# SavageFactions by ProSavage # Report issues https://github.com/ProSavage/SavageFactions/issues/new # Live support https://discord.gg/W9dv9WP # Spigot Site: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/savagefactions-factionsuuid-reimagined-1-7-1-12.52891/ # Website: https://www.prosavage.net/ # Made with love <3 # Debug # Turn this on if you are having issues with something and working on resolving them. # This will spam your console with information that is useful if you know how to read the source. # It's suggested that you only turn this on at the direction of a developer. debug: false # Prevent find factions exploit # This will help limit how many times a player can be sent a map of factions. # Set this to the cooldown you want, in miliseconds, for a map to be shown to a player. # If you want to log when a player violates this (only happens on chunk enter so it shouldn't be too spammy), # set log to true and it will be logged to console as "player tried to show a faction map too soon and triggered exploit blocker." findfactionsexploit: cooldown: 2000 # in miliseconds. 2000 = 2 seconds. log: false ### Hard Core Settings ### # Many of the features that are / are to come in this section have been requested by # people in relation to HCF servers. All settings are set to the normal Factions # behavior by default. # Default Relation allows you to change the default relation for Factions. # Example usage would be so people can't leave then make a new Faction while Raiding # in order to be able to execute commands if the default relation is neutral. # This has always been neutral. default-relation: "neutral" # Portal Creation # Do you want to limit portal creation? portals: limit: false # will disable the below check if set to false # What should the minimum relation be to create a portal in territory? # Goes in the order of: ENEMY, NEUTRAL, ALLY, MEMBER. # Minimum relation allows that and all listed to the right to create portals. # Example: put ALLY to allow ALLY and MEMBER to be able to create portals. minimum-relation: MEMBER # If typed incorrectly, defaults to NEUTRAL. ### Hard Core Settings ### # Warps # What should be the max amount of warps that a Faction can set? max-warps: 5 # This is the cost section for warps. # It will charge them each time the command would be successful. (won't charge on erroneous /f warp attempts). # You can use decimal places here. # If enabled is set to false, it will ignore the values. warp-cost: enabled: false setwarp: 5 delwarp: 5 warp: 5 # Faction Fly # Enable Faction Fly: enable-faction-flight: true ffly: Particles: Enabled: true Enable-While-Vanished: true AutoEnable: true #If set to true, fly will automatically enable when walking into your own chunk. # This will set the timeout for the stealth in seconds. stealth-timeout: 300 stealth-cost: 500 # If a player leaves fly (out of territory or took damage) # how long should they not take fall damage for? # Set to 0 to have them always take fall damage. fly-falldamage-cooldown: 10 # Pistons # Should we disable pistons in Faction territory? This will prevent people from doing something like: # http://i.gyazo.com/6a1a31222e58a5d60ff341c13f6a8404.gif disable-pistons-in-territory: false # ToolTips # This section is to configure tooltips for things like /f list tooltips: # List # This shows up when someone does /f list for the top factions. # It will not sure up for factionless of course, just actual factions. # You can use color codes here. list: - "&6&l* &eLeader: &7{leader}" - "&6&l* &eClaims: &7{chunks}" - "&6&l* &ePower: &7{power}/{maxPower}" - "&6&l* &eMembers: &7{online}/{members}" # Show # This shows up when someone does /f show. # It adds tooltips to each player in the list here, nothing else. # {group} will show the players primary group if you have vault installed. # {balance} will show their balance if you have vault installed. # {lastSeen} will show human readable info on when the player was last seen, or online. show: - "&6&l* &eUsername: &7{name}" - "&6&l* &eRank: &7{group}" - "&6&l* &eBalance: &7${balance}" - "&6&l* &eLast Seen:&7 {lastSeen}" - "&6&l* &ePower: &7{power}/{maxPower}" # Configuration section for Scoreboards # This will allow you to completely customize how your scoreboards look. # Make sure that no lines are duplicates of each other otherwise only the first will display. # Use &0-9a-f for colors and include messages in "quotes" scoreboard: # send faction change message as well when scoreboard is up? also-send-chat: true # How long do we want scoreboards to stay if set temporarily. expiration: 7 # FInfo scoreboard is displayed when a player walks into a new Faction's territory. # Scoreboard disappears after seconds. # Things to be replaced in this: # {power} - faction's power. {chunks} - total claimed chunks. {members} - total members. # {online} - online members. {leader} - faction's leader. {open} - shows either true or false if open. # {raidable} - true if the faction can be claimed over, otherwise false. # {warps} - the number of warps that a faction has set. # The title of the scoreboard will be the Faction's tag and colored according to the relation with the player's Faction. # Commenting this section out will cause the info to appear in chat as the plugin originally did. finfo-enabled: false # SUPPORTS PLACEHOLDERS finfo: - "&6Power" - "{power}" - "&3Members" - "{online}/{members}" - "&4Leader" - "{leader}" - "&bTerritory" - "{chunks}" # Default board that will always show up if a player wants it to. # This can show any arbitrary text or you can use a lot of variables to replace things. # Replace {name} - player's name. {faction} - player's faction title, factionless if none. # {totalOnline} - total players on the server. {balance} - player's balance. # {maxPower} - player's max power. # {powerBoost} - player's powerboost. default-enabled: false # Default to false to keep original functionality. default-title: "&cSavageFactions" # Can use any of the values from above but this won't update once it's set (so don't set {balance}). default-update-interval: 2 # in seconds. # This will show faction prefixes colored based on relation on nametags and in the tab. # The scoreboard needs to be enabled for this to work. default-prefixes: true # SUPPORTS PLACEHOLDERS default: - "&7&m--------------------------" - "&4&lFaction Info &8»" - " &8> &cLeader&7: &f{leader}" - " &8> &cMembers&7: &f{online}&7/&f{members}" - " &8> &cPower&7: &f{power}&7/&f{maxPower}" - "&m" - "&4&lFaction Stats &8»" - " &8> &cKills&7: &f{faction-kills}" - " &8> &cDeaths&7: &f{faction-deaths}" - " &8> &cBalance&7: &f{faction-balance}" - "" - " &8> &cYour Balance&7: &f{balance}" - "&7&m---------------------------" factionless-enabled: true factionless: - "&7&m--------------------------" - "&4&lInformation &8»" - " &8> &cPlayer&7: &f{name}" - " &8> &cRank&7: &f{group}" - " &8> &cBalance&7: &f${balance}" - "&m" - "&4&lServer Info &8» " - " &8» &cIFaction: &fN/A" - " &8» &cOnline Players&7: &f{total-online}" - "&7&m---------------------------" # Configration section for warmups. # Warmup times are in seconds - if a value of 0 is set, there is no warmup. warmups: # Delay for /f home f-home: 15 # Delay for /f warp f-warp: 10 # Delay for /f fly f-fly: 0 #Delay for /f checkpoint's teleport f-checkpoint: 10 #Delay for /f tpbanner f-banner: 10 ###################################################### #################### HCF Features #################### ###################################################### # These features were requested as part of Hardcore Factions or something. # All of them are disabled by default. # Max Relation Types # Limits factions to having a max number of each relation. # Setting to 0 means none allowed. -1 for disabled. # This will have no effect on default or existing relations, only when relations are changed. # It is advised that you set the default relation to -1 so they can always go back to that. # Otherwise Factions could be stuck with not being able to unenemy other Factions. max-relations: enabled: true ally: 1 truce: 0 neutral: -1 enemy: -1 # WorldBorder support # A buffer of 0 means faction claims can go right up to the border of the world. # The buffer is in chunks, so 1 as a buffer means an entire chunk of buffer between # the border of the world and what can be claimed to factions world-border: buffer: 0 # Raids # Allow a faction to be raided if they have more land than power. # This will make claimed territory lose all protections # allowing factions to open chests, break blocks, etc. if they # have claimed chunks >= power. hcf: raidable: false # DTR (death til raidable) will be in /f show if enabled. Configure the message in the lang.yml dtr: false # Should we allow Factions to over claim if they are raidable (above has no effect on this)? # This has always been true, allowing factions to over claim others. allow-overclaim: true # Power Freeze # After a player dies, how long should the faction not be able to regen power? # This resets on each death but does not accumulate. # Set to 0 for no freeze. Time is in seconds. powerfreeze: 0 # Buffer Zone # Buffer Zone is an chunk area required between claims of different Factions. # This is default to 0 and has always been that way. Meaning Factions can have # claims that border each other. # If this is set to 3, then Factions need to have 3 chunks between their claim # and another Faction's claim. # It's recommended to keep this pretty low as the radius check could be a # heavy operation if set to a large number. # If this is set to 0, we won't even bother checking which is how Factions has # always been. buffer-zone: 0 stuck: delay: 30 radius: 10 ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Configurable /f show | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # You can use any variable here, including fancy messages. Color codes and or tags work fine. # Lines that arent defined wont be sent (home not set, faction not peaceful / permanent, dtr freeze) # SUPPORTS PLACEHOLDERS show: # First line can be {header} for default header, or any string (we recommend &m for smooth lines ;p) - '&8&m--------------&7 &8<&e{faction}&8> &8&m--------------' - '&6 * &eOwner &7{leader}' - '&6 * &eDescription &7{description}' - '&6 * &eLand / Power / Max Power: &7{chunks} &8/ &7{power} &8/ &7{maxPower}' - '&6 * &eFounded &7{create-date}' - '&6 * &eBalance &f{faction-balance}' - '&6 * &eAllies &c{allies-list}' - '&6 * &eEnemies &c{enemies-list}' - '&6 * &eOnline Members &8(&7{online}/{members}&8) &7{online-list}' - '&6 * &eOffline Members &8(&7{offline}/{members}&8) &7{offline-list}' - '&6 * &eBans &7{faction-bancount}' - '&8&m----------------------------------------' # For a /f show that does not display fancy messages that are essentially empty, use minimal-show minimal-show: false # Factions that should be exempt from /f show, case sensitive, useful for a # serverteam faction, since the command shows vanished players otherwise show-exempt: - Wilderness # THIS IS FOR /f map tool tips. # You can use any variable here, including fancy messages. Color codes and or tags work fine. # Lines that arent defined wont be sent (home not set, faction not peaceful / permanent, dtr freeze) map: # First line can be {header} for default header, or any string (we recommend &m for smooth lines ;p) - '&6* &eFaction &7{faction}' - '&6* &eOwner &7{leader}' - '&6* &eLand / Power / Max Power: &7{chunks} &8/ &7{power} &8/ &7{maxPower}' - '&6* &eAllies &c{allies-list}' - '&6* &eEnemies &c{enemies-list}' - '&6* &eOnline Members &8(&7{online}/{members}&8) {online-list}' - '&6* &eOffline Members &7{offline-list}' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Configurable /f list | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ list: # You can only use {pagenumber} and {pagecount} in the header header: '&8&m-----------------&r &8< &eFaction List &8(&7{pagenumber}/{pagecount}&8) &8> &m-----------------' # You can use any variables here factionless: '&7&o(( There are currently &f{total-online} &7&oPlayers online right now! ))' # You can use any variable here entry: '{faction} &8(&7{online}/{members}&8) &eLand / Power / Max Power &f{chunks}&7/&f{power}&7/&f{maxPower}' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Configurable /f help | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # set to true to use legacy factions help use-old-help: false help: # You can change the page name to whatever you like # We use '1' to preserve default functionality of /f help 1 '1': - '&7&m----------------------------------------------------' - '&6&lFactions Help &8- &f(1/2) ' - '&7&m----------------------------------------------------' - '&e/f create &f &8- &7Create your own faction.' - '&e/f who &f &8- &7Show faction information.' - '&e/f tag &f &8- &7Change your faction name.' - '&e/f join &f &8- &7Join to the faction.' - '&e/f list &8- &7List all factions.' - '&e/f top &8- &7View the richest factions.' - '&e/f map &8- &7Map of the surrounding area, click chunks to claim.' - '&e/f sethome &8- &7Teleport to faction home.' - '&e/f home &8- &7Set your faction home.' - '&e/f title &f &8- &7Set a player''s title, color codes supported.' - '&e/f ban &8- &7Ban a member from your faction.' - '&e/f unban &8- &7Unban a member from your faction.' - '&e/f banlist &8- &7List banned players from your faction.' - '&e/f lowpower &8- &7List player with power under max from your faction.' - '&e/f coords &8- &7Broadcast your location to your faction.' - '&e/f showclaims &8- &7List all claims from your faction.' - '&7&m--------------------&r &e/f help 2 &7&m-----------------------' '2': - '&7&m----------------------------------------------------' - '&6&lFactions Help &8- &f(2/2) ' - '&7&m----------------------------------------------------' - '&e/f leave &8- &7Leave your faction.' - '&e/f invite &f<playerName> &8- &7Invite a player to your faction.' - '&e/f deinvite &f<playerName> &8- &7Revoke invitation to player.' - '&e/f claim &8- &7Claim a land for your faction.' - '&e/f unclaim &8- &7Unclaim land from your faction.' - '&e/f kick &f<playerName> &8- &7Kick player from your faction.' - '&e/f mod &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player to mod role in faction.' - '&e/f coleader &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player to coleader role in faction.' - '&e/f leader &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player role to leader in faction.' - '&e/f chat &f<Faction | Ally | Public> &8- &7Switch to Faction/Ally/Public chat.' - '&e/f warp &8- &7Opens the warp menu.' - '&e/f setwarp &8- &7Set a warp.' - '&e/f perms &8- &7Change what players can do in your claims.' - '&e/f upgrades &8- &7Upgrade various perks in your faction.' - '&e/f checkpoint &8- &7Set a faction checkpoint.' - '&e/f tnt add/take &f<amount> &8- &7Faction Based TNT Bank.' - '&e/f tntfill &f<radius> <amount> &8- &7Tnt fill integrated into the tntbank!' - '&e/f chest &8- &7Open a virtual faction chest! ' - '&e/f version &8- &7Display current faction version.' - '&7&m--------------------&r &e/f help 3 &7&m-----------------------' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | F Permission GUI | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # This is the Faction permissions GUI, it consists of 2 inventories # # 1st: The Relation GUI, here you choose which relation you want to set the permission of # 2nd: The Action GUI, here you define the permission of the clicked Action using click types, # depending on the click type it will set the permission differently: # Left Click: ALLOW # Middle Click: UNDEFINED # Right Click: DENY # # # The GUI configuration is based off of item placeholders these have specific placeholders that are # replaced, for example {relation} will be replaced with the relation that the GUI/Item is based on. # There is also 2 other types of GUI items # # 1st: Special items, these include Back button (Has its own item below), and Relation Item # indicating the current relation (Uses relation item placeholder) # 2nd: Dummy items, these items server no other purpose than to look good, they have their own # items defined in dummy items, and can later be assigned to specific slots in the GUI's fperm-gui: relation: # GUI Name name: 'Faction Permissions' # Amount of inventory rows, No larger than 5 rows: 4 # These are the slots where the relations are going to be placed on the first GUI # Note: Slots start at 0 and end at one less that GUI size #Setting a slot to -1 will disable it slots: recruit: 10 normal: 12 moderator: 14 coleader: 16 truce: 19 ally: 21 enemy: 23 neutral: 25 # Material to be displayed materials: recruit: WOOD_SWORD normal: GOLD_SWORD moderator: IRON_SWORD coleader: DIAMOND_SWORD truce: IRON_AXE ally: GOLD_AXE enemy: DIAMOND_AXE neutral: WOOD_AXE # Dummy items using the Items lower down dummy-items: '0': - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 11 - 13 - 15 - 17 - 20 - 22 - 24 - 26 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 # This is the item that all relation items are based off of # Replacing {relation} with relation name eg: Moderator, Ally # also replaces {relation-color} with relation color eg: Enemy;RED placeholder-item: name: '&8[{relation-color}{relation}&8]' lore: - action: name: 'Faction Permissions' rows: 6 # If this field exists colorable materials will be updated # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/DyeColor.html access: allow: LIME deny: RED undefined: CYAN slots: # Uses same format as above to inform the player of clicked relation relation: 4 # Back button slot back: 0 # Start action slots build: 10 destroy: 11 frost-walk: 12 pain-build: 13 door: 14 button: 15 lever: 16 container: 19 invite: 20 kick: 21 item: 22 sethome: 23 withdraw: 24 territory: 25 access: 28 promote: 29 setwarp: 30 warp: 31 ban: 32 disband: 33 fly: 34 vault: 40 tntbank: 39 tntfill: 41 chest: 42 spawner: 38 home: 49 # Material to show, if the material is colorable eg: Wool, Stained Clay it will update with it's access color materials: build: STAINED_GLASS destroy: STAINED_GLASS frost-walk: STAINED_GLASS pain-build: STAINED_GLASS door: STAINED_GLASS button: STAINED_GLASS lever: STAINED_GLASS container: STAINED_GLASS invite: STAINED_GLASS kick: STAINED_GLASS item: STAINED_GLASS sethome: STAINED_GLASS withdraw: STAINED_GLASS territory: STAINED_GLASS access: STAINED_GLASS promote: STAINED_GLASS setwarp: STAINED_GLASS warp: STAINED_GLASS ban: STAINED_GLASS disband: STAINED_GLASS fly: STAINED_GLASS vault: STAINED_GLASS tntbank: STAINED_GLASS tntfill: STAINED_GLASS chest: STAINED_GLASS spawner: STAINED_GLASS home: STAINED_GLASS # Same dummy items format as above dummy-items: '0': - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 10 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 # {action} Action name eg: Setwarp, Kick # {action-access} Access name eg: Allow, Deny # {action-access-color} Access color eg: Allow;GREEN placeholder-item: name: '&e&l(!) &ePermission: &6&n{action}' lore: - '' - '&6&l * &eStatus: &8[{action-access-color}{action-access}&8]' - '' - '&7Left click to &a&nAllow&7.' - '&7Right click to &c&nDeny&7.' - '&7Middle click to &7&nUndefine&7.' # Back item will be take you to the previous GUI back-item: name: '&c&l<- Back' material: ARROW lore: - '&7Click to return to previous menu.' # Dummy Items dummy-items: # Dummy Item id, used to set the slots above '0': material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE # Color will only work on colorable materials color: BLACK name: ' ' lore: - ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction Warp GUI | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ fwarp-gui: name: "Faction Warps" rows: 3 password-timeout: 5 warp-slots: - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 dummy-slots: '0': - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 warp-item: material: EYE_OF_ENDER name: "&e&l(!) &eFaction Warp: &6&n{warp}" # {warp-protected} Warp protection by password, Enabled & Disabled # {warp-cost} Warp cost lore: - "" - "&6&l * &ePassword: &7{warp-protected}" - "&6&l * &eCost: &7{warp-cost}" - "" - "&c&lNote: &7You need pay to teleport to" - "&7a faction warp. Unless it's &nDisabled&7." # Dummy Items dummy-items: # Dummy Item id, used to set the slots above '0': material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE # Color will only work on colorable materials color: BLACK name: ' ' lore: - ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction Rules | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ frules: Enabled: true default-rules: - '&cDefault Faction Rules :(' - '&cUse /f rules add <rule> to add a rule' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction TNT Bank | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ ftnt: Enabled: true Bank-Limit: 10000 ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction PayPal | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ fpaypal: Enabled: true ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction Checkpoints | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ checkpoints: Enabled: true ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction Near | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ fnear: Enabled: true Radius: 50 ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction Vault | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # fvault: Enabled: true No-Hoppers-near-vault: true Price: 5000 Item: Name: '&e&l*&f&l*&e&l* &e&lFaction Vault &7(Place) &e&l*&f&l*&e&l*' Lore: - '&7Place this vault in your Faction claim, You will' - '&7then be able to access it.' - '' - '&c&lNote: &7Once you have placed your' - '&7faction vault, Access it by doing /f vault.' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction Vault | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # fchest: Enabled: true Inventory-Title: '&2&lFaction Chest' # Vault size upgrades can be configured in the upgrades section of config ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Faction Upgrades | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ fupgrades: Enabled: true MainMenu: Title: '{faction}''s Upgrade Menu' DummyItem: Name: '&f' Type: STAINED_GLASS_PANE Amount: 1 Damage: 7 Lore: - '' rows: 3 slots: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 Crops: Crop-Boost: level-1: 10 level-2: 20 level-3: 30 Cost: level-1: 250000 level-2: 500000 level-3: 750000 CropItem: Name: '&e&lUpgrade Growth Speed' Type: WHEAT Amount: 1 Damage: 0 Lore: - '&7Increase growth speed of crops in claims.' - '&7&o(Chance to Grow Two Levels)' - '' - '&e&lTier' - '&f&l* &7Current Level: &n{level}' - '' - '&e&lPerks' - '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f10% Chance' - '&7 - Cost: $250,000' - '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f20% Chance' - '&7 - Cost: $500,000' - '&f&l* &7Level 3 - &f30% Chance' - '&7 - Cost: $750,000' - '' - '&e&lClick to &nUnlock' slots: - 10 EXP: EXP-Boost: level-1: 1.5 level-2: 2.0 level-3: 2.5 Cost: level-1: 2000000 level-2: 4000000 level-3: 6000000 EXPItem: Name: '&e&lUpgrade EXP Drop Rate' Type: EXP_BOTTLE Amount: 1 Damage: 0 Lore: - '&7Increased Vanilla XP gained from monsters.' - '' - '&e&lTier' - '&f&l* &7Current Level: &n{level}' - '' - '&e&lPerks' - '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f1.5x Multiplier' - '&7 - Cost: $2,000,000' - '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f2.0x Multiplier' - '&7 - Cost: $4,000,000' - '&f&l* &7Level 3 - &f2.5x Multiplier' - '&7 - Cost: $6,000,000' - '' - '&e&lClick to &nUnlock' slots: - 13 Spawners: Spawner-Boost: # This is a Percentage so .10 means 10% lowered spawner delay! level-1: 0.10 level-2: 0.20 level-3: 0.30 Cost: level-1: 1000000 level-2: 2000000 level-3: 3000000 SpawnerItem: Name: '&e&lUpgrade Spawn Rate' Type: MOB_SPAWNER Amount: 1 Damage: 0 Lore: - '&7Decreased mob spawner delay in claims.' - '' - '&e&lTier' - '&f&l* &7Current Level: &n{level}' - '' - '&e&lPerks' - '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f10% Lower Delay' - '&7 - Cost: $1,000,000' - '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f20% Lower Delay' - '&7 - Cost: $2,000,000' - '&f&l* &7Level 3 - &f30% Lower Delay' - '&7 - Cost: $3,000,000' - '' - '&e&lClick to &nUnlock' slots: - 16 Chest: Chest-Size: # This is rows level-1: 2 level-2: 3 level-3: 4 Cost: level-1: 1000000 level-2: 2000000 level-3: 3000000 ChestItem: Name: '&e&lUpgrade Faction Chest Size' Type: CHEST Amount: 1 Damage: 0 Lore: - '&7Increased Faction Chest Size.' - '' - '&e&lTier' - '&f&l* &7Current Level: &n{level}' - '' - '&e&lPerks' - '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f2 Rows' - '&7 - Cost: $1,000,000' - '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f3 Rows' - '&7 - Cost: $2,000,000' - '&f&l* &7Level 3 - &f4 Rows' - '&7 - Cost: $3,000,000' - '' - '&e&lClick to &nUnlock' slots: - 22 fbanners: Enabled: true Item: Name: '&e&l*&f&l*&e&l* &e&lWar Banner &7(Place) &e&l*&f&l*&e&l*' Lore: - '&7Place this banner in the &nWarzone.&7 This' - '&7will create a &nWarp Point&7 for your faction members.' - '' - '&e&lEffects' - '&e&l* &fStrength II' - '&e&l* &fSpeed II' Banner-Cost: 5000 #The amount charged to change a banner into a War Banner Banner-Time: 60 #IN SECONDS - This is how long the banner will last. Banner-Place-Cooldown: 300 Banner-Effect-Radius: 16 Effects: - INCREASE_DAMAGE:2 - SPEED:2 BannerHolo: '&c{Faction}''s War Banner' #Title when moving between chunks Title: Show-Title: true # You can configure the time in 1.9 or higher! The values are in seconds Options: FadeInTime: 1 ShowTime: 10 FadeOutTime: 1 Format: Title: '{Faction}' Subtitle: '{Description}' # /f seechunk options see-chunk: particles: true interval: 5 Tntfill: max-radius: 32 max-amount: 64 ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Big List of variables | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # Fancy variables. Can only be used in /f show # - {allies-list} : Lists each faction ally with tooltips # - {enemies-list} : Lists each faction enemy with tooltips # - {online-list} : Lists all online members with tooltips # - {offline-list} : Lists all offline members with tooltips # Player variables. Can be used in tooltips.show, scoreboards, or /f show # - {group} : Players group # - {name} : Players name # - {lastSeen} : Last time player was seen (if offline), or just 'Online' # - {balance} : Players balance # - {player-kills} : # of kills the player has # - {player-deaths}: # of deaths the player has # Faction variables. Can be used in tooltips.list, scoreboards, or /f show # - {header} : Default factions header (ex. /f show) # - {faction} : Factions tag (if none, uses lang.yml for factionless name) # - {joining} : How to join this faction # - {power} : Factions deaths until raidable value # - {power-boost} : DTR Symbol based on current DTR (max, regen, frozen, raidable) # - {maxPower} : Factions max deaths until raidable value # - {chunks} : # of claims faction has (in chunks) # - {warps} : # of warps faction has # - {description} : Factions description # - {create-date} : Date faction was created # - {leader} : Faction leader # - {land-value} : Value of all claims # - {land-refund} : Calculated refund value # - {allies} : # of allies faction has # - {enemies} : # of enemies faction has # - {online} : # of faction members online # - {offline} : # of faction members offline # - {members} : # of faction members (includes offline) # - {faction-balance} : Faction bank balance # - {world}, {x}, {y}, {z} : Faction home variables. You don't need to use them all. # - {faction-kills} : # of kills the faction has # - {faction-deaths}: # of deaths the faction has # - {faction-bancount} : # of bans the faction has # Faction Permissions GUI variables. Can only be used in GUI # - {relation} : Shows relation name (Can be used in action and relation) # - {relation-color} : Relation color # - {action} : Shows action name (Can only be used in action) # - {action-access} : Shows the action's access with current relation # - {action-access-color} : Access color # General variables. Can be used anywhere. # - {total-online} : Total # of players on the server # - {max-warps} : Max # of warps a faction can set # - {max-allies} : Max # of allies a faction can have # - {max-enemies} : Max # of enemies a faction can have # - {factionless} : Count of all factionless players online