package com.massivecraft.factions.commands; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf; import com.massivecraft.factions.Econ; import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer; import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction; import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions; import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role; import com.massivecraft.factions.util.TextUtil; public class FBaseCommand { public List aliases; public List requiredParameters; public List optionalParameters; public String helpNameAndParams; public String helpDescription; public CommandSender sender; public boolean senderMustBePlayer; public Player player; public FPlayer me; public List parameters; private static boolean lock = false; public FBaseCommand() { aliases = new ArrayList(); requiredParameters = new ArrayList(); optionalParameters = new ArrayList(); senderMustBePlayer = true; helpNameAndParams = "fail!"; helpDescription = "no description"; } public List getAliases() { return aliases; } public void execute(CommandSender sender, List parameters) { this.sender = sender; this.parameters = parameters; if ( ! validateCall()) { return; } if (sender instanceof Player) { this.player = (Player)sender; = FPlayer.get(this.player); } perform(); } public void perform() { } public void sendMessage(String message) { sender.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+message); } public void sendMessage(List messages) { for(String message : messages) { this.sendMessage(message); } } public boolean validateCall() { if ( this.senderMustBePlayer && ! (sender instanceof Player)) { sendMessage("This command can only be used by ingame players."); return false; } if( ! hasPermission(sender)) { sendMessage("You lack the permissions to "+this.helpDescription.toLowerCase()+"."); return false; } // make sure player doesn't have their access to the command revoked Iterator iter = aliases.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if (Factions.isCommandDisabled(sender, { sendMessage("You lack the permissions to "+this.helpDescription.toLowerCase()+"."); return false; } } if (parameters.size() < requiredParameters.size()) { sendMessage("Usage: "+this.getUseageTemplate(false)); return false; } return true; } public boolean hasPermission(CommandSender sender) { return Factions.hasPermParticipate(sender); } // -------------------------------------------- // // Help and usage description // -------------------------------------------- // public String getUseageTemplate(boolean withDescription) { String ret = ""; ret += Conf.colorCommand; ret += Factions.instance.getBaseCommand()+ " " +TextUtil.implode(this.getAliases(), ",")+" "; List parts = new ArrayList(); for (String requiredParameter : this.requiredParameters) { parts.add("["+requiredParameter+"]"); } for (String optionalParameter : this.optionalParameters) { parts.add("*["+optionalParameter+"]"); } ret += Conf.colorParameter; ret += TextUtil.implode(parts, " "); if (withDescription) { ret += " "+Conf.colorSystem + this.helpDescription; } return ret; } public String getUseageTemplate() { return getUseageTemplate(true); } // -------------------------------------------- // // Assertions // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean assertHasFaction() { if ( ! me.hasFaction()) { sendMessage("You are not member of any faction."); return false; } return true; } public boolean assertMinRole(Role role) { if (me.getRole().value < role.value) { sendMessage("You must be "+role+" to "+this.helpDescription+"."); return false; } return true; } // -------------------------------------------- // // Commonly used logic // -------------------------------------------- // public FPlayer findFPlayer(String playerName, boolean defaultToMe) { FPlayer fp = FPlayer.find(playerName); if (fp == null) { if (defaultToMe) { return me; } sendMessage("The player \""+playerName+"\" could not be found"); } return fp; } public FPlayer findFPlayer(String playerName) { return findFPlayer(playerName, false); } public Faction findFaction(String factionName, boolean defaultToMine) { // First we search faction names Faction faction = Faction.findByTag(factionName); if (faction != null) { return faction; } // Next we search player names FPlayer fp = FPlayer.find(factionName); if (fp != null) { return fp.getFaction(); } if (defaultToMine && sender instanceof Player) { return me.getFaction(); } sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"No faction or player \""+factionName+"\" was found"); return null; } public Faction findFaction(String factionName) { return findFaction(factionName, false); } public boolean canIAdministerYou(FPlayer i, FPlayer you) { if ( ! i.getFaction().equals(you.getFaction())) { i.sendMessage(you.getNameAndRelevant(i)+Conf.colorSystem+" is not in the same faction as you."); return false; } if (i.getRole().value > you.getRole().value || i.getRole().equals(Role.ADMIN) ) { return true; } if (you.getRole().equals(Role.ADMIN)) { i.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Only the faction admin can do that."); } else if (i.getRole().equals(Role.MODERATOR)) { if ( i == you ) { return true; //Moderators can control themselves } else { i.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"Moderators can't control each other..."); } } else { i.sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem+"You must be a faction moderator to do that."); } return false; } // if economy is enabled and they're not on the bypass list, make 'em pay; returns true unless person can't afford the cost public boolean payForCommand(double cost) { if (!Econ.enabled() || == null || cost == 0.0 || Conf.adminBypassPlayers.contains(me.getName())) { return true; } String desc = this.helpDescription.toLowerCase(); // pay up if (cost > 0.0) { String costString = Econ.moneyString(cost); if (!Econ.deductMoney(me.getName(), cost)) { sendMessage("It costs "+costString+" to "+desc+", which you can't currently afford."); return false; } sendMessage("You have paid "+costString+" to "+desc+"."); } // wait... we pay you to use this command? else { String costString = Econ.moneyString(-cost); Econ.addMoney(me.getName(), -cost); sendMessage("You have been paid "+costString+" to "+desc+"."); } return true; } public static final List aliasTrue = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("true", "yes", "y", "ok", "on", "+")); public static final List aliasFalse = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("false", "no", "n", "off", "-")); public boolean parseBool(String str) { return aliasTrue.contains(str.toLowerCase()); } public void setLock(boolean newLock) { if( newLock ) { sendMessage("Factions is now locked"); } else { sendMessage("Factions in now unlocked"); } lock = newLock; } public boolean isLocked() { return lock; } public void sendLockMessage() { me.sendMessage("Factions is locked. Please try again later"); } }