Damage protection is now extended to being set on fire (by flaming arrows, for instance) and receiving harmful splash potion effects. Beneficial splash potion effects are unaffected, and prevention of harmful splash potion effects is handled on a player-by-player basis, so you can still be harmed if you're not careful where you throw them.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.listeners;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
@ -10,6 +14,7 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Creeper;
import org.bukkit.entity.Enderman;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Fireball;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.entity.Projectile;
import org.bukkit.entity.TNTPrimed;
@ -18,15 +23,19 @@ import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTargetEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.PotionSplashEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingBreakByEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingBreakEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingPlaceEvent;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
@ -100,12 +109,12 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent event)
if ( event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent)
EntityDamageByEntityEvent sub = (EntityDamageByEntityEvent)event;
if ( ! this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub))
if ( ! this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, true))
@ -120,7 +129,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent event)
if ( event.isCancelled()) return;
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
Location loc = event.getLocation();
@ -207,6 +216,56 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
// mainly for flaming arrows; don't want allies or people in safe zones to be ignited even after damage event is cancelled
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEntityCombustByEntity(EntityCombustByEntityEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
EntityDamageByEntityEvent sub = new EntityDamageByEntityEvent(event.getCombuster(), event.getEntity(), EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.FIRE, 0);
if ( ! this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, false))
sub = null;
private static final Set<PotionEffectType> badPotionEffects = new LinkedHashSet<PotionEffectType>(Arrays.asList(
PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, PotionEffectType.CONFUSION, PotionEffectType.HARM, PotionEffectType.HUNGER,
PotionEffectType.POISON, PotionEffectType.SLOW, PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING, PotionEffectType.WEAKNESS
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPotionSplashEvent(PotionSplashEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
// see if the potion has a harmful effect
boolean badjuju = false;
for (PotionEffect effect : event.getPotion().getEffects())
if (badPotionEffects.contains(effect.getType()))
badjuju = true;
if ( ! badjuju) return;
Entity thrower = event.getEntity();
if (thrower instanceof Projectile)
thrower = ((Projectile)thrower).getShooter();
// scan through affected entities to make sure they're all valid targets
Iterator<LivingEntity> iter = event.getAffectedEntities().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
LivingEntity target = iter.next();
EntityDamageByEntityEvent sub = new EntityDamageByEntityEvent(thrower, target, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.CUSTOM, 0);
if ( ! this.canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, true))
event.setIntensity(target, 0.0); // affected entity list doesn't accept modification (so no iter.remove()), but this works
sub = null;
public boolean isPlayerInSafeZone(Entity damagee)
if ( ! (damagee instanceof Player))
@ -221,6 +280,11 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
public boolean canDamagerHurtDamagee(EntityDamageByEntityEvent sub)
return canDamagerHurtDamagee(sub, true);
public boolean canDamagerHurtDamagee(EntityDamageByEntityEvent sub, boolean notify)
Entity damager = sub.getDamager();
Entity damagee = sub.getEntity();
@ -248,8 +312,11 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
if (defLocFaction.noPvPInTerritory()) {
if (damager instanceof Player)
FPlayer attacker = FPlayers.i.get((Player)damager);
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players in "+(defLocFaction.isSafeZone() ? "a SafeZone." : "peaceful territory."));
if (notify)
FPlayer attacker = FPlayers.i.get((Player)damager);
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players in "+(defLocFaction.isSafeZone() ? "a SafeZone." : "peaceful territory."));
return false;
return !defLocFaction.noMonstersInTerritory();
@ -265,7 +332,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
if (attacker.hasLoginPvpDisabled())
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players for " + Conf.noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin + " seconds after logging in.");
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players for " + Conf.noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin + " seconds after logging in.");
return false;
@ -274,7 +341,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
// so we know from above that the defender isn't in a safezone... what about the attacker, sneaky dog that he might be?
if (locFaction.noPvPInTerritory())
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players while you are in "+(locFaction.isSafeZone() ? "a SafeZone." : "peaceful territory."));
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players while you are in "+(locFaction.isSafeZone() ? "a SafeZone." : "peaceful territory."));
return false;
@ -289,7 +356,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
if (attackFaction.isNone() && Conf.disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers)
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players until you join a faction.");
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt other players until you join a faction.");
return false;
else if (defendFaction.isNone())
@ -301,19 +368,19 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
else if (Conf.disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers)
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players who are not currently in a faction.");
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players who are not currently in a faction.");
return false;
if (defendFaction.isPeaceful())
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players who are in a peaceful faction.");
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players who are in a peaceful faction.");
return false;
else if (attackFaction.isPeaceful())
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players while you are in a peaceful faction.");
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt players while you are in a peaceful faction.");
return false;
@ -322,7 +389,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
// You can not hurt neutral factions
if (Conf.disablePVPBetweenNeutralFactions && relation.isNeutral())
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt neutral factions. Declare them as an enemy.");
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt neutral factions. Declare them as an enemy.");
return false;
@ -333,7 +400,7 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
// You can never hurt faction members or allies
if (relation.isMember() || relation.isAlly())
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt %s<i>.", defender.describeTo(attacker));
if (notify) attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt %s<i>.", defender.describeTo(attacker));
return false;
@ -342,20 +409,26 @@ public class FactionsEntityListener implements Listener
// You can not hurt neutrals in their own territory.
if (ownTerritory && relation.isNeutral())
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt %s<i> in their own territory unless you declare them as an enemy.", defender.describeTo(attacker));
defender.msg("%s<i> tried to hurt you.", attacker.describeTo(defender, true));
if (notify)
attacker.msg("<i>You can't hurt %s<i> in their own territory unless you declare them as an enemy.", defender.describeTo(attacker));
defender.msg("%s<i> tried to hurt you.", attacker.describeTo(defender, true));
return false;
// Damage will be dealt. However check if the damage should be reduced.
if (ownTerritory && Conf.territoryShieldFactor > 0)
if (damage > 0.0 && ownTerritory && Conf.territoryShieldFactor > 0)
int newDamage = (int)Math.ceil(damage * (1D - Conf.territoryShieldFactor));
// Send message
String perc = MessageFormat.format("{0,number,#%}", (Conf.territoryShieldFactor)); // TODO does this display correctly??
defender.msg("<i>Enemy damage reduced by <rose>%s<i>.", perc);
if (notify)
String perc = MessageFormat.format("{0,number,#%}", (Conf.territoryShieldFactor)); // TODO does this display correctly??
defender.msg("<i>Enemy damage reduced by <rose>%s<i>.", perc);
return true;
Reference in New Issue
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