package com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.listeners; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.entity.*; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerListener; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.Commands; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.Factions; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.entities.*; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.util.TextUtil; import com.bukkit.mcteam.factions.util.Log; public class FactionsPlayerListener extends PlayerListener{ public Factions plugin; public FactionsPlayerListener(Factions plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } /** * If someone says something that starts with the factions base command * we handle that command. */ @Override public void onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerChatEvent event) { Player player = event.getPlayer(); String msg = event.getMessage(); if (handleCommandOrChat(player, msg)) { event.setCancelled(true); } } @Override public void onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent event) { if (event.isCancelled()) { return; // Some other plugin ate this... } Player talkingPlayer = event.getPlayer(); String msg = event.getMessage(); // Is this a faction command?... if ( handleCommandOrChat(talkingPlayer, msg) ) { // ... Yes it was! We should choke the chat message. event.setCancelled(true); return; } // ... it was not a command. This means that it is a chat message! Follower me = Follower.get(talkingPlayer); // Is it a faction chat message? if (me.isFactionChatting()) { String message = String.format(Conf.factionChatFormat, me.getNameAndRelevant(me), msg); me.getFaction().sendMessage(message, false); Logger.getLogger("Minecraft").info("FactionChat "+me.getFaction().getTag()+": "+message); event.setCancelled(true); return; } // Are we to insert the Faction tag into the format? // If we are not to insert it - we are done. if ( ! Conf.chatTagEnabled) { return; } String formatStart = event.getFormat().substring(0, Conf.chatTagInsertIndex); String formatEnd = event.getFormat().substring(Conf.chatTagInsertIndex); String nonColoredMsgFormat = formatStart + me.getChatTag() + formatEnd; // Relation Colored? if (Conf.chatTagRelationColored) { // We must choke the standard message and send out individual messages to all players // Why? Because the relations will differ. event.setCancelled(true); for (Player listeningPlayer : Factions.factions.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { Follower you = Follower.get(listeningPlayer); String yourFormat = formatStart + me.getChatTag(you) + formatEnd; listeningPlayer.sendMessage(String.format(yourFormat, talkingPlayer.getDisplayName(), msg)); } // Write to the log... We will write the non colored message. String nonColoredMsg = String.format(nonColoredMsgFormat, talkingPlayer.getDisplayName(), msg); Logger.getLogger("Minecraft").info(nonColoredMsg); } else { // No relation color. event.setFormat(nonColoredMsgFormat); } } public boolean handleCommandOrChat(Player player, String msg) { ArrayList tokens = TextUtil.split(msg.trim()); if (Conf.aliasBase.contains(tokens.get(0))) { tokens.remove(0); Follower follower = Follower.get(player); Commands.base(follower, tokens); return true; } return false; } @Override public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerEvent event) { //Follower.get(event.getPlayer()).sendJoinInfo(); } @Override public void onPlayerQuit(PlayerEvent event) { Follower follower = Follower.get(event.getPlayer()); Log.debug("Saved follower on player quit: "+follower.getName());; // We save the followers on logout in order to save their non autosaved state like power. } @Override public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) { Follower me = Follower.get(event.getPlayer()); // Did we change coord? Coord coordFrom = me.lastStoodInCoord; Coord coordTo = Coord.from(event.getTo()); if (coordFrom.equals(coordTo)) { return; } // Yes we did change coord (: me.lastStoodInCoord = coordTo; Board board = Board.get(event.getPlayer().getWorld()); if (me.isMapAutoUpdating()) { me.sendMessage(board.getMap(me.getFaction(), Coord.from(me), me.getPlayer().getLocation().getYaw()), false); } else { // Did we change "host"(faction)? Faction factionFrom = board.getFactionAt(coordFrom); Faction factionTo = board.getFactionAt(coordTo); if ( factionFrom != factionTo) { me.sendFactionHereMessage(); } } } }