From 7b55a807449fd86c9d6ea6d42bf20269925c5d64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ProSavage Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 19:06:50 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Italian Language Globalization :D --- src/main/resources/lang/it_IT.yml | 950 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 950 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/main/resources/lang/it_IT.yml diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/it_IT.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/it_IT.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b06c1be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/it_IT.yml @@ -0,0 +1,950 @@ +# Lang file for SavageFactions by drtshock & ProSavage +# Use & for color codes. +# Made with love <3 + + + +root: + AUTHOR: Mr200tt + RESPONSIBLE: misc + LANGUAGE: Italian + ENCODING: UTF-8 + LOCALE: it_US + REQUIRESUNICODE: 'false' + DEFAULT: 'true' + STATE: complete + LOCAL: + AUTHOR: misc + RESPONSIBLE: misc + LANGUAGE: Italy + REGION: US + STATE: complete +COMMAND: + HELP: + NEXTCREATE: Impara come creare una fazione nella prossima pagina. + HOME: 'E non dimenticarti di settare la home:' + '404': '&c&l» &7Questa pagina &cNON ESISTE' + BANK: + '1': La tua fazione ha una banca che usa per pagare le + '2': cose, quindi se in caso non ti servono dei soldi. + '3': Puoi depositartli in banca.. + PLAYERTITLES: I titoli dei player sono solo di divertimento! non ci sono regole. + OWNERSHIP: + '1': Imposta che solo il capo fazione, gli amministratori + '2': ed evventualmente i moderatori possono modificare + '3': il claim in cui ti trovi. + RELATIONS: + '1': Imposta la relazione che vuoi con un altra fazione. + '2': appena crei la fazione sarai neutrale con tutti di default. + '3': Se una fazione si accorda ad allearsi con te, sarete alleati. + '4': Se SOLO una fazione sceglie di esserti nemico, sarete nemici. + '5': Non puoi mai danneggiare gli alleati. + '6': Non puoi danneggiare gli alleati nel loro territorio. + '7': Puoi sempre danneggiare i nemici. + '8': '' + '9': Il danno dai nemici e ridotto nel tuo territorio. + '10': Quando muori, perdi power. + '11': La power della fazione permette di claimare. + '12': La power della fazione permette di mantenere un claim protetto. + '13': La power bassa ti fa perdere il claim. + PERMISSIONS: + '1': oSolo i membri della fazione e gli amministratorinpossono rompere i loro territori + '2': 'è disabilitato usare i seguenti oggetti:' + '3': Porte, Casse, Fornaci, Incudini e item di interazione. + '4': '' + '5': Metti delle pedane a pressione davanti alle porte se vuoi avere + '6': dei visitatori. puoi usare questo comandi per creare aree + '7': in cui possono interagire solo i membri. + '8': AI dispenaer sono protetti, se vuoi puoi creare trappole + '9': preoccuparti che vengano svuotate. + ADMIN: + '1': "&a&l» &a/f claim safezone \n &7claima un territorio per la zona sicura" + '2': "&a&l» &a/f claim warzone \n &7claima un territorio per la zona di guerra" + '3': "&a&l» &a/f autoclaim [safezone|warzone] \n &7Claima per le due zone" + MOAR: + '1': 'Finalmente dei comandi per gli admin:' + '2': 'Ancora ccomandi per gli admin:' + '3': 'Altri comandi per gli admin:' + DESCRIPTION: |2- + + &a&l» &7Mostra una pagina di &aaiuti + NEAR: + DESCRIPTION: Mostra in un raggio i player delle fazioni. + DISABLED: + MSG: '&cQuesto comando non è attivo!' + FORMAT: '{playername} &c({distance}m)' + USE: + MSG: '&cMembri della fazione Vicine' + UPGRADES: + DESCRIPTION: '&cApri il menu dei Potenziamenti' + MONEYTAKE: '&c{amount} Presi dal tuo account.' + NOTENOUGHMONEY: '&cNon hai Abbastanza Soldi!' + ADMIN: + NOTMEMBER: '&c&l[!] &7%1$s &cNon è membro della tua fazione.' + NOTADMIN: '&c&l[!] &cTu non sei il Capo Fazione.' + TARGETSELF: '''&c&l[!] &cNon puoi essere te Stesso.' + DEMOTES: '&c&l[!] &cHai retrocesso &7%1$s &cDalla posizione del Capo Fazione.' + DEMOTED: '&c&l[!] &cSei stato retrocesso dalla posizione del Capo Fazione Da &7%1$s&c' + PROMOTES: '&e&l[!] &eSei stato promosso &6%1$s &eAlla posizzione del Capo Fazione.' + PROMOTED: '&e&l[!] &6%1$s &eTi ha dato &6%2$s &eIl possesso di &6%3$s&e.' + DESCRIPTION: Darti la posizione Del Capo Fazione + NOMEMBERS: '&e&l[!] &cNessun altro da promuovere, Perfavore Disbanda la Fazione.' + AHOME: + DESCRIPTION: Invita un giocatore alla Home, Non importa quale. + NOHOME: '%1$s Non ha la f home.' + SUCCESS: $1%s Sei stato invitato alla f home. + OFFLINE: '%1$s è offline.' + TARGET: Sei andato alla tua f home. + ANNOUNCE: + DESCRIPTION: Annuncia un Messaggio hai membri della Fazione. + FREECAM: + ENEMYINRADIUS: Freecam disabilitata! + OUTSIDEFLIGHT: Non uscire dal raggio fly! + ENABLED: Freecam attiva! + DISABLED: Freecam disattivata + DESCRIPTION: Modalita ispettore + AUTOCLAIM: + ENABLED: '&c&l[!] &cAuto-claiming On&7 per %1$s.' + DISABLED: '&c&l[!] Auto-claiming&7 &coff.' + REQUIREDRANK: '&c&l[!] &7Devi essere &c%1$s&7 per claimare.' + OTHERFACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 tu &cNON PUOI &7claimare ancora &c%1$s&7.' + DESCRIPTION: Claima camminando + AUTOHELP: + HELPFOR: Help per i comandi " + BAN: + DESCRIPTION: Banna i player dall entrare in fazione. + TARGET: '&c&l[!] &7Tu sei &cbannato &7dai &c%1$s' + BANNED: '&c&l[!] &7%1$s &cbanna &7%2$s' + SELF: '&c&l[!] &7Tu &cNon puoi &7bannare &cTe stesso&7.' + INSUFFICIENTRANK: '&c&l[!] &7Il tuo &crank &7è troppo basso per&c bannare &7%1$s' + ALREADYBANNED: '&c&l[!] &7Questo player è gia bannato&7!' + BANLIST: + DESCRIPTION: Vedi la banlist della fazione + HEADER: '&c&l[!] &7Qui ci sono &c%d&7 ban per &c%s' + ENTRY: '&7%d. &c%s &r&7// &c%s &r&7// &c%s' + NOFACTION: '&c&l[!] &7Tu &cnon sei &7in una fazione.' + INVALID: '&c&l[!] &7La fazione &c%s &7forse non esiste' + BOOM: + PEACEFULONLY: '&c&l[!] &7Questo comando è &csolo &7usabile dalla fazioni pacifiche.' + TOTOGGLE: per attivare le esplosioni + FORTOGGLE: per attivare le esplosioni + ENABLED: '&c&l[!] &c%1$s&7 ha&c %2$s&7 fatto esplodere qualcosa nel tuo territorio.' + DESCRIPTION: attiva esplosioni ( fazioni pacifiche solo ) + BYPASS: + ENABLE: '&e&l[!] &eAdmin bypass: &aON &eora puoi rompere ogni blocco.' + ENABLELOG: ' has ENABLED admin bypass mode.' + DISABLE: '&c&l[!] &cAdmin bypass disattivato.' + DISABLELOG: ' hai disattivato il Bypass.' + DESCRIPTION: Attivi il bypass admin + BANNER: + DESCRIPTION: Porta la bandiara con te in guerra + NOTENOUGHMONEY: '&c&l[!] &7Tu&c non hai&7 ababstanza soldi' + MONEYTAKE: '&c&l[!] $&c{amount} &7sono stati presi dal tuo account.' + SUCCESS: '&c&l[!] &7Hai creato una &c&lBANDIERA DI GUERRA!' + DISABLED: '&c&l[!] &7Compra&c Bnadiere&7 è &cdisattivato!' + TPBANNER: + NOTSET: '&c&l[!] &7La tua fazione non ha &c&lbandiere &7piazzate!' + SUCCESS: '&c&l[!] &cTeletrasportando &7la tua fazione alla &c&lBandiera' + DESCRIPTION: Teletraspoto alla bandiera di guerra + CHAT: + DISABLED: '&c&l[!] &7Chat private non attive.' + INVALIDMODE: '&c&l[!] &cChat sconosciuta' + DESCRIPTION: Cambia la modalita di chat + MODE: + PUBLIC: '&c&l[!] &fChat pubblica.' + ALLIANCE: '&c&l[!] &dChat alleati.' + TRUCE: '&c&l[!] &5Chat pacifici.' + FACTION: '&c&l[!] &aChat della fazione.' + MOD: '&c&l[!] &dChat dei mod.' + CHATSPY: + ENABLE: '&c&l[!] &7Tu hai &cattivato &7chat spy.' + ENABLELOG: ' Hai attivato la chat spy.' + DISABLE: '&c&l[!] &7Hai &cdisattivato &7la chat spy.' + DISABLELOG: ' Ha disattivato la chat spy.' + DESCRIPTION: Attiva la chat spy + CLAIM: + INVALIDRADIUS: '&c&l[!]&7 If you specify a &cradius&7, it must be at least &c1&7.' + DENIED: '&c&l[!]&7 You &cdo not &7have &cpermission&7 to &cclaim&7 in a radius.' + DESCRIPTION: Claim land from where you are standing + CLAIMLINE: + INVALIDRADIUS: '&c&l[!]&7 If you &cspecify&7 a distance, it must be at least &c1&7.' + DENIED: '&c&l[!]&7 You &cdo not &7have&c permission&7 to claim in a line.' + DESCRIPTION: Claim land in a straight line. + ABOVEMAX: '&c&l[!]&7 The &cmaximum&7 limit for claim line is &c%s&7.' + NOTVALID: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%s&7 is not a &ccardinal &7direction. You may use &cnorth&7, + &ceast&7, &csouth &7or &cwest&7.' + CONFIG: + NOEXIST: '&c&l[!]&7 No configuration setting "&c%1$s&7" exists.' + SET: + 'TRUE': '" option set to true (enabled).' + 'FALSE': '" option set to false (disabled).' + ADDED: '"%1$s" set: "%2$s" added.' + REMOVED: '"%1$s" set: "%2$s" removed.' + OPTIONSET: '" option set to ' + COLOURSET: '" color option set to "' + INTREQUIRED: 'Cannot set "%1$s": An integer (whole number) value required.' + LONGREQUIRED: 'Cannot set "%1$s": A long integer (whole number) value required.' + DOUBLEREQUIRED: 'Cannot set "%1$s": A double (numeric) value required.' + FLOATREQUIRED: 'Cannot set "%1$s": A float (numeric) value required.' + INVALID: + COLOUR: 'Cannot set "%1$s": "%2$s" is not a valid color.' + COLLECTION: '"%1$s" is not a data collection type which can be modified with + this command.' + MATERIAL: 'Cannot change "%1$s" set: "%2$s" is not a valid material.' + TYPESET: '"%1$s" is not a data type set which can be modified with this command.' + MATERIAL: + ADDED: '"%1$s" set: Material "%2$s" added.' + REMOVED: '"%1$s" set: Material "%2$s" removed.' + LOG: ' (Command was run by %1$s.)' + ERROR: + SETTING: Error setting configuration setting "%1$s" to "%2$s". + MATCHING: Configuration setting "%1$s" couldn't be matched, though it should be... please report this error. + TYPE: '''%1$s'' is of type ''%2$s'', which cannot be modified with this command.' + DESCRIPTION: Change a conf.json setting + CONVERT: + BACKEND: + RUNNING: '&c&l[!]&7 Already running that backend.' + INVALID: '&c&l[!]&7 Invalid backend' + DESCRIPTION: Convert the plugin backend + COORDS: + MESSAGE: '&c&l[!] &7{player}&7''s coords are &c{x}&7,&c{y}&7,&c{z}&7 in &c{world}' + DESCRIPTION: broadcast your coords to your faction + CHECKPOINT: + DISABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot&7 use checkpoint while its&c disabled&7!' + SET: '&c&l[!]&7 You have &cset&7 the &cfaction checkpoint&7 at your &cLocation&7.' + GO: '&c&l[!]&7 &cTeleporting&7 to &cfaction checkpoint' + INVALIDLOCATION: '&c&l[!]&7 &cInvalid Location!&7 You can &cset&7 checkpoints + in &cyour claims&7 or &2wilderness&7.' + NOT: + SET: '&c&l[!]&7 You have to &cset &7the &cfaction checkpoint&7 first.' + CLAIMED: '&c&l[!]&7 Your current &cfaction checkpoint&7 is claimed, set a &cnew + &7one!' + DESCRIPTION: Set or go to your faction checkpoint! + CREATE: + MUSTLEAVE: '&c&l[!]&7 You must &cleave &7your &ccurrent faction &7first.' + INUSE: '&c&l[!]&7 That tag is &calready &7in use.' + TOCREATE: to create a new faction + FORCREATE: for creating a new faction + ERROR: '&c&l[!]&7 There was an &cinternal error&7 while trying to create your + faction. &cPlease try again&7.' + CREATED: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7created a new faction &c&l%2$s' + YOUSHOULD: '&c&l[!]&7 You should now: &c%1$s' + CREATEDLOG: ' created a new faction: ' + DESCRIPTION: Create a new faction + DEINVITE: + CANDEINVITE: '&c&l[!]&7 Players you can &cdeinvite: ' + CLICKTODEINVITE: '&c&l[!]&7 Click to &crevoke&7 invite for &c%1$s' + ALREADYMEMBER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is already a member of &c%2$s' + MIGHTWANT: '&c&l[!]&7 You might want to: &c%1$s' + REVOKED: '&c&l[!]&7 &7%1$s &crevoked&7 your invitation to &c%2$s&7.' + REVOKES: '&c&l[!]&7 %1$s&c revoked &7%2$s''s&c invitation.' + DESCRIPTION: Remove a pending invitation + DELFWARP: + DELETED: '&c&l[!]&7 Deleted warp &c%1$s' + INVALID: '&c&l[!]&7 Couldn''t &cfind&7 warp &c%1$s' + TODELETE: to delete warp + FORDELETE: for deleting warp + DESCRIPTION: Delete a faction warp + DESCRIPTION: + CHANGES: '&c&l[!]&7 You have &cchanged&7 the &cdescription&7 for &c%1$s&7 to:' + CHANGED: '&c&l[!]&7 The faction&c %1$s&7 changed their &cdescription &7to:' + TOCHANGE: to change faction description + FORCHANGE: for changing faction description + DESCRIPTION: Change the faction description + DISBAND: + IMMUTABLE: '&c&l[!]&7 &7You &ccannot&7 disband &2Wilderness&7,&e SafeZone&7, or + &4WarZone.' + MARKEDPERMANENT: '&c&l[!]&7 This faction is designated as&c permanent&7, so you + cannot disband it.' + BROADCAST: + YOURS: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 disbanded your &cfaction.' + NOTYOURS: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7disbanded the faction &c%2$s.' + HOLDINGS: '&c&l[!]&7 &7You have been given the disbanded &cfaction''s bank&7, + totaling &c%1$s.' + DESCRIPTION: Disband a faction + FLY: + DISABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, Faction flight is &cdisabled &7on this server' + DESCRIPTION: Enter or leave Faction flight mode + CHANGE: '&c&l[!]&7 Faction flight &c%1$s' + COOLDOWN: '&c&l[!]&7 You will &cnot&7 take fall damage for &c{amount}&7 seconds' + DAMAGE: '&c&l[!]&7 Faction flight &cdisabled&7 due to entering combat' + 'NO': + ACCESS: '&c&l[!]&7 &cCannot fly &7in territory of %1$s' + EPEARL: '&c&l[!] &7You &ccannot&7 throw enderpearls while flying!' + ENEMY: + NEAR: '&c&l[!]&7 Flight has been&c disabled&7 an enemy is nearby' + CHECK: + ENEMY: '&c&l[!]&7 Cannot fly here, an enemy is &cnearby' + FWARP: + CLICKTOWARP: '&c&l[!]&7 Click to &cwarp!' + COMMANDFORMAT: '&c&l[!]&7 /f warp &c[password]' + WARPED: '&c&l[!]&7 Warped to &c%1$s' + INVALID: + WARP: '&c&l[!]&7 Couldn''t find warp &c%1$s' + PASSWORD: '&c&l[!]&7 &cInvalid password!' + TOWARP: to warp + FORWARPING: for warping + WARPS: 'Warps: ' + DESCRIPTION: Teleport to a faction warp + PASSWORD: + REQUIRED: '&c&l[!]&c Warp Password:' + TIMEOUT: '&c&l[!]&7 Warp password &ccanceled' + HOME: + DISABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, Faction homes are &cdisabled on this server.' + TELEPORTDISABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, the ability to &cteleport &7to Faction homes + is &cdisabled &7on this server.' + NOHOME: '&c&l[!]&7 Your faction does &cnot &7have a home. ' + INENEMY: '&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot teleport &7to your &cfaction home&7 while in + the territory of an &cenemy faction&7.' + WRONGWORLD: '&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot &7teleport to your &cfaction home&7 while + in a different world.' + ENEMYNEAR: '&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot teleport&7 to your faction home while an enemy + is within &c%s&7 blocks of you.' + TOTELEPORT: to teleport to your faction home + FORTELEPORT: for teleporting to your faction home + DESCRIPTION: Teleport to the faction home + INSPECT: + DISABLED: + MSG: '&c&l[!]&7 Inspect mode is now &cdisabled.' + NOFAC: '&c&l[!]&7 Inspect mode is now &cdisabled,&7 because you &cdo not have + a faction!' + ENABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 Inspect mode is now &aEnabled.' + HEADER: '&c&m---&7Inspect Data&c&m---&c//&7x:{x},y:{y},z:{z}' + ROW: '&c{time} &7// &c{action} &7// &c{player} &7// &c{block-type}' + NODATA: '&c&l[!]&7 &7No Data was found!' + NOTINCLAIM: '&c&l[!]&7 &7You can &conly&7 inspect in &cyour &7claims!' + BYPASS: '&c&l[!]&7 Inspecting in &cbypass&7 mode' + DESCRIPTION: Inspect blocks! + INVITE: + TOINVITE: to invite someone + FORINVITE: for inviting someone + CLICKTOJOIN: Click to join! + INVITEDYOU: '&chas invited you to join ' + INVITED: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 invited &c%2$s&7 to your faction.' + ALREADYMEMBER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is already a member of&c %2$s' + DESCRIPTION: Invite a player to your faction + BANNED: '&c&l[!]&7 &7%1$s &cis banned &7from your Faction. &cNot &7sending an + invite.' + JOIN: + CANNOTFORCE: '&c&l[!]&7 You&c do not&7 have permission to &cmove other players&7 + into a faction.' + SYSTEMFACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 Players may nly join &cnormal factions&7. This is a + &c&lsystem faction&7.' + ALREADYMEMBER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s %2$s already a member of&c %3$s' + ATLIMIT: ' &c&l[!]&7 The faction &c%1$s &7is at the limit of&c %2$d&7 members, + so&c %3$s&7 cannot currently join.' + INOTHERFACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7must leave&c %2$s &7current faction first.' + NEGATIVEPOWER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7cannot join a faction with a &cnegative power&7 + level.' + REQUIRESINVITATION: '&c&l[!]&7 This faction &crequires&7 an invitation.' + ATTEMPTEDJOIN: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 tried to join your faction.' + TOJOIN: to join a faction + FORJOIN: for joining a faction + SUCCESS: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7successfully joined &c%2$s.' + MOVED: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7moved you into the faction&c %2$s.' + JOINED: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7joined your faction.' + JOINEDLOG: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 joined the faction&c %2$s.' + MOVEDLOG: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7moved the player&c %2$s &7into the faction&c %3$s&7.' + DESCRIPTION: '&a&l» &7Join a faction' + BANNED: '&c&l[!]&7 You are &cbanned &7from &c%1$s.' + KICK: + CANDIDATES: '&c&l[!]&7 Players you can kick: ' + CLICKTOKICK: 'Click to kick ' + SELF: '&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot &7kick&c yourself&7.' + NONE: '&c&l[!]&7 That player&c is not&7 in a faction.' + NOTMEMBER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s is not a member of %2$s' + INSUFFICIENTRANK: '&c&l[!]&7 Your rank is &ctoo low &7to kick this player.' + NEGATIVEPOWER: '&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot &7kick that member until their power is + &apositive&7.' + TOKICK: to kick someone from the faction + FORKICK: for kicking someone from the faction + FACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 %1$s&7 kicked %2$s&c from the faction!' + KICKS: '&c&l[!]&7 You kicked &c%1$s&7 from the faction&c %2$s&7!' + KICKED: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7kicked you from&c %2$s&7!' + DESCRIPTION: Kick a player from the faction + LIST: + FACTIONLIST: '&c&l[!]&7 Faction List ' + TOLIST: to list the factions + FORLIST: for listing the factions + ONLINEFACTIONLESS: 'Online factionless: ' + DESCRIPTION: '&a&l» &7See a list of the factions' + LOCK: + LOCKED: '&c&l[!]&7 Factions is now&c locked' + UNLOCKED: '&c&l[!]&7 Factions in now&a unlocked' + DESCRIPTION: Lock all write stuff. Apparently. + LOGINS: + TOGGLE: '&c&l[!]&7 Set login / logout notifications for Faction members to: &c%s' + DESCRIPTION: Toggle(?) login / logout notifications for Faction members + LOWPOWER: + HEADER: '&8&m--------&8&8&m---------' + FORMAT: '&c{player} &8(&c{player_power}&8/&c{maxpower}&8)' + DESCRIPTION: Shows a list of players in your faction with lower power levels + MAP: + TOSHOW: to show the map + FORSHOW: for showing the map + UPDATE: + ENABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 Map auto update &aENABLED.' + DISABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 Map auto update &cDISABLED.' + DESCRIPTION: Show the territory map, and set optional auto update + MAPHEIGHT: + DESCRIPTION: '&eUpdate the lines that /f map sends' + SET: '&c&l[!]&7 Set /f map lines to &c&a%1$d' + CURRENT: '&c&l[!]&7 Current &cmapheight: &a%1$d' + MOD: + CANDIDATES: '&c&l[!]&7 Players you can promote: ' + CLICKTOPROMOTE: 'Click to promote ' + NOTMEMBER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s7 is not a member in your faction.' + NOTADMIN: '&c&l[!]&7 You &care not&7 the faction admin.' + SELF: '&c&l[!]&7 The target player&c musn''t&7 be yourself.' + TARGETISADMIN: '&c&l[!]&7 The target player is a &cfaction admin.&7 Demote them + first.' + REVOKES: '&c&l[!]&7 &7You have &cremoved&7 moderator status from &c%1$s.' + REVOKED: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is &cno longer&7 moderator in your faction.' + PROMOTES: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 was &cpromoted&7 to moderator in your faction.' + PROMOTED: '&c&l[!]&7 You have promoted&c %1$s&7 to moderator.' + DESCRIPTION: Give or revoke moderator rights + COLEADER: + CANDIDATES: '&c&l[!]&7 Players you can promote: ' + CLICKTOPROMOTE: 'Click to promote ' + NOTMEMBER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is &cnot a member&7 in your faction.' + NOTADMIN: '&c&l[!]&7 You are&c not&7 the faction admin.' + SELF: '&c&l[!]&7 The target player&c musn''t&7 be yourself.' + TARGETISADMIN: '&c&l[!]&7 The target player is a &cfaction admin&7. Demote them + first.' + REVOKES: '&c&l[!]&7 You have removed &ccoleader &7status from&c %1$s&7.' + REVOKED: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is no longer&c coleader &7in your faction.' + PROMOTES: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 was promoted to &ccoleader &7in your faction.' + PROMOTED: '&c&l[!]&7 You have &cpromoted &7%1$s to &ccoleader.' + DESCRIPTION: Give or revoke coleader rights + MODIFYPOWER: + ADDED: '&c&l[!]&7 Added &c%1$f &7power to &c%2$s. &7New total rounded power: &c%3$d' + DESCRIPTION: Modify the power of a faction/player + MONEY: + LONG: '&c&l[!]&7 The faction money commands.' + DESCRIPTION: Faction money commands + MONEYBALANCE: + SHORT: show faction balance + DESCRIPTION: Show your factions current money balance + MONEYDEPOSIT: + DESCRIPTION: Deposit money + DEPOSITED: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7deposited&c %2$s&7 in the faction bank:&c %3$s' + MONEYTRANSFERFF: + DESCRIPTION: Transfer f -> f + TRANSFER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 transferred&c %2$s &7from the faction &c"%3$s"&7 + to the faction&c "%4$s"&7' + MONEYTRANSFERFP: + DESCRIPTION: Transfer f -> p + TRANSFER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7transferred&c %2$s &7from the faction&c "%3$s" &7to + the player &c"%4$s"' + MONEYTRANSFERPF: + DESCRIPTION: Transfer p -> f + TRANSFER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 transferred &c%2$s&7 from the player &c"%3$s" &7to + the faction&c "%4$s"' + MONEYWITHDRAW: + DESCRIPTION: Withdraw money + WITHDRAW: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 withdrew&c %2$s &7from the faction bank:&c %3$s' + OPEN: + TOOPEN: to open or close the faction + FOROPEN: for opening or closing the faction + OPEN: open + CLOSED: closed + CHANGES: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 changed the faction to &c%2$s&7.' + CHANGED: '&c&l[!]&7 The faction &c%1$s&7 is now &c%2$s' + DESCRIPTION: Switch if invitation is required to join + OWNER: + DISABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, but &cowned areas &7are &cdisabled &7on this server.' + LIMIT: '&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, but you have reached the server''s &climit&7 of &c%1$d&7 + owned areas per faction.' + WRONGFACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 &7This land is &cnot claimed &7by your faction, so you + &ccan''t set&7 ownership of it.' + NOTCLAIMED: '&c&l[!]&7 This land&c is not &7claimed by a faction. Ownership &cis + not &7possible.' + NOTMEMBER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is &cnot a member &7of this faction.' + CLEARED: '&c&l[!]&7 You have &ccleared &7ownership for this claimed area.' + REMOVED: '&c&l[!]&7 You have&c removed ownership &7of this &cclaimed land&7 from + &c%1$s&7.' + TOSET: to set ownership of claimed land + FORSET: for setting ownership of claimed land + ADDED: '&c&l[!]&7 You have added &c%1$s&7 to the &cowner list&7 for this claimed + land.' + DESCRIPTION: Set ownership of claimed land + KILLHOLOGRAMS: + DESCRIPTION: Kill holograms in a radius, admin command + OWNERLIST: + DISABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 &cSorry, &7but owned areas are &cdisabled&7 on this server.' + WRONGFACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 This land &cis not&7 claimed by your faction.' + NOTCLAIMED: '&c&l[!]&7 This land is not claimed by any faction, thus no owners.' + NONE: '&c&l[!]&7 No owners are set here; everyone in the faction has access.' + OWNERS: '&c&l[!]&7 Current owner(s) of this land: %1$s' + DESCRIPTION: List owner(s) of this claimed land + PEACEFUL: + DESCRIPTION: '&c&l[!]&7Set a faction to peaceful' + YOURS: '&c&l[!]&7%1$s has %2$s your faction' + OTHER: '&c&l[!]&7%s has %s the faction ''%s''.' + GRANT: '&c&l[!]&7 granted peaceful status to' + REVOKE: removed peaceful status from + PERM: + DESCRIPTION: '&c&l[!]&7&6Edit or list your Faction''s permissions.' + INVALID: + RELATION: '&c&l[!]&7Invalid relation defined. Try something like&c ''ally''' + ACCESS: '&c&l[!]&7 Invalid access defined. Try something like &c''allow''' + ACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 Invalid action defined. Try something like &c''build''' + SET: '&c&l[!]&7 Set permission&c %1$s &7to &c%2$s &7for relation&c %3$s' + TOP: RCT MEM OFF ALLY TRUCE NEUT ENEMY + PERMANENT: + DESCRIPTION: Toggles a faction's permanence + GRANT: '&c&l[!]&7 added permanent status to' + REVOKE: '&c&l[!]&7 removed permanent status from' + YOURS: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 has &c%2$s&7 your faction' + OTHER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%s &7has &c%s &7the faction &c''%s''.' + PROMOTE: + TARGET: '&c&l[!]&7 You''ve been &c%1$s&7 to &c%2$s' + SUCCESS: '&c&l[!]&7 You successfully&c %1$s %2$s &cto&7 %3$s' + PROMOTED: promoted + DEMOTED: demoted + COLEADER: + ADMIN: '&c&l[!]&7 &cColeaders cant promote players to Admin!' + DESCRIPTION: /f promote + WRONGFACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is &cnot&7 part of your faction.' + NOTTHATPLAYER: '&c&l[!]&7 That player &ccannot&7 be promoted.' + NOT: + ALLOWED: '&c&l[!]&7 You cannot promote to the same rank as yourself!' + PERMANENTPOWER: + DESCRIPTION: Toggle faction power permanence + GRANT: added permanentpower status to + REVOKE: removed permanentpower status from + SUCCESS: '&c&l[!]&7 You&c %s &7%s.' + FACTION: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%s %s &7your faction' + NOACCESS: '&c&l[!]&7 You don''t have access to that.' + POWER: + TOSHOW: to show player power info + FORSHOW: for showing player power info + POWER: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s » &cPower &7/ &cMaxpower&a » &c%2$d &7/&c%3$d %4$s' + BONUS: ' (bonus: ' + PENALTY: ' (penalty: ' + DESCRIPTION: '&a&l» &7Show player &apower &7info' + POWERBOOST: + HELP: + '1': '&c&l[!]&7 You must specify "p" or "player" to target a player or "f" or + "faction" to target a faction.' + '2': '&c&l[!]&7 ex. /f powerboost p SomePlayer 0.5 -or- /f powerboost f SomeFaction + -5' + INVALIDNUM: You must specify a valid numeric value for the power bonus/penalty amount. + PLAYER: Player "%1$s" + FACTION: Faction "%1$s" + BOOST: %1$s now has a power bonus/penalty of %2$d to min and max power levels. + BOOSTLOG: '%1$s has set the power bonus/penalty for %2$s to %3$d.' + DESCRIPTION: Apply permanent power bonus/penalty to specified player or faction + RELATIONS: + ALLTHENOPE: '&c&l[!]&7 &cNope! You can''t.' + MORENOPE: '&c&l[!]&7 &cNope! &7You can''t declare a relation to &cyourself' + ALREADYINRELATIONSHIP: '&c&l[!]&7 You &calready&7 have that relation wish set + with&c %1$s.' + TOMARRY: to change a relation wish + FORMARRY: for changing a relation wish + MUTUAL: '&c&l[!]&7 Your faction is now %1$s to %2$s' + PEACEFUL: '&c&l[!]&7 This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful.' + PEACEFULOTHER: '&c&l[!]&7 This will have &cno effect&7 while their faction is + peaceful.' + DESCRIPTION: Set relation wish to another faction + EXCEEDS: + ME: '&c&l[!]&7 Failed to set relation wish. You can only have %1$s %2$s.' + THEY: '&c&l[!]&7 Failed to set relation wish. They can only have %1$s %2$s.' + PROPOSAL: + '1': '&c&l[!]&7&c %1$s &7wishes to be your&c %2$s' + '2': '&c&l[!]&7 Type &c/%1$s %2$s %3$s&7 to accept.' + SENT: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 were informed that you wish to be &c%2$s' + RELOAD: + TIME: '&c&l[!]&7 Reloaded &call &7configuration files from disk, took &c%1$d + ms.' + DESCRIPTION: Reload data file(s) from disk + SAFEUNCLAIMALL: + DESCRIPTION: Unclaim all safezone land + UNCLAIMED: '&c&l[!]&7 You unclaimed&c ALL&7 safe zone land.' + UNCLAIMEDLOG: '&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 unclaimed all safe zones.' + SAVEALL: + SUCCESS: '&c&l[!]&7 &cFactions saved to disk!' + DESCRIPTION: Save all data to disk + SCOREBOARD: + DESCRIPTION: Scoreboardy things + SETDEFAULTROLE: + DESCRIPTION: /f defaultrole - set your Faction's default role. + NOTTHATROLE: '&c&l[!]&7 You cannot set the default to admin.' + SUCCESS: Set default role of your faction to %1$s + INVALIDROLE: Couldn't find matching role for %1$s + SETFWARP: + NOTCLAIMED: '&c&l[!]&7 You can &conly&7 set warps in your faction territory.' + LIMIT: '&c&l[!]&7 Your Faction already has the &cmax amount&7 of warps set &c(%1$d).' + SET: '&c&l[!]&7 Set warp &c%1$s&7 and password &c''%2$s'' &7to your location.' + TOSET: to set warp + FORSET: for setting warp + DESCRIPTION: Set a faction warp + SETHOME: + DISABLED: '&c&l[!]&7 &cSorry&7, Faction homes are disabled on this server.' + NOTCLAIMED: '&c&l[!]&c Sorry&7, your faction home can only be set inside your + &cown &7claimed territory.' + TOSET: to set the faction home + FORSET: for setting the faction home + SET: '&c&l[!]&c %1$s&7 set the home for your faction. You can now use:' + SETOTHER: '&c&l[!]&7 You have set the home for the &c%1$s&7 faction.' + DESCRIPTION: Set the faction home + SETMAXVAULTS: + DESCRIPTION: Set max vaults for a Faction. + SUCCESS: '&aSet max vaults for &e%s &ato &b%d' + VAULT: + DESCRIPTION: Open your placed faction vault! + INVALID: '&c&l[!]&7 Your vault was either&c claimed&7, &cbroken&7, or has&c not + been&7 placed yet.' + OPENING: '&c&l[!]&7 Opening faction vault.' + GETVAULT: + ALREADYSET: '&c&l[!]&7 Vault has already been set!' + ALREADYHAVE: '&c&l[!]&7 You already have a vault in your inventory!' + CHESTNEAR: '&c&l[!]&7 &7There is a chest &cnearby' + SUCCESS: '&cSucessfully set vault.' + INVALIDLOCATION: '&cVault can only be placed in faction land!' + DESCRIPTION: Get the faction vault item! + RECEIVE: '&cYou have recieved a faction vault!' + NOMONEY: '&cYou do not have enough money' + MONEYTAKE: '&c{amount} Presi dal tuo portafoglio' + SHOW: + NOFACTION: + SELF: Non sei membro di nessuna fazione + OTHER: Non è un membro + TOSHOW: per mostrare le info fazioni + FORSHOW: Mostra info fazioni + DESCRIPTION: 'Descrizione: %1$s' + PEACEFUL: Fazione pacifica + PERMANENT: This faction is permanent, remaining even with no members. + JOINING: 'Entra: %1$s ' + INVITATION: Necessita degli inviti + UNINVITED: non necessita di inviti + NOHOME: n/a + POWER: 'Terre / Power / Maxpower: %1$d/%2$d/%3$d %4$s.' + BONUS: ' (bonus: ' + PENALTY: ' (penalty: ' + DEPRECIATED: (%1$s depreciated) + LANDVALUE: 'Valore terre: %1$s %2$s' + BANKCONTAINS: 'Banca: %1$s' + ALLIES: 'Alleati: ' + ENEMIES: 'Nemicis: ' + MEMBERSONLINE: 'Membri online: ' + MEMBERSOFFLINE: 'Membri offline: ' + COMMANDDESCRIPTION: Mostra le info fazione + DEATHS: + TIL: + RAIDABLE: 'DTR: %1$d' + EXEMPT: This faction is exempt and cannot be seen. + NEEDFACTION: '&cYou need to join a faction to view your own!' + SHOWCLAIMS: + HEADER: '&8&m-------------&8<{faction} claim&8>&8&m-------------' + FORMAT: '&8[{world}]: {chunks}' + CHUNKSFORMAT: '&8(&c{x}&8,&c{z}&8)' + DESCRIPTION: mostra i tuoi claim! + SHOWINVITES: + PENDING: 'Players con inviti in attesa: ' + CLICKTOREVOKE: Clicca per rimuovere il suo invito %1$s + DESCRIPTION: Mostra gli inviti + STATUS: + FORMAT: '%1$s Power: %2$s Ultimo login: %3$s' + ONLINE: Online + AGOSUFFIX: ' fa.' + DESCRIPTION: Mostra lo stato di un player + STUCK: + TIMEFORMAT: m 'minutes', s 'seconds.' + CANCELLED: Teleport cancelled because you were damaged + OUTSIDE: Teleport cancelled because you left %1$d block radius + EXISTS: You are already teleporting, you must wait %1$s + START: 'Teleport will commence in %s. Don''t take or deal damage. ' + TELEPORT: Teleported safely to %1$d, %2$d, %3$d. + TOSTUCK: to safely teleport %1$s out + FORSTUCK: for %1$s initiating a safe teleport out + DESCRIPTION: Safely teleports you out of enemy faction + SEECHUNK: + ENABLED: '&cSeechunk enabled!' + DISABLED: '&cSeechunk disabled!' + TAG: + TAKEN: That tag is already taken + TOCHANGE: to change the faction tag + FORCHANGE: for changing the faction tag + FACTION: '%1$s changed your faction tag to %2$s' + CHANGED: The faction %1$s changed their name to %2$s. + DESCRIPTION: Change the faction tag + TITLE: + TOCHANGE: to change a players title + FORCHANGE: for changing a players title + CHANGED: '%1$s changed a title: %2$s' + DESCRIPTION: Set or remove a players title + TOGGLEALLIANCECHAT: + DESCRIPTION: Toggles whether or not you will see alliance chat + IGNORE: Alliance chat is now ignored + UNIGNORE: Alliance chat is no longer ignored + TOGGLESB: + DISABLED: You can't toggle scoreboards while they are disabled. + TOP: + DESCRIPTION: Sort Factions to see the top of some criteria. + TOP: Top Factions by %s. Page %d/%d + LINE: '%d. &6%s: &c%s' + INVALID: Could not sort by %s. Try balance, online, members, power or land. + TNT: + DISABLED: + MSG: '&cQuesto comando non è attivo!' + INVALID: + NUM: Deve essere un numero! + DEPOSIT: + SUCCESS: '&cTnT depositate con successo.' + NOTENOUGH: '&cNon hai ababstanza TnT dentro il tuo inventario.' + EXCEEDLIMIT: '&cHai superato il limite della banca!' + WIDTHDRAW: + SUCCESS: '&cSuccessfully withdrew tnt.' + NOTENOUGH: '&cNot enough tnt in bank.' + AMOUNT: '&cYour faction has {amount} tnt in the tnt bank.' + POSITIVE: '&cPlease use positive numbers!' + DESCRIPTION: add/widthraw from faction's tnt bank + TNTFILL: + HEADER: '&c&l[!] &7Filling tnt in dispensers...' + SUCCESS: '&c&l[!] &7Filled &c{amount}&7 Tnt in dispenser at {x} {y} {z}' + NOTENOUGH: '&c&l[!] &7Not enough tnt in inventory.' + RADIUSMAX: '&c&l[!] &7The max radius is {max}' + AMOUNTMAX: '&c&l[!] &7The max amount is {max}' + MOD: '&c&l[!] &7Tnt will be used from the faction bank because you dont have the + specified amount in your inventory and you are a {role}' + DESCRIPTION: Mette le tnt nei dispenser + UNBAN: + DESCRIPTION: Sbanna qualcuno dalla fazione + NOTBANNED: '&7%s &cNon è bannato, non ha fatto niente! forse...' + UNBANNED: '&e%1$s &cSbannato &7%2$s' + TARGET: '&aSei stato sbannato da &r%s' + UNCLAIM: + SAFEZONE: + SUCCESS: Safe zone was unclaimed. + NOPERM: Questa è zona sicura, non puoi unclaimare. + WARZONE: + SUCCESS: Zona di guerra unclaimata. + NOPERM: Questa è la zona di guerra, e non hai il permesso. + UNCLAIMED: '%1$s Ha rimosso un claim.' + UNCLAIMS: Hai rimosso il claim. + LOG: '%1$s Unclaim terra in (%2$s) dalla fazione: %3$s' + WRONGFACTION: Tu non possiedi questa terra. + TOUNCLAIM: Per unclaimare la terra + FORUNCLAIM: Per rimuovere il claim + FACTIONUNCLAIMED: '%1$s Ha rimosso il claim.' + DESCRIPTION: Rimuovi il claim dove ti trovi + CLICKTOUNCLAIM: Clicca per rimuovere i claim &2(%1$d, %2$d) + UNCLAIMALL: + TOUNCLAIM: Per rimuovere tutti i claim della fazione + FORUNCLAIM: Per rimuovere tutti i claim della fazione + UNCLAIMED: '%1$s Rimossi tutti i claim della fazione.' + LOG: '%1$s unclaimed everything for the faction: %2$s' + DESCRIPTION: Rimuovi tutti i claim della fazione + VERSION: + NAME: '&c&l[!]&7 Fazioni &c» &7By WarriorKing' + VERSION: '&7Version &c» &7%1$s' + DESCRIPTION: Mostra plugin e traduzioni + WARUNCLAIMALL: + DESCRIPTION: Rimuovi i claim della zona di guerra + SUCCESS: Hai rimosso tutti i claim della zona di guerra. + LOG: '%1$s unclaimed all war zones.' + RULES: + DISABLED: + MSG: '&cComando disabilitato!' + DESCRIPTION: set/remove/add rules! + ADD: + INVALIDARGS: Per favore includi una regola! + SUCCESS: '&cRegola aggiunta!' + SET: + INVALIDARGS: Per favore, includi una regole e un numero! + SUCCESS: '&cRegola successiva!' + REMOVE: + INVALIDARGS: Per favore, includi un numero! + SUCCESS: '&cRegola rimossa!' + CLEAR: + SUCCESS: '&cRegola pulita!' +command: + help: + invitations: 'Vuoi forse chiudere gli inviti facendo:' +LEAVE: + PASSADMIN: Devi dare il ruolo di admin a qualcuno. + NEGATIVEPOWER: Non puoi uscire senza power positiva. + TOLEAVE: Per uscire dala tua fazione. + FORLEAVE: Per uscire dalla fazione. + LEFT: '%s esce dalla fazione %s.' + DISBANDED: %s Si scioglie. + DISBANDEDLOG: La fazione %s (%s) si scioglie. + DESCRIPTION: \n &a&l» &7Esci dalla fazione +CLAIM: + PROTECTED: Questo territorio e protetto + DISABLED: Scusa, ma il claim qui non e attivo. + CANTCLAIM: Non puoi claimare per %s. + ALREADYOWN: '%s gia possiede questa terra.' + MUSTBE: Devi essere %s per claimare. + MEMBERS: La fazione deve avere un minimo di %s Membri per claimare. + SAFEZONE: Non puoi claimare la zona sicura. + WARZONE: Non puoi claimare la zona di guerra. + POWER: Non puoi climare, hai bisogno di piu power! + LIMIT: Limite raggiunto, non puoi piu claimare! + ALLY: Non puoi claimare gli alleati. + CONTIGIOUS: Puoi claimare solo continuando i tuoi claim! + FACTIONCONTIGUOUS: Puoi claimare solo territori connessi ai tuoi claim! + PEACEFUL: '%s Possiede questa terra, non puoi claimare.' + PEACEFULTARGET: '%s Non puoi claimare un territorio pacifico.' + THISISSPARTA: '%s Questo territorio ha la power alta.' + BORDER: Devi essere al bordo per claimare. + TOCLAIM: Per claimare questa terra + FORCLAIM: Per claimare questa terra + TOOVERCLAIM: Per overclaimare questo territorio + FOROVERCLAIM: Per overclaiming + CLAIMED: %s Territorio claimato %s per %s. + CLAIMEDLOG: '%s Claimato un territorio in (%s) per la fazione: %s' + OVERCLAIM: + DISABLED: Overclaim disabilitato. + TOOCLOSETOOTHERFACTION: Claim troppo vicino a una fazione + OUTSIDEWORLDBORDER: Claim fuori dal bordo. + OUTSIDEBORDERBUFFER: Claim fuori dal bordo. + CLICK: + TO: + CLAIM: Clicca per claimare &2(%1$d, %2$d) + MAP: + OUTSIDEBORDER: '&cQuesto claim e fuori dal mondo!' + YOUAREHERE: Tu sei qui +GENERIC: + YOU: Tu + YOURFACTION: La tua fazione + NOPERMISSION: Non hai il permesso %1$s. + DOTHAT: fare questo + NOPLAYERMATCH: Player non trovato per "

%1$s". + NOPLAYERFOUND: Nessun player "

%1$s" trovato. + ARGS: + TOOFEW: 'Troppi argomenti. Use like this:' + TOOMANY: 'Argomento strano "

%1$s". Usa un comando comequesto:' + DEFAULTDESCRIPTION: Descrizione di default :( + OWNERS: 'Capo(i): %1$s' + PUBLICLAND: Territorio pubblico. + FACTIONLESS: Fazionario + SERVERADMIN: un server admin + DISABLED: Disattivato + ENABLED: Attivato + INFINITY: ∞ + CONSOLEONLY: Questo comando non puo essere eseguito da un giocatore. + PLAYERONLY: This command can only be used by ingame players. + ASKYOURLEADER: ' Chiedi al tuo capo di:' + YOUSHOULD: 'Intendi:' + YOUMAYWANT: 'Intendevi forse: ' + TRANSLATION: + VERSION: 'Traduzione: Mr200tt' + CONTRIBUTORS: Nessuno + RESPONSIBLE: 'Responsabile: Mr200tt' + FACTIONTAG: + TOOSHORT: Il nome della fazione non puo essere piu corto di %1$s caratter. + TOOLONG: Il nome della fazione non puo essere piu lungo di %s caratteri. + ALPHANUMERIC: I tag devono essere alfanumerici. "%s" Non sono permessi. + PLACEHOLDER: +WARBANNER: + NOFACTION: '&cDevi essere in una fazione per una bandiera!' + COOLDOWN: '&cLa bandiera ha iniziato il cooldown!' + INVALIDLOC: '&cPuoi usare le bandiere solo in territori nemici o nella zona di guerra' +COMPASS: + SHORT: + NORTH: N + EAST: E + SOUTH: S + WEST: O +CHAT: + MOD: Chat dei mod + FACTION: Chat della fazione + ALLIANCE: Chat alleti + TRUCE: Chat pacifica + PUBLIC: Chat pubblica +ECON: + 'OFF': no %s + FORMAT: '###,###.###' +RELATION: + MEMBER: + SINGULAR: Membro + PLURAL: Membri + ALLY: + SINGULAR: Alleato + PLURAL: Alleati + TRUCE: + SINGULAR: Pacifico + PLURAL: Pacifici + NEUTRAL: + SINGULAR: neutrale + PLURAL: neutrali + ENEMY: + SINGULAR: Nemico + PLURAL: Nemici +ROLE: + ADMIN: Capo + COLEADER: CoCapo + MODERATOR: moderatore + NORMAL: Membro + RECRUIT: Recluta +REGION: + SAFEZONE: Zona Sicura + WARZONE: Zona di Guerra + WILDERNESS: Landa Libera + PEACEFUL: Territorio pacifico +PLAYER: + CANTHURT: Non puoi colpire gli altri player %s + SAFEAUTO: Questa terra è ora zona sicura. + WARAUTO: Questa terra è ora zona di guerra. + OUCH: Ouch, sta iniziando a far male. + USE: + WILDERNESS: Non puoi usare %s nella zona libera. + SAFEZONE: Non puoi usare %s nella safe zone. + WARZONE: Non puoi usare %s in territorio di guerra. + TERRITORY: Non puoi %s nel territorio di %s. + OWNED: 'Non puoi usare %s in questo territorio, perchè è di proprieta di: %s.' + COMMAND: + WARZONE: Non puoi usare Il comando '%s' in zona di guerra. + NEUTRAL: Non puoi usare Il comando '%s' in territorio neutrale. + ENEMY: Non puoi usare Il comando '%s' in territorio nemico. + PERMANENT: Non puoi usare Il comando '%s' perche sei unafazione permanente. + ALLY: Non puoi usare Il comando '%s' nei territori alleati. + WILDERNESS: Non puoi usare Il comando '%s' nella zona libera. + POWER: + NOLOSS: + PEACEFUL: Non perdi power nelle fazioni pacifiche. + WORLD: Non perdi power in questo mondo. + WILDERNESS: Non perdi pwoer nella zona libera. + WARZONE: Non perdi power nella zona di guerra. + LOSS: + WARZONE: |- + In questo mondo la perdita di power non è attiva. + La tua power è ora %d / %d + NOW: La tua power è ora %d / %d + PVP: + LOGIN: Non puoi colpire nessuno dopo %d secondi dopo il login. + REQUIREFACTION: Non puoi fare PvP se non entri in una fazione. + FACTIONLESS: Non puoi colpire chi non si trova in una fazione. + PEACEFUL: I player pacifici non possono partecipare ai combattimenti. + NEUTRAL: Questa fazione e neutrale, dichiaragli guerra. + CANTHURT: Non puoi colpire %s. + NEUTRALFAIL: Non puoi colpire %s Nel suo territorio. + TRIED: '%s Ha cercato di colpirti.' +NOPAGES: Scusa. pagine non avviabili. +INVALIDPAGE: Pagina invalida. deve essere tra 1 e %1$d +title: '&bFazioni &0|&r' +wilderness: '&2Zona Libera' +wilderness-description: Qui puoi costruire +warzone: '&4Zona di Guerra' +warzone-description: Non è tanto sicuro stare qui. +safezone: '&6Zona Sicura' +safezone-description: Al sicuro dai mostri e PVP. +toggle-sb: Scoreboards impostata a {value} +faction-leave: Uscendo %1$s, Entrando %2$s +faction-announcement-top: '&d--Annunci non letti--' +faction-announcement-bottom: '&d--Annunci letti--' +default-prefix: '{relationcolor}[{faction}]' +faction-login: '&e%1$s &9entra..' +faction-logout: '&e%1$s &9esce..' +nofactions-prefix: '&6[&a4-&6]&r' +date-format: d/MM/yy h:ma +raidable-true: 'true' +raidable-false: 'false' +WARMUPS: + NOTIFY: + FLIGHT: '&eFlight will enable in &d%2$d &eseconds.' + TELEPORT: '&eYou will teleport to &d%1$s &ein &d%2$d &eseconds.' + ALREADY: '&cYou are already warming up.' + CANCELLED: '&cYou have cancelled your warmup.' \ No newline at end of file