package com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.commands; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.Conf; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.util.TextUtil; public class FCommandHelp extends FBaseCommand { public FCommandHelp() { requiredParameters = new ArrayList(); optionalParameters = new ArrayList(); optionalParameters.add("page"); permissions = ""; senderMustBePlayer = false; helpDescription = "Display a help page"; } public void perform() { int page = 1; if (parameters.size() > 0) { try { page = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get(0)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // wasn't an integer } } sendMessage(TextUtil.titleize("Factions Help ("+page+"/"+helpPages.size()+")")); page -= 1; if (page < 0 || page >= helpPages.size()) { sendMessage("This page does not exist"); return; } sendMessage(helpPages.get(page)); } //----------------------------------------------// // Build the help pages //----------------------------------------------// public static ArrayList> helpPages; static { helpPages = new ArrayList>(); ArrayList pageLines; pageLines = new ArrayList(); pageLines.add( new FCommandHelp().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandList().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandShow().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandMap().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandJoin().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandLeave().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandChat().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandCreate().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandTag().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandDescription().getUseageTemplate() ); helpPages.add(pageLines); pageLines = new ArrayList(); pageLines.add( new FCommandOpen().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandTitle().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandInvite().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandDeinvite().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandClaim().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandUnclaim().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandKick().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandMod().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandAdmin().getUseageTemplate() ); helpPages.add(pageLines); pageLines = new ArrayList(); pageLines.add( new FCommandRelationAlly().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandRelationNeutral().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add( new FCommandRelationEnemy().getUseageTemplate() ); pageLines.add(""); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Set the relation you WISH to have with another faction."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Your default relation with other factions will be neutral."); pageLines.add(""); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"If BOTH factions choose \"ally\" you will be allies."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"If ONE faction chooses \"enemy\" you will be enemies."); helpPages.add(pageLines); pageLines = new ArrayList(); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can never hurt members or allies."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can not hurt neutrals in their own territory."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can always hurt enemies and players without faction."); pageLines.add(""); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Damage from enemies is reduced in your own territory."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"When you die you lose power. It is restored over time."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"The power of a faction is the sum of all member power."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"The power of a faction determines how much land it can hold."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"You can claim land from factions with too little power."); helpPages.add(pageLines); pageLines = new ArrayList(); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Only faction members can build and destroy in their own"); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"territory. Usage of the following items is also restricted:"); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Door, Chest, Furnace and Dispenser."); pageLines.add(" "); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"Make sure to put pressure plates in front of doors for your"); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"guest visitors. Otherwise they can't get through. You can "); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"also use this to create member only areas."); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"As dispensers are protected, you can create traps without"); pageLines.add(Conf.colorSystem+"worrying about those arrows getting stolen."); helpPages.add(pageLines); pageLines = new ArrayList(); pageLines.add( new FCommandVersion().getUseageTemplate() ); helpPages.add(pageLines); } }