(this.getRelationColor(follower)+follower.getFullName()+Conf.colorSystem+" is not a member of "+Conf.colorMember+this.getFaction().getName()); } else if (follower.equals(this)) { errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can not kick yourself."); errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You might want to "+Conf.colorCommand+Conf.aliasBase.get(0)+" "+Conf.aliasLeave.get(0)); } else if (follower.role.value >= this.role.value) { // TODO add more informative messages. errors.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Your rank is to low to kick this player."); } if(errors.size() > 0) { return errors; } return follower.getFaction().kick(follower); } //----------------------------------------------// // Login info //----------------------------------------------// public void sendJoinInfo() { // TODO Missplaced!? // Do we even whant to use message of the day... // Perhaps that is up to another plugin... //this.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "This is a faction server! Type "+Conf.colorCommand+"/f"+ChatColor.GREEN +" for more info :D"); } //----------------------------------------------// // Messages - Directly connected to ChatFixUtil //----------------------------------------------// public void sendMessage(String message, boolean fix) { Player player = this.getPlayer(); ChatFixUtil.sendMessage(player, message, fix); } public void sendMessage(List messages, boolean fix) { Player player = this.getPlayer(); ChatFixUtil.sendMessage(player, messages, fix); } public void sendMessage(String message) { Player player = this.getPlayer(); ChatFixUtil.sendMessage(player, message, true); } public void sendMessage(List messages) { Player player = this.getPlayer(); ChatFixUtil.sendMessage(player, messages, true); } //----------------------------------------------// // Search //----------------------------------------------// public static Follower find(String name) { for (Follower follower : EM.followerGetAll()) { if (follower.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name.trim())) { return follower; } } return null; } // ------------------------------- // Relation and relation colors // ------------------------------- public Relation getRelation(Faction faction) { return faction.getRelation(this); } public Relation getRelation(Follower follower) { return this.getFaction().getRelation(follower); } public ChatColor getRelationColor(Faction faction) { return faction.getRelationColor(this); } public ChatColor getRelationColor(Follower follower) { return this.getRelation(follower).getColor(); } //----------------------------------------------// // Display the name of this follower //----------------------------------------------// public String getName() { return; } public String getFullName() { return getFullName(""); } public String getFullName(Faction otherFaction) { return getFullName(otherFaction.getRelationColor(this).toString()); } public String getFullName(Follower otherFollower) { return getFullName(otherFollower.getRelationColor(this).toString()); } public String getFullName(String prefix) { String ret = prefix; if (this.role.equals(Role.ADMIN)) { ret += Conf.prefixAdmin; } else if (this.role.equals(Role.MODERATOR)) { ret += Conf.prefixMod; } if (this.title.length() > 0) { ret += this.title + " "; } ret += this.getName(); return ret; } //----------------------------------------------// // Persistance and entity management //----------------------------------------------// public boolean save() { return EM.followerSave(; } public static Follower get(Player player) { return EM.followerGet(player); } public static Collection getAll() { return EM.followerGetAll(); } }