package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd; import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf; import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission; public class CmdBoom extends FCommand { public CmdBoom() { super(); this.aliases.add("noboom"); //this.requiredArgs.add(""); this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flipp"); this.permission = Permission.NO_BOOM.node; this.disableOnLock = true; senderMustBePlayer = true; senderMustBeMember = false; senderMustBeModerator = true; senderMustBeAdmin = false; } @Override public void perform() { if ( ! myFaction.isPeaceful()) { fme.sendMessageParsed("This command is only usable by factions which are specially designated as peaceful."); return; } // if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostNoBoom)) return; myFaction.setPeacefulExplosionsEnabled(this.argAsBool(0, ! myFaction.getPeacefulExplosionsEnabled())); String enabled = myFaction.noExplosionsInTerritory() ? "disabled" : "enabled"; // Inform myFaction.sendMessageParsed("%s has "+enabled+" explosions in your faction's territory.", fme.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)); } }