package com.massivecraft.factions.util.Particle; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * com.prosavage.savagecore.particle.ReflectionUtils *
* This class provides useful methods which makes dealing with reflection much easier, especially when working with Bukkit *
* You are welcome to use it, modify it and redistribute it under the following conditions: *
* It would be nice if you provide credit to me if you use this class in a published project * * @author Araos * @version 1.1 */ public final class ReflectionUtils { // Prevent accidental construction private ReflectionUtils() { } /** * Returns the constructor of a given class with the given parameter types * * @param clazz Target class * @param parameterTypes Parameter types of the desired constructor * @return The constructor of the target class with the specified parameter types * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired constructor with the specified parameter types cannot be found * @see DataType * @see DataType#getPrimitive(Class[]) * @see DataType#compare(Class[], Class[]) */ public static Constructor> getConstructor(Class> clazz, Class>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException { Class>[] primitiveTypes = DataType.getPrimitive(parameterTypes); for (Constructor> constructor : clazz.getConstructors()) { if (!, primitiveTypes)) { continue; } return constructor; } throw new NoSuchMethodException("There is no such constructor in this class with the specified parameter types"); } /** * Returns the constructor of a desired class with the given parameter types * * @param className Name of the desired target class * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located * @param parameterTypes Parameter types of the desired constructor * @return The constructor of the desired target class with the specified parameter types * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired constructor with the specified parameter types cannot be found * @throws ClassNotFoundException ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found * @see #getConstructor(Class, Class...) */ public static Constructor> getConstructor(String className, PackageType packageType, Class>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException { return getConstructor(packageType.getClass(className), parameterTypes); } /** * Returns an instance of a class with the given arguments * * @param clazz Target class * @param arguments Arguments which are used to construct an object of the target class * @return The instance of the target class with the specified arguments * @throws InstantiationException If you cannot create an instance of the target class due to certain circumstances * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired constructor cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the constructor (this should not occur since it searches for a constructor with the types of the arguments) * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired constructor cannot be invoked * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired constructor with the specified arguments cannot be found */ public static Object instantiateObject(Class> clazz, Object... arguments) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { return getConstructor(clazz, DataType.getPrimitive(arguments)).newInstance(arguments); } /** * Returns an instance of a desired class with the given arguments * * @param className Name of the desired target class * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located * @param arguments Arguments which are used to construct an object of the desired target class * @return The instance of the desired target class with the specified arguments * @throws InstantiationException If you cannot create an instance of the desired target class due to certain circumstances * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired constructor cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the constructor (this should not occur since it searches for a constructor with the types of the arguments) * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired constructor cannot be invoked * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired constructor with the specified arguments cannot be found * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found * @see #instantiateObject(Class, Object...) */ public static Object instantiateObject(String className, PackageType packageType, Object... arguments) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException { return instantiateObject(packageType.getClass(className), arguments); } /** * Returns a method of a class with the given parameter types * * @param clazz Target class * @param methodName Name of the desired method * @param parameterTypes Parameter types of the desired method * @return The method of the target class with the specified name and parameter types * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the target class with the specified name and parameter types cannot be found * @see DataType#getPrimitive(Class[]) * @see DataType#compare(Class[], Class[]) */ public static Method getMethod(Class> clazz, String methodName, Class>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException { Class>[] primitiveTypes = DataType.getPrimitive(parameterTypes); for (Method method : clazz.getMethods()) { if (!method.getName().equals(methodName) || !, primitiveTypes)) { continue; } return method; } throw new NoSuchMethodException("There is no such method in this class with the specified name and parameter types"); } /** * Returns a method of a desired class with the given parameter types * * @param className Name of the desired target class * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located * @param methodName Name of the desired method * @param parameterTypes Parameter types of the desired method * @return The method of the desired target class with the specified name and parameter types * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the desired target class with the specified name and parameter types cannot be found * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found * @see #getMethod(Class, String, Class...) */ public static Method getMethod(String className, PackageType packageType, String methodName, Class>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException { return getMethod(packageType.getClass(className), methodName, parameterTypes); } /** * Invokes a method on an object with the given arguments * * @param instance Target object * @param methodName Name of the desired method * @param arguments Arguments which are used to invoke the desired method * @return The result of invoking the desired method on the target object * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired method cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the method (this should not occur since it searches for a method with the types of the arguments) * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired method cannot be invoked on the target object * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the class of the target object with the specified name and arguments cannot be found * @see #getMethod(Class, String, Class...) * @see DataType#getPrimitive(Object[]) */ public static Object invokeMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object... arguments) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { return getMethod(instance.getClass(), methodName, DataType.getPrimitive(arguments)).invoke(instance, arguments); } /** * Invokes a method of the target class on an object with the given arguments * * @param instance Target object * @param clazz Target class * @param methodName Name of the desired method * @param arguments Arguments which are used to invoke the desired method * @return The result of invoking the desired method on the target object * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired method cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the method (this should not occur since it searches for a method with the types of the arguments) * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired method cannot be invoked on the target object * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the target class with the specified name and arguments cannot be found * @see #getMethod(Class, String, Class...) * @see DataType#getPrimitive(Object[]) */ public static Object invokeMethod(Object instance, Class> clazz, String methodName, Object... arguments) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { return getMethod(clazz, methodName, DataType.getPrimitive(arguments)).invoke(instance, arguments); } /** * Invokes a method of a desired class on an object with the given arguments * * @param instance Target object * @param className Name of the desired target class * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located * @param methodName Name of the desired method * @param arguments Arguments which are used to invoke the desired method * @return The result of invoking the desired method on the target object * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired method cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the method (this should not occur since it searches for a method with the types of the arguments) * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired method cannot be invoked on the target object * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the desired target class with the specified name and arguments cannot be found * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found * @see #invokeMethod(Object, Class, String, Object...) */ public static Object invokeMethod(Object instance, String className, PackageType packageType, String methodName, Object... arguments) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException { return invokeMethod(instance, packageType.getClass(className), methodName, arguments); } /** * Returns a field of the target class with the given name * * @param clazz Target class * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not * @param fieldName Name of the desired field * @return The field of the target class with the specified name * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the given class cannot be found * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible */ public static Field getField(Class> clazz, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException { Field field = declared ? clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName) : clazz.getField(fieldName); field.setAccessible(true); return field; } /** * Returns a field of a desired class with the given name * * @param className Name of the desired target class * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not * @param fieldName Name of the desired field * @return The field of the desired target class with the specified name * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the desired class cannot be found * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found * @see #getField(Class, boolean, String) */ public static Field getField(String className, PackageType packageType, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException { return getField(packageType.getClass(className), declared, fieldName); } /** * Returns the value of a field of the given class of an object * * @param instance Target object * @param clazz Target class * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not * @param fieldName Name of the desired field * @return The value of field of the target object * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the target object does not feature the desired field * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the target class cannot be found * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible * @see #getField(Class, boolean, String) */ public static Object getValue(Object instance, Class> clazz, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException { return getField(clazz, declared, fieldName).get(instance); } /** * Returns the value of a field of a desired class of an object * * @param instance Target object * @param className Name of the desired target class * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not * @param fieldName Name of the desired field * @return The value of field of the target object * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the target object does not feature the desired field * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the desired class cannot be found * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found * @see #getValue(Object, Class, boolean, String) */ public static Object getValue(Object instance, String className, PackageType packageType, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException { return getValue(instance, packageType.getClass(className), declared, fieldName); } /** * Returns the value of a field with the given name of an object * * @param instance Target object * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not * @param fieldName Name of the desired field * @return The value of field of the target object * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the target object does not feature the desired field (should not occur since it searches for a field with the given name in the class of the object) * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the target object cannot be found * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible * @see #getValue(Object, Class, boolean, String) */ public static Object getValue(Object instance, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException { return getValue(instance, instance.getClass(), declared, fieldName); } /** * Sets the value of a field of the given class of an object * * @param instance Target object * @param clazz Target class * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not * @param fieldName Name of the desired field * @param value New value * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the type of the value does not match the type of the desired field * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the target class cannot be found * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible * @see #getField(Class, boolean, String) */ public static void setValue(Object instance, Class> clazz, boolean declared, String fieldName, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException { getField(clazz, declared, fieldName).set(instance, value); } /** * Sets the value of a field of a desired class of an object * * @param instance Target object * @param className Name of the desired target class * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not * @param fieldName Name of the desired field * @param value New value * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the type of the value does not match the type of the desired field * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the desired class cannot be found * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found * @see #setValue(Object, Class, boolean, String, Object) */ public static void setValue(Object instance, String className, PackageType packageType, boolean declared, String fieldName, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException { setValue(instance, packageType.getClass(className), declared, fieldName, value); } /** * Sets the value of a field with the given name of an object * * @param instance Target object * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not * @param fieldName Name of the desired field * @param value New value * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the type of the value does not match the type of the desired field * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the target object cannot be found * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible * @see #setValue(Object, Class, boolean, String, Object) */ public static void setValue(Object instance, boolean declared, String fieldName, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException { setValue(instance, instance.getClass(), declared, fieldName, value); } /** * Represents an enumeration of dynamic packages of NMS and CraftBukkit *
* This class is part of the com.prosavage.savagecore.particle.ReflectionUtils and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.0 */ public enum PackageType { MINECRAFT_SERVER("net.minecraft.server." + getServerVersion()), CRAFTBUKKIT("org.bukkit.craftbukkit." + getServerVersion()), CRAFTBUKKIT_BLOCK(CRAFTBUKKIT, "block"), CRAFTBUKKIT_CHUNKIO(CRAFTBUKKIT, "chunkio"), CRAFTBUKKIT_COMMAND(CRAFTBUKKIT, "command"), CRAFTBUKKIT_CONVERSATIONS(CRAFTBUKKIT, "conversations"), CRAFTBUKKIT_ENCHANTMENS(CRAFTBUKKIT, "enchantments"), CRAFTBUKKIT_ENTITY(CRAFTBUKKIT, "entity"), CRAFTBUKKIT_EVENT(CRAFTBUKKIT, "event"), CRAFTBUKKIT_GENERATOR(CRAFTBUKKIT, "generator"), CRAFTBUKKIT_HELP(CRAFTBUKKIT, "help"), CRAFTBUKKIT_INVENTORY(CRAFTBUKKIT, "inventory"), CRAFTBUKKIT_MAP(CRAFTBUKKIT, "map"), CRAFTBUKKIT_METADATA(CRAFTBUKKIT, "metadata"), CRAFTBUKKIT_POTION(CRAFTBUKKIT, "potion"), CRAFTBUKKIT_PROJECTILES(CRAFTBUKKIT, "projectiles"), CRAFTBUKKIT_SCHEDULER(CRAFTBUKKIT, "scheduler"), CRAFTBUKKIT_SCOREBOARD(CRAFTBUKKIT, "scoreboard"), CRAFTBUKKIT_UPDATER(CRAFTBUKKIT, "updater"), CRAFTBUKKIT_UTIL(CRAFTBUKKIT, "util"); private final String path; /** * Construct a new package type * * @param path Path of the package */ private PackageType(String path) { this.path = path; } /** * Construct a new package type * * @param parent Parent package of the package * @param path Path of the package */ private PackageType(PackageType parent, String path) { this(parent + "." + path); } /** * Returns the version of your server * * @return The server version */ public static String getServerVersion() { return Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().substring(23); } /** * Returns the path of this package type * * @return The path */ public String getPath() { return path; } /** * Returns the class with the given name * * @param className Name of the desired class * @return The class with the specified name * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired class with the specified name and package cannot be found */ public Class> getClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { return Class.forName(this + "." + className); } // Override for convenience @Override public String toString() { return path; } } /** * Represents an enumeration of Java data types with corresponding classes *
* This class is part of the com.prosavage.savagecore.particle.ReflectionUtils and follows the same usage conditions
* @author DarkBlade12
* @since 1.0
public enum DataType {
BYTE(byte.class, Byte.class),
SHORT(short.class, Short.class),
INTEGER(int.class, Integer.class),
LONG(long.class, Long.class),
CHARACTER(char.class, Character.class),
FLOAT(float.class, Float.class),
DOUBLE(double.class, Double.class),
BOOLEAN(boolean.class, Boolean.class);
private static final Map