package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd; import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer; import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission; import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TL; public class CmdModifyPower extends FCommand { public CmdModifyPower() { super(); this.aliases.add("pm"); this.aliases.add("mp"); this.aliases.add("modifypower"); this.aliases.add("modpower"); this.requiredArgs.add("name"); this.requiredArgs.add("power"); this.permission = Permission.MODIFY_POWER.node; // admin only perm. // Let's not require anything and let console modify this as well. this.senderMustBeAdmin = false; this.senderMustBePlayer = false; this.senderMustBeMember = false; this.senderMustBeModerator = false; } @Override public void perform() { // /f modify # FPlayer player = argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0); Double number = argAsDouble(1); // returns null if not a Double. if (player == null || number == null) { sender.sendMessage(getHelpShort()); return; } player.alterPower(number); int newPower = player.getPowerRounded(); // int so we don't have super long doubles. msg(TL.COMMAND_MODIFYPOWER_ADDED, number, player.getName(), newPower); } @Override public TL getUsageTranslation() { return TL.COMMAND_MODIFYPOWER_DESCRIPTION; } }