package com.massivecraft.factions; /* * Copyright 2018 (c) Massive Statistics LLC - All Rights Reserved * This file may only be used in conjunction with the 'MassiveStats' service. */ import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent; import; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; /** * MassiveStats collects plugin and server information for plugin authors. * You can learn more at our website: * * @author Sam Jakob Harker, Brianna Hazel O'Keefe * @version 3.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("all") public class MassiveStats implements Listener { /* START: MASSIVESTATS SETTINGS */ public static final int CLIENT_VERSION = 0; // v3.0 public static final String API_URL = ""; public static final String MASSIVE_UPDATE_PERMISSION = "massivestats.update"; /* END: MASSIVESTATS SETTINGS */ private final JavaPlugin plugin; private MassiveStatsUpdateTask task = null; private int pingInterval; private MassiveStatsDataResponse lastResponse; private boolean listenerDisabled; private Class jsonElement; private Class jsonParser; private Class jsonObject; private Class jsonPrimitive; /** * @param plugin The plugin you wish to collect data for. * @author Sam Jakob Harker */ public MassiveStats(JavaPlugin plugin) { this(plugin, 900); // default value: 900 seconds (= 15 minutes) } /** * @param plugin The plugin you wish to collect data for. * @param pingInterval Duration between requests. * @author Sam Jakob Harker */ public MassiveStats(JavaPlugin plugin, int pingInterval) { try { jsonElement = Class.forName(""); jsonParser = Class.forName(""); jsonObject = Class.forName(""); jsonPrimitive = Class.forName(""); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { // Gson not included in classpath (so use NMS version) try { jsonElement = Class.forName(""); jsonParser = Class.forName(""); jsonObject = Class.forName(""); jsonPrimitive = Class.forName(""); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) { Bukkit.getLogger().severe("MassiveStats could not find an instance/version of Gson to use."); this.plugin = null; return; } } // Ensure the pingInterval that is set is reasonable. if (pingInterval < 10 || pingInterval > 86400) { pingInterval = 900; } // Ensure that a plugin instance has been provided. if (plugin == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must provide a plugin for MassiveStats to collect data for!"); } // Set the ping interval. this.pingInterval = pingInterval; // Set the plugin reference. this.plugin = plugin; // and start sending data to the MassiveStats server immediately. start(); // Register join/leave events for the plugin Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, plugin); } /** * Gets whether or not the built-in MassiveStats {@link org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent} listener is enabled. * * @return Whether or not the MassiveStats listener is enabled. */ public boolean isListenerDisabled() { return listenerDisabled; } /** * Sets whether or not the built-in MassiveStats {@link org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent} listener is enabled. * * @param listenerDisabled Whether or not the MassiveStats listener is enabled. */ public void setListenerDisabled(boolean listenerDisabled) { this.listenerDisabled = listenerDisabled; } /** * Start the MassiveStats reporting timer. * If the timer is already running, this method will do nothing. * * @author Sam Jakob Harker */ public void start() { if (this.plugin == null) { Bukkit.getLogger().severe("MassiveStats could not find an instance/version of Gson to use and thus cannot start."); return; } if (task == null) { // If the API endpoint URL is invalid, don't start a new task to prevent the user from being spammed. try { new URL(MassiveStats.API_URL); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { getPlugin() .getLogger().warning("You have specified an invalid API endpoint for MassiveStats."); return; } task = new MassiveStatsUpdateTask(this); task.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(plugin, 0L, pingInterval * 20L); } } /** * Stop the MassiveStats reporting timer. * Requests will no longer be sent to the server - or until {@link #start()} is invoked. * * @author Sam Jakob Harker */ public void stop() { if (task == null) { return; } task.cancel(); task = null; } /** * Returns the duration, in seconds, that MassiveStats will wait before sending another request to the server. * * @return Duration between requests. * @author Sam Jakob Harker */ public int getPingInterval() { return pingInterval; } /** * Sets the duration, in seconds, that MassiveStats should wait before sending another request to the server. * * @param pingInterval Duration between requests. * @author Sam Jakob Harker */ public void setPingInterval(int pingInterval) { this.pingInterval = pingInterval; stop(); start(); } /** * Returns the plugin that this MassiveStats instance is collecting data for. * * @return MassiveStats instance plugin. * @author Sam Jakob Harker */ public JavaPlugin getPlugin() { return plugin; } /** * Returns the contents of the last response from the MassiveStats server. * * @return MassiveStats server response. * @author Sam Jakob Harker */ public MassiveStatsDataResponse getLastResponse() { return lastResponse; } void setLastResponse(MassiveStatsDataResponse lastResponse) { this.lastResponse = lastResponse; } @EventHandler public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) { // Ensure the listener should be active if (lastResponse == null || listenerDisabled) { return; } // Of course, only notify the user if the plugin is not up to date. if (lastResponse.isUpToDate()) { return; } // and only notify operators - or players with the correct permission. if (!event.getPlayer().isOp() && !event.getPlayer().hasPermission(MassiveStats.MASSIVE_UPDATE_PERMISSION)) { return; } event.getPlayer().sendMessage(lastResponse.getUpdateMessage()); } Class getJsonElement() { return jsonElement; } Class getJsonParser() { return jsonParser; } Class getJsonObject() { return jsonObject; } Class getJsonPrimitive() { return jsonPrimitive; } } class MassiveStatsUpdateTask extends BukkitRunnable { private final MassiveStats instance; MassiveStatsUpdateTask(MassiveStats requester) { instance = requester; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("all") public void run() { try { // Generate the request payload and serialize it as JSON. String payload = new MassiveStatsDataRequest(instance).serialize(); // Then create a new HttpsUrlConnection to the API server and open it. HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(MassiveStats.API_URL).openConnection(); // Ensure that we don't hang the server with our 'dang shenanigans'. connection.setConnectTimeout(2500); connection.setReadTimeout(3500); // Set the all-important request headers before we begin POSTing... connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Massive/" + MassiveStats.CLIENT_VERSION); // Open the output stream, write the payload, and then close the stream. connection.setDoOutput(true); DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); output.writeBytes(payload); output.flush(); output.close(); // Ensure that the server was happy with our data. int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != 200) { throw new IOException(); } // Now, read the server's response to our payload... BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); // ...line by line. String line; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { response.append(line); } input.close(); // Now, we parse the JSON object. try { if (response.toString().contains("ERR_DATA_MISSING")) { Bukkit.getLogger().severe("MassiveStats has encountered an error for the following plugin: " + instance.getPlugin().getName()); instance.stop(); return; } Object parser = instance.getJsonParser().newInstance(); // JsonElement Object serverResponseRaw = parser.getClass().getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(parser, response.toString()); // JsonObject Object serverResponse = serverResponseRaw.getClass().getMethod("getAsJsonObject", null) .invoke(serverResponseRaw, null); Method serverResponseGet = instance.getJsonObject().getMethod("get", String.class); Method getAsBoolean = instance.getJsonPrimitive().getMethod("getAsBoolean", null); Method getAsString = instance.getJsonPrimitive().getMethod("getAsString", null); if (serverResponseGet.invoke(serverResponse, "upToDate") == null) { Bukkit.getLogger().severe("MassiveStats has encountered an error for the following plugin: " + instance.getPlugin().getName()); instance.stop(); return; } if (serverResponseGet.invoke(serverResponse, "notice") != null) { Bukkit.getLogger().severe( (String) getAsString.invoke(serverResponseGet.invoke(serverResponse, "notice")) ); instance.stop(); return; } boolean upToDate = (boolean) getAsBoolean.invoke(serverResponseGet.invoke(serverResponse, "upToDate"), null); String latestVersion = (String) getAsString.invoke(serverResponseGet.invoke(serverResponse, "latestVersion"), null); String updateMessage = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes( '&', (String) getAsString.invoke(serverResponseGet.invoke(serverResponse, "updateMessage"), null) ); instance.setLastResponse(new MassiveStatsDataResponse( upToDate, latestVersion, updateMessage )); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e) { instance.getPlugin() .getLogger().warning("MassiveStats returned an invalid response for this plugin."); } // Finally, call an event to mark the update. } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { instance.getPlugin() .getLogger().warning("You have specified an invalid API endpoint for MassiveStats."); } catch (IOException ex) { instance.getPlugin() .getLogger().warning("MassiveStats was unable to communicate with its API endpoint."); } } } class MassiveStatsDataRequest { private Object jsonObject; MassiveStatsDataRequest(MassiveStats requester) { try { jsonObject = requester.getJsonObject().newInstance(); Method add = requester.getJsonObject().newInstance().getClass().getMethod("add", String.class, requester.getJsonElement()); Method addPropertyString = requester.getJsonObject().newInstance().getClass().getMethod("addProperty", String.class, String.class); Method addPropertyNumber = requester.getJsonObject().newInstance().getClass().getMethod("addProperty", String.class, Number.class); Method addPropertyBoolean = requester.getJsonObject().newInstance().getClass().getMethod("addProperty", String.class, Boolean.class); addPropertyNumber.invoke(jsonObject, "now", System.currentTimeMillis()); /* PLUGIN DATA */ Object pluginObject = jsonObject.getClass().newInstance(); addPropertyString.invoke(pluginObject, "name", requester.getPlugin().getDescription().getName()); addPropertyString.invoke(pluginObject, "version", requester.getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion()); add.invoke(jsonObject, "plugin", pluginObject); /* SERVER DATA */ Object minecraftServerObject = jsonObject.getClass().newInstance(); addPropertyNumber.invoke(minecraftServerObject, "players", Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers().size()); addPropertyBoolean.invoke(minecraftServerObject, "onlineMode", Bukkit.getServer().getOnlineMode()); addPropertyString.invoke(minecraftServerObject, "version", Bukkit.getServer().getVersion()); Object javaServerObject = jsonObject.getClass().newInstance(); addPropertyString.invoke(javaServerObject, "version", System.getProperty("java.version")); Object osServerObject = jsonObject.getClass().newInstance(); addPropertyString.invoke(osServerObject, "name", System.getProperty("")); addPropertyString.invoke(osServerObject, "arch", System.getProperty("os.arch")); addPropertyString.invoke(osServerObject, "version", System.getProperty("os.version")); Object hardwareServerObject = jsonObject.getClass().newInstance(); addPropertyNumber.invoke(hardwareServerObject, "cores", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); Object serverObject = jsonObject.getClass().newInstance(); add.invoke(serverObject, "minecraft", minecraftServerObject); add.invoke(serverObject, "java", javaServerObject); add.invoke(serverObject, "os", osServerObject); add.invoke(serverObject, "hardware", hardwareServerObject); add.invoke(jsonObject, "server", serverObject); /* MASSIVE DATA */ Object massiveObject = jsonObject.getClass().newInstance(); addPropertyNumber.invoke(massiveObject, "version", MassiveStats.CLIENT_VERSION); addPropertyNumber.invoke(massiveObject, "pingInterval", requester.getPingInterval()); //object.add("Massive", massiveObject); add.invoke(jsonObject, "Massive", massiveObject); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("all") public String serialize() { //return object.toString(); try { Method toString = jsonObject.getClass().getMethod("toString", null); return (String) toString.invoke(jsonObject); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") final class MassiveStatsDataResponse { private final boolean isUpToDate; private final String newVersion; private final String updateMessage; MassiveStatsDataResponse(boolean isUpToDate, String newVersion, String updateMessage) { this.isUpToDate = isUpToDate; if (!isUpToDate) { this.newVersion = newVersion; this.updateMessage = updateMessage; return; } this.newVersion = null; this.updateMessage = null; } /** * Indicates whether or not this version of the plugin is the latest. * True = This is the latest version of the plugin. * False = There is an update available. * * @return Whether or not there is an update available. */ public boolean isUpToDate() { return isUpToDate; } /** * Gets the name of the latest version. If this is the latest version, it returns null. * * @return The name of the latest version. */ public String getLatestVersion() { return newVersion; } /** * Gets the message to display, convincing the user to update to the new version of the plugin. * * @return The update message to display. */ public String getUpdateMessage() { return updateMessage; } }