/f tntfill wont spam chat anymore,
I changed the tntfill_success option, so you're gonna wanna delete that to rengerate it. If you havent edited the lang.yml just delete it and restart
/f stuck wont tp players outside the border anymore.
Nametags & Tab has placeholderapi support added
use {relationcolor} and {faction} for relational color and faction ( These were already built in )
They can be edited in the lang.yml the option is default_prefix.
/f perms now has tntfill, tntbank, and vault permission options
/f coords - displays your coords and current world to your faction
/f showclaims - Lists all your claims in every world
/f lowpower - lists players with power under max
/f tntfill <radius> <amount> - fills tnt in a radius and amount, hooks into /f tntbank if you're a mod or higher.
Some of these commands require permissions please see the permissions page here
/f coords - displays your coords and current world to your faction
/f showclaims - Lists all your claims in every world
/f lowpower - lists players with power under max
/f tntfill <radius> <amount> - fills tnt in a radius and amount, hooks into /f tntbank if you're a mod or higher.
Some of these commands require permissions please see the permissions page here
Made the particles in /f fly more cloud like
Changed wilderness color to Darkgreen
Added a factionless check to inspect, so itll now disable the when you try to check with no faction.
Inspect will disable upon entering combat
You cannot claim outside the worldborder anymore, the chunkbuffer is taken into account.
Particles WILL NOT appear in /vanish and in spectator mode
configurable enemy check radius for fly, option added in conf.json
Added a system faction check to neutral
Added a enderpearl disable while flying option to conf.json
Added my own repository to maven along with coreprotect for shading.
--Factions Inspect Added--
Ability to remove items from main menu in perms for choosing roles/relations by setting the slot to -1
Changed placeholder identifier back because hooks in many plugins broke :(
Removed debug message from warzone fly.
Changed public modifiers on relation back, as they broke the method signature.
Tweaked fly disabler, hitting mobs wont disable it.
Fly bypass permisssions logic redone
issues with safezone fly and warzone fly fixed
Fixed click to claim in f map
Changed tooltips ot one line in map because of heavy load in areas with lots of claims
option to disable banners
Kicking throwing error cause of typo in lang file.
Tnt Bank limit added.
Fixed tnt message
New message for fly disable to show cooldown
Started on remaking lang file
fly will not disable when an ally, truce, or faction member hits you.
Role prefix value added to placeholderapli class
changed identifier for placeholderapi
Made 1.7 detection
Placing blocks wont throw errors anymore in 1.7.
fixed this error (https://pastebin.com/4gtiQPYX)
fixed damage bug (https://pastebin.com/56JHiPYt)
fixed (https://prnt.sc/iy4l7q) (( I think I did, I could not replicate it ))
Added methods to check if players can fly in claim types e.g.
"if (fplayer.canflyinsafezone()){
//do stuff
Autofly now enables if you have bypass permissions.
Fixed faction members, truces, and allies being able to hit each other and disable fly
Fixed Autofly's enable message spamming multiple times if fly is already on.
Fixed Checkpoint cooldown
Made it so you have to buy vaults from /f getvault, and buy banners from /f banner
Particle based seechunk that works when moving between chunks
Particle support for 1.7-1.12
Made fly particles mode subtle
This option is set to true by default in the config.yml for new users, users that are updating need to add delete-ess-homes: true to their config.yml to get this new option enabled.
Allows users to pick which, if any, or all, ways of sending faction enter messages from: scoreboard, chat, and titles.
Adds new config.yml options and lang messages.