+All Classes
++ ++++
++ + +Class +Description ++ +Access ++ +AntiChestListener ++ +AsciiCompass ++ +AsciiCompass.Point ++ +AutoLeaveProcessTask ++ +AutoLeaveTask ++ +BanInfo ++ +Board ++ +BrigadierManager ++ +BrigadierProvider ++ +BufferedObjective ++ +ChatMode ++ +CheckHistoryFrame ++ +CheckSettingsFrame ++ +CheckTask ++ +ChestLogsHandler ++ +ClipPlaceholderAPIManager ++ +CmdAdmin ++ +CmdAHome ++ +CmdAlts ++ +CmdAltsList ++ +CmdAnnounce ++ +CmdAutoClaim ++ +CmdAutoHelp ++ +CmdBan ++ +CmdBanlist ++ +CmdBanner ++ +CmdBoom ++ +CmdBypass ++ +CmdChat ++ +CmdChatSpy ++ +CmdCheck ++ +CmdCheckpoint ++ +CmdChest ++ +CmdClaim ++ +CmdClaimAt ++ +CmdClaimLine ++ +CmdColeader ++ +CmdConfig ++ +CmdConvert ++ +CmdConvertConfig ++ +CmdCoords ++ +CmdCorner ++ +CmdCreate ++ +CmdDeinvite ++ +CmdDelFWarp ++ +CmdDemote ++ +CmdDescription ++ +CmdDisband ++ +CmdFGlobal ++ +CmdFly ++ +CmdFocus ++ +CmdFWarp ++ +CmdGetVault ++ +CmdGrace ++ +CmdHelp ++ +CmdHome ++ +CmdInspect ++ +CmdInventorySee ++ +CmdInvite ++ +CmdInviteAlt ++ +CmdInviteBot ++ +CmdJoin ++ +CmdKick ++ +CmdKillHolograms ++ +CmdLeave ++ +CmdList ++ +CmdLock ++ +CmdLogins ++ +CmdLogout ++ +CmdLowPower ++ +CmdMap ++ +CmdMapHeight ++ +CmdMissions ++ +CmdMod ++ +CmdModifyPower ++ +CmdMoney ++ +CmdMoneyBalance ++ +CmdMoneyDeposit ++ +CmdMoneyTransferFf ++ +CmdMoneyTransferFp ++ +CmdMoneyTransferPf ++ +CmdMoneyWithdraw ++ +CmdNear ++ +CmdOpen ++ +CmdOwner ++ +CmdOwnerList ++ +CmdPaypalSee ++ +CmdPaypalSet ++ +CmdPeaceful ++ +CmdPerm ++ +CmdPermanent ++ +CmdPermanentPower ++ +CmdPoints ++ +CmdPointsAdd ++ +CmdPointsRemove ++ +CmdPointsSet ++ +CmdPower ++ +CmdPowerBoost ++ +CmdPromote ++ +CmdRelationAlly ++ +CmdRelationEnemy ++ +CmdRelationNeutral ++ +CmdRelationTruce ++ +CmdReload ++ +CmdRules ++ +CmdSafeunclaimall ++ +CmdSaveAll ++ +CmdSB ++ +CmdSeeChunk ++ +CmdSeeDiscord ++ +CmdSetBanner ++ +CmdSetDefaultRole ++ +CmdSetDiscord ++ +CmdSetFWarp ++ +CmdSetGuild ++ +CmdSethome ++ +CmdSetMaxVaults ++ +CmdShop ++ +CmdShow ++ +CmdShowClaims ++ +CmdShowInvites ++ +CmdSpawnerLock ++ +CmdStatus ++ +CmdStealth ++ +CmdStrikes ++ +CmdStrikesGive ++ +CmdStrikesInfo ++ +CmdStrikesSet ++ +CmdStrikesTake ++ +CmdStuck ++ +CmdTag ++ +CmdTitle ++ +CmdTnt ++ +CmdTntFill ++ +CmdToggleAllianceChat ++ +CmdTop ++ +CmdTpBanner ++ +CmdUnban ++ +CmdUnclaim ++ +CmdUnclaimall ++ +CmdUpgrades ++ +CmdVault ++ +CmdVersion ++ +CmdViewChest ++ +CmdWarunclaimall ++ +CmdWeeWoo ++ +CommandContext ++ +CommandRequirements ++ +CommandRequirements.Builder ++ +CommandVisibility ++ +Conf ++ +Conf.Backend ++ +ConvertConfigHandler ++ +CornerTask ++ +DefaultPermissions ++ +DiscordListener ++ +DiscUtil ++ +DynmapStyle ++ +Econ ++ +EconomyParticipator ++ +EngineDynmap ++ +EngineDynmap.Direction ++ +EnumTypeAdapter<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> ++ +Essentials ++ +EssentialsHomeHandler ++ +Faction ++ +FactionChatHandler ++ +FactionCreateEvent ++ +Event called when a Faction is created.++ +FactionDisbandEvent ++ +Event called when a faction is disbanded.++ +FactionDisbandEvent.PlayerDisbandReason ++ +FactionEvent ++ +Represents an event involving a Faction.++ +FactionGUI ++ +FactionPlayerEvent ++ +Represents an event involving a Faction and a FPlayer.++ +FactionRelationEvent ++ +Event called when a Faction relation is called.++ +FactionRelationWishEvent ++ +FactionRenameEvent ++ +Factions ++ +FactionsBlockListener ++ +FactionsChatListener ++ +FactionsEntityListener ++ +FactionsExploitListener ++ +FactionsJSON ++ +FactionsPlayerListener ++ +FactionsPlugin ++ +FactionTag ++ +FactionWarpsFrame ++ +FancyTag ++ +FCmdRoot ++ +FCommand ++ +FDefaultSidebar ++ +FInfoSidebar ++ +FLocation ++ +FPlayer ++ +Logged in players always have exactly one FPlayer instance.++ +FPlayerEnteredFactionEvent ++ +FPlayerJoinEvent ++ +Event called when an FPlayer joins a Faction.++ +FPlayerJoinEvent.PlayerJoinReason ++ +FPlayerLeaveEvent ++ +FPlayerLeaveEvent.PlayerLeaveReason ++ +FPlayerRoleChangeEvent ++ +Represents+Role
change of a factions player+ +FPlayers ++ +FPlayerStoppedFlying ++ +FPromoteCommand ++ +FRelationCommand ++ +FScoreboard ++ +FSidebarProvider ++ +FTeamWrapper ++ +FUpgradesGUI ++ +GeneralTag ++ +GsonWrapper ++ +InventoryTypeAdapter ++ +InventoryUtil ++ +JSONBoard ++ +JSONFaction ++ +JSONFactions ++ +JSONFPlayer ++ +JSONFPlayers ++ +JSONGuild ++ +JSONGuilds ++ +LandClaimEvent ++ +Event called when an FPlayer claims land for a Faction.++ +LandUnclaimAllEvent ++ +LandUnclaimEvent ++ +Event called when an FPlayer unclaims land for a Faction.++ +LazyLocation ++ +LocationTypeAdapter ++ +LogoutHandler ++ +MapFLocToStringSetTypeAdapter ++ +MCommand<T extends MPlugin> ++ +MemoryBoard ++ +MemoryFaction ++ +MemoryFactions ++ +MemoryFPlayer ++ +Logged in players always have exactly one FPlayer instance.++ +MemoryFPlayers ++ +MethodNames ++ +MinecraftVersion ++ +MiscUtil ++ +Mission ++ +MissionGUI ++ +MissionHandler ++ +MPlugin ++ +MPluginSecretPlayerListener ++ +MyLocationTypeAdapter ++ +NBTCompound ++ +NBTContainer ++ +NBTEntity ++ +NBTFile ++ +NBTItem ++ +NBTList ++ +NBTListCompound ++ +NBTReflectionUtil ++ +NBTTileEntity ++ +NBTType ++ +ParticleEffect ++ +ParticleEffect Library + This library was created by @DarkBlade12 and allows you to display all Minecraft particle effects on a Bukkit server++ +ParticleEffect.BlockData ++ +Represents the block data for the+ParticleEffect.BLOCK_CRACK
effects + This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions+ +ParticleEffect.ItemData ++ +Represents the item data for the+ParticleEffect.ITEM_CRACK
effect + This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions+ +ParticleEffect.NoteColor ++ +Represents the color for the+ParticleEffect.NOTE
effect+ +ParticleEffect.OrdinaryColor ++ +Represents the color for effects like+ParticleEffect.SPELL_MOB
+ This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions+ +ParticleEffect.ParticleColor ++ +Represents the color for effects like+ParticleEffect.SPELL_MOB
+ This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions+ +ParticleEffect.ParticleData ++ +Represents the particle data for effects like+ParticleEffect.ITEM_CRACK
+ This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions+ +ParticleEffect.ParticlePacket ++ +Represents a particle effect packet with all attributes which is used for sending packets to the players++ +ParticleEffect.ParticleProperty ++ +Represents the property of a particle effect + This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions++ +Particles ++ +Permissable ++ +PermissableAction ++ +PermissableActionFrame ++ +PermissableRelationFrame ++ +Permission ++ +PermissionList ++ +PermissionsMapTypeAdapter ++ +PermUtil ++ +Persist ++ +Placeholder ++ +Placeholder ++ +PlayerChunkLocationExpression ++ +PlayerFactionExpression ++ +PlayerPowerExpression ++ +PlayerRoleExpression ++ +PlayerTag ++ +PowerLossEvent ++ +Event called when a player loses power.++ +PowerRegenEvent ++ +Event called when a player regenerate power.++ +QuadFunction<T,U,V,W,R> ++ +ReflectionUtils ++ +ReflectionUtils++ +ReflectionUtils.DataType ++ +Represents an enumeration of Java data types with corresponding classes++ +ReflectionUtils.PackageType ++ +Represents an enumeration of dynamic packages of NMS and CraftBukkit++ +Relation ++ +RelationParticipator ++ +RelationUtil ++ +Role ++ +SaveTask ++ +ShopConfig ++ +ShopGUIFrame ++ +SmokeUtil ++ +SpiralTask ++ +Tag ++ +TagReplacer ++ +Link between config and in-game messages+
Changes based on faction / player
Interfaces the config lists with + {} variables to plugin+ +TagReplacer.TagType ++ +TagUtil ++ +TempAreaMarker ++ +TempMarker ++ +TempMarkerSet ++ +TextUtil ++ +TL ++ +An enum for requesting strings from the language file.++ +UpgradesListener ++ +UpgradeType ++ +UtilFly ++ +UUIDFetcher ++ +VisualizeUtil ++ +WarmUpUtil ++ +WarmUpUtil.Warmup ++ +WeeWooTask ++ +Worldguard ++ +XMaterial ++ +XMaterial v2.2 - Data Values/Pre-flattening + Supports 1.8-1.14 + 1.13 and above as priority.++ + +XMaterial.MinecraftVersion ++ +Only major versions related to material changes.+