Added Upgrade DummyItem Properly, Made config look NOICE & Removed useless thingzz
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- git tag "$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')-$(git log --format=%h -1)"
language: java
provider: releases
user: Driftay
secure: 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
file: target/Factions.jar
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
## How to contribute to SaberFactions
#### **Did you find a bug?**
* **Ensure the bug was not already reported** by searching on GitHub under [Issues](
* If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, [open a new one]( Be sure to include a **title and clear description**, as much relevant information as possible, and a **code sample** or a **snippet of the logs** demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
#### **Did you write a patch that fixes a bug?**
* Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch.
* Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
* Please use tabs as ident with a size of 3 spaces.
#### **Did you fix whitespace, format code, or make a purely cosmetic patch?**
Please specify what changes you made to the formatting etc., as it allows us to get an idea of how this will change our files overall.
#### **Do you intend to add a new feature or change an existing one?**
* Discuss in our [discord server]( about your idea.
* Do not open a Pull Request on GitHub until you have collected positive feedback about the change. GitHub issues are primarily intended for bug reports and fixes.
SaberFactions is a volunteer effort. We encourage you to pitch in and report bugs or create pull requests!
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
FactionsUUID version (run `/f version`):
Server software (run `/version`):
Server (`logs/latest.log`):
Don't put anything inside this block, as it won't be included in the issue.
If you have a question about Factions, it may be more useful to join our
Discord server:
You can ignore the template if suggesting a feature; otherwise, read on:
1. Fill out the template, running the commands either in the console or
as a player. Don't simply put "latest" or we will ignore it.
2. When linking files, do not attach them to the post! Paste them on
||||, then paste a link to them in the relevant parts
of the template. Avoid using Hastebin or Pastebin, as files are deleted
after a period of time.
3. If you are reporting an issue with lag, please include a timings report.
4. If you are reporting an issue with messages or in-game behaviour, please
include screenshots detailing the problem.
5. Include a description and any other details that may be helpful under
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
**What type of PR is this?** (Feature, Bug fix, Formatting etc.)
**Link to relevant issue number(s), if any:**
**Explain your change(s):**
**Why did you make these change(s)?**
**Is there anything we need to know for compatability?** (variable names, placeholders etc.)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<defaultGoal>clean install deploy</defaultGoal>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ public class Conf {
public static String modChatFormat = ChatColor.RED + "%s:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " %s";
public static int stealthFlyCheckRadius = 32;
public static int factionBufferSize = 20;
public static boolean removeHomesOnLeave = false;
public static boolean useCheckSystem = true;
public static boolean gracePeriod = false;
public static boolean noEnderpearlsInFly = false;
@ -463,8 +463,7 @@ public class P extends MPlugin {
public Economy getEcon() {
RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> rsp = P.p.getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Economy.class);
Economy econ = rsp.getProvider();
return econ;
return rsp.getProvider();
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public class FCmdRoot extends FCommand {
if (P.p.getConfig().getBoolean("enable-faction-flight", false)) {
if (Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("FactionsTop") != null || Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("SavageFTOP") != null) {
if (Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("FactionsTop") != null || Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("SavageFTOP") != null || Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("SaberFTOP") != null) {
P.p.log(Level.INFO, "Found FactionsTop plugin. Disabling our own /f top command.");
} else {
P.p.log(Level.INFO, "Enabling FactionsTop command, this is a very basic /f top please get a dedicated /f top resource if you want land calculation etc.");
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FPlayers;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.P;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.XMaterial;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
@ -22,18 +23,14 @@ import java.util.List;
public class FUpgradesGUI implements Listener {
public void openMainMenu(FPlayer fme) {
Inventory inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(null, P.p.getConfig().getInt("fupgrades.MainMenu.DummyItem.rows") * 9, P.p.color(P.p.getConfig().getString("fupgrades.MainMenu.Title").replace("{faction}", fme.getFaction().getTag())));
List<Integer> dummySlots = P.p.getConfig().getIntegerList("fupgrades.MainMenu.DummyItem.slots");
Material dummyMaterial = Material.getMaterial(P.p.getConfig().getString("fupgrades.MainMenu.DummyItem.Type"));
int dummyAmount = P.p.getConfig().getInt("fupgrades.MainMenu.DummyItem.Amount");
short dummyData = Short.parseShort(P.p.getConfig().getInt("fupgrades.MainMenu.DummyItem.Damage") + "");
ItemStack dummyItem = P.p.createItem(dummyMaterial,
ItemStack dummyItem = XMaterial.matchXMaterial(P.p.getConfig().getString("fupgrades.MainMenu.DummyItem.Type")).parseItem();
ItemMeta meta = dummyItem.getItemMeta();
for (int i = 0; i <= dummySlots.size() - 1; i++) {
inventory.setItem(dummySlots.get(i), dummyItem);
for (int fill = 0; fill < P.p.getConfig().getInt("fupgrades.MainMenu.DummyItem.rows") * 9; ++fill) {
inventory.setItem(fill, dummyItem);
ItemStack[] items = buildItems(fme);
@ -159,28 +159,27 @@ scoreboard:
- "&7&m--------------------------"
- "&4&lFaction Info &8»"
- " &8> &cLeader&7: &f{leader}"
- " &8> &cMembers&7: &f{online}&7/&f{members}"
- " &8> &cPower&7: &f{power}&7/&f{maxPower}"
- " &8» &cLeader&7: &f{leader}"
- " &8» &cMembers&7: &f{online}&7/&f{members}"
- " &8» &cPower&7: &f{power}&7/&f{maxPower}"
- "&m"
- "&4&lFaction Stats &8»"
- " &8> &cKills&7: &f{faction-kills}"
- " &8> &cDeaths&7: &f{faction-deaths}"
- " &8> &cBalance&7: &f{faction-balance}"
- " &8» &cDeaths&7: &f{faction-deaths}"
- " &8» &cBalance&7: &f{faction-balance}"
- ""
- " &8> &cYour Balance&7: &f{balance}"
- " &8» &cYour Balance&7: &f{balance}"
- "&7&m---------------------------"
factionless-enabled: true
- "&7&m--------------------------"
- "&4&lInformation &8»"
- " &8> &cPlayer&7: &f{name}"
- " &8> &cRank&7: &f{group}"
- " &8> &cBalance&7: &f${balance}"
- " &8» &cPlayer&7: &f{name}"
- " &8» &cRank&7: &f{group}"
- " &8» &cBalance&7: &f${balance}"
- "&m"
- "&4&lServer Info &8» "
- " &8» &cIFaction: &fN/A"
- " &8» &cFaction: &fN/A"
- " &8» &cOnline Players&7: &f{total-online}"
- "&7&m---------------------------"
@ -275,19 +274,19 @@ hcf:
# First line can be {header} for default header, or any string (we recommend &m for smooth lines ;plugin)
- '&8&m--------------&7 &8<&e{faction}&8> &8&m--------------'
- '&6 * &eOwner: &7{leader}'
- '&6 * &eDescription: &7{description}'
- '&6 * &eLand / Power / Max Power: &7{chunks} &8/ &7{power} &8/ &7{maxPower}'
- '&6 * &eFaction Strikes: &7{strikes}'
- '&6 * &eFaction Points: &7{faction-points}'
- '&6 * &eFounded: &7{create-date}'
- '&6 * &eBalance: &f{faction-balance}'
- '&6 * &eAllies: &c{allies-list}'
- '&6 * &eEnemies: &c{enemies-list}'
- '&6 * &eOnline Members: &8(&7{online}/{members}&8) &7{online-list}'
- '&6 * &eOffline Members: &8(&7{offline}/{members}&8) &7{offline-list}'
- '&6 * &eAlts: &8{alts}'
- '&6 * &eBans: &7{faction-bancount}'
- '&6 * &cOwner: &7{leader}'
- '&6 * &cDescription: &7{description}'
- '&6 * &cLand / Power / Max Power: &7{chunks} &8/ &7{power} &8/ &7{maxPower}'
- '&6 * &cFaction Strikes: &7{strikes}'
- '&6 * &cFaction Points: &7{faction-points}'
- '&6 * &cFounded: &7{create-date}'
- '&6 * &cBalance: &f{faction-balance}'
- '&6 * &cAllies: &5{allies-list}'
- '&6 * &cEnemies: &c{enemies-list}'
- '&6 * &cOnline Members: &8(&7{online}/{members}&8) &7{online-list}'
- '&6 * &cOffline Members: &8(&7{offline}/{members}&8) &7{offline-list}'
- '&6 * &cAlts: &8{alts}'
- '&6 * &cBans: &7{faction-bancount}'
- '&8&m----------------------------------------'
# For a /f show that does not display fancy messages that are essentially empty, use minimal-show
minimal-show: false
@ -304,13 +303,13 @@ show-exempt:
# Lines that arent defined wont be sent (home not set, faction not peaceful / permanent, dtr freeze)
# First line can be {header} for default header, or any string (we recommend &m for smooth lines ;plugin)
- '&6* &eFaction &7{faction}'
- '&6* &eOwner &7{leader}'
- '&6* &eLand / Power / Max Power: &7{chunks} &8/ &7{power} &8/ &7{maxPower}'
- '&6* &eAllies &c{allies-list}'
- '&6* &eEnemies &c{enemies-list}'
- '&6* &eOnline Members &8(&7{online}/{members}&8) {online-list}'
- '&6* &eOffline Members &7{offline-list}'
- '&6* &cFaction: &7{faction}'
- '&6* &cOwner: &7{leader}'
- '&6* &cLand / Power / Max Power: &7{chunks} &8/ &7{power} &8/ &7{maxPower}'
- '&6* &cAllies: &5{allies-list}'
- '&6* &cEnemies: &c{enemies-list}'
- '&6* &cOnline Members: &8(&7{online}/{members}&8) {online-list}'
- '&6* &cOffline Members: &7{offline-list}'
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
@ -344,47 +343,62 @@ help:
- '&7&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '&6&lFactions Help &8- &f(1/2) '
- '&7&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '&e/f create &f<name> &8- &7Create your own faction.'
- '&e/f who &f<name> &8- &7Show faction information.'
- '&e/f tag &f<name> &8- &7Change your faction name.'
- '&e/f join &f<name> &8- &7Join to the faction.'
- '&e/f list &8- &7List all factions.'
- '&e/f top &8- &7View the richest factions.'
- '&e/f map &8- &7Map of the surrounding area, click chunks to claim.'
- '&e/f sethome &8- &7Set your faction home.'
- '&e/f home &8- &7Go to your faction home.'
- '&e/f title &f<playername> <title> &8- &7Set a player''s title, color codes supported.'
- '&e/f ban &8- &7Ban a member from your faction.'
- '&e/f unban &8- &7Unban a member from your faction.'
- '&e/f banlist &8- &7List banned players from your faction.'
- '&e/f lowpower &8- &7List player with power under max from your faction.'
- '&e/f coords &8- &7Broadcast your location to your faction.'
- '&e/f showclaims &8- &7List all claims from your faction.'
- '&c/f create &f<name> &8- &7Create your own faction.'
- '&c/f who &f<name> &8- &7Show faction information.'
- '&c/f tag &f<name> &8- &7Change your faction name.'
- '&c/f join &f<name> &8- &7Join to the faction.'
- '&c/f list &8- &7List all factions.'
- '&c/f top &8- &7View the richest factions.'
- '&c/f map &8- &7Map of the surrounding area, click chunks to claim.'
- '&c/f sethome &8- &7Set your faction home.'
- '&c/f home &8- &7Go to your faction home.'
- '&c/f title &f<playername> <title> &8- &7Set a player''s title, color codes supported.'
- '&c/f ban &8- &7Ban a member from your faction.'
- '&c/f unban &8- &7Unban a member from your faction.'
- '&c/f banlist &8- &7List banned players from your faction.'
- '&c/f lowpower &8- &7List player with power under max from your faction.'
- '&c/f coords &8- &7Broadcast your location to your faction.'
- '&c/f showclaims &8- &7List all claims from your faction.'
- '&7&m--------------------&r &e/f help 2 &7&m-----------------------'
- '&7&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '&6&lFactions Help &8- &f(2/2) '
- '&6&lFactions Help &8- &f(2/3) '
- '&7&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '&e/f leave &8- &7Leave your faction.'
- '&e/f invite &f<playerName> &8- &7Invite a player to your faction.'
- '&e/f deinvite &f<playerName> &8- &7Revoke invitation to player.'
- '&e/f claim &8- &7Claim a land for your faction.'
- '&e/f unclaim &8- &7Unclaim land from your faction.'
- '&e/f kick &f<playerName> &8- &7Kick player from your faction.'
- '&e/f mod &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player to mod role in faction.'
- '&e/f coleader &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player to coleader role in faction.'
- '&e/f leader &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player role to leader in faction.'
- '&e/f chat &f<Faction | Ally | Public> &8- &7Switch to Faction/Ally/Public chat.'
- '&e/f warp &8- &7Opens the warp menu.'
- '&e/f setwarp &8- &7Set a warp.'
- '&e/f perms &8- &7Change what players can do in your claims.'
- '&e/f upgrades &8- &7Upgrade various perks in your faction.'
- '&e/f checkpoint &8- &7Set a faction checkpoint.'
- '&e/f tnt add/take &f<amount> &8- &7Faction Based TNT Bank.'
- '&e/f tntfill &f<radius> <amount> &8- &7Tnt fill integrated into the tntbank!'
- '&e/f chest &8- &7Open a virtual faction chest! '
- '&e/f version &8- &7Display current faction version.'
- '&c/f leave &8- &7Leave your faction.'
- '&c/f invite &f<playerName> &8- &7Invite a player to your faction.'
- '&c/f deinvite &f<playerName> &8- &7Revoke invitation to player.'
- '&c/f claim &8- &7Claim a land for your faction.'
- '&c/f unclaim &8- &7Unclaim land from your faction.'
- '&c/f kick &f<playerName> &8- &7Kick player from your faction.'
- '&c/f mod &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player to mod role in faction.'
- '&c/f coleader &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player to coleader role in faction.'
- '&c/f leader &f<playerName> &8- &7Set player role to leader in faction.'
- '&c/f chat &f<Faction | Ally | Public> &8- &7Switch to Faction/Ally/Public chat.'
- '&c/f warp &8- &7Opens the warp menu.'
- '&c/f setwarp &8- &7Set a warp.'
- '&c/f perms &8- &7Change what players can do in your claims.'
- '&c/f upgrades &8- &7Upgrade various perks in your faction.'
- '&c/f checkpoint &8- &7Set a faction checkpoint.'
- '&c/f tnt add/take &f<amount> &8- &7Faction Based TNT Bank.'
- '&c/f tntfill &f<radius> <amount> &8- &7Tnt fill integrated into the tntbank!'
- '&c/f chest &8- &7Open a virtual faction chest! '
- '&c/f version &8- &7Display current faction version.'
- '&7&m--------------------&r &e/f help 3 &7&m-----------------------'
- '&7&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '&6&lFactions Help &8- &f(3/3) '
- '&7&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '&c/f shop &8- &7Open Shop GUI.'
- '&c/f check &8- &7Manage All Check Settings.'
- '&c/f weewoo &8- &7Alert all faction members you are being raided.'
- '&c/f missions &8- &7Open/Manage all mission/objectives to complete!'
- '&c/f alts &8- &7Manage All Alts via commands.'
- '&c/f corner &8- &7Use this command in a corner chunk, to claim your entire buffer.'
- '&c/f logout &8- &7Safetly logout, hcf style.'
- '&c/f global &8- &7toggle public chat off and only allow faction based chats.'
- '&c/f points &8- &7Check your factions points.'
- '&c/f invsee &8- &7Check a faction members inventory.'
- '&c/f stealth &8- &7Go into stealth mode to not disable enemies flight.'
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | F Permission GUI | #
@ -513,10 +527,10 @@ fperm-gui:
# {action-access} Access name eg: Allow, Deny
# {action-access-color} Access color eg: Allow;GREEN
name: '&e&l(!) &ePermission: &6&n{action}'
name: '&c&l(!) &ePermission: &6&n{action}'
- ''
- '&6&l * &eStatus: &8[{action-access-color}{action-access}&8]'
- '&6&l * &cStatus: &8[{action-access-color}{action-access}&8]'
- ''
- '&7Left click to &a&nAllow&7.'
- '&7Right click to &c&nDeny&7.'
@ -552,13 +566,13 @@ fwarp-gui:
- 15
Name: '&e&l(!) &eFaction Warp: &6&n{warp}'
Name: '&c&l(!) &eFaction Warp: &6&n{warp}'
# {warp-protected} Warp protection by password, Enabled & Disabled
# {warp-cost} Warp cost
- ''
- '&6&l * &ePassword: &7{warp-protected}'
- '&6&l * &eCost: &7{warp-cost}'
- '&6&l * &cPassword: &7{warp-protected}'
- '&6&l * &cCost: &7{warp-cost}'
- ''
- '&c&lNote: &7You need pay to teleport to'
- '&7a faction warp. Unless it''s &nDisabled&7.'
@ -785,7 +799,7 @@ fvault:
No-Hoppers-near-vault: true
Price: 5000
Name: '&e&l*&f&l*&e&l* &e&lFaction Vault &7(Place) &e&l*&f&l*&e&l*'
Name: '&e&l*&f&l*&e&l* &c&lFaction Vault &7(Place) &e&l*&f&l*&e&l*'
- '&7Place this vault in your Faction claim, You will'
- '&7then be able to access it.'
@ -813,59 +827,11 @@ fupgrades:
Title: '{faction}''s Upgrade Menu'
Name: '&f'
Amount: 1
Damage: 7
- ''
rows: 5
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 32
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 36
- 37
- 38
- 39
- 40
- 41
- 42
- 43
- 44
Name: '&f'
- ' '
level-1: 10
@ -876,7 +842,7 @@ fupgrades:
level-2: 500000
level-3: 750000
Name: '&e&lUpgrade Growth Speed'
Name: '&c&lUpgrade Growth Speed'
Amount: 1
Damage: 0
@ -884,10 +850,10 @@ fupgrades:
- '&7Increase growth speed of crops in claims.'
- '&7&o(Chance to Grow Two Levels)'
- ''
- '&e&lTier'
- '&c&lTier'
- '&f&l* &7Current Level: &3{level}/3'
- ''
- '&e&lPerks'
- '&c&lPerks'
- '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f10% Chance'
- '&7 - Cost: $250,000'
- '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f20% Chance'
@ -908,17 +874,17 @@ fupgrades:
level-2: 4000000
level-3: 6000000
Name: '&e&lUpgrade EXP Drop Rate'
Name: '&c&lUpgrade EXP Drop Rate'
Amount: 1
Damage: 0
- '&7Increased Vanilla XP gained from monsters.'
- ''
- '&e&lTier'
- '&c&lTier'
- '&f&l* &7Current Level: &3{level}/3'
- ''
- '&e&lPerks'
- '&c&lPerks'
- '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f1.5x Multiplier'
- '&7 - Cost: $2,000,000'
- '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f2.0x Multiplier'
@ -939,7 +905,7 @@ fupgrades:
level-2: 2000000
level-3: 3000000
Name: '&e&lFaction Power'
Name: '&c&lFaction Power'
Amount: 1
Damage: 0
@ -947,10 +913,10 @@ fupgrades:
- '&7&o(Increase the amount of power'
- '&7&oyour faction has)'
- ''
- '&e&lTier'
- '&c&lTier'
- '&f&l* &7Current Level: &3{level}/3'
- ''
- '&e&lPerks'
- '&c&lPerks'
- '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f100 Increased Faction Power'
- '&7 - Cost: $1,000,000'
- '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f200 Increased Faction Power'
@ -964,7 +930,7 @@ fupgrades:
Cost: 1000000
Name: '&e&lUnbreakable Redstone'
Name: '&c&lUnbreakable Redstone'
Amount: 1
Damage: 0
@ -989,17 +955,17 @@ fupgrades:
level-2: 2000000
level-3: 3000000
Name: '&e&lUpgrade Spawn Rate'
Name: '&c&lUpgrade Spawn Rate'
Amount: 1
Damage: 0
- '&7Decreased mob spawner delay in claims.'
- ''
- '&e&lTier'
- '&c&lTier'
- '&f&l* &7Current Level: &3{level}/3'
- ''
- '&e&lPerks'
- '&c&lPerks'
- '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f10% Lower Delay'
- '&7 - Cost: $1,000,000'
- '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f20% Lower Delay'
@ -1021,17 +987,17 @@ fupgrades:
level-2: 2000000
level-3: 3000000
Name: '&e&lUpgrade Faction Chest Size'
Name: '&c&lUpgrade Faction Chest Size'
Amount: 1
Damage: 0
- '&7Increased Faction Chest Size.'
- ''
- '&e&lTier'
- '&c&lTier'
- '&f&l* &7Current Level: &3{level}/3'
- ''
- '&e&lPerks'
- '&c&lPerks'
- '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f2 Rows'
- '&7 - Cost: $1,000,000'
- '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f3 Rows'
@ -1052,17 +1018,17 @@ fupgrades:
level-2: 2000000
level-3: 3000000
Name: '&e&lUpgrade Faction Members'
Name: '&c&lUpgrade Faction Members'
Amount: 1
Damage: 0
- '&7Increase faction member limit.'
- ''
- '&e&lTier'
- '&c&lTier'
- '&f&l* &7Current Level: &3{level}/3'
- ''
- '&e&lPerks'
- '&c&lPerks'
- '&f&l* &7Level 1 - &f30 Members'
- '&7 - Cost: $1,000,000'
- '&f&l* &7Level 2 - &f35 Members'
@ -1075,16 +1041,16 @@ fupgrades:
- 22
Enabled: true
Enabled: false
Name: '&e&l*&f&l*&e&l* &e&lWar Banner &7(Place) &e&l*&f&l*&e&l*'
Name: '&e&l*&f&l*&e&l* &c&lWar Banner &7(Place) &e&l*&f&l*&e&l*'
- '&7Place this banner in the &nWarzone.&7 This'
- '&7will create a &nWarp Point&7 for your faction members.'
- ''
- '&e&lEffects'
- '&e&l* &fStrength II'
- '&e&l* &fSpeed II'
- '&c&lEffects'
- '&c&l* &fStrength II'
- '&c&l* &fSpeed II'
Banner-Cost: 5000 #The amount charged to change a banner into a War Banner
Banner-Time: 60 #IN SECONDS - This is how long the banner will last.
Banner-Place-Cooldown: 300
Reference in New Issue
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