package com.massivecraft.factions; import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MiscUtil; import org.bukkit.*; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; public class FLocation implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = - 8292915234027387983L; private static final boolean worldBorderSupport; static { boolean worldBorderClassPresent = false; try { Class.forName("org.bukkit.WorldBorder"); worldBorderClassPresent = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) { } worldBorderSupport = worldBorderClassPresent; } private String worldName = "world"; private int x = 0; private int z = 0; //----------------------------------------------// // Constructors //----------------------------------------------// public FLocation() { } public FLocation(String worldName, int x, int z) { this.worldName = worldName; this.x = x; this.z = z; } public FLocation(Location location) { this(location.getWorld().getName(), blockToChunk(location.getBlockX()), blockToChunk(location.getBlockZ())); } public FLocation(Player player) { this(player.getLocation()); } public FLocation(FPlayer fplayer) { this(fplayer.getPlayer()); } public FLocation(Block block) { this(block.getLocation()); } //----------------------------------------------// // Getters and Setters //----------------------------------------------// public static FLocation fromString(String string) { int index = string.indexOf(","); int start = 1; String worldName = string.substring(start, index); start = index + 1; index = string.indexOf(",", start); int x = Integer.valueOf(string.substring(start, index)); int y = Integer.valueOf(string.substring(index + 1, string.length() - 1)); return new FLocation(worldName, x, y); } // bit-shifting is used because it's much faster than standard division and multiplication public static int blockToChunk(int blockVal) { // 1 chunk is 16x16 blocks return blockVal >> 4; // ">> 4" == "/ 16" } public static int blockToRegion(int blockVal) { // 1 region is 512x512 blocks return blockVal >> 9; // ">> 9" == "/ 512" } public static int chunkToRegion(int chunkVal) { // 1 region is 32x32 chunks return chunkVal >> 5; // ">> 5" == "/ 32" } public static int chunkToBlock(int chunkVal) { return chunkVal << 4; // "<< 4" == "* 16" } public static int regionToBlock(int regionVal) { return regionVal << 9; // "<< 9" == "* 512" } public static int regionToChunk(int regionVal) { return regionVal << 5; // "<< 5" == "* 32" } public static HashSet getArea(FLocation from, FLocation to) { HashSet ret = new HashSet<>(); for (long x : MiscUtil.range(from.getX(), to.getX())) { for (long z : MiscUtil.range(from.getZ(), to.getZ())) { ret.add(new FLocation(from.getWorldName(), (int) x, (int) z)); } } return ret; } public Chunk getChunk() { return Bukkit.getWorld(worldName).getChunkAt(x, z); } public String getWorldName() { return worldName; } public void setWorldName(String worldName) { this.worldName = worldName; } //----------------------------------------------// // Block/Chunk/Region Value Transformation //----------------------------------------------// public World getWorld() { return Bukkit.getWorld(worldName); } public long getX() { return x; } public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; } public long getZ() { return z; } public void setZ(int z) { this.z = z; } public String getCoordString() { return "" + x + "," + z; } //----------------------------------------------// // Misc Geometry //----------------------------------------------// @Override public String toString() { return "[" + this.getWorldName() + "," + this.getCoordString() + "]"; } public FLocation getRelative(int dx, int dz) { return new FLocation(this.worldName, this.x + dx, this.z + dz); } public double getDistanceTo(FLocation that) { double dx = that.x - this.x; double dz = that.z - this.z; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz); } public double getDistanceSquaredTo(FLocation that) { double dx = that.x - this.x; double dz = that.z - this.z; return dx * dx + dz * dz; } public boolean isInChunk(Location loc) { if (loc == null) { return false; } Chunk chunk = loc.getChunk(); return loc.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(getWorldName()) && chunk.getX() == x && chunk.getZ() == z; } /** * Checks if the chunk represented by this FLocation is outside the world border * * @param buffer the number of chunks from the border that will be treated as "outside" * @return whether this location is outside of the border */ public boolean isOutsideWorldBorder(int buffer) { if (!worldBorderSupport) { return false; } WorldBorder border = getWorld().getWorldBorder(); Chunk chunk = border.getCenter().getChunk(); int lim = FLocation.chunkToRegion((int) border.getSize()) - buffer; int diffX = Math.abs(chunk.getX() - x); int diffZ = Math.abs(chunk.getZ() - z); return diffX > lim || diffZ > lim; } //----------------------------------------------// // Some Geometry //----------------------------------------------// public Set getCircle(double radius) { double radiusSquared = radius * radius; Set ret = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (radius <= 0) { return ret; } int xfrom = (int) Math.floor(this.x - radius); int xto = (int) Math.ceil(this.x + radius); int zfrom = (int) Math.floor(this.z - radius); int zto = (int) Math.ceil(this.z + radius); for (int x = xfrom; x <= xto; x++) { for (int z = zfrom; z <= zto; z++) { FLocation potential = new FLocation(this.worldName, x, z); if (this.getDistanceSquaredTo(potential) <= radiusSquared) { ret.add(potential); } } } return ret; } //----------------------------------------------// // Comparison //----------------------------------------------// @Override public int hashCode() { // should be fast, with good range and few hash collisions: (x * 512) + z + worldName.hashCode return (this.x << 9) + this.z + (this.worldName != null ? this.worldName.hashCode() : 0); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof FLocation)) { return false; } FLocation that = (FLocation) obj; return this.x == that.x && this.z == that.z && (this.worldName == null ? that.worldName == null : this.worldName.equals(that.worldName)); } }