Edited some translation messages.

This commit is contained in:
Stefan923 2020-05-09 16:22:16 +03:00 committed by BrowkS
parent 447bfedbb1
commit f5f8e6aad2

@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_ADMIN_TARGETSELF("'&c&l[!] &cThe target player musn''t be yourself."), COMMAND_ADMIN_TARGETSELF("'&c&l[!] &cThe target player musn''t be yourself."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DEMOTES("&c&l[!] &cYou have demoted &7%1$s &cfrom the position of faction admin."), COMMAND_ADMIN_DEMOTES("&c&l[!] &cYou have demoted &7%1$s &cfrom the position of faction admin."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DEMOTED("&c&l[!] &cYou have been demoted from the position of faction admin by &7%1$s&c"), COMMAND_ADMIN_DEMOTED("&c&l[!] &cYou have been demoted from the position of faction admin by &7%1$s&c"),
COMMAND_ADMIN_PROMOTES("&e&l[!] &eYou have promoted &6%1$s &eto the position of faction admin."), COMMAND_ADMIN_PROMOTES("&c&l[!] &7You have promoted &c%1$s &7to the position of faction admin."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_PROMOTED("&e&l[!] &6%1$s &egave &6%2$s &ethe leadership of &6%3$s&e."), COMMAND_ADMIN_PROMOTED("&c&l[!] &c%1$s &7gave &c%2$s &7the leadership of &c%3$s&7."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DESCRIPTION("Hand over your admin rights"), COMMAND_ADMIN_DESCRIPTION("Hand over your admin rights"),
COMMAND_ADMIN_NOMEMBERS("&e&l[!] &cNo one else to promote, please disband faction."), COMMAND_ADMIN_NOMEMBERS("&e&l[!] &cNo one else to promote, please disband faction."),
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_CREATE_TOCREATE("to create a new faction"), COMMAND_CREATE_TOCREATE("to create a new faction"),
COMMAND_CREATE_FORCREATE("for creating a new faction"), COMMAND_CREATE_FORCREATE("for creating a new faction"),
COMMAND_CREATE_ERROR("&c&l[!]&7 There was an &cinternal error&7 while trying to create your faction. &cPlease try again&7."), COMMAND_CREATE_ERROR("&c&l[!]&7 There was an &cinternal error&7 while trying to create your faction. &cPlease try again&7."),
COMMAND_CREATE_CREATED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7created a new faction &c&l%2$s"), COMMAND_CREATE_CREATED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7created a new faction named &c&l%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_CREATE_YOUSHOULD("&c&l[!]&7 You should now: &c%1$s"), COMMAND_CREATE_YOUSHOULD("&c&l[!]&7 You should now: &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_CREATE_CREATEDLOG(" created a new faction: "), COMMAND_CREATE_CREATEDLOG(" created a new faction: "),
COMMAND_CREATE_DESCRIPTION("Create a new faction"), COMMAND_CREATE_DESCRIPTION("Create a new faction"),
@ -395,20 +395,20 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_DISBAND_MARKEDPERMANENT("&c&l[!]&7 This faction is designated as&c permanent&7, so you cannot disband it."), COMMAND_DISBAND_MARKEDPERMANENT("&c&l[!]&7 This faction is designated as&c permanent&7, so you cannot disband it."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_YOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 disbanded your &cfaction."), COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_YOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 disbanded your &cfaction."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_GENERIC("&c&l[!]&7 The Faction &c%1$s&7 was disbanded."), COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_GENERIC("&c&l[!]&7 The Faction &c%1$s&7 was disbanded."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_NOTYOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7disbanded the faction &c%2$s."), COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_NOTYOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7disbanded the faction &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_HOLDINGS("&c&l[!]&7 &7You have been given the disbanded &cfaction's bank&7, totaling &c%1$s."), COMMAND_DISBAND_HOLDINGS("&c&l[!]&7 &7You have been given the disbanded &cfaction's bank&7, totaling &c%1$s."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_PLAYER("&c&l[!] &7You have disbanded your &cfaction"), COMMAND_DISBAND_PLAYER("&c&l[!] &7You have disbanded your &cfaction"),
COMMAND_DISBAND_CONFIRM("&c&l[!]&7 Your Faction has&c {tnt} &7tnt left in the bank, it will be &clost&7 if the faction is &cdisbanded&7. Type&c /f disband &7again within &c10&7 seconds to&c disband&7."), COMMAND_DISBAND_CONFIRM("&c&l[!]&7 Your Faction has&c {tnt} &7tnt left in the bank, it will be &clost&7 if the faction is &cdisbanded&7. Type&c /f disband &7again within &c10&7 seconds to&c disband&7."),
COMMAND_FLY_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, Faction flight is &cdisabled &7on this server"), COMMAND_FLY_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, Faction flight is &cdisabled &7on this server."),
COMMAND_FLY_DESCRIPTION("Enter or leave Faction flight mode"), COMMAND_FLY_DESCRIPTION("Enter or leave Faction flight mode"),
COMMAND_FLY_CHANGE("&c&l[!]&7 Faction flight &c%1$s"), COMMAND_FLY_CHANGE("&c&l[!]&7 Faction flight has been &c%1$s&7."),
COMMAND_FLY_COOLDOWN("&c&l[!]&7 You will &cnot&7 take fall damage for &c{amount}&7 seconds"), COMMAND_FLY_COOLDOWN("&c&l[!]&7 You will &cnot&7 take fall damage for &c{amount}&7 seconds."),
COMMAND_FLY_DAMAGE("&c&l[!]&7 Faction flight &cdisabled&7 due to entering combat"), COMMAND_FLY_DAMAGE("&c&l[!]&7 Faction flight &cdisabled&7 due to entering combat."),
COMMAND_FLY_NO_ACCESS("&c&l[!]&7 &cCannot fly &7in territory of %1$s"), COMMAND_FLY_NO_ACCESS("&c&l[!]&7 &cCannot fly &7in territory of %1$s"),
COMMAND_FLY_ENEMY_NEAR("&c&l[!]&7 Flight has been&c disabled&7 an enemy is nearby"), COMMAND_FLY_ENEMY_NEAR("&c&l[!]&7 Flight has been&c disabled&7 an enemy is nearby."),
COMMAND_FLY_CHECK_ENEMY("&c&l[!]&7 Cannot fly here, an enemy is &cnearby"), COMMAND_FLY_CHECK_ENEMY("&c&l[!]&7 Cannot fly here, an enemy is &cnearby&7."),
COMMAND_FLY_NO_EPEARL("&c&l[!] &7You &ccannot&7 throw enderpearls while flying!"), COMMAND_FLY_NO_EPEARL("&c&l[!] &7You &ccannot&7 throw enderpearls while flying!"),
COMMAND_FOCUS_SAMEFACTION("&c[!] You may not focus players in your faction!"), COMMAND_FOCUS_SAMEFACTION("&c[!] You may not focus players in your faction!"),
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_OPEN_CHANGES("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 changed the faction to &c%2$s&7."), COMMAND_OPEN_CHANGES("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 changed the faction to &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_OPEN_CHANGED("&c&l[!]&7 The faction &c%1$s&7 is now &c%2$s"), COMMAND_OPEN_CHANGED("&c&l[!]&7 The faction &c%1$s&7 is now &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_OPEN_DESCRIPTION("Switch if invitation is required to join"), COMMAND_OPEN_DESCRIPTION("Switch if invitation is required to join"),
COMMAND_OWNER_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, but &cowned areas &7are &cdisabled &7on this server."), COMMAND_OWNER_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, but &cowned areas &7are &cdisabled &7on this server."),
@ -707,9 +707,9 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_PERMANENT_GRANT("&c&l[!]&7 added permanent status to"), COMMAND_PERMANENT_GRANT("&c&l[!]&7 added permanent status to"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_REVOKE("&c&l[!]&7 removed permanent status from"), COMMAND_PERMANENT_REVOKE("&c&l[!]&7 removed permanent status from"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_YOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 has &c%2$s&7 your faction"), COMMAND_PERMANENT_YOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 has &c%2$s&7 your faction"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_OTHER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%s &7has &c%s &7the faction &c'%s'."), COMMAND_PERMANENT_OTHER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%s &7has &c%s &7the faction '&c%s&7'."),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_TARGET("&c&l[!]&7 You've been &c%1$s&7 to &c%2$s"), COMMAND_PROMOTE_TARGET("&c&l[!]&7 You've been &c%1$s&7 to &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_SUCCESS("&c&l[!]&7 You successfully&c %1$s %2$s &cto&7 %3$s"), COMMAND_PROMOTE_SUCCESS("&c&l[!]&7 You successfully &c%1$s %2$s &cto&7 %3$s&7."),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_LOWEST_RANK("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 already has the lowest rank in the faction."), COMMAND_PROMOTE_LOWEST_RANK("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 already has the lowest rank in the faction."),
@ -752,16 +752,16 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_RELATIONS_ALREADYINRELATIONSHIP("&c&l[!]&7 You &calready&7 have that relation wish set with&c %1$s."), COMMAND_RELATIONS_ALREADYINRELATIONSHIP("&c&l[!]&7 You &calready&7 have that relation wish set with&c %1$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_TOMARRY("to change a relation wish"), COMMAND_RELATIONS_TOMARRY("to change a relation wish"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_FORMARRY("for changing a relation wish"), COMMAND_RELATIONS_FORMARRY("for changing a relation wish"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_MUTUAL("&c&l[!]&7 Your faction is now %1$s to %2$s"), COMMAND_RELATIONS_MUTUAL("&c&l[!]&7 Your faction is now %1$s&7 to &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PEACEFUL("&c&l[!]&7 This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful."), COMMAND_RELATIONS_PEACEFUL("&c&l[!]&7 This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PEACEFULOTHER("&c&l[!]&7 This will have &cno effect&7 while their faction is peaceful."), COMMAND_RELATIONS_PEACEFULOTHER("&c&l[!]&7 This will have &cno effect&7 while their faction is peaceful."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_DESCRIPTION("Set relation wish to another faction"), COMMAND_RELATIONS_DESCRIPTION("Set relation wish to another faction"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_EXCEEDS_ME("&c&l[!]&7 Failed to set relation wish. You can only have %1$s %2$s."), COMMAND_RELATIONS_EXCEEDS_ME("&c&l[!]&7 Failed to set relation wish. You can only have %1$s %2$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_EXCEEDS_THEY("&c&l[!]&7 Failed to set relation wish. They can only have %1$s %2$s."), COMMAND_RELATIONS_EXCEEDS_THEY("&c&l[!]&7 Failed to set relation wish. They can only have %1$s %2$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_1("&c&l[!]&7&c %1$s &7wishes to be your&c %2$s"), COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_1("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7wishes to be your &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_2("&c&l[!]&7 Type &c/%1$s %2$s %3$s&7 to accept."), COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_2("&c&l[!]&7 Type &c/%1$s %2$s %3$s&7 to accept."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_SENT("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 were informed that you wish to be &c%2$s"), COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_SENT("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 were informed that you wish to be &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_RELOAD_TIME("&c&l[!]&7 Reloaded &call &7configuration files from disk, took &c%1$d ms."), COMMAND_RELOAD_TIME("&c&l[!]&7 Reloaded &call &7configuration files from disk, took &c%1$d ms."),
COMMAND_RELOAD_DESCRIPTION("Reload data file(s) from disk"), COMMAND_RELOAD_DESCRIPTION("Reload data file(s) from disk"),
@ -1035,12 +1035,12 @@ public enum TL {
/** /**
* Leaving - This is accessed through a command, and so it MAY need a COMMAND_* slug :s * Leaving - This is accessed through a command, and so it MAY need a COMMAND_* slug :s
*/ */
LEAVE_PASSADMIN("You must give the admin role to someone else first."), LEAVE_PASSADMIN("&c&l[!] &7You must give the admin role to someone else first."),
LEAVE_NEGATIVEPOWER("You cannot leave until your power is positive."), LEAVE_NEGATIVEPOWER("&c&l[!] &7You cannot leave until your power is positive."),
LEAVE_TOLEAVE("to leave your faction."), LEAVE_TOLEAVE("to leave your faction."),
LEAVE_FORLEAVE("for leaving your faction."), LEAVE_FORLEAVE("for leaving your faction."),
LEAVE_LEFT("%s left faction %s."), LEAVE_LEFT("&c&l[!] &c%s&7 left faction &c%s&7."),
LEAVE_DISBANDED("%s was disbanded."), LEAVE_DISBANDED("&c&l[!] &c%s&7 was disbanded."),
LEAVE_DISBANDEDLOG("The faction %s (%s) was disbanded due to the last player (%s) leaving."), LEAVE_DISBANDEDLOG("The faction %s (%s) was disbanded due to the last player (%s) leaving."),
LEAVE_DESCRIPTION("\\n &a&l» &7Leave your faction"), LEAVE_DESCRIPTION("\\n &a&l» &7Leave your faction"),
AUTOLEAVE_ADMIN_PROMOTED("&e&l[!] &7Faction admin &c%s&7 has been removed. &c%s&7 has been promoted as the new faction admin."), AUTOLEAVE_ADMIN_PROMOTED("&e&l[!] &7Faction admin &c%s&7 has been removed. &c%s&7 has been promoted as the new faction admin."),
@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ public enum TL {
ECON_PERSONTOOKMONEYFROM("%1$s took %2$s from %3$s."), ECON_PERSONTOOKMONEYFROM("%1$s took %2$s from %3$s."),
ECON_DISABLED("Factions econ is disabled."), ECON_DISABLED("Factions econ is disabled."),
ECON_OVER_BAL_CAP("&4The amount &e%s &4is over Essentials' balance cap."), ECON_OVER_BAL_CAP("&4The amount &e%s &4is over Essentials' balance cap."),
ECON_MONEYLOST("&c%s &7lost &c%s &7%s."), ECON_MONEYLOST("&c&l[!] %s &7lost &c%s &7%s."),
ECON_CANTAFFORD("&c%s &7can't afford &c%s&7 %s."), ECON_CANTAFFORD("&c%s &7can't afford &c%s&7 %s."),
ECON_UNABLETOTRANSFER("&7Unable to transfer &c%s&7 to &c%s&7 from &c%s&7."), ECON_UNABLETOTRANSFER("&7Unable to transfer &c%s&7 to &c%s&7 from &c%s&7."),
ECON_PLAYERBALANCE("&c%s&7's balance is &c%s&7."), ECON_PLAYERBALANCE("&c%s&7's balance is &c%s&7."),