package com.massivecraft.factions.struct; import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf; import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TL; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; public enum Relation { MEMBER(3, "member"), ALLY(2, "ally"), NEUTRAL(1, "neutral"), ENEMY(0, "enemy"); public final int value; public final String nicename; private Relation(final int value, final String nicename) { this.value = value; this.nicename = nicename; } @Override public String toString() { return this.nicename; } public String getTranslation(){ for(TL t:TL.values()){ if("RELATION_" + name())) return t.toString(); } return toString(); } public boolean isMember() { return this == MEMBER; } public boolean isAlly() { return this == ALLY; } public boolean isNeutral() { return this == NEUTRAL; } public boolean isEnemy() { return this == ENEMY; } public boolean isAtLeast(Relation relation) { return this.value >= relation.value; } public boolean isAtMost(Relation relation) { return this.value <= relation.value; } public ChatColor getColor() { if (this == MEMBER) { return Conf.colorMember; } else if (this == ALLY) { return Conf.colorAlly; } else if (this == NEUTRAL) { return Conf.colorNeutral; } else { return Conf.colorEnemy; } } // return appropriate Conf setting for DenyBuild based on this relation and their online status public boolean confDenyBuild(boolean online) { if (isMember()) { return false; } if (online) { if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuild; } else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuild; } else { return Conf.territoryDenyBuild; } } else { if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline; } else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline; } else { return Conf.territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline; } } } // return appropriate Conf setting for PainBuild based on this relation and their online status public boolean confPainBuild(boolean online) { if (isMember()) { return false; } if (online) { if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuild; } else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuild; } else { return Conf.territoryPainBuild; } } else { if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline; } else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline; } else { return Conf.territoryPainBuildWhenOffline; } } } // return appropriate Conf setting for DenyUseage based on this relation public boolean confDenyUseage() { if (isMember()) { return false; } else if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyUseage; } else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyDenyUseage; } else { return Conf.territoryDenyUseage; } } public double getRelationCost() { if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.econCostEnemy; } else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.econCostAlly; } else { return Conf.econCostNeutral; } } }