Reformat before I go crazy.

This commit is contained in:
drtshock 2014-04-04 13:55:21 -05:00
parent 0c3ea377dd
commit 814e439705
124 changed files with 11302 additions and 13164 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<defaultGoal>clean package install</defaultGoal>

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@ -1,383 +1,320 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.LWCFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.AsciiCompass;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.DiscUtil;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public class Board
private static transient File file = new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "board.json");
private static transient HashMap<FLocation, String> flocationIds = new HashMap<FLocation, String>();
// Get and Set
public static String getIdAt(FLocation flocation)
if ( ! flocationIds.containsKey(flocation))
return "0";
return flocationIds.get(flocation);
public static Faction getFactionAt(FLocation flocation)
return Factions.i.get(getIdAt(flocation));
public static void setIdAt(String id, FLocation flocation)
public class Board {
private static transient File file = new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "board.json");
private static transient HashMap<FLocation, String> flocationIds = new HashMap<FLocation, String>();
if (id == "0")
flocationIds.put(flocation, id);
public static void setFactionAt(Faction faction, FLocation flocation)
setIdAt(faction.getId(), flocation);
public static void removeAt(FLocation flocation)
// not to be confused with claims, ownership referring to further member-specific ownership of a claim
public static void clearOwnershipAt(FLocation flocation)
Faction faction = getFactionAt(flocation);
if (faction != null && faction.isNormal())
public static void unclaimAll(String factionId)
Faction faction = Factions.i.get(factionId);
if (faction != null && faction.isNormal())
// Get and Set
public static String getIdAt(FLocation flocation) {
if (!flocationIds.containsKey(flocation)) {
return "0";
Iterator<Entry<FLocation, String>> iter = flocationIds.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Entry<FLocation, String> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().equals(factionId))
if(Conf.onUnclaimResetLwcLocks && LWCFeatures.getEnabled())
return flocationIds.get(flocation);
// Is this coord NOT completely surrounded by coords claimed by the same faction?
// Simpler: Is there any nearby coord with a faction other than the faction here?
public static boolean isBorderLocation(FLocation flocation)
Faction faction = getFactionAt(flocation);
FLocation a = flocation.getRelative(1, 0);
FLocation b = flocation.getRelative(-1, 0);
FLocation c = flocation.getRelative(0, 1);
FLocation d = flocation.getRelative(0, -1);
return faction != getFactionAt(a) || faction != getFactionAt(b) || faction != getFactionAt(c) || faction != getFactionAt(d);
public static Faction getFactionAt(FLocation flocation) {
return Factions.i.get(getIdAt(flocation));
// Is this coord connected to any coord claimed by the specified faction?
public static boolean isConnectedLocation(FLocation flocation, Faction faction)
FLocation a = flocation.getRelative(1, 0);
FLocation b = flocation.getRelative(-1, 0);
FLocation c = flocation.getRelative(0, 1);
FLocation d = flocation.getRelative(0, -1);
return faction == getFactionAt(a) || faction == getFactionAt(b) || faction == getFactionAt(c) || faction == getFactionAt(d);
// Cleaner. Remove orphaned foreign keys
public static void clean()
Iterator<Entry<FLocation, String>> iter = flocationIds.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<FLocation, String> entry =;
if ( ! Factions.i.exists(entry.getValue()))
if(Conf.onUnclaimResetLwcLocks && LWCFeatures.getEnabled())
P.p.log("Board cleaner removed "+entry.getValue()+" from "+entry.getKey());
// Coord count
public static int getFactionCoordCount(String factionId)
int ret = 0;
for (String thatFactionId : flocationIds.values())
ret += 1;
return ret;
public static int getFactionCoordCount(Faction faction)
return getFactionCoordCount(faction.getId());
public static int getFactionCoordCountInWorld(Faction faction, String worldName)
String factionId = faction.getId();
int ret = 0;
Iterator<Entry<FLocation, String>> iter = flocationIds.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<FLocation, String> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().equals(factionId) && entry.getKey().getWorldName().equals(worldName))
ret += 1;
return ret;
// Map generation
* The map is relative to a coord and a faction
* north is in the direction of decreasing x
* east is in the direction of decreasing z
public static ArrayList<String> getMap(Faction faction, FLocation flocation, double inDegrees)
ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
Faction factionLoc = getFactionAt(flocation);
ret.add(P.p.txt.titleize("("+flocation.getCoordString()+") "+factionLoc.getTag(faction)));
int halfWidth = Conf.mapWidth / 2;
int halfHeight = Conf.mapHeight / 2;
FLocation topLeft = flocation.getRelative(-halfWidth, -halfHeight);
int width = halfWidth * 2 + 1;
int height = halfHeight * 2 + 1;
if (Conf.showMapFactionKey)
Map<String, Character> fList = new HashMap<String, Character>();
int chrIdx = 0;
// For each row
for (int dz = 0; dz < height; dz++)
// Draw and add that row
String row = "";
for (int dx = 0; dx < width; dx++)
if(dx == halfWidth && dz == halfHeight)
row += ChatColor.AQUA+"+";
FLocation flocationHere = topLeft.getRelative(dx, dz);
Faction factionHere = getFactionAt(flocationHere);
Relation relation = faction.getRelationTo(factionHere);
if (factionHere.isNone())
row += ChatColor.GRAY+"-";
else if (factionHere.isSafeZone())
row += Conf.colorPeaceful+"+";
else if (factionHere.isWarZone())
row += ChatColor.DARK_RED+"+";
else if
factionHere == faction
factionHere == factionLoc
(Conf.showNeutralFactionsOnMap && relation.equals(Relation.NEUTRAL))
(Conf.showEnemyFactionsOnMap && relation.equals(Relation.ENEMY))
if (!fList.containsKey(factionHere.getTag()))
fList.put(factionHere.getTag(), Conf.mapKeyChrs[chrIdx++]);
char tag = fList.get(factionHere.getTag());
row += factionHere.getColorTo(faction) + "" + tag;
row += ChatColor.GRAY+"-";
// Get the compass
ArrayList<String> asciiCompass = AsciiCompass.getAsciiCompass(inDegrees, ChatColor.RED, P.p.txt.parse("<a>"));
public static void setIdAt(String id, FLocation flocation) {
// Add the compass
ret.set(1, asciiCompass.get(0)+ret.get(1).substring(3*3));
ret.set(2, asciiCompass.get(1)+ret.get(2).substring(3*3));
ret.set(3, asciiCompass.get(2)+ret.get(3).substring(3*3));
// Add the faction key
if (Conf.showMapFactionKey)
String fRow = "";
for(String key : fList.keySet())
fRow += String.format("%s%s: %s ", ChatColor.GRAY, fList.get(key), key);
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Persistance
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static Map<String,Map<String,String>> dumpAsSaveFormat()
Map<String,Map<String,String>> worldCoordIds = new HashMap<String,Map<String,String>>();
String worldName, coords;
String id;
for (Entry<FLocation, String> entry : flocationIds.entrySet())
worldName = entry.getKey().getWorldName();
coords = entry.getKey().getCoordString();
id = entry.getValue();
if ( ! worldCoordIds.containsKey(worldName))
worldCoordIds.put(worldName, new TreeMap<String,String>());
worldCoordIds.get(worldName).put(coords, id);
return worldCoordIds;
public static void loadFromSaveFormat(Map<String,Map<String,String>> worldCoordIds)
String worldName;
String[] coords;
int x, z;
String factionId;
for (Entry<String,Map<String,String>> entry : worldCoordIds.entrySet())
worldName = entry.getKey();
for (Entry<String,String> entry2 : entry.getValue().entrySet())
coords = entry2.getKey().trim().split("[,\\s]+");
x = Integer.parseInt(coords[0]);
z = Integer.parseInt(coords[1]);
factionId = entry2.getValue();
flocationIds.put(new FLocation(worldName, x, z), factionId);
public static boolean save()
//Factions.log("Saving board to disk");
DiscUtil.write(file, P.p.gson.toJson(dumpAsSaveFormat()));
catch (Exception e)
P.p.log("Failed to save the board to disk.");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean load()
P.p.log("Loading board from disk");
if ( ! file.exists())
P.p.log("No board to load from disk. Creating new file.");
return true;
Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String,Map<String,String>>>(){}.getType();
Map<String,Map<String,String>> worldCoordIds = P.p.gson.fromJson(, type);
catch (Exception e)
P.p.log("Failed to load the board from disk.");
return false;
return true;
if (id == "0") {
flocationIds.put(flocation, id);
public static void setFactionAt(Faction faction, FLocation flocation) {
setIdAt(faction.getId(), flocation);
public static void removeAt(FLocation flocation) {
// not to be confused with claims, ownership referring to further member-specific ownership of a claim
public static void clearOwnershipAt(FLocation flocation) {
Faction faction = getFactionAt(flocation);
if (faction != null && faction.isNormal()) {
public static void unclaimAll(String factionId) {
Faction faction = Factions.i.get(factionId);
if (faction != null && faction.isNormal()) {
Iterator<Entry<FLocation, String>> iter = flocationIds.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<FLocation, String> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().equals(factionId)) {
if (Conf.onUnclaimResetLwcLocks && LWCFeatures.getEnabled()) {
// Is this coord NOT completely surrounded by coords claimed by the same faction?
// Simpler: Is there any nearby coord with a faction other than the faction here?
public static boolean isBorderLocation(FLocation flocation) {
Faction faction = getFactionAt(flocation);
FLocation a = flocation.getRelative(1, 0);
FLocation b = flocation.getRelative(-1, 0);
FLocation c = flocation.getRelative(0, 1);
FLocation d = flocation.getRelative(0, -1);
return faction != getFactionAt(a) || faction != getFactionAt(b) || faction != getFactionAt(c) || faction != getFactionAt(d);
// Is this coord connected to any coord claimed by the specified faction?
public static boolean isConnectedLocation(FLocation flocation, Faction faction) {
FLocation a = flocation.getRelative(1, 0);
FLocation b = flocation.getRelative(-1, 0);
FLocation c = flocation.getRelative(0, 1);
FLocation d = flocation.getRelative(0, -1);
return faction == getFactionAt(a) || faction == getFactionAt(b) || faction == getFactionAt(c) || faction == getFactionAt(d);
// Cleaner. Remove orphaned foreign keys
public static void clean() {
Iterator<Entry<FLocation, String>> iter = flocationIds.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<FLocation, String> entry =;
if (!Factions.i.exists(entry.getValue())) {
if (Conf.onUnclaimResetLwcLocks && LWCFeatures.getEnabled()) {
P.p.log("Board cleaner removed " + entry.getValue() + " from " + entry.getKey());
// Coord count
public static int getFactionCoordCount(String factionId) {
int ret = 0;
for (String thatFactionId : flocationIds.values()) {
if (thatFactionId.equals(factionId)) {
ret += 1;
return ret;
public static int getFactionCoordCount(Faction faction) {
return getFactionCoordCount(faction.getId());
public static int getFactionCoordCountInWorld(Faction faction, String worldName) {
String factionId = faction.getId();
int ret = 0;
Iterator<Entry<FLocation, String>> iter = flocationIds.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<FLocation, String> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().equals(factionId) && entry.getKey().getWorldName().equals(worldName)) {
ret += 1;
return ret;
// Map generation
* The map is relative to a coord and a faction north is in the direction of decreasing x east is in the direction
* of decreasing z
public static ArrayList<String> getMap(Faction faction, FLocation flocation, double inDegrees) {
ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
Faction factionLoc = getFactionAt(flocation);
ret.add(P.p.txt.titleize("(" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") " + factionLoc.getTag(faction)));
int halfWidth = Conf.mapWidth / 2;
int halfHeight = Conf.mapHeight / 2;
FLocation topLeft = flocation.getRelative(-halfWidth, -halfHeight);
int width = halfWidth * 2 + 1;
int height = halfHeight * 2 + 1;
if (Conf.showMapFactionKey) {
Map<String, Character> fList = new HashMap<String, Character>();
int chrIdx = 0;
// For each row
for (int dz = 0; dz < height; dz++) {
// Draw and add that row
String row = "";
for (int dx = 0; dx < width; dx++) {
if (dx == halfWidth && dz == halfHeight) {
row += ChatColor.AQUA + "+";
} else {
FLocation flocationHere = topLeft.getRelative(dx, dz);
Faction factionHere = getFactionAt(flocationHere);
Relation relation = faction.getRelationTo(factionHere);
if (factionHere.isNone()) {
row += ChatColor.GRAY + "-";
} else if (factionHere.isSafeZone()) {
row += Conf.colorPeaceful + "+";
} else if (factionHere.isWarZone()) {
row += ChatColor.DARK_RED + "+";
} else if
factionHere == faction
factionHere == factionLoc
(Conf.showNeutralFactionsOnMap && relation.equals(Relation.NEUTRAL))
(Conf.showEnemyFactionsOnMap && relation.equals(Relation.ENEMY))
) {
if (!fList.containsKey(factionHere.getTag()))
fList.put(factionHere.getTag(), Conf.mapKeyChrs[chrIdx++]);
char tag = fList.get(factionHere.getTag());
row += factionHere.getColorTo(faction) + "" + tag;
} else {
row += ChatColor.GRAY + "-";
// Get the compass
ArrayList<String> asciiCompass = AsciiCompass.getAsciiCompass(inDegrees, ChatColor.RED, P.p.txt.parse("<a>"));
// Add the compass
ret.set(1, asciiCompass.get(0) + ret.get(1).substring(3 * 3));
ret.set(2, asciiCompass.get(1) + ret.get(2).substring(3 * 3));
ret.set(3, asciiCompass.get(2) + ret.get(3).substring(3 * 3));
// Add the faction key
if (Conf.showMapFactionKey) {
String fRow = "";
for (String key : fList.keySet()) {
fRow += String.format("%s%s: %s ", ChatColor.GRAY, fList.get(key), key);
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Persistance
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> dumpAsSaveFormat() {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> worldCoordIds = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
String worldName, coords;
String id;
for (Entry<FLocation, String> entry : flocationIds.entrySet()) {
worldName = entry.getKey().getWorldName();
coords = entry.getKey().getCoordString();
id = entry.getValue();
if (!worldCoordIds.containsKey(worldName)) {
worldCoordIds.put(worldName, new TreeMap<String, String>());
worldCoordIds.get(worldName).put(coords, id);
return worldCoordIds;
public static void loadFromSaveFormat(Map<String, Map<String, String>> worldCoordIds) {
String worldName;
String[] coords;
int x, z;
String factionId;
for (Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry : worldCoordIds.entrySet()) {
worldName = entry.getKey();
for (Entry<String, String> entry2 : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
coords = entry2.getKey().trim().split("[,\\s]+");
x = Integer.parseInt(coords[0]);
z = Integer.parseInt(coords[1]);
factionId = entry2.getValue();
flocationIds.put(new FLocation(worldName, x, z), factionId);
public static boolean save() {
//Factions.log("Saving board to disk");
try {
DiscUtil.write(file, P.p.gson.toJson(dumpAsSaveFormat()));
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.log("Failed to save the board to disk.");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean load() {
P.p.log("Loading board from disk");
if (!file.exists()) {
P.p.log("No board to load from disk. Creating new file.");
return true;
try {
Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, Map<String, String>>>() {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> worldCoordIds = P.p.gson.fromJson(, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.log("Failed to load the board from disk.");
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -1,385 +1,383 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
public class Conf
public static List<String> baseCommandAliases = new ArrayList<String>();
public static boolean allowNoSlashCommand = true;
// Colors
public static ChatColor colorMember = ChatColor.GREEN;
public static ChatColor colorAlly = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
public static ChatColor colorNeutral = ChatColor.WHITE;
public static ChatColor colorEnemy = ChatColor.RED;
public static ChatColor colorPeaceful = ChatColor.GOLD;
public static ChatColor colorWar = ChatColor.DARK_RED;
//public static ChatColor colorWilderness = ChatColor.DARK_GREEN;
// Power
public static double powerPlayerMax = 10.0;
public static double powerPlayerMin = -10.0;
public static double powerPlayerStarting = 0.0;
public static double powerPerMinute = 0.2; // Default health rate... it takes 5 min to heal one power
public static double powerPerDeath = 4.0; // A death makes you lose 4 power
public static boolean powerRegenOffline = false; // does player power regenerate even while they're offline?
public static double powerOfflineLossPerDay = 0.0; // players will lose this much power per day offline
public static double powerOfflineLossLimit = 0.0; // players will no longer lose power from being offline once their power drops to this amount or less
public static double powerFactionMax = 0.0; // if greater than 0, the cap on how much power a faction can have (additional power from players beyond that will act as a "buffer" of sorts)
public static String prefixAdmin = "**";
public static String prefixMod = "*";
public static int factionTagLengthMin = 3;
public static int factionTagLengthMax = 10;
public static boolean factionTagForceUpperCase = false;
public static boolean newFactionsDefaultOpen = false;
import java.util.*;
// when faction membership hits this limit, players will no longer be able to join using /f join; default is 0, no limit
public static int factionMemberLimit = 0;
public class Conf {
public static List<String> baseCommandAliases = new ArrayList<String>();
public static boolean allowNoSlashCommand = true;
// what faction ID to start new players in when they first join the server; default is 0, "no faction"
public static String newPlayerStartingFactionID = "0";
// Colors
public static ChatColor colorMember = ChatColor.GREEN;
public static ChatColor colorAlly = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
public static ChatColor colorNeutral = ChatColor.WHITE;
public static ChatColor colorEnemy = ChatColor.RED;
public static boolean showMapFactionKey = true;
public static boolean showNeutralFactionsOnMap = true;
public static boolean showEnemyFactionsOnMap = true;
// Disallow joining/leaving/kicking while power is negative
public static boolean canLeaveWithNegativePower = true;
// Configuration for faction-only chat
public static boolean factionOnlyChat = true;
// Configuration on the Faction tag in chat messages.
public static boolean chatTagEnabled = true;
public static transient boolean chatTagHandledByAnotherPlugin = false;
public static boolean chatTagRelationColored = true;
public static String chatTagReplaceString = "[FACTION]";
public static String chatTagInsertAfterString = "";
public static String chatTagInsertBeforeString = "";
public static int chatTagInsertIndex = 1;
public static boolean chatTagPadBefore = false;
public static boolean chatTagPadAfter = true;
public static String chatTagFormat = "%s"+ChatColor.WHITE;
public static String factionChatFormat = "%s:"+ChatColor.WHITE+" %s";
public static String allianceChatFormat = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE+"%s:"+ChatColor.WHITE+" %s";
public static ChatColor colorPeaceful = ChatColor.GOLD;
public static ChatColor colorWar = ChatColor.DARK_RED;
//public static ChatColor colorWilderness = ChatColor.DARK_GREEN;
public static boolean broadcastDescriptionChanges = false;
// Power
public static double powerPlayerMax = 10.0;
public static double powerPlayerMin = -10.0;
public static double powerPlayerStarting = 0.0;
public static double powerPerMinute = 0.2; // Default health rate... it takes 5 min to heal one power
public static double powerPerDeath = 4.0; // A death makes you lose 4 power
public static boolean powerRegenOffline = false; // does player power regenerate even while they're offline?
public static double powerOfflineLossPerDay = 0.0; // players will lose this much power per day offline
public static double powerOfflineLossLimit = 0.0; // players will no longer lose power from being offline once their power drops to this amount or less
public static double powerFactionMax = 0.0; // if greater than 0, the cap on how much power a faction can have (additional power from players beyond that will act as a "buffer" of sorts)
public static double saveToFileEveryXMinutes = 30.0;
public static String prefixAdmin = "**";
public static String prefixMod = "*";
public static double autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity = 10.0;
public static double autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes = 5.0;
public static int autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick = 5; // 1 server tick is roughly 50ms, so default max 10% of a tick
public static boolean removePlayerDataWhenBanned = true;
public static int factionTagLengthMin = 3;
public static int factionTagLengthMax = 10;
public static boolean factionTagForceUpperCase = false;
public static boolean worldGuardChecking = false;
public static boolean worldGuardBuildPriority = false;
public static boolean lwcIntegration = false;
public static boolean onUnclaimResetLwcLocks = false;
public static boolean onCaptureResetLwcLocks = false;
public static boolean newFactionsDefaultOpen = false;
// server logging options
public static boolean logFactionCreate = true;
public static boolean logFactionDisband = true;
public static boolean logFactionJoin = true;
public static boolean logFactionKick = true;
public static boolean logFactionLeave = true;
public static boolean logLandClaims = true;
public static boolean logLandUnclaims = true;
public static boolean logMoneyTransactions = true;
public static boolean logPlayerCommands = true;
// when faction membership hits this limit, players will no longer be able to join using /f join; default is 0, no limit
public static int factionMemberLimit = 0;
// prevent some potential exploits
public static boolean handleExploitObsidianGenerators = true;
public static boolean handleExploitEnderPearlClipping = true;
public static boolean handleExploitInteractionSpam = true;
public static boolean handleExploitTNTWaterlog = false;
// what faction ID to start new players in when they first join the server; default is 0, "no faction"
public static String newPlayerStartingFactionID = "0";
public static boolean homesEnabled = true;
public static boolean homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportToOnDeath = true;
public static boolean homesRespawnFromNoPowerLossWorlds = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportCommandEnabled = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled = true;
public static float homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectThickness = 3f;
public static boolean homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld = true;
public static double homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance = 32.0;
public static boolean homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory = true;
public static boolean disablePVPBetweenNeutralFactions = false;
public static boolean disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers = false;
public static boolean enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand = false;
public static int noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin = 3;
public static boolean showMapFactionKey = true;
public static boolean showNeutralFactionsOnMap = true;
public static boolean showEnemyFactionsOnMap = true;
public static boolean peacefulTerritoryDisablePVP = true;
public static boolean peacefulTerritoryDisableMonsters = false;
public static boolean peacefulMembersDisablePowerLoss = true;
public static boolean permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion = false;
public static boolean claimsMustBeConnected = false;
public static boolean claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction = true;
public static int claimsRequireMinFactionMembers = 1;
public static int claimedLandsMax = 0;
// Disallow joining/leaving/kicking while power is negative
public static boolean canLeaveWithNegativePower = true;
// if someone is doing a radius claim and the process fails to claim land this many times in a row, it will exit
public static int radiusClaimFailureLimit = 9;
// Configuration for faction-only chat
public static boolean factionOnlyChat = true;
// Configuration on the Faction tag in chat messages.
public static boolean chatTagEnabled = true;
public static transient boolean chatTagHandledByAnotherPlugin = false;
public static boolean chatTagRelationColored = true;
public static String chatTagReplaceString = "[FACTION]";
public static String chatTagInsertAfterString = "";
public static String chatTagInsertBeforeString = "";
public static int chatTagInsertIndex = 1;
public static boolean chatTagPadBefore = false;
public static boolean chatTagPadAfter = true;
public static String chatTagFormat = "%s" + ChatColor.WHITE;
public static String factionChatFormat = "%s:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " %s";
public static String allianceChatFormat = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "%s:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " %s";
public static double considerFactionsReallyOfflineAfterXMinutes = 0.0;
public static int actionDeniedPainAmount = 1;
public static boolean broadcastDescriptionChanges = false;
// commands which will be prevented if the player is a member of a permanent faction
public static Set<String> permanentFactionMemberDenyCommands = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static double saveToFileEveryXMinutes = 30.0;
// commands which will be prevented when in claimed territory of another faction
public static Set<String> territoryNeutralDenyCommands = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> territoryEnemyDenyCommands = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static double territoryShieldFactor = 0.3;
public static boolean territoryDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline = true;
public static boolean territoryPainBuild = false;
public static boolean territoryPainBuildWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean territoryEnemyDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline = true;
public static boolean territoryEnemyPainBuild = false;
public static boolean territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryEnemyDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean territoryEnemyProtectMaterials = true;
public static boolean territoryAllyDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline = true;
public static boolean territoryAllyPainBuild = false;
public static boolean territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryAllyDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean territoryAllyProtectMaterials = true;
public static boolean territoryBlockCreepers = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockCreepersWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockFireballs = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockTNT = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryDenyEndermanBlocks = true;
public static boolean territoryDenyEndermanBlocksWhenOffline = true;
public static double autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity = 10.0;
public static double autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes = 5.0;
public static int autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick = 5; // 1 server tick is roughly 50ms, so default max 10% of a tick
public static boolean removePlayerDataWhenBanned = true;
public static boolean safeZoneDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean safeZoneDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean safeZoneBlockTNT = true;
public static boolean safeZonePreventAllDamageToPlayers = false;
public static boolean safeZoneDenyEndermanBlocks = true;
public static boolean warZoneDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean warZoneDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean warZoneBlockCreepers = false;
public static boolean warZoneBlockFireballs = false;
public static boolean warZoneBlockTNT = true;
public static boolean warZonePowerLoss = true;
public static boolean warZoneFriendlyFire = false;
public static boolean warZoneDenyEndermanBlocks = true;
public static boolean wildernessDenyBuild = false;
public static boolean wildernessDenyUseage = false;
public static boolean wildernessBlockCreepers = false;
public static boolean wildernessBlockFireballs = false;
public static boolean wildernessBlockTNT = false;
public static boolean wildernessPowerLoss = true;
public static boolean wildernessDenyEndermanBlocks = false;
public static boolean worldGuardChecking = false;
public static boolean worldGuardBuildPriority = false;
// for claimed areas where further faction-member ownership can be defined
public static boolean ownedAreasEnabled = true;
public static int ownedAreasLimitPerFaction = 0;
public static boolean ownedAreasModeratorsCanSet = false;
public static boolean ownedAreaModeratorsBypass = true;
public static boolean ownedAreaDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean ownedAreaPainBuild = false;
public static boolean ownedAreaProtectMaterials = true;
public static boolean ownedAreaDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean lwcIntegration = false;
public static boolean onUnclaimResetLwcLocks = false;
public static boolean onCaptureResetLwcLocks = false;
public static String ownedLandMessage = "Owner(s): ";
public static String publicLandMessage = "Public faction land.";
public static boolean ownedMessageOnBorder = true;
public static boolean ownedMessageInsideTerritory = true;
public static boolean ownedMessageByChunk = false;
// server logging options
public static boolean logFactionCreate = true;
public static boolean logFactionDisband = true;
public static boolean logFactionJoin = true;
public static boolean logFactionKick = true;
public static boolean logFactionLeave = true;
public static boolean logLandClaims = true;
public static boolean logLandUnclaims = true;
public static boolean logMoneyTransactions = true;
public static boolean logPlayerCommands = true;
public static boolean pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild = true;
// prevent some potential exploits
public static boolean handleExploitObsidianGenerators = true;
public static boolean handleExploitEnderPearlClipping = true;
public static boolean handleExploitInteractionSpam = true;
public static boolean handleExploitTNTWaterlog = false;
public static Set<Material> territoryProtectedMaterials = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
public static Set<Material> territoryDenyUseageMaterials = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
public static Set<Material> territoryProtectedMaterialsWhenOffline = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
public static Set<Material> territoryDenyUseageMaterialsWhenOffline = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
public static transient Set<EntityType> safeZoneNerfedCreatureTypes = EnumSet.noneOf(EntityType.class);
public static boolean homesEnabled = true;
public static boolean homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportToOnDeath = true;
public static boolean homesRespawnFromNoPowerLossWorlds = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportCommandEnabled = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled = true;
public static float homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectThickness = 3f;
public static boolean homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory = true;
public static boolean homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld = true;
public static double homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance = 32.0;
public static boolean homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory = true;
// Spout features
public static boolean spoutFactionTagsOverNames = true; // show faction tags over names over player heads
public static boolean spoutFactionTitlesOverNames = true; // whether to include player's title in that
public static boolean spoutFactionAdminCapes = true; // Show capes on faction admins, colored based on the viewer's relation to the target player
public static boolean spoutFactionModeratorCapes = true; // same, but for faction moderators
public static int spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition = 1; // permanent territory display, instead of by chat; 0 = disabled, 1 = top left, 2 = top center, 3+ = top right
public static float spoutTerritoryDisplaySize = 1.0f; // text scale (size) for territory display
public static boolean spoutTerritoryDisplayShowDescription = true; // whether to show the faction description, not just the faction tag
public static boolean spoutTerritoryOwnersShow = true; // show territory owner list as well
public static boolean spoutTerritoryNoticeShow = true; // show additional brief territory notice near center of screen, to be sure player notices transition
public static int spoutTerritoryNoticeTop = 40; // how far down the screen to place the additional notice
public static boolean spoutTerritoryNoticeShowDescription = false; // whether to show the faction description in the notice, not just the faction tag
public static float spoutTerritoryNoticeSize = 1.5f; // text scale (size) for notice
public static float spoutTerritoryNoticeLeaveAfterSeconds = 2.00f; // how many seconds before the notice goes away
public static String capeAlly = "";
public static String capeEnemy = "";
public static String capeMember = "";
public static String capeNeutral = "";
public static String capePeaceful = "";
// Economy settings
public static boolean econEnabled = false;
public static String econUniverseAccount = "";
public static double econCostClaimWilderness = 30.0;
public static double econCostClaimFromFactionBonus = 30.0;
public static double econClaimAdditionalMultiplier = 0.5;
public static double econClaimRefundMultiplier = 0.7;
public static double econClaimUnconnectedFee = 0.0;
public static double econCostCreate = 100.0;
public static double econCostOwner = 15.0;
public static double econCostSethome = 30.0;
public static double econCostJoin = 0.0;
public static double econCostLeave = 0.0;
public static double econCostKick = 0.0;
public static double econCostInvite = 0.0;
public static double econCostHome = 0.0;
public static double econCostTag = 0.0;
public static double econCostDesc = 0.0;
public static double econCostTitle = 0.0;
public static double econCostList = 0.0;
public static double econCostMap = 0.0;
public static double econCostPower = 0.0;
public static double econCostShow = 0.0;
public static double econCostOpen = 0.0;
public static double econCostAlly = 0.0;
public static double econCostEnemy = 0.0;
public static double econCostNeutral = 0.0;
public static double econCostNoBoom = 0.0;
//Faction banks, to pay for land claiming and other costs instead of individuals paying for them
public static boolean bankEnabled = true;
public static boolean bankMembersCanWithdraw = false; //Have to be at least moderator to withdraw or pay money to another faction
public static boolean bankFactionPaysCosts = true; //The faction pays for faction command costs, such as sethome
public static boolean bankFactionPaysLandCosts = true; //The faction pays for land claiming costs.
public static boolean disablePVPBetweenNeutralFactions = false;
public static boolean disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers = false;
public static boolean enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand = false;
// mainly for other plugins/mods that use a fake player to take actions, which shouldn't be subject to our protections
public static Set<String> playersWhoBypassAllProtection = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static int noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin = 3;
public static Set<String> worldsNoClaiming = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> worldsNoPowerLoss = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> worldsIgnorePvP = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> worldsNoWildernessProtection = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static transient int mapHeight = 8;
public static transient int mapWidth = 39;
public static transient char[] mapKeyChrs = "\\/#?$%=&^ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890abcdeghjmnopqrsuvwxyz".toCharArray();
public static boolean peacefulTerritoryDisablePVP = true;
public static boolean peacefulTerritoryDisableMonsters = false;
public static boolean peacefulMembersDisablePowerLoss = true;
public static boolean permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion = false;
public static boolean claimsMustBeConnected = false;
public static boolean claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction = true;
public static int claimsRequireMinFactionMembers = 1;
public static int claimedLandsMax = 0;
// if someone is doing a radius claim and the process fails to claim land this many times in a row, it will exit
public static int radiusClaimFailureLimit = 9;
public static double considerFactionsReallyOfflineAfterXMinutes = 0.0;
public static int actionDeniedPainAmount = 1;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Persistance
// -------------------------------------------- //
private static transient Conf i = new Conf();
public static void load()
P.p.persist.loadOrSaveDefault(i, Conf.class, "conf");
public static void save()
// commands which will be prevented if the player is a member of a permanent faction
public static Set<String> permanentFactionMemberDenyCommands = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
// commands which will be prevented when in claimed territory of another faction
public static Set<String> territoryNeutralDenyCommands = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> territoryEnemyDenyCommands = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static double territoryShieldFactor = 0.3;
public static boolean territoryDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline = true;
public static boolean territoryPainBuild = false;
public static boolean territoryPainBuildWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean territoryEnemyDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline = true;
public static boolean territoryEnemyPainBuild = false;
public static boolean territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryEnemyDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean territoryEnemyProtectMaterials = true;
public static boolean territoryAllyDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline = true;
public static boolean territoryAllyPainBuild = false;
public static boolean territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryAllyDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean territoryAllyProtectMaterials = true;
public static boolean territoryBlockCreepers = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockCreepersWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockFireballs = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockTNT = false;
public static boolean territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline = false;
public static boolean territoryDenyEndermanBlocks = true;
public static boolean territoryDenyEndermanBlocksWhenOffline = true;
public static boolean safeZoneDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean safeZoneDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean safeZoneBlockTNT = true;
public static boolean safeZonePreventAllDamageToPlayers = false;
public static boolean safeZoneDenyEndermanBlocks = true;
public static boolean warZoneDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean warZoneDenyUseage = true;
public static boolean warZoneBlockCreepers = false;
public static boolean warZoneBlockFireballs = false;
public static boolean warZoneBlockTNT = true;
public static boolean warZonePowerLoss = true;
public static boolean warZoneFriendlyFire = false;
public static boolean warZoneDenyEndermanBlocks = true;
public static boolean wildernessDenyBuild = false;
public static boolean wildernessDenyUseage = false;
public static boolean wildernessBlockCreepers = false;
public static boolean wildernessBlockFireballs = false;
public static boolean wildernessBlockTNT = false;
public static boolean wildernessPowerLoss = true;
public static boolean wildernessDenyEndermanBlocks = false;
// for claimed areas where further faction-member ownership can be defined
public static boolean ownedAreasEnabled = true;
public static int ownedAreasLimitPerFaction = 0;
public static boolean ownedAreasModeratorsCanSet = false;
public static boolean ownedAreaModeratorsBypass = true;
public static boolean ownedAreaDenyBuild = true;
public static boolean ownedAreaPainBuild = false;
public static boolean ownedAreaProtectMaterials = true;
public static boolean ownedAreaDenyUseage = true;
public static String ownedLandMessage = "Owner(s): ";
public static String publicLandMessage = "Public faction land.";
public static boolean ownedMessageOnBorder = true;
public static boolean ownedMessageInsideTerritory = true;
public static boolean ownedMessageByChunk = false;
public static boolean pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild = true;
public static Set<Material> territoryProtectedMaterials = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
public static Set<Material> territoryDenyUseageMaterials = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
public static Set<Material> territoryProtectedMaterialsWhenOffline = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
public static Set<Material> territoryDenyUseageMaterialsWhenOffline = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
public static transient Set<EntityType> safeZoneNerfedCreatureTypes = EnumSet.noneOf(EntityType.class);
// Spout features
public static boolean spoutFactionTagsOverNames = true; // show faction tags over names over player heads
public static boolean spoutFactionTitlesOverNames = true; // whether to include player's title in that
public static boolean spoutFactionAdminCapes = true; // Show capes on faction admins, colored based on the viewer's relation to the target player
public static boolean spoutFactionModeratorCapes = true; // same, but for faction moderators
public static int spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition = 1; // permanent territory display, instead of by chat; 0 = disabled, 1 = top left, 2 = top center, 3+ = top right
public static float spoutTerritoryDisplaySize = 1.0f; // text scale (size) for territory display
public static boolean spoutTerritoryDisplayShowDescription = true; // whether to show the faction description, not just the faction tag
public static boolean spoutTerritoryOwnersShow = true; // show territory owner list as well
public static boolean spoutTerritoryNoticeShow = true; // show additional brief territory notice near center of screen, to be sure player notices transition
public static int spoutTerritoryNoticeTop = 40; // how far down the screen to place the additional notice
public static boolean spoutTerritoryNoticeShowDescription = false; // whether to show the faction description in the notice, not just the faction tag
public static float spoutTerritoryNoticeSize = 1.5f; // text scale (size) for notice
public static float spoutTerritoryNoticeLeaveAfterSeconds = 2.00f; // how many seconds before the notice goes away
public static String capeAlly = "";
public static String capeEnemy = "";
public static String capeMember = "";
public static String capeNeutral = "";
public static String capePeaceful = "";
// Economy settings
public static boolean econEnabled = false;
public static String econUniverseAccount = "";
public static double econCostClaimWilderness = 30.0;
public static double econCostClaimFromFactionBonus = 30.0;
public static double econClaimAdditionalMultiplier = 0.5;
public static double econClaimRefundMultiplier = 0.7;
public static double econClaimUnconnectedFee = 0.0;
public static double econCostCreate = 100.0;
public static double econCostOwner = 15.0;
public static double econCostSethome = 30.0;
public static double econCostJoin = 0.0;
public static double econCostLeave = 0.0;
public static double econCostKick = 0.0;
public static double econCostInvite = 0.0;
public static double econCostHome = 0.0;
public static double econCostTag = 0.0;
public static double econCostDesc = 0.0;
public static double econCostTitle = 0.0;
public static double econCostList = 0.0;
public static double econCostMap = 0.0;
public static double econCostPower = 0.0;
public static double econCostShow = 0.0;
public static double econCostOpen = 0.0;
public static double econCostAlly = 0.0;
public static double econCostEnemy = 0.0;
public static double econCostNeutral = 0.0;
public static double econCostNoBoom = 0.0;
//Faction banks, to pay for land claiming and other costs instead of individuals paying for them
public static boolean bankEnabled = true;
public static boolean bankMembersCanWithdraw = false; //Have to be at least moderator to withdraw or pay money to another faction
public static boolean bankFactionPaysCosts = true; //The faction pays for faction command costs, such as sethome
public static boolean bankFactionPaysLandCosts = true; //The faction pays for land claiming costs.
// mainly for other plugins/mods that use a fake player to take actions, which shouldn't be subject to our protections
public static Set<String> playersWhoBypassAllProtection = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> worldsNoClaiming = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> worldsNoPowerLoss = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> worldsIgnorePvP = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static Set<String> worldsNoWildernessProtection = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public static transient int mapHeight = 8;
public static transient int mapWidth = 39;
public static transient char[] mapKeyChrs = "\\/#?$%=&^ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890abcdeghjmnopqrsuvwxyz".toCharArray();
static {
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Persistance
// -------------------------------------------- //
private static transient Conf i = new Conf();
public static void load() {
P.p.persist.loadOrSaveDefault(i, Conf.class, "conf");
public static void save() {;

View File

@ -1,221 +1,189 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MiscUtil;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MiscUtil;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class FLocation
public class FLocation {
private String worldName = "world";
private int x = 0;
private int z = 0;
// Constructors
public FLocation()
public FLocation(String worldName, int x, int z)
this.worldName = worldName;
this.x = x;
this.z = z;
public FLocation(Location location)
this( location.getWorld().getName(), blockToChunk(location.getBlockX()), blockToChunk(location.getBlockZ()) );
public FLocation(Player player)
public FLocation(FPlayer fplayer)
public FLocation(Block block)
// Getters and Setters
public String getWorldName()
return worldName;
private String worldName = "world";
private int x = 0;
private int z = 0;
public World getWorld()
return Bukkit.getWorld(worldName);
// Constructors
public void setWorldName(String worldName)
this.worldName = worldName;
public long getX()
return x;
public FLocation() {
public void setX(int x)
this.x = x;
public long getZ()
return z;
public FLocation(String worldName, int x, int z) {
this.worldName = worldName;
this.x = x;
this.z = z;
public void setZ(int z)
this.z = z;
public String getCoordString()
return ""+x+","+z;
public String toString() {
return "["+this.getWorldName()+","+this.getCoordString()+"]";
public FLocation(Location location) {
this(location.getWorld().getName(), blockToChunk(location.getBlockX()), blockToChunk(location.getBlockZ()));
// Block/Chunk/Region Value Transformation
public FLocation(Player player) {
// bit-shifting is used because it's much faster than standard division and multiplication
public static int blockToChunk(int blockVal)
{ // 1 chunk is 16x16 blocks
return blockVal >> 4; // ">> 4" == "/ 16"
public FLocation(FPlayer fplayer) {
public static int blockToRegion(int blockVal)
{ // 1 region is 512x512 blocks
return blockVal >> 9; // ">> 9" == "/ 512"
public FLocation(Block block) {
public static int chunkToRegion(int chunkVal)
{ // 1 region is 32x32 chunks
return chunkVal >> 5; // ">> 5" == "/ 32"
// Getters and Setters
public static int chunkToBlock(int chunkVal)
return chunkVal << 4; // "<< 4" == "* 16"
public String getWorldName() {
return worldName;
public static int regionToBlock(int regionVal)
return regionVal << 9; // "<< 9" == "* 512"
public World getWorld() {
return Bukkit.getWorld(worldName);
public static int regionToChunk(int regionVal)
return regionVal << 5; // "<< 5" == "* 32"
public void setWorldName(String worldName) {
this.worldName = worldName;
// Misc Geometry
public FLocation getRelative(int dx, int dz)
return new FLocation(this.worldName, this.x + dx, this.z + dz);
public long getX() {
return x;
public double getDistanceTo(FLocation that)
double dx = that.x - this.x;
double dz = that.z - this.z;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dz*dz);
public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x;
// Some Geometry
public Set<FLocation> getCircle(double radius)
Set<FLocation> ret = new LinkedHashSet<FLocation>();
if (radius <= 0) return ret;
public long getZ() {
return z;
int xfrom = (int) Math.floor(this.x - radius);
int xto = (int) Math.ceil(this.x + radius);
int zfrom = (int) Math.floor(this.z - radius);
int zto = (int) Math.ceil(this.z + radius);
public void setZ(int z) {
this.z = z;
for (int x=xfrom; x<=xto; x++)
for (int z=zfrom; z<=zto; z++)
FLocation potential = new FLocation(this.worldName, x, z);
if (this.getDistanceTo(potential) <= radius)
public String getCoordString() {
return "" + x + "," + z;
return ret;
public String toString() {
return "[" + this.getWorldName() + "," + this.getCoordString() + "]";
public static HashSet<FLocation> getArea(FLocation from, FLocation to)
HashSet<FLocation> ret = new HashSet<FLocation>();
for (long x : MiscUtil.range(from.getX(), to.getX()))
for (long z : MiscUtil.range(from.getZ(), to.getZ()))
ret.add(new FLocation(from.getWorldName(), (int)x, (int)z));
return ret;
// Comparison
public int hashCode()
// should be fast, with good range and few hash collisions: (x * 512) + z + worldName.hashCode
return (this.x << 9) + this.z + (this.worldName != null ? this.worldName.hashCode() : 0);
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof FLocation))
return false;
// Block/Chunk/Region Value Transformation
FLocation that = (FLocation) obj;
return this.x == that.x && this.z == that.z && ( this.worldName==null ? that.worldName==null : this.worldName.equals(that.worldName) );
// bit-shifting is used because it's much faster than standard division and multiplication
public static int blockToChunk(int blockVal) { // 1 chunk is 16x16 blocks
return blockVal >> 4; // ">> 4" == "/ 16"
public static int blockToRegion(int blockVal) { // 1 region is 512x512 blocks
return blockVal >> 9; // ">> 9" == "/ 512"
public static int chunkToRegion(int chunkVal) { // 1 region is 32x32 chunks
return chunkVal >> 5; // ">> 5" == "/ 32"
public static int chunkToBlock(int chunkVal) {
return chunkVal << 4; // "<< 4" == "* 16"
public static int regionToBlock(int regionVal) {
return regionVal << 9; // "<< 9" == "* 512"
public static int regionToChunk(int regionVal) {
return regionVal << 5; // "<< 5" == "* 32"
// Misc Geometry
public FLocation getRelative(int dx, int dz) {
return new FLocation(this.worldName, this.x + dx, this.z + dz);
public double getDistanceTo(FLocation that) {
double dx = that.x - this.x;
double dz = that.z - this.z;
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz);
// Some Geometry
public Set<FLocation> getCircle(double radius) {
Set<FLocation> ret = new LinkedHashSet<FLocation>();
if (radius <= 0) return ret;
int xfrom = (int) Math.floor(this.x - radius);
int xto = (int) Math.ceil(this.x + radius);
int zfrom = (int) Math.floor(this.z - radius);
int zto = (int) Math.ceil(this.z + radius);
for (int x = xfrom; x <= xto; x++) {
for (int z = zfrom; z <= zto; z++) {
FLocation potential = new FLocation(this.worldName, x, z);
if (this.getDistanceTo(potential) <= radius)
return ret;
public static HashSet<FLocation> getArea(FLocation from, FLocation to) {
HashSet<FLocation> ret = new HashSet<FLocation>();
for (long x : MiscUtil.range(from.getX(), to.getX())) {
for (long z : MiscUtil.range(from.getZ(), to.getZ())) {
ret.add(new FLocation(from.getWorldName(), (int) x, (int) z));
return ret;
// Comparison
public int hashCode() {
// should be fast, with good range and few hash collisions: (x * 512) + z + worldName.hashCode
return (this.x << 9) + this.z + (this.worldName != null ? this.worldName.hashCode() : 0);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof FLocation))
return false;
FLocation that = (FLocation) obj;
return this.x == that.x && this.z == that.z && (this.worldName == null ? that.worldName == null : this.worldName.equals(that.worldName));

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,50 +1,44 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.persist.PlayerEntityCollection;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.persist.PlayerEntityCollection;
public class FPlayers extends PlayerEntityCollection<FPlayer> {
public static FPlayers i = new FPlayers();
public class FPlayers extends PlayerEntityCollection<FPlayer>
public static FPlayers i = new FPlayers();
P p = P.p;
private FPlayers()
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<FPlayer>(),
new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, FPlayer>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER),
new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "players.json"),
public Type getMapType()
return new TypeToken<Map<String, FPlayer>>(){}.getType();
public void clean()
for (FPlayer fplayer : this.get())
if ( ! Factions.i.exists(fplayer.getFactionId()))
p.log("Reset faction data (invalid faction) for player "+fplayer.getName());
P p = P.p;
private FPlayers() {
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<FPlayer>(),
new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, FPlayer>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER),
new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "players.json"),
public Type getMapType() {
return new TypeToken<Map<String, FPlayer>>() {
public void clean() {
for (FPlayer fplayer : this.get()) {
if (!Factions.i.exists(fplayer.getFactionId())) {
p.log("Reset faction data (invalid faction) for player " + fplayer.getName());

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,189 +1,163 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MiscUtil;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.persist.EntityCollection;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TextUtil;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public class Factions extends EntityCollection<Faction> {
public static Factions i = new Factions();
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MiscUtil;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.persist.EntityCollection;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TextUtil;
P p = P.p;
public class Factions extends EntityCollection<Faction>
public static Factions i = new Factions();
P p = P.p;
private Factions()
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Faction>(),
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Faction>(),
new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "factions.json"),
public Type getMapType()
return new TypeToken<Map<String, Faction>>(){}.getType();
public boolean loadFromDisc()
if ( ! super.loadFromDisc()) return false;
// Make sure the default neutral faction exists
if ( ! this.exists("0"))
Faction faction = this.create("0");
// Make sure the safe zone faction exists
if ( ! this.exists("-1"))
Faction faction = this.create("-1");
faction.setDescription("Free from PVP and monsters");
// if SafeZone has old pre-1.6.0 name, rename it to remove troublesome " "
Faction faction = this.getSafeZone();
if (faction.getTag().contains(" "))
// Make sure the war zone faction exists
if ( ! this.exists("-2"))
Faction faction = this.create("-2");
faction.setDescription("Not the safest place to be");
// if WarZone has old pre-1.6.0 name, rename it to remove troublesome " "
Faction faction = this.getWarZone();
if (faction.getTag().contains(" "))
private Factions() {
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Faction>(),
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Faction>(),
new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "factions.json"),
// populate all faction player lists
for (Faction faction : i.get())
public Type getMapType() {
return new TypeToken<Map<String, Faction>>() {
return true;
// GET
public Faction get(String id)
if ( ! this.exists(id))
p.log(Level.WARNING, "Non existing factionId "+id+" requested! Issuing cleaning!");
return super.get(id);
public Faction getNone()
return this.get("0");
public Faction getSafeZone()
return this.get("-1");
public Faction getWarZone()
return this.get("-2");
// Faction tag
public static ArrayList<String> validateTag(String str)
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if(MiscUtil.getComparisonString(str).length() < Conf.factionTagLengthMin)
errors.add(P.p.txt.parse("<i>The faction tag can't be shorter than <h>%s<i> chars.", Conf.factionTagLengthMin));
if(str.length() > Conf.factionTagLengthMax)
errors.add(P.p.txt.parse("<i>The faction tag can't be longer than <h>%s<i> chars.", Conf.factionTagLengthMax));
for (char c : str.toCharArray())
if ( ! MiscUtil.substanceChars.contains(String.valueOf(c)))
errors.add(P.p.txt.parse("<i>Faction tag must be alphanumeric. \"<h>%s<i>\" is not allowed.", c));
return errors;
public Faction getByTag(String str)
String compStr = MiscUtil.getComparisonString(str);
for (Faction faction : this.get())
if (faction.getComparisonTag().equals(compStr))
return faction;
return null;
public Faction getBestTagMatch(String searchFor)
Map<String, Faction> tag2faction = new HashMap<String, Faction>();
// TODO: Slow index building
for (Faction faction : this.get())
tag2faction.put(ChatColor.stripColor(faction.getTag()), faction);
String tag = TextUtil.getBestStartWithCI(tag2faction.keySet(), searchFor);
if (tag == null) return null;
return tag2faction.get(tag);
public boolean isTagTaken(String str)
return this.getByTag(str) != null;
public boolean loadFromDisc() {
if (!super.loadFromDisc()) return false;
// Make sure the default neutral faction exists
if (!this.exists("0")) {
Faction faction = this.create("0");
faction.setTag(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "Wilderness");
// Make sure the safe zone faction exists
if (!this.exists("-1")) {
Faction faction = this.create("-1");
faction.setDescription("Free from PVP and monsters");
} else {
// if SafeZone has old pre-1.6.0 name, rename it to remove troublesome " "
Faction faction = this.getSafeZone();
if (faction.getTag().contains(" "))
// Make sure the war zone faction exists
if (!this.exists("-2")) {
Faction faction = this.create("-2");
faction.setDescription("Not the safest place to be");
} else {
// if WarZone has old pre-1.6.0 name, rename it to remove troublesome " "
Faction faction = this.getWarZone();
if (faction.getTag().contains(" "))
// populate all faction player lists
for (Faction faction : i.get()) {
return true;
// GET
public Faction get(String id) {
if (!this.exists(id)) {
p.log(Level.WARNING, "Non existing factionId " + id + " requested! Issuing cleaning!");
return super.get(id);
public Faction getNone() {
return this.get("0");
public Faction getSafeZone() {
return this.get("-1");
public Faction getWarZone() {
return this.get("-2");
// Faction tag
public static ArrayList<String> validateTag(String str) {
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if (MiscUtil.getComparisonString(str).length() < Conf.factionTagLengthMin) {
errors.add(P.p.txt.parse("<i>The faction tag can't be shorter than <h>%s<i> chars.", Conf.factionTagLengthMin));
if (str.length() > Conf.factionTagLengthMax) {
errors.add(P.p.txt.parse("<i>The faction tag can't be longer than <h>%s<i> chars.", Conf.factionTagLengthMax));
for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
if (!MiscUtil.substanceChars.contains(String.valueOf(c))) {
errors.add(P.p.txt.parse("<i>Faction tag must be alphanumeric. \"<h>%s<i>\" is not allowed.", c));
return errors;
public Faction getByTag(String str) {
String compStr = MiscUtil.getComparisonString(str);
for (Faction faction : this.get()) {
if (faction.getComparisonTag().equals(compStr)) {
return faction;
return null;
public Faction getBestTagMatch(String searchFor) {
Map<String, Faction> tag2faction = new HashMap<String, Faction>();
// TODO: Slow index building
for (Faction faction : this.get()) {
tag2faction.put(ChatColor.stripColor(faction.getTag()), faction);
String tag = TextUtil.getBestStartWithCI(tag2faction.keySet(), searchFor);
if (tag == null) return null;
return tag2faction.get(tag);
public boolean isTagTaken(String str) {
return this.getByTag(str) != null;

View File

@ -1,34 +1,10 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.CmdAutoHelp;
import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.FCmdRoot;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.EssentialsFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.LWCFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Worldguard;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.capi.CapiFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.listeners.FactionsBlockListener;
import com.massivecraft.factions.listeners.FactionsChatListener;
import com.massivecraft.factions.listeners.FactionsEntityListener;
import com.massivecraft.factions.listeners.FactionsExploitListener;
import com.massivecraft.factions.listeners.FactionsPlayerListener;
import com.massivecraft.factions.listeners.FactionsServerListener;
import com.massivecraft.factions.listeners.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.ChatMode;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.AutoLeaveTask;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.LazyLocation;
@ -36,334 +12,319 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MapFLocToStringSetTypeAdapter;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MyLocationTypeAdapter;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.MPlugin;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TextUtil;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class P extends MPlugin
// Our single plugin instance
public static P p;
// Listeners
public final FactionsPlayerListener playerListener;
public final FactionsChatListener chatListener;
public final FactionsEntityListener entityListener;
public final FactionsExploitListener exploitListener;
public final FactionsBlockListener blockListener;
public final FactionsServerListener serverListener;
// Persistance related
private boolean locked = false;
public boolean getLocked() {return this.locked;}
public void setLocked(boolean val) {this.locked = val; this.setAutoSave(val);}
private Integer AutoLeaveTask = null;
// Commands
public FCmdRoot cmdBase;
public CmdAutoHelp cmdAutoHelp;
public P()
p = this;
this.playerListener = new FactionsPlayerListener(this);
this.chatListener = new FactionsChatListener(this);
this.entityListener = new FactionsEntityListener(this);
this.exploitListener = new FactionsExploitListener();
this.blockListener = new FactionsBlockListener(this);
this.serverListener = new FactionsServerListener(this);
public class P extends MPlugin {
// Our single plugin instance
public static P p;
// Listeners
public final FactionsPlayerListener playerListener;
public final FactionsChatListener chatListener;
public final FactionsEntityListener entityListener;
public final FactionsExploitListener exploitListener;
public final FactionsBlockListener blockListener;
public final FactionsServerListener serverListener;
// Persistance related
private boolean locked = false;
public boolean getLocked() {
return this.locked;
public void setLocked(boolean val) {
this.locked = val;
private Integer AutoLeaveTask = null;
// Commands
public FCmdRoot cmdBase;
public CmdAutoHelp cmdAutoHelp;
public P() {
p = this;
this.playerListener = new FactionsPlayerListener(this);
this.chatListener = new FactionsChatListener(this);
this.entityListener = new FactionsEntityListener(this);
this.exploitListener = new FactionsExploitListener();
this.blockListener = new FactionsBlockListener(this);
this.serverListener = new FactionsServerListener(this);
public void onEnable()
// bit of (apparently absolutely necessary) idiot-proofing for CB version support due to changed GSON lib package name
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
this.log(Level.SEVERE, "GSON lib not found. Your CraftBukkit build is too old (< 1.3.2) or otherwise not compatible.");
public void onEnable() {
// bit of (apparently absolutely necessary) idiot-proofing for CB version support due to changed GSON lib package name
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
this.log(Level.SEVERE, "GSON lib not found. Your CraftBukkit build is too old (< 1.3.2) or otherwise not compatible.");
if ( ! preEnable()) return;
this.loadSuccessful = false;
if (!preEnable()) return;
this.loadSuccessful = false;
// Load Conf from disk
// Add Base Commands
this.cmdBase = new FCmdRoot();
this.cmdAutoHelp = new CmdAutoHelp();
// Load Conf from disk
// Add Base Commands
this.cmdBase = new FCmdRoot();
this.cmdAutoHelp = new CmdAutoHelp();
if(Conf.worldGuardChecking || Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority)
// start up task which runs the autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity routine
if (Conf.worldGuardChecking || Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority) {
// Register Event Handlers
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(playerListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(chatListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(entityListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(exploitListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(blockListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(serverListener, this);
// start up task which runs the autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity routine
// since some other plugins execute commands directly through this command interface, provide it
// Register Event Handlers
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(playerListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(chatListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(entityListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(exploitListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(blockListener, this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(serverListener, this);
this.loadSuccessful = true;
public GsonBuilder getGsonBuilder()
Type mapFLocToStringSetType = new TypeToken<Map<FLocation, Set<String>>>(){}.getType();
// since some other plugins execute commands directly through this command interface, provide it
return new GsonBuilder()
.excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.TRANSIENT, Modifier.VOLATILE)
.registerTypeAdapter(LazyLocation.class, new MyLocationTypeAdapter())
.registerTypeAdapter(mapFLocToStringSetType, new MapFLocToStringSetTypeAdapter());
this.loadSuccessful = true;
public void onDisable()
// only save data if plugin actually completely loaded successfully
if (this.loadSuccessful)
if (AutoLeaveTask != null)
AutoLeaveTask = null;
public GsonBuilder getGsonBuilder() {
Type mapFLocToStringSetType = new TypeToken<Map<FLocation, Set<String>>>() {
public void startAutoLeaveTask(boolean restartIfRunning)
if (AutoLeaveTask != null)
if ( ! restartIfRunning) return;
return new GsonBuilder()
.excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.TRANSIENT, Modifier.VOLATILE)
.registerTypeAdapter(LazyLocation.class, new MyLocationTypeAdapter())
.registerTypeAdapter(mapFLocToStringSetType, new MapFLocToStringSetTypeAdapter());
if (Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes > 0.0)
long ticks = (long)(20 * 60 * Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes);
AutoLeaveTask = getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new AutoLeaveTask(), ticks, ticks);
public void onDisable() {
// only save data if plugin actually completely loaded successfully
if (this.loadSuccessful) {;;
if (AutoLeaveTask != null) {
AutoLeaveTask = null;
public void postAutoSave()
public void startAutoLeaveTask(boolean restartIfRunning) {
if (AutoLeaveTask != null) {
if (!restartIfRunning) return;
public boolean logPlayerCommands()
return Conf.logPlayerCommands;
if (Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes > 0.0) {
long ticks = (long) (20 * 60 * Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes);
AutoLeaveTask = getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new AutoLeaveTask(), ticks, ticks);
public boolean handleCommand(CommandSender sender, String commandString, boolean testOnly)
if (sender instanceof Player && FactionsPlayerListener.preventCommand(commandString, (Player)sender)) return true;
public void postAutoSave() {;;
return super.handleCommand(sender, commandString, testOnly);
public boolean logPlayerCommands() {
return Conf.logPlayerCommands;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] split)
// if bare command at this point, it has already been handled by MPlugin's command listeners
if (split == null || split.length == 0) return true;
public boolean handleCommand(CommandSender sender, String commandString, boolean testOnly) {
if (sender instanceof Player && FactionsPlayerListener.preventCommand(commandString, (Player) sender))
return true;
// otherwise, needs to be handled; presumably another plugin directly ran the command
String cmd = Conf.baseCommandAliases.isEmpty() ? "/f" : "/" + Conf.baseCommandAliases.get(0);
return handleCommand(sender, cmd + " " + TextUtil.implode(Arrays.asList(split), " "), false);
return super.handleCommand(sender, commandString, testOnly);
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] split) {
// if bare command at this point, it has already been handled by MPlugin's command listeners
if (split == null || split.length == 0) return true;
// otherwise, needs to be handled; presumably another plugin directly ran the command
String cmd = Conf.baseCommandAliases.isEmpty() ? "/f" : "/" + Conf.baseCommandAliases.get(0);
return handleCommand(sender, cmd + " " + TextUtil.implode(Arrays.asList(split), " "), false);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Functions for other plugins to hook into
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Functions for other plugins to hook into
// -------------------------------------------- //
// This value will be updated whenever new hooks are added
public int hookSupportVersion() {
return 3;
// This value will be updated whenever new hooks are added
public int hookSupportVersion()
return 3;
// If another plugin is handling insertion of chat tags, this should be used to notify Factions
public void handleFactionTagExternally(boolean notByFactions) {
Conf.chatTagHandledByAnotherPlugin = notByFactions;
// If another plugin is handling insertion of chat tags, this should be used to notify Factions
public void handleFactionTagExternally(boolean notByFactions)
Conf.chatTagHandledByAnotherPlugin = notByFactions;
// Simply put, should this chat event be left for Factions to handle? For now, that means players with Faction Chat
// enabled or use of the Factions f command without a slash; combination of isPlayerFactionChatting() and isFactionsCommand()
// Simply put, should this chat event be left for Factions to handle? For now, that means players with Faction Chat
// enabled or use of the Factions f command without a slash; combination of isPlayerFactionChatting() and isFactionsCommand()
public boolean shouldLetFactionsHandleThisChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event)
if (event == null) return false;
return (isPlayerFactionChatting(event.getPlayer()) || isFactionsCommand(event.getMessage()));
public boolean shouldLetFactionsHandleThisChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
if (event == null) return false;
return (isPlayerFactionChatting(event.getPlayer()) || isFactionsCommand(event.getMessage()));
// Does player have Faction Chat enabled? If so, chat plugins should preferably not do channels,
// local chat, or anything else which targets individual recipients, so Faction Chat can be done
public boolean isPlayerFactionChatting(Player player)
if (player == null) return false;
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (me == null)return false;
return me.getChatMode().isAtLeast(ChatMode.ALLIANCE);
// Does player have Faction Chat enabled? If so, chat plugins should preferably not do channels,
// local chat, or anything else which targets individual recipients, so Faction Chat can be done
public boolean isPlayerFactionChatting(Player player) {
if (player == null) return false;
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
// Is this chat message actually a Factions command, and thus should be left alone by other plugins?
public boolean isFactionsCommand(String check)
if (check == null || check.isEmpty()) return false;
return this.handleCommand(null, check, true);
if (me == null) return false;
return me.getChatMode().isAtLeast(ChatMode.ALLIANCE);
// Get a player's faction tag (faction name), mainly for usage by chat plugins for local/channel chat
public String getPlayerFactionTag(Player player)
return getPlayerFactionTagRelation(player, null);
// Is this chat message actually a Factions command, and thus should be left alone by other plugins?
// Same as above, but with relation (enemy/neutral/ally) coloring potentially added to the tag
public String getPlayerFactionTagRelation(Player speaker, Player listener)
String tag = "~";
if (speaker == null)
return tag;
public boolean isFactionsCommand(String check) {
if (check == null || check.isEmpty()) return false;
return this.handleCommand(null, check, true);
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(speaker);
if (me == null)
return tag;
// Get a player's faction tag (faction name), mainly for usage by chat plugins for local/channel chat
public String getPlayerFactionTag(Player player) {
return getPlayerFactionTagRelation(player, null);
// if listener isn't set, or config option is disabled, give back uncolored tag
if (listener == null || !Conf.chatTagRelationColored) {
tag = me.getChatTag().trim();
} else {
FPlayer you = FPlayers.i.get(listener);
if (you == null)
tag = me.getChatTag().trim();
else // everything checks out, give the colored tag
tag = me.getChatTag(you).trim();
if (tag.isEmpty())
tag = "~";
// Same as above, but with relation (enemy/neutral/ally) coloring potentially added to the tag
public String getPlayerFactionTagRelation(Player speaker, Player listener) {
String tag = "~";
return tag;
if (speaker == null)
return tag;
// Get a player's title within their faction, mainly for usage by chat plugins for local/channel chat
public String getPlayerTitle(Player player)
if (player == null)
return "";
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(speaker);
if (me == null)
return tag;
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (me == null)
return "";
// if listener isn't set, or config option is disabled, give back uncolored tag
if (listener == null || !Conf.chatTagRelationColored) {
tag = me.getChatTag().trim();
} else {
FPlayer you = FPlayers.i.get(listener);
if (you == null)
tag = me.getChatTag().trim();
else // everything checks out, give the colored tag
tag = me.getChatTag(you).trim();
if (tag.isEmpty())
tag = "~";
return me.getTitle().trim();
return tag;
// Get a list of all faction tags (names)
public Set<String> getFactionTags()
Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>();
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get())
return tags;
// Get a player's title within their faction, mainly for usage by chat plugins for local/channel chat
public String getPlayerTitle(Player player) {
if (player == null)
return "";
// Get a list of all players in the specified faction
public Set<String> getPlayersInFaction(String factionTag)
Set<String> players = new HashSet<String>();
Faction faction = Factions.i.getByTag(factionTag);
if (faction != null)
for (FPlayer fplayer : faction.getFPlayers())
return players;
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(player);
if (me == null)
return "";
// Get a list of all online players in the specified faction
public Set<String> getOnlinePlayersInFaction(String factionTag)
Set<String> players = new HashSet<String>();
Faction faction = Factions.i.getByTag(factionTag);
if (faction != null)
for (FPlayer fplayer : faction.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true))
return players;
return me.getTitle().trim();
// check if player is allowed to build/destroy in a particular location
public boolean isPlayerAllowedToBuildHere(Player player, Location location)
return FactionsBlockListener.playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(player, location, "", true);
// Get a list of all faction tags (names)
public Set<String> getFactionTags() {
Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>();
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get()) {
return tags;
// check if player is allowed to interact with the specified block (doors/chests/whatever)
public boolean isPlayerAllowedToInteractWith(Player player, Block block)
return FactionsPlayerListener.canPlayerUseBlock(player, block, true);
// Get a list of all players in the specified faction
public Set<String> getPlayersInFaction(String factionTag) {
Set<String> players = new HashSet<String>();
Faction faction = Factions.i.getByTag(factionTag);
if (faction != null) {
for (FPlayer fplayer : faction.getFPlayers()) {
return players;
// check if player is allowed to use a specified item (flint&steel, buckets, etc) in a particular location
public boolean isPlayerAllowedToUseThisHere(Player player, Location location, Material material)
return FactionsPlayerListener.playerCanUseItemHere(player, location, material, true);
// Get a list of all online players in the specified faction
public Set<String> getOnlinePlayersInFaction(String factionTag) {
Set<String> players = new HashSet<String>();
Faction faction = Factions.i.getByTag(factionTag);
if (faction != null) {
for (FPlayer fplayer : faction.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true)) {
return players;
// check if player is allowed to build/destroy in a particular location
public boolean isPlayerAllowedToBuildHere(Player player, Location location) {
return FactionsBlockListener.playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(player, location, "", true);
// check if player is allowed to interact with the specified block (doors/chests/whatever)
public boolean isPlayerAllowedToInteractWith(Player player, Block block) {
return FactionsPlayerListener.canPlayerUseBlock(player, block, true);
// check if player is allowed to use a specified item (flint&steel, buckets, etc) in a particular location
public boolean isPlayerAllowedToUseThisHere(Player player, Location location, Material material) {
return FactionsPlayerListener.playerCanUseItemHere(player, location, material, true);

View File

@ -1,90 +1,80 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FPlayerJoinEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class CmdAdmin extends FCommand
public CmdAdmin()
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.ADMIN.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
FPlayer fyou = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (fyou == null) return;
public class CmdAdmin extends FCommand {
public CmdAdmin() {
boolean permAny = Permission.ADMIN_ANY.has(sender, false);
Faction targetFaction = fyou.getFaction();
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
if (targetFaction != myFaction && !permAny)
msg("%s<i> is not a member in your faction.", fyou.describeTo(fme, true));
this.permission = Permission.ADMIN.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
if (fme != null && fme.getRole() != Role.ADMIN && !permAny)
msg("<b>You are not the faction admin.");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
if (fyou == fme && !permAny)
msg("<b>The target player musn't be yourself.");
public void perform() {
FPlayer fyou = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (fyou == null) return;
// only perform a FPlayerJoinEvent when newLeader isn't actually in the faction
if (fyou.getFaction() != targetFaction)
FPlayerJoinEvent event = new FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayers.i.get(me),targetFaction,FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason.LEADER);
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
boolean permAny = Permission.ADMIN_ANY.has(sender, false);
Faction targetFaction = fyou.getFaction();
FPlayer admin = targetFaction.getFPlayerAdmin();
if (targetFaction != myFaction && !permAny) {
msg("%s<i> is not a member in your faction.", fyou.describeTo(fme, true));
// if target player is currently admin, demote and replace him
if (fyou == admin)
msg("<i>You have demoted %s<i> from the position of faction admin.", fyou.describeTo(fme, true));
fyou.msg("<i>You have been demoted from the position of faction admin by %s<i>.", senderIsConsole ? "a server admin" : fme.describeTo(fyou, true));
if (fme != null && fme.getRole() != Role.ADMIN && !permAny) {
msg("<b>You are not the faction admin.");
// promote target player, and demote existing admin if one exists
if (admin != null)
msg("<i>You have promoted %s<i> to the position of faction admin.", fyou.describeTo(fme, true));
if (fyou == fme && !permAny) {
msg("<b>The target player musn't be yourself.");
// only perform a FPlayerJoinEvent when newLeader isn't actually in the faction
if (fyou.getFaction() != targetFaction) {
FPlayerJoinEvent event = new FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayers.i.get(me), targetFaction, FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason.LEADER);
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
FPlayer admin = targetFaction.getFPlayerAdmin();
// if target player is currently admin, demote and replace him
if (fyou == admin) {
msg("<i>You have demoted %s<i> from the position of faction admin.", fyou.describeTo(fme, true));
fyou.msg("<i>You have been demoted from the position of faction admin by %s<i>.", senderIsConsole ? "a server admin" : fme.describeTo(fyou, true));
// promote target player, and demote existing admin if one exists
if (admin != null)
msg("<i>You have promoted %s<i> to the position of faction admin.", fyou.describeTo(fme, true));
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
fplayer.msg("%s<i> gave %s<i> the leadership of %s<i>.", senderIsConsole ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true), fyou.describeTo(fplayer), targetFaction.describeTo(fplayer));
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
fplayer.msg("%s<i> gave %s<i> the leadership of %s<i>.", senderIsConsole ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true), fyou.describeTo(fplayer), targetFaction.describeTo(fplayer));

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@ -4,50 +4,45 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
public class CmdAutoClaim extends FCommand
public CmdAutoClaim()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "your");
this.permission = Permission.AUTOCLAIM.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public class CmdAutoClaim extends FCommand {
public CmdAutoClaim() {
public void perform()
Faction forFaction = this.argAsFaction(0, myFaction);
if (forFaction == null || forFaction == fme.getAutoClaimFor())
msg("<i>Auto-claiming of land disabled.");
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "your");
if (! fme.canClaimForFaction(forFaction))
if (myFaction == forFaction)
msg("<b>You must be <h>%s<b> to claim land.", Role.MODERATOR.toString());
msg("<b>You can't claim land for <h>%s<b>.", forFaction.describeTo(fme));
this.permission = Permission.AUTOCLAIM.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
Faction forFaction = this.argAsFaction(0, myFaction);
if (forFaction == null || forFaction == fme.getAutoClaimFor()) {
msg("<i>Auto-claiming of land disabled.");
if (!fme.canClaimForFaction(forFaction)) {
if (myFaction == forFaction)
msg("<b>You must be <h>%s<b> to claim land.", Role.MODERATOR.toString());
msg("<b>You can't claim land for <h>%s<b>.", forFaction.describeTo(fme));
msg("<i>Now auto-claiming land for <h>%s<i>.", forFaction.describeTo(fme));
fme.attemptClaim(forFaction, me.getLocation(), true);
msg("<i>Now auto-claiming land for <h>%s<i>.", forFaction.describeTo(fme));
fme.attemptClaim(forFaction, me.getLocation(), true);

View File

@ -1,48 +1,43 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.CommandVisibility;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.MCommand;
public class CmdAutoHelp extends MCommand<P>
public CmdAutoHelp()
public void perform()
if (this.commandChain.size() == 0) return;
MCommand<?> pcmd = this.commandChain.get(this.commandChain.size()-1);
ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
for(MCommand<?> scmd : pcmd.subCommands)
scmd.visibility == CommandVisibility.VISIBLE
(scmd.visibility == CommandVisibility.SECRET && scmd.validSenderPermissions(sender, false))
lines.add(scmd.getUseageTemplate(this.commandChain, true));
sendMessage(p.txt.getPage(lines, this.argAsInt(0, 1), "Help for command \""+pcmd.aliases.get(0)+"\""));
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CmdAutoHelp extends MCommand<P> {
public CmdAutoHelp() {
this.optionalArgs.put("page", "1");
public void perform() {
if (this.commandChain.size() == 0) return;
MCommand<?> pcmd = this.commandChain.get(this.commandChain.size() - 1);
ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
for (MCommand<?> scmd : pcmd.subCommands) {
scmd.visibility == CommandVisibility.VISIBLE
(scmd.visibility == CommandVisibility.SECRET && scmd.validSenderPermissions(sender, false))
) {
lines.add(scmd.getUseageTemplate(this.commandChain, true));
sendMessage(p.txt.getPage(lines, this.argAsInt(0, 1), "Help for command \"" + pcmd.aliases.get(0) + "\""));

View File

@ -3,42 +3,38 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdBoom extends FCommand
public CmdBoom()
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flip");
this.permission = Permission.NO_BOOM.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public class CmdBoom extends FCommand {
public CmdBoom() {
public void perform()
if ( ! myFaction.isPeaceful())
fme.msg("<b>This command is only usable by factions which are specially designated as peaceful.");
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flip");
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostNoBoom, "to toggle explosions", "for toggling explosions")) return;
this.permission = Permission.NO_BOOM.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
myFaction.setPeacefulExplosionsEnabled(this.argAsBool(0, ! myFaction.getPeacefulExplosionsEnabled()));
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
String enabled = myFaction.noExplosionsInTerritory() ? "disabled" : "enabled";
public void perform() {
if (!myFaction.isPeaceful()) {
fme.msg("<b>This command is only usable by factions which are specially designated as peaceful.");
// Inform
myFaction.msg("%s<i> has "+enabled+" explosions in your faction's territory.", fme.describeTo(myFaction));
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostNoBoom, "to toggle explosions", "for toggling explosions")) return;
myFaction.setPeacefulExplosionsEnabled(this.argAsBool(0, !myFaction.getPeacefulExplosionsEnabled()));
String enabled = myFaction.noExplosionsInTerritory() ? "disabled" : "enabled";
// Inform
myFaction.msg("%s<i> has " + enabled + " explosions in your faction's territory.", fme.describeTo(myFaction));

View File

@ -3,40 +3,34 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdBypass extends FCommand
public CmdBypass()
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flip");
this.permission = Permission.BYPASS.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
fme.setIsAdminBypassing(this.argAsBool(0, ! fme.isAdminBypassing()));
// TODO: Move this to a transient field in the model??
if ( fme.isAdminBypassing())
fme.msg("<i>You have enabled admin bypass mode. You will be able to build or destroy anywhere.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has ENABLED admin bypass mode.");
fme.msg("<i>You have disabled admin bypass mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " DISABLED admin bypass mode.");
public class CmdBypass extends FCommand {
public CmdBypass() {
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flip");
this.permission = Permission.BYPASS.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
fme.setIsAdminBypassing(this.argAsBool(0, !fme.isAdminBypassing()));
// TODO: Move this to a transient field in the model??
if (fme.isAdminBypassing()) {
fme.msg("<i>You have enabled admin bypass mode. You will be able to build or destroy anywhere.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has ENABLED admin bypass mode.");
} else {
fme.msg("<i>You have disabled admin bypass mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " DISABLED admin bypass mode.");

View File

@ -4,74 +4,57 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.ChatMode;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdChat extends FCommand
public CmdChat()
this.optionalArgs.put("mode", "next");
this.permission = Permission.CHAT.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = true;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
if ( ! Conf.factionOnlyChat )
msg("<b>The built in chat chat channels are disabled on this server.");
String modeString = this.argAsString(0);
ChatMode modeTarget = fme.getChatMode().getNext();
if (modeString != null)
modeTarget = ChatMode.PUBLIC;
else if (modeString.startsWith("a"))
modeTarget = ChatMode.ALLIANCE;
else if(modeString.startsWith("f"))
modeTarget = ChatMode.FACTION;
msg("<b>Unrecognised chat mode. <i>Please enter either 'a','f' or 'p'");
if(fme.getChatMode() == ChatMode.PUBLIC)
msg("<i>Public chat mode.");
else if (fme.getChatMode() == ChatMode.ALLIANCE )
msg("<i>Alliance only chat mode.");
msg("<i>Faction only chat mode.");
public class CmdChat extends FCommand {
public CmdChat() {
this.optionalArgs.put("mode", "next");
this.permission = Permission.CHAT.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = true;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
if (!Conf.factionOnlyChat) {
msg("<b>The built in chat chat channels are disabled on this server.");
String modeString = this.argAsString(0);
ChatMode modeTarget = fme.getChatMode().getNext();
if (modeString != null) {
if (modeString.startsWith("p")) {
modeTarget = ChatMode.PUBLIC;
} else if (modeString.startsWith("a")) {
modeTarget = ChatMode.ALLIANCE;
} else if (modeString.startsWith("f")) {
modeTarget = ChatMode.FACTION;
} else {
msg("<b>Unrecognised chat mode. <i>Please enter either 'a','f' or 'p'");
if (fme.getChatMode() == ChatMode.PUBLIC) {
msg("<i>Public chat mode.");
} else if (fme.getChatMode() == ChatMode.ALLIANCE) {
msg("<i>Alliance only chat mode.");
} else {
msg("<i>Faction only chat mode.");

View File

@ -3,38 +3,32 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdChatSpy extends FCommand
public CmdChatSpy()
public class CmdChatSpy extends FCommand {
public CmdChatSpy() {
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flip");
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flip");
this.permission = Permission.CHATSPY.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
this.permission = Permission.CHATSPY.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
fme.setSpyingChat(this.argAsBool(0, ! fme.isSpyingChat()));
public void perform() {
fme.setSpyingChat(this.argAsBool(0, !fme.isSpyingChat()));
if ( fme.isSpyingChat())
fme.msg("<i>You have enabled chat spying mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has ENABLED chat spying mode.");
fme.msg("<i>You have disabled chat spying mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " DISABLED chat spying mode.");
if (fme.isSpyingChat()) {
fme.msg("<i>You have enabled chat spying mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has ENABLED chat spying mode.");
} else {
fme.msg("<i>You have disabled chat spying mode.");
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " DISABLED chat spying mode.");

View File

@ -1,81 +1,70 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.SpiralTask;
public class CmdClaim extends FCommand
public CmdClaim()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "your");
this.optionalArgs.put("radius", "1");
this.permission = Permission.CLAIM.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
// Read and validate input
final Faction forFaction = this.argAsFaction(0, myFaction);
int radius = this.argAsInt(1, 1);
public class CmdClaim extends FCommand {
if (radius < 1)
msg("<b>If you specify a radius, it must be at least 1.");
public CmdClaim() {
if (radius < 2)
// single chunk
fme.attemptClaim(forFaction, me.getLocation(), true);
// radius claim
if (! Permission.CLAIM_RADIUS.has(sender, false))
msg("<b>You do not have permission to claim in a radius.");
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "your");
this.optionalArgs.put("radius", "1");
new SpiralTask(new FLocation(me), radius)
private int failCount = 0;
private final int limit = Conf.radiusClaimFailureLimit - 1;
this.permission = Permission.CLAIM.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
public boolean work()
boolean success = fme.attemptClaim(forFaction, this.currentLocation(), true);
if (success)
failCount = 0;
else if ( ! success && failCount++ >= limit)
return false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
// Read and validate input
final Faction forFaction = this.argAsFaction(0, myFaction);
int radius = this.argAsInt(1, 1);
if (radius < 1) {
msg("<b>If you specify a radius, it must be at least 1.");
if (radius < 2) {
// single chunk
fme.attemptClaim(forFaction, me.getLocation(), true);
} else {
// radius claim
if (!Permission.CLAIM_RADIUS.has(sender, false)) {
msg("<b>You do not have permission to claim in a radius.");
new SpiralTask(new FLocation(me), radius) {
private int failCount = 0;
private final int limit = Conf.radiusClaimFailureLimit - 1;
public boolean work() {
boolean success = fme.attemptClaim(forFaction, this.currentLocation(), true);
if (success)
failCount = 0;
else if (!success && failCount++ >= limit) {
return false;
return true;
return true;

View File

@ -1,302 +1,245 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class CmdConfig extends FCommand
private static HashMap<String, String> properFieldNames = new HashMap<String, String>();
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
public CmdConfig()
this.errorOnToManyArgs = false;
this.permission = Permission.CONFIG.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public class CmdConfig extends FCommand {
private static HashMap<String, String> properFieldNames = new HashMap<String, String>();
public void perform()
// store a lookup map of lowercase field names paired with proper capitalization field names
// that way, if the person using this command messes up the capitalization, we can fix that
if (properFieldNames.isEmpty())
Field[] fields = Conf.class.getDeclaredFields();
for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
properFieldNames.put(fields[i].getName().toLowerCase(), fields[i].getName());
public CmdConfig() {
String field = this.argAsString(0).toLowerCase();
if (field.startsWith("\"") && field.endsWith("\""))
field = field.substring(1, field.length() - 1);
String fieldName = properFieldNames.get(field);
this.errorOnToManyArgs = false;
if (fieldName == null || fieldName.isEmpty())
msg("<b>No configuration setting \"<h>%s<b>\" exists.", field);
this.permission = Permission.CONFIG.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
String success = "";
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
String value = args.get(1);
for(int i = 2; i < args.size(); i++)
value += ' ' + args.get(i);
public void perform() {
// store a lookup map of lowercase field names paired with proper capitalization field names
// that way, if the person using this command messes up the capitalization, we can fix that
if (properFieldNames.isEmpty()) {
Field[] fields = Conf.class.getDeclaredFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
properFieldNames.put(fields[i].getName().toLowerCase(), fields[i].getName());
Field target = Conf.class.getField(fieldName);
String field = this.argAsString(0).toLowerCase();
if (field.startsWith("\"") && field.endsWith("\"")) {
field = field.substring(1, field.length() - 1);
String fieldName = properFieldNames.get(field);
// boolean
if (target.getType() == boolean.class)
boolean targetValue = this.strAsBool(value);
target.setBoolean(null, targetValue);
if (targetValue)
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" option set to true (enabled).";
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" option set to false (disabled).";
if (fieldName == null || fieldName.isEmpty()) {
msg("<b>No configuration setting \"<h>%s<b>\" exists.", field);
// int
else if (target.getType() == int.class)
int intVal = Integer.parseInt(value);
target.setInt(null, intVal);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" option set to "+intVal+".";
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sendMessage("Cannot set \""+fieldName+"\": integer (whole number) value required.");
String success = "";
// long
else if (target.getType() == long.class)
long longVal = Long.parseLong(value);
target.setLong(null, longVal);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" option set to "+longVal+".";
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sendMessage("Cannot set \""+fieldName+"\": long integer (whole number) value required.");
String value = args.get(1);
for (int i = 2; i < args.size(); i++) {
value += ' ' + args.get(i);
// double
else if (target.getType() == double.class)
double doubleVal = Double.parseDouble(value);
target.setDouble(null, doubleVal);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" option set to "+doubleVal+".";
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sendMessage("Cannot set \""+fieldName+"\": double (numeric) value required.");
try {
Field target = Conf.class.getField(fieldName);
// float
else if (target.getType() == float.class)
float floatVal = Float.parseFloat(value);
target.setFloat(null, floatVal);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" option set to "+floatVal+".";
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
sendMessage("Cannot set \""+fieldName+"\": float (numeric) value required.");
// boolean
if (target.getType() == boolean.class) {
boolean targetValue = this.strAsBool(value);
target.setBoolean(null, targetValue);
// String
else if (target.getType() == String.class)
target.set(null, value);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" option set to \""+value+"\".";
if (targetValue) {
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to true (enabled).";
} else {
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to false (disabled).";
// ChatColor
else if (target.getType() == ChatColor.class)
ChatColor newColor = null;
newColor = ChatColor.valueOf(value.toUpperCase());
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
if (newColor == null)
sendMessage("Cannot set \""+fieldName+"\": \""+value.toUpperCase()+"\" is not a valid color.");
target.set(null, newColor);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" color option set to \""+value.toUpperCase()+"\".";
// int
else if (target.getType() == int.class) {
try {
int intVal = Integer.parseInt(value);
target.setInt(null, intVal);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to " + intVal + ".";
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
sendMessage("Cannot set \"" + fieldName + "\": integer (whole number) value required.");
// Set<?> or other parameterized collection
else if (target.getGenericType() instanceof ParameterizedType)
ParameterizedType targSet = (ParameterizedType)target.getGenericType();
Type innerType = targSet.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
// long
else if (target.getType() == long.class) {
try {
long longVal = Long.parseLong(value);
target.setLong(null, longVal);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to " + longVal + ".";
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
sendMessage("Cannot set \"" + fieldName + "\": long integer (whole number) value required.");
// not a Set, somehow, and that should be the only collection we're using in
if (targSet.getRawType() != Set.class)
sendMessage("\""+fieldName+"\" is not a data collection type which can be modified with this command.");
// double
else if (target.getType() == double.class) {
try {
double doubleVal = Double.parseDouble(value);
target.setDouble(null, doubleVal);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to " + doubleVal + ".";
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
sendMessage("Cannot set \"" + fieldName + "\": double (numeric) value required.");
// Set<Material>
else if (innerType == Material.class)
Material newMat = null;
newMat = Material.valueOf(value.toUpperCase());
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
if (newMat == null)
sendMessage("Cannot change \""+fieldName+"\" set: \""+value.toUpperCase()+"\" is not a valid material.");
// float
else if (target.getType() == float.class) {
try {
float floatVal = Float.parseFloat(value);
target.setFloat(null, floatVal);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to " + floatVal + ".";
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
sendMessage("Cannot set \"" + fieldName + "\": float (numeric) value required.");
Set<Material> matSet = (Set<Material>)target.get(null);
// String
else if (target.getType() == String.class) {
target.set(null, value);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" option set to \"" + value + "\".";
// Material already present, so remove it
if (matSet.contains(newMat))
target.set(null, matSet);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" set: Material \""+value.toUpperCase()+"\" removed.";
// Material not present yet, add it
target.set(null, matSet);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" set: Material \""+value.toUpperCase()+"\" added.";
// ChatColor
else if (target.getType() == ChatColor.class) {
ChatColor newColor = null;
try {
newColor = ChatColor.valueOf(value.toUpperCase());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// Set<String>
else if (innerType == String.class)
Set<String> stringSet = (Set<String>)target.get(null);
if (newColor == null) {
sendMessage("Cannot set \"" + fieldName + "\": \"" + value.toUpperCase() + "\" is not a valid color.");
target.set(null, newColor);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" color option set to \"" + value.toUpperCase() + "\".";
// String already present, so remove it
if (stringSet.contains(value))
target.set(null, stringSet);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" set: \""+value+"\" removed.";
// String not present yet, add it
target.set(null, stringSet);
success = "\""+fieldName+"\" set: \""+value+"\" added.";
// Set<?> or other parameterized collection
else if (target.getGenericType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
ParameterizedType targSet = (ParameterizedType) target.getGenericType();
Type innerType = targSet.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
// Set of unknown type
sendMessage("\""+fieldName+"\" is not a data type set which can be modified with this command.");
// not a Set, somehow, and that should be the only collection we're using in
if (targSet.getRawType() != Set.class) {
sendMessage("\"" + fieldName + "\" is not a data collection type which can be modified with this command.");
// unknown type
sendMessage("\""+fieldName+"\" is not a data type which can be modified with this command.");
catch (NoSuchFieldException ex)
sendMessage("Configuration setting \""+fieldName+"\" couldn't be matched, though it should be... please report this error.");
catch (IllegalAccessException ex)
sendMessage("Error setting configuration setting \""+fieldName+"\" to \""+value+"\".");
// Set<Material>
else if (innerType == Material.class) {
Material newMat = null;
try {
newMat = Material.valueOf(value.toUpperCase());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
if (!success.isEmpty())
if (sender instanceof Player)
P.p.log(success + " Command was run by "+fme.getName()+".");
else // using P.p.log() instead of sendMessage if run from server console so that "[Factions v#.#.#]" is prepended in server log
// save change to disk;
if (newMat == null) {
sendMessage("Cannot change \"" + fieldName + "\" set: \"" + value.toUpperCase() + "\" is not a valid material.");
Set<Material> matSet = (Set<Material>) target.get(null);
// Material already present, so remove it
if (matSet.contains(newMat)) {
target.set(null, matSet);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" set: Material \"" + value.toUpperCase() + "\" removed.";
// Material not present yet, add it
else {
target.set(null, matSet);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" set: Material \"" + value.toUpperCase() + "\" added.";
// Set<String>
else if (innerType == String.class) {
Set<String> stringSet = (Set<String>) target.get(null);
// String already present, so remove it
if (stringSet.contains(value)) {
target.set(null, stringSet);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" set: \"" + value + "\" removed.";
// String not present yet, add it
else {
target.set(null, stringSet);
success = "\"" + fieldName + "\" set: \"" + value + "\" added.";
// Set of unknown type
else {
sendMessage("\"" + fieldName + "\" is not a data type set which can be modified with this command.");
// unknown type
else {
sendMessage("\"" + fieldName + "\" is not a data type which can be modified with this command.");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
sendMessage("Configuration setting \"" + fieldName + "\" couldn't be matched, though it should be... please report this error.");
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
sendMessage("Error setting configuration setting \"" + fieldName + "\" to \"" + value + "\".");
if (!success.isEmpty()) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
P.p.log(success + " Command was run by " + fme.getName() + ".");
} else // using P.p.log() instead of sendMessage if run from server console so that "[Factions v#.#.#]" is prepended in server log
// save change to disk;
// in case some Spout related setting was changed
// in case some Spout related setting was changed

View File

@ -1,105 +1,91 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FPlayerJoinEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FactionCreateEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CmdCreate extends FCommand
public CmdCreate()
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.CREATE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
String tag = this.argAsString(0);
if (fme.hasFaction())
msg("<b>You must leave your current faction first.");
if (Factions.i.isTagTaken(tag))
msg("<b>That tag is already in use.");
ArrayList<String> tagValidationErrors = Factions.validateTag(tag);
if (tagValidationErrors.size() > 0)
public class CmdCreate extends FCommand {
public CmdCreate() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if ( ! canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostCreate, "to create a new faction")) return;
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
// trigger the faction creation event (cancellable)
FactionCreateEvent createEvent = new FactionCreateEvent(me, tag);
if(createEvent.isCancelled()) return;
this.permission = Permission.CREATE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostCreate, "to create a new faction", "for creating a new faction")) return;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
Faction faction = Factions.i.create();
public void perform() {
String tag = this.argAsString(0);
// TODO: Why would this even happen??? Auto increment clash??
if (faction == null)
msg("<b>There was an internal error while trying to create your faction. Please try again.");
if (fme.hasFaction()) {
msg("<b>You must leave your current faction first.");
// finish setting up the Faction
if (Factions.i.isTagTaken(tag)) {
msg("<b>That tag is already in use.");
// trigger the faction join event for the creator
FPlayerJoinEvent joinEvent = new FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayers.i.get(me),faction,FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason.CREATE);
// join event cannot be cancelled or you'll have an empty faction
ArrayList<String> tagValidationErrors = Factions.validateTag(tag);
if (tagValidationErrors.size() > 0) {
// finish setting up the FPlayer
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostCreate, "to create a new faction")) return;
for (FPlayer follower : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
follower.msg("%s<i> created a new faction %s", fme.describeTo(follower, true), faction.getTag(follower));
msg("<i>You should now: %s", p.cmdBase.cmdDescription.getUseageTemplate());
// trigger the faction creation event (cancellable)
FactionCreateEvent createEvent = new FactionCreateEvent(me, tag);
if (createEvent.isCancelled()) return;
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostCreate, "to create a new faction", "for creating a new faction")) return;
Faction faction = Factions.i.create();
// TODO: Why would this even happen??? Auto increment clash??
if (faction == null) {
msg("<b>There was an internal error while trying to create your faction. Please try again.");
// finish setting up the Faction
// trigger the faction join event for the creator
FPlayerJoinEvent joinEvent = new FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayers.i.get(me), faction, FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason.CREATE);
// join event cannot be cancelled or you'll have an empty faction
// finish setting up the FPlayer
for (FPlayer follower : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
follower.msg("%s<i> created a new faction %s", fme.describeTo(follower, true), faction.getTag(follower));
msg("<i>You should now: %s", p.cmdBase.cmdDescription.getUseageTemplate());
if (Conf.logFactionCreate)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " created a new faction: " + tag);
if (Conf.logFactionCreate)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" created a new faction: "+tag);

View File

@ -3,45 +3,41 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdDeinvite extends FCommand
public CmdDeinvite()
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.DEINVITE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you.getFaction() == myFaction)
msg("%s<i> is already a member of %s", you.getName(), myFaction.getTag());
msg("<i>You might want to: %s", p.cmdBase.cmdKick.getUseageTemplate(false));
you.msg("%s<i> revoked your invitation to <h>%s<i>.", fme.describeTo(you), myFaction.describeTo(you));
myFaction.msg("%s<i> revoked %s's<i> invitation.", fme.describeTo(myFaction), you.describeTo(myFaction));
public class CmdDeinvite extends FCommand {
public CmdDeinvite() {
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.DEINVITE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you.getFaction() == myFaction) {
msg("%s<i> is already a member of %s", you.getName(), myFaction.getTag());
msg("<i>You might want to: %s", p.cmdBase.cmdKick.getUseageTemplate(false));
you.msg("%s<i> revoked your invitation to <h>%s<i>.", fme.describeTo(you), myFaction.describeTo(you));
myFaction.msg("%s<i> revoked %s's<i> invitation.", fme.describeTo(myFaction), you.describeTo(myFaction));

View File

@ -6,47 +6,43 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TextUtil;
public class CmdDescription extends FCommand
public CmdDescription()
this.errorOnToManyArgs = false;
this.permission = Permission.DESCRIPTION.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostDesc, "to change faction description", "for changing faction description")) return;
public class CmdDescription extends FCommand {
public CmdDescription() {
myFaction.setDescription(TextUtil.implode(args, " ").replaceAll("(&([a-f0-9]))", "& $2")); // since "&" color tags seem to work even through plain old FPlayer.sendMessage() for some reason, we need to break those up
this.errorOnToManyArgs = false;
if ( ! Conf.broadcastDescriptionChanges)
fme.msg("You have changed the description for <h>%s<i> to:", myFaction.describeTo(fme));
this.permission = Permission.DESCRIPTION.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostDesc, "to change faction description", "for changing faction description"))
myFaction.setDescription(TextUtil.implode(args, " ").replaceAll("(&([a-f0-9]))", "& $2")); // since "&" color tags seem to work even through plain old FPlayer.sendMessage() for some reason, we need to break those up
if (!Conf.broadcastDescriptionChanges) {
fme.msg("You have changed the description for <h>%s<i> to:", myFaction.describeTo(fme));
// Broadcast the description to everyone
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
fplayer.msg("<i>The faction %s<i> changed their description to:", myFaction.describeTo(fplayer));
fplayer.sendMessage(myFaction.getDescription()); // players can inject "&" or "`" or "<i>" or whatever in their description; &k is particularly interesting looking
// Broadcast the description to everyone
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
fplayer.msg("<i>The faction %s<i> changed their description to:", myFaction.describeTo(fplayer));
fplayer.sendMessage(myFaction.getDescription()); // players can inject "&" or "`" or "<i>" or whatever in their description; &k is particularly interesting looking

View File

@ -1,113 +1,92 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FPlayerLeaveEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FactionDisbandEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class CmdDisband extends FCommand
public CmdDisband()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction tag", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.DISBAND.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
// The faction, default to your own.. but null if console sender.
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0, fme == null ? null : myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
boolean isMyFaction = fme == null ? false : faction == myFaction;
if (isMyFaction)
if ( ! assertMinRole(Role.ADMIN)) return;
if ( ! Permission.DISBAND_ANY.has(sender, true))
public class CmdDisband extends FCommand {
public CmdDisband() {
if (! faction.isNormal())
msg("<i>You cannot disband the Wilderness, SafeZone, or WarZone.");
if (faction.isPermanent())
msg("<i>This faction is designated as permanent, so you cannot disband it.");
this.optionalArgs.put("faction tag", "yours");
FactionDisbandEvent disbandEvent = new FactionDisbandEvent(me, faction.getId());
if(disbandEvent.isCancelled()) return;
this.permission = Permission.DISBAND.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
// Send FPlayerLeaveEvent for each player in the faction
for ( FPlayer fplayer : faction.getFPlayers() )
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new FPlayerLeaveEvent(fplayer, faction, FPlayerLeaveEvent.PlayerLeaveReason.DISBAND));
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
String who = senderIsConsole ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer);
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction)
fplayer.msg("<h>%s<i> disbanded your faction.", who);
fplayer.msg("<h>%s<i> disbanded the faction %s.", who, faction.getTag(fplayer));
if (Conf.logFactionDisband)
P.p.log("The faction "+faction.getTag()+" ("+faction.getId()+") was disbanded by "+(senderIsConsole ? "console command" : fme.getName())+".");
public void perform() {
// The faction, default to your own.. but null if console sender.
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0, fme == null ? null : myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed() && ! senderIsConsole)
//Give all the faction's money to the disbander
double amount = Econ.getBalance(faction.getAccountId());
Econ.transferMoney(fme, faction, fme, amount, false);
if (amount > 0.0)
String amountString = Econ.moneyString(amount);
msg("<i>You have been given the disbanded faction's bank, totaling %s.", amountString);
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has been given bank holdings of "+amountString+" from disbanding "+faction.getTag()+".");
boolean isMyFaction = fme == null ? false : faction == myFaction;
if (isMyFaction) {
if (!assertMinRole(Role.ADMIN)) return;
} else {
if (!Permission.DISBAND_ANY.has(sender, true)) {
if (!faction.isNormal()) {
msg("<i>You cannot disband the Wilderness, SafeZone, or WarZone.");
if (faction.isPermanent()) {
msg("<i>This faction is designated as permanent, so you cannot disband it.");
FactionDisbandEvent disbandEvent = new FactionDisbandEvent(me, faction.getId());
if (disbandEvent.isCancelled()) return;
// Send FPlayerLeaveEvent for each player in the faction
for (FPlayer fplayer : faction.getFPlayers()) {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new FPlayerLeaveEvent(fplayer, faction, FPlayerLeaveEvent.PlayerLeaveReason.DISBAND));
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
String who = senderIsConsole ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer);
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction) {
fplayer.msg("<h>%s<i> disbanded your faction.", who);
} else {
fplayer.msg("<h>%s<i> disbanded the faction %s.", who, faction.getTag(fplayer));
if (Conf.logFactionDisband)
P.p.log("The faction " + faction.getTag() + " (" + faction.getId() + ") was disbanded by " + (senderIsConsole ? "console command" : fme.getName()) + ".");
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed() && !senderIsConsole) {
//Give all the faction's money to the disbander
double amount = Econ.getBalance(faction.getAccountId());
Econ.transferMoney(fme, faction, fme, amount, false);
if (amount > 0.0) {
String amountString = Econ.moneyString(amount);
msg("<i>You have been given the disbanded faction's bank, totaling %s.", amountString);
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has been given bank holdings of " + amountString + " from disbanding " + faction.getTag() + ".");

View File

@ -1,190 +1,184 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CmdHelp extends FCommand
public CmdHelp()
this.optionalArgs.put("page", "1");
this.permission = Permission.HELP.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
if (helpPages == null) updateHelp();
int page = this.argAsInt(0, 1);
sendMessage(p.txt.titleize("Factions Help ("+page+"/"+helpPages.size()+")"));
page -= 1;
if (page < 0 || page >= helpPages.size())
msg("<b>This page does not exist");
// Build the help pages
public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> helpPages;
public void updateHelp()
helpPages = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList<String> pageLines;
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdHelp.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdList.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdShow.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdPower.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdJoin.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdLeave.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdChat.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdHome.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.txt.parse("<i>Learn how to create a faction on the next page.") );
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdCreate.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdDescription.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdTag.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.txt.parse("<i>You might want to close it and use invitations:" ));
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdOpen.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdInvite.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdDeinvite.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.txt.parse("<i>And don't forget to set your home:" ));
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdSethome.getUseageTemplate(true) );
if (Econ.isSetup() && Conf.econEnabled && Conf.bankEnabled)
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add( "" );
pageLines.add( p.txt.parse("<i>Your faction has a bank which is used to pay for certain" ));
pageLines.add( p.txt.parse("<i>things, so it will need to have money deposited into it." ));
pageLines.add( p.txt.parse("<i>To learn more, use the money command." ));
pageLines.add( "" );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdMoney.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( "" );
pageLines.add( "" );
pageLines.add( "" );
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdClaim.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdAutoClaim.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdUnclaim.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdUnclaimall.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdKick.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdMod.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdAdmin.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdTitle.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.txt.parse("<i>Player titles are just for fun. No rules connected to them." ));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdMap.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdBoom.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdOwner.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdOwnerList.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Claimed land with ownership set is further protected so"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>that only the owner(s), faction admin, and possibly the"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>faction moderators have full access."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdDisband.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdRelationAlly.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdRelationNeutral.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdRelationEnemy.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Set the relation you WISH to have with another faction."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Your default relation with other factions will be neutral."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>If BOTH factions choose \"ally\" you will be allies."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>If ONE faction chooses \"enemy\" you will be enemies."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You can never hurt members or allies."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You can not hurt neutrals in their own territory."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You can always hurt enemies and players without faction."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Damage from enemies is reduced in your own territory."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>When you die you lose power. It is restored over time."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>The power of a faction is the sum of all member power."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>The power of a faction determines how much land it can hold."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You can claim land from factions with too little power."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Only faction members can build and destroy in their own"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>territory. Usage of the following items is also restricted:"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Door, Chest, Furnace, Dispenser, Diode."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Make sure to put pressure plates in front of doors for your"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>guest visitors. Otherwise they can't get through. You can"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>also use this to create member only areas."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>As dispensers are protected, you can create traps without"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>worrying about those arrows getting stolen."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add("Finally some commands for the server admins:");
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdBypass.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<c>/f claim safezone <i>claim land for the Safe Zone"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<c>/f claim warzone <i>claim land for the War Zone"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<c>/f autoclaim [safezone|warzone] <i>take a guess"));
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdSafeunclaimall.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdWarunclaimall.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Note: " + p.cmdBase.cmdUnclaim.getUseageTemplate(false) + P.p.txt.parse("<i>") + " works on safe/war zones as well."));
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdPeaceful.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>More commands for server admins:"));
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdChatSpy.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdPermanent.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdPermanentPower.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdPowerBoost.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdConfig.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Even more commands for server admins:"));
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdLock.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdReload.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdSaveAll.getUseageTemplate(true) );
pageLines.add( p.cmdBase.cmdVersion.getUseageTemplate(true) );
public class CmdHelp extends FCommand {
public CmdHelp() {
this.optionalArgs.put("page", "1");
this.permission = Permission.HELP.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
if (helpPages == null) updateHelp();
int page = this.argAsInt(0, 1);
sendMessage(p.txt.titleize("Factions Help (" + page + "/" + helpPages.size() + ")"));
page -= 1;
if (page < 0 || page >= helpPages.size()) {
msg("<b>This page does not exist");
// Build the help pages
public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> helpPages;
public void updateHelp() {
helpPages = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList<String> pageLines;
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Learn how to create a faction on the next page."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You might want to close it and use invitations:"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>And don't forget to set your home:"));
if (Econ.isSetup() && Conf.econEnabled && Conf.bankEnabled) {
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Your faction has a bank which is used to pay for certain"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>things, so it will need to have money deposited into it."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>To learn more, use the money command."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Player titles are just for fun. No rules connected to them."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Claimed land with ownership set is further protected so"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>that only the owner(s), faction admin, and possibly the"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>faction moderators have full access."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Set the relation you WISH to have with another faction."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Your default relation with other factions will be neutral."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>If BOTH factions choose \"ally\" you will be allies."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>If ONE faction chooses \"enemy\" you will be enemies."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You can never hurt members or allies."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You can not hurt neutrals in their own territory."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You can always hurt enemies and players without faction."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Damage from enemies is reduced in your own territory."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>When you die you lose power. It is restored over time."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>The power of a faction is the sum of all member power."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>The power of a faction determines how much land it can hold."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>You can claim land from factions with too little power."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Only faction members can build and destroy in their own"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>territory. Usage of the following items is also restricted:"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Door, Chest, Furnace, Dispenser, Diode."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Make sure to put pressure plates in front of doors for your"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>guest visitors. Otherwise they can't get through. You can"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>also use this to create member only areas."));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>As dispensers are protected, you can create traps without"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>worrying about those arrows getting stolen."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add("Finally some commands for the server admins:");
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<c>/f claim safezone <i>claim land for the Safe Zone"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<c>/f claim warzone <i>claim land for the War Zone"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<c>/f autoclaim [safezone|warzone] <i>take a guess"));
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Note: " + p.cmdBase.cmdUnclaim.getUseageTemplate(false) + P.p.txt.parse("<i>") + " works on safe/war zones as well."));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>More commands for server admins:"));
pageLines = new ArrayList<String>();
pageLines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Even more commands for server admins:"));

View File

@ -1,148 +1,132 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.EssentialsFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.SmokeUtil;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class CmdHome extends FCommand
public CmdHome()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.HOME.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = true;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
// TODO: Hide this command on help also.
if ( ! Conf.homesEnabled)
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, Faction homes are disabled on this server.");
public class CmdHome extends FCommand {
if ( ! Conf.homesTeleportCommandEnabled)
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, the ability to teleport to Faction homes is disabled on this server.");
if ( ! myFaction.hasHome())
fme.msg("<b>Your faction does not have a home. " + (fme.getRole().value < Role.MODERATOR.value ? "<i> Ask your leader to:" : "<i>You should:"));
if ( ! Conf.homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory && fme.isInEnemyTerritory())
fme.msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while in the territory of an enemy faction.");
if ( ! Conf.homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld && me.getWorld().getUID() != myFaction.getHome().getWorld().getUID())
fme.msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while in a different world.");
Faction faction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(me.getLocation()));
Location loc = me.getLocation().clone();
// if player is not in a safe zone or their own faction territory, only allow teleport if no enemies are nearby
Conf.homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance > 0
! faction.isSafeZone()
! fme.isInOwnTerritory()
! Conf.homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory
World w = loc.getWorld();
double x = loc.getX();
double y = loc.getY();
double z = loc.getZ();
public CmdHome() {
for (Player p : me.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
if (p == null || !p.isOnline() || p.isDead() || p == me || p.getWorld() != w)
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
FPlayer fp = FPlayers.i.get(p);
if (fme.getRelationTo(fp) != Relation.ENEMY)
this.permission = Permission.HOME.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
Location l = p.getLocation();
double dx = Math.abs(x - l.getX());
double dy = Math.abs(y - l.getY());
double dz = Math.abs(z - l.getZ());
double max = Conf.homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = true;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
// box-shaped distance check
if (dx > max || dy > max || dz > max)
public void perform() {
// TODO: Hide this command on help also.
if (!Conf.homesEnabled) {
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, Faction homes are disabled on this server.");
fme.msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while an enemy is within " + Conf.homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance + " blocks of you.");
if (!Conf.homesTeleportCommandEnabled) {
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, the ability to teleport to Faction homes is disabled on this server.");
// if Essentials teleport handling is enabled and available, pass the teleport off to it (for delay and cooldown)
if (EssentialsFeatures.handleTeleport(me, myFaction.getHome())) return;
if (!myFaction.hasHome()) {
fme.msg("<b>Your faction does not have a home. " + (fme.getRole().value < Role.MODERATOR.value ? "<i> Ask your leader to:" : "<i>You should:"));
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostHome, "to teleport to your faction home", "for teleporting to your faction home")) return;
if (!Conf.homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory && fme.isInEnemyTerritory()) {
fme.msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while in the territory of an enemy faction.");
if (!Conf.homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld && me.getWorld().getUID() != myFaction.getHome().getWorld().getUID()) {
fme.msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while in a different world.");
Faction faction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(me.getLocation()));
Location loc = me.getLocation().clone();
// if player is not in a safe zone or their own faction territory, only allow teleport if no enemies are nearby
Conf.homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance > 0
) {
World w = loc.getWorld();
double x = loc.getX();
double y = loc.getY();
double z = loc.getZ();
for (Player p : me.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (p == null || !p.isOnline() || p.isDead() || p == me || p.getWorld() != w)
FPlayer fp = FPlayers.i.get(p);
if (fme.getRelationTo(fp) != Relation.ENEMY)
Location l = p.getLocation();
double dx = Math.abs(x - l.getX());
double dy = Math.abs(y - l.getY());
double dz = Math.abs(z - l.getZ());
double max = Conf.homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance;
// box-shaped distance check
if (dx > max || dy > max || dz > max)
fme.msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while an enemy is within " + Conf.homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance + " blocks of you.");
// if Essentials teleport handling is enabled and available, pass the teleport off to it (for delay and cooldown)
if (EssentialsFeatures.handleTeleport(me, myFaction.getHome())) return;
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostHome, "to teleport to your faction home", "for teleporting to your faction home"))
// Create a smoke effect
if (Conf.homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled) {
List<Location> smokeLocations = new ArrayList<Location>();
smokeLocations.add(loc.add(0, 1, 0));
smokeLocations.add(myFaction.getHome().clone().add(0, 1, 0));
SmokeUtil.spawnCloudRandom(smokeLocations, Conf.homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectThickness);
// Create a smoke effect
if (Conf.homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled)
List<Location> smokeLocations = new ArrayList<Location>();
smokeLocations.add(loc.add(0, 1, 0));
smokeLocations.add(myFaction.getHome().clone().add(0, 1, 0));
SmokeUtil.spawnCloudRandom(smokeLocations, Conf.homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectThickness);

View File

@ -4,46 +4,42 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdInvite extends FCommand
public CmdInvite()
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.INVITE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you.getFaction() == myFaction)
msg("%s<i> is already a member of %s", you.getName(), myFaction.getTag());
msg("<i>You might want to: " + p.cmdBase.cmdKick.getUseageTemplate(false));
public class CmdInvite extends FCommand {
public CmdInvite() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostInvite, "to invite someone", "for inviting someone")) return;
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.INVITE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (you.getFaction() == myFaction) {
msg("%s<i> is already a member of %s", you.getName(), myFaction.getTag());
msg("<i>You might want to: " + p.cmdBase.cmdKick.getUseageTemplate(false));
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostInvite, "to invite someone", "for inviting someone")) return;
you.msg("%s<i> invited you to %s", fme.describeTo(you, true), myFaction.describeTo(you));
myFaction.msg("%s<i> invited %s<i> to your faction.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true), you.describeTo(myFaction));
you.msg("%s<i> invited you to %s", fme.describeTo(you, true), myFaction.describeTo(you));
myFaction.msg("%s<i> invited %s<i> to your faction.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true), you.describeTo(myFaction));

View File

@ -1,114 +1,98 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FPlayerJoinEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class CmdJoin extends FCommand
public CmdJoin()
this.requiredArgs.add("faction name");
this.optionalArgs.put("player", "you");
this.permission = Permission.JOIN.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
public class CmdJoin extends FCommand {
public CmdJoin() {
FPlayer fplayer = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1, fme, false);
boolean samePlayer = fplayer == fme;
this.requiredArgs.add("faction name");
this.optionalArgs.put("player", "you");
if (!samePlayer && ! Permission.JOIN_OTHERS.has(sender, false))
msg("<b>You do not have permission to move other players into a faction.");
this.permission = Permission.JOIN.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
if ( ! faction.isNormal())
msg("<b>Players may only join normal factions. This is a system faction.");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
if (faction == fplayer.getFaction())
msg("<b>%s %s already a member of %s", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true), (samePlayer ? "are" : "is"), faction.getTag(fme));
public void perform() {
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if (Conf.factionMemberLimit > 0 && faction.getFPlayers().size() >= Conf.factionMemberLimit)
msg(" <b>!<white> The faction %s is at the limit of %d members, so %s cannot currently join.", faction.getTag(fme), Conf.factionMemberLimit, fplayer.describeTo(fme, false));
FPlayer fplayer = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1, fme, false);
boolean samePlayer = fplayer == fme;
if (fplayer.hasFaction())
msg("<b>%s must leave %s current faction first.", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true), (samePlayer ? "your" : "their"));
if (!samePlayer && !Permission.JOIN_OTHERS.has(sender, false)) {
msg("<b>You do not have permission to move other players into a faction.");
if (!Conf.canLeaveWithNegativePower && fplayer.getPower() < 0)
msg("<b>%s cannot join a faction with a negative power level.", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true));
if (!faction.isNormal()) {
msg("<b>Players may only join normal factions. This is a system faction.");
if( ! (faction.getOpen() || faction.isInvited(fplayer) || fme.isAdminBypassing() || Permission.JOIN_ANY.has(sender, false)))
msg("<i>This faction requires invitation.");
if (samePlayer)
faction.msg("%s<i> tried to join your faction.", fplayer.describeTo(faction, true));
if (faction == fplayer.getFaction()) {
msg("<b>%s %s already a member of %s", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true), (samePlayer ? "are" : "is"), faction.getTag(fme));
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (samePlayer && ! canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction")) return;
if (Conf.factionMemberLimit > 0 && faction.getFPlayers().size() >= Conf.factionMemberLimit) {
msg(" <b>!<white> The faction %s is at the limit of %d members, so %s cannot currently join.", faction.getTag(fme), Conf.factionMemberLimit, fplayer.describeTo(fme, false));
// trigger the join event (cancellable)
FPlayerJoinEvent joinEvent = new FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayers.i.get(me),faction,FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason.COMMAND);
if (joinEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (fplayer.hasFaction()) {
msg("<b>%s must leave %s current faction first.", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true), (samePlayer ? "your" : "their"));
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (samePlayer && ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction", "for joining a faction")) return;
if (!Conf.canLeaveWithNegativePower && fplayer.getPower() < 0) {
msg("<b>%s cannot join a faction with a negative power level.", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true));
fme.msg("<i>%s successfully joined %s.", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true), faction.getTag(fme));
if (!(faction.getOpen() || faction.isInvited(fplayer) || fme.isAdminBypassing() || Permission.JOIN_ANY.has(sender, false))) {
msg("<i>This faction requires invitation.");
if (samePlayer)
faction.msg("%s<i> tried to join your faction.", fplayer.describeTo(faction, true));
if (!samePlayer)
fplayer.msg("<i>%s moved you into the faction %s.", fme.describeTo(fplayer, true), faction.getTag(fplayer));
faction.msg("<i>%s joined your faction.", fplayer.describeTo(faction, true));
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (samePlayer && !canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction")) return;
// trigger the join event (cancellable)
FPlayerJoinEvent joinEvent = new FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayers.i.get(me), faction, FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason.COMMAND);
if (joinEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (Conf.logFactionJoin)
if (samePlayer)
P.p.log("%s joined the faction %s.", fplayer.getName(), faction.getTag());
P.p.log("%s moved the player %s into the faction %s.", fme.getName(), fplayer.getName(), faction.getTag());
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (samePlayer && !payForCommand(Conf.econCostJoin, "to join a faction", "for joining a faction")) return;
fme.msg("<i>%s successfully joined %s.", fplayer.describeTo(fme, true), faction.getTag(fme));
if (!samePlayer)
fplayer.msg("<i>%s moved you into the faction %s.", fme.describeTo(fplayer, true), faction.getTag(fplayer));
faction.msg("<i>%s joined your faction.", fplayer.describeTo(faction, true));
if (Conf.logFactionJoin) {
if (samePlayer)
P.p.log("%s joined the faction %s.", fplayer.getName(), faction.getTag());
P.p.log("%s moved the player %s into the faction %s.", fme.getName(), fplayer.getName(), faction.getTag());

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
@ -9,91 +7,84 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FPlayerLeaveEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class CmdKick extends FCommand
public CmdKick()
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.KICK.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
if (fme == you)
msg("<b>You cannot kick yourself.");
msg("<i>You might want to: %s", p.cmdBase.cmdLeave.getUseageTemplate(false));
public class CmdKick extends FCommand {
Faction yourFaction = you.getFaction();
public CmdKick() {
// players with admin-level "disband" permission can bypass these requirements
if ( ! Permission.KICK_ANY.has(sender))
if (yourFaction != myFaction)
msg("%s<b> is not a member of %s", you.describeTo(fme, true), myFaction.describeTo(fme));
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
if (you.getRole().value >= fme.getRole().value)
// TODO add more informative messages.
msg("<b>Your rank is too low to kick this player.");
this.permission = Permission.KICK.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
if ( ! Conf.canLeaveWithNegativePower && you.getPower() < 0)
msg("<b>You cannot kick that member until their power is positive.");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if ( ! canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostKick, "to kick someone from the faction")) return;
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
// trigger the leave event (cancellable) [reason:kicked]
FPlayerLeaveEvent event = new FPlayerLeaveEvent(you, you.getFaction(), FPlayerLeaveEvent.PlayerLeaveReason.KICKED);
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (fme == you) {
msg("<b>You cannot kick yourself.");
msg("<i>You might want to: %s", p.cmdBase.cmdLeave.getUseageTemplate(false));
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostKick, "to kick someone from the faction", "for kicking someone from the faction")) return;
Faction yourFaction = you.getFaction();
yourFaction.msg("%s<i> kicked %s<i> from the faction! :O", fme.describeTo(yourFaction, true), you.describeTo(yourFaction, true));
you.msg("%s<i> kicked you from %s<i>! :O", fme.describeTo(you, true), yourFaction.describeTo(you));
if (yourFaction != myFaction)
fme.msg("<i>You kicked %s<i> from the faction %s<i>!", you.describeTo(fme), yourFaction.describeTo(fme));
// players with admin-level "disband" permission can bypass these requirements
if (!Permission.KICK_ANY.has(sender)) {
if (yourFaction != myFaction) {
msg("%s<b> is not a member of %s", you.describeTo(fme, true), myFaction.describeTo(fme));
if (Conf.logFactionKick)
P.p.log((senderIsConsole ? "A console command" : fme.getName())+" kicked "+you.getName()+" from the faction: "+yourFaction.getTag());
if (you.getRole().value >= fme.getRole().value) {
// TODO add more informative messages.
msg("<b>Your rank is too low to kick this player.");
if (you.getRole() == Role.ADMIN)
if (!Conf.canLeaveWithNegativePower && you.getPower() < 0) {
msg("<b>You cannot kick that member until their power is positive.");
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostKick, "to kick someone from the faction")) return;
// trigger the leave event (cancellable) [reason:kicked]
FPlayerLeaveEvent event = new FPlayerLeaveEvent(you, you.getFaction(), FPlayerLeaveEvent.PlayerLeaveReason.KICKED);
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostKick, "to kick someone from the faction", "for kicking someone from the faction"))
yourFaction.msg("%s<i> kicked %s<i> from the faction! :O", fme.describeTo(yourFaction, true), you.describeTo(yourFaction, true));
you.msg("%s<i> kicked you from %s<i>! :O", fme.describeTo(you, true), yourFaction.describeTo(you));
if (yourFaction != myFaction) {
fme.msg("<i>You kicked %s<i> from the faction %s<i>!", you.describeTo(fme), yourFaction.describeTo(fme));
if (Conf.logFactionKick)
P.p.log((senderIsConsole ? "A console command" : fme.getName()) + " kicked " + you.getName() + " from the faction: " + yourFaction.getTag());
if (you.getRole() == Role.ADMIN)

View File

@ -3,28 +3,26 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdLeave extends FCommand {
public CmdLeave()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.LEAVE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = true;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
public CmdLeave() {
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.LEAVE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = true;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {

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@ -1,79 +1,76 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class CmdList extends FCommand
public CmdList()
this.optionalArgs.put("page", "1");
this.permission = Permission.LIST.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostList, "to list the factions", "for listing the factions")) return;
ArrayList<Faction> factionList = new ArrayList<Faction>(Factions.i.get());
// Sort by total followers first
Collections.sort(factionList, new Comparator<Faction>(){
public int compare(Faction f1, Faction f2) {
int f1Size = f1.getFPlayers().size();
int f2Size = f2.getFPlayers().size();
if (f1Size < f2Size)
return 1;
else if (f1Size > f2Size)
return -1;
return 0;
public class CmdList extends FCommand {
// Then sort by how many members are online now
Collections.sort(factionList, new Comparator<Faction>(){
public int compare(Faction f1, Faction f2) {
int f1Size = f1.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size();
int f2Size = f2.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size();
if (f1Size < f2Size)
return 1;
else if (f1Size > f2Size)
return -1;
return 0;
ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
public CmdList() {
this.optionalArgs.put("page", "1");
this.permission = Permission.LIST.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostList, "to list the factions", "for listing the factions")) return;
ArrayList<Faction> factionList = new ArrayList<Faction>(Factions.i.get());
// Sort by total followers first
Collections.sort(factionList, new Comparator<Faction>() {
public int compare(Faction f1, Faction f2) {
int f1Size = f1.getFPlayers().size();
int f2Size = f2.getFPlayers().size();
if (f1Size < f2Size)
return 1;
else if (f1Size > f2Size)
return -1;
return 0;
// Then sort by how many members are online now
Collections.sort(factionList, new Comparator<Faction>() {
public int compare(Faction f1, Faction f2) {
int f1Size = f1.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size();
int f2Size = f2.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size();
if (f1Size < f2Size)
return 1;
else if (f1Size > f2Size)
return -1;
return 0;
ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
/* // this code was really slow on large servers, getting full info for every faction and then only showing 9 of them; rewritten below
lines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Factionless<i> %d online", Factions.i.getNone().getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size()));
lines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Factionless<i> %d online", Factions.i.getNone().getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size()));
for (Faction faction : factionList)
lines.add(p.txt.parse("%s<i> %d/%d online, %d/%d/%d",
@ -89,39 +86,37 @@ public class CmdList extends FCommand
sendMessage(p.txt.getPage(lines, this.argAsInt(0, 1), "Faction List"));
factionList.add(0, Factions.i.getNone());
factionList.add(0, Factions.i.getNone());
final int pageheight = 9;
int pagenumber = this.argAsInt(0, 1);
int pagecount = (factionList.size() / pageheight) + 1;
if (pagenumber > pagecount)
pagenumber = pagecount;
else if (pagenumber < 1)
pagenumber = 1;
int start = (pagenumber - 1) * pageheight;
int end = start + pageheight;
if (end > factionList.size())
end = factionList.size();
final int pageheight = 9;
int pagenumber = this.argAsInt(0, 1);
int pagecount = (factionList.size() / pageheight) + 1;
if (pagenumber > pagecount)
pagenumber = pagecount;
else if (pagenumber < 1)
pagenumber = 1;
int start = (pagenumber - 1) * pageheight;
int end = start + pageheight;
if (end > factionList.size())
end = factionList.size();
lines.add(p.txt.titleize("Faction List "+pagenumber+"/"+pagecount));
lines.add(p.txt.titleize("Faction List " + pagenumber + "/" + pagecount));
for (Faction faction : factionList.subList(start, end))
if (faction.isNone())
lines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Factionless<i> %d online", Factions.i.getNone().getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size()));
lines.add(p.txt.parse("%s<i> %d/%d online, %d/%d/%d",
for (Faction faction : factionList.subList(start, end)) {
if (faction.isNone()) {
lines.add(p.txt.parse("<i>Factionless<i> %d online", Factions.i.getNone().getFPlayersWhereOnline(true).size()));
lines.add(p.txt.parse("%s<i> %d/%d online, %d/%d/%d",

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@ -3,44 +3,39 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdLock extends FCommand {
// TODO: This solution needs refactoring.
// TODO: This solution needs refactoring.
description: use the /f lock [on/off] command to temporarily lock the data files from being overwritten
default: op
public CmdLock()
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flip");
this.permission = Permission.LOCK.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
p.setLocked(this.argAsBool(0, ! p.getLocked()));
if( p.getLocked())
msg("<i>Factions is now locked");
msg("<i>Factions in now unlocked");
public CmdLock() {
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "flip");
this.permission = Permission.LOCK.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
p.setLocked(this.argAsBool(0, !p.getLocked()));
if (p.getLocked()) {
msg("<i>Factions is now locked");
} else {
msg("<i>Factions in now unlocked");

View File

@ -6,62 +6,52 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdMap extends FCommand
public CmdMap()
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "once");
this.permission = Permission.MAP.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
if (this.argIsSet(0))
if (this.argAsBool(0, ! fme.isMapAutoUpdating()))
// Turn on
public class CmdMap extends FCommand {
public CmdMap() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostMap, "to show the map", "for showing the map")) return;
this.optionalArgs.put("on/off", "once");
msg("<i>Map auto update <green>ENABLED.");
// And show the map once
// Turn off
msg("<i>Map auto update <red>DISABLED.");
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostMap, "to show the map", "for showing the map")) return;
this.permission = Permission.MAP.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
if (this.argIsSet(0)) {
if (this.argAsBool(0, !fme.isMapAutoUpdating())) {
// Turn on
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostMap, "to show the map", "for showing the map")) return;
msg("<i>Map auto update <green>ENABLED.");
// And show the map once
} else {
// Turn off
msg("<i>Map auto update <red>DISABLED.");
} else {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostMap, "to show the map", "for showing the map")) return;
public void showMap() {
sendMessage(Board.getMap(myFaction, new FLocation(fme), fme.getPlayer().getLocation().getYaw()));
public void showMap()
sendMessage(Board.getMap(myFaction, new FLocation(fme), fme.getPlayer().getLocation().getYaw()));

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@ -1,77 +1,67 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
public class CmdMod extends FCommand
public CmdMod()
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MOD.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
public class CmdMod extends FCommand {
boolean permAny = Permission.MOD_ANY.has(sender, false);
Faction targetFaction = you.getFaction();
public CmdMod() {
if (targetFaction != myFaction && !permAny)
msg("%s<b> is not a member in your faction.", you.describeTo(fme, true));
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
if (fme != null && fme.getRole() != Role.ADMIN && !permAny)
msg("<b>You are not the faction admin.");
this.permission = Permission.MOD.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
if (you == fme && !permAny)
msg("<b>The target player musn't be yourself.");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
if (you.getRole() == Role.ADMIN)
msg("<b>The target player is a faction admin. Demote them first.");
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
boolean permAny = Permission.MOD_ANY.has(sender, false);
Faction targetFaction = you.getFaction();
if (targetFaction != myFaction && !permAny) {
msg("%s<b> is not a member in your faction.", you.describeTo(fme, true));
if (fme != null && fme.getRole() != Role.ADMIN && !permAny) {
msg("<b>You are not the faction admin.");
if (you == fme && !permAny) {
msg("<b>The target player musn't be yourself.");
if (you.getRole() == Role.ADMIN) {
msg("<b>The target player is a faction admin. Demote them first.");
if (you.getRole() == Role.MODERATOR) {
// Revoke
targetFaction.msg("%s<i> is no longer moderator in your faction.", you.describeTo(targetFaction, true));
msg("<i>You have removed moderator status from %s<i>.", you.describeTo(fme, true));
} else {
// Give
targetFaction.msg("%s<i> was promoted to moderator in your faction.", you.describeTo(targetFaction, true));
msg("<i>You have promoted %s<i> to moderator.", you.describeTo(fme, true));
if (you.getRole() == Role.MODERATOR)
// Revoke
targetFaction.msg("%s<i> is no longer moderator in your faction.", you.describeTo(targetFaction, true));
msg("<i>You have removed moderator status from %s<i>.", you.describeTo(fme, true));
// Give
targetFaction.msg("%s<i> was promoted to moderator in your faction.", you.describeTo(targetFaction, true));
msg("<i>You have promoted %s<i> to moderator.", you.describeTo(fme, true));

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@ -2,46 +2,43 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
public class CmdMoney extends FCommand
public CmdMoneyBalance cmdMoneyBalance = new CmdMoneyBalance();
public CmdMoneyDeposit cmdMoneyDeposit = new CmdMoneyDeposit();
public CmdMoneyWithdraw cmdMoneyWithdraw = new CmdMoneyWithdraw();
public CmdMoneyTransferFf cmdMoneyTransferFf = new CmdMoneyTransferFf();
public CmdMoneyTransferFp cmdMoneyTransferFp = new CmdMoneyTransferFp();
public CmdMoneyTransferPf cmdMoneyTransferPf = new CmdMoneyTransferPf();
public CmdMoney()
this.isMoneyCommand = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
this.setHelpShort("faction money commands");
this.helpLong.add(p.txt.parseTags("<i>The faction money commands."));
public void perform()
P.p.cmdAutoHelp.execute(this.sender, this.args, this.commandChain);
public class CmdMoney extends FCommand {
public CmdMoneyBalance cmdMoneyBalance = new CmdMoneyBalance();
public CmdMoneyDeposit cmdMoneyDeposit = new CmdMoneyDeposit();
public CmdMoneyWithdraw cmdMoneyWithdraw = new CmdMoneyWithdraw();
public CmdMoneyTransferFf cmdMoneyTransferFf = new CmdMoneyTransferFf();
public CmdMoneyTransferFp cmdMoneyTransferFp = new CmdMoneyTransferFp();
public CmdMoneyTransferPf cmdMoneyTransferPf = new CmdMoneyTransferPf();
public CmdMoney() {
this.isMoneyCommand = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
this.setHelpShort("faction money commands");
this.helpLong.add(p.txt.parseTags("<i>The faction money commands."));
public void perform() {
P.p.cmdAutoHelp.execute(this.sender, this.args, this.commandChain);

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@ -1,42 +1,38 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
public class CmdMoneyBalance extends FCommand
public CmdMoneyBalance()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_BALANCE.node;
this.setHelpShort("show faction balance");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
Faction faction = myFaction;
if (this.argIsSet(0))
faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction != myFaction && ! Permission.MONEY_BALANCE_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
Econ.sendBalanceInfo(fme, faction);
public class CmdMoneyBalance extends FCommand {
public CmdMoneyBalance() {
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_BALANCE.node;
this.setHelpShort("show faction balance");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
Faction faction = myFaction;
if (this.argIsSet(0)) {
faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
if (faction != myFaction && !Permission.MONEY_BALANCE_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
Econ.sendBalanceInfo(fme, faction);

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@ -5,41 +5,37 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public class CmdMoneyDeposit extends FCommand
public CmdMoneyDeposit()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_DEPOSIT.node;
this.setHelpShort("deposit money");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator faction = this.argAsFaction(1, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, fme, faction, amount);
public class CmdMoneyDeposit extends FCommand {
public CmdMoneyDeposit() {
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_DEPOSIT.node;
this.setHelpShort("deposit money");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator faction = this.argAsFaction(1, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, fme, faction, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s deposited %s in the faction bank: %s", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), faction.describeTo(null))));
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s deposited %s in the faction bank: %s", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), faction.describeTo(null))));

View File

@ -1,47 +1,43 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public class CmdMoneyTransferFf extends FCommand
public CmdMoneyTransferFf()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_F2F.node;
this.setHelpShort("transfer f -> f");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (from == null) return;
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsFaction(2);
if (to == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
public class CmdMoneyTransferFf extends FCommand {
public CmdMoneyTransferFf() {
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the faction \"%s\" to the faction \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_F2F.node;
this.setHelpShort("transfer f -> f");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (from == null) return;
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsFaction(2);
if (to == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the faction \"%s\" to the faction \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));

View File

@ -1,47 +1,43 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public class CmdMoneyTransferFp extends FCommand
public CmdMoneyTransferFp()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_F2P.node;
this.setHelpShort("transfer f -> p");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (from == null) return;
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(2);
if (to == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
public class CmdMoneyTransferFp extends FCommand {
public CmdMoneyTransferFp() {
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the faction \"%s\" to the player \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_F2P.node;
this.setHelpShort("transfer f -> p");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (from == null) return;
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(2);
if (to == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the faction \"%s\" to the player \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));

View File

@ -1,47 +1,43 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public class CmdMoneyTransferPf extends FCommand
public CmdMoneyTransferPf()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_P2F.node;
this.setHelpShort("transfer p -> f");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1);
if (from == null) return;
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsFaction(2);
if (to == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
public class CmdMoneyTransferPf extends FCommand {
public CmdMoneyTransferPf() {
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the player \"%s\" to the faction \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_P2F.node;
this.setHelpShort("transfer p -> f");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator from = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1);
if (from == null) return;
EconomyParticipator to = this.argAsFaction(2);
if (to == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s transferred %s from the player \"%s\" to the faction \"%s\"", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null))));

View File

@ -1,42 +1,38 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public class CmdMoneyWithdraw extends FCommand
public CmdMoneyWithdraw()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_WITHDRAW.node;
this.setHelpShort("withdraw money");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator faction = this.argAsFaction(1, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, faction, fme, amount);
public class CmdMoneyWithdraw extends FCommand {
public CmdMoneyWithdraw() {
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s withdrew %s from the faction bank: %s", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), faction.describeTo(null))));
this.optionalArgs.put("faction", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.MONEY_WITHDRAW.node;
this.setHelpShort("withdraw money");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
double amount = this.argAsDouble(0, 0d);
EconomyParticipator faction = this.argAsFaction(1, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, faction, fme, amount);
if (success && Conf.logMoneyTransactions)
P.p.log(ChatColor.stripColor(P.p.txt.parse("%s withdrew %s from the faction bank: %s", fme.getName(), Econ.moneyString(amount), faction.describeTo(null))));

View File

@ -5,45 +5,41 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdOpen extends FCommand
public CmdOpen()
this.optionalArgs.put("yes/no", "flip");
this.permission = Permission.OPEN.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostOpen, "to open or close the faction", "for opening or closing the faction")) return;
public class CmdOpen extends FCommand {
public CmdOpen() {
this.optionalArgs.put("yes/no", "flip");
this.permission = Permission.OPEN.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostOpen, "to open or close the faction", "for opening or closing the faction"))
myFaction.setOpen(this.argAsBool(0, !myFaction.getOpen()));
String open = myFaction.getOpen() ? "open" : "closed";
// Inform
myFaction.msg("%s<i> changed the faction to <h>%s<i>.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true), open);
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get()) {
if (faction == myFaction) {
faction.msg("<i>The faction %s<i> is now %s", myFaction.getTag(faction), open);
myFaction.setOpen(this.argAsBool(0, ! myFaction.getOpen()));
String open = myFaction.getOpen() ? "open" : "closed";
// Inform
myFaction.msg("%s<i> changed the faction to <h>%s<i>.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true), open);
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get())
if (faction == myFaction)
faction.msg("<i>The faction %s<i> is now %s", myFaction.getTag(faction), open);

View File

@ -1,115 +1,100 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
public class CmdOwner extends FCommand
public CmdOwner()
this.optionalArgs.put("player name", "you");
this.permission = Permission.OWNER.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
// TODO: Fix colors!
public void perform()
boolean hasBypass = fme.isAdminBypassing();
if ( ! hasBypass && ! assertHasFaction()) {
public class CmdOwner extends FCommand {
if ( ! Conf.ownedAreasEnabled)
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, but owned areas are disabled on this server.");
public CmdOwner() {
if ( ! hasBypass && Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction > 0 && myFaction.getCountOfClaimsWithOwners() >= Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction)
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, but you have reached the server's <h>limit of %d <b>owned areas per faction.", Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction);
this.optionalArgs.put("player name", "you");
if ( ! hasBypass && !assertMinRole(Conf.ownedAreasModeratorsCanSet ? Role.MODERATOR : Role.ADMIN))
this.permission = Permission.OWNER.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
FLocation flocation = new FLocation(fme);
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(flocation);
if (factionHere != myFaction)
if ( ! hasBypass)
fme.msg("<b>This land is not claimed by your faction, so you can't set ownership of it.");
// TODO: Fix colors!
if ( ! factionHere.isNormal())
fme.msg("<b>This land is not claimed by a faction. Ownership is not possible.");
public void perform() {
boolean hasBypass = fme.isAdminBypassing();
FPlayer target = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0, fme);
if (target == null) return;
if (!hasBypass && !assertHasFaction()) {
String playerName = target.getName();
if (!Conf.ownedAreasEnabled) {
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, but owned areas are disabled on this server.");
if (target.getFaction() != myFaction)
fme.msg("%s<i> is not a member of this faction.", playerName);
if (!hasBypass && Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction > 0 && myFaction.getCountOfClaimsWithOwners() >= Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction) {
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, but you have reached the server's <h>limit of %d <b>owned areas per faction.", Conf.ownedAreasLimitPerFaction);
// if no player name was passed, and this claim does already have owners set, clear them
if (args.isEmpty() && myFaction.doesLocationHaveOwnersSet(flocation))
fme.msg("<i>You have cleared ownership for this claimed area.");
if (!hasBypass && !assertMinRole(Conf.ownedAreasModeratorsCanSet ? Role.MODERATOR : Role.ADMIN)) {
if (myFaction.isPlayerInOwnerList(playerName, flocation))
myFaction.removePlayerAsOwner(playerName, flocation);
fme.msg("<i>You have removed ownership of this claimed land from %s<i>.", playerName);
FLocation flocation = new FLocation(fme);
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostOwner, "to set ownership of claimed land", "for setting ownership of claimed land")) return;
Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(flocation);
if (factionHere != myFaction) {
if (!hasBypass) {
fme.msg("<b>This land is not claimed by your faction, so you can't set ownership of it.");
myFaction.setPlayerAsOwner(playerName, flocation);
if (!factionHere.isNormal()) {
fme.msg("<b>This land is not claimed by a faction. Ownership is not possible.");
fme.msg("<i>You have added %s<i> to the owner list for this claimed land.", playerName);
FPlayer target = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0, fme);
if (target == null) return;
String playerName = target.getName();
if (target.getFaction() != myFaction) {
fme.msg("%s<i> is not a member of this faction.", playerName);
// if no player name was passed, and this claim does already have owners set, clear them
if (args.isEmpty() && myFaction.doesLocationHaveOwnersSet(flocation)) {
fme.msg("<i>You have cleared ownership for this claimed area.");
if (myFaction.isPlayerInOwnerList(playerName, flocation)) {
myFaction.removePlayerAsOwner(playerName, flocation);
fme.msg("<i>You have removed ownership of this claimed land from %s<i>.", playerName);
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostOwner, "to set ownership of claimed land", "for setting ownership of claimed land"))
myFaction.setPlayerAsOwner(playerName, flocation);
fme.msg("<i>You have added %s<i> to the owner list for this claimed land.", playerName);

View File

@ -6,68 +6,59 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdOwnerList extends FCommand
public CmdOwnerList()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.OWNERLIST.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
boolean hasBypass = fme.isAdminBypassing();
public class CmdOwnerList extends FCommand {
if ( ! hasBypass && ! assertHasFaction())
public CmdOwnerList() {
if ( ! Conf.ownedAreasEnabled)
fme.msg("<b>Owned areas are disabled on this server.");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
FLocation flocation = new FLocation(fme);
this.permission = Permission.OWNERLIST.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
if (Board.getFactionAt(flocation) != myFaction)
if (!hasBypass)
fme.msg("<b>This land is not claimed by your faction.");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
myFaction = Board.getFactionAt(flocation);
if (!myFaction.isNormal())
fme.msg("<i>This land is not claimed by any faction, thus no owners.");
public void perform() {
boolean hasBypass = fme.isAdminBypassing();
String owners = myFaction.getOwnerListString(flocation);
if (!hasBypass && !assertHasFaction()) {
if (owners == null || owners.isEmpty())
fme.msg("<i>No owners are set here; everyone in the faction has access.");
if (!Conf.ownedAreasEnabled) {
fme.msg("<b>Owned areas are disabled on this server.");
fme.msg("<i>Current owner(s) of this land: %s", owners);
FLocation flocation = new FLocation(fme);
if (Board.getFactionAt(flocation) != myFaction) {
if (!hasBypass) {
fme.msg("<b>This land is not claimed by your faction.");
myFaction = Board.getFactionAt(flocation);
if (!myFaction.isNormal()) {
fme.msg("<i>This land is not claimed by any faction, thus no owners.");
String owners = myFaction.getOwnerListString(flocation);
if (owners == null || owners.isEmpty()) {
fme.msg("<i>No owners are set here; everyone in the faction has access.");
fme.msg("<i>Current owner(s) of this land: %s", owners);

View File

@ -1,63 +1,53 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdPeaceful extends FCommand
public CmdPeaceful()
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.SET_PEACEFUL.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
public class CmdPeaceful extends FCommand {
String change;
if (faction.isPeaceful())
change = "removed peaceful status from";
change = "granted peaceful status to";
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction)
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true))+"<i> has "+change+" your faction.");
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true))+"<i> has "+change+" the faction \"" + faction.getTag(fplayer) + "<i>\".");
public CmdPeaceful() {
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.SET_PEACEFUL.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
String change;
if (faction.isPeaceful()) {
change = "removed peaceful status from";
} else {
change = "granted peaceful status to";
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction) {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> has " + change + " your faction.");
} else {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> has " + change + " the faction \"" + faction.getTag(fplayer) + "<i>\".");

View File

@ -1,62 +1,52 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdPermanent extends FCommand
public CmdPermanent()
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.SET_PERMANENT.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
String change;
change = "removed permanent status from";
change = "added permanent status to";
public class CmdPermanent extends FCommand {
public CmdPermanent() {
P.p.log((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.getName())+" "+change+" the faction \"" + faction.getTag() + "\".");
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction)
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true))+"<i> "+change+" your faction.");
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true))+"<i> "+change+" the faction \"" + faction.getTag(fplayer) + "\".");
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.SET_PERMANENT.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
String change;
if (faction.isPermanent()) {
change = "removed permanent status from";
} else {
change = "added permanent status to";
P.p.log((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.getName()) + " " + change + " the faction \"" + faction.getTag() + "\".");
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (fplayer.getFaction() == faction) {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> " + change + " your faction.");
} else {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> " + change + " the faction \"" + faction.getTag(fplayer) + "\".");

View File

@ -1,50 +1,45 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdPermanentPower extends FCommand
public CmdPermanentPower()
this.optionalArgs.put("power", "reset");
this.permission = Permission.SET_PERMANENTPOWER.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
Faction targetFaction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (targetFaction == null) return;
Integer targetPower = this.argAsInt(1);
String change = "removed permanentpower status from";
change = "added permanentpower status to";
msg("<i>You %s <h>%s<i>.", change, targetFaction.describeTo(fme));
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : targetFaction.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true))
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true))+"<i> "+change+" your faction.");
public class CmdPermanentPower extends FCommand {
public CmdPermanentPower() {
this.optionalArgs.put("power", "reset");
this.permission = Permission.SET_PERMANENTPOWER.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
Faction targetFaction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (targetFaction == null) return;
Integer targetPower = this.argAsInt(1);
String change = "removed permanentpower status from";
if (targetFaction.hasPermanentPower()) {
change = "added permanentpower status to";
msg("<i>You %s <h>%s<i>.", change, targetFaction.describeTo(fme));
// Inform all players
for (FPlayer fplayer : targetFaction.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true)) {
fplayer.msg((fme == null ? "A server admin" : fme.describeTo(fplayer, true)) + "<i> " + change + " your faction.");

View File

@ -4,41 +4,38 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdPower extends FCommand
public CmdPower()
//this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
this.optionalArgs.put("player name", "you");
this.permission = Permission.POWER.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
FPlayer target = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0, fme);
if (target == null) return;
if (target != fme && ! Permission.POWER_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
public class CmdPower extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostPower, "to show player power info", "for showing player power info")) return;
public CmdPower() {
//this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
this.optionalArgs.put("player name", "you");
this.permission = Permission.POWER.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
FPlayer target = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0, fme);
if (target == null) return;
if (target != fme && !Permission.POWER_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostPower, "to show player power info", "for showing player power info")) return;
double powerBoost = target.getPowerBoost();
String boost = (powerBoost == 0.0) ? "" : (powerBoost > 0.0 ? " (bonus: " : " (penalty: ") + powerBoost + ")";
msg("%s<a> - Power / Maxpower: <i>%d / %d %s", target.describeTo(fme, true), target.getPowerRounded(), target.getPowerMaxRounded(), boost);
double powerBoost = target.getPowerBoost();
String boost = (powerBoost == 0.0) ? "" : (powerBoost > 0.0 ? " (bonus: " : " (penalty: ") + powerBoost + ")";
msg("%s<a> - Power / Maxpower: <i>%d / %d %s", target.describeTo(fme, true), target.getPowerRounded(), target.getPowerMaxRounded(), boost);

View File

@ -1,72 +1,62 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdPowerBoost extends FCommand
public CmdPowerBoost()
this.permission = Permission.POWERBOOST.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
String type = this.argAsString(0).toLowerCase();
boolean doPlayer = true;
if (type.equals("f") || type.equals("faction"))
doPlayer = false;
else if (!type.equals("p") && !type.equals("player"))
msg("<b>You must specify \"p\" or \"player\" to target a player or \"f\" or \"faction\" to target a faction.");
msg("<b>ex. /f powerboost p SomePlayer 0.5 -or- /f powerboost f SomeFaction -5");
Double targetPower = this.argAsDouble(2);
if (targetPower == null)
msg("<b>You must specify a valid numeric value for the power bonus/penalty amount.");
public class CmdPowerBoost extends FCommand {
public CmdPowerBoost() {
String target;
if (doPlayer)
FPlayer targetPlayer = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1);
if (targetPlayer == null) return;
target = "Player \""+targetPlayer.getName()+"\"";
Faction targetFaction = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (targetFaction == null) return;
target = "Faction \""+targetFaction.getTag()+"\"";
this.permission = Permission.POWERBOOST.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
msg("<i>"+target+" now has a power bonus/penalty of "+targetPower+" to min and max power levels.");
if (!senderIsConsole)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" has set the power bonus/penalty for "+target+" to "+targetPower+".");
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
String type = this.argAsString(0).toLowerCase();
boolean doPlayer = true;
if (type.equals("f") || type.equals("faction")) {
doPlayer = false;
} else if (!type.equals("p") && !type.equals("player")) {
msg("<b>You must specify \"p\" or \"player\" to target a player or \"f\" or \"faction\" to target a faction.");
msg("<b>ex. /f powerboost p SomePlayer 0.5 -or- /f powerboost f SomeFaction -5");
Double targetPower = this.argAsDouble(2);
if (targetPower == null) {
msg("<b>You must specify a valid numeric value for the power bonus/penalty amount.");
String target;
if (doPlayer) {
FPlayer targetPlayer = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(1);
if (targetPlayer == null) return;
target = "Player \"" + targetPlayer.getName() + "\"";
} else {
Faction targetFaction = this.argAsFaction(1);
if (targetFaction == null) return;
target = "Faction \"" + targetFaction.getTag() + "\"";
msg("<i>" + target + " now has a power bonus/penalty of " + targetPower + " to min and max power levels.");
if (!senderIsConsole)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " has set the power bonus/penalty for " + target + " to " + targetPower + ".");

View File

@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
public class CmdRelationAlly extends FRelationCommand
public CmdRelationAlly()
targetRelation = Relation.ALLY;
public class CmdRelationAlly extends FRelationCommand {
public CmdRelationAlly() {
targetRelation = Relation.ALLY;

View File

@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
public class CmdRelationEnemy extends FRelationCommand
public CmdRelationEnemy()
targetRelation = Relation.ENEMY;
public class CmdRelationEnemy extends FRelationCommand {
public CmdRelationEnemy() {
targetRelation = Relation.ENEMY;

View File

@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
public class CmdRelationNeutral extends FRelationCommand
public CmdRelationNeutral()
targetRelation = Relation.NEUTRAL;
public class CmdRelationNeutral extends FRelationCommand {
public CmdRelationNeutral() {
targetRelation = Relation.NEUTRAL;

View File

@ -1,78 +1,60 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdReload extends FCommand
public CmdReload()
this.optionalArgs.put("file", "all");
this.permission = Permission.RELOAD.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
long timeInitStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
String file = this.argAsString(0, "all").toLowerCase();
String fileName;
if (file.startsWith("c"))
fileName = "conf.json";
else if (file.startsWith("b"))
fileName = "board.json";
else if (file.startsWith("f"))
fileName = "factions.json";
else if (file.startsWith("p"))
fileName = "players.json";
else if (file.startsWith("a"))
fileName = "all";
msg("<b>Invalid file specified. <i>Valid files: all, conf, board, factions, players");
long timeReload = (System.currentTimeMillis()-timeInitStart);
msg("<i>Reloaded <h>%s <i>from disk, took <h>%dms<i>.", fileName, timeReload);
public class CmdReload extends FCommand {
public CmdReload() {
this.optionalArgs.put("file", "all");
this.permission = Permission.RELOAD.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
long timeInitStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
String file = this.argAsString(0, "all").toLowerCase();
String fileName;
if (file.startsWith("c")) {
fileName = "conf.json";
} else if (file.startsWith("b")) {
fileName = "board.json";
} else if (file.startsWith("f")) {
fileName = "factions.json";
} else if (file.startsWith("p")) {
fileName = "players.json";
} else if (file.startsWith("a")) {
fileName = "all";
} else {
msg("<b>Invalid file specified. <i>Valid files: all, conf, board, factions, players");
long timeReload = (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeInitStart);
msg("<i>Reloaded <h>%s <i>from disk, took <h>%dms<i>.", fileName, timeReload);

View File

@ -6,36 +6,33 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdSafeunclaimall extends FCommand
public CmdSafeunclaimall()
//this.optionalArgs.put("radius", "0");
this.permission = Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
this.setHelpShort("Unclaim all safezone land");
public void perform()
msg("<i>You unclaimed ALL safe zone land.");
public class CmdSafeunclaimall extends FCommand {
public CmdSafeunclaimall() {
//this.optionalArgs.put("radius", "0");
this.permission = Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
this.setHelpShort("Unclaim all safezone land");
public void perform() {
msg("<i>You unclaimed ALL safe zone land.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed all safe zones.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" unclaimed all safe zones.");

View File

@ -6,35 +6,32 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdSaveAll extends FCommand
public CmdSaveAll()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.SAVE.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
msg("<i>Factions saved to disk!");
public class CmdSaveAll extends FCommand {
public CmdSaveAll() {
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.SAVE.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
msg("<i>Factions saved to disk!");

View File

@ -7,71 +7,62 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
public class CmdSethome extends FCommand
public CmdSethome()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction tag", "mine");
this.permission = Permission.SETHOME.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
if ( ! Conf.homesEnabled)
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, Faction homes are disabled on this server.");
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
// Can the player set the home for this faction?
if (faction == myFaction)
if ( ! Permission.SETHOME_ANY.has(sender) && ! assertMinRole(Role.MODERATOR)) return;
if ( ! Permission.SETHOME_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
// Can the player set the faction home HERE?
! Permission.BYPASS.has(me)
Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(me)) != faction
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, your faction home can only be set inside your own claimed territory.");
public class CmdSethome extends FCommand {
public CmdSethome() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostSethome, "to set the faction home", "for setting the faction home")) return;
this.optionalArgs.put("faction tag", "mine");
this.permission = Permission.SETHOME.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
if (!Conf.homesEnabled) {
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, Faction homes are disabled on this server.");
Faction faction = this.argAsFaction(0, myFaction);
if (faction == null) return;
// Can the player set the home for this faction?
if (faction == myFaction) {
if (!Permission.SETHOME_ANY.has(sender) && !assertMinRole(Role.MODERATOR)) return;
} else {
if (!Permission.SETHOME_ANY.has(sender, true)) return;
// Can the player set the faction home HERE?
Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(me)) != faction
) {
fme.msg("<b>Sorry, your faction home can only be set inside your own claimed territory.");
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostSethome, "to set the faction home", "for setting the faction home")) return;
faction.msg("%s<i> set the home for your faction. You can now use:", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true));
if (faction != myFaction) {
fme.msg("<b>You have set the home for the " + faction.getTag(fme) + "<i> faction.");
faction.msg("%s<i> set the home for your faction. You can now use:", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true));
if (faction != myFaction)
fme.msg("<b>You have set the home for the "+faction.getTag(fme)+"<i> faction.");

View File

@ -1,165 +1,150 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.Collection;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
public class CmdShow extends FCommand
public CmdShow()
this.optionalArgs.put("faction tag", "yours");
this.permission = Permission.SHOW.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
import java.util.Collection;
public void perform()
Faction faction = myFaction;
if (this.argIsSet(0))
faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
public class CmdShow extends FCommand {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostShow, "to show faction information", "for showing faction information")) return;
public CmdShow() {
Collection<FPlayer> admins = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.ADMIN);
Collection<FPlayer> mods = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.MODERATOR);
Collection<FPlayer> normals = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.NORMAL);
msg("<a>Description: <i>%s", faction.getDescription());
if ( ! faction.isNormal())
String peaceStatus = "";
if (faction.isPeaceful())
peaceStatus = " "+Conf.colorNeutral+"This faction is Peaceful";
msg("<a>Joining: <i>"+(faction.getOpen() ? "no invitation is needed" : "invitation is required")+peaceStatus);
this.optionalArgs.put("faction tag", "yours");
double powerBoost = faction.getPowerBoost();
String boost = (powerBoost == 0.0) ? "" : (powerBoost > 0.0 ? " (bonus: " : " (penalty: ") + powerBoost + ")";
msg("<a>Land / Power / Maxpower: <i> %d/%d/%d %s", faction.getLandRounded(), faction.getPowerRounded(), faction.getPowerMaxRounded(), boost);
this.permission = Permission.SHOW.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
if (faction.isPermanent())
msg("<a>This faction is permanent, remaining even with no members.");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
// show the land value
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed())
double value = Econ.calculateTotalLandValue(faction.getLandRounded());
double refund = value * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
if (value > 0)
String stringValue = Econ.moneyString(value);
String stringRefund = (refund > 0.0) ? (" ("+Econ.moneyString(refund)+" depreciated)") : "";
msg("<a>Total land value: <i>" + stringValue + stringRefund);
//Show bank contents
if(Conf.bankEnabled) {
msg("<a>Bank contains: <i>"+Econ.moneyString(Econ.getBalance(faction.getAccountId())));
public void perform() {
Faction faction = myFaction;
if (this.argIsSet(0)) {
faction = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (faction == null) return;
String listpart;
// List relation
String allyList = p.txt.parse("<a>Allies: ");
String enemyList = p.txt.parse("<a>Enemies: ");
for (Faction otherFaction : Factions.i.get())
if (otherFaction == faction) continue;
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostShow, "to show faction information", "for showing faction information")) return;
Relation rel = otherFaction.getRelationTo(faction);
if ( ! rel.isAlly() && ! rel.isEnemy()) continue; // if not ally or enemy, drop out now so we're not wasting time on it; good performance boost
Collection<FPlayer> admins = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.ADMIN);
Collection<FPlayer> mods = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.MODERATOR);
Collection<FPlayer> normals = faction.getFPlayersWhereRole(Role.NORMAL);
msg("<a>Description: <i>%s", faction.getDescription());
if (!faction.isNormal()) {
String peaceStatus = "";
if (faction.isPeaceful()) {
peaceStatus = " " + Conf.colorNeutral + "This faction is Peaceful";
msg("<a>Joining: <i>" + (faction.getOpen() ? "no invitation is needed" : "invitation is required") + peaceStatus);
double powerBoost = faction.getPowerBoost();
String boost = (powerBoost == 0.0) ? "" : (powerBoost > 0.0 ? " (bonus: " : " (penalty: ") + powerBoost + ")";
msg("<a>Land / Power / Maxpower: <i> %d/%d/%d %s", faction.getLandRounded(), faction.getPowerRounded(), faction.getPowerMaxRounded(), boost);
if (faction.isPermanent()) {
msg("<a>This faction is permanent, remaining even with no members.");
// show the land value
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed()) {
double value = Econ.calculateTotalLandValue(faction.getLandRounded());
double refund = value * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
if (value > 0) {
String stringValue = Econ.moneyString(value);
String stringRefund = (refund > 0.0) ? (" (" + Econ.moneyString(refund) + " depreciated)") : "";
msg("<a>Total land value: <i>" + stringValue + stringRefund);
//Show bank contents
if (Conf.bankEnabled) {
msg("<a>Bank contains: <i>" + Econ.moneyString(Econ.getBalance(faction.getAccountId())));
String listpart;
// List relation
String allyList = p.txt.parse("<a>Allies: ");
String enemyList = p.txt.parse("<a>Enemies: ");
for (Faction otherFaction : Factions.i.get()) {
if (otherFaction == faction) continue;
Relation rel = otherFaction.getRelationTo(faction);
if (!rel.isAlly() && !rel.isEnemy())
continue; // if not ally or enemy, drop out now so we're not wasting time on it; good performance boost
listpart = otherFaction.getTag(fme) + p.txt.parse("<i>") + ", ";
if (rel.isAlly())
allyList += listpart;
else if (rel.isEnemy())
enemyList += listpart;
if (allyList.endsWith(", "))
allyList = allyList.substring(0, allyList.length() - 2);
if (enemyList.endsWith(", "))
enemyList = enemyList.substring(0, enemyList.length() - 2);
// List the members...
String onlineList = p.txt.parse("<a>") + "Members online: ";
String offlineList = p.txt.parse("<a>") + "Members offline: ";
for (FPlayer follower : admins) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(fme) + p.txt.parse("<i>") + ", ";
if (follower.isOnlineAndVisibleTo(me)) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
for (FPlayer follower : mods) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(fme) + p.txt.parse("<i>") + ", ";
(follower.isOnlineAndVisibleTo(me)) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
for (FPlayer follower : normals) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(fme) + p.txt.parse("<i>") + ", ";
if (follower.isOnlineAndVisibleTo(me)) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
if (onlineList.endsWith(", ")) {
onlineList = onlineList.substring(0, onlineList.length() - 2);
if (offlineList.endsWith(", ")) {
offlineList = offlineList.substring(0, offlineList.length() - 2);
listpart = otherFaction.getTag(fme)+p.txt.parse("<i>")+", ";
if (rel.isAlly())
allyList += listpart;
else if (rel.isEnemy())
enemyList += listpart;
if (allyList.endsWith(", "))
allyList = allyList.substring(0, allyList.length()-2);
if (enemyList.endsWith(", "))
enemyList = enemyList.substring(0, enemyList.length()-2);
// List the members...
String onlineList = p.txt.parse("<a>")+"Members online: ";
String offlineList = p.txt.parse("<a>")+"Members offline: ";
for (FPlayer follower : admins)
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(fme)+p.txt.parse("<i>")+", ";
if (follower.isOnlineAndVisibleTo(me))
onlineList += listpart;
offlineList += listpart;
for (FPlayer follower : mods)
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(fme)+p.txt.parse("<i>")+", ";
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
for (FPlayer follower : normals) {
listpart = follower.getNameAndTitle(fme)+p.txt.parse("<i>")+", ";
if (follower.isOnlineAndVisibleTo(me)) {
onlineList += listpart;
} else {
offlineList += listpart;
if (onlineList.endsWith(", ")) {
onlineList = onlineList.substring(0, onlineList.length()-2);
if (offlineList.endsWith(", ")) {
offlineList = offlineList.substring(0, offlineList.length()-2);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
@ -11,75 +7,70 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FactionRenameEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MiscUtil;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class CmdTag extends FCommand
public CmdTag()
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.TAG.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
String tag = this.argAsString(0);
// TODO does not first test cover selfcase?
if (Factions.i.isTagTaken(tag) && ! MiscUtil.getComparisonString(tag).equals(myFaction.getComparisonTag()))
msg("<b>That tag is already taken");
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if (errors.size() > 0)
import java.util.ArrayList;
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if ( ! canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostTag, "to change the faction tag")) return;
public class CmdTag extends FCommand {
// trigger the faction rename event (cancellable)
FactionRenameEvent renameEvent = new FactionRenameEvent(fme, tag);
if(renameEvent.isCancelled()) return;
public CmdTag() {
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostTag, "to change the faction tag", "for changing the faction tag")) return;
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
String oldtag = myFaction.getTag();
// Inform
myFaction.msg("%s<i> changed your faction tag to %s", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true), myFaction.getTag(myFaction));
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get())
if (faction == myFaction)
faction.msg("<i>The faction %s<i> changed their name to %s.", fme.getColorTo(faction)+oldtag, myFaction.getTag(faction));
this.permission = Permission.TAG.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
String tag = this.argAsString(0);
// TODO does not first test cover selfcase?
if (Factions.i.isTagTaken(tag) && !MiscUtil.getComparisonString(tag).equals(myFaction.getComparisonTag())) {
msg("<b>That tag is already taken");
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if (errors.size() > 0) {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make sure they can pay
if (!canAffordCommand(Conf.econCostTag, "to change the faction tag")) return;
// trigger the faction rename event (cancellable)
FactionRenameEvent renameEvent = new FactionRenameEvent(fme, tag);
if (renameEvent.isCancelled()) return;
// then make 'em pay (if applicable)
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostTag, "to change the faction tag", "for changing the faction tag")) return;
String oldtag = myFaction.getTag();
// Inform
myFaction.msg("%s<i> changed your faction tag to %s", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true), myFaction.getTag(myFaction));
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get()) {
if (faction == myFaction) {
faction.msg("<i>The faction %s<i> changed their name to %s.", fme.getColorTo(faction) + oldtag, myFaction.getTag(faction));
if (Conf.spoutFactionTagsOverNames) {
if (Conf.spoutFactionTagsOverNames)

View File

@ -6,47 +6,43 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.util.TextUtil;
public class CmdTitle extends FCommand
public CmdTitle()
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
this.optionalArgs.put("title", "");
this.permission = Permission.TITLE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
String title = TextUtil.implode(args, " ");
if ( ! canIAdministerYou(fme, you)) return;
public class CmdTitle extends FCommand {
public CmdTitle() {
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(Conf.econCostTitle, "to change a players title", "for changing a players title")) return;
this.requiredArgs.add("player name");
this.optionalArgs.put("title", "");
// Inform
myFaction.msg("%s<i> changed a title: %s", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true), you.describeTo(myFaction, true));
this.permission = Permission.TITLE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
FPlayer you = this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(0);
if (you == null) return;
String title = TextUtil.implode(args, " ");
if (!canIAdministerYou(fme, you)) return;
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(Conf.econCostTitle, "to change a players title", "for changing a players title")) return;
// Inform
myFaction.msg("%s<i> changed a title: %s", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true), you.describeTo(myFaction, true));
if (Conf.spoutFactionTitlesOverNames) {
if (Conf.spoutFactionTitlesOverNames)

View File

@ -1,133 +1,108 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.LandUnclaimEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class CmdUnclaim extends FCommand
public CmdUnclaim()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.UNCLAIM.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
FLocation flocation = new FLocation(fme);
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(flocation);
if (otherFaction.isSafeZone())
if (Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(sender))
msg("<i>Safe zone was unclaimed.");
public class CmdUnclaim extends FCommand {
public CmdUnclaim() {
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" unclaimed land at ("+flocation.getCoordString()+") from the faction: "+otherFaction.getTag());
msg("<b>This is a safe zone. You lack permissions to unclaim.");
else if (otherFaction.isWarZone())
if (Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(sender))
msg("<i>War zone was unclaimed.");
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" unclaimed land at ("+flocation.getCoordString()+") from the faction: "+otherFaction.getTag());
msg("<b>This is a war zone. You lack permissions to unclaim.");
if (fme.isAdminBypassing())
this.permission = Permission.UNCLAIM.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
otherFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed some of your land.", fme.describeTo(otherFaction, true));
msg("<i>You unclaimed this land.");
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" unclaimed land at ("+flocation.getCoordString()+") from the faction: "+otherFaction.getTag());
public void perform() {
FLocation flocation = new FLocation(fme);
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(flocation);
if ( ! assertHasFaction())
if ( ! assertMinRole(Role.MODERATOR))
if ( myFaction != otherFaction)
msg("<b>You don't own this land.");
if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(sender)) {
msg("<i>Safe zone was unclaimed.");
LandUnclaimEvent unclaimEvent = new LandUnclaimEvent(flocation, otherFaction, fme);
if(unclaimEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") from the faction: " + otherFaction.getTag());
} else {
msg("<b>This is a safe zone. You lack permissions to unclaim.");
} else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(sender)) {
msg("<i>War zone was unclaimed.");
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed())
double refund = Econ.calculateClaimRefund(myFaction.getLandRounded());
if(Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts)
if ( ! Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, refund, "to unclaim this land", "for unclaiming this land")) return;
if ( ! Econ.modifyMoney(fme , refund, "to unclaim this land", "for unclaiming this land")) return;
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") from the faction: " + otherFaction.getTag());
} else {
msg("<b>This is a war zone. You lack permissions to unclaim.");
myFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed some land.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true));
if (fme.isAdminBypassing()) {
otherFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed some of your land.", fme.describeTo(otherFaction, true));
msg("<i>You unclaimed this land.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") from the faction: " + otherFaction.getTag());
if (!assertHasFaction()) {
if (!assertMinRole(Role.MODERATOR)) {
if (myFaction != otherFaction) {
msg("<b>You don't own this land.");
LandUnclaimEvent unclaimEvent = new LandUnclaimEvent(flocation, otherFaction, fme);
if (unclaimEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed()) {
double refund = Econ.calculateClaimRefund(myFaction.getLandRounded());
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts) {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, refund, "to unclaim this land", "for unclaiming this land")) return;
} else {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(fme, refund, "to unclaim this land", "for unclaiming this land")) return;
myFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed some land.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true));
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed land at (" + flocation.getCoordString() + ") from the faction: " + otherFaction.getTag());
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" unclaimed land at ("+flocation.getCoordString()+") from the faction: "+otherFaction.getTag());

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
@ -9,52 +7,48 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.event.LandUnclaimAllEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
public class CmdUnclaimall extends FCommand
public CmdUnclaimall()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.UNCLAIM_ALL.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed())
double refund = Econ.calculateTotalLandRefund(myFaction.getLandRounded());
if(Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts)
if ( ! Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, refund, "to unclaim all faction land", "for unclaiming all faction land")) return;
if ( ! Econ.modifyMoney(fme , refund, "to unclaim all faction land", "for unclaiming all faction land")) return;
public class CmdUnclaimall extends FCommand {
public CmdUnclaimall() {
LandUnclaimAllEvent unclaimAllEvent = new LandUnclaimAllEvent(myFaction, fme);
// this event cannot be cancelled
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
myFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed ALL of your faction's land.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true));
this.permission = Permission.UNCLAIM_ALL.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
if (Econ.shouldBeUsed()) {
double refund = Econ.calculateTotalLandRefund(myFaction.getLandRounded());
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysLandCosts) {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, refund, "to unclaim all faction land", "for unclaiming all faction land"))
} else {
if (!Econ.modifyMoney(fme, refund, "to unclaim all faction land", "for unclaiming all faction land"))
LandUnclaimAllEvent unclaimAllEvent = new LandUnclaimAllEvent(myFaction, fme);
// this event cannot be cancelled
myFaction.msg("%s<i> unclaimed ALL of your faction's land.", fme.describeTo(myFaction, true));
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed everything for the faction: " + myFaction.getTag());
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" unclaimed everything for the faction: "+myFaction.getTag());

View File

@ -4,27 +4,24 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdVersion extends FCommand
public CmdVersion()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.VERSION.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public class CmdVersion extends FCommand {
public CmdVersion() {
public void perform()
msg("<i>You are running "+P.p.getDescription().getFullName());
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.VERSION.node;
this.disableOnLock = false;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform() {
msg("<i>You are running " + P.p.getDescription().getFullName());

View File

@ -6,36 +6,33 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
public class CmdWarunclaimall extends FCommand
public CmdWarunclaimall()
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
this.setHelpShort("unclaim all warzone land");
public void perform()
msg("<i>You unclaimed ALL war zone land.");
public class CmdWarunclaimall extends FCommand {
public CmdWarunclaimall() {
//this.optionalArgs.put("", "");
this.permission = Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
this.setHelpShort("unclaim all warzone land");
public void perform() {
msg("<i>You unclaimed ALL war zone land.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName() + " unclaimed all war zones.");
if (Conf.logLandUnclaims)
P.p.log(fme.getName()+" unclaimed all war zones.");

View File

@ -1,131 +1,128 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.Collections;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
public class FCmdRoot extends FCommand
public CmdAdmin cmdAdmin = new CmdAdmin();
public CmdAutoClaim cmdAutoClaim = new CmdAutoClaim();
public CmdBoom cmdBoom = new CmdBoom();
public CmdBypass cmdBypass = new CmdBypass();
public CmdChat cmdChat = new CmdChat();
public CmdChatSpy cmdChatSpy = new CmdChatSpy();
public CmdClaim cmdClaim = new CmdClaim();
public CmdConfig cmdConfig = new CmdConfig();
public CmdCreate cmdCreate = new CmdCreate();
public CmdDeinvite cmdDeinvite = new CmdDeinvite();
public CmdDescription cmdDescription = new CmdDescription();
public CmdDisband cmdDisband = new CmdDisband();
public CmdHelp cmdHelp = new CmdHelp();
public CmdHome cmdHome = new CmdHome();
public CmdInvite cmdInvite = new CmdInvite();
public CmdJoin cmdJoin = new CmdJoin();
public CmdKick cmdKick = new CmdKick();
public CmdLeave cmdLeave = new CmdLeave();
public CmdList cmdList = new CmdList();
public CmdLock cmdLock = new CmdLock();
public CmdMap cmdMap = new CmdMap();
public CmdMod cmdMod = new CmdMod();
public CmdMoney cmdMoney = new CmdMoney();
public CmdOpen cmdOpen = new CmdOpen();
public CmdOwner cmdOwner = new CmdOwner();
public CmdOwnerList cmdOwnerList = new CmdOwnerList();
public CmdPeaceful cmdPeaceful = new CmdPeaceful();
public CmdPermanent cmdPermanent = new CmdPermanent();
public CmdPermanentPower cmdPermanentPower = new CmdPermanentPower();
public CmdPowerBoost cmdPowerBoost = new CmdPowerBoost();
public CmdPower cmdPower = new CmdPower();
public CmdRelationAlly cmdRelationAlly = new CmdRelationAlly();
public CmdRelationEnemy cmdRelationEnemy = new CmdRelationEnemy();
public CmdRelationNeutral cmdRelationNeutral = new CmdRelationNeutral();
public CmdReload cmdReload = new CmdReload();
public CmdSafeunclaimall cmdSafeunclaimall = new CmdSafeunclaimall();
public CmdSaveAll cmdSaveAll = new CmdSaveAll();
public CmdSethome cmdSethome = new CmdSethome();
public CmdShow cmdShow = new CmdShow();
public CmdTag cmdTag = new CmdTag();
public CmdTitle cmdTitle = new CmdTitle();
public CmdUnclaim cmdUnclaim = new CmdUnclaim();
public CmdUnclaimall cmdUnclaimall = new CmdUnclaimall();
public CmdVersion cmdVersion = new CmdVersion();
public CmdWarunclaimall cmdWarunclaimall = new CmdWarunclaimall();
public FCmdRoot()
this.aliases.removeAll(Collections.singletonList(null)); // remove any nulls from extra commas
this.allowNoSlashAccess = Conf.allowNoSlashCommand;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
this.disableOnLock = false;
this.setHelpShort("The faction base command");
this.helpLong.add(p.txt.parseTags("<i>This command contains all faction stuff."));
public void perform()
this.cmdHelp.execute(this.sender, this.args, this.commandChain);
import java.util.Collections;
public class FCmdRoot extends FCommand {
public CmdAdmin cmdAdmin = new CmdAdmin();
public CmdAutoClaim cmdAutoClaim = new CmdAutoClaim();
public CmdBoom cmdBoom = new CmdBoom();
public CmdBypass cmdBypass = new CmdBypass();
public CmdChat cmdChat = new CmdChat();
public CmdChatSpy cmdChatSpy = new CmdChatSpy();
public CmdClaim cmdClaim = new CmdClaim();
public CmdConfig cmdConfig = new CmdConfig();
public CmdCreate cmdCreate = new CmdCreate();
public CmdDeinvite cmdDeinvite = new CmdDeinvite();
public CmdDescription cmdDescription = new CmdDescription();
public CmdDisband cmdDisband = new CmdDisband();
public CmdHelp cmdHelp = new CmdHelp();
public CmdHome cmdHome = new CmdHome();
public CmdInvite cmdInvite = new CmdInvite();
public CmdJoin cmdJoin = new CmdJoin();
public CmdKick cmdKick = new CmdKick();
public CmdLeave cmdLeave = new CmdLeave();
public CmdList cmdList = new CmdList();
public CmdLock cmdLock = new CmdLock();
public CmdMap cmdMap = new CmdMap();
public CmdMod cmdMod = new CmdMod();
public CmdMoney cmdMoney = new CmdMoney();
public CmdOpen cmdOpen = new CmdOpen();
public CmdOwner cmdOwner = new CmdOwner();
public CmdOwnerList cmdOwnerList = new CmdOwnerList();
public CmdPeaceful cmdPeaceful = new CmdPeaceful();
public CmdPermanent cmdPermanent = new CmdPermanent();
public CmdPermanentPower cmdPermanentPower = new CmdPermanentPower();
public CmdPowerBoost cmdPowerBoost = new CmdPowerBoost();
public CmdPower cmdPower = new CmdPower();
public CmdRelationAlly cmdRelationAlly = new CmdRelationAlly();
public CmdRelationEnemy cmdRelationEnemy = new CmdRelationEnemy();
public CmdRelationNeutral cmdRelationNeutral = new CmdRelationNeutral();
public CmdReload cmdReload = new CmdReload();
public CmdSafeunclaimall cmdSafeunclaimall = new CmdSafeunclaimall();
public CmdSaveAll cmdSaveAll = new CmdSaveAll();
public CmdSethome cmdSethome = new CmdSethome();
public CmdShow cmdShow = new CmdShow();
public CmdTag cmdTag = new CmdTag();
public CmdTitle cmdTitle = new CmdTitle();
public CmdUnclaim cmdUnclaim = new CmdUnclaim();
public CmdUnclaimall cmdUnclaimall = new CmdUnclaimall();
public CmdVersion cmdVersion = new CmdVersion();
public CmdWarunclaimall cmdWarunclaimall = new CmdWarunclaimall();
public FCmdRoot() {
this.aliases.removeAll(Collections.singletonList(null)); // remove any nulls from extra commas
this.allowNoSlashAccess = Conf.allowNoSlashCommand;
senderMustBePlayer = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
this.disableOnLock = false;
this.setHelpShort("The faction base command");
this.helpLong.add(p.txt.parseTags("<i>This command contains all faction stuff."));
public void perform() {
this.cmdHelp.execute(this.sender, this.args, this.commandChain);

View File

@ -1,337 +1,284 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import java.util.List;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.MCommand;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.zcore.MCommand;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class FCommand extends MCommand<P>
public boolean disableOnLock;
public FPlayer fme;
public Faction myFaction;
public boolean senderMustBeMember;
public boolean senderMustBeModerator;
public boolean senderMustBeAdmin;
public boolean isMoneyCommand;
public FCommand()
// Due to safety reasons it defaults to disable on lock.
disableOnLock = true;
// The money commands must be disabled if money should not be used.
isMoneyCommand = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, List<String> args, List<MCommand<?>> commandChain)
if (sender instanceof Player)
this.fme = FPlayers.i.get((Player)sender);
this.myFaction = this.fme.getFaction();
this.fme = null;
this.myFaction = null;
super.execute(sender, args, commandChain);
public boolean isEnabled()
if (p.getLocked() && this.disableOnLock)
msg("<b>Factions was locked by an admin. Please try again later.");
return false;
if (this.isMoneyCommand && ! Conf.econEnabled)
msg("<b>Faction economy features are disabled on this server.");
return false;
if (this.isMoneyCommand && ! Conf.bankEnabled)
msg("<b>The faction bank system is disabled on this server.");
return false;
return true;
public boolean validSenderType(CommandSender sender, boolean informSenderIfNot)
boolean superValid = super.validSenderType(sender, informSenderIfNot);
if ( ! superValid) return false;
if ( ! (this.senderMustBeMember || this.senderMustBeModerator || this.senderMustBeAdmin)) return true;
if ( ! (sender instanceof Player)) return false;
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get((Player)sender);
if ( ! fplayer.hasFaction())
sender.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>You are not member of any faction."));
return false;
if (this.senderMustBeModerator && ! fplayer.getRole().isAtLeast(Role.MODERATOR))
sender.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Only faction moderators can %s.", this.getHelpShort()));
return false;
if (this.senderMustBeAdmin && ! fplayer.getRole().isAtLeast(Role.ADMIN))
sender.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Only faction admins can %s.", this.getHelpShort()));
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Assertions
// -------------------------------------------- //
public abstract class FCommand extends MCommand<P> {
public boolean disableOnLock;
public boolean assertHasFaction()
if (me == null) return true;
if ( ! fme.hasFaction())
sendMessage("You are not member of any faction.");
return false;
return true;
public FPlayer fme;
public Faction myFaction;
public boolean senderMustBeMember;
public boolean senderMustBeModerator;
public boolean senderMustBeAdmin;
public boolean assertMinRole(Role role)
if (me == null) return true;
if (fme.getRole().value < role.value)
msg("<b>You <h>must be "+role+"<b> to "+this.getHelpShort()+".");
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Argument Readers
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FPLAYER ======================
public FPlayer strAsFPlayer(String name, FPlayer def, boolean msg)
FPlayer ret = def;
if (name != null)
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get(name);
if (fplayer != null)
ret = fplayer;
if (msg && ret == null)
this.msg("<b>No player \"<p>%s<b>\" could be found.", name);
return ret;
public FPlayer argAsFPlayer(int idx, FPlayer def, boolean msg)
return this.strAsFPlayer(this.argAsString(idx), def, msg);
public FPlayer argAsFPlayer(int idx, FPlayer def)
return this.argAsFPlayer(idx, def, true);
public FPlayer argAsFPlayer(int idx)
return this.argAsFPlayer(idx, null);
// BEST FPLAYER MATCH ======================
public FPlayer strAsBestFPlayerMatch(String name, FPlayer def, boolean msg)
FPlayer ret = def;
if (name != null)
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.getBestIdMatch(name);
if (fplayer != null)
ret = fplayer;
if (msg && ret == null)
this.msg("<b>No player match found for \"<p>%s<b>\".", name);
return ret;
public FPlayer argAsBestFPlayerMatch(int idx, FPlayer def, boolean msg)
return this.strAsBestFPlayerMatch(this.argAsString(idx), def, msg);
public FPlayer argAsBestFPlayerMatch(int idx, FPlayer def)
return this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(idx, def, true);
public FPlayer argAsBestFPlayerMatch(int idx)
return this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(idx, null);
// FACTION ======================
public Faction strAsFaction(String name, Faction def, boolean msg)
Faction ret = def;
if (name != null)
Faction faction = null;
// First we try an exact match
if (faction == null)
faction = Factions.i.getByTag(name);
// Next we match faction tags
if (faction == null)
faction = Factions.i.getBestTagMatch(name);
// Next we match player names
if (faction == null)
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.getBestIdMatch(name);
if (fplayer != null)
faction = fplayer.getFaction();
if (faction != null)
ret = faction;
if (msg && ret == null)
this.msg("<b>The faction or player \"<p>%s<b>\" could not be found.", name);
return ret;
public Faction argAsFaction(int idx, Faction def, boolean msg)
return this.strAsFaction(this.argAsString(idx), def, msg);
public Faction argAsFaction(int idx, Faction def)
return this.argAsFaction(idx, def, true);
public Faction argAsFaction(int idx)
return this.argAsFaction(idx, null);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Commonly used logic
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean canIAdministerYou(FPlayer i, FPlayer you)
if ( ! i.getFaction().equals(you.getFaction()))
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("%s <b>is not in the same faction as you.",you.describeTo(i, true)));
return false;
if (i.getRole().value > you.getRole().value || i.getRole().equals(Role.ADMIN) )
return true;
if (you.getRole().equals(Role.ADMIN))
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Only the faction admin can do that."));
else if (i.getRole().equals(Role.MODERATOR))
if ( i == you )
return true; //Moderators can control themselves
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Moderators can't control each other..."));
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>You must be a faction moderator to do that."));
return false;
// if economy is enabled and they're not on the bypass list, make 'em pay; returns true unless person can't afford the cost
public boolean payForCommand(double cost, String toDoThis, String forDoingThis)
if ( ! Econ.shouldBeUsed() || this.fme == null || cost == 0.0 || fme.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
public boolean isMoneyCommand;
if(Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysCosts && fme.hasFaction())
return Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, -cost, toDoThis, forDoingThis);
return Econ.modifyMoney(fme, -cost, toDoThis, forDoingThis);
public FCommand() {
// like above, but just make sure they can pay; returns true unless person can't afford the cost
public boolean canAffordCommand(double cost, String toDoThis)
if ( ! Econ.shouldBeUsed() || this.fme == null || cost == 0.0 || fme.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
// Due to safety reasons it defaults to disable on lock.
disableOnLock = true;
if(Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysCosts && fme.hasFaction())
return Econ.hasAtLeast(myFaction, cost, toDoThis);
return Econ.hasAtLeast(fme, cost, toDoThis);
// The money commands must be disabled if money should not be used.
isMoneyCommand = false;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = false;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void execute(CommandSender sender, List<String> args, List<MCommand<?>> commandChain) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
this.fme = FPlayers.i.get((Player) sender);
this.myFaction = this.fme.getFaction();
} else {
this.fme = null;
this.myFaction = null;
super.execute(sender, args, commandChain);
public boolean isEnabled() {
if (p.getLocked() && this.disableOnLock) {
msg("<b>Factions was locked by an admin. Please try again later.");
return false;
if (this.isMoneyCommand && !Conf.econEnabled) {
msg("<b>Faction economy features are disabled on this server.");
return false;
if (this.isMoneyCommand && !Conf.bankEnabled) {
msg("<b>The faction bank system is disabled on this server.");
return false;
return true;
public boolean validSenderType(CommandSender sender, boolean informSenderIfNot) {
boolean superValid = super.validSenderType(sender, informSenderIfNot);
if (!superValid) return false;
if (!(this.senderMustBeMember || this.senderMustBeModerator || this.senderMustBeAdmin)) return true;
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) return false;
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get((Player) sender);
if (!fplayer.hasFaction()) {
sender.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>You are not member of any faction."));
return false;
if (this.senderMustBeModerator && !fplayer.getRole().isAtLeast(Role.MODERATOR)) {
sender.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Only faction moderators can %s.", this.getHelpShort()));
return false;
if (this.senderMustBeAdmin && !fplayer.getRole().isAtLeast(Role.ADMIN)) {
sender.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Only faction admins can %s.", this.getHelpShort()));
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Assertions
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean assertHasFaction() {
if (me == null) return true;
if (!fme.hasFaction()) {
sendMessage("You are not member of any faction.");
return false;
return true;
public boolean assertMinRole(Role role) {
if (me == null) return true;
if (fme.getRole().value < role.value) {
msg("<b>You <h>must be " + role + "<b> to " + this.getHelpShort() + ".");
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Argument Readers
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FPLAYER ======================
public FPlayer strAsFPlayer(String name, FPlayer def, boolean msg) {
FPlayer ret = def;
if (name != null) {
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.get(name);
if (fplayer != null) {
ret = fplayer;
if (msg && ret == null) {
this.msg("<b>No player \"<p>%s<b>\" could be found.", name);
return ret;
public FPlayer argAsFPlayer(int idx, FPlayer def, boolean msg) {
return this.strAsFPlayer(this.argAsString(idx), def, msg);
public FPlayer argAsFPlayer(int idx, FPlayer def) {
return this.argAsFPlayer(idx, def, true);
public FPlayer argAsFPlayer(int idx) {
return this.argAsFPlayer(idx, null);
// BEST FPLAYER MATCH ======================
public FPlayer strAsBestFPlayerMatch(String name, FPlayer def, boolean msg) {
FPlayer ret = def;
if (name != null) {
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.getBestIdMatch(name);
if (fplayer != null) {
ret = fplayer;
if (msg && ret == null) {
this.msg("<b>No player match found for \"<p>%s<b>\".", name);
return ret;
public FPlayer argAsBestFPlayerMatch(int idx, FPlayer def, boolean msg) {
return this.strAsBestFPlayerMatch(this.argAsString(idx), def, msg);
public FPlayer argAsBestFPlayerMatch(int idx, FPlayer def) {
return this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(idx, def, true);
public FPlayer argAsBestFPlayerMatch(int idx) {
return this.argAsBestFPlayerMatch(idx, null);
// FACTION ======================
public Faction strAsFaction(String name, Faction def, boolean msg) {
Faction ret = def;
if (name != null) {
Faction faction = null;
// First we try an exact match
if (faction == null) {
faction = Factions.i.getByTag(name);
// Next we match faction tags
if (faction == null) {
faction = Factions.i.getBestTagMatch(name);
// Next we match player names
if (faction == null) {
FPlayer fplayer = FPlayers.i.getBestIdMatch(name);
if (fplayer != null) {
faction = fplayer.getFaction();
if (faction != null) {
ret = faction;
if (msg && ret == null) {
this.msg("<b>The faction or player \"<p>%s<b>\" could not be found.", name);
return ret;
public Faction argAsFaction(int idx, Faction def, boolean msg) {
return this.strAsFaction(this.argAsString(idx), def, msg);
public Faction argAsFaction(int idx, Faction def) {
return this.argAsFaction(idx, def, true);
public Faction argAsFaction(int idx) {
return this.argAsFaction(idx, null);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Commonly used logic
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean canIAdministerYou(FPlayer i, FPlayer you) {
if (!i.getFaction().equals(you.getFaction())) {
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("%s <b>is not in the same faction as you.", you.describeTo(i, true)));
return false;
if (i.getRole().value > you.getRole().value || i.getRole().equals(Role.ADMIN)) {
return true;
if (you.getRole().equals(Role.ADMIN)) {
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Only the faction admin can do that."));
} else if (i.getRole().equals(Role.MODERATOR)) {
if (i == you) {
return true; //Moderators can control themselves
} else {
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>Moderators can't control each other..."));
} else {
i.sendMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>You must be a faction moderator to do that."));
return false;
// if economy is enabled and they're not on the bypass list, make 'em pay; returns true unless person can't afford the cost
public boolean payForCommand(double cost, String toDoThis, String forDoingThis) {
if (!Econ.shouldBeUsed() || this.fme == null || cost == 0.0 || fme.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysCosts && fme.hasFaction())
return Econ.modifyMoney(myFaction, -cost, toDoThis, forDoingThis);
return Econ.modifyMoney(fme, -cost, toDoThis, forDoingThis);
// like above, but just make sure they can pay; returns true unless person can't afford the cost
public boolean canAffordCommand(double cost, String toDoThis) {
if (!Econ.shouldBeUsed() || this.fme == null || cost == 0.0 || fme.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
if (Conf.bankEnabled && Conf.bankFactionPaysCosts && fme.hasFaction())
return Econ.hasAtLeast(myFaction, cost, toDoThis);
return Econ.hasAtLeast(fme, cost, toDoThis);

View File

@ -1,98 +1,88 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.FactionRelationEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public abstract class FRelationCommand extends FCommand
public Relation targetRelation;
public FRelationCommand()
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("player name", "you");
this.permission = Permission.RELATION.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
public void perform()
Faction them = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (them == null) return;
if ( ! them.isNormal())
msg("<b>Nope! You can't.");
if (them == myFaction)
msg("<b>Nope! You can't declare a relation to yourself :)");
public abstract class FRelationCommand extends FCommand {
public Relation targetRelation;
if (myFaction.getRelationWish(them) == targetRelation)
msg("<b>You already have that relation wish set with %s.", them.getTag());
public FRelationCommand() {
this.requiredArgs.add("faction tag");
//this.optionalArgs.put("player name", "you");
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if ( ! payForCommand(targetRelation.getRelationCost(), "to change a relation wish", "for changing a relation wish")) return;
this.permission = Permission.RELATION.node;
this.disableOnLock = true;
// try to set the new relation
Relation oldRelation = myFaction.getRelationTo(them, true);
myFaction.setRelationWish(them, targetRelation);
Relation currentRelation = myFaction.getRelationTo(them, true);
ChatColor currentRelationColor = currentRelation.getColor();
senderMustBePlayer = true;
senderMustBeMember = false;
senderMustBeModerator = true;
senderMustBeAdmin = false;
// if the relation change was successful
if (targetRelation.value == currentRelation.value)
// trigger the faction relation event
FactionRelationEvent relationEvent = new FactionRelationEvent(myFaction, them, oldRelation, currentRelation);
public void perform() {
Faction them = this.argAsFaction(0);
if (them == null) return;
them.msg("<i>Your faction is now "+currentRelationColor+targetRelation.toString()+"<i> to "+currentRelationColor+myFaction.getTag());
myFaction.msg("<i>Your faction is now "+currentRelationColor+targetRelation.toString()+"<i> to "+currentRelationColor+them.getTag());
// inform the other faction of your request
them.msg(currentRelationColor+myFaction.getTag()+"<i> wishes to be your "+targetRelation.getColor()+targetRelation.toString());
them.msg("<i>Type <c>/"+Conf.baseCommandAliases.get(0)+" "+targetRelation+" "+myFaction.getTag()+"<i> to accept.");
myFaction.msg(currentRelationColor+them.getTag()+"<i> were informed that you wish to be "+targetRelation.getColor()+targetRelation);
if ( ! targetRelation.isNeutral() && them.isPeaceful())
them.msg("<i>This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful.");
myFaction.msg("<i>This will have no effect while their faction is peaceful.");
if ( ! targetRelation.isNeutral() && myFaction.isPeaceful())
them.msg("<i>This will have no effect while their faction is peaceful.");
myFaction.msg("<i>This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful.");
if (!them.isNormal()) {
msg("<b>Nope! You can't.");
SpoutFeatures.updateAppearances(myFaction, them);
if (them == myFaction) {
msg("<b>Nope! You can't declare a relation to yourself :)");
if (myFaction.getRelationWish(them) == targetRelation) {
msg("<b>You already have that relation wish set with %s.", them.getTag());
// if economy is enabled, they're not on the bypass list, and this command has a cost set, make 'em pay
if (!payForCommand(targetRelation.getRelationCost(), "to change a relation wish", "for changing a relation wish"))
// try to set the new relation
Relation oldRelation = myFaction.getRelationTo(them, true);
myFaction.setRelationWish(them, targetRelation);
Relation currentRelation = myFaction.getRelationTo(them, true);
ChatColor currentRelationColor = currentRelation.getColor();
// if the relation change was successful
if (targetRelation.value == currentRelation.value) {
// trigger the faction relation event
FactionRelationEvent relationEvent = new FactionRelationEvent(myFaction, them, oldRelation, currentRelation);
them.msg("<i>Your faction is now " + currentRelationColor + targetRelation.toString() + "<i> to " + currentRelationColor + myFaction.getTag());
myFaction.msg("<i>Your faction is now " + currentRelationColor + targetRelation.toString() + "<i> to " + currentRelationColor + them.getTag());
// inform the other faction of your request
else {
them.msg(currentRelationColor + myFaction.getTag() + "<i> wishes to be your " + targetRelation.getColor() + targetRelation.toString());
them.msg("<i>Type <c>/" + Conf.baseCommandAliases.get(0) + " " + targetRelation + " " + myFaction.getTag() + "<i> to accept.");
myFaction.msg(currentRelationColor + them.getTag() + "<i> were informed that you wish to be " + targetRelation.getColor() + targetRelation);
if (!targetRelation.isNeutral() && them.isPeaceful()) {
them.msg("<i>This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful.");
myFaction.msg("<i>This will have no effect while their faction is peaceful.");
if (!targetRelation.isNeutral() && myFaction.isPeaceful()) {
them.msg("<i>This will have no effect while their faction is peaceful.");
myFaction.msg("<i>This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful.");
SpoutFeatures.updateAppearances(myFaction, them);

View File

@ -1,60 +1,56 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
public class FPlayerJoinEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public class FPlayerJoinEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
FPlayer fplayer;
Faction faction;
PlayerJoinReason reason;
boolean cancelled = false;
FPlayer fplayer;
Faction faction;
PlayerJoinReason reason;
boolean cancelled = false;
public enum PlayerJoinReason
public FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayer fp, Faction f, PlayerJoinReason r)
fplayer = fp;
faction = f;
reason = r;
public enum PlayerJoinReason {
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
return fplayer;
public Faction getFaction()
return faction;
public PlayerJoinReason getReason()
return reason;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public FPlayerJoinEvent(FPlayer fp, Faction f, PlayerJoinReason r) {
fplayer = fp;
faction = f;
reason = r;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public boolean isCancelled()
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c)
cancelled = c;
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return fplayer;
public Faction getFaction() {
return faction;
public PlayerJoinReason getReason() {
return reason;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
cancelled = c;

View File

@ -1,71 +1,59 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
public class FPlayerLeaveEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private PlayerLeaveReason reason;
FPlayer FPlayer;
Faction Faction;
boolean cancelled = false;
public class FPlayerLeaveEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private PlayerLeaveReason reason;
FPlayer FPlayer;
Faction Faction;
boolean cancelled = false;
public enum PlayerLeaveReason {
public enum PlayerLeaveReason
public FPlayerLeaveEvent(FPlayer p, Faction f, PlayerLeaveReason r) {
FPlayer = p;
Faction = f;
reason = r;
public FPlayerLeaveEvent(FPlayer p, Faction f, PlayerLeaveReason r)
FPlayer = p;
Faction = f;
reason = r;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public PlayerLeaveReason getReason()
return reason;
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
return FPlayer;
public Faction getFaction()
return Faction;
public PlayerLeaveReason getReason() {
return reason;
public boolean isCancelled()
return cancelled;
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return FPlayer;
public void setCancelled(boolean c)
if (reason == PlayerLeaveReason.DISBAND || reason == PlayerLeaveReason.RESET)
cancelled = false;
cancelled = c;
public Faction getFaction() {
return Faction;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
if (reason == PlayerLeaveReason.DISBAND || reason == PlayerLeaveReason.RESET) {
cancelled = false;
cancelled = c;

View File

@ -1,63 +1,53 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
public class FactionCreateEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public class FactionCreateEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private String factionTag;
private Player sender;
private boolean cancelled;
public FactionCreateEvent(Player sender, String tag)
this.factionTag = tag;
this.sender = sender;
this.cancelled = false;
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
return FPlayers.i.get(sender);
public String getFactionId()
return Factions.i.getNextId();
private String factionTag;
private Player sender;
private boolean cancelled;
public String getFactionTag()
return factionTag;
public FactionCreateEvent(Player sender, String tag) {
this.factionTag = tag;
this.sender = sender;
this.cancelled = false;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return FPlayers.i.get(sender);
public boolean isCancelled()
return cancelled;
public String getFactionId() {
return Factions.i.getNextId();
public void setCancelled(boolean c)
this.cancelled = c;
public String getFactionTag() {
return factionTag;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
this.cancelled = c;

View File

@ -1,64 +1,54 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
public class FactionDisbandEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public class FactionDisbandEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private boolean cancelled;
private String id;
private Player sender;
private boolean cancelled;
private String id;
private Player sender;
public FactionDisbandEvent(Player sender, String factionId)
cancelled = false;
this.sender = sender; = factionId;
public FactionDisbandEvent(Player sender, String factionId) {
cancelled = false;
this.sender = sender; = factionId;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public Faction getFaction()
return Factions.i.get(id);
public Faction getFaction() {
return Factions.i.get(id);
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
return FPlayers.i.get(sender);
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return FPlayers.i.get(sender);
public Player getPlayer()
return sender;
public Player getPlayer() {
return sender;
public boolean isCancelled()
return cancelled;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c)
cancelled = c;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
cancelled = c;

View File

@ -1,56 +1,47 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
public class FactionRelationEvent extends Event {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public class FactionRelationEvent extends Event
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private Faction fsender;
private Faction ftarget;
private Relation foldrel;
private Relation frel;
private Faction fsender;
private Faction ftarget;
private Relation foldrel;
private Relation frel;
public FactionRelationEvent(Faction sender, Faction target, Relation oldrel, Relation rel) {
fsender = sender;
ftarget = target;
foldrel = oldrel;
frel = rel;
public FactionRelationEvent(Faction sender, Faction target, Relation oldrel, Relation rel)
fsender = sender;
ftarget = target;
foldrel = oldrel;
frel = rel;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public Relation getOldRelation() {
return foldrel;
public Relation getOldRelation()
return foldrel;
public Relation getRelation() {
return frel;
public Relation getRelation()
return frel;
public Faction getFaction() {
return fsender;
public Faction getFaction()
return fsender;
public Faction getTargetFaction()
return ftarget;
public Faction getTargetFaction() {
return ftarget;

View File

@ -1,74 +1,62 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
public class FactionRenameEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public class FactionRenameEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private boolean cancelled;
private FPlayer fplayer;
private Faction faction;
private String tag;
private boolean cancelled;
private FPlayer fplayer;
private Faction faction;
private String tag;
public FactionRenameEvent(FPlayer sender, String newTag) {
fplayer = sender;
faction = sender.getFaction();
tag = newTag;
this.cancelled = false;
public FactionRenameEvent(FPlayer sender, String newTag)
fplayer = sender;
faction = sender.getFaction();
tag = newTag;
this.cancelled = false;
public Faction getFaction() {
return (faction);
public Faction getFaction()
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return (fplayer);
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
public Player getPlayer() {
return (fplayer.getPlayer());
public Player getPlayer()
public String getOldFactionTag() {
return (faction.getTag());
public String getOldFactionTag()
public String getFactionTag() {
return (tag);
public String getFactionTag()
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public boolean isCancelled()
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c)
this.cancelled = c;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
this.cancelled = c;

View File

@ -1,80 +1,67 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class LandClaimEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public class LandClaimEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private boolean cancelled;
private FLocation location;
private Faction faction;
private FPlayer fplayer;
private boolean cancelled;
private FLocation location;
private Faction faction;
private FPlayer fplayer;
public LandClaimEvent(FLocation loc, Faction f, FPlayer p) {
cancelled = false;
location = loc;
faction = f;
fplayer = p;
public LandClaimEvent(FLocation loc, Faction f, FPlayer p)
cancelled = false;
location = loc;
faction = f;
fplayer = p;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public FLocation getLocation() {
return this.location;
public FLocation getLocation()
return this.location;
public Faction getFaction() {
return faction;
public Faction getFaction()
return faction;
public String getFactionId() {
return faction.getId();
public String getFactionId()
return faction.getId();
public String getFactionTag() {
return faction.getTag();
public String getFactionTag()
return faction.getTag();
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return fplayer;
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
return fplayer;
public Player getPlayer() {
return fplayer.getPlayer();
public Player getPlayer()
return fplayer.getPlayer();
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public boolean isCancelled()
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c)
this.cancelled = c;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
this.cancelled = c;

View File

@ -1,57 +1,47 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class LandUnclaimAllEvent extends Event {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public class LandUnclaimAllEvent extends Event
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private Faction faction;
private FPlayer fplayer;
private Faction faction;
private FPlayer fplayer;
public LandUnclaimAllEvent(Faction f, FPlayer p) {
faction = f;
fplayer = p;
public LandUnclaimAllEvent(Faction f, FPlayer p)
faction = f;
fplayer = p;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public Faction getFaction() {
return faction;
public Faction getFaction()
return faction;
public String getFactionId() {
return faction.getId();
public String getFactionId()
return faction.getId();
public String getFactionTag() {
return faction.getTag();
public String getFactionTag()
return faction.getTag();
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return fplayer;
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
return fplayer;
public Player getPlayer()
return fplayer.getPlayer();
public Player getPlayer() {
return fplayer.getPlayer();

View File

@ -1,79 +1,67 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class LandUnclaimEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public class LandUnclaimEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private boolean cancelled;
private FLocation location;
private Faction faction;
private FPlayer fplayer;
private boolean cancelled;
private FLocation location;
private Faction faction;
private FPlayer fplayer;
public LandUnclaimEvent(FLocation loc, Faction f, FPlayer p) {
cancelled = false;
location = loc;
faction = f;
fplayer = p;
public LandUnclaimEvent(FLocation loc, Faction f, FPlayer p)
cancelled = false;
location = loc;
faction = f;
fplayer = p;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public FLocation getLocation() {
return this.location;
public FLocation getLocation()
return this.location;
public Faction getFaction() {
return faction;
public Faction getFaction()
return faction;
public String getFactionId() {
return faction.getId();
public String getFactionId()
return faction.getId();
public String getFactionTag() {
return faction.getTag();
public String getFactionTag()
return faction.getTag();
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return fplayer;
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
return fplayer;
public Player getPlayer() {
return fplayer.getPlayer();
public Player getPlayer()
return fplayer.getPlayer();
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public boolean isCancelled()
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
cancelled = c;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
cancelled = c;

View File

@ -1,85 +1,72 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.event;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class PowerLossEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private boolean cancelled;
private Faction faction;
private FPlayer fplayer;
private String message;
public class PowerLossEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public PowerLossEvent(Faction f, FPlayer p) {
cancelled = false;
faction = f;
fplayer = p;
private boolean cancelled;
private Faction faction;
private FPlayer fplayer;
private String message;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public PowerLossEvent(Faction f, FPlayer p)
cancelled = false;
faction = f;
fplayer = p;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
public HandlerList getHandlers()
return handlers;
public Faction getFaction() {
return faction;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
return handlers;
public String getFactionId() {
return faction.getId();
public Faction getFaction()
return faction;
public String getFactionTag() {
return faction.getTag();
public String getFactionId()
return faction.getId();
public FPlayer getFPlayer() {
return fplayer;
public String getFactionTag()
return faction.getTag();
public Player getPlayer() {
return fplayer.getPlayer();
public FPlayer getFPlayer()
return fplayer;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public Player getPlayer()
return fplayer.getPlayer();
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public boolean isCancelled()
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean c)
this.cancelled = c;
public void setCancelled(boolean c) {
this.cancelled = c;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.iface;
public interface EconomyParticipator extends RelationParticipator
public String getAccountId();
public void msg(String str, Object... args);
public interface EconomyParticipator extends RelationParticipator {
public String getAccountId();
public void msg(String str, Object... args);

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.iface;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
public interface RelationParticipator {
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator that);
public interface RelationParticipator
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator that);
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator that, boolean ucfirst);
public Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator that);
public Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator that, boolean ignorePeaceful);
public ChatColor getColorTo(RelationParticipator to);
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator that, boolean ucfirst);
public Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator that);
public Relation getRelationTo(RelationParticipator that, boolean ignorePeaceful);
public ChatColor getColorTo(RelationParticipator to);

View File

@ -1,393 +1,332 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.RelationUtil;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.EconomyResponse;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.iface.EconomyParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.RelationUtil;
public class Econ {
private static Economy econ = null;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.EconomyResponse;
public static void setup() {
if (isSetup()) return;
String integrationFail = "Economy integration is " + (Conf.econEnabled ? "enabled, but" : "disabled, and") + " the plugin \"Vault\" ";
if (Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null) {
P.p.log(integrationFail + "is not installed.");
RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> rsp = Bukkit.getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Economy.class);
if (rsp == null) {
P.p.log(integrationFail + "is not hooked into an economy plugin.");
econ = rsp.getProvider();
P.p.log("Economy integration through Vault plugin successful.");
if (!Conf.econEnabled)
P.p.log("NOTE: Economy is disabled. You can enable it with the command: f config econEnabled true");
public static boolean shouldBeUsed() {
return Conf.econEnabled && econ != null && econ.isEnabled();
public static boolean isSetup() {
return econ != null;
public class Econ
private static Economy econ = null;
public static void modifyUniverseMoney(double delta) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return;
public static void setup()
if (isSetup()) return;
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount == null) return;
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount.length() == 0) return;
if (!econ.hasAccount(Conf.econUniverseAccount)) return;
String integrationFail = "Economy integration is "+(Conf.econEnabled ? "enabled, but" : "disabled, and")+" the plugin \"Vault\" ";
modifyBalance(Conf.econUniverseAccount, delta);
if (Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null)
P.p.log(integrationFail+"is not installed.");
public static void sendBalanceInfo(FPlayer to, EconomyParticipator about) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) {
P.p.log(Level.WARNING, "Vault does not appear to be hooked into an economy plugin.");
to.msg("<a>%s's<i> balance is <h>%s<i>.", about.describeTo(to, true), Econ.moneyString(econ.getBalance(about.getAccountId())));
RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> rsp = Bukkit.getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Economy.class);
if (rsp == null)
P.p.log(integrationFail+"is not hooked into an economy plugin.");
econ = rsp.getProvider();
public static boolean canIControllYou(EconomyParticipator i, EconomyParticipator you) {
Faction fI = RelationUtil.getFaction(i);
Faction fYou = RelationUtil.getFaction(you);
P.p.log("Economy integration through Vault plugin successful.");
// This is a system invoker. Accept it.
if (fI == null) return true;
if ( ! Conf.econEnabled)
P.p.log("NOTE: Economy is disabled. You can enable it with the command: f config econEnabled true");
// Bypassing players can do any kind of transaction
if (i instanceof FPlayer && ((FPlayer) i).isAdminBypassing()) return true;
// Players with the any withdraw can do.
if (i instanceof FPlayer && Permission.MONEY_WITHDRAW_ANY.has(((FPlayer) i).getPlayer())) return true;
// You can deposit to anywhere you feel like. It's your loss if you can't withdraw it again.
if (i == you) return true;
public static boolean shouldBeUsed()
return Conf.econEnabled && econ != null && econ.isEnabled();
public static boolean isSetup()
return econ != null;
// A faction can always transfer away the money of it's members and its own money...
// This will however probably never happen as a faction does not have free will.
// Ohh by the way... Yes it could. For daily rent to the faction.
if (i == fI && fI == fYou) return true;
// Factions can be controlled by members that are moderators... or any member if any member can withdraw.
if (you instanceof Faction && fI == fYou && (Conf.bankMembersCanWithdraw || ((FPlayer) i).getRole().value >= Role.MODERATOR.value))
return true;
public static void modifyUniverseMoney(double delta)
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return;
// Otherwise you may not! ;,,;
i.msg("<h>%s<i> lacks permission to control <h>%s's<i> money.", i.describeTo(i, true), you.describeTo(i));
return false;
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount == null) return;
if (Conf.econUniverseAccount.length() == 0) return;
if ( ! econ.hasAccount(Conf.econUniverseAccount)) return;
public static boolean transferMoney(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount) {
return transferMoney(invoker, from, to, amount, true);
modifyBalance(Conf.econUniverseAccount, delta);
public static void sendBalanceInfo(FPlayer to, EconomyParticipator about)
if (!shouldBeUsed())
P.p.log(Level.WARNING, "Vault does not appear to be hooked into an economy plugin.");
to.msg("<a>%s's<i> balance is <h>%s<i>.", about.describeTo(to, true), Econ.moneyString(econ.getBalance(about.getAccountId())));
public static boolean canIControllYou(EconomyParticipator i, EconomyParticipator you)
Faction fI = RelationUtil.getFaction(i);
Faction fYou = RelationUtil.getFaction(you);
// This is a system invoker. Accept it.
if (fI == null) return true;
// Bypassing players can do any kind of transaction
if (i instanceof FPlayer && ((FPlayer)i).isAdminBypassing()) return true;
// Players with the any withdraw can do.
if (i instanceof FPlayer && Permission.MONEY_WITHDRAW_ANY.has(((FPlayer)i).getPlayer())) return true;
// You can deposit to anywhere you feel like. It's your loss if you can't withdraw it again.
if (i == you) return true;
// A faction can always transfer away the money of it's members and its own money...
// This will however probably never happen as a faction does not have free will.
// Ohh by the way... Yes it could. For daily rent to the faction.
if (i == fI && fI == fYou) return true;
// Factions can be controlled by members that are moderators... or any member if any member can withdraw.
if (you instanceof Faction && fI == fYou && (Conf.bankMembersCanWithdraw || ((FPlayer)i).getRole().value >= Role.MODERATOR.value)) return true;
// Otherwise you may not! ;,,;
i.msg("<h>%s<i> lacks permission to control <h>%s's<i> money.", i.describeTo(i, true), you.describeTo(i));
return false;
public static boolean transferMoney(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount)
return transferMoney(invoker, from, to, amount, true);
public static boolean transferMoney(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount, boolean notify)
if ( ! shouldBeUsed()) return false;
public static boolean transferMoney(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount, boolean notify) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return false;
// The amount must be positive.
// If the amount is negative we must flip and multiply amount with -1.
if (amount < 0)
amount *= -1;
EconomyParticipator temp = from;
from = to;
to = temp;
// Check the rights
if ( ! canIControllYou(invoker, from)) return false;
// Is there enough money for the transaction to happen?
if ( ! econ.has(from.getAccountId(), amount))
// There was not enough money to pay
if (invoker != null && notify)
invoker.msg("<h>%s<b> can't afford to transfer <h>%s<b> to %s<b>.", from.describeTo(invoker, true), moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(invoker));
// The amount must be positive.
// If the amount is negative we must flip and multiply amount with -1.
if (amount < 0) {
amount *= -1;
EconomyParticipator temp = from;
from = to;
to = temp;
return false;
// Transfer money
EconomyResponse erw = econ.withdrawPlayer(from.getAccountId(), amount);
// Check the rights
if (!canIControllYou(invoker, from)) return false;
if (erw.transactionSuccess()) {
EconomyResponse erd = econ.depositPlayer(to.getAccountId(), amount);
if (erd.transactionSuccess()) {
if (notify) sendTransferInfo(invoker, from, to, amount);
return true;
} else {
// transaction failed, refund account
econ.depositPlayer(from.getAccountId(), amount);
// Is there enough money for the transaction to happen?
if (!econ.has(from.getAccountId(), amount)) {
// There was not enough money to pay
if (invoker != null && notify)
invoker.msg("<h>%s<b> can't afford to transfer <h>%s<b> to %s<b>.", from.describeTo(invoker, true), moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(invoker));
// if we get here something with the transaction failed
if (notify)
invoker.msg("Unable to transfer %s<b> to <h>%s<b> from <h>%s<b>.", moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(invoker), from.describeTo(invoker, true));
return false;
return false;
public static Set<FPlayer> getFplayers(EconomyParticipator ep)
Set<FPlayer> fplayers = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
if (ep == null)
// Add nothing
else if (ep instanceof FPlayer)
else if (ep instanceof Faction)
return fplayers;
public static void sendTransferInfo(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount)
Set<FPlayer> recipients = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
if (invoker == null)
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients)
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> was transfered from <h>%s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient), to.describeTo(recipient));
else if (invoker == from)
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients)
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> <h>gave %s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", from.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(recipient));
else if (invoker == to)
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients)
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> <h>took %s<i> from <h>%s<i>.", to.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient));
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients)
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> transfered <h>%s<i> from <h>%s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", invoker.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient), to.describeTo(recipient));
// Transfer money
EconomyResponse erw = econ.withdrawPlayer(from.getAccountId(), amount);
public static boolean hasAtLeast(EconomyParticipator ep, double delta, String toDoThis)
if ( ! shouldBeUsed()) return true;
if (erw.transactionSuccess()) {
EconomyResponse erd = econ.depositPlayer(to.getAccountId(), amount);
if (erd.transactionSuccess()) {
if (notify) sendTransferInfo(invoker, from, to, amount);
return true;
} else {
// transaction failed, refund account
econ.depositPlayer(from.getAccountId(), amount);
if ( ! econ.has(ep.getAccountId(), delta))
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> can't afford <h>%s<i> %s.", ep.describeTo(ep, true), moneyString(delta), toDoThis);
return false;
return true;
// if we get here something with the transaction failed
if (notify)
invoker.msg("Unable to transfer %s<b> to <h>%s<b> from <h>%s<b>.", moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(invoker), from.describeTo(invoker, true));
public static boolean modifyMoney(EconomyParticipator ep, double delta, String toDoThis, String forDoingThis)
if ( ! shouldBeUsed()) return false;
return false;
String acc = ep.getAccountId();
String You = ep.describeTo(ep, true);
if (delta == 0)
// no money actually transferred?
public static Set<FPlayer> getFplayers(EconomyParticipator ep) {
Set<FPlayer> fplayers = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
if (ep == null) {
// Add nothing
} else if (ep instanceof FPlayer) {
fplayers.add((FPlayer) ep);
} else if (ep instanceof Faction) {
fplayers.addAll(((Faction) ep).getFPlayers());
return fplayers;
public static void sendTransferInfo(EconomyParticipator invoker, EconomyParticipator from, EconomyParticipator to, double amount) {
Set<FPlayer> recipients = new HashSet<FPlayer>();
if (invoker == null) {
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients) {
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> was transfered from <h>%s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient), to.describeTo(recipient));
} else if (invoker == from) {
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients) {
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> <h>gave %s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", from.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), to.describeTo(recipient));
} else if (invoker == to) {
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients) {
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> <h>took %s<i> from <h>%s<i>.", to.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient));
} else {
for (FPlayer recipient : recipients) {
recipient.msg("<h>%s<i> transfered <h>%s<i> from <h>%s<i> to <h>%s<i>.", invoker.describeTo(recipient, true), moneyString(amount), from.describeTo(recipient), to.describeTo(recipient));
public static boolean hasAtLeast(EconomyParticipator ep, double delta, String toDoThis) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return true;
if (!econ.has(ep.getAccountId(), delta)) {
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> can't afford <h>%s<i> %s.", ep.describeTo(ep, true), moneyString(delta), toDoThis);
return false;
return true;
public static boolean modifyMoney(EconomyParticipator ep, double delta, String toDoThis, String forDoingThis) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return false;
String acc = ep.getAccountId();
String You = ep.describeTo(ep, true);
if (delta == 0) {
// no money actually transferred?
// ep.msg("<h>%s<i> didn't have to pay anything %s.", You, forDoingThis); // might be for gains, might be for losses
return true;
return true;
if (delta > 0)
// The player should gain money
// The account might not have enough space
EconomyResponse er = econ.depositPlayer(acc, delta);
if (er.transactionSuccess()) {
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> gained <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(delta), forDoingThis);
return true;
} else {
// transfer to account failed
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> would have gained <h>%s<i> %s, but the deposit failed.", You, moneyString(delta), forDoingThis);
return false;
// The player should loose money
// The player might not have enough.
if (econ.has(acc, -delta) && econ.withdrawPlayer(acc, -delta).transactionSuccess())
// There is enough money to pay
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> lost <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(-delta), forDoingThis);
return true;
// There was not enough money to pay
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> can't afford <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(-delta), toDoThis);
return false;
if (delta > 0) {
// The player should gain money
// The account might not have enough space
EconomyResponse er = econ.depositPlayer(acc, delta);
if (er.transactionSuccess()) {
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> gained <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(delta), forDoingThis);
return true;
} else {
// transfer to account failed
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> would have gained <h>%s<i> %s, but the deposit failed.", You, moneyString(delta), forDoingThis);
return false;
} else {
// The player should loose money
// The player might not have enough.
// format money string based on server's set currency type, like "24 gold" or "$24.50"
public static String moneyString(double amount)
return econ.format(amount);
public static void oldMoneyDoTransfer()
if ( ! shouldBeUsed()) return;
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get())
if ( > 0)
econ.depositPlayer(faction.getAccountId(),; = 0;
if (econ.has(acc, -delta) && econ.withdrawPlayer(acc, -delta).transactionSuccess()) {
// There is enough money to pay
if (forDoingThis != null && !forDoingThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> lost <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(-delta), forDoingThis);
return true;
} else {
// There was not enough money to pay
if (toDoThis != null && !toDoThis.isEmpty())
ep.msg("<h>%s<i> can't afford <h>%s<i> %s.", You, moneyString(-delta), toDoThis);
return false;
// calculate the cost for claiming land
public static double calculateClaimCost(int ownedLand, boolean takingFromAnotherFaction)
if ( ! shouldBeUsed())
return 0d;
// format money string based on server's set currency type, like "24 gold" or "$24.50"
public static String moneyString(double amount) {
return econ.format(amount);
// basic claim cost, plus land inflation cost, minus the potential bonus given for claiming from another faction
return Conf.econCostClaimWilderness
+ (Conf.econCostClaimWilderness * Conf.econClaimAdditionalMultiplier * ownedLand)
- (takingFromAnotherFaction ? Conf.econCostClaimFromFactionBonus: 0);
public static void oldMoneyDoTransfer() {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) return;
// calculate refund amount for unclaiming land
public static double calculateClaimRefund(int ownedLand)
return calculateClaimCost(ownedLand - 1, false) * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
for (Faction faction : Factions.i.get()) {
if ( > 0) {
econ.depositPlayer(faction.getAccountId(),; = 0;
// calculate value of all owned land
public static double calculateTotalLandValue(int ownedLand)
double amount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < ownedLand; x++) {
amount += calculateClaimCost(x, false);
return amount;
// calculate the cost for claiming land
public static double calculateClaimCost(int ownedLand, boolean takingFromAnotherFaction) {
if (!shouldBeUsed()) {
return 0d;
// calculate refund amount for all owned land
public static double calculateTotalLandRefund(int ownedLand)
return calculateTotalLandValue(ownedLand) * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
// basic claim cost, plus land inflation cost, minus the potential bonus given for claiming from another faction
return Conf.econCostClaimWilderness
+ (Conf.econCostClaimWilderness * Conf.econClaimAdditionalMultiplier * ownedLand)
- (takingFromAnotherFaction ? Conf.econCostClaimFromFactionBonus : 0);
// calculate refund amount for unclaiming land
public static double calculateClaimRefund(int ownedLand) {
return calculateClaimCost(ownedLand - 1, false) * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
// calculate value of all owned land
public static double calculateTotalLandValue(int ownedLand) {
double amount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < ownedLand; x++) {
amount += calculateClaimCost(x, false);
return amount;
// calculate refund amount for all owned land
public static double calculateTotalLandRefund(int ownedLand) {
return calculateTotalLandValue(ownedLand) * Conf.econClaimRefundMultiplier;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Standard account management methods
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Standard account management methods
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static boolean hasAccount(String name)
return econ.hasAccount(name);
public static boolean hasAccount(String name) {
return econ.hasAccount(name);
public static double getBalance(String account)
return econ.getBalance(account);
public static double getBalance(String account) {
return econ.getBalance(account);
public static boolean setBalance(String account, double amount)
double current = econ.getBalance(account);
if (current > amount)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, current - amount).transactionSuccess();
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount - current).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean setBalance(String account, double amount) {
double current = econ.getBalance(account);
if (current > amount)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, current - amount).transactionSuccess();
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount - current).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean modifyBalance(String account, double amount)
if (amount < 0)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, -amount).transactionSuccess();
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean modifyBalance(String account, double amount) {
if (amount < 0)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, -amount).transactionSuccess();
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean deposit(String account, double amount)
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean deposit(String account, double amount) {
return econ.depositPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean withdraw(String account, double amount)
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();
public static boolean withdraw(String account, double amount) {
return econ.withdrawPlayer(account, amount).transactionSuccess();

View File

@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.earth2me.essentials.IEssentials;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Teleport;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Trade;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
@ -26,111 +24,90 @@ import;
// silence deprecation warnings with this old interface
public class EssentialsFeatures
private static EssentialsChat essChat;
private static IEssentials essentials;
public class EssentialsFeatures {
private static EssentialsChat essChat;
private static IEssentials essentials;
public static void setup()
// integrate main essentials plugin
// TODO: this is the old Essentials method not supported in 3.0... probably needs to eventually be moved to EssentialsOldVersionFeatures and new method implemented
if (essentials == null)
Plugin ess = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Essentials");
if (ess != null && ess.isEnabled())
essentials = (IEssentials)ess;
public static void setup() {
// integrate main essentials plugin
// TODO: this is the old Essentials method not supported in 3.0... probably needs to eventually be moved to EssentialsOldVersionFeatures and new method implemented
if (essentials == null) {
Plugin ess = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Essentials");
if (ess != null && ess.isEnabled())
essentials = (IEssentials) ess;
// integrate chat
if (essChat != null) return;
// integrate chat
if (essChat != null) return;
Plugin test = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("EssentialsChat");
if (test == null || !test.isEnabled()) return;
Plugin test = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("EssentialsChat");
if (test == null || !test.isEnabled()) return;
essChat = (EssentialsChat)test;
essChat = (EssentialsChat) test;
// try newer Essentials 3.x integration method
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
// no? try older Essentials 2.x integration method
catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex2) { /* no known integration method, then */ }
// try newer Essentials 3.x integration method
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
// no? try older Essentials 2.x integration method
try {
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex2) { /* no known integration method, then */ }
public static void unhookChat()
if (essChat == null) return;
public static void unhookChat() {
if (essChat == null) return;
catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) {}
try {
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) {
// return false if feature is disabled or Essentials isn't available
public static boolean handleTeleport(Player player, Location loc)
if ( ! Conf.homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration || essentials == null) return false;
// return false if feature is disabled or Essentials isn't available
public static boolean handleTeleport(Player player, Location loc) {
if (!Conf.homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration || essentials == null) return false;
Teleport teleport = (Teleport) essentials.getUser(player).getTeleport();
Trade trade = new Trade(Conf.econCostHome, essentials);
teleport.teleport(loc, trade);
catch (Exception e)
return true;
Teleport teleport = (Teleport) essentials.getUser(player).getTeleport();
Trade trade = new Trade(Conf.econCostHome, essentials);
try {
teleport.teleport(loc, trade);
} catch (Exception e) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED.toString() + e.getMessage());
return true;
public static void integrateChat(EssentialsChat instance)
essChat = instance;
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new LocalChatListener(), P.p);
P.p.log("Found and will integrate chat with newer "+essChat.getDescription().getFullName());
public static void integrateChat(EssentialsChat instance) {
essChat = instance;
try {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new LocalChatListener(), P.p);
P.p.log("Found and will integrate chat with newer " + essChat.getDescription().getFullName());
// curly braces used to be accepted by the format string EssentialsChat but no longer are, so... deal with chatTagReplaceString which might need updating
if (Conf.chatTagReplaceString.contains("{"))
Conf.chatTagReplaceString = Conf.chatTagReplaceString.replace("{", "[").replace("}", "]");
P.p.log("NOTE: as of Essentials 2.8+, we've had to switch the default chat replacement tag from \"{FACTION}\" to \"[FACTION]\". This has automatically been updated for you.");
catch (NoSuchMethodError ex)
essChat = null;
// curly braces used to be accepted by the format string EssentialsChat but no longer are, so... deal with chatTagReplaceString which might need updating
if (Conf.chatTagReplaceString.contains("{")) {
Conf.chatTagReplaceString = Conf.chatTagReplaceString.replace("{", "[").replace("}", "]");
P.p.log("NOTE: as of Essentials 2.8+, we've had to switch the default chat replacement tag from \"{FACTION}\" to \"[FACTION]\". This has automatically been updated for you.");
} catch (NoSuchMethodError ex) {
essChat = null;
private static class LocalChatListener implements Listener
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPlayerChat(EssentialsLocalChatEvent event)
Player speaker = event.getPlayer();
String format = event.getFormat();
format = format.replace(Conf.chatTagReplaceString, P.p.getPlayerFactionTag(speaker)).replace("[FACTION_TITLE]", P.p.getPlayerTitle(speaker));
// NOTE: above doesn't do relation coloring. if/when we can get a local recipient list from EssentialsLocalChatEvent, we'll probably
// want to pass it on to FactionsPlayerListener.onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent event) rather than duplicating code
private static class LocalChatListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPlayerChat(EssentialsLocalChatEvent event) {
Player speaker = event.getPlayer();
String format = event.getFormat();
format = format.replace(Conf.chatTagReplaceString, P.p.getPlayerFactionTag(speaker)).replace("[FACTION_TITLE]", P.p.getPlayerTitle(speaker));
// NOTE: above doesn't do relation coloring. if/when we can get a local recipient list from EssentialsLocalChatEvent, we'll probably
// want to pass it on to FactionsPlayerListener.onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent event) rather than duplicating code

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@ -1,59 +1,47 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
* This Essentials integration handler is for older 2.x.x versions of Essentials which have "IEssentialsChatListener"
public class EssentialsOldVersionFeatures
private static EssentialsChat essChat;
public class EssentialsOldVersionFeatures {
private static EssentialsChat essChat;
public static void integrateChat(EssentialsChat instance)
essChat = instance;
essChat.addEssentialsChatListener("Factions", new IEssentialsChatListener()
public boolean shouldHandleThisChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event)
return P.p.shouldLetFactionsHandleThisChat(event);
public String modifyMessage(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event, Player target, String message)
return message.replace(Conf.chatTagReplaceString, P.p.getPlayerFactionTagRelation(event.getPlayer(), target)).replace("[FACTION_TITLE]", P.p.getPlayerTitle(event.getPlayer()));
P.p.log("Found and will integrate chat with "+essChat.getDescription().getFullName());
public static void integrateChat(EssentialsChat instance) {
essChat = instance;
try {
essChat.addEssentialsChatListener("Factions", new IEssentialsChatListener() {
public boolean shouldHandleThisChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
return P.p.shouldLetFactionsHandleThisChat(event);
// As of Essentials 2.8+, curly braces are not accepted and are instead replaced with square braces, so... deal with it
if (essChat.getDescription().getVersion().startsWith("2.8.") && Conf.chatTagReplaceString.contains("{"))
Conf.chatTagReplaceString = Conf.chatTagReplaceString.replace("{", "[").replace("}", "]");
P.p.log("NOTE: as of Essentials 2.8+, we've had to switch the default chat replacement tag from \"{FACTION}\" to \"[FACTION]\". This has automatically been updated for you.");
catch (NoSuchMethodError ex)
essChat = null;
public String modifyMessage(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event, Player target, String message) {
return message.replace(Conf.chatTagReplaceString, P.p.getPlayerFactionTagRelation(event.getPlayer(), target)).replace("[FACTION_TITLE]", P.p.getPlayerTitle(event.getPlayer()));
P.p.log("Found and will integrate chat with " + essChat.getDescription().getFullName());
public static void unhookChat()
if (essChat != null)
// As of Essentials 2.8+, curly braces are not accepted and are instead replaced with square braces, so... deal with it
if (essChat.getDescription().getVersion().startsWith("2.8.") && Conf.chatTagReplaceString.contains("{")) {
Conf.chatTagReplaceString = Conf.chatTagReplaceString.replace("{", "[").replace("}", "]");
P.p.log("NOTE: as of Essentials 2.8+, we've had to switch the default chat replacement tag from \"{FACTION}\" to \"[FACTION]\". This has automatically been updated for you.");
} catch (NoSuchMethodError ex) {
essChat = null;
public static void unhookChat() {
if (essChat != null) {

View File

@ -1,90 +1,72 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration;
import com.griefcraft.lwc.LWC;
import com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
public class LWCFeatures {
private static LWC lwc;
import com.griefcraft.lwc.LWC;
import com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
public static void setup() {
Plugin test = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("LWC");
if (test == null || !test.isEnabled()) return;
public class LWCFeatures
private static LWC lwc;
lwc = ((LWCPlugin) test).getLWC();
P.p.log("Successfully hooked into LWC!" + (Conf.lwcIntegration ? "" : " Integration is currently disabled, though (\"lwcIntegration\")."));
public static void setup()
Plugin test = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("LWC");
if(test == null || !test.isEnabled()) return;
public static boolean getEnabled() {
return Conf.lwcIntegration && lwc != null;
lwc = ((LWCPlugin)test).getLWC();
P.p.log("Successfully hooked into LWC!"+(Conf.lwcIntegration ? "" : " Integration is currently disabled, though (\"lwcIntegration\")."));
public static void clearOtherChests(FLocation flocation, Faction faction) {
Location location = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(flocation.getWorldName()), flocation.getX() * 16, 5, flocation.getZ() * 16);
if (location.getWorld() == null) return; // world not loaded or something? cancel out to prevent error
Chunk chunk = location.getChunk();
BlockState[] blocks = chunk.getTileEntities();
List<Block> chests = new LinkedList<Block>();
public static boolean getEnabled()
return Conf.lwcIntegration && lwc != null;
for (int x = 0; x < blocks.length; x++) {
if (blocks[x].getType() == Material.CHEST) {
public static void clearOtherChests(FLocation flocation, Faction faction)
Location location = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(flocation.getWorldName()), flocation.getX() * 16, 5, flocation.getZ() * 16);
if (location.getWorld() == null) return; // world not loaded or something? cancel out to prevent error
Chunk chunk = location.getChunk();
BlockState[] blocks = chunk.getTileEntities();
List<Block> chests = new LinkedList<Block>();
for(int x = 0; x < blocks.length; x++)
if(blocks[x].getType() == Material.CHEST)
for(int x = 0; x < chests.size(); x++)
if(lwc.findProtection(chests.get(x)) != null)
public static void clearAllChests(FLocation flocation)
Location location = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(flocation.getWorldName()), flocation.getX() * 16, 5, flocation.getZ() * 16);
if (location.getWorld() == null) return; // world not loaded or something? cancel out to prevent error
Chunk chunk = location.getChunk();
BlockState[] blocks = chunk.getTileEntities();
List<Block> chests = new LinkedList<Block>();
for(int x = 0; x < blocks.length; x++)
if(blocks[x].getType() == Material.CHEST)
for(int x = 0; x < chests.size(); x++)
if(lwc.findProtection(chests.get(x)) != null)
for (int x = 0; x < chests.size(); x++) {
if (lwc.findProtection(chests.get(x)) != null) {
if (!faction.getFPlayers().contains(FPlayers.i.get(lwc.findProtection(chests.get(x)).getOwner())))
public static void clearAllChests(FLocation flocation) {
Location location = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(flocation.getWorldName()), flocation.getX() * 16, 5, flocation.getZ() * 16);
if (location.getWorld() == null) return; // world not loaded or something? cancel out to prevent error
Chunk chunk = location.getChunk();
BlockState[] blocks = chunk.getTileEntities();
List<Block> chests = new LinkedList<Block>();
for (int x = 0; x < blocks.length; x++) {
if (blocks[x].getType() == Material.CHEST) {
for (int x = 0; x < chests.size(); x++) {
if (lwc.findProtection(chests.get(x)) != null) {

View File

@ -1,329 +1,298 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.gui.Color;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer;
import java.util.Set;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class SpoutFeatures {
private transient static boolean spoutMe = false;
private transient static SpoutMainListener mainListener;
private transient static boolean listenersHooked;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
public static void setup() {
Plugin test = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Spout");
if (test == null || !test.isEnabled()) return;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.gui.Color;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
setAvailable(true, test.getDescription().getFullName());
// set integration availability
public static void setAvailable(boolean enable, String pluginName) {
spoutMe = enable;
if (!spoutMe) return;
P.p.log("Found and will use features of " + pluginName);
if (!listenersHooked) {
listenersHooked = true;
mainListener = new SpoutMainListener();
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(mainListener, P.p);
// If we're successfully hooked into Spout
public static boolean enabled() {
return spoutMe;
// If Spout is available and the specified Player is running the Spoutcraft client
public static boolean availableFor(Player player) {
return spoutMe && SpoutManager.getPlayer(player).isSpoutCraftEnabled();
public class SpoutFeatures
private transient static boolean spoutMe = false;
private transient static SpoutMainListener mainListener;
private transient static boolean listenersHooked;
// update displayed current territory for all players inside a specified chunk; if specified chunk is null, then simply update everyone online
public static void updateTerritoryDisplayLoc(FLocation fLoc) {
if (!enabled())
public static void setup()
Plugin test = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Spout");
if (test == null || !test.isEnabled()) return;
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
setAvailable(true, test.getDescription().getFullName());
for (FPlayer player : players) {
if (fLoc == null)
mainListener.updateTerritoryDisplay(player, false);
else if (player.getLastStoodAt().equals(fLoc))
mainListener.updateTerritoryDisplay(player, true);
// set integration availability
public static void setAvailable(boolean enable, String pluginName)
spoutMe = enable;
if (!spoutMe) return;
// update displayed current territory for specified player; returns false if unsuccessful
public static boolean updateTerritoryDisplay(FPlayer player) {
if (!enabled())
return false;
P.p.log("Found and will use features of "+pluginName);
return mainListener.updateTerritoryDisplay(player, true);
if (!listenersHooked)
listenersHooked = true;
mainListener = new SpoutMainListener();
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(mainListener, P.p);
// update owner list for all players inside a specified chunk; if specified chunk is null, then simply update everyone online
public static void updateOwnerListLoc(FLocation fLoc) {
if (!enabled())
// If we're successfully hooked into Spout
public static boolean enabled()
return spoutMe;
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
// If Spout is available and the specified Player is running the Spoutcraft client
public static boolean availableFor(Player player)
return spoutMe && SpoutManager.getPlayer(player).isSpoutCraftEnabled();
for (FPlayer player : players) {
if (fLoc == null || player.getLastStoodAt().equals(fLoc))
// update owner list for specified player
public static void updateOwnerList(FPlayer player) {
if (!enabled())
public static void playerDisconnect(FPlayer player) {
if (!enabled())
// update displayed current territory for all players inside a specified chunk; if specified chunk is null, then simply update everyone online
public static void updateTerritoryDisplayLoc(FLocation fLoc)
if (!enabled())
// update all appearances between every player
public static void updateAppearances() {
if (!enabled())
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
for (FPlayer player : players)
if (fLoc == null)
mainListener.updateTerritoryDisplay(player, false);
else if (player.getLastStoodAt().equals(fLoc))
mainListener.updateTerritoryDisplay(player, true);
for (FPlayer playerA : players) {
for (FPlayer playerB : players) {
updateSingle(playerB, playerA);
// update displayed current territory for specified player; returns false if unsuccessful
public static boolean updateTerritoryDisplay(FPlayer player)
if (!enabled())
return false;
// update all appearances related to a specific player
public static void updateAppearances(Player player) {
if (!enabled() || player == null)
return mainListener.updateTerritoryDisplay(player, true);
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
FPlayer playerA = FPlayers.i.get(player);
// update owner list for all players inside a specified chunk; if specified chunk is null, then simply update everyone online
public static void updateOwnerListLoc(FLocation fLoc)
if (!enabled())
for (FPlayer playerB : players) {
updateSingle(playerB, playerA);
updateSingle(playerA, playerB);
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
// as above method, but with a delay added; useful for after-login update which doesn't always propagate if done immediately
public static void updateAppearancesShortly(final Player player) {
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(P.p, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 100);
for (FPlayer player : players)
if (fLoc == null || player.getLastStoodAt().equals(fLoc))
// update all appearances related to a single faction
public static void updateAppearances(Faction faction) {
if (!enabled() || faction == null)
// update owner list for specified player
public static void updateOwnerList(FPlayer player)
if (!enabled())
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
Faction factionA;
for (FPlayer playerA : players) {
factionA = playerA.getFaction();
public static void playerDisconnect(FPlayer player)
if (!enabled())
for (FPlayer playerB : players) {
if (factionA != faction && playerB.getFaction() != faction)
updateSingle(playerB, playerA);
// update all appearances between two factions
public static void updateAppearances(Faction factionA, Faction factionB) {
if (!enabled() || factionA == null || factionB == null)
for (FPlayer playerA : factionA.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true)) {
for (FPlayer playerB : factionB.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true)) {
updateSingle(playerB, playerA);
updateSingle(playerA, playerB);
// update all appearances between every player
public static void updateAppearances()
if (!enabled())
// update a single appearance; internal use only by above public methods
private static void updateSingle(FPlayer viewer, FPlayer viewed) {
if (viewer == null || viewed == null)
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
Faction viewedFaction = viewed.getFaction();
if (viewedFaction == null)
for (FPlayer playerA : players)
for (FPlayer playerB : players)
updateSingle(playerB, playerA);
// these still end up returning null on occasion at this point, mucking up the SpoutManager.getPlayer() method
if (viewer.getPlayer() == null || viewed.getPlayer() == null)
// update all appearances related to a specific player
public static void updateAppearances(Player player)
if (!enabled() || player == null)
SpoutPlayer pViewer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(viewer.getPlayer());
SpoutPlayer pViewed = SpoutManager.getPlayer(viewed.getPlayer());
if (pViewed == null || pViewer == null)
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
FPlayer playerA = FPlayers.i.get(player);
String viewedTitle = viewed.getTitle();
Role viewedRole = viewed.getRole();
for (FPlayer playerB : players)
updateSingle(playerB, playerA);
updateSingle(playerA, playerB);
if ((Conf.spoutFactionTagsOverNames || Conf.spoutFactionTitlesOverNames) && viewer != viewed) {
if (viewedFaction.isNormal()) {
String addTag = "";
if (Conf.spoutFactionTagsOverNames)
addTag += viewedFaction.getTag(viewed.getColorTo(viewer).toString() + "[") + "]";
// as above method, but with a delay added; useful for after-login update which doesn't always propagate if done immediately
public static void updateAppearancesShortly(final Player player)
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(P.p, new Runnable()
public void run()
}, 100);
String rolePrefix = viewedRole.getPrefix();
if (Conf.spoutFactionTitlesOverNames && (!viewedTitle.isEmpty() || !rolePrefix.isEmpty()))
addTag += (addTag.isEmpty() ? "" : " ") + viewedRole.getPrefix() + viewedTitle;
// update all appearances related to a single faction
public static void updateAppearances(Faction faction)
if (!enabled() || faction == null)
pViewed.setTitleFor(pViewer, addTag + "\n" + pViewed.getDisplayName());
} else {
pViewed.setTitleFor(pViewer, pViewed.getDisplayName());
Set<FPlayer> players = FPlayers.i.getOnline();
Faction factionA;
) {
Relation relation = viewer.getRelationTo(viewed);
String cape = "";
if (!viewedFaction.isNormal()) {
// yeah, no cape if no faction
} else if (viewedFaction.isPeaceful())
cape = Conf.capePeaceful;
else if (relation.isNeutral())
cape = Conf.capeNeutral;
else if (relation.isMember())
cape = Conf.capeMember;
else if (relation.isEnemy())
cape = Conf.capeEnemy;
else if (relation.isAlly())
cape = Conf.capeAlly;
for (FPlayer playerA : players)
factionA = playerA.getFaction();
for (FPlayer playerB : players)
if (factionA != faction && playerB.getFaction() != faction)
updateSingle(playerB, playerA);
// update all appearances between two factions
public static void updateAppearances(Faction factionA, Faction factionB)
if (!enabled() || factionA == null || factionB == null)
for (FPlayer playerA : factionA.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true))
for (FPlayer playerB : factionB.getFPlayersWhereOnline(true))
updateSingle(playerB, playerA);
updateSingle(playerA, playerB);
if (cape.isEmpty())
pViewed.setCapeFor(pViewer, cape);
} else if (Conf.spoutFactionAdminCapes || Conf.spoutFactionModeratorCapes) {
// update a single appearance; internal use only by above public methods
private static void updateSingle(FPlayer viewer, FPlayer viewed)
if (viewer == null || viewed == null)
// method to convert a Bukkit ChatColor to a Spout Color
protected static Color getSpoutColor(ChatColor inColor, int alpha) {
if (inColor == null)
return SpoutFixedColor(191, 191, 191, alpha);
Faction viewedFaction = viewed.getFaction();
if (viewedFaction == null)
switch (inColor.getChar()) {
case 0x1:
return SpoutFixedColor(0, 0, 191, alpha);
case 0x2:
return SpoutFixedColor(0, 191, 0, alpha);
case 0x3:
return SpoutFixedColor(0, 191, 191, alpha);
case 0x4:
return SpoutFixedColor(191, 0, 0, alpha);
case 0x5:
return SpoutFixedColor(191, 0, 191, alpha);
case 0x6:
return SpoutFixedColor(191, 191, 0, alpha);
case 0x7:
return SpoutFixedColor(191, 191, 191, alpha);
case 0x8:
return SpoutFixedColor(64, 64, 64, alpha);
case 0x9:
return SpoutFixedColor(64, 64, 255, alpha);
case 0xA:
return SpoutFixedColor(64, 255, 64, alpha);
case 0xB:
return SpoutFixedColor(64, 255, 255, alpha);
case 0xC:
return SpoutFixedColor(255, 64, 64, alpha);
case 0xD:
return SpoutFixedColor(255, 64, 255, alpha);
case 0xE:
return SpoutFixedColor(255, 255, 64, alpha);
case 0xF:
return SpoutFixedColor(255, 255, 255, alpha);
return SpoutFixedColor(0, 0, 0, alpha);
// these still end up returning null on occasion at this point, mucking up the SpoutManager.getPlayer() method
if (viewer.getPlayer() == null || viewed.getPlayer() == null)
SpoutPlayer pViewer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(viewer.getPlayer());
SpoutPlayer pViewed = SpoutManager.getPlayer(viewed.getPlayer());
if (pViewed == null || pViewer == null)
String viewedTitle = viewed.getTitle();
Role viewedRole = viewed.getRole();
if ((Conf.spoutFactionTagsOverNames || Conf.spoutFactionTitlesOverNames) && viewer != viewed)
if (viewedFaction.isNormal())
String addTag = "";
if (Conf.spoutFactionTagsOverNames)
addTag += viewedFaction.getTag(viewed.getColorTo(viewer).toString() + "[") + "]";
String rolePrefix = viewedRole.getPrefix();
if (Conf.spoutFactionTitlesOverNames && (!viewedTitle.isEmpty() || !rolePrefix.isEmpty()))
addTag += (addTag.isEmpty() ? "" : " ") + viewedRole.getPrefix() + viewedTitle;
pViewed.setTitleFor(pViewer, addTag + "\n" + pViewed.getDisplayName());
pViewed.setTitleFor(pViewer, pViewed.getDisplayName());
Relation relation = viewer.getRelationTo(viewed);
String cape = "";
if (!viewedFaction.isNormal())
// yeah, no cape if no faction
else if (viewedFaction.isPeaceful())
cape = Conf.capePeaceful;
else if (relation.isNeutral())
cape = Conf.capeNeutral;
else if (relation.isMember())
cape = Conf.capeMember;
else if (relation.isEnemy())
cape = Conf.capeEnemy;
else if (relation.isAlly())
cape = Conf.capeAlly;
if (cape.isEmpty())
pViewed.setCapeFor(pViewer, cape);
else if (Conf.spoutFactionAdminCapes || Conf.spoutFactionModeratorCapes)
// method to convert a Bukkit ChatColor to a Spout Color
protected static Color getSpoutColor(ChatColor inColor, int alpha)
if (inColor == null)
return SpoutFixedColor(191, 191, 191, alpha);
switch (inColor.getChar())
case 0x1: return SpoutFixedColor(0, 0, 191, alpha);
case 0x2: return SpoutFixedColor(0, 191, 0, alpha);
case 0x3: return SpoutFixedColor(0, 191, 191, alpha);
case 0x4: return SpoutFixedColor(191, 0, 0, alpha);
case 0x5: return SpoutFixedColor(191, 0, 191, alpha);
case 0x6: return SpoutFixedColor(191, 191, 0, alpha);
case 0x7: return SpoutFixedColor(191, 191, 191, alpha);
case 0x8: return SpoutFixedColor(64, 64, 64, alpha);
case 0x9: return SpoutFixedColor(64, 64, 255, alpha);
case 0xA: return SpoutFixedColor(64, 255, 64, alpha);
case 0xB: return SpoutFixedColor(64, 255, 255, alpha);
case 0xC: return SpoutFixedColor(255, 64, 64, alpha);
case 0xD: return SpoutFixedColor(255, 64, 255, alpha);
case 0xE: return SpoutFixedColor(255, 255, 64, alpha);
case 0xF: return SpoutFixedColor(255, 255, 255, alpha);
default: return SpoutFixedColor(0, 0, 0, alpha);
private static Color SpoutFixedColor(int r, int g, int b, int a)
return new Color(r/255.0f, g/255.0f, b/255.0f, a/255.0f);
private static Color SpoutFixedColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) {
return new Color(r / 255.0f, g / 255.0f, b / 255.0f, a / 255.0f);

View File

@ -1,247 +1,217 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.event.spout.SpoutCraftEnableEvent;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.gui.GenericLabel;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class SpoutMainListener implements Listener
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onSpoutCraftEnable(SpoutCraftEnableEvent event)
final FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(event.getPlayer());
public class SpoutMainListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onSpoutCraftEnable(SpoutCraftEnableEvent event) {
final FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(event.getPlayer());
updateTerritoryDisplay(me, true);
updateTerritoryDisplay(me, true);
// Everything below this is handled in here to prevent errors on servers not running Spout
// Everything below this is handled in here to prevent errors on servers not running Spout
private transient static Map<String, GenericLabel> territoryLabels = new HashMap<String, GenericLabel>();
private transient static Map<String, NoticeLabel> territoryChangeLabels = new HashMap<String, NoticeLabel>();
private transient static Map<String, GenericLabel> ownerLabels = new HashMap<String, GenericLabel>();
private final static int SCREEN_WIDTH = 427;
private transient static Map<String, GenericLabel> territoryLabels = new HashMap<String, GenericLabel>();
private transient static Map<String, NoticeLabel> territoryChangeLabels = new HashMap<String, NoticeLabel>();
private transient static Map<String, GenericLabel> ownerLabels = new HashMap<String, GenericLabel>();
private final static int SCREEN_WIDTH = 427;
// private final static int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 240;
public boolean updateTerritoryDisplay(FPlayer player, boolean notify)
Player p = player.getPlayer();
if (p == null)
return false;
public boolean updateTerritoryDisplay(FPlayer player, boolean notify) {
Player p = player.getPlayer();
if (p == null)
return false;
SpoutPlayer sPlayer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(p);
if (!sPlayer.isSpoutCraftEnabled() || (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize <= 0 && ! Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeShow))
return false;
SpoutPlayer sPlayer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(p);
if (!sPlayer.isSpoutCraftEnabled() || (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize <= 0 && !Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeShow))
return false;
doLabels(player, sPlayer, notify);
doLabels(player, sPlayer, notify);
return true;
return true;
public void updateOwnerList(FPlayer player)
SpoutPlayer sPlayer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(player.getPlayer());
if (!sPlayer.isSpoutCraftEnabled() || (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize <= 0 && ! Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeShow))
public void updateOwnerList(FPlayer player) {
SpoutPlayer sPlayer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(player.getPlayer());
if (!sPlayer.isSpoutCraftEnabled() || (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize <= 0 && !Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeShow))
FLocation here = player.getLastStoodAt();
Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(here);
FLocation here = player.getLastStoodAt();
Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(here);
doOwnerList(player, sPlayer, here, factionHere);
doOwnerList(player, sPlayer, here, factionHere);
public void removeTerritoryLabels(String playerName)
public void removeTerritoryLabels(String playerName) {
private void doLabels(FPlayer player, SpoutPlayer sPlayer, boolean notify)
FLocation here = player.getLastStoodAt();
Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(here);
String tag = factionHere.getColorTo(player).toString() + factionHere.getTag();
private void doLabels(FPlayer player, SpoutPlayer sPlayer, boolean notify) {
FLocation here = player.getLastStoodAt();
Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(here);
String tag = factionHere.getColorTo(player).toString() + factionHere.getTag();
// ----------------------
// Main territory display
// ----------------------
if (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition > 0 && Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize > 0)
GenericLabel label;
if (territoryLabels.containsKey(player.getName()))
label = territoryLabels.get(player.getName());
label = new GenericLabel();
label.setWidth(1).setHeight(1); // prevent Spout's questionable new "no default size" warning
// ----------------------
// Main territory display
// ----------------------
if (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition > 0 && Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize > 0) {
GenericLabel label;
if (territoryLabels.containsKey(player.getName()))
label = territoryLabels.get(player.getName());
else {
label = new GenericLabel();
label.setWidth(1).setHeight(1); // prevent Spout's questionable new "no default size" warning
sPlayer.getMainScreen().attachWidget(P.p, label);
territoryLabels.put(player.getName(), label);
sPlayer.getMainScreen().attachWidget(P.p, label);
territoryLabels.put(player.getName(), label);
String msg = tag;
String msg = tag;
if (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplayShowDescription && !factionHere.getDescription().isEmpty())
msg += " - " + factionHere.getDescription();
if (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplayShowDescription && !factionHere.getDescription().isEmpty())
msg += " - " + factionHere.getDescription();
alignLabel(label, msg);
alignLabel(label, msg);
// -----------------------
// Fading territory notice
// -----------------------
if (notify && Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeShow && Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeSize > 0)
NoticeLabel label;
if (territoryChangeLabels.containsKey(player.getName()))
label = territoryChangeLabels.get(player.getName());
label = new NoticeLabel(Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeLeaveAfterSeconds);
label.setWidth(1).setHeight(1); // prevent Spout's questionable new "no default size" warning
sPlayer.getMainScreen().attachWidget(P.p, label);
territoryChangeLabels.put(player.getName(), label);
// -----------------------
// Fading territory notice
// -----------------------
if (notify && Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeShow && Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeSize > 0) {
NoticeLabel label;
if (territoryChangeLabels.containsKey(player.getName()))
label = territoryChangeLabels.get(player.getName());
else {
label = new NoticeLabel(Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeLeaveAfterSeconds);
label.setWidth(1).setHeight(1); // prevent Spout's questionable new "no default size" warning
sPlayer.getMainScreen().attachWidget(P.p, label);
territoryChangeLabels.put(player.getName(), label);
String msg = tag;
String msg = tag;
if (Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeShowDescription && !factionHere.getDescription().isEmpty())
msg += " - " + factionHere.getDescription();
if (Conf.spoutTerritoryNoticeShowDescription && !factionHere.getDescription().isEmpty())
msg += " - " + factionHere.getDescription();
alignLabel(label, msg, 2);
alignLabel(label, msg, 2);
// and owner list, of course
doOwnerList(player, sPlayer, here, factionHere);
private void doOwnerList(FPlayer player, SpoutPlayer sPlayer, FLocation here, Faction factionHere)
// ----------
// Owner list
// ----------
if (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition > 0 && Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize > 0 && Conf.spoutTerritoryOwnersShow && Conf.ownedAreasEnabled)
GenericLabel label;
if (ownerLabels.containsKey(player.getName()))
label = ownerLabels.get(player.getName());
label = new GenericLabel();
label.setWidth(1).setHeight(1); // prevent Spout's questionable new "no default size" warning
label.setY((int)(10 * Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize));
sPlayer.getMainScreen().attachWidget(P.p, label);
ownerLabels.put(player.getName(), label);
// and owner list, of course
doOwnerList(player, sPlayer, here, factionHere);
String msg = "";
private void doOwnerList(FPlayer player, SpoutPlayer sPlayer, FLocation here, Faction factionHere) {
// ----------
// Owner list
// ----------
if (Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition > 0 && Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize > 0 && Conf.spoutTerritoryOwnersShow && Conf.ownedAreasEnabled) {
GenericLabel label;
if (ownerLabels.containsKey(player.getName()))
label = ownerLabels.get(player.getName());
else {
label = new GenericLabel();
label.setWidth(1).setHeight(1); // prevent Spout's questionable new "no default size" warning
label.setY((int) (10 * Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize));
sPlayer.getMainScreen().attachWidget(P.p, label);
ownerLabels.put(player.getName(), label);
if (player.getFaction() == factionHere)
msg = factionHere.getOwnerListString(here);
String msg = "";
if (!msg.isEmpty())
msg = Conf.ownedLandMessage + msg;
if (player.getFaction() == factionHere) {
msg = factionHere.getOwnerListString(here);
alignLabel(label, msg);
if (!msg.isEmpty())
msg = Conf.ownedLandMessage + msg;
alignLabel(label, msg);
// this is only necessary because Spout text size scaling is currently bugged and breaks their built-in alignment methods
public void alignLabel(GenericLabel label, String text)
alignLabel(label, text, Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition);
public void alignLabel(GenericLabel label, String text, int alignment)
int labelWidth = (int)((float)GenericLabel.getStringWidth(text) * Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize);
if (labelWidth > SCREEN_WIDTH)
// this is only necessary because Spout text size scaling is currently bugged and breaks their built-in alignment methods
public void alignLabel(GenericLabel label, String text) {
alignLabel(label, text, Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition);
switch (alignment)
case 1: // left aligned
case 2: // center aligned
label.setX((SCREEN_WIDTH - labelWidth) / 2);
default: // right aligned
label.setX(SCREEN_WIDTH - labelWidth);
public void alignLabel(GenericLabel label, String text, int alignment) {
int labelWidth = (int) ((float) GenericLabel.getStringWidth(text) * Conf.spoutTerritoryDisplaySize);
if (labelWidth > SCREEN_WIDTH) {
switch (alignment) {
case 1: // left aligned
case 2: // center aligned
label.setX((SCREEN_WIDTH - labelWidth) / 2);
default: // right aligned
label.setX(SCREEN_WIDTH - labelWidth);
private static class NoticeLabel extends GenericLabel
private int initial;
private int countdown; // current delay countdown
private static class NoticeLabel extends GenericLabel {
private int initial;
private int countdown; // current delay countdown
public NoticeLabel(float secondsOfLife)
initial = (int)(secondsOfLife * 20);
public NoticeLabel(float secondsOfLife) {
initial = (int) (secondsOfLife * 20);
public final void resetNotice()
countdown = initial;
public final void resetNotice() {
countdown = initial;
public void onTick()
if (countdown <= 0)
public void onTick() {
if (countdown <= 0)
this.countdown -= 1;
this.countdown -= 1;
if (this.countdown <= 0)
if (this.countdown <= 0) {

View File

@ -1,152 +1,133 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.BlockVector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin;
import static com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.BukkitUtil.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.BlockVector;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
* Worldguard Region Checking
* Author: Spathizilla
public class Worldguard
private static WorldGuardPlugin wg;
private static boolean enabled = false;
public class Worldguard {
private static WorldGuardPlugin wg;
private static boolean enabled = false;
public static void init(Plugin plugin)
Plugin wgplug = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldGuard");
if (wgplug == null || !(wgplug instanceof WorldGuardPlugin))
enabled = false;
wg = null;
P.p.log("Could not hook to WorldGuard. WorldGuard checks are disabled.");
wg = (WorldGuardPlugin) wgplug;
enabled = true;
P.p.log("Successfully hooked to WorldGuard.");
public static void init(Plugin plugin) {
Plugin wgplug = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldGuard");
if (wgplug == null || !(wgplug instanceof WorldGuardPlugin)) {
enabled = false;
wg = null;
P.p.log("Could not hook to WorldGuard. WorldGuard checks are disabled.");
} else {
wg = (WorldGuardPlugin) wgplug;
enabled = true;
P.p.log("Successfully hooked to WorldGuard.");
public static boolean isEnabled()
return enabled;
public static boolean isEnabled() {
return enabled;
// PVP Flag check
// Returns:
// True: PVP is allowed
// False: PVP is disallowed
public static boolean isPVP(Player player)
if( ! enabled)
// No WG hooks so we'll always bypass this check.
return true;
// PVP Flag check
// Returns:
// True: PVP is allowed
// False: PVP is disallowed
public static boolean isPVP(Player player) {
if (!enabled) {
// No WG hooks so we'll always bypass this check.
return true;
Location loc = player.getLocation();
World world = loc.getWorld();
Vector pt = toVector(loc);
Location loc = player.getLocation();
World world = loc.getWorld();
Vector pt = toVector(loc);
RegionManager regionManager = wg.getRegionManager(world);
ApplicableRegionSet set = regionManager.getApplicableRegions(pt);
return set.allows(DefaultFlag.PVP);
RegionManager regionManager = wg.getRegionManager(world);
ApplicableRegionSet set = regionManager.getApplicableRegions(pt);
return set.allows(DefaultFlag.PVP);
// Check if player can build at location by worldguards rules.
// Returns:
// True: Player can build in the region.
// False: Player can not build in the region.
public static boolean playerCanBuild(Player player, Location loc)
if( ! enabled)
// No WG hooks so we'll always bypass this check.
return false;
World world = loc.getWorld();
Vector pt = toVector(loc);
if (wg.getRegionManager(world).getApplicableRegions(pt).size() > 0)
return wg.canBuild(player, loc);
return false;
// Check if player can build at location by worldguards rules.
// Returns:
// True: Player can build in the region.
// False: Player can not build in the region.
public static boolean playerCanBuild(Player player, Location loc) {
if (!enabled) {
// No WG hooks so we'll always bypass this check.
return false;
// Check for Regions in chunk the chunk
// Returns:
// True: Regions found within chunk
// False: No regions found within chunk
public static boolean checkForRegionsInChunk(Location loc)
if( ! enabled)
// No WG hooks so we'll always bypass this check.
return false;
World world = loc.getWorld();
Vector pt = toVector(loc);
World world = loc.getWorld();
Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(loc);
int minChunkX = chunk.getX() << 4;
int minChunkZ = chunk.getZ() << 4;
int maxChunkX = minChunkX + 15;
int maxChunkZ = minChunkZ + 15;
if (wg.getRegionManager(world).getApplicableRegions(pt).size() > 0)
return wg.canBuild(player, loc);
return false;
int worldHeight = world.getMaxHeight(); // Allow for heights other than default
// Check for Regions in chunk the chunk
// Returns:
// True: Regions found within chunk
// False: No regions found within chunk
public static boolean checkForRegionsInChunk(Location loc) {
if (!enabled) {
// No WG hooks so we'll always bypass this check.
return false;
BlockVector minChunk = new BlockVector(minChunkX, 0, minChunkZ);
BlockVector maxChunk = new BlockVector(maxChunkX, worldHeight, maxChunkZ);
World world = loc.getWorld();
Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(loc);
int minChunkX = chunk.getX() << 4;
int minChunkZ = chunk.getZ() << 4;
int maxChunkX = minChunkX + 15;
int maxChunkZ = minChunkZ + 15;
RegionManager regionManager = wg.getRegionManager(world);
ProtectedCuboidRegion region = new ProtectedCuboidRegion("wgfactionoverlapcheck", minChunk, maxChunk);
Map<String, ProtectedRegion> allregions = regionManager.getRegions();
List<ProtectedRegion> allregionslist = new ArrayList<ProtectedRegion>(allregions.values());
List<ProtectedRegion> overlaps;
boolean foundregions = false;
int worldHeight = world.getMaxHeight(); // Allow for heights other than default
overlaps = region.getIntersectingRegions(allregionslist);
if(overlaps == null || overlaps.isEmpty())
foundregions = false;
foundregions = true;
catch (Exception e)
BlockVector minChunk = new BlockVector(minChunkX, 0, minChunkZ);
BlockVector maxChunk = new BlockVector(maxChunkX, worldHeight, maxChunkZ);
region = null;
allregionslist = null;
overlaps = null;
RegionManager regionManager = wg.getRegionManager(world);
ProtectedCuboidRegion region = new ProtectedCuboidRegion("wgfactionoverlapcheck", minChunk, maxChunk);
Map<String, ProtectedRegion> allregions = regionManager.getRegions();
List<ProtectedRegion> allregionslist = new ArrayList<ProtectedRegion>(allregions.values());
List<ProtectedRegion> overlaps;
boolean foundregions = false;
return foundregions;
try {
overlaps = region.getIntersectingRegions(allregionslist);
if (overlaps == null || overlaps.isEmpty()) {
foundregions = false;
} else {
foundregions = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
region = null;
allregionslist = null;
overlaps = null;
return foundregions;

View File

@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.capi;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
public class CapiFeatures
public static void setup()
Plugin plug = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("capi");
if (plug != null && plug.getClass().getName().equals("com.massivecraft.capi.P"))
P.p.log("Integration with the CAPI plugin was successful");
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PluginCapiListener(P.p), P.p);
public class CapiFeatures {
public static void setup() {
Plugin plug = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("capi");
if (plug != null && plug.getClass().getName().equals("com.massivecraft.capi.P")) {
P.p.log("Integration with the CAPI plugin was successful");
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PluginCapiListener(P.p), P.p);

View File

@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.capi;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import com.massivecraft.capi.Channel;
import com.massivecraft.capi.Channels;
@ -20,106 +11,99 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
public class PluginCapiListener implements Listener
P p;
Set<String> myChannelIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public PluginCapiListener(P p)
this.p = p;
private String replacePlayerTags(String format, FPlayer me, FPlayer you)
String meFactionTag = me.getChatTag(you);
format = format.replace("{ME_FACTIONTAG}", meFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : meFactionTag);
format = format.replace("{ME_FACTIONTAG_PADR}", meFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : meFactionTag+" ");
format = format.replace("{ME_FACTIONTAG_PADL}", meFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : " "+meFactionTag);
format = format.replace("{ME_FACTIONTAG_PADB}", meFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : " "+meFactionTag+" ");
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
String youFactionTag = you.getChatTag(me);
format = format.replace("{YOU_FACTIONTAG}", youFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : youFactionTag);
format = format.replace("{YOU_FACTIONTAG_PADR}", youFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : youFactionTag+" ");
format = format.replace("{YOU_FACTIONTAG_PADL}", youFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : " "+youFactionTag);
format = format.replace("{YOU_FACTIONTAG_PADB}", youFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : " "+youFactionTag+" ");
return format;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onListChannelsEvent(CAPIListChannelsEvent event)
for (Channel c : Channels.i.getAll())
if (myChannelIds.contains(c.getId()))
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onMessageToChannel(CAPIMessageToChannelEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if ( ! myChannelIds.contains(event.getChannel().getId())) return;
Player me = event.getMe();
FPlayer fme = FPlayers.i.get(me);
Faction myFaction = fme.getFaction();
if (event.getChannel().getId().equals("faction") && myFaction.isNormal())
public class PluginCapiListener implements Listener {
P p;
// Send to any players who are spying chat... could probably be implemented better than this
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
if(fplayer.isSpyingChat() && fplayer.getFaction() != myFaction)
fplayer.sendMessage("[FCspy] "+myFaction.getTag()+": "+event.getMessage());
else if (event.getChannel().getId().equals("allies"))
for (Player somePlayer : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
FPlayer someFPlayer = FPlayers.i.get(somePlayer);
if (someFPlayer.getRelationTo(fme).isAtLeast(Relation.ALLY))
// Send to any players who are spying chat
else if(someFPlayer.isSpyingChat())
someFPlayer.sendMessage("[ACspy]: " + event.getMessage());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onMessageToPlayer(CAPIMessageToPlayerEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
event.setFormat(this.replacePlayerTags(event.getFormat(), FPlayers.i.get(event.getMe()), FPlayers.i.get(event.getYou())));
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onSelectChannel(CAPISelectChannelEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
String channelId = event.getChannel().getId();
if ( ! myChannelIds.contains(channelId)) return;
Player me = event.getMe();
FPlayer fme = FPlayers.i.get(me);
if ( ! fme.hasFaction())
event.setFailMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>You must be member in a faction to use this channel."));
Set<String> myChannelIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
public PluginCapiListener(P p) {
this.p = p;
private String replacePlayerTags(String format, FPlayer me, FPlayer you) {
String meFactionTag = me.getChatTag(you);
format = format.replace("{ME_FACTIONTAG}", meFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : meFactionTag);
format = format.replace("{ME_FACTIONTAG_PADR}", meFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : meFactionTag + " ");
format = format.replace("{ME_FACTIONTAG_PADL}", meFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : " " + meFactionTag);
format = format.replace("{ME_FACTIONTAG_PADB}", meFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : " " + meFactionTag + " ");
String youFactionTag = you.getChatTag(me);
format = format.replace("{YOU_FACTIONTAG}", youFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : youFactionTag);
format = format.replace("{YOU_FACTIONTAG_PADR}", youFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : youFactionTag + " ");
format = format.replace("{YOU_FACTIONTAG_PADL}", youFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : " " + youFactionTag);
format = format.replace("{YOU_FACTIONTAG_PADB}", youFactionTag.length() == 0 ? "" : " " + youFactionTag + " ");
return format;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onListChannelsEvent(CAPIListChannelsEvent event) {
for (Channel c : Channels.i.getAll()) {
if (myChannelIds.contains(c.getId())) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onMessageToChannel(CAPIMessageToChannelEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (!myChannelIds.contains(event.getChannel().getId())) return;
Player me = event.getMe();
FPlayer fme = FPlayers.i.get(me);
Faction myFaction = fme.getFaction();
if (event.getChannel().getId().equals("faction") && myFaction.isNormal()) {
// Send to any players who are spying chat... could probably be implemented better than this
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (fplayer.isSpyingChat() && fplayer.getFaction() != myFaction)
fplayer.sendMessage("[FCspy] " + myFaction.getTag() + ": " + event.getMessage());
} else if (event.getChannel().getId().equals("allies")) {
for (Player somePlayer : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
FPlayer someFPlayer = FPlayers.i.get(somePlayer);
if (someFPlayer.getRelationTo(fme).isAtLeast(Relation.ALLY))
// Send to any players who are spying chat
else if (someFPlayer.isSpyingChat())
someFPlayer.sendMessage("[ACspy]: " + event.getMessage());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onMessageToPlayer(CAPIMessageToPlayerEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
event.setFormat(this.replacePlayerTags(event.getFormat(), FPlayers.i.get(event.getMe()), FPlayers.i.get(event.getYou())));
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onSelectChannel(CAPISelectChannelEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
String channelId = event.getChannel().getId();
if (!myChannelIds.contains(channelId)) return;
Player me = event.getMe();
FPlayer fme = FPlayers.i.get(me);
if (!fme.hasFaction()) {
event.setFailMessage(p.txt.parse("<b>You must be member in a faction to use this channel."));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.listeners;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Worldguard;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
@ -7,253 +11,208 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Worldguard;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Permission;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import org.bukkit.event.block.*;
public class FactionsBlockListener implements Listener
public P p;
public FactionsBlockListener(P p)
this.p = p;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if ( ! event.canBuild()) return;
// special case for flint&steel, which should only be prevented by DenyUsage list
if (event.getBlockPlaced().getType() == Material.FIRE)
public class FactionsBlockListener implements Listener {
public P p;
if ( ! playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "build", false))
public FactionsBlockListener(P p) {
this.p = p;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (!event.canBuild()) return;
if ( ! playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "destroy", false))
// special case for flint&steel, which should only be prevented by DenyUsage list
if (event.getBlockPlaced().getType() == Material.FIRE) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockDamage(BlockDamageEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (!playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "build", false))
if (event.getInstaBreak() && ! playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "destroy", false))
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockPistonExtend(BlockPistonExtendEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if ( ! Conf.pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) return;
if (!playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "destroy", false)) {
Faction pistonFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(event.getBlock()));
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockDamage(BlockDamageEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
// target end-of-the-line empty (air) block which is being pushed into, including if piston itself would extend into air
Block targetBlock = event.getBlock().getRelative(event.getDirection(), event.getLength() + 1);
if (event.getInstaBreak() && !playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock().getLocation(), "destroy", false)) {
// if potentially pushing into air/water/lava in another territory, we need to check it out
if ((targetBlock.isEmpty() || targetBlock.isLiquid()) && !canPistonMoveBlock(pistonFaction, targetBlock.getLocation()))
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockPistonExtend(BlockPistonExtendEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (!Conf.pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) return;
Faction pistonFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(event.getBlock()));
// target end-of-the-line empty (air) block which is being pushed into, including if piston itself would extend into air
Block targetBlock = event.getBlock().getRelative(event.getDirection(), event.getLength() + 1);
// if potentially pushing into air/water/lava in another territory, we need to check it out
if ((targetBlock.isEmpty() || targetBlock.isLiquid()) && !canPistonMoveBlock(pistonFaction, targetBlock.getLocation())) {
* note that I originally was testing the territory of each affected block, but since I found that pistons can only push
* note that I originally was testing the territory of each affected block, but since I found that pistons can only push
* up to 12 blocks and the width of any territory is 16 blocks, it should be safe (and much more lightweight) to test
* only the final target block as done above
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockPistonRetract(BlockPistonRetractEvent event)
// if not a sticky piston, retraction should be fine
if (event.isCancelled() || !event.isSticky() || !Conf.pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild)
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onBlockPistonRetract(BlockPistonRetractEvent event) {
// if not a sticky piston, retraction should be fine
if (event.isCancelled() || !event.isSticky() || !Conf.pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) {
Location targetLoc = event.getRetractLocation();
Location targetLoc = event.getRetractLocation();
// if potentially retracted block is just air/water/lava, no worries
if (targetLoc.getBlock().isEmpty() || targetLoc.getBlock().isLiquid())
// if potentially retracted block is just air/water/lava, no worries
if (targetLoc.getBlock().isEmpty() || targetLoc.getBlock().isLiquid()) {
Faction pistonFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(event.getBlock()));
Faction pistonFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(event.getBlock()));
if (!canPistonMoveBlock(pistonFaction, targetLoc))
if (!canPistonMoveBlock(pistonFaction, targetLoc)) {
private boolean canPistonMoveBlock(Faction pistonFaction, Location target)
private boolean canPistonMoveBlock(Faction pistonFaction, Location target) {
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(target));
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(target));
if (pistonFaction == otherFaction)
return true;
if (pistonFaction == otherFaction)
return true;
if (otherFaction.isNone())
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyBuild || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(target.getWorld().getName()))
return true;
if (otherFaction.isNone()) {
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyBuild || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(target.getWorld().getName()))
return true;
return false;
else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone())
if ( ! Conf.safeZoneDenyBuild)
return true;
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyBuild)
return true;
return false;
else if (otherFaction.isWarZone())
if ( ! Conf.warZoneDenyBuild)
return true;
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyBuild)
return true;
return false;
return false;
Relation rel = pistonFaction.getRelationTo(otherFaction);
Relation rel = pistonFaction.getRelationTo(otherFaction);
if (rel.confDenyBuild(otherFaction.hasPlayersOnline()))
return false;
if (rel.confDenyBuild(otherFaction.hasPlayersOnline()))
return false;
return true;
return true;
public static boolean playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(Player player, Location location, String action, boolean justCheck)
String name = player.getName();
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(name)) return true;
public static boolean playerCanBuildDestroyBlock(Player player, Location location, String action, boolean justCheck) {
String name = player.getName();
if (Conf.playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(name)) return true;
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(name);
if (me.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(name);
if (me.isAdminBypassing()) return true;
FLocation loc = new FLocation(location);
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(loc);
FLocation loc = new FLocation(location);
Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(loc);
if (otherFaction.isNone())
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
if (otherFaction.isNone()) {
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyBuild || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(location.getWorld().getName()))
return true; // This is not faction territory. Use whatever you like here.
if (!Conf.wildernessDenyBuild || Conf.worldsNoWildernessProtection.contains(location.getWorld().getName()))
return true; // This is not faction territory. Use whatever you like here.
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't "+action+" in the wilderness.");
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in the wilderness.");
return false;
else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone())
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) {
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyBuild || Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(player))
return true;
if (!Conf.safeZoneDenyBuild || Permission.MANAGE_SAFE_ZONE.has(player))
return true;
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't "+action+" in a safe zone.");
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in a safe zone.");
return false;
else if (otherFaction.isWarZone())
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
return false;
} else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) {
if (Conf.worldGuardBuildPriority && Worldguard.playerCanBuild(player, location))
return true;
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyBuild || Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(player))
return true;
if (!Conf.warZoneDenyBuild || Permission.MANAGE_WAR_ZONE.has(player))
return true;
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't "+action+" in a war zone.");
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in a war zone.");
return false;
return false;
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
Relation rel = myFaction.getRelationTo(otherFaction);
boolean online = otherFaction.hasPlayersOnline();
boolean pain = !justCheck && rel.confPainBuild(online);
boolean deny = rel.confDenyBuild(online);
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
Relation rel = myFaction.getRelationTo(otherFaction);
boolean online = otherFaction.hasPlayersOnline();
boolean pain = !justCheck && rel.confPainBuild(online);
boolean deny = rel.confDenyBuild(online);
// hurt the player for building/destroying in other territory?
if (pain)
// hurt the player for building/destroying in other territory?
if (pain) {
if (!deny)
me.msg("<b>It is painful to try to "+action+" in the territory of "+otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
if (!deny)
me.msg("<b>It is painful to try to " + action + " in the territory of " + otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
// cancel building/destroying in other territory?
if (deny)
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't "+action+" in the territory of "+otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
// cancel building/destroying in other territory?
if (deny) {
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in the territory of " + otherFaction.getTag(myFaction));
return false;
return false;
// Also cancel and/or cause pain if player doesn't have ownership rights for this claim
if (Conf.ownedAreasEnabled && (Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild || Conf.ownedAreaPainBuild) && !otherFaction.playerHasOwnershipRights(me, loc))
if (!pain && Conf.ownedAreaPainBuild && !justCheck)
// Also cancel and/or cause pain if player doesn't have ownership rights for this claim
if (Conf.ownedAreasEnabled && (Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild || Conf.ownedAreaPainBuild) && !otherFaction.playerHasOwnershipRights(me, loc)) {
if (!pain && Conf.ownedAreaPainBuild && !justCheck) {
if (!Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild)
me.msg("<b>It is painful to try to "+action+" in this territory, it is owned by: "+otherFaction.getOwnerListString(loc));
if (Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild)
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't "+action+" in this territory, it is owned by: "+otherFaction.getOwnerListString(loc));
if (!Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild)
me.msg("<b>It is painful to try to " + action + " in this territory, it is owned by: " + otherFaction.getOwnerListString(loc));
if (Conf.ownedAreaDenyBuild) {
if (!justCheck)
me.msg("<b>You can't " + action + " in this territory, it is owned by: " + otherFaction.getOwnerListString(loc));
return false;
return false;
return true;
return true;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.listeners;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.ChatMode;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -11,175 +11,146 @@ import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.ChatMode;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation;
import java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener
public P p;
public FactionsChatListener(P p)
this.p = p;
// this is for handling slashless command usage and faction/alliance chat, set at lowest priority so Factions gets to them first
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void onPlayerEarlyChat(PlayerChatEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
Player talkingPlayer = event.getPlayer();
String msg = event.getMessage();
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(talkingPlayer);
ChatMode chat = me.getChatMode();
public class FactionsChatListener implements Listener {
public P p;
// slashless factions commands need to be handled here if the user isn't in public chat mode
if (chat != ChatMode.PUBLIC && p.handleCommand(talkingPlayer, msg, false, true))
if (Conf.logPlayerCommands)
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[PLAYER_COMMAND] "+talkingPlayer.getName()+": "+msg);
public FactionsChatListener(P p) {
this.p = p;
// Is it a faction chat message?
if (chat == ChatMode.FACTION)
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
String message = String.format(Conf.factionChatFormat, me.describeTo(myFaction), msg);
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, ChatColor.stripColor("FactionChat "+myFaction.getTag()+": "+message));
// this is for handling slashless command usage and faction/alliance chat, set at lowest priority so Factions gets to them first
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void onPlayerEarlyChat(PlayerChatEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
//Send to any players who are spying chat
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
if(fplayer.isSpyingChat() && fplayer.getFaction() != myFaction)
fplayer.sendMessage("[FCspy] "+myFaction.getTag()+": "+message);
Player talkingPlayer = event.getPlayer();
String msg = event.getMessage();
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(talkingPlayer);
ChatMode chat = me.getChatMode();
else if (chat == ChatMode.ALLIANCE)
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
String message = String.format(Conf.allianceChatFormat, ChatColor.stripColor(me.getNameAndTag()), msg);
//Send message to our own faction
// slashless factions commands need to be handled here if the user isn't in public chat mode
if (chat != ChatMode.PUBLIC && p.handleCommand(talkingPlayer, msg, false, true)) {
if (Conf.logPlayerCommands)
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[PLAYER_COMMAND] " + talkingPlayer.getName() + ": " + msg);
//Send to all our allies
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline())
if(myFaction.getRelationTo(fplayer) == Relation.ALLY)
// Is it a faction chat message?
if (chat == ChatMode.FACTION) {
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
//Send to any players who are spying chat
else if(fplayer.isSpyingChat())
fplayer.sendMessage("[ACspy]: " + message);
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, ChatColor.stripColor("AllianceChat: "+message));
String message = String.format(Conf.factionChatFormat, me.describeTo(myFaction), msg);
// this is for handling insertion of the player's faction tag, set at highest priority to give other plugins a chance to modify chat first
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, ChatColor.stripColor("FactionChat " + myFaction.getTag() + ": " + message));
// Are we to insert the Faction tag into the format?
// If we are not to insert it - we are done.
if ( ! Conf.chatTagEnabled || Conf.chatTagHandledByAnotherPlugin) return;
//Send to any players who are spying chat
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (fplayer.isSpyingChat() && fplayer.getFaction() != myFaction)
fplayer.sendMessage("[FCspy] " + myFaction.getTag() + ": " + message);
Player talkingPlayer = event.getPlayer();
String msg = event.getMessage();
String eventFormat = event.getFormat();
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(talkingPlayer);
int InsertIndex = 0;
if (!Conf.chatTagReplaceString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagReplaceString))
// we're using the "replace" method of inserting the faction tags
// if they stuck "[FACTION_TITLE]" in there, go ahead and do it too
if (eventFormat.contains("[FACTION_TITLE]"))
eventFormat = eventFormat.replace("[FACTION_TITLE]", me.getTitle());
InsertIndex = eventFormat.indexOf(Conf.chatTagReplaceString);
eventFormat = eventFormat.replace(Conf.chatTagReplaceString, "");
Conf.chatTagPadAfter = false;
Conf.chatTagPadBefore = false;
else if (!Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString))
// we're using the "insert after string" method
InsertIndex = eventFormat.indexOf(Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString) + Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString.length();
else if (!Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString))
// we're using the "insert before string" method
InsertIndex = eventFormat.indexOf(Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString);
// we'll fall back to using the index place method
InsertIndex = Conf.chatTagInsertIndex;
if (InsertIndex > eventFormat.length())
String formatStart = eventFormat.substring(0, InsertIndex) + ((Conf.chatTagPadBefore && !me.getChatTag().isEmpty()) ? " " : "");
String formatEnd = ((Conf.chatTagPadAfter && !me.getChatTag().isEmpty()) ? " " : "") + eventFormat.substring(InsertIndex);
String nonColoredMsgFormat = formatStart + me.getChatTag().trim() + formatEnd;
// Relation Colored?
if (Conf.chatTagRelationColored)
// We must choke the standard message and send out individual messages to all players
// Why? Because the relations will differ.
for (Player listeningPlayer : event.getRecipients())
FPlayer you = FPlayers.i.get(listeningPlayer);
String yourFormat = formatStart + me.getChatTag(you).trim() + formatEnd;
listeningPlayer.sendMessage(String.format(yourFormat, talkingPlayer.getDisplayName(), msg));
catch (UnknownFormatConversionException ex)
Conf.chatTagInsertIndex = 0;
P.p.log(Level.SEVERE, "Critical error in chat message formatting!");
P.p.log(Level.SEVERE, "NOTE: This has been automatically fixed right now by setting chatTagInsertIndex to 0.");
P.p.log(Level.SEVERE, "For a more proper fix, please read this regarding chat configuration:");
// Write to the log... We will write the non colored message.
String nonColoredMsg = ChatColor.stripColor(String.format(nonColoredMsgFormat, talkingPlayer.getDisplayName(), msg));
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, nonColoredMsg);
// No relation color.
} else if (chat == ChatMode.ALLIANCE) {
Faction myFaction = me.getFaction();
String message = String.format(Conf.allianceChatFormat, ChatColor.stripColor(me.getNameAndTag()), msg);
//Send message to our own faction
//Send to all our allies
for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayers.i.getOnline()) {
if (myFaction.getRelationTo(fplayer) == Relation.ALLY)
//Send to any players who are spying chat
else if (fplayer.isSpyingChat())
fplayer.sendMessage("[ACspy]: " + message);
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, ChatColor.stripColor("AllianceChat: " + message));
// this is for handling insertion of the player's faction tag, set at highest priority to give other plugins a chance to modify chat first
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
// Are we to insert the Faction tag into the format?
// If we are not to insert it - we are done.
if (!Conf.chatTagEnabled || Conf.chatTagHandledByAnotherPlugin) return;
Player talkingPlayer = event.getPlayer();
String msg = event.getMessage();
String eventFormat = event.getFormat();
FPlayer me = FPlayers.i.get(talkingPlayer);
int InsertIndex = 0;
if (!Conf.chatTagReplaceString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagReplaceString)) {
// we're using the "replace" method of inserting the faction tags
// if they stuck "[FACTION_TITLE]" in there, go ahead and do it too
if (eventFormat.contains("[FACTION_TITLE]")) {
eventFormat = eventFormat.replace("[FACTION_TITLE]", me.getTitle());
InsertIndex = eventFormat.indexOf(Conf.chatTagReplaceString);
eventFormat = eventFormat.replace(Conf.chatTagReplaceString, "");
Conf.chatTagPadAfter = false;
Conf.chatTagPadBefore = false;
} else if (!Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString)) {
// we're using the "insert after string" method
InsertIndex = eventFormat.indexOf(Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString) + Conf.chatTagInsertAfterString.length();
} else if (!Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString.isEmpty() && eventFormat.contains(Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString)) {
// we're using the "insert before string" method
InsertIndex = eventFormat.indexOf(Conf.chatTagInsertBeforeString);
} else {
// we'll fall back to using the index place method
InsertIndex = Conf.chatTagInsertIndex;
if (InsertIndex > eventFormat.length())
String formatStart = eventFormat.substring(0, InsertIndex) + ((Conf.chatTagPadBefore && !me.getChatTag().isEmpty()) ? " " : "");
String formatEnd = ((Conf.chatTagPadAfter && !me.getChatTag().isEmpty()) ? " " : "") + eventFormat.substring(InsertIndex);
String nonColoredMsgFormat = formatStart + me.getChatTag().trim() + formatEnd;
// Relation Colored?
if (Conf.chatTagRelationColored) {
// We must choke the standard message and send out individual messages to all players
// Why? Because the relations will differ.
for (Player listeningPlayer : event.getRecipients()) {
FPlayer you = FPlayers.i.get(listeningPlayer);
String yourFormat = formatStart + me.getChatTag(you).trim() + formatEnd;
try {
listeningPlayer.sendMessage(String.format(yourFormat, talkingPlayer.getDisplayName(), msg));
} catch (UnknownFormatConversionException ex) {
Conf.chatTagInsertIndex = 0;
P.p.log(Level.SEVERE, "Critical error in chat message formatting!");
P.p.log(Level.SEVERE, "NOTE: This has been automatically fixed right now by setting chatTagInsertIndex to 0.");
P.p.log(Level.SEVERE, "For a more proper fix, please read this regarding chat configuration:");
// Write to the log... We will write the non colored message.
String nonColoredMsg = ChatColor.stripColor(String.format(nonColoredMsgFormat, talkingPlayer.getDisplayName(), msg));
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, nonColoredMsg);
} else {
// No relation color.

View File

@ -1,69 +1,63 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.listeners;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent;
public class FactionsExploitListener implements Listener
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void obsidianGenerator(BlockFromToEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled() == true || ! Conf.handleExploitObsidianGenerators) return;
public class FactionsExploitListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void obsidianGenerator(BlockFromToEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled() == true || !Conf.handleExploitObsidianGenerators) return;
// thanks to ObGenBlocker and WorldGuard for this method
Block block = event.getToBlock();
int source = event.getBlock().getTypeId();
int target = block.getTypeId();
if ((target == 55 || target == 132) && (source == 0 || source == 10 || source == 11))
// thanks to ObGenBlocker and WorldGuard for this method
Block block = event.getToBlock();
int source = event.getBlock().getTypeId();
int target = block.getTypeId();
if ((target == 55 || target == 132) && (source == 0 || source == 10 || source == 11))
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void enderPearlTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent event)
if (event.isCancelled() == true || ! Conf.handleExploitEnderPearlClipping) return;
if (event.getCause() != PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.ENDER_PEARL) return;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void enderPearlTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled() == true || !Conf.handleExploitEnderPearlClipping) return;
if (event.getCause() != PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.ENDER_PEARL) return;
// this exploit works when the target location is within 0.31 blocks or so of a door or glass block or similar...
Location target = event.getTo();
Location from = event.getFrom();
// this exploit works when the target location is within 0.31 blocks or so of a door or glass block or similar...
Location target = event.getTo();
Location from = event.getFrom();
// blocks who occupy less than 1 block width or length wise need to be handled differently
Material mat = event.getTo().getBlock().getType();
if (
((mat == Material.THIN_GLASS || mat == Material.IRON_FENCE) && clippingThrough(target, from, 0.65))
|| ((mat == Material.FENCE || mat == Material.NETHER_FENCE) && clippingThrough(target, from, 0.45))
// blocks who occupy less than 1 block width or length wise need to be handled differently
Material mat = event.getTo().getBlock().getType();
if (
((mat == Material.THIN_GLASS || mat == Material.IRON_FENCE) && clippingThrough(target, from, 0.65))
|| ((mat == Material.FENCE || mat == Material.NETHER_FENCE) && clippingThrough(target, from, 0.45))
) {
// simple fix otherwise: ender pearl target locations are standardized to be in the center (X/Z) of the target block, not at the edges
target.setX(target.getBlockX() + 0.5);
target.setZ(target.getBlockZ() + 0.5);
// simple fix otherwise: ender pearl target locations are standardized to be in the center (X/Z) of the target block, not at the edges
target.setX(target.getBlockX() + 0.5);
target.setZ(target.getBlockZ() + 0.5);
public static boolean clippingThrough(Location target, Location from, double thickness)
(from.getX() > target.getX() && (from.getX() - target.getX() < thickness))
|| (target.getX() > from.getX() && (target.getX() - from.getX() < thickness))
|| (from.getZ() > target.getZ() && (from.getZ() - target.getZ() < thickness))
|| (target.getZ() > from.getZ() && (target.getZ() - from.getZ() < thickness))
public static boolean clippingThrough(Location target, Location from, double thickness) {
(from.getX() > target.getX() && (from.getX() - target.getX() < thickness))
|| (target.getX() > from.getX() && (target.getX() - from.getX() < thickness))
|| (from.getZ() > target.getZ() && (from.getZ() - target.getZ() < thickness))
|| (target.getZ() > from.getZ() && (target.getZ() - from.getZ() < thickness))

View File

@ -1,42 +1,36 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.listeners;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginDisableEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginEnableEvent;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.SpoutFeatures;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
public class FactionsServerListener implements Listener
public P p;
public FactionsServerListener(P p)
this.p = p;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent event)
String name = event.getPlugin().getDescription().getName();
if (name.equals("Spout"))
SpoutFeatures.setAvailable(false, "");
public class FactionsServerListener implements Listener {
public P p;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginEnable(PluginEnableEvent event)
Plugin plug = event.getPlugin();
String name = plug.getDescription().getName();
if (name.equals("Spout"))
SpoutFeatures.setAvailable(true, plug.getDescription().getFullName());
public FactionsServerListener(P p) {
this.p = p;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent event) {
String name = event.getPlugin().getDescription().getName();
if (name.equals("Spout")) {
SpoutFeatures.setAvailable(false, "");
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginEnable(PluginEnableEvent event) {
Plugin plug = event.getPlugin();
String name = plug.getDescription().getName();
if (name.equals("Spout")) {
SpoutFeatures.setAvailable(true, plug.getDescription().getFullName());

View File

@ -1,40 +1,34 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.struct;
public enum ChatMode
FACTION(2, "faction chat"),
ALLIANCE(1, "alliance chat"),
PUBLIC(0, "public chat");
public final int value;
public final String nicename;
private ChatMode(final int value, final String nicename)
this.value = value;
this.nicename = nicename;
public boolean isAtLeast(ChatMode role)
return this.value >= role.value;
public boolean isAtMost(ChatMode role)
return this.value <= role.value;
public enum ChatMode {
FACTION(2, "faction chat"),
ALLIANCE(1, "alliance chat"),
PUBLIC(0, "public chat");
public String toString()
return this.nicename;
public ChatMode getNext()
if (this == PUBLIC) return ALLIANCE;
if (this == ALLIANCE)return FACTION;
return PUBLIC;
public final int value;
public final String nicename;
private ChatMode(final int value, final String nicename) {
this.value = value;
this.nicename = nicename;
public boolean isAtLeast(ChatMode role) {
return this.value >= role.value;
public boolean isAtMost(ChatMode role) {
return this.value <= role.value;
public String toString() {
return this.nicename;
public ChatMode getNext() {
if (this == PUBLIC) return ALLIANCE;
if (this == ALLIANCE) return FACTION;
return PUBLIC;

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@ -1,87 +1,81 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.struct;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
public enum Permission {
public enum Permission
public final String node;
Permission(final String node)
this.node = "factions."+node;
public boolean has(CommandSender sender, boolean informSenderIfNot)
return P.p.perm.has(sender, this.node, informSenderIfNot);
public boolean has(CommandSender sender)
return has(sender, false);
public final String node;
Permission(final String node) {
this.node = "factions." + node;
public boolean has(CommandSender sender, boolean informSenderIfNot) {
return P.p.perm.has(sender, this.node, informSenderIfNot);
public boolean has(CommandSender sender) {
return has(sender, false);

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@ -1,146 +1,125 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.struct;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
public enum Relation {
MEMBER(3, "member"),
ALLY(2, "ally"),
NEUTRAL(1, "neutral"),
ENEMY(0, "enemy");
public enum Relation
MEMBER(3, "member"),
ALLY(2, "ally"),
NEUTRAL(1, "neutral"),
ENEMY(0, "enemy");
public final int value;
public final String nicename;
private Relation(final int value, final String nicename)
this.value = value;
this.nicename = nicename;
public String toString()
return this.nicename;
public boolean isMember()
return this == MEMBER;
public boolean isAlly()
return this == ALLY;
public boolean isNeutral()
return this == NEUTRAL;
public boolean isEnemy()
return this == ENEMY;
public boolean isAtLeast(Relation relation)
return this.value >= relation.value;
public boolean isAtMost(Relation relation)
return this.value <= relation.value;
public ChatColor getColor()
if (this == MEMBER)
return Conf.colorMember;
else if (this == ALLY)
return Conf.colorAlly;
else if (this == NEUTRAL)
return Conf.colorNeutral;
return Conf.colorEnemy;
public final int value;
public final String nicename;
// return appropriate Conf setting for DenyBuild based on this relation and their online status
public boolean confDenyBuild(boolean online)
if (isMember())
return false;
private Relation(final int value, final String nicename) {
this.value = value;
this.nicename = nicename;
if (online)
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuild;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuild;
return Conf.territoryDenyBuild;
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline;
return Conf.territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline;
public String toString() {
return this.nicename;
// return appropriate Conf setting for PainBuild based on this relation and their online status
public boolean confPainBuild(boolean online)
if (isMember())
return false;
public boolean isMember() {
return this == MEMBER;
if (online)
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuild;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuild;
return Conf.territoryPainBuild;
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline;
return Conf.territoryPainBuildWhenOffline;
public boolean isAlly() {
return this == ALLY;
// return appropriate Conf setting for DenyUseage based on this relation
public boolean confDenyUseage()
if (isMember())
return false;
else if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyUseage;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyUseage;
return Conf.territoryDenyUseage;
public double getRelationCost()
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.econCostEnemy;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.econCostAlly;
return Conf.econCostNeutral;
public boolean isNeutral() {
return this == NEUTRAL;
public boolean isEnemy() {
return this == ENEMY;
public boolean isAtLeast(Relation relation) {
return this.value >= relation.value;
public boolean isAtMost(Relation relation) {
return this.value <= relation.value;
public ChatColor getColor() {
if (this == MEMBER)
return Conf.colorMember;
else if (this == ALLY)
return Conf.colorAlly;
else if (this == NEUTRAL)
return Conf.colorNeutral;
return Conf.colorEnemy;
// return appropriate Conf setting for DenyBuild based on this relation and their online status
public boolean confDenyBuild(boolean online) {
if (isMember())
return false;
if (online) {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuild;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuild;
return Conf.territoryDenyBuild;
} else {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline;
return Conf.territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline;
// return appropriate Conf setting for PainBuild based on this relation and their online status
public boolean confPainBuild(boolean online) {
if (isMember())
return false;
if (online) {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuild;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuild;
return Conf.territoryPainBuild;
} else {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline;
return Conf.territoryPainBuildWhenOffline;
// return appropriate Conf setting for DenyUseage based on this relation
public boolean confDenyUseage() {
if (isMember())
return false;
else if (isEnemy())
return Conf.territoryEnemyDenyUseage;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.territoryAllyDenyUseage;
return Conf.territoryDenyUseage;
public double getRelationCost() {
if (isEnemy())
return Conf.econCostEnemy;
else if (isAlly())
return Conf.econCostAlly;
return Conf.econCostNeutral;

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@ -2,49 +2,41 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.struct;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
public enum Role
ADMIN(2, "admin"),
MODERATOR(1, "moderator"),
NORMAL(0, "normal member");
public final int value;
public final String nicename;
private Role(final int value, final String nicename)
this.value = value;
this.nicename = nicename;
public boolean isAtLeast(Role role)
return this.value >= role.value;
public boolean isAtMost(Role role)
return this.value <= role.value;
public enum Role {
ADMIN(2, "admin"),
MODERATOR(1, "moderator"),
NORMAL(0, "normal member");
public String toString()
return this.nicename;
public String getPrefix()
if (this == Role.ADMIN)
return Conf.prefixAdmin;
if (this == Role.MODERATOR)
return Conf.prefixMod;
return "";
public final int value;
public final String nicename;
private Role(final int value, final String nicename) {
this.value = value;
this.nicename = nicename;
public boolean isAtLeast(Role role) {
return this.value >= role.value;
public boolean isAtMost(Role role) {
return this.value <= role.value;
public String toString() {
return this.nicename;
public String getPrefix() {
if (this == Role.ADMIN) {
return Conf.prefixAdmin;
if (this == Role.MODERATOR) {
return Conf.prefixMod;
return "";

View File

@ -1,97 +1,89 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.util;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public class AsciiCompass
public enum Point
public final char asciiChar;
private Point(final char asciiChar)
this.asciiChar = asciiChar;
public String toString()
return String.valueOf(this.asciiChar);
public String toString(boolean isActive, ChatColor colorActive, String colorDefault)
return (isActive ? colorActive : colorDefault)+String.valueOf(this.asciiChar);
public static AsciiCompass.Point getCompassPointForDirection(double inDegrees)
double degrees = (inDegrees - 180) % 360 ;
if (degrees < 0)
degrees += 360;
if (0 <= degrees && degrees < 22.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.N;
else if (22.5 <= degrees && degrees < 67.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.NE;
else if (67.5 <= degrees && degrees < 112.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.E;
else if (112.5 <= degrees && degrees < 157.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.SE;
else if (157.5 <= degrees && degrees < 202.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.S;
else if (202.5 <= degrees && degrees < 247.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.SW;
else if (247.5 <= degrees && degrees < 292.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.W;
else if (292.5 <= degrees && degrees < 337.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.NW;
else if (337.5 <= degrees && degrees < 360.0)
return AsciiCompass.Point.N;
return null;
public static ArrayList<String> getAsciiCompass(Point point, ChatColor colorActive, String colorDefault)
ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
String row;
row = "";
row += Point.NW.toString(Point.NW == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += Point.N.toString(Point.N == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += Point.NE.toString(Point.NE == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row = "";
row += Point.W.toString(Point.W == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += colorDefault+"+";
row += Point.E.toString(Point.E == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row = "";
row += Point.SW.toString(Point.SW == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += Point.S.toString(Point.S == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += Point.SE.toString(Point.SE == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
import java.util.ArrayList;
return ret;
public static ArrayList<String> getAsciiCompass(double inDegrees, ChatColor colorActive, String colorDefault)
return getAsciiCompass(getCompassPointForDirection(inDegrees), colorActive, colorDefault);
public class AsciiCompass {
public enum Point {
public final char asciiChar;
private Point(final char asciiChar) {
this.asciiChar = asciiChar;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(this.asciiChar);
public String toString(boolean isActive, ChatColor colorActive, String colorDefault) {
return (isActive ? colorActive : colorDefault) + String.valueOf(this.asciiChar);
public static AsciiCompass.Point getCompassPointForDirection(double inDegrees) {
double degrees = (inDegrees - 180) % 360;
if (degrees < 0)
degrees += 360;
if (0 <= degrees && degrees < 22.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.N;
else if (22.5 <= degrees && degrees < 67.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.NE;
else if (67.5 <= degrees && degrees < 112.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.E;
else if (112.5 <= degrees && degrees < 157.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.SE;
else if (157.5 <= degrees && degrees < 202.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.S;
else if (202.5 <= degrees && degrees < 247.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.SW;
else if (247.5 <= degrees && degrees < 292.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.W;
else if (292.5 <= degrees && degrees < 337.5)
return AsciiCompass.Point.NW;
else if (337.5 <= degrees && degrees < 360.0)
return AsciiCompass.Point.N;
return null;
public static ArrayList<String> getAsciiCompass(Point point, ChatColor colorActive, String colorDefault) {
ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
String row;
row = "";
row += Point.NW.toString(Point.NW == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += Point.N.toString(Point.N == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += Point.NE.toString(Point.NE == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row = "";
row += Point.W.toString(Point.W == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += colorDefault + "+";
row += Point.E.toString(Point.E == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row = "";
row += Point.SW.toString(Point.SW == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += Point.S.toString(Point.S == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
row += Point.SE.toString(Point.SE == point, colorActive, colorDefault);
return ret;
public static ArrayList<String> getAsciiCompass(double inDegrees, ChatColor colorActive, String colorDefault) {
return getAsciiCompass(getCompassPointForDirection(inDegrees), colorActive, colorDefault);

View File

@ -1,94 +1,79 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.util;
import com.massivecraft.factions.*;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
public class AutoLeaveProcessTask extends BukkitRunnable {
private transient boolean readyToGo = false;
private transient boolean finished = false;
private transient ArrayList<FPlayer> fplayers;
private transient ListIterator<FPlayer> iterator;
private transient double toleranceMillis;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role;
public AutoLeaveProcessTask() {
fplayers = new ArrayList<FPlayer>(FPlayers.i.get());
this.iterator = fplayers.listIterator();
this.toleranceMillis = Conf.autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
this.readyToGo = true;
this.finished = false;
public class AutoLeaveProcessTask extends BukkitRunnable
private transient boolean readyToGo = false;
private transient boolean finished = false;
private transient ArrayList<FPlayer> fplayers;
private transient ListIterator<FPlayer> iterator;
private transient double toleranceMillis;
public void run() {
if (Conf.autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity <= 0.0 || Conf.autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick <= 0.0) {
public AutoLeaveProcessTask()
fplayers = new ArrayList<FPlayer>(FPlayers.i.get());
this.iterator = fplayers.listIterator();
this.toleranceMillis = Conf.autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
this.readyToGo = true;
this.finished = false;
if (!readyToGo) return;
// this is set so it only does one iteration at a time, no matter how frequently the timer fires
readyToGo = false;
// and this is tracked to keep one iteration from dragging on too long and possibly choking the system if there are a very large number of players to go through
long loopStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public void run()
if (Conf.autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity <= 0.0 || Conf.autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick <= 0.0)
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ( ! readyToGo) return;
// this is set so it only does one iteration at a time, no matter how frequently the timer fires
readyToGo = false;
// and this is tracked to keep one iteration from dragging on too long and possibly choking the system if there are a very large number of players to go through
long loopStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// if this iteration has been running for maximum time, stop to take a breather until next tick
if (now > loopStartTime + Conf.autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick) {
readyToGo = true;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
FPlayer fplayer =;
if (fplayer.isOffline() && now - fplayer.getLastLoginTime() > toleranceMillis) {
if (Conf.logFactionLeave || Conf.logFactionKick)
P.p.log("Player " + fplayer.getName() + " was auto-removed due to inactivity.");
// if this iteration has been running for maximum time, stop to take a breather until next tick
if (now > loopStartTime + Conf.autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick)
readyToGo = true;
// if player is faction admin, sort out the faction since he's going away
if (fplayer.getRole() == Role.ADMIN) {
Faction faction = fplayer.getFaction();
if (faction != null)
FPlayer fplayer =;
if (fplayer.isOffline() && now - fplayer.getLastLoginTime() > toleranceMillis)
if (Conf.logFactionLeave || Conf.logFactionKick)
P.p.log("Player "+fplayer.getName()+" was auto-removed due to inactivity.");
iterator.remove(); // go ahead and remove this list's link to the FPlayer object
// if player is faction admin, sort out the faction since he's going away
if (fplayer.getRole() == Role.ADMIN)
Faction faction = fplayer.getFaction();
if (faction != null)
// looks like we've finished
iterator.remove(); // go ahead and remove this list's link to the FPlayer object
// we're done, shut down
public void stop() {
readyToGo = false;
finished = true;
// looks like we've finished
// we're done, shut down
public void stop()
readyToGo = false;
finished = true;
public boolean isFinished()
return finished;
public boolean isFinished() {
return finished;

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@ -3,26 +3,23 @@ package com.massivecraft.factions.util;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Conf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
public class AutoLeaveTask implements Runnable
private static AutoLeaveProcessTask task;
double rate;
public class AutoLeaveTask implements Runnable {
private static AutoLeaveProcessTask task;
double rate;
public AutoLeaveTask()
this.rate = Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes;
public AutoLeaveTask() {
this.rate = Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes;
public synchronized void run()
if (task != null && ! task.isFinished())
public synchronized void run() {
if (task != null && !task.isFinished())
task = new AutoLeaveProcessTask();
task.runTaskTimer(P.p, 1, 1);
task = new AutoLeaveProcessTask();
task.runTaskTimer(P.p, 1, 1);
// maybe setting has been changed? if so, restart this task at new rate
if (this.rate != Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes)
// maybe setting has been changed? if so, restart this task at new rate
if (this.rate != Conf.autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes)

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@ -9,99 +9,86 @@ import org.bukkit.World;
* yet when an object of this class is created, only when the Location is first accessed.
public class LazyLocation
private Location location = null;
private String worldName;
private double x;
private double y;
private double z;
private float pitch;
private float yaw;
public class LazyLocation {
private Location location = null;
private String worldName;
private double x;
private double y;
private double z;
private float pitch;
private float yaw;
public LazyLocation(Location loc)
public LazyLocation(Location loc) {
public LazyLocation(final String worldName, final double x, final double y, final double z)
this(worldName, x, y, z, 0, 0);
public LazyLocation(final String worldName, final double x, final double y, final double z) {
this(worldName, x, y, z, 0, 0);
public LazyLocation(final String worldName, final double x, final double y, final double z, final float yaw, final float pitch)
this.worldName = worldName;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.yaw = yaw;
this.pitch = pitch;
public LazyLocation(final String worldName, final double x, final double y, final double z, final float yaw, final float pitch) {
this.worldName = worldName;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.yaw = yaw;
this.pitch = pitch;
// This returns the actual Location
public final Location getLocation()
// make sure Location is initialized before returning it
return location;
// This returns the actual Location
public final Location getLocation() {
// make sure Location is initialized before returning it
return location;
// change the Location
public final void setLocation(Location loc)
this.location = loc;
this.worldName = loc.getWorld().getName();
this.x = loc.getX();
this.y = loc.getY();
this.z = loc.getZ();
this.yaw = loc.getYaw();
this.pitch = loc.getPitch();
// change the Location
public final void setLocation(Location loc) {
this.location = loc;
this.worldName = loc.getWorld().getName();
this.x = loc.getX();
this.y = loc.getY();
this.z = loc.getZ();
this.yaw = loc.getYaw();
this.pitch = loc.getPitch();
// This initializes the Location
private void initLocation()
// if location is already initialized, simply return
if (location != null) return;
// This initializes the Location
private void initLocation() {
// if location is already initialized, simply return
if (location != null) return;
// get World; hopefully it's initialized at this point
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName);
if (world == null) return;
// get World; hopefully it's initialized at this point
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName);
if (world == null) return;
// store the Location for future calls, and pass it on
location = new Location(world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch);
// store the Location for future calls, and pass it on
location = new Location(world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch);
public final String getWorldName()
return worldName;
public final String getWorldName() {
return worldName;
public final double getX()
return x;
public final double getX() {
return x;
public final double getY()
return y;
public final double getY() {
return y;
public final double getZ()
return z;
public final double getZ() {
return z;
public final double getPitch()
return pitch;
public final double getPitch() {
return pitch;
public final double getYaw()
return yaw;
public final double getYaw() {
return yaw;

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@ -1,128 +1,104 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.util;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FLocation;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class MapFLocToStringSetTypeAdapter implements JsonDeserializer<Map<FLocation, Set<String>>>, JsonSerializer<Map<FLocation, Set<String>>>
public class MapFLocToStringSetTypeAdapter implements JsonDeserializer<Map<FLocation, Set<String>>>, JsonSerializer<Map<FLocation, Set<String>>> {
public Map<FLocation, Set<String>> deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException
try {
JsonObject obj = json.getAsJsonObject();
if (obj == null)
return null;
public Map<FLocation, Set<String>> deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
try {
JsonObject obj = json.getAsJsonObject();
if (obj == null) {
return null;
Map<FLocation, Set<String>> locationMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<FLocation, Set<String>>();
Set<String> nameSet;
Iterator<JsonElement> iter;
String worldName;
String[] coords;
int x, z;
Map<FLocation, Set<String>> locationMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<FLocation, Set<String>>();
Set<String> nameSet;
Iterator<JsonElement> iter;
String worldName;
String[] coords;
int x, z;
for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : obj.entrySet())
worldName = entry.getKey();
for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry2 : entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().entrySet())
coords = entry2.getKey().trim().split("[,\\s]+");
x = Integer.parseInt(coords[0]);
z = Integer.parseInt(coords[1]);
for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : obj.entrySet()) {
worldName = entry.getKey();
for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry2 : entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) {
coords = entry2.getKey().trim().split("[,\\s]+");
x = Integer.parseInt(coords[0]);
z = Integer.parseInt(coords[1]);
nameSet = new HashSet<String>();
iter = entry2.getValue().getAsJsonArray().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
nameSet = new HashSet<String>();
iter = entry2.getValue().getAsJsonArray().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
locationMap.put(new FLocation(worldName, x, z), nameSet);
locationMap.put(new FLocation(worldName, x, z), nameSet);
return locationMap;
return locationMap;
catch (Exception ex)
P.p.log(Level.WARNING, "Error encountered while deserializing a Map of FLocations to String Sets.");
return null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
P.p.log(Level.WARNING, "Error encountered while deserializing a Map of FLocations to String Sets.");
return null;
public JsonElement serialize(Map<FLocation, Set<String>> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context)
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
public JsonElement serialize(Map<FLocation, Set<String>> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
try {
if (src != null)
FLocation loc;
String locWorld;
Set<String> nameSet;
Iterator<String> iter;
JsonArray nameArray;
JsonPrimitive nameElement;
try {
if (src != null) {
FLocation loc;
String locWorld;
Set<String> nameSet;
Iterator<String> iter;
JsonArray nameArray;
JsonPrimitive nameElement;
for (Entry<FLocation, Set<String>> entry : src.entrySet())
loc = entry.getKey();
locWorld = loc.getWorldName();
nameSet = entry.getValue();
for (Entry<FLocation, Set<String>> entry : src.entrySet()) {
loc = entry.getKey();
locWorld = loc.getWorldName();
nameSet = entry.getValue();
if (nameSet == null || nameSet.isEmpty())
if (nameSet == null || nameSet.isEmpty()) {
nameArray = new JsonArray();
iter = nameSet.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
nameElement = new JsonPrimitive(;
nameArray = new JsonArray();
iter = nameSet.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
nameElement = new JsonPrimitive(;
if ( ! obj.has(locWorld))
obj.add(locWorld, new JsonObject());
if (!obj.has(locWorld)) {
obj.add(locWorld, new JsonObject());
obj.get(locWorld).getAsJsonObject().add(loc.getCoordString(), nameArray);
return obj;
obj.get(locWorld).getAsJsonObject().add(loc.getCoordString(), nameArray);
return obj;
catch (Exception ex)
P.p.log(Level.WARNING, "Error encountered while serializing a Map of FLocations to String Sets.");
return obj;
} catch (Exception ex) {
P.p.log(Level.WARNING, "Error encountered while serializing a Map of FLocations to String Sets.");
return obj;

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