name: Factions version: 1.5.1_dev main: com.massivecraft.factions.Factions softdepend: - Permissions - Essentials - EssentialsChat - HeroChat - iChat - LocalAreaChat - nChat - ChatManager - AuthMe - iConomy - Register - Spout - WorldEdit - WorldGuard commands: f: description: All of the Factions commands usage: See documentation. permissions: factions.*: description: Grants all Factions permissions children: factions.participate: true factions.create: true factions.viewAnyPower: true factions.viewAnyFactionBalance: true factions.peacefulExplosionToggle: true factions.adminBypass: true factions.config: true factions.disband: true factions.lock: true factions.manageSafeZone: true factions.manageWarZone: true factions.ownershipBypass: true factions.reload: true factions.saveall: true factions.setPeaceful: true factions.setPermanent: true factions.commandDisable.none: true factions.participate: description: Allows the player to participate in a faction default: true factions.create: description: Allows the player to create a new faction default: true factions.viewAnyPower: description: Allows the player to view the power level of anyone else default: true factions.viewAnyFactionBalance: description: Allows the player to view the faction bank balance for any faction default: true factions.peacefulExplosionToggle: description: Allows peaceful faction admins and moderators to disable explosions in their territory default: true factions.adminBypass: description: Allows the player to bypass many normal restrictions, and use the bypass command default: op factions.config: description: Can use /f config command to change conf.json options default: op factions.disband: description: Can use the /f disband command to disband any faction default: op factions.lock: description: Can use the /f lock [on/off] command to temporarily lock the data files from being overwritten default: op factions.manageSafeZone: description: Allows the player to claim land as a safe zone, and to build/destroy within safe zones default: op factions.manageWarZone: description: Allows the player to claim land as a war zone, and to build/destroy within war zones default: op factions.ownershipBypass: description: Allows the player to bypass ownership restrictions within own faction's territory default: op factions.reload: description: Can use the /f reload command to reload data file(s) from disk default: op factions.saveall: description: Can use the /f saveall command to save all data to disk default: op factions.setPeaceful: description: Can designate specific factions as "peaceful" (no PvP, no land stealing, etc.) default: op factions.setPermanent: description: Can designate specific factions as permanent (not disbanded even with no members) default: op factions.commandDisable.none: description: no commands disabled (ignore all other commandDisable permissions) default: op factions.commandDisable.admin: description: admin command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.autoclaim: description: autoclaim command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.autosafe: description: autosafe command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.autowar: description: autowar command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.balance: description: balance/money command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.bypass: description: bypass command disabled default: false description: chat command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.c: description: chat command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.claim: description: claim command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.create: description: create command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.deinvite: description: deinvite command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.deinv: description: deinvite command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.deposit: description: deposit command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.desc: description: desc command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.disband: description: disband command disabled default: false description: help command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.h: description: help command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.?: description: help command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.home: description: home command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.invite: description: invite command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.inv: description: invite command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.join: description: join command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.kick: description: kick command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.leave: description: leave command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.list: description: list command disabled default: false description: list command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.lock: description: lock command disabled default: false description: map command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.mod: description: mod command disabled default: false description: balance/money command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.noboom: description: noboom command disabled default: false description: open command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.close: description: open command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.owner: description: owner command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.ownerlist: description: ownerlist command disabled default: false description: pay command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.peaceful: description: peaceful command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.permanent: description: permanent command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.power: description: power command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.pow: description: power command disabled default: false description: ally command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.enemy: description: enemy command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.neutral: description: neutral command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.reload: description: reload command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.safeclaim: description: safeclaim command disabled default: false description: safeclaim command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.safeunclaimall: description: safeunclaimall command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.safedeclaimall: description: safeunclaimall command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.saveall: description: saveall command disabled default: false description: saveall command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.sethome: description: sethome command disabled default: false description: show command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.who: description: show command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.tag: description: tag command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.title: description: title command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.unclaim: description: unclaim command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.declaim: description: unclaim command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.unclaimall: description: unclaimall command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.declaimall: description: unclaimall command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.version: description: version command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.warclaim: description: warclaim command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.war: description: warclaim command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.warunclaimall: description: warunclaimall command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.wardeclaimall: description: warunclaimall command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.withdraw: description: withdraw command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.worldnoclaim: description: worldnoclaim command disabled default: false factions.commandDisable.worldnopowerloss: description: worldnopowerloss command disabled default: false