Some reformat

This commit is contained in:
drtshock 2014-07-01 14:49:42 -05:00
parent 955958ce61
commit dc54f78cc1
83 changed files with 883 additions and 800 deletions

@ -173,33 +173,39 @@ public class Board {
for (int dx = 0; dx < width; dx++) {
if (dx == halfWidth && dz == halfHeight) {
row += ChatColor.AQUA + "+";
} else {
else {
FLocation flocationHere = topLeft.getRelative(dx, dz);
Faction factionHere = getFactionAt(flocationHere);
Relation relation = faction.getRelationTo(factionHere);
if (factionHere.isNone()) {
row += ChatColor.GRAY + "-";
} else if (factionHere.isSafeZone()) {
else if (factionHere.isSafeZone()) {
row += Conf.colorPeaceful + "+";
} else if (factionHere.isWarZone()) {
else if (factionHere.isWarZone()) {
row += ChatColor.DARK_RED + "+";
} else if
factionHere == faction
factionHere == factionLoc
(Conf.showNeutralFactionsOnMap && relation.equals(Relation.NEUTRAL))
(Conf.showEnemyFactionsOnMap && relation.equals(Relation.ENEMY))
) {
if (!fList.containsKey(factionHere.getTag()))
else if
factionHere == faction
factionHere == factionLoc
(Conf.showNeutralFactionsOnMap && relation.equals(Relation.NEUTRAL))
(Conf.showEnemyFactionsOnMap && relation.equals(Relation.ENEMY))
) {
if (!fList.containsKey(factionHere.getTag())) {
fList.put(factionHere.getTag(), Conf.mapKeyChrs[chrIdx++]);
char tag = fList.get(factionHere.getTag());
row += factionHere.getColorTo(faction) + "" + tag;
} else {
else {
row += ChatColor.GRAY + "-";

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public class FLocation {
public Set<FLocation> getCircle(double radius) {
Set<FLocation> ret = new LinkedHashSet<FLocation>();
if (radius <= 0) return ret;
if (radius <= 0) { return ret; }
int xfrom = (int) Math.floor(this.x - radius);
int xto = (int) Math.ceil(this.x + radius);
@ -146,8 +146,7 @@ public class FLocation {
for (int x = xfrom; x <= xto; x++) {
for (int z = zfrom; z <= zto; z++) {
FLocation potential = new FLocation(this.worldName, x, z);
if (this.getDistanceTo(potential) <= radius)
if (this.getDistanceTo(potential) <= radius) { ret.add(potential); }
@ -178,10 +177,8 @@ public class FLocation {
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof FLocation))
return false;
if (obj == this) { return true; }
if (!(obj instanceof FLocation)) { return false; }
FLocation that = (FLocation) obj;
return this.x == that.x && this.z == that.z && (this.worldName == null ? that.worldName == null : this.worldName.equals(that.worldName));

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
public void setFaction(Faction faction) {
Faction oldFaction = this.getFaction();
if (oldFaction != null) oldFaction.removeFPlayer(this);
if (oldFaction != null) { oldFaction.removeFPlayer(this); }
this.factionId = faction.getId();
@ -458,10 +458,8 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
protected void alterPower(double delta) {
this.power += delta;
if (this.power > this.getPowerMax())
this.power = this.getPowerMax();
else if (this.power < this.getPowerMin())
this.power = this.getPowerMin();
if (this.power > this.getPowerMax()) { this.power = this.getPowerMax(); }
else if (this.power < this.getPowerMin()) { this.power = this.getPowerMin(); }
public double getPowerMax() {
@ -496,8 +494,9 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
this.lastPowerUpdateTime = now;
Player thisPlayer = this.getPlayer();
if (thisPlayer != null && thisPlayer.isDead())
if (thisPlayer != null && thisPlayer.isDead()) {
return; // don't let dead players regain power until they respawn
int millisPerMinute = 60 * 1000;
this.alterPower(millisPassed * Conf.powerPerMinute / millisPerMinute);
@ -581,21 +580,23 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
// if economy is enabled and they're not on the bypass list, make sure they can pay
if (makePay && !Econ.hasAtLeast(this, Conf.econCostLeave, "to leave your faction.")) return;
if (makePay && !Econ.hasAtLeast(this, Conf.econCostLeave, "to leave your faction.")) { return; }
FPlayerLeaveEvent leaveEvent = new FPlayerLeaveEvent(this, myFaction, FPlayerLeaveEvent.PlayerLeaveReason.LEAVE);
if (leaveEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (leaveEvent.isCancelled()) { return; }
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (makePay && !Econ.modifyMoney(this, -Conf.econCostLeave, "to leave your faction.", "for leaving your faction."))
if (makePay && !Econ.modifyMoney(this, -Conf.econCostLeave, "to leave your faction.", "for leaving your faction.")) {
// Am I the last one in the faction?
if (myFaction.getFPlayers().size() == 1) {
// Transfer all money
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed())
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed()) {
Econ.transferMoney(this, myFaction, this, Econ.getBalance(myFaction.getAccountId()));
if (myFaction.isNormal()) {
@ -603,8 +604,7 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
fplayer.msg("%s<i> left %s<i>.", this.describeTo(fplayer, true), myFaction.describeTo(fplayer));
if (Conf.logFactionLeave)
P.p.log(this.getName() + " left the faction: " + myFaction.getTag());
if (Conf.logFactionLeave) { P.p.log(this.getName() + " left the faction: " + myFaction.getTag()); }
@ -616,18 +616,19 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
if (Conf.logFactionDisband)
if (Conf.logFactionDisband) {
P.p.log("The faction " + myFaction.getTag() + " (" + myFaction.getId() + ") was disbanded due to the last player (" + this.getName() + ") leaving.");
public boolean canClaimForFaction(Faction forFaction) {
if (forFaction.isNone()) return false;
if (forFaction.isNone()) { return false; }
if (this.isAdminBypassing()
|| (forFaction == this.getFaction() && this.getRole().isAtLeast(Role.MODERATOR))
|| (forFaction.isSafeZone() && Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(getPlayer()))
|| (forFaction.isWarZone() && Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(getPlayer()))) {
|| (forFaction == this.getFaction() && this.getRole().isAtLeast(Role.MODERATOR))
|| (forFaction.isSafeZone() && Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(getPlayer()))
|| (forFaction.isWarZone() && Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(getPlayer()))) {
return true;
@ -644,50 +645,70 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
if (Conf.worldGuardChecking && Worldguard.checkForRegionsInChunk(location)) {
// Checks for WorldGuard regions in the chunk attempting to be claimed
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>This land is protected");
} else if (Conf.worldsNoClaiming.contains(flocation.getWorldName())) {
else if (Conf.worldsNoClaiming.contains(flocation.getWorldName())) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>Sorry, this world has land claiming disabled.");
} else if (this.isAdminBypassing()) {
else if (this.isAdminBypassing()) {
return true;
} else if (forFaction.isSafeZone() && Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(getPlayer())) {
else if (forFaction.isSafeZone() && Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(getPlayer())) {
return true;
} else if (forFaction.isWarZone() && Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(getPlayer())) {
else if (forFaction.isWarZone() && Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(getPlayer())) {
return true;
} else if (myFaction != forFaction) {
else if (myFaction != forFaction) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You can't claim land for <h>%s<b>.", forFaction.describeTo(this));
} else if (forFaction == currentFaction) {
else if (forFaction == currentFaction) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("%s<i> already own this land.", forFaction.describeTo(this, true));
} else if (this.getRole().value < Role.MODERATOR.value) {
else if (this.getRole().value < Role.MODERATOR.value) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You must be <h>%s<b> to claim land.", Role.MODERATOR.toString());
} else if (forFaction.getFPlayers().size() < Conf.claimsRequireMinFactionMembers) {
else if (forFaction.getFPlayers().size() < Conf.claimsRequireMinFactionMembers) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("Factions must have at least <h>%s<b> members to claim land.", Conf.claimsRequireMinFactionMembers);
} else if (currentFaction.isSafeZone()) {
else if (currentFaction.isSafeZone()) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You can not claim a Safe Zone.");
} else if (currentFaction.isWarZone()) {
else if (currentFaction.isWarZone()) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You can not claim a War Zone.");
} else if (ownedLand >= forFaction.getPowerRounded()) {
else if (ownedLand >= forFaction.getPowerRounded()) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You can't claim more land! You need more power!");
} else if (Conf.claimedLandsMax != 0 && ownedLand >= Conf.claimedLandsMax && forFaction.isNormal()) {
else if (Conf.claimedLandsMax != 0 && ownedLand >= Conf.claimedLandsMax && forFaction.isNormal()) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>Limit reached. You can't claim more land!");
} else if (currentFaction.getRelationTo(forFaction) == Relation.ALLY) {
else if (currentFaction.getRelationTo(forFaction) == Relation.ALLY) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You can't claim the land of your allies.");
} else if (Conf.claimsMustBeConnected
&& !this.isAdminBypassing()
&& myFaction.getLandRoundedInWorld(flocation.getWorldName()) > 0
&& !Board.isConnectedLocation(flocation, myFaction)
&& (!Conf.claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction || !currentFaction.isNormal())) {
if (Conf.claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction)
else if (Conf.claimsMustBeConnected
&& !this.isAdminBypassing()
&& myFaction.getLandRoundedInWorld(flocation.getWorldName()) > 0
&& !Board.isConnectedLocation(flocation, myFaction)
&& (!Conf.claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction || !currentFaction.isNormal())) {
if (Conf.claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim or controlled by another faction!");
else {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim!");
} else if (currentFaction.isNormal()) {
else if (currentFaction.isNormal()) {
if (myFaction.isPeaceful()) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("%s<i> owns this land. Your faction is peaceful, so you cannot claim land from other factions.", currentFaction.getTag(this));
} else if (currentFaction.isPeaceful()) {
else if (currentFaction.isPeaceful()) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("%s<i> owns this land, and is a peaceful faction. You cannot claim land from them.", currentFaction.getTag(this));
} else if (!currentFaction.hasLandInflation()) {
else if (!currentFaction.hasLandInflation()) {
// TODO more messages WARN current faction most importantly
error = P.p.txt.parse("%s<i> owns this land and is strong enough to keep it.", currentFaction.getTag(this));
} else if (!Board.isBorderLocation(flocation)) {
else if (!Board.isBorderLocation(flocation)) {
error = P.p.txt.parse("<b>You must start claiming land at the border of the territory.");
@ -707,7 +728,7 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
int ownedLand = forFaction.getLandRounded();
if (!this.canClaimForFactionAtLocation(forFaction, location, notifyFailure)) return false;
if (!this.canClaimForFactionAtLocation(forFaction, location, notifyFailure)) { return false; }
// if economy is enabled and they're not on the bypass list, make sure they can pay
boolean mustPay = Econ.shouldBeUsed() && !this.isAdminBypassing() && !forFaction.isSafeZone() && !forFaction.isWarZone();
@ -716,23 +737,24 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
if (mustPay) {
cost = Econ.calculateClaimCost(ownedLand, currentFaction.isNormal());
if (Conf.econClaimUnconnectedFee != 0.0 && forFaction.getLandRoundedInWorld(flocation.getWorldName()) > 0 && !Board.isConnectedLocation(flocation, forFaction))
if (Conf.econClaimUnconnectedFee != 0.0 && forFaction.getLandRoundedInWorld(flocation.getWorldName()) > 0 && !Board.isConnectedLocation(flocation, forFaction)) {
cost += Conf.econClaimUnconnectedFee;
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts && this.hasFaction())
payee = this.getFaction();
payee = this;
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts && this.hasFaction()) { payee = this.getFaction(); }
else { payee = this; }
if (!Econ.hasAtLeast(payee, cost, "to claim this land")) return false;
if (!Econ.hasAtLeast(payee, cost, "to claim this land")) { return false; }
LandClaimEvent claimEvent = new LandClaimEvent(flocation, forFaction, this);
if (claimEvent.isCancelled()) return false;
if (claimEvent.isCancelled()) { return false; }
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (mustPay && !Econ.modifyMoney(payee, -cost, "to claim this land", "for claiming this land")) return false;
if (mustPay && !Econ.modifyMoney(payee, -cost, "to claim this land", "for claiming this land")) {
return false;
// announce success
Set<FPlayer> informTheseFPlayers = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
@ -744,8 +766,9 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
Board.setFactionAt(forFaction, flocation);
if (Conf.logLandClaims)
if (Conf.logLandClaims) {
P.p.log(this.getName() + " claimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") for the faction: " + forFaction.getTag());
return true;
@ -756,8 +779,9 @@ public class FPlayer extends PlayerEntity implements EconomyParticipator {
public boolean shouldBeSaved() {
if (!this.hasFaction() && (this.getPowerRounded() == this.getPowerMaxRounded() || this.getPowerRounded() == (int) Math.round(Conf.powerPlayerStarting)))
if (!this.hasFaction() && (this.getPowerRounded() == this.getPowerMaxRounded() || this.getPowerRounded() == (int) Math.round(Conf.powerPlayerStarting))) {
return false;
return !this.deleteMe;

@ -165,8 +165,9 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
public void confirmValidHome() {
if (!Conf.homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory || this.home == null || (this.home.getLocation() != null && Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this.home.getLocation())) == this))
if (!Conf.homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory || this.home == null || (this.home.getLocation() != null && Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this.home.getLocation())) == this)) {
msg("<b>Your faction home has been un-set since it is no longer in your territory.");
this.home = null;
@ -183,8 +184,7 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
String aid = "faction-" + this.getId();
// We need to override the default money given to players.
if (!Econ.hasAccount(aid))
Econ.setBalance(aid, 0);
if (!Econ.hasAccount(aid)) { Econ.setBalance(aid, 0); }
return aid;
@ -312,7 +312,8 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
public void setRelationWish(Faction otherFaction, Relation relation) {
if (this.relationWish.containsKey(otherFaction.getId()) && relation.equals(Relation.NEUTRAL)) {
} else {
else {
this.relationWish.put(otherFaction.getId(), relation);
@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
// maintain the reference list of FPlayers in this faction
public void refreshFPlayers() {
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return;
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) { return; }
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.get()) {
if (fplayer.getFaction() == this) {
@ -387,13 +388,13 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
protected boolean addFPlayer(FPlayer fplayer) {
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return false;
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) { return false; }
return fplayers.add(fplayer);
protected boolean removeFPlayer(FPlayer fplayer) {
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return false;
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) { return false; }
return fplayers.remove(fplayer);
@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
public FPlayer getFPlayerAdmin() {
if (!this.isNormal()) return null;
if (!this.isNormal()) { return null; }
for (FPlayer fplayer : fplayers) {
if (fplayer.getRole() == Role.ADMIN) {
@ -429,7 +430,7 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
public ArrayList<FPlayer> getFPlayersWhereRole(Role role) {
ArrayList<FPlayer> ret = new ArrayList<FPlayer>();
if (!this.isNormal()) return ret;
if (!this.isNormal()) { return ret; }
for (FPlayer fplayer : fplayers) {
if (fplayer.getRole() == role) {
@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
public ArrayList<Player> getOnlinePlayers() {
ArrayList<Player> ret = new ArrayList<Player>();
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return ret;
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) { return ret; }
for (Player player : P.p.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get(player);
@ -457,7 +458,7 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
// slightly faster check than getOnlinePlayers() if you just want to see if there are any players online
public boolean hasPlayersOnline() {
// only real factions can have players online, not safe zone / war zone
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) return false;
if (this.isPlayerFreeType()) { return false; }
for (Player player : P.p.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get(player);
@ -481,35 +482,34 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
// used when current leader is about to be removed from the faction; promotes new leader, or disbands faction if no other members left
public void promoteNewLeader() {
if (!this.isNormal()) return;
if (this.isPermanent() && Conf.permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion) return;
if (!this.isNormal()) { return; }
if (this.isPermanent() && Conf.permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion) { return; }
FPlayer oldLeader = this.getFPlayerAdmin();
// get list of moderators, or list of normal members if there are no moderators
ArrayList<FPlayer> replacements = this.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.MODERATOR);
if (replacements == null || replacements.isEmpty())
replacements = this.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.NORMAL);
if (replacements == null || replacements.isEmpty()) { replacements = this.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.NORMAL); }
if (replacements == null || replacements.isEmpty()) { // faction admin is the only member; one-man faction
if (this.isPermanent()) {
if (oldLeader != null)
if (oldLeader != null) { oldLeader.setRole(Role.NORMAL); }
// no members left and faction isn't permanent, so disband it
if (Conf.logFactionDisband)
if (Conf.logFactionDisband) {
P.p.log("The faction " + this.getTag() + " (" + this.getId() + ") has been disbanded since it has no members left.");
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
fplayer.msg("The faction %s<i> was disbanded.", this.getTag(fplayer));
} else { // promote new faction admin
if (oldLeader != null)
else { // promote new faction admin
if (oldLeader != null) { oldLeader.setRole(Role.NORMAL); }
this.msg("<i>Faction admin <h>%s<i> has been removed. %s<i> has been promoted as the new faction admin.", oldLeader == null ? "" : oldLeader.getName(), replacements.get(0).getName());
P.p.log("Faction " + this.getTag() + " (" + this.getId() + ") admin was removed. Replacement admin: " + replacements.get(0).getName());
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
for (Entry<FLocation, Set<String>> entry : claimOwnership.entrySet()) {
ownerData = entry.getValue();
if (ownerData == null) continue;
if (ownerData == null) { continue; }
Iterator<String> iter = ownerData.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
@ -653,21 +653,19 @@ public class Faction extends Entity implements EconomyParticipator {
public boolean playerHasOwnershipRights(FPlayer fplayer, FLocation loc) {
// in own faction, with sufficient role or permission to bypass ownership?
if (fplayer.getFaction() == this
&& (fplayer.getRole().isAtLeast(Conf.ownedAreaModeratorsBypass ? Role.MODERATOR : Role.ADMIN)
|| Permission.OWNERSHIP_BYPASS.has(fplayer.getPlayer()))) {
&& (fplayer.getRole().isAtLeast(Conf.ownedAreaModeratorsBypass ? Role.MODERATOR : Role.ADMIN)
|| Permission.OWNERSHIP_BYPASS.has(fplayer.getPlayer()))) {
return true;
// make sure claimOwnership is initialized
if (claimOwnership.isEmpty())
return true;
if (claimOwnership.isEmpty()) { return true; }
// need to check the ownership list, then
Set<String> ownerData = claimOwnership.get(loc);
// if no owner list, owner list is empty, or player is in owner list, they're allowed
if (ownerData == null || ownerData.isEmpty() || ownerData.contains(fplayer.getId()))
return true;
if (ownerData == null || ownerData.isEmpty() || ownerData.contains(fplayer.getId())) { return true; }
return false;

@ -33,14 +33,15 @@ public class Factions extends EntityCollection<Faction> {
public boolean loadFromDisc() {
if (!super.loadFromDisc()) return false;
if (!super.loadFromDisc()) { return false; }
// Make sure the default neutral faction exists
if (!this.exists("0")) {
Faction faction = this.create("0");
} else {
else {
if (!this.get("0").getTag().equalsIgnoreCase(TL.WILDERNESS.toString())) {
@ -54,17 +55,17 @@ public class Factions extends EntityCollection<Faction> {
Faction faction = this.create("-1");
} else {
else {
if (!getSafeZone().getTag().equalsIgnoreCase(TL.SAFEZONE.toString())) {
if(!getSafeZone().getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(TL.SAFEZONE_DESCRIPTION.toString())) {
if (!getSafeZone().getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(TL.SAFEZONE_DESCRIPTION.toString())) {
// if SafeZone has old pre-1.6.0 name, rename it to remove troublesome " "
Faction faction = this.getSafeZone();
if (faction.getTag().contains(" "))
if (faction.getTag().contains(" ")) { faction.setTag(TL.SAFEZONE.toString()); }
// Make sure the war zone faction exists
@ -72,17 +73,17 @@ public class Factions extends EntityCollection<Faction> {
Faction faction = this.create("-2");
} else {
else {
if (!getWarZone().getTag().equalsIgnoreCase(TL.WARZONE.toString())) {
if(!getWarZone().getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(TL.WARZONE_DESCRIPTION.toString())) {
if (!getWarZone().getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(TL.WARZONE_DESCRIPTION.toString())) {
// if WarZone has old pre-1.6.0 name, rename it to remove troublesome " "
Faction faction = this.getWarZone();
if (faction.getTag().contains(" "))
if (faction.getTag().contains(" ")) { faction.setTag(TL.WARZONE.toString()); }
// populate all faction player lists
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ public class Factions extends EntityCollection<Faction> {
String tag = TextUtil.getBestStartWithCI(tag2faction.keySet(), searchFor);
if (tag == null) return null;
if (tag == null) { return null; }
return tag2faction.get(tag);

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
if (!preEnable()) return;
if (!preEnable()) { return; }
this.loadSuccessful = false;
// Load Conf from disk
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
return new GsonBuilder()
.excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.TRANSIENT, Modifier.VOLATILE)
.registerTypeAdapter(LazyLocation.class, new MyLocationTypeAdapter())
.registerTypeAdapter(mapFLocToStringSetType, new MapFLocToStringSetTypeAdapter());
.excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.TRANSIENT, Modifier.VOLATILE)
.registerTypeAdapter(LazyLocation.class, new MyLocationTypeAdapter())
.registerTypeAdapter(mapFLocToStringSetType, new MapFLocToStringSetTypeAdapter());
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
public void startAutoLeaveTask(boolean restartIfRunning) {
if (AutoLeaveTask != null) {
if (!restartIfRunning) return;
if (!restartIfRunning) { return; }
@ -169,8 +169,9 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
public boolean handleCommand(CommandSender sender, String commandString, boolean testOnly) {
if (sender instanceof Player && FactionsPlayerListener.preventCommand(commandString, (Player) sender))
if (sender instanceof Player && FactionsPlayerListener.preventCommand(commandString, (Player) sender)) {
return true;
return super.handleCommand(sender, commandString, testOnly);
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] split) {
// if bare command at this point, it has already been handled by MPlugin's command listeners
if (split == null || split.length == 0) return true;
if (split == null || split.length == 0) { return true; }
// otherwise, needs to be handled; presumably another plugin directly ran the command
String cmd = Conf.baseCommandAliases.isEmpty() ? "/f" : "/" + Conf.baseCommandAliases.get(0);
@ -204,17 +205,17 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
// enabled or use of the Factions f command without a slash; combination of isPlayerFactionChatting() and isFactionsCommand()
public boolean shouldLetFactionsHandleThisChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
if (event == null) return false;
if (event == null) { return false; }
return (isPlayerFactionChatting(event.getPlayer()) || isFactionsCommand(event.getMessage()));
// Does player have Faction Chat enabled? If so, chat plugins should preferably not do channels,
// local chat, or anything else which targets individual recipients, so Faction Chat can be done
public boolean isPlayerFactionChatting(Player player) {
if (player == null) return false;
if (player == null) { return false; }
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (me == null) return false;
if (me == null) { return false; }
return me.getChatMode().isAtLeast(ChatMode.ALLIANCE);
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
public boolean isFactionsCommand(String check) {
if (check == null || check.isEmpty()) return false;
if (check == null || check.isEmpty()) { return false; }
return this.handleCommand(null, check, true);
@ -236,37 +237,32 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
public String getPlayerFactionTagRelation(Player speaker, Player listener) {
String tag = "~";
if (speaker == null)
return tag;
if (speaker == null) { return tag; }
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(speaker);
if (me == null)
return tag;
if (me == null) { return tag; }
// if listener isn't set, or config option is disabled, give back uncolored tag
if (listener == null || !Conf.chatTagRelationColored) {
tag = me.getChatTag().trim();
} else {
FPlayer you = FPlayers.i.get(listener);
if (you == null)
tag = me.getChatTag().trim();
else // everything checks out, give the colored tag
tag = me.getChatTag(you).trim();
if (tag.isEmpty())
tag = "~";
else {
FPlayer you = FPlayers.i.get(listener);
if (you == null) { tag = me.getChatTag().trim(); }
else // everything checks out, give the colored tag
{ tag = me.getChatTag(you).trim(); }
if (tag.isEmpty()) { tag = "~"; }
return tag;
// Get a player's title within their faction, mainly for usage by chat plugins for local/channel chat
public String getPlayerTitle(Player player) {
if (player == null)
return "";
if (player == null) { return ""; }
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (me == null)
return "";
if (me == null) { return ""; }
return me.getTitle().trim();

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class CmdAdmin extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
FPlayer fyou = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (fyou == null) return;
if (fyou == null) { return; }
boolean permAny = Permission.ADMIN_ANY.has(sender, false);
Faction targetFaction = fyou.getFaction();
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class CmdAdmin extends FCommand {
if (fyou.getFaction() != targetFaction) {
FPlayerJoinEvent event = new FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayers.i.get(me), targetFaction, FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason.LEADER);
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
FPlayer admin = targetFaction.getFPlayerAdmin();
@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ public class CmdAdmin extends FCommand {
// promote target player, and demote existing admin if one exists
if (admin != null)
if (admin != null) { admin.setRole(Role.MODERATOR); }
msg("<i>You have promoted %s<i> to the position of faction admin.", fyou.describeTo(fme, true));

@ -31,10 +31,8 @@ public class CmdAutoClaim extends FCommand {
if (!fme.canClaimForFaction(forFaction)) {
if (myFaction == forFaction)
msg("<b>You must be <h>%s<b> to claim land.", Role.MODERATOR.toString());
msg("<b>You can't claim land for <h>%s<b>.", forFaction.describeTo(fme));
if (myFaction == forFaction) { msg("<b>You must be <h>%s<b> to claim land.", Role.MODERATOR.toString()); }
else { msg("<b>You can't claim land for <h>%s<b>.", forFaction.describeTo(fme)); }

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class CmdAutoHelp extends MCommand<P> {
public void perform() {
if (this.commandChain.size() == 0) return;
if (this.commandChain.size() == 0) { return; }
MCommand<?> pcmd = this.commandChain.get(this.commandChain.size() - 1);
ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class CmdBoom extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostNoBoom, "to toggle explosions", "for toggling explosions")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostNoBoom, "to toggle explosions", "for toggling explosions")) { return; }
myFaction.setPeacefulExplosionsEnabled(this.argAsBool(0, !myFaction.getPeacefulExplosionsEnabled()));

@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ public class CmdBypass extends FCommand {
if (fme.isAdminBypassing()) {
fme.msg("<i>You have enabled admin bypass mode. You will be able to build or destroy anywhere.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has ENABLED admin bypass mode.");
} else {
else {
fme.msg("<i>You have disabled admin bypass mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " DISABLED admin bypass mode.");

@ -37,11 +37,14 @@ public class CmdChat extends FCommand {
if (modeString.startsWith("p")) {
modeTarget = ChatMode.PUBLIC;
} else if (modeString.startsWith("a")) {
else if (modeString.startsWith("a")) {
modeTarget = ChatMode.ALLIANCE;
} else if (modeString.startsWith("f")) {
else if (modeString.startsWith("f")) {
modeTarget = ChatMode.FACTION;
} else {
else {
msg("<b>Unrecognised chat mode. <i>Please enter either 'a','f' or 'p'");
@ -51,9 +54,11 @@ public class CmdChat extends FCommand {
if (fme.getChatMode() == ChatMode.PUBLIC) {
msg("<i>Public chat mode.");
} else if (fme.getChatMode() == ChatMode.ALLIANCE) {
else if (fme.getChatMode() == ChatMode.ALLIANCE) {
msg("<i>Alliance only chat mode.");
} else {
else {
msg("<i>Faction only chat mode.");

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ public class CmdChatSpy extends FCommand {
if (fme.isSpyingChat()) {
fme.msg("<i>You have enabled chat spying mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has ENABLED chat spying mode.");
} else {
else {
fme.msg("<i>You have disabled chat spying mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " DISABLED chat spying mode.");

@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ public class CmdClaim extends FCommand {
if (radius < 2) {
// single chunk
fme.attemptClaim(forFaction, me.getLocation(), true);
} else {
else {
// radius claim
if (!Permission.CLAIM_RADIUS.has(sender, false)) {
msg("<b>You do not have permission to claim in a radius.");
@ -54,8 +55,7 @@ public class CmdClaim extends FCommand {
public boolean work() {
boolean success = fme.attemptClaim(forFaction, this.currentLocation(), true);
if (success)
failCount = 0;
if (success) { failCount = 0; }
else if (!success && failCount++ >= limit) {
return false;

@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ public class CmdConfig extends FCommand {
if (targetValue) {
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to true (enabled).";
} else {
else {
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to false (disabled).";
@ -231,8 +232,9 @@ public class CmdConfig extends FCommand {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
P.p.log(success + " Command was run by " + fme.getName() + ".");
} else // using P.p.log() instead of sendMessage if run from server console so that "[Factions v#.#.#]" is prepended in server log
else // using P.p.log() instead of sendMessage if run from server console so that "[Factions v#.#.#]" is prepended in server log
{ P.p.log(success); }
// save change to disk;

@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ public class CmdCreate extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostCreate, "to create a new faction")) return;
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostCreate, "to create a new faction")) { return; }
// trigger the faction creation event (cancellable)
FactionCreateEvent createEvent = new FactionCreateEvent(me, tag);
if (createEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (createEvent.isCancelled()) { return; }
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostCreate, "to create a new faction", "for creating a new faction")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostCreate, "to create a new faction", "for creating a new faction")) { return; }
Faction faction = Factions.i.create();
@ -84,8 +84,7 @@ public class CmdCreate extends FCommand {
msg("<i>You should now: %s", p.cmdBase.cmdDescription.getUseageTemplate());
if (Conf.logFactionCreate)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " created a new faction: " + tag);
if (Conf.logFactionCreate) { P.p.log(fme.getName() + " created a new faction: " + tag); }

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class CmdDeinvite extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you == null) { return; }
if (you.getFaction() == myFaction) {
msg("%s<i> is already a member of %s", you.getName(), myFaction.getTag());

@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ public class CmdDescription extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostDesc, "to change faction description", "for changing faction description"))
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostDesc, "to change faction description", "for changing faction description")) {
myFaction.setDescription(TextUtil.implode(args, " ").replaceAll("(&([a-f0-9]))", "& $2")); // since "&" color tags seem to work even through plain old FPlayer.sendMessage() for some reason, we need to break those up

@ -30,13 +30,14 @@ public class CmdDisband extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
// The faction, default to your own.. but null if console sender.
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0, fme == null ? null : myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
boolean isMyFaction = fme == null ? false : faction == myFaction;
if (isMyFaction) {
if (!assertMinRole(Role.ADMIN)) return;
} else {
if (!assertMinRole(Role.ADMIN)) { return; }
else {
if (!Permission.DISBAND_ANY.has(sender, true)) {
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ public class CmdDisband extends FCommand {
FactionDisbandEvent disbandEvent = new FactionDisbandEvent(me, faction.getId());
if (disbandEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (disbandEvent.isCancelled()) { return; }
// Send FPlayerLeaveEvent for each player in the faction
for (FPlayer fplayer : faction.getFPlayers()) {
@ -65,12 +66,14 @@ public class CmdDisband extends FCommand {
String who = senderIsConsole ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer);
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction) {
fplayer.msg("<h>%s<i> disbanded your faction.", who);
} else {
else {
fplayer.msg("<h>%s<i> disbanded the faction %s.", who, faction.getTag(fplayer));
if (Conf.logFactionDisband)
if (Conf.logFactionDisband) {
P.p.log("The faction " + faction.getTag() + " (" + faction.getId() + ") was disbanded by " + (senderIsConsole ? "console command" : fme.getName()) + ".");
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed() && !senderIsConsole) {
//Give all the faction's money to the disbander

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class CmdHelp extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
if (helpPages == null) updateHelp();
if (helpPages == null) { updateHelp(); }
int page = this.argAsInt(0, 1);

@ -87,12 +87,10 @@ public class CmdHome extends FCommand {
double z = loc.getZ();
for (Player p : me.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (p == null || !p.isOnline() || p.isDead() || p == me || p.getWorld() != w)
if (p == null || !p.isOnline() || p.isDead() || p == me || p.getWorld() != w) { continue; }
FPlayer fp = FPlayers.i.get(p);
if (fme.getRelationTo(fp) != Relation.ENEMY)
if (fme.getRelationTo(fp) != Relation.ENEMY) { continue; }
Location l = p.getLocation();
double dx = Math.abs(x - l.getX());
@ -101,8 +99,7 @@ public class CmdHome extends FCommand {
double max = Conf.homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance;
// box-shaped distance check
if (dx > max || dy > max || dz > max)
if (dx > max || dy > max || dz > max) { continue; }
fme.msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while an enemy is within " + Conf.homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance + " blocks of you.");
@ -110,11 +107,12 @@ public class CmdHome extends FCommand {
// if Essentials teleport handling is enabled and available, pass the teleport off to it (for delay and cooldown)
if (Essentials.handleTeleport(me, myFaction.getHome())) return;
if (Essentials.handleTeleport(me, myFaction.getHome())) { return; }
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostHome, "to teleport to your faction home", "for teleporting to your faction home"))
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostHome, "to teleport to your faction home", "for teleporting to your faction home")) {
// Create a smoke effect
if (Conf.homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled) {

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class CmdInvite extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you == null) { return; }
if (you.getFaction() == myFaction) {
msg("%s<i> is already a member of %s", you.getName(), myFaction.getTag());
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class CmdInvite extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostInvite, "to invite someone", "for inviting someone")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostInvite, "to invite someone", "for inviting someone")) { return; }

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class CmdJoin extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
FPlayer fplayer = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1, fme, false);
boolean samePlayer = fplayer == fme;
@ -62,26 +62,26 @@ public class CmdJoin extends FCommand {
if (!(faction.getOpen() || faction.isInvited(fplayer) || fme.isAdminBypassing() || Permission.JOIN_ANY.has(sender, false))) {
msg("<i>This faction requires invitation.");
if (samePlayer)
faction.msg("%s<i> tried to join your faction.", fplayer.describeTo(faction, true));
if (samePlayer) { faction.msg("%s<i> tried to join your faction.", fplayer.describeTo(faction, true)); }
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (samePlayer && !canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction")) return;
if (samePlayer && !canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction")) { return; }
// trigger the join event (cancellable)
FPlayerJoinEvent joinEvent = new FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayers.i.get(me), faction, FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason.COMMAND);
if (joinEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (joinEvent.isCancelled()) { return; }
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (samePlayer && !payForCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction", "for joining a faction")) return;
if (samePlayer && !payForCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction", "for joining a faction")) { return; }
fme.msg("<i>%s successfully joined %s.", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true), faction.getTag(fme));
if (!samePlayer)
if (!samePlayer) {
fplayer.msg("<i>%s moved you into the faction %s.", fme.describeTo(fplayer, true), faction.getTag(fplayer));
faction.msg("<i>%s joined your faction.", fplayer.describeTo(faction, true));
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ public class CmdJoin extends FCommand {
if (Conf.logFactionJoin) {
if (samePlayer)
P.p.log("%s joined the faction %s.", fplayer.getName(), faction.getTag());
if (samePlayer) { P.p.log("%s joined the faction %s.", fplayer.getName(), faction.getTag()); }
else {
P.p.log("%s moved the player %s into the faction %s.", fme.getName(), fplayer.getName(), faction.getTag());

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class CmdKick extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you == null) { return; }
if (fme == you) {
msg("<b>You cannot kick yourself.");
@ -60,16 +60,17 @@ public class CmdKick extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostKick, "to kick someone from the faction")) return;
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostKick, "to kick someone from the faction")) { return; }
// trigger the leave event (cancellable) [reason:kicked]
FPlayerLeaveEvent event = new FPlayerLeaveEvent(you, you.getFaction(), FPlayerLeaveEvent.PlayerLeaveReason.KICKED);
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostKick, "to kick someone from the faction", "for kicking someone from the faction"))
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostKick, "to kick someone from the faction", "for kicking someone from the faction")) {
yourFaction.msg("%s<i> kicked %s<i> from the faction! :O", fme.describeTo(yourFaction, true), you.describeTo(yourFaction, true));
you.msg("%s<i> kicked you from %s<i>! :O", fme.describeTo(you, true), yourFaction.describeTo(you));
@ -77,11 +78,11 @@ public class CmdKick extends FCommand {
fme.msg("<i>You kicked %s<i> from the faction %s<i>!", you.describeTo(fme), yourFaction.describeTo(fme));
if (Conf.logFactionKick)
if (Conf.logFactionKick) {
P.p.log((senderIsConsole ? "A console command" : fme.getName()) + " kicked " + you.getName() + " from the faction: " + yourFaction.getTag());
if (you.getRole() == Role.ADMIN)
if (you.getRole() == Role.ADMIN) { yourFaction.promoteNewLeader(); }

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class CmdList extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostList, "to list the factions", "for listing the factions")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostList, "to list the factions", "for listing the factions")) { return; }
ArrayList<Faction> factionList = new ArrayList<Faction>(Factions.i.get());
@ -45,10 +45,8 @@ public class CmdList extends FCommand {
public int compare(Faction f1, Faction f2) {
int f1Size = f1.getFPlayers().size();
int f2Size = f2.getFPlayers().size();
if (f1Size < f2Size)
return 1;
else if (f1Size > f2Size)
return -1;
if (f1Size < f2Size) { return 1; }
else if (f1Size > f2Size) { return -1; }
return 0;
@ -59,10 +57,8 @@ public class CmdList extends FCommand {
public int compare(Faction f1, Faction f2) {
int f1Size = f1.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size();
int f2Size = f2.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size();
if (f1Size < f2Size)
return 1;
else if (f1Size > f2Size)
return -1;
if (f1Size < f2Size) { return 1; }
else if (f1Size > f2Size) { return -1; }
return 0;
@ -91,14 +87,11 @@ public class CmdList extends FCommand {
final int pageheight = 9;
int pagenumber = this.argAsInt(0, 1);
int pagecount = (factionList.size() / pageheight) + 1;
if (pagenumber > pagecount)
pagenumber = pagecount;
else if (pagenumber < 1)
pagenumber = 1;
if (pagenumber > pagecount) { pagenumber = pagecount; }
else if (pagenumber < 1) { pagenumber = 1; }
int start = (pagenumber - 1) * pageheight;
int end = start + pageheight;
if (end > factionList.size())
end = factionList.size();
if (end > factionList.size()) { end = factionList.size(); }
lines.add(p.txt.titleize("Faction List " + pagenumber + "/" + pagecount));
@ -108,12 +101,12 @@ public class CmdList extends FCommand {
lines.add(p.txt.parse("%s<i> %d/%d online, %d/%d/%d",

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ public class CmdLock extends FCommand {
if (p.getLocked()) {
msg("<i>Factions is now locked");
} else {
else {
msg("<i>Factions in now unlocked");

@ -30,21 +30,23 @@ public class CmdMap extends FCommand {
// Turn on
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostMap, "to show the map", "for showing the map")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostMap, "to show the map", "for showing the map")) { return; }
msg("<i>Map auto update <green>ENABLED.");
// And show the map once
} else {
else {
// Turn off
msg("<i>Map auto update <red>DISABLED.");
} else {
else {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostMap, "to show the map", "for showing the map")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostMap, "to show the map", "for showing the map")) { return; }

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class CmdMod extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you == null) { return; }
boolean permAny = Permission.MOD_ANY.has(sender, false);
Faction targetFaction = you.getFaction();
@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ public class CmdMod extends FCommand {
targetFaction.msg("%s<i> is no longer moderator in your faction.", you.describeTo(targetFaction, true));
msg("<i>You have removed moderator status from %s<i>.", you.describeTo(fme, true));
} else {
else {
// Give
targetFaction.msg("%s<i> was promoted to moderator in your faction.", you.describeTo(targetFaction, true));

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ public class CmdMoneyBalance extends FCommand {
faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction != myFaction && !Permission.MONEY_BALANCE_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
if (faction != myFaction && !Permission.MONEY_BALANCE_ANY.has(sender, true)) { return; }
Econ.sendBalanceInfo(fme, faction);

@ -31,11 +31,12 @@ public class CmdMoneyDeposit extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator faction = this.argAsFaction(1, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, fme, faction, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions) {
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s deposited %s in the faction bank: %s", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), faction.describeTo(null))));

@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ public class CmdMoneyTransferFf extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (from == null) return;
if (from == null) { return; }
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsFaction(2);
if (to == null) return;
if (to == null) { return; }
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions) {
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the faction \"%s\" to the faction \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));

@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ public class CmdMoneyTransferFp extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (from == null) return;
if (from == null) { return; }
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(2);
if (to == null) return;
if (to == null) { return; }
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions) {
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the faction \"%s\" to the player \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));

@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ public class CmdMoneyTransferPf extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1);
if (from == null) return;
if (from == null) { return; }
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsFaction(2);
if (to == null) return;
if (to == null) { return; }
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions) {
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the player \"%s\" to the faction \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));

@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ public class CmdMoneyWithdraw extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator faction = this.argAsFaction(1, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, faction, fme, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions) {
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s withdrew %s from the faction bank: %s", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), faction.describeTo(null))));

@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ public class CmdOpen extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostOpen, "to open or close the faction", "for opening or closing the faction"))
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostOpen, "to open or close the faction", "for opening or closing the faction")) {
myFaction.setOpen(this.argAsBool(0, !myFaction.getOpen()));

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class CmdOwner extends FCommand {
FPlayer target = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0, fme);
if (target == null) return;
if (target == null) { return; }
String playerName = target.getName();
@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ public class CmdOwner extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostOwner, "to set ownership of claimed land", "for setting ownership of claimed land"))
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostOwner, "to set ownership of claimed land", "for setting ownership of claimed land")) {
myFaction.setPlayerAsOwner(target, flocation);

@ -26,13 +26,14 @@ public class CmdPeaceful extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
String change;
if (faction.isPeaceful()) {
change = "removed peaceful status from";
} else {
else {
change = "granted peaceful status to";
@ -41,7 +42,8 @@ public class CmdPeaceful extends FCommand {
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction) {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> has " + change + " your faction.");
} else {
else {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> has " + change + " the faction \"" + faction.getTag(fplayer) + "<i>\".");

@ -27,13 +27,14 @@ public class CmdPermanent extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
String change;
if (faction.isPermanent()) {
change = "removed permanent status from";
} else {
else {
change = "added permanent status to";
@ -44,7 +45,8 @@ public class CmdPermanent extends FCommand {
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction) {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> " + change + " your faction.");
} else {
else {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> " + change + " the faction \"" + faction.getTag(fplayer) + "\".");

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class CmdPermanentPower extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
Faction targetFaction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (targetFaction == null) return;
if (targetFaction == null) { return; }
Integer targetPower = this.argAsInt(1);

@ -26,12 +26,14 @@ public class CmdPower extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
FPlayer target = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0, fme);
if (target == null) return;
if (target == null) { return; }
if (target != fme && !Permission.POWER_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
if (target != fme && !Permission.POWER_ANY.has(sender, true)) { return; }
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostPower, "to show player power info", "for showing player power info")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostPower, "to show player power info", "for showing player power info")) {
double powerBoost = target.getPowerBoost();
String boost = (powerBoost == 0.0) ? "" : (powerBoost > 0.0 ? " (bonus: " : " (penalty: ") + powerBoost + ")";

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ public class CmdPowerBoost extends FCommand {
boolean doPlayer = true;
if (type.equals("f") || type.equals("faction")) {
doPlayer = false;
} else if (!type.equals("p") && !type.equals("player")) {
else if (!type.equals("p") && !type.equals("player")) {
msg("<b>You must specify \"p\" or \"player\" to target a player or \"f\" or \"faction\" to target a faction.");
msg("<b>ex. /f powerboost p SomePlayer 0.5 -or- /f powerboost f SomeFaction -5");
@ -45,18 +46,20 @@ public class CmdPowerBoost extends FCommand {
if (doPlayer) {
FPlayer targetPlayer = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1);
if (targetPlayer == null) return;
if (targetPlayer == null) { return; }
target = "Player \"" + targetPlayer.getName() + "\"";
} else {
else {
Faction targetFaction = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (targetFaction == null) return;
if (targetFaction == null) { return; }
target = "Faction \"" + targetFaction.getTag() + "\"";
msg("<i>" + target + " now has a power bonus/penalty of " + targetPower + " to min and max power levels.");
if (!senderIsConsole)
if (!senderIsConsole) {
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has set the power bonus/penalty for " + target + " to " + targetPower + ".");

@ -31,22 +31,27 @@ public class CmdReload extends FCommand {
if (file.startsWith("c")) {
fileName = "conf.json";
} else if (file.startsWith("b")) {
else if (file.startsWith("b")) {
fileName = "board.json";
} else if (file.startsWith("f")) {
else if (file.startsWith("f")) {
fileName = "factions.json";
} else if (file.startsWith("p")) {
else if (file.startsWith("p")) {
fileName = "players.json";
} else if (file.startsWith("a")) {
else if (file.startsWith("a")) {
fileName = "all";
} else {
else {
msg("<b>Invalid file specified. <i>Valid files: all, conf, board, factions, players");

@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ public class CmdSafeunclaimall extends FCommand {
msg("<i>You unclaimed ALL safe zone land.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed all safe zones.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims) { P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed all safe zones."); }

@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ public class CmdSethome extends FCommand {
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
// Can the player set the home for this faction?
if (faction == myFaction) {
if (!Permission.SETHOME_ANY.has(sender) && !assertMinRole(Role.MODERATOR)) return;
} else {
if (!Permission.SETHOME_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
if (!Permission.SETHOME_ANY.has(sender) && !assertMinRole(Role.MODERATOR)) { return; }
else {
if (!Permission.SETHOME_ANY.has(sender, true)) { return; }
// Can the player set the faction home HERE?
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ public class CmdSethome extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostSethome, "to set the faction home", "for setting the faction home")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostSethome, "to set the faction home", "for setting the faction home")) { return; }

@ -34,11 +34,13 @@ public class CmdShow extends FCommand {
Faction faction = myFaction;
if (this.argIsSet(0)) {
faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction == null) { return; }
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostShow, "to show faction information", "for showing faction information")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostShow, "to show faction information", "for showing faction information")) {
Collection<FPlayer> admins = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.ADMIN);
Collection<FPlayer> mods = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.MODERATOR);
@ -87,22 +89,19 @@ public class CmdShow extends FCommand {
String allyList = p.txt.parse("<a>Allies: ");
String enemyList = p.txt.parse("<a>Enemies: ");
for (Faction otherFaction : Factions.i.get()) {
if (otherFaction == faction) continue;
if (otherFaction == faction) { continue; }
Relation rel = otherFaction.getRelationTo(faction);
if (!rel.isAlly() && !rel.isEnemy())
if (!rel.isAlly() && !rel.isEnemy()) {
continue; // if not ally or enemy, drop out now so we're not wasting time on it; good performance boost
listpart = otherFaction.getTag(fme) + p.txt.parse("<i>") + ", ";
if (rel.isAlly())
allyList += listpart;
else if (rel.isEnemy())
enemyList += listpart;
if (rel.isAlly()) { allyList += listpart; }
else if (rel.isEnemy()) { enemyList += listpart; }
if (allyList.endsWith(", "))
allyList = allyList.substring(0, allyList.length() - 2);
if (enemyList.endsWith(", "))
enemyList = enemyList.substring(0, enemyList.length() - 2);
if (allyList.endsWith(", ")) { allyList = allyList.substring(0, allyList.length() - 2); }
if (enemyList.endsWith(", ")) { enemyList = enemyList.substring(0, enemyList.length() - 2); }
@ -114,7 +113,8 @@ public class CmdShow extends FCommand {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(fme) + p.txt.parse("<i>") + ", ";
if (follower.isOnlineAndVisibleTo(me)) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
else {
offlineList += listpart;
@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ public class CmdShow extends FCommand {
(follower.isOnlineAndVisibleTo(me)) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
else {
offlineList += listpart;
@ -131,7 +132,8 @@ public class CmdShow extends FCommand {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(fme) + p.txt.parse("<i>") + ", ";
if (follower.isOnlineAndVisibleTo(me)) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
else {
offlineList += listpart;

@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ public class CmdTag extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostTag, "to change the faction tag")) return;
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostTag, "to change the faction tag")) { return; }
// trigger the faction rename event (cancellable)
FactionRenameEvent renameEvent = new FactionRenameEvent(fme, tag);
if (renameEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (renameEvent.isCancelled()) { return; }
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostTag, "to change the faction tag", "for changing the faction tag")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostTag, "to change the faction tag", "for changing the faction tag")) { return; }
String oldtag = myFaction.getTag();

@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ public class CmdTitle extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you == null) { return; }
String title = TextUtil.implode(args, " ");
if (!canIAdministerYou(fme, you)) return;
if (!canIAdministerYou(fme, you)) { return; }
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostTitle, "to change a players title", "for changing a players title")) return;
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostTitle, "to change a players title", "for changing a players title")) { return; }

@ -34,20 +34,25 @@ public class CmdUnclaim extends FCommand {
msg("<i>Safe zone was unclaimed.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims) {
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") from the faction: " + otherFaction.getTag());
} else {
else {
msg("<b>This is a safe zone. You lack permissions to unclaim.");
} else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(sender)) {
msg("<i>War zone was unclaimed.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims) {
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") from the faction: " + otherFaction.getTag());
} else {
else {
msg("<b>This is a war zone. You lack permissions to unclaim.");
@ -59,8 +64,9 @@ public class CmdUnclaim extends FCommand {
otherFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed some of your land.", fme.describeTo(otherFaction, true));
msg("<i>You unclaimed this land.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims) {
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") from the faction: " + otherFaction.getTag());
@ -81,23 +87,27 @@ public class CmdUnclaim extends FCommand {
LandUnclaimEvent unclaimEvent = new LandUnclaimEvent(flocation, otherFaction, fme);
if (unclaimEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (unclaimEvent.isCancelled()) { return; }
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed()) {
double refund = Econ.calculateClaimRefund(myFaction.getLandRounded());
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts) {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, refund, "to unclaim this land", "for unclaiming this land")) return;
} else {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(fme, refund, "to unclaim this land", "for unclaiming this land")) return;
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, refund, "to unclaim this land", "for unclaiming this land")) {
else {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(fme, refund, "to unclaim this land", "for unclaiming this land")) { return; }
myFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed some land.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true));
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims) {
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") from the faction: " + otherFaction.getTag());

@ -30,11 +30,14 @@ public class CmdUnclaimall extends FCommand {
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed()) {
double refund = Econ.calculateTotalLandRefund(myFaction.getLandRounded());
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts) {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, refund, "to unclaim all faction land", "for unclaiming all faction land"))
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, refund, "to unclaim all faction land", "for unclaiming all faction land")) {
} else {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(fme, refund, "to unclaim all faction land", "for unclaiming all faction land"))
else {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(fme, refund, "to unclaim all faction land", "for unclaiming all faction land")) {
@ -45,8 +48,9 @@ public class CmdUnclaimall extends FCommand {
myFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed ALL of your faction's land.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true));
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims) {
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed everything for the faction: " + myFaction.getTag());

@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ public class CmdWarunclaimall extends FCommand {
msg("<i>You unclaimed ALL war zone land.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed all war zones.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims) { P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed all war zones."); }

@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ public abstract class FCommand extends MCommand<P> {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
this.fme = FPlayers.i.get((Player) sender);
this.myFaction = this.fme.getFaction();
} else {
else {
this.fme = null;
this.myFaction = null;
@ -72,11 +73,11 @@ public abstract class FCommand extends MCommand<P> {
public boolean validSenderType(CommandSender sender, boolean informSenderIfNot) {
boolean superValid = super.validSenderType(sender, informSenderIfNot);
if (!superValid) return false;
if (!superValid) { return false; }
if (!(this.senderMustBeMember || this.senderMustBeModerator || this.senderMustBeAdmin)) return true;
if (!(this.senderMustBeMember || this.senderMustBeModerator || this.senderMustBeAdmin)) { return true; }
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) return false;
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) { return false; }
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get((Player) sender);
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ public abstract class FCommand extends MCommand<P> {
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean assertHasFaction() {
if (me == null) return true;
if (me == null) { return true; }
if (!fme.hasFaction()) {
sendMessage("You are not member of any faction.");
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ public abstract class FCommand extends MCommand<P> {
public boolean assertMinRole(Role role) {
if (me == null) return true;
if (me == null) { return true; }
if (fme.getRole().value < role.value) {
msg("<b>You <h>must be " + role + "<b> to " + this.getHelpShort() + ".");
@ -240,13 +241,16 @@ public abstract class FCommand extends MCommand<P> {
if (you.getRole().equals(Role.ADMIN)) {
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Only the faction admin can do that."));
} else if (i.getRole().equals(Role.MODERATOR)) {
else if (i.getRole().equals(Role.MODERATOR)) {
if (i == you) {
return true; //Moderators can control themselves
} else {
else {
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Moderators can't control each other..."));
} else {
else {
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>You must be a faction moderator to do that."));
@ -255,21 +259,21 @@ public abstract class FCommand extends MCommand<P> {
// if economy is enabled and they're not on the bypass list, make 'em pay; returns true unless person can't afford the cost
public boolean payForCommand(double cost, String toDoThis, String forDoingThis) {
if (!Econ.shouldBeUsed() || this.fme == null || cost == 0.0 || fme.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
if (!Econ.shouldBeUsed() || this.fme == null || cost == 0.0 || fme.isAdminBypassing()) { return true; }
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysCosts && fme.hasFaction())
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysCosts && fme.hasFaction()) {
return Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, -cost, toDoThis, forDoingThis);
return Econ.modifyMoney(fme, -cost, toDoThis, forDoingThis);
else { return Econ.modifyMoney(fme, -cost, toDoThis, forDoingThis); }
// like above, but just make sure they can pay; returns true unless person can't afford the cost
public boolean canAffordCommand(double cost, String toDoThis) {
if (!Econ.shouldBeUsed() || this.fme == null || cost == 0.0 || fme.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
if (!Econ.shouldBeUsed() || this.fme == null || cost == 0.0 || fme.isAdminBypassing()) { return true; }
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysCosts && fme.hasFaction())
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysCosts && fme.hasFaction()) {
return Econ.hasAtLeast(myFaction, cost, toDoThis);
return Econ.hasAtLeast(fme, cost, toDoThis);
else { return Econ.hasAtLeast(fme, cost, toDoThis); }

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public abstract class FRelationCommand extends FCommand {
public void perform() {
Faction them = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (them == null) return;
if (them == null) { return; }
if (!them.isNormal()) {
msg("<b>Nope! You can't.");
@ -46,8 +46,9 @@ public abstract class FRelationCommand extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(targetRelation.getRelationCost(), "to change a relation wish", "for changing a relation wish"))
if (!payForCommand(targetRelation.getRelationCost(), "to change a relation wish", "for changing a relation wish")) {
// try to set the new relation
Relation oldRelation = myFaction.getRelationTo(them, true);

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class Econ {
private static Economy econ = null;
public static void setup() {
if (isSetup()) return;
if (isSetup()) { return; }
String integrationFail = "Economy integration is " + (Conf.econEnabled ? "enabled, but" : "disabled, and") + " the plugin \"Vault\" ";
@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ public class Econ {
P.p.log("Economy integration through Vault plugin successful.");
if (!Conf.econEnabled)
if (!Conf.econEnabled) {
P.p.log("NOTE: Economy is disabled. You can enable it with the command: f config econEnabled true");
@ -55,11 +56,11 @@ public class Econ {
public static void modifyUniverseMoney(double delta) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return;
if (!shouldBeUsed()) { return; }
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount == null) return;
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount.length() == 0) return;
if (!econ.hasAccount(Conf.econUniverseAccount)) return;
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount == null) { return; }
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount.length() == 0) { return; }
if (!econ.hasAccount(Conf.econUniverseAccount)) { return; }
modifyBalance(Conf.econUniverseAccount, delta);
@ -77,25 +78,26 @@ public class Econ {
Faction fYou = RelationUtil.getFaction(you);
// This is a system invoker. Accept it.
if (fI == null) return true;
if (fI == null) { return true; }
// Bypassing players can do any kind of transaction
if (i instanceof FPlayer && ((FPlayer) i).isAdminBypassing()) return true;
if (i instanceof FPlayer && ((FPlayer) i).isAdminBypassing()) { return true; }
// Players with the any withdraw can do.
if (i instanceof FPlayer && Permission.MONEY_WITHDRAW_ANY.has(((FPlayer) i).getPlayer())) return true;
if (i instanceof FPlayer && Permission.MONEY_WITHDRAW_ANY.has(((FPlayer) i).getPlayer())) { return true; }
// You can deposit to anywhere you feel like. It's your loss if you can't withdraw it again.
if (i == you) return true;
if (i == you) { return true; }
// A faction can always transfer away the money of it's members and its own money...
// This will however probably never happen as a faction does not have free will.
// Ohh by the way... Yes it could. For daily rent to the faction.
if (i == fI && fI == fYou) return true;
if (i == fI && fI == fYou) { return true; }
// Factions can be controlled by members that are moderators... or any member if any member can withdraw.
if (you instanceof Faction && fI == fYou && (Conf.bankMembersCanWithdraw || ((FPlayer) i).getRole().value >= Role.MODERATOR.value))
if (you instanceof Faction && fI == fYou && (Conf.bankMembersCanWithdraw || ((FPlayer) i).getRole().value >= Role.MODERATOR.value)) {
return true;
// Otherwise you may not! ;,,;
i.msg("<h>%s<i> lacks permission to control <h>%s's<i> money.", i.describeTo(i, true), you.describeTo(i));
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ public class Econ {
public static boolean transferMoney(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount, boolean notify) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return false;
if (!shouldBeUsed()) { return false; }
// The amount must be positive.
// If the amount is negative we must flip and multiply amount with -1.
@ -119,13 +121,14 @@ public class Econ {
// Check the rights
if (!canIControllYou(invoker, from)) return false;
if (!canIControllYou(invoker, from)) { return false; }
// Is there enough money for the transaction to happen?
if (!econ.has(from.getAccountId(), amount)) {
// There was not enough money to pay
if (invoker != null && notify)
if (invoker != null && notify) {
invoker.msg("<h>%s<b> can't afford to transfer <h>%s<b> to %s<b>.", from.describeTo(invoker, true), moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(invoker));
return false;
@ -136,17 +139,19 @@ public class Econ {
if (erw.transactionSuccess()) {
EconomyResponse erd = econ.depositPlayer(to.getAccountId(), amount);
if (erd.transactionSuccess()) {
if (notify) sendTransferInfo(invoker, from, to, amount);
if (notify) { sendTransferInfo(invoker, from, to, amount); }
return true;
} else {
else {
// transaction failed, refund account
econ.depositPlayer(from.getAccountId(), amount);
// if we get here something with the transaction failed
if (notify)
if (notify) {
invoker.msg("Unable to transfer %s<b> to <h>%s<b> from <h>%s<b>.", moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(invoker), from.describeTo(invoker, true));
return false;
@ -156,9 +161,11 @@ public class Econ {
if (ep == null) {
// Add nothing
} else if (ep instanceof FPlayer) {
else if (ep instanceof FPlayer) {
fplayers.add((FPlayer) ep);
} else if (ep instanceof Faction) {
else if (ep instanceof Faction) {
fplayers.addAll(((Faction) ep).getFPlayers());
@ -175,15 +182,18 @@ public class Econ {
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients) {
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> was transfered from <h>%s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient), to.describeTo(recipient));
} else if (invoker == from) {
else if (invoker == from) {
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients) {
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> <h>gave %s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", from.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(recipient));
} else if (invoker == to) {
else if (invoker == to) {
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients) {
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> <h>took %s<i> from <h>%s<i>.", to.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient));
} else {
else {
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients) {
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> transfered <h>%s<i> from <h>%s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", invoker.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient), to.describeTo(recipient));
@ -191,18 +201,19 @@ public class Econ {
public static boolean hasAtLeast(EconomyParticipator ep, double delta, String toDoThis) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return true;
if (!shouldBeUsed()) { return true; }
if (!econ.has(ep.getAccountId(), delta)) {
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty())
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty()) {
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> can't afford <h>%s<i> %s.", ep.describeTo(ep, true), moneyString(delta), toDoThis);
return false;
return true;
public static boolean modifyMoney(EconomyParticipator ep, double delta, String toDoThis, String forDoingThis) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return false;
if (!shouldBeUsed()) { return false; }
String acc = ep.getAccountId();
String You = ep.describeTo(ep, true);
@ -219,29 +230,36 @@ public class Econ {
EconomyResponse er = econ.depositPlayer(acc, delta);
if (er.transactionSuccess()) {
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty()) {
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> gained <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(delta), forDoingThis);
return true;
} else {
else {
// transfer to account failed
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty()) {
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> would have gained <h>%s<i> %s, but the deposit failed.", You, moneyString(delta), forDoingThis);
return false;
} else {
else {
// The player should loose money
// The player might not have enough.
if (econ.has(acc, -delta) && econ.withdrawPlayer(acc, -delta).transactionSuccess()) {
// There is enough money to pay
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty()) {
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> lost <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(-delta), forDoingThis);
return true;
} else {
else {
// There was not enough money to pay
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty())
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty()) {
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> can't afford <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(-delta), toDoThis);
return false;
@ -253,7 +271,7 @@ public class Econ {
public static void oldMoneyDoTransfer() {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return;
if (!shouldBeUsed()) { return; }
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get()) {
if ( > 0) {
@ -271,8 +289,8 @@ public class Econ {
// basic claim cost, plus land inflation cost, minus the potential bonus given for claiming from another faction
return Conf.econCostClaimWilderness
+ (Conf.econCostClaimWilderness * Conf.econClaimAdditionalMultiplier * ownedLand)
- (takingFromAnotherFaction ? Conf.econCostClaimFromFactionBonus : 0);
+ (Conf.econCostClaimWilderness * Conf.econClaimAdditionalMultiplier * ownedLand)
- (takingFromAnotherFaction ? Conf.econCostClaimFromFactionBonus : 0);
// calculate refund amount for unclaiming land
@ -309,17 +327,13 @@ public class Econ {
public static boolean setBalance(String account, double amount) {
double current = econ.getBalance(account);
if (current > amount)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, current - amount).transactionSuccess();
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount - current).transactionSuccess();
if (current > amount) { return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, current - amount).transactionSuccess(); }
else { return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount - current).transactionSuccess(); }
public static boolean modifyBalance(String account, double amount) {
if (amount < 0)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, -amount).transactionSuccess();
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();
if (amount < 0) { return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, -amount).transactionSuccess(); }
else { return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess(); }
public static boolean deposit(String account, double amount) {

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class Essentials {
// return false if feature is disabled or Essentials isn't available
public static boolean handleTeleport(Player player, Location loc) {
if (!Conf.homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration || essentials == null) return false;
if (!Conf.homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration || essentials == null) { return false; }
Teleport teleport = (Teleport) essentials.getUser(player).getTeleport();
Trade trade = new Trade(Conf.econCostHome, essentials);

@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ public class Worldguard {
enabled = false;
wg = null;
P.p.log("Could not hook to WorldGuard. WorldGuard checks are disabled.");
} else {
else {
wg = (WorldGuardPlugin) wgplug;
enabled = true;
P.p.log("Successfully hooked to WorldGuard.");
@ -79,8 +80,7 @@ public class Worldguard {
World world = loc.getWorld();
Vector pt = toVector(loc);
if (wg.getRegionManager(world).getApplicableRegions(pt).size() > 0)
return wg.canBuild(player, loc);
if (wg.getRegionManager(world).getApplicableRegions(pt).size() > 0) { return wg.canBuild(player, loc); }
return false;
@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ public class Worldguard {
overlaps = region.getIntersectingRegions(allregionslist);
if (overlaps == null || overlaps.isEmpty()) {
foundregions = false;
} else {
else {
foundregions = true;
} catch (Exception e) {

@ -23,21 +23,22 @@ public class FactionsBlockListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (!event.canBuild()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
if (!event.canBuild()) { return; }
// special case for flint&steel, which should only be prevented by DenyUsage list
if (event.getBlockPlaced().getType() == Material.FIRE) {
if (!playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "build", false))
if (!playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "build", false)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
if (!playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "destroy", false)) {
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ public class FactionsBlockListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockDamage(BlockDamageEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
if (event.getInstaBreak() && !playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "destroy", false)) {
@ -55,8 +56,8 @@ public class FactionsBlockListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockPistonExtend(BlockPistonExtendEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (!Conf.pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
if (!Conf.pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) { return; }
Faction pistonFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(event.getBlock()));
@ -102,75 +103,69 @@ public class FactionsBlockListener implements Listener {
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(target));
if (pistonFaction == otherFaction)
return true;
if (pistonFaction == otherFaction) { return true; }
if (otherFaction.isNone()) {
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyBuild || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(target.getWorld().getName()))
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyBuild || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(target.getWorld().getName())) {
return true;
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyBuild)
return true;
else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyBuild) { return true; }
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyBuild)
return true;
else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyBuild) { return true; }
return false;
Relation rel = pistonFaction.getRelationTo(otherFaction);
if (rel.confDenyBuild(otherFaction.hasPlayersOnline()))
return false;
if (rel.confDenyBuild(otherFaction.hasPlayersOnline())) { return false; }
return true;
public static boolean playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(Player player, Location location, String action, boolean justCheck) {
String name = player.getName();
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(name)) return true;
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(name)) { return true; }
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player.getUniqueId().toString());
if (me.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
if (me.isAdminBypassing()) { return true; }
FLocation loc = new FLocation(location);
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(loc);
if (otherFaction.isNone()) {
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location)) { return true; }
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyBuild || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(location.getWorld().getName()))
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyBuild || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(location.getWorld().getName())) {
return true; // This is not faction territory. Use whatever you like here.
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in the wilderness.");
if (!justCheck) { me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in the wilderness."); }
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location)) { return true; }
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyBuild || Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(player))
return true;
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyBuild || Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(player)) { return true; }
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in a safe zone.");
if (!justCheck) { me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in a safe zone."); }
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location)) { return true; }
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyBuild || Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(player))
return true;
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyBuild || Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(player)) { return true; }
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in a war zone.");
if (!justCheck) { me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in a war zone."); }
return false;
@ -185,14 +180,16 @@ public class FactionsBlockListener implements Listener {
if (pain) {
if (!deny)
if (!deny) {
me.msg("<b>It is painful to try to " + action + " in the territory of " + otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
// cancel building/destroying in other territory?
if (deny) {
if (!justCheck)
if (!justCheck) {
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in the territory of " + otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
return false;
@ -202,12 +199,14 @@ public class FactionsBlockListener implements Listener {
if (!pain && Conf.ownedAreaPainBuild && !justCheck) {
if (!Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild)
if (!Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild) {
me.msg("<b>It is painful to try to " + action + " in this territory, it is owned by: " + otherFaction.getOwnerListString(loc));
if (Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild) {
if (!justCheck)
if (!justCheck) {
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in this territory, it is owned by: " + otherFaction.getOwnerListString(loc));
return false;

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener {
// this is for handling slashless command usage and faction/alliance chat, set at lowest priority so Factions gets to them first
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void onPlayerEarlyChat(PlayerChatEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
Player talkingPlayer = event.getPlayer();
String msg = event.getMessage();
@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener {
// slashless factions commands need to be handled here if the user isn't in public chat mode
if (chat != ChatMode.PUBLIC && p.handleCommand(talkingPlayer, msg, false, true)) {
if (Conf.logPlayerCommands)
if (Conf.logPlayerCommands) {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[PLAYER_COMMAND] " + talkingPlayer.getName() + ": " + msg);
@ -51,13 +52,15 @@ public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener {
//Send to any players who are spying chat
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (fplayer.isSpyingChat() && fplayer.getFaction() != myFaction)
if (fplayer.isSpyingChat() && fplayer.getFaction() != myFaction) {
fplayer.sendMessage("[FCspy] " + myFaction.getTag() + ": " + message);
} else if (chat == ChatMode.ALLIANCE) {
else if (chat == ChatMode.ALLIANCE) {
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
String message = String.format(Conf.allianceChatFormat, ChatColor.stripColor(me.getNameAndTag()), msg);
@ -67,12 +70,10 @@ public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener {
//Send to all our allies
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (myFaction.getRelationTo(fplayer) == Relation.ALLY)
if (myFaction.getRelationTo(fplayer) == Relation.ALLY) { fplayer.sendMessage(message); }
//Send to any players who are spying chat
else if (fplayer.isSpyingChat())
fplayer.sendMessage("[ACspy]: " + message);
//Send to any players who are spying chat
else if (fplayer.isSpyingChat()) { fplayer.sendMessage("[ACspy]: " + message); }
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, ChatColor.stripColor("AllianceChat: " + message));
@ -85,11 +86,11 @@ public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener {
// this is for handling insertion of the player's faction tag, set at highest priority to give other plugins a chance to modify chat first
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
// Are we to insert the Faction tag into the format?
// If we are not to insert it - we are done.
if (!Conf.chatTagEnabled || Conf.chatTagHandledByAnotherPlugin) return;
if (!Conf.chatTagEnabled || Conf.chatTagHandledByAnotherPlugin) { return; }
Player talkingPlayer = event.getPlayer();
String msg = event.getMessage();
@ -107,17 +108,19 @@ public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener {
eventFormat = eventFormat.replace(Conf.chatTagReplaceString, "");
Conf.chatTagPadAfter = false;
Conf.chatTagPadBefore = false;
} else if (!Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString)) {
else if (!Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString)) {
// we're using the "insert after string" method
InsertIndex = eventFormat.indexOf(Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString) + Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString.length();
} else if (!Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString)) {
else if (!Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString)) {
// we're using the "insert before string" method
InsertIndex = eventFormat.indexOf(Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString);
} else {
else {
// we'll fall back to using the index place method
InsertIndex = Conf.chatTagInsertIndex;
if (InsertIndex > eventFormat.length())
if (InsertIndex > eventFormat.length()) { return; }
String formatStart = eventFormat.substring(0, InsertIndex) + ((Conf.chatTagPadBefore && !me.getChatTag().isEmpty()) ? " " : "");
@ -148,7 +151,8 @@ public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener {
// Write to the log... We will write the non colored message.
String nonColoredMsg = ChatColor.stripColor(String.format(nonColoredMsgFormat, talkingPlayer.getDisplayName(), msg));
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, nonColoredMsg);
} else {
else {
// No relation color.

@ -54,16 +54,20 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
if (Conf.worldsNoPowerLoss.contains(player.getWorld().getName())) {
powerLossEvent.setMessage("<b>The world you are in has power loss normally disabled, but you still lost power since you were in a war zone.\n<i>Your power is now <h>%d / %d");
} else if (faction.isNone() && !Conf.wildernessPowerLoss && !Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(player.getWorld().getName())) {
else if (faction.isNone() && !Conf.wildernessPowerLoss && !Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(player.getWorld().getName())) {
powerLossEvent.setMessage("<i>You didn't lose any power since you were in the wilderness.");
} else if (Conf.worldsNoPowerLoss.contains(player.getWorld().getName())) {
else if (Conf.worldsNoPowerLoss.contains(player.getWorld().getName())) {
powerLossEvent.setMessage("<i>You didn't lose any power due to the world you died in.");
} else if (Conf.peacefulMembersDisablePowerLoss && fplayer.hasFaction() && fplayer.getFaction().isPeaceful()) {
else if (Conf.peacefulMembersDisablePowerLoss && fplayer.hasFaction() && fplayer.getFaction().isPeaceful()) {
powerLossEvent.setMessage("<i>You didn't lose any power since you are in a peaceful faction.");
} else {
else {
powerLossEvent.setMessage("<i>Your power is now <h>%d / %d");
@ -87,14 +91,15 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
if (event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent) {
EntityDamageByEntityEvent sub = (EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event;
if (!this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, true)) {
} else if (Conf.safeZonePreventAllDamageToPlayers && isPlayerInSafeZone(event.getEntity())) {
else if (Conf.safeZonePreventAllDamageToPlayers && isPlayerInSafeZone(event.getEntity())) {
// Players can not take any damage in a Safe Zone
@ -102,7 +107,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
Location loc = event.getLocation();
Entity boomer = event.getEntity();
@ -133,40 +138,43 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
) {
// creeper which needs prevention
} else if
else if
// it's a bit crude just using fireball protection for Wither boss too, but I'd rather not add in a whole new set of xxxBlockWitherExplosion or whatever
(boomer instanceof Fireball || boomer instanceof WitherSkull || boomer instanceof Wither)
(faction.isNone() && Conf.wildernessBlockFireballs && !Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(loc.getWorld().getName()))
(faction.isNormal() && (online ? Conf.territoryBlockFireballs : Conf.territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline))
(faction.isWarZone() && Conf.warZoneBlockFireballs)
) {
(boomer instanceof Fireball || boomer instanceof WitherSkull || boomer instanceof Wither)
(faction.isNone() && Conf.wildernessBlockFireballs && !Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(loc.getWorld().getName()))
(faction.isNormal() && (online ? Conf.territoryBlockFireballs : Conf.territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline))
(faction.isWarZone() && Conf.warZoneBlockFireballs)
) {
// ghast fireball which needs prevention
} else if
(boomer instanceof TNTPrimed || boomer instanceof ExplosiveMinecart)
(faction.isNone() && Conf.wildernessBlockTNT && !Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(loc.getWorld().getName()))
(faction.isNormal() && (online ? Conf.territoryBlockTNT : Conf.territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline))
(faction.isWarZone() && Conf.warZoneBlockTNT)
(faction.isSafeZone() && Conf.safeZoneBlockTNT)
) {
else if
(boomer instanceof TNTPrimed || boomer instanceof ExplosiveMinecart)
(faction.isNone() && Conf.wildernessBlockTNT && !Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(loc.getWorld().getName()))
(faction.isNormal() && (online ? Conf.territoryBlockTNT : Conf.territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline))
(faction.isWarZone() && Conf.warZoneBlockTNT)
(faction.isSafeZone() && Conf.safeZoneBlockTNT)
) {
// TNT which needs prevention
} else if ((boomer instanceof TNTPrimed || boomer instanceof ExplosiveMinecart) && Conf.handleExploitTNTWaterlog) {
else if ((boomer instanceof TNTPrimed || boomer instanceof ExplosiveMinecart) && Conf.handleExploitTNTWaterlog) {
// TNT in water/lava doesn't normally destroy any surrounding blocks, which is usually desired behavior, but...
// this change below provides workaround for waterwalling providing perfect protection,
// and makes cheap (non-obsidian) TNT cannons require minor maintenance between shots
@ -183,8 +191,9 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
for (Block target : targets) {
int id = target.getTypeId();
// ignore air, bedrock, water, lava, obsidian, enchanting table, etc.... too bad we can't get a blast resistance value through Bukkit yet
if (id != 0 && (id < 7 || id > 11) && id != 49 && id != 90 && id != 116 && id != 119 && id != 120 && id != 130)
if (id != 0 && (id < 7 || id > 11) && id != 49 && id != 90 && id != 116 && id != 119 && id != 120 && id != 130) {
@ -193,23 +202,22 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
// mainly for flaming arrows; don't want allies or people in safe zones to be ignited even after damage event is cancelled
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEntityCombustByEntity(EntityCombustByEntityEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
EntityDamageByEntityEvent sub = new EntityDamageByEntityEvent(event.getCombuster(), event.getEntity(), EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.FIRE, 0);
if (!this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, false))
if (!this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, false)) { event.setCancelled(true); }
sub = null;
private static final Set<PotionEffectType> badPotionEffects = new LinkedHashSet<PotionEffectType>(Arrays.asList(
PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, PotionEffectType.CONFUSION, PotionEffectType.HARM, PotionEffectType.HUNGER,
PotionEffectType.POISON, PotionEffectType.SLOW, PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING, PotionEffectType.WEAKNESS,
PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, PotionEffectType.CONFUSION, PotionEffectType.HARM, PotionEffectType.HUNGER,
PotionEffectType.POISON, PotionEffectType.SLOW, PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING, PotionEffectType.WEAKNESS,
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPotionSplashEvent(PotionSplashEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
// see if the potion has a harmful effect
boolean badjuju = false;
@ -219,7 +227,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
if (!badjuju) return;
if (!badjuju) { return; }
ProjectileSource thrower = event.getPotion().getShooter();
if (!(thrower instanceof Entity)) {
@ -231,8 +239,9 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
LivingEntity target =;
EntityDamageByEntityEvent sub = new EntityDamageByEntityEvent((Entity) thrower, target, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.CUSTOM, 0);
if (!this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, true))
if (!this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, true)) {
event.setIntensity(target, 0.0); // affected entity list doesn't accept modification (so no iter.remove()), but this works
sub = null;
@ -256,13 +265,11 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
Entity damagee = sub.getEntity();
double damage = sub.getDamage();
if (!(damagee instanceof Player))
return true;
if (!(damagee instanceof Player)) { return true; }
FPlayer defender = FPlayers.i.get((Player) damagee);
if (defender == null || defender.getPlayer() == null)
return true;
if (defender == null || defender.getPlayer() == null) { return true; }
Location defenderLoc = defender.getPlayer().getLocation();
Faction defLocFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(defenderLoc));
@ -273,7 +280,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
if (damager == damagee) // ender pearl usage and other self-inflicted damage
return true;
{ return true; }
// Players can not take attack damage in a SafeZone, or possibly peaceful territory
if (defLocFaction.noPvPInTerritory()) {
@ -287,19 +294,18 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
return !defLocFaction.noMonstersInTerritory();
if (!(damager instanceof Player))
return true;
if (!(damager instanceof Player)) { return true; }
FPlayer attacker = FPlayers.i.get((Player) damager);
if (attacker == null || attacker.getPlayer() == null)
return true;
if (attacker == null || attacker.getPlayer() == null) { return true; }
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(attacker.getName())) return true;
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(attacker.getName())) { return true; }
if (attacker.hasLoginPvpDisabled()) {
if (notify)
if (notify) {
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players for " + Conf.noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin + " seconds after logging in.");
return false;
@ -307,38 +313,40 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
// so we know from above that the defender isn't in a safezone... what about the attacker, sneaky dog that he might be?
if (locFaction.noPvPInTerritory()) {
if (notify)
if (notify) {
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players while you are in " + (locFaction.isSafeZone() ? "a SafeZone." : "peaceful territory."));
return false;
if (locFaction.isWarZone() && Conf.warZoneFriendlyFire)
return true;
if (locFaction.isWarZone() && Conf.warZoneFriendlyFire) { return true; }
if (Conf.worldsIgnorePvP.contains(defenderLoc.getWorld().getName()))
return true;
if (Conf.worldsIgnorePvP.contains(defenderLoc.getWorld().getName())) { return true; }
Faction defendFaction = defender.getFaction();
Faction attackFaction = attacker.getFaction();
if (attackFaction.isNone() && Conf.disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers) {
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players until you join a faction.");
if (notify) { attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players until you join a faction."); }
return false;
} else if (defendFaction.isNone()) {
else if (defendFaction.isNone()) {
if (defLocFaction == attackFaction && Conf.enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand) {
// Allow PVP vs. Factionless in attacker's faction territory
return true;
} else if (Conf.disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers) {
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players who are not currently in a faction.");
else if (Conf.disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers) {
if (notify) { attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players who are not currently in a faction."); }
return false;
if (defendFaction.isPeaceful()) {
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players who are in a peaceful faction.");
if (notify) { attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players who are in a peaceful faction."); }
return false;
} else if (attackFaction.isPeaceful()) {
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players while you are in a peaceful faction.");
else if (attackFaction.isPeaceful()) {
if (notify) { attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players while you are in a peaceful faction."); }
return false;
@ -346,17 +354,16 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
// You can not hurt neutral factions
if (Conf.disablePVPBetweenNeutralFactions && relation.isNeutral()) {
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt neutral factions. Declare them as an enemy.");
if (notify) { attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt neutral factions. Declare them as an enemy."); }
return false;
// Players without faction may be hurt anywhere
if (!defender.hasFaction())
return true;
if (!defender.hasFaction()) { return true; }
// You can never hurt faction members or allies
if (relation.isMember() || relation.isAlly()) {
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt %s<i>.", defender.describeTo(attacker));
if (notify) { attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt %s<i>.", defender.describeTo(attacker)); }
return false;
@ -399,7 +406,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEntityTarget(EntityTargetEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
// if there is a target
Entity target = event.getTarget();
@ -420,7 +427,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPaintingBreak(HangingBreakEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
if (event.getCause() == RemoveCause.EXPLOSION) {
Location loc = event.getEntity().getLocation();
Faction faction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(loc));
@ -444,8 +451,8 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
? (Conf.territoryBlockCreepers || Conf.territoryBlockFireballs || Conf.territoryBlockTNT)
: (Conf.territoryBlockCreepersWhenOffline || Conf.territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline || Conf.territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline)
? (Conf.territoryBlockCreepers || Conf.territoryBlockFireballs || Conf.territoryBlockTNT)
: (Conf.territoryBlockCreepersWhenOffline || Conf.territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline || Conf.territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline)
@ -477,7 +484,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPaintingPlace(HangingPlaceEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
if (!FactionsBlockListener.playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "place paintings", false)) {
@ -486,19 +493,19 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEntityChangeBlock(EntityChangeBlockEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
Entity entity = event.getEntity();
// for now, only interested in Enderman and Wither boss tomfoolery
if (!(entity instanceof Enderman) && !(entity instanceof Wither)) return;
if (!(entity instanceof Enderman) && !(entity instanceof Wither)) { return; }
Location loc = event.getBlock().getLocation();
if (entity instanceof Enderman) {
if (stopEndermanBlockManipulation(loc))
} else if (entity instanceof Wither) {
if (stopEndermanBlockManipulation(loc)) { event.setCancelled(true); }
else if (entity instanceof Wither) {
Faction faction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(loc));
// it's a bit crude just using fireball protection, but I'd rather not add in a whole new set of xxxBlockWitherExplosion or whatever
@ -510,8 +517,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
(faction.isWarZone() && Conf.warZoneBlockFireballs)
) { event.setCancelled(true); }
@ -540,11 +546,14 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener {
if (claimFaction.isNone()) {
return Conf.wildernessDenyEndermanBlocks;
} else if (claimFaction.isNormal()) {
else if (claimFaction.isNormal()) {
return claimFaction.hasPlayersOnline() ? Conf.territoryDenyEndermanBlocks : Conf.territoryDenyEndermanBlocksWhenOffline;
} else if (claimFaction.isSafeZone()) {
else if (claimFaction.isSafeZone()) {
return Conf.safeZoneDenyEndermanBlocks;
} else if (claimFaction.isWarZone()) {
else if (claimFaction.isWarZone()) {
return Conf.warZoneDenyEndermanBlocks;

@ -14,21 +14,20 @@ import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent;
public class FactionsExploitListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void obsidianGenerator(BlockFromToEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled() == true || !Conf.handleExploitObsidianGenerators) return;
if (event.isCancelled() == true || !Conf.handleExploitObsidianGenerators) { return; }
// thanks to ObGenBlocker and WorldGuard for this method
Block block = event.getToBlock();
int source = event.getBlock().getTypeId();
int target = block.getTypeId();
if ((target == 55 || target == 132) && (source == 0 || source == 10 || source == 11))
if ((target == 55 || target == 132) && (source == 0 || source == 10 || source == 11)) { block.setTypeId(0); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void enderPearlTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled() == true || !Conf.handleExploitEnderPearlClipping) return;
if (event.getCause() != PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.ENDER_PEARL) return;
if (event.isCancelled() == true || !Conf.handleExploitEnderPearlClipping) { return; }
if (event.getCause() != PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.ENDER_PEARL) { return; }
// this exploit works when the target location is within 0.31 blocks or so of a door or glass block or similar...
Location target = event.getTo();

@ -57,13 +57,12 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
// quick check to make sure player is moving between chunks; good performance boost
if(event.getFrom().getBlockX() >> 4 == event.getTo().getBlockX() >> 4
&& event.getFrom().getBlockZ() >> 4 == event.getTo().getBlockZ() >> 4
&& event.getFrom().getWorld() == event.getTo().getWorld())
if (event.getFrom().getBlockX() >> 4 == event.getTo().getBlockX() >> 4
&& event.getFrom().getBlockZ() >> 4 == event.getTo().getBlockZ() >> 4
&& event.getFrom().getWorld() == event.getTo().getWorld()) { return; }
Player player = event.getPlayer();
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
@ -92,41 +91,45 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
if (me.isMapAutoUpdating()) {
me.sendMessage(Board.getMap(me.getFaction(), to, player.getLocation().getYaw()));
} else {
else {
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
String ownersTo = myFaction.getOwnerListString(to);
if (changedFaction) {
if (Conf.ownedAreasEnabled && Conf.ownedMessageOnBorder &&myFaction == factionTo && !ownersTo.isEmpty()) {
if (Conf.ownedAreasEnabled && Conf.ownedMessageOnBorder && myFaction == factionTo && !ownersTo.isEmpty()) {
me.sendMessage(Conf.ownedLandMessage + ownersTo);
} else if (Conf.ownedAreasEnabled && Conf.ownedMessageInsideTerritory && factionFrom == factionTo &&myFaction == factionTo) {
else if (Conf.ownedAreasEnabled && Conf.ownedMessageInsideTerritory && factionFrom == factionTo && myFaction == factionTo) {
String ownersFrom = myFaction.getOwnerListString(from);
if (Conf.ownedMessageByChunk || !ownersFrom.equals(ownersTo)) {
if (!ownersTo.isEmpty())
me.sendMessage(Conf.ownedLandMessage + ownersTo);
else if (!Conf.publicLandMessage.isEmpty())
if (!ownersTo.isEmpty()) { me.sendMessage(Conf.ownedLandMessage + ownersTo); }
else if (!Conf.publicLandMessage.isEmpty()) { me.sendMessage(Conf.publicLandMessage); }
if (me.getAutoClaimFor() != null) {
me.attemptClaim(me.getAutoClaimFor(), event.getTo(), true);
} else if (me.isAutoSafeClaimEnabled()) {
else if (me.isAutoSafeClaimEnabled()) {
if (!Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(player)) {
} else {
else {
if (!Board.getFactionAt(to).isSafeZone()) {
Board.setFactionAt(Factions.i.getSafeZone(), to);
me.msg("<i>This land is now a safe zone.");
} else if (me.isAutoWarClaimEnabled()) {
else if (me.isAutoWarClaimEnabled()) {
if (!Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(player)) {
} else {
else {
if (!Board.getFactionAt(to).isWarZone()) {
Board.setFactionAt(Factions.i.getWarZone(), to);
me.msg("<i>This land is now a war zone.");
@ -137,14 +140,16 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
// only need to check right-clicks and physical as of MC 1.4+; good performance boost
if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.getAction() != Action.PHYSICAL) return;
if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.getAction() != Action.PHYSICAL) { return; }
Block block = event.getClickedBlock();
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (block == null) return; // clicked in air, apparently
if (block == null) {
return; // clicked in air, apparently
if (!canPlayerUseBlock(player, block, false)) {
@ -165,7 +170,9 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) return; // only interested on right-clicks for below
if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
return; // only interested on right-clicks for below
if (!playerCanUseItemHere(player, block.getLocation(), event.getMaterial(), false)) {
@ -184,10 +191,8 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
// returns the current attempt count
public int increment() {
long Now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (Now > lastAttempt + 2000)
attempts = 1;
if (Now > lastAttempt + 2000) { attempts = 1; }
else { attempts++; }
lastAttempt = Now;
return attempts;
@ -196,44 +201,47 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
public static boolean playerCanUseItemHere(Player player, Location location, Material material, boolean justCheck) {
String name = player.getName();
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(name)) return true;
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(name)) { return true; }
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (me.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
if (me.isAdminBypassing()) { return true; }
FLocation loc = new FLocation(location);
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(loc);
if (otherFaction.hasPlayersOnline()) {
if (!Conf.territoryDenyUseageMaterials.contains(material))
if (!Conf.territoryDenyUseageMaterials.contains(material)) {
return true; // Item isn't one we're preventing for online factions.
} else {
if (!Conf.territoryDenyUseageMaterialsWhenOffline.contains(material))
else {
if (!Conf.territoryDenyUseageMaterialsWhenOffline.contains(material)) {
return true; // Item isn't one we're preventing for offline factions.
if (otherFaction.isNone()) {
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyUseage || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(location.getWorld().getName()))
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyUseage || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(location.getWorld().getName())) {
return true; // This is not faction territory. Use whatever you like here.
if (!justCheck)
if (!justCheck) {
me.msg("<b>You can't use <h>%s<b> in the wilderness.", TextUtil.getMaterialName(material));
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyUseage || Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(player))
return true;
else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyUseage || Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(player)) { return true; }
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't use <h>%s<b> in a safe zone.", TextUtil.getMaterialName(material));
if (!justCheck) { me.msg("<b>You can't use <h>%s<b> in a safe zone.", TextUtil.getMaterialName(material)); }
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyUseage || Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(player))
return true;
else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyUseage || Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(player)) { return true; }
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't use <h>%s<b> in a war zone.", TextUtil.getMaterialName(material));
if (!justCheck) { me.msg("<b>You can't use <h>%s<b> in a war zone.", TextUtil.getMaterialName(material)); }
return false;
@ -243,16 +251,18 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
// Cancel if we are not in our own territory
if (rel.confDenyUseage()) {
if (!justCheck)
if (!justCheck) {
me.msg("<b>You can't use <h>%s<b> in the territory of <h>%s<b>.", TextUtil.getMaterialName(material), otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
return false;
// Also cancel if player doesn't have ownership rights for this claim
if (Conf.ownedAreasEnabled && Conf.ownedAreaDenyUseage && !otherFaction.playerHasOwnershipRights(me, loc)) {
if (!justCheck)
if (!justCheck) {
me.msg("<b>You can't use <h>%s<b> in this territory, it is owned by: %s<b>.", TextUtil.getMaterialName(material), otherFaction.getOwnerListString(loc));
return false;
@ -261,26 +271,24 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
public static boolean canPlayerUseBlock(Player player, Block block, boolean justCheck) {
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(player.getName())) return true;
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(player.getName())) { return true; }
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (me.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
if (me.isAdminBypassing()) { return true; }
Material material = block.getType();
FLocation loc = new FLocation(block);
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(loc);
// no door/chest/whatever protection in wilderness, war zones, or safe zones
if (!otherFaction.isNormal())
return true;
if (!otherFaction.isNormal()) { return true; }
// We only care about some material types.
if (otherFaction.hasPlayersOnline()) {
if (!Conf.territoryProtectedMaterials.contains(material))
return true;
} else {
if (!Conf.territoryProtectedMaterialsWhenOffline.contains(material))
return true;
if (!Conf.territoryProtectedMaterials.contains(material)) { return true; }
else {
if (!Conf.territoryProtectedMaterialsWhenOffline.contains(material)) { return true; }
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
@ -288,16 +296,18 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
// You may use any block unless it is another faction's territory...
if (rel.isNeutral() || (rel.isEnemy() && Conf.territoryEnemyProtectMaterials) || (rel.isAlly() && Conf.territoryAllyProtectMaterials)) {
if (!justCheck)
if (!justCheck) {
me.msg("<b>You can't %s <h>%s<b> in the territory of <h>%s<b>.", (material == Material.SOIL ? "trample" : "use"), TextUtil.getMaterialName(material), otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
return false;
// Also cancel if player doesn't have ownership rights for this claim
if (Conf.ownedAreasEnabled && Conf.ownedAreaProtectMaterials && !otherFaction.playerHasOwnershipRights(me, loc)) {
if (!justCheck)
if (!justCheck) {
me.msg("<b>You can't use <h>%s<b> in this territory, it is owned by: %s<b>.", TextUtil.getMaterialName(material), otherFaction.getOwnerListString(loc));
return false;
@ -334,7 +344,7 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
// but these separate bucket events below always fire without fail
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPlayerBucketEmpty(PlayerBucketEmptyEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
Block block = event.getBlockClicked();
Player player = event.getPlayer();
@ -347,7 +357,7 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPlayerBucketFill(PlayerBucketFillEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
Block block = event.getBlockClicked();
Player player = event.getPlayer();
@ -359,16 +369,16 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
public static boolean preventCommand(String fullCmd, Player player) {
if ((Conf.territoryNeutralDenyCommands.isEmpty() && Conf.territoryEnemyDenyCommands.isEmpty() && Conf.permanentFactionMemberDenyCommands.isEmpty()))
if ((Conf.territoryNeutralDenyCommands.isEmpty() && Conf.territoryEnemyDenyCommands.isEmpty() && Conf.permanentFactionMemberDenyCommands.isEmpty())) {
return false;
fullCmd = fullCmd.toLowerCase();
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
String shortCmd; // command without the slash at the beginning
if (fullCmd.startsWith("/"))
shortCmd = fullCmd.substring(1);
if (fullCmd.startsWith("/")) { shortCmd = fullCmd.substring(1); }
else {
shortCmd = fullCmd;
fullCmd = "/" + fullCmd;
@ -422,15 +432,14 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
cmdCheck = cmdCheck.toLowerCase();
if (fullCmd.startsWith(cmdCheck) || shortCmd.startsWith(cmdCheck))
return true;
if (fullCmd.startsWith(cmdCheck) || shortCmd.startsWith(cmdCheck)) { return true; }
return false;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPlayerKick(PlayerKickEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) { return; }
FPlayer badGuy = FPlayers.i.get(event.getPlayer());
if (badGuy == null) {
@ -439,8 +448,7 @@ public class FactionsPlayerListener implements Listener {
// if player was banned (not just kicked), get rid of their stored info
if (Conf.removePlayerDataWhenBanned && event.getReason().equals("Banned by admin.")) {
if (badGuy.getRole() == Role.ADMIN)
if (badGuy.getRole() == Role.ADMIN) { badGuy.getFaction().promoteNewLeader(); }

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ public enum ChatMode {
public ChatMode getNext() {
if (this == PUBLIC) return ALLIANCE;
if (this == ALLIANCE) return FACTION;
if (this == PUBLIC) { return ALLIANCE; }
if (this == ALLIANCE) { return FACTION; }
return PUBLIC;

@ -48,78 +48,55 @@ public enum Relation {
public ChatColor getColor() {
if (this == MEMBER)
return Conf.colorMember;
else if (this == ALLY)
return Conf.colorAlly;
else if (this == NEUTRAL)
return Conf.colorNeutral;
return Conf.colorEnemy;
if (this == MEMBER) { return Conf.colorMember; }
else if (this == ALLY) { return Conf.colorAlly; }
else if (this == NEUTRAL) { return Conf.colorNeutral; }
else { return Conf.colorEnemy; }
// return appropriate Conf setting for DenyBuild based on this relation and their online status
public boolean confDenyBuild(boolean online) {
if (isMember())
return false;
if (isMember()) { return false; }
if (online) {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuild;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuild;
return Conf.territoryDenyBuild;
} else {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline;
return Conf.territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline;
if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuild; }
else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuild; }
else { return Conf.territoryDenyBuild; }
else {
if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline; }
else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline; }
else { return Conf.territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline; }
// return appropriate Conf setting for PainBuild based on this relation and their online status
public boolean confPainBuild(boolean online) {
if (isMember())
return false;
if (isMember()) { return false; }
if (online) {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuild;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuild;
return Conf.territoryPainBuild;
} else {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline;
return Conf.territoryPainBuildWhenOffline;
if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuild; }
else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuild; }
else { return Conf.territoryPainBuild; }
else {
if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline; }
else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline; }
else { return Conf.territoryPainBuildWhenOffline; }
// return appropriate Conf setting for DenyUseage based on this relation
public boolean confDenyUseage() {
if (isMember())
return false;
else if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyUseage;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyUseage;
return Conf.territoryDenyUseage;
if (isMember()) { return false; }
else if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyUseage; }
else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.territoryAllyDenyUseage; }
else { return Conf.territoryDenyUseage; }
public double getRelationCost() {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.econCostEnemy;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.econCostAlly;
return Conf.econCostNeutral;
if (isEnemy()) { return Conf.econCostEnemy; }
else if (isAlly()) { return Conf.econCostAlly; }
else { return Conf.econCostNeutral; }

@ -33,29 +33,18 @@ public class AsciiCompass {
public static AsciiCompass.Point getCompassPointForDirection(double inDegrees) {
double degrees = (inDegrees - 180) % 360;
if (degrees < 0)
degrees += 360;
if (degrees < 0) { degrees += 360; }
if (0 <= degrees && degrees < 22.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.N;
else if (22.5 <= degrees && degrees < 67.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.NE;
else if (67.5 <= degrees && degrees < 112.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.E;
else if (112.5 <= degrees && degrees < 157.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.SE;
else if (157.5 <= degrees && degrees < 202.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.S;
else if (202.5 <= degrees && degrees < 247.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.SW;
else if (247.5 <= degrees && degrees < 292.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.W;
else if (292.5 <= degrees && degrees < 337.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.NW;
else if (337.5 <= degrees && degrees < 360.0)
return AsciiCompass.Point.N;
return null;
if (0 <= degrees && degrees < 22.5) { return AsciiCompass.Point.N; }
else if (22.5 <= degrees && degrees < 67.5) { return AsciiCompass.Point.NE; }
else if (67.5 <= degrees && degrees < 112.5) { return AsciiCompass.Point.E; }
else if (112.5 <= degrees && degrees < 157.5) { return AsciiCompass.Point.SE; }
else if (157.5 <= degrees && degrees < 202.5) { return AsciiCompass.Point.S; }
else if (202.5 <= degrees && degrees < 247.5) { return AsciiCompass.Point.SW; }
else if (247.5 <= degrees && degrees < 292.5) { return AsciiCompass.Point.W; }
else if (292.5 <= degrees && degrees < 337.5) { return AsciiCompass.Point.NW; }
else if (337.5 <= degrees && degrees < 360.0) { return AsciiCompass.Point.N; }
else { return null; }
public static ArrayList<String> getAsciiCompass(Point point, ChatColor colorActive, String colorDefault) {

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class AutoLeaveProcessTask extends BukkitRunnable {
if (!readyToGo) return;
if (!readyToGo) { return; }
// this is set so it only does one iteration at a time, no matter how frequently the timer fires
readyToGo = false;
// and this is tracked to keep one iteration from dragging on too long and possibly choking the system if there are a very large number of players to go through
@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ public class AutoLeaveProcessTask extends BukkitRunnable {
FPlayer fplayer =;
if (fplayer.isOffline() && now - fplayer.getLastLoginTime() > toleranceMillis) {
if (Conf.logFactionLeave || Conf.logFactionKick)
if (Conf.logFactionLeave || Conf.logFactionKick) {
P.p.log("Player " + fplayer.getName() + " was auto-removed due to inactivity.");
// if player is faction admin, sort out the faction since he's going away
if (fplayer.getRole() == Role.ADMIN) {
Faction faction = fplayer.getFaction();
if (faction != null)
if (faction != null) { fplayer.getFaction().promoteNewLeader(); }

@ -12,14 +12,12 @@ public class AutoLeaveTask implements Runnable {
public synchronized void run() {
if (task != null && !task.isFinished())
if (task != null && !task.isFinished()) { return; }
task = new AutoLeaveProcessTask();
task.runTaskTimer(P.p, 1, 1);
// maybe setting has been changed? if so, restart this task at new rate
if (this.rate != Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes)
if (this.rate != Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes) { P.p.startAutoLeaveTask(true); }

@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ public class LazyLocation {
// This initializes the Location
private void initLocation() {
// if location is already initialized, simply return
if (location != null) return;
if (location != null) { return; }
// get World; hopefully it's initialized at this point
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName);
if (world == null) return;
if (world == null) { return; }
// store the Location for future calls, and pass it on
location = new Location(world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch);

@ -301,7 +301,8 @@ public final class Metrics {
// It does not reroute POST requests so we need to go around it
if (isMineshafterPresent()) {
connection = url.openConnection(Proxy.NO_PROXY);
} else {
else {
connection = url.openConnection();
@ -339,7 +340,8 @@ public final class Metrics {
if (response == null || response.startsWith("ERR") || response.startsWith("7")) {
if (response == null) {
response = "null";
} else if (response.startsWith("7")) {
else if (response.startsWith("7")) {
response = response.substring(response.startsWith("7,") ? 2 : 1);
@ -419,7 +421,8 @@ public final class Metrics {
if (isValueNumeric) {
} else {
else {
@ -460,7 +463,8 @@ public final class Metrics {
if (chr < ' ') {
String t = "000" + Integer.toHexString(chr);
builder.append("\\u").append(t.substring(t.length() - 4));
} else {
else {

@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ public class MiscUtil {
/// TODO create tag whitelist!!
public static HashSet<String> substanceChars = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
"I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r",
"s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
"I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r",
"s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"
public static String getComparisonString(String str) {

@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ public class RelationUtil {
String ret = "";
Faction thatFaction = getFaction(that);
if (thatFaction == null) return "ERROR"; // ERROR
if (thatFaction == null) {
return "ERROR"; // ERROR
Faction myFaction = getFaction(me);
// if (myFaction == null) return that.describeTo(null); // no relation, but can show basic name or tag
@ -21,16 +23,20 @@ public class RelationUtil {
if (that instanceof Faction) {
if (me instanceof FPlayer && myFaction == thatFaction) {
ret = "your faction";
} else {
else {
ret = thatFaction.getTag();
} else if (that instanceof FPlayer) {
else if (that instanceof FPlayer) {
FPlayer fplayerthat = (FPlayer) that;
if (that == me) {
ret = "you";
} else if (thatFaction == myFaction) {
else if (thatFaction == myFaction) {
ret = fplayerthat.getNameAndTitle();
} else {
else {
ret = fplayerthat.getNameAndTag();
@ -52,10 +58,14 @@ public class RelationUtil {
public static Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator me, RelationParticipator that, boolean ignorePeaceful) {
Faction fthat = getFaction(that);
if (fthat == null) return Relation.NEUTRAL; // ERROR
if (fthat == null) {
return Relation.NEUTRAL; // ERROR
Faction fme = getFaction(me);
if (fme == null) return Relation.NEUTRAL; // ERROR
if (fme == null) {
return Relation.NEUTRAL; // ERROR
if (!fthat.isNormal() || !fme.isNormal()) {
return Relation.NEUTRAL;

@ -98,19 +98,18 @@ public abstract class SpiralTask implements Runnable {
public final void setTaskID(int ID) {
if (ID == -1)
if (ID == -1) { this.stop(); }
taskID = ID;
public final void run() {
if (!this.valid() || !readyToGo) return;
if (!this.valid() || !readyToGo) { return; }
// this is set so it only does one iteration at a time, no matter how frequently the timer fires
readyToGo = false;
// make sure we're still inside the specified radius
if (!this.insideRadius()) return;
if (!this.insideRadius()) { return; }
// track this to keep one iteration from dragging on too long and possibly choking the system
long loopStartTime = now();
@ -124,8 +123,7 @@ public abstract class SpiralTask implements Runnable {
// move on to next chunk in spiral
if (!this.moveToNext())
if (!this.moveToNext()) { return; }
// ready for the next iteration to run
@ -134,15 +132,16 @@ public abstract class SpiralTask implements Runnable {
// step through chunks in spiral pattern from center; returns false if we're done, otherwise returns true
public final boolean moveToNext() {
if (!this.valid()) return false;
if (!this.valid()) { return false; }
// make sure we don't need to turn down the next leg of the spiral
if (current < length) {
// if we're outside the radius, we're done
if (!this.insideRadius()) return false;
} else { // one leg/side of the spiral down...
if (!this.insideRadius()) { return false; }
else { // one leg/side of the spiral down...
current = 0;
isZLeg ^= true;
// every second leg (between X and Z legs, negative or positive), length increases
@ -153,18 +152,15 @@ public abstract class SpiralTask implements Runnable {
// move one chunk further in the appropriate direction
if (isZLeg)
z += (isNeg) ? -1 : 1;
x += (isNeg) ? -1 : 1;
if (isZLeg) { z += (isNeg) ? -1 : 1; }
else { x += (isNeg) ? -1 : 1; }
return true;
public final boolean insideRadius() {
boolean inside = current < limit;
if (!inside)
if (!inside) { this.finish(); }
return inside;
@ -176,7 +172,7 @@ public abstract class SpiralTask implements Runnable {
// we're done, whether finished or cancelled
public final void stop() {
if (!this.valid()) return;
if (!this.valid()) { return; }
readyToGo = false;

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ public class FCommandHandler implements CommandExecutor {
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
if (P.p.handleCommand(sender, cmd.getName() + args)) {
if (P.p.logPlayerCommands())
if (P.p.logPlayerCommands()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[PLAYER_COMMAND] " + sender.getName() + ": " + cmd.getName() + args);
return false;

@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ public abstract class MCommand<T extends MPlugin> {
if (sender instanceof Player) { = (Player) sender;
this.senderIsConsole = false;
} else {
else { = null;
this.senderIsConsole = true;
@ -110,9 +111,9 @@ public abstract class MCommand<T extends MPlugin> {
if (!validCall(this.sender, this.args)) return;
if (!validCall(this.sender, this.args)) { return; }
if (!this.isEnabled()) return;
if (!this.isEnabled()) { return; }
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ public abstract class MCommand<T extends MPlugin> {
public boolean validSenderPermissions(CommandSender sender, boolean informSenderIfNot) {
if (this.permission == null) return true;
if (this.permission == null) { return true; }
return p.perm.has(sender, this.permission, informSenderIfNot);
@ -219,7 +220,8 @@ public abstract class MCommand<T extends MPlugin> {
String val = optionalArg.getValue();
if (val == null) {
val = "";
} else {
else {
val = "=" + val;
args.add("[" + optionalArg.getKey() + val + "]");
@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ public abstract class MCommand<T extends MPlugin> {
// INT ======================
public Integer strAsInt(String str, Integer def) {
if (str == null) return def;
if (str == null) { return def; }
try {
Integer ret = Integer.parseInt(str);
return ret;
@ -309,7 +311,7 @@ public abstract class MCommand<T extends MPlugin> {
// Double ======================
public Double strAsDouble(String str, Double def) {
if (str == null) return def;
if (str == null) { return def; }
try {
Double ret = Double.parseDouble(str);
return ret;
@ -338,7 +340,7 @@ public abstract class MCommand<T extends MPlugin> {
public Boolean argAsBool(int idx, boolean def) {
String str = this.argAsString(idx);
if (str == null) return def;
if (str == null) { return def; }
return strAsBool(str);

@ -90,8 +90,7 @@ public abstract class MPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
// reference command will be used to prevent "unknown command" console messages
try {
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> refCmd = this.getDescription().getCommands();
if (refCmd != null && !refCmd.isEmpty())
this.refCommand = (String) (refCmd.keySet().toArray()[0]);
if (refCmd != null && !refCmd.isEmpty()) { this.refCommand = (String) (refCmd.keySet().toArray()[0]); }
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
@ -186,8 +185,7 @@ public abstract class MPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
saveTask = null;
// only save data if plugin actually loaded successfully
if (loadSuccessful)
if (loadSuccessful) { EM.saveAllToDisc(); }
@ -204,10 +202,10 @@ public abstract class MPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public GsonBuilder getGsonBuilder() {
return new GsonBuilder()
.excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.TRANSIENT, Modifier.VOLATILE);
.excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.TRANSIENT, Modifier.VOLATILE);
// -------------------------------------------- //
@ -237,7 +235,7 @@ public abstract class MPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
Map<String, String> tagsFromFile = this.persist.load(type, "tags");
if (tagsFromFile != null) this.rawTags.putAll(tagsFromFile);
if (tagsFromFile != null) { this.rawTags.putAll(tagsFromFile); }, "tags");
for (Entry<String, String> rawTag : this.rawTags.entrySet()) {
@ -266,17 +264,17 @@ public abstract class MPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
for (final MCommand<?> command : this.getBaseCommands()) {
if (noSlash && !command.allowNoSlashAccess) continue;
if (noSlash && !command.allowNoSlashAccess) { continue; }
for (String alias : command.aliases) {
// disallow double-space after alias, so specific commands can be prevented (preventing "f home" won't prevent "f home")
if (commandString.startsWith(alias + " ")) return false;
if (commandString.startsWith(alias + " ")) { return false; }
if (commandString.startsWith(alias + " ") || commandString.equals(alias)) {
final List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(commandString.split("\\s+")));
if (testOnly) return true;
if (testOnly) { return true; }
if (async) {
Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, new Runnable() {
@ -285,8 +283,8 @@ public abstract class MPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
command.execute(sender, args);
} else
command.execute(sender, args);
else { command.execute(sender, args); }
return true;

@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ public class MPluginSecretPlayerListener implements Listener {
//@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
if (p.handleCommand(event.getPlayer(), event.getMessage())) {
if (p.logPlayerCommands())
if (p.logPlayerCommands()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[PLAYER_COMMAND] " + event.getPlayer().getName() + ": " + event.getMessage());
@ -35,8 +36,9 @@ public class MPluginSecretPlayerListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
if (p.handleCommand(event.getPlayer(), event.getMessage(), false, true)) {
if (p.logPlayerCommands())
if (p.logPlayerCommands()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[PLAYER_COMMAND] " + event.getPlayer().getName() + ": " + event.getMessage());

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public class MPluginSecretServerListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void onServerCommand(ServerCommandEvent event) {
if (event.getCommand().length() == 0) return;
if (event.getCommand().length() == 0) { return; }
if (p.handleCommand(event.getSender(), event.getCommand())) {

@ -99,24 +99,24 @@ public abstract class EntityCollection<E extends Entity> {
public E get(String id) {
if (this.creative) return this.getCreative(id);
if (this.creative) { return this.getCreative(id); }
return id2entity.get(id);
public E getCreative(String id) {
E e = id2entity.get(id);
if (e != null) return e;
if (e != null) { return e; }
return this.create(id);
public boolean exists(String id) {
if (id == null) return false;
if (id == null) { return false; }
return id2entity.get(id) != null;
public E getBestIdMatch(String pattern) {
String id = TextUtil.getBestStartWithCI(this.id2entity.keySet(), pattern);
if (id == null) return null;
if (id == null) { return null; }
return this.id2entity.get(id);
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public abstract class EntityCollection<E extends Entity> {
public synchronized E create(String id) {
if (!this.isIdFree(id)) return null;
if (!this.isIdFree(id)) { return null; }
E e = null;
try {
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public abstract class EntityCollection<E extends Entity> {
// -------------------------------------------- //
public void attach(E entity) {
if (entity.getId() != null) return;
if (entity.getId() != null) { return; }
this.id2entity.put(entity.getId(), entity);
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public abstract class EntityCollection<E extends Entity> {
public void detach(String id) {
E entity = this.id2entity.get(id);
if (entity == null) return;
if (entity == null) { return; }
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public abstract class EntityCollection<E extends Entity> {
private boolean saveIsRunning = false;
public boolean saveToDisc() {
if (saveIsRunning) return true;
if (saveIsRunning) { return true; }
saveIsRunning = true;
Map<String, E> entitiesThatShouldBeSaved = new HashMap<String, E>();
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public abstract class EntityCollection<E extends Entity> {
public boolean loadFromDisc() {
Map<String, E> id2entity = this.loadCore();
if (id2entity == null) return false;
if (id2entity == null) { return false; }
@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ public abstract class EntityCollection<E extends Entity> {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Done converting players.json to UUID.");
return (Map<String, E>) data;
} else {
else {
Map<String, Faction> data = this.gson.fromJson(content, type);
// Do we have any names that need updating in claims or invites?

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import java.util.List;
public class PlayerEntity extends Entity {
public Player getPlayer() {
for (Player player : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (player.getUniqueId().toString().equals(this.getId())) return player;
if (player.getUniqueId().toString().equals(this.getId())) { return player; }
return null;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class PlayerEntity extends Entity {
public void sendMessage(String msg) {
Player player = this.getPlayer();
if (player == null) return;
if (player == null) { return; }

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ public class SaveTask implements Runnable {
public void run() {
if (!p.getAutoSave() || running) return;
if (!p.getAutoSave() || running) { return; }
running = true;

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class PermUtil {
* This method tests if me has a certain permission and returns true if me has. Otherwise false
public boolean has(CommandSender me, String perm) {
if (me == null) return false;
if (me == null) { return false; }
if (!(me instanceof Player)) {
return me.hasPermission(perm);
@ -59,19 +59,20 @@ public class PermUtil {
public boolean has(CommandSender me, String perm, boolean informSenderIfNot) {
if (has(me, perm)) {
return true;
} else if (informSenderIfNot && me != null) {
else if (informSenderIfNot && me != null) {
return false;
public <T> T pickFirstVal(CommandSender me, Map<String, T> perm2val) {
if (perm2val == null) return null;
if (perm2val == null) { return null; }
T ret = null;
for (Entry<String, T> entry : perm2val.entrySet()) {
ret = entry.getValue();
if (has(me, entry.getKey())) break;
if (has(me, entry.getKey())) { break; }
return ret;

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class Persist {
// backup bad file, so user can attempt to recover their changes from it
File backup = new File(file.getPath() + "_bad");
if (backup.exists()) backup.delete();
if (backup.exists()) { backup.delete(); }
p.log(Level.WARNING, "Backing up copy of bad file to: " + backup);

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class SmokeUtil {
// Single ========
public static void spawnSingle(Location location, int direction) {
if (location == null) return;
if (location == null) { return; }
location.getWorld().playEffect(location.clone(), Effect.SMOKE, direction);

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public enum TL {
* Lang enum constructor.
* @param path The string path.
* @param path The string path.
* @param start The default string.
TL(String path, String start) {

@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ public class TextUtil {
String repl = tags.get(tag);
if (repl == null) {
matcher.appendReplacement(ret, "<" + tag + ">");
} else {
else {
matcher.appendReplacement(ret, repl);
@ -72,34 +73,34 @@ public class TextUtil {
public static String parseColorAcc(String string) {
return string.replace("`e", "")
.replace("`r", ChatColor.RED.toString()).replace("`R", ChatColor.DARK_RED.toString())
.replace("`y", ChatColor.YELLOW.toString()).replace("`Y", ChatColor.GOLD.toString())
.replace("`g", ChatColor.GREEN.toString()).replace("`G", ChatColor.DARK_GREEN.toString())
.replace("`a", ChatColor.AQUA.toString()).replace("`A", ChatColor.DARK_AQUA.toString())
.replace("`b", ChatColor.BLUE.toString()).replace("`B", ChatColor.DARK_BLUE.toString())
.replace("`p", ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE.toString()).replace("`P", ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE.toString())
.replace("`k", ChatColor.BLACK.toString()).replace("`s", ChatColor.GRAY.toString())
.replace("`S", ChatColor.DARK_GRAY.toString()).replace("`w", ChatColor.WHITE.toString());
.replace("`r", ChatColor.RED.toString()).replace("`R", ChatColor.DARK_RED.toString())
.replace("`y", ChatColor.YELLOW.toString()).replace("`Y", ChatColor.GOLD.toString())
.replace("`g", ChatColor.GREEN.toString()).replace("`G", ChatColor.DARK_GREEN.toString())
.replace("`a", ChatColor.AQUA.toString()).replace("`A", ChatColor.DARK_AQUA.toString())
.replace("`b", ChatColor.BLUE.toString()).replace("`B", ChatColor.DARK_BLUE.toString())
.replace("`p", ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE.toString()).replace("`P", ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE.toString())
.replace("`k", ChatColor.BLACK.toString()).replace("`s", ChatColor.GRAY.toString())
.replace("`S", ChatColor.DARK_GRAY.toString()).replace("`w", ChatColor.WHITE.toString());
public static String parseColorTags(String string) {
return string.replace("<empty>", "")
.replace("<black>", "\u00A70")
.replace("<navy>", "\u00A71")
.replace("<green>", "\u00A72")
.replace("<teal>", "\u00A73")
.replace("<red>", "\u00A74")
.replace("<purple>", "\u00A75")
.replace("<gold>", "\u00A76")
.replace("<silver>", "\u00A77")
.replace("<gray>", "\u00A78")
.replace("<blue>", "\u00A79")
.replace("<lime>", "\u00A7a")
.replace("<aqua>", "\u00A7b")
.replace("<rose>", "\u00A7c")
.replace("<pink>", "\u00A7d")
.replace("<yellow>", "\u00A7e")
.replace("<white>", "\u00A7f");
.replace("<black>", "\u00A70")
.replace("<navy>", "\u00A71")
.replace("<green>", "\u00A72")
.replace("<teal>", "\u00A73")
.replace("<red>", "\u00A74")
.replace("<purple>", "\u00A75")
.replace("<gold>", "\u00A76")
.replace("<silver>", "\u00A77")
.replace("<gray>", "\u00A78")
.replace("<blue>", "\u00A79")
.replace("<lime>", "\u00A7a")
.replace("<aqua>", "\u00A7b")
.replace("<rose>", "\u00A7c")
.replace("<pink>", "\u00A7d")
.replace("<yellow>", "\u00A7e")
.replace("<white>", "\u00A7f");
// -------------------------------------------- //
@ -122,8 +123,8 @@ public class TextUtil {
public static String repeat(String s, int times) {
if (times <= 0) return "";
else return s + repeat(s, times - 1);
if (times <= 0) { return ""; }
else { return s + repeat(s, times - 1); }
// -------------------------------------------- //
@ -152,10 +153,10 @@ public class TextUtil {
int eatLeft = (centerlen / 2) - titleizeBalance;
int eatRight = (centerlen - eatLeft) + titleizeBalance;
if (eatLeft < pivot)
if (eatLeft < pivot) {
return parseTags("<a>") + titleizeLine.substring(0, pivot - eatLeft) + center + titleizeLine.substring(pivot + eatRight);
return parseTags("<a>") + center;
else { return parseTags("<a>") + center; }
public ArrayList<String> getPage(List<String> lines, int pageHumanBased, String title) {
@ -169,7 +170,8 @@ public class TextUtil {
if (pagecount == 0) {
ret.add(this.parseTags("<i>Sorry. No Pages available."));
return ret;
} else if (pageZeroBased < 0 || pageHumanBased > pagecount) {
else if (pageZeroBased < 0 || pageHumanBased > pagecount) {
ret.add(this.parseTags("<i>Invalid page. Must be between 1 and " + pagecount));
return ret;
@ -192,8 +194,8 @@ public class TextUtil {
start = start.toLowerCase();
int minlength = start.length();
for (String candidate : candidates) {
if (candidate.length() < minlength) continue;
if (!candidate.toLowerCase().startsWith(start)) continue;
if (candidate.length() < minlength) { continue; }
if (!candidate.toLowerCase().startsWith(start)) { continue; }
// The closer to zero the better
int lendiff = candidate.length() - minlength;