# FactionsUUID by drtshock # Report issues https://github.com/drtshock/Factions/issues?state=open # Live support http://webchat.esper.net/?channels=drtshock&prompt=1 # Made with love <3 # Debug # Turn this on if you are having issues with something and working on resolving them. # This will spam your console with information that is useful if you know how to read the source. # It's suggested that you only turn this on at the direction of a developer. debug: false # Prevent find factions exploit # This will help limit how many times a player can be sent a map of factions. # Set this to the cooldown you want, in miliseconds, for a map to be shown to a player. # If you want to log when a player violates this (only happens on chunk enter so it shouldn't be too spammy), # set log to true and it will be logged to console as "player tried to show a faction map too soon and triggered exploit blocker." findfactionsexploit: cooldown: 2000 # in miliseconds. 2000 = 2 seconds. log: false ### Hard Core Settings ### # Many of the features that are / are to come in this section have been requested by # people in relation to HCF servers. All settings are set to the normal Factions # behavior by default. # Default Relation allows you to change the default relation for Factions. # Example usage would be so people can't leave then make a new Faction while Raiding # in order to be able to execute commands if the default relation is neutral. # This has always been neutral. default-relation: "neutral" ### Hard Core Settings ### # Warps # What should be the max amount of warps that a Factoin can set? max-warps: 5 # This is the cost section for warps. # It will charge them each time the command would be successful. (won't charge on erroneous /f warp attempts). # You can use decimal places here. # If enabled is set to false, it will ignore the values. warp-cost: enabled: false setwarp: 5 delwarp: 5 warp: 5 # Pistons # Should we disable pistons in Faction territory? This will prevent people from doing something like: # http://i.gyazo.com/6a1a31222e58a5d60ff341c13f6a8404.gif disable-pistons-in-territory: false # ToolTips # This section is to configure tooltips for things like /f list tooltips: # List # This shows up when someone does /f list for the top factions. # It will not sure up for factionless of course, just actual factions. # You can use color codes here. list: - "&6Leader: &f{leader}" - "&6Claimed: &f{chunks}" - "&6Raidable: &f{raidable}" - "&6Warps: &f{warps}" - "&6Power: &f{power}/{maxPower}" - "&6Members: &f{online}/{members}" # Show # This shows up when someone does /f show. # It adds tooltips to each player in the list here, nothing else. # {group} will show the players primary group if you have vault installed. # {balance} will show their balance if you have vault installed. # {lastSeen} will show human readable info on when the player was last seen, or online. show: - "&6Last Seen: &f{lastSeen}" - "&6Power: &f{power}" - "&6Rank: &f{group}" - "&6Balance: &a${balance}" # Configuration section for Scoreboards # This will allow you to completely customize how your scoreboards look. # Make sure that no lines are duplicates of each other otherwise only the first will display. # Use &0-9a-f for colors and include messages in "quotes" scoreboard: # How long do we want scoreboards to stay if set temporarily. expiration: 7 # FInfo scoreboard is displayed when a player walks into a new Faction's territory. # Scoreboard disappears after seconds. # Things to be replaced in this: # {power} - faction's power. {chunks} - total claimed chunks. {members} - total members. # {online} - online members. {leader} - faction's leader. {open} - shows either true or false if open. # {raidable} - true if the faction can be claimed over, otherwise false. # {warps} - the number of warps that a faction has set. # The title of the scoreboard will be the Faction's tag and colored according to the relation with the player's Faction. # Commenting this section out will cause the info to appear in chat as the plugin originally did. finfo-enabled: false # Default to false to keep original functionality. finfo: - "&6Power" - "{power}" - "&3Members" - "{online}/{members}" - "&4Leader" - "{leader}" - "&bTerritory" - "{chunks}" # Default board that will always show up if a player wants it to. # This can show any arbitrary text or you can use a lot of variables to replace things. # Replace {name} - player's name. {faction} - player's faction title, factionless if none. # {totalOnline} - total players on the server. {balance} - player's balance. # {maxPower} - player's max power. # {powerBoost} - player's powerboost. default-enabled: false # Default to false to keep original functionality. default-title: "i love drt" # Can use any of the values from above but this won't update once it's set (so don't set {balance}). default-update-interval: 2 # in seconds. # This will show faction prefixes colored based on relation on nametags and in the tab. # The scoreboard needs to be enabled for this to work. default-prefixes: true default: - "&6Your Faction" - "{faction}" - "&3Your Power" - "{power}" - "&aBalance" - "${balance}"