@ -109,15 +109,15 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_UPGRADES_NOTENOUGHMONEY("&cYou dont have enough money!"),
COMMAND_UPGRADES_NOTENOUGHMONEY("&cYou dont have enough money!"),
COMMAND_ADMIN_NOTMEMBER("%1$s<i> is not a&c member in your faction."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_NOTMEMBER("&c&l[!] &7%1$s &cis not a member in your faction."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_NOTADMIN("<b>You are not the faction admin."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_NOTADMIN("&c&l[!] &cYou are not the faction admin."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_TARGETSELF("<b>The target player musn't be yourself."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_TARGETSELF("'&c&l[!] &cThe target player musn''t be yourself."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DEMOTES("<i>You have demoted %1$s<i> from the position of faction admin."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DEMOTES("&c&l[!] &cYou have demoted &7%1$s &cfrom the position of faction admin."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DEMOTED("<i>You have been demoted from the position of faction admin by %1$s<i>."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DEMOTED("&c&l[!] &cYou have been demoted from the position of faction admin by &7%1$s&c"),
COMMAND_ADMIN_PROMOTES("<i>You have promoted %1$s<i> to the position of faction admin."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_PROMOTES("&e&l[!] &eYou have promoted &6%1$s &eto the position of faction admin."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_PROMOTED("%1$s<i> gave %2$s<i> the leadership of %3$s<i>."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_PROMOTED("&e&l[!] &6%1$s &egave &6%2$s ðe leadership of &6%3$s&e."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DESCRIPTION("Hand over your admin rights"),
COMMAND_ADMIN_DESCRIPTION("Hand over your admin rights"),
COMMAND_ADMIN_NOMEMBERS("No one else to promote, please disband faction."),
COMMAND_ADMIN_NOMEMBERS("&e&l[!] &cNo one else to promote, please disband faction."),
COMMAND_AHOME_DESCRIPTION("Send a player to their f home no matter what."),
COMMAND_AHOME_DESCRIPTION("Send a player to their f home no matter what."),
COMMAND_AHOME_NOHOME("%1$s doesn't have an f home."),
COMMAND_AHOME_NOHOME("%1$s doesn't have an f home."),
@ -134,78 +134,77 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_FREECAM_DESCRIPTION("Go into spectator mode"),
COMMAND_FREECAM_DESCRIPTION("Go into spectator mode"),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_ENABLED("<i>Now auto-claiming land for <h>%1$s<i>."),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_ENABLED("&c&l[!] &7Now &cauto-claiming&7 land for <h>%1$s<i>."),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_DISABLED("<i>Auto-claiming of land disabled."),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_DISABLED("&c&l[!] Auto-claiming&7 of land is now &cdisabled."),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_REQUIREDRANK("<b>You must be <h>%1$s<b> to claim land."),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_REQUIREDRANK("&c&l[!] &7You must be &c%1$s&7 to claim land."),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_OTHERFACTION("<b>You can't claim land for <h>%1$s<b>."),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_OTHERFACTION("&c&l[!]&7 You &ccan't &7claim land for &c%1$s&7."),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_DESCRIPTION("Auto-claim land as you walk around"),
COMMAND_AUTOCLAIM_DESCRIPTION("Auto-claim land as you walk around"),
COMMAND_AUTOHELP_HELPFOR("Help for command \""),
COMMAND_AUTOHELP_HELPFOR("Help for command \""),
COMMAND_BAN_DESCRIPTION("Ban players from joining your Faction."),
COMMAND_BAN_DESCRIPTION("Ban players from joining your Faction."),
COMMAND_BAN_TARGET("&cYou were banned from &7%1$s"), // banned player perspective
COMMAND_BAN_TARGET("&c&l[!] &7You were &cbanned &7from &c%1$s"), // banned player perspective
COMMAND_BAN_BANNED("&e%1$s &cbanned &7%2$s"),
COMMAND_BAN_BANNED("&c&l[!] &7%1$s &cbanned &7%2$s"),
COMMAND_BAN_SELF("&cYou may not ban yourself"),
COMMAND_BAN_SELF("&c&l[!] &7You may &cnot &7ban &cyourself&7."),
COMMAND_BAN_INSUFFICIENTRANK("&cYour rank is too low to ban &7%1$s"),
COMMAND_BAN_INSUFFICIENTRANK("&c&l[!] &7Your &crank &7is too low to&c ban &7%1$s"),
COMMAND_BAN_ALREADYBANNED("&cThis player is already banned!"),
COMMAND_BAN_ALREADYBANNED("&c&l[!] &7This player is &calready banned&7!"),
COMMAND_BANLIST_DESCRIPTION("View a Faction's ban list"),
COMMAND_BANLIST_DESCRIPTION("View a Faction's ban list"),
COMMAND_BANLIST_HEADER("&6There are &c%d&6 bans for %s"),
COMMAND_BANLIST_HEADER("&c&l[!] &7There are &c%d&7 bans for &c%s"),
COMMAND_BANLIST_ENTRY("&7%d. &c%s &r- &a%s &r- &e%s"),
COMMAND_BANLIST_ENTRY("&7%d. &c%s &r&7// &c%s &r&7// &c%s"),
COMMAND_BANLIST_NOFACTION("&4You are not in a Faction."),
COMMAND_BANLIST_NOFACTION("&c&l[!] &7You are &cnot &7in a Faction."),
COMMAND_BANLIST_INVALID("We couldn't find a Faction by the name %s"),
COMMAND_BANLIST_INVALID("&c&l[!] &7The faction &c%s &7does not exist"),
COMMAND_BOOM_PEACEFULONLY("<b>This command is only usable by factions which are specifically designated as peaceful."),
COMMAND_BOOM_PEACEFULONLY("&c&l[!] &7This command is &conly &7usable by factions which are &cspecifically &7designated as &cpeaceful&7."),
COMMAND_BOOM_TOTOGGLE("to toggle explosions"),
COMMAND_BOOM_TOTOGGLE("to toggle explosions"),
COMMAND_BOOM_FORTOGGLE("for toggling explosions"),
COMMAND_BOOM_FORTOGGLE("for toggling explosions"),
COMMAND_BOOM_ENABLED("%1$s<i> has %2$s explosions in your faction's territory."),
COMMAND_BOOM_ENABLED("&c&l[!] &c%1$s&7 has&c %2$s&7 explosions in your faction's territory."),
COMMAND_BOOM_DESCRIPTION("Toggle explosions (peaceful factions only)"),
COMMAND_BOOM_DESCRIPTION("Toggle explosions (peaceful factions only)"),
COMMAND_BYPASS_ENABLE("<i>You have enabled admin bypass mode. You will be able to build or destroy anywhere."),
COMMAND_BYPASS_ENABLE("&e&l[!] &eYou have enabled admin bypass mode. You will be able to build or destroy anywhere."),
COMMAND_BYPASS_ENABLELOG(" has ENABLED admin bypass mode."),
COMMAND_BYPASS_ENABLELOG(" has ENABLED admin bypass mode."),
COMMAND_BYPASS_DISABLE("<i>You have disabled admin bypass mode."),
COMMAND_BYPASS_DISABLE("&c&l[!] &cYou have disabled admin bypass mode."),
COMMAND_BYPASS_DISABLELOG(" has DISABLED admin bypass mode."),
COMMAND_BYPASS_DISABLELOG(" has DISABLED admin bypass mode."),
COMMAND_BYPASS_DESCRIPTION("Enable admin bypass mode"),
COMMAND_BYPASS_DESCRIPTION("Enable admin bypass mode"),
COMMAND_BANNER_DESCRIPTION("Turn a held banner into a war banner"),
COMMAND_BANNER_DESCRIPTION("Turn a held banner into a war banner"),
COMMAND_BANNER_NOTENOUGHMONEY("&cYou do not have enough money"),
COMMAND_BANNER_NOTENOUGHMONEY("&c&l[!] &7You do&c not&7 have enough money"),
COMMAND_BANNER_MONEYTAKE("&c{amount} has been taken from your account."),
COMMAND_BANNER_MONEYTAKE("&c&l[!] $&c{amount} &7has been taken from your account."),
COMMAND_BANNER_WRONGITEM("&cYou need to be holding a banner to use this!"),
COMMAND_BANNER_SUCCESS("&c&l[!] &7You have created a &c&lWarBanner!"),
COMMAND_BANNER_SUCCESS("&cYou have created a war banner!"),
COMMAND_TPBANNER_NOTSET("&cYour faction does not have a banner placed!"),
COMMAND_TPBANNER_NOTSET("&c&l[!] &7Your faction &cdoes not &7have a &c&lWarBanner &7placed!"),
COMMAND_TPBANNER_SUCCESS("&cTeleporting to Faction Banner"),
COMMAND_TPBANNER_SUCCESS("&c&l[!] &cTeleporting &7to your factions's &c&lWarBanner"),
COMMAND_TPBANNER_DESCRIPTION("Teleport to your faction banner"),
COMMAND_TPBANNER_DESCRIPTION("Teleport to your faction banner"),
COMMAND_CHAT_DISABLED("<b>The built in chat channels are disabled on this server."),
COMMAND_CHAT_DISABLED("&c&l[!] &7The built in chat channels are &cdisabled &7on this server."),
COMMAND_CHAT_INVALIDMODE("<b>Unrecognised chat mode. <i>Please enter either 'a','f' or 'p'"),
COMMAND_CHAT_INVALIDMODE("&c&l[!] &cUnrecognised &7chat mode. Please enter either '&da&7','&af&7','&6m&7' or '&fp&7'"),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_PUBLIC("<i>Public chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_PUBLIC("&c&l[!] &fPublic &7chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_ALLIANCE("<i>Alliance only chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_ALLIANCE("&c&l[!] &dAlliance &7only chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_TRUCE("<i>Truce only chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_TRUCE("&c&l[!] &5Truce &7only chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_FACTION("<i>Faction only chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_FACTION("&c&l[!] &aFaction&7 only chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_MOD("<i>Mod only chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHAT_MODE_MOD("&c&l[!] &dMod &7only chat mode."),
COMMAND_CHATSPY_ENABLE("<i>You have enabled chat spying mode."),
COMMAND_CHATSPY_ENABLE("&c&l[!] &7You have &cenabled &7chat spying mode."),
COMMAND_CHATSPY_ENABLELOG(" has ENABLED chat spying mode."),
COMMAND_CHATSPY_ENABLELOG(" has ENABLED chat spying mode."),
COMMAND_CHATSPY_DISABLE("<i>You have disabled chat spying mode."),
COMMAND_CHATSPY_DISABLE("&c&l[!] &7You have &cdisabled &7chat spying mode."),
COMMAND_CHATSPY_DESCRIPTION("Enable admin chat spy mode"),
COMMAND_CHATSPY_DESCRIPTION("Enable admin chat spy mode"),
COMMAND_CLAIM_INVALIDRADIUS("<b>If you specify a radius, it must be at least 1."),
COMMAND_CLAIM_INVALIDRADIUS("&c&l[!]&7 If you specify a &cradius&7, it must be at least &c1&7."),
COMMAND_CLAIM_DENIED("<b>You do not have permission to claim in a radius."),
COMMAND_CLAIM_DENIED("&c&l[!]&7 You &cdo not &7have &cpermission&7 to &cclaim&7 in a radius."),
COMMAND_CLAIM_DESCRIPTION("Claim land from where you are standing"),
COMMAND_CLAIM_DESCRIPTION("Claim land from where you are standing"),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_INVALIDRADIUS("<b>If you specify a distance, it must be at least 1."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_INVALIDRADIUS("&c&l[!]&7 If you &cspecify&7 a distance, it must be at least &c1&7."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_DENIED("<b>You do not have permission to claim in a line."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_DENIED("&c&l[!]&7 You &cdo not &7have&c permission&7 to claim in a line."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_DESCRIPTION("Claim land in a straight line."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_DESCRIPTION("Claim land in a straight line."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_ABOVEMAX("<b>The maximum limit for claim line is <b>%s<b>."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_ABOVEMAX("&c&l[!]&7 The &cmaximum&7 limit for claim line is &c%s&7."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_NOTVALID("%s<b> is not a cardinal direction. You may use <h>north<b>, <h>east<b>, <h>south <b>or <h>west<b>."),
COMMAND_CLAIMLINE_NOTVALID("&c&l[!]&7 &c%s&7 is not a &ccardinal &7direction. You may use &cnorth&7, &ceast&7, &csouth &7or &cwest&7."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_NOEXIST("<b>No configuration setting \"<h>%1$s<b>\" exists."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_NOEXIST("&c&l[!]&7 No configuration setting \"&c%1$s&7\" exists."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_SET_TRUE("\" option set to true (enabled)."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_SET_TRUE("\" option set to true (enabled)."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_SET_FALSE("\" option set to false (disabled)."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_SET_FALSE("\" option set to false (disabled)."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_OPTIONSET("\" option set to "),
COMMAND_CONFIG_OPTIONSET("\" option set to "),
@ -228,81 +227,82 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_CONFIG_ERROR_TYPE("'%1$s' is of type '%2$s', which cannot be modified with this command."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_ERROR_TYPE("'%1$s' is of type '%2$s', which cannot be modified with this command."),
COMMAND_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION("Change a conf.json setting"),
COMMAND_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION("Change a conf.json setting"),
COMMAND_CONVERT_BACKEND_RUNNING("Already running that backend."),
COMMAND_CONVERT_BACKEND_RUNNING("&c&l[!]&7 Already running that backend."),
COMMAND_CONVERT_BACKEND_INVALID("&c&l[!]&7 Invalid backend"),
COMMAND_CONVERT_DESCRIPTION("Convert the plugin backend"),
COMMAND_CONVERT_DESCRIPTION("Convert the plugin backend"),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_DISABLED("You cannot use checkpoint while disabled!"),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot&7 use checkpoint while its&c disabled&7!"),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_SET("&cYou have set the faction checkpoint at your Location."),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_SET("&c&l[!]&7 You have &cset&7 the &cfaction checkpoint&7 at your &cLocation&7."),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_GO("&cTeleporting to faction checkpoint"),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_GO("&c&l[!]&7 &cTeleporting&7 to &cfaction checkpoint"),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_INVALIDLOCATION("&cInvalid Location! You can set checkpoints in your claims or wilderness."),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_INVALIDLOCATION("&c&l[!]&7 &cInvalid Location!&7 You can &cset&7 checkpoints in &cyour claims&7 or &2wilderness&7."),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_NOT_SET("&cYou have to set the faction checkpoint first."),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_NOT_SET("&c&l[!]&7 You have to &cset &7the &cfaction checkpoint&7 first."),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_CLAIMED("&cYour current faction checkpoint is claimed, set a new one!"),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_CLAIMED("&c&l[!]&7 Your current &cfaction checkpoint&7 is claimed, set a &cnew &7one!"),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_DESCRIPTION("Set or go to your faction checkpoint!"),
COMMAND_CHECKPOINT_DESCRIPTION("Set or go to your faction checkpoint!"),
COMMAND_CREATE_MUSTLEAVE("<b>You must leave your current faction first."),
COMMAND_CREATE_MUSTLEAVE("&c&l[!]&7 You must &cleave &7your &ccurrent faction &7first."),
COMMAND_CREATE_INUSE("<b>That tag is already in use."),
COMMAND_CREATE_INUSE("&c&l[!]&7 That tag is &calready &7in use."),
COMMAND_CREATE_TOCREATE("to create a new faction"),
COMMAND_CREATE_TOCREATE("to create a new faction"),
COMMAND_CREATE_FORCREATE("for creating a new faction"),
COMMAND_CREATE_FORCREATE("for creating a new faction"),
COMMAND_CREATE_ERROR("<b>There was an internal error while trying to create your faction. Please try again."),
COMMAND_CREATE_ERROR("&c&l[!]&7 There was an &cinternal error&7 while trying to create your faction. &cPlease try again&7."),
COMMAND_CREATE_CREATED("%1$s<i> created a new faction %2$s"),
COMMAND_CREATE_CREATED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s<i> &7created a new faction &c&l%2$s"),
COMMAND_CREATE_YOUSHOULD("<i>You should now: %1$s"),
COMMAND_CREATE_YOUSHOULD("&c&l[!]&7 You should now: &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_CREATE_CREATEDLOG(" created a new faction: "),
COMMAND_CREATE_CREATEDLOG(" created a new faction: "),
COMMAND_CREATE_DESCRIPTION("Create a new faction"),
COMMAND_CREATE_DESCRIPTION("Create a new faction"),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_CANDEINVITE("Players you can deinvite: "),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_CANDEINVITE("&c&l[!]&7 Players you can &cdeinvite: "),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_CLICKTODEINVITE("Click to revoke invite for %1$s"),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_CLICKTODEINVITE("&c&l[!]&7 Click to &crevoke&7 invite for &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_ALREADYMEMBER("%1$s<i> is already a member of %2$s"),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_ALREADYMEMBER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s<i>&7 is already a member of &c%2$s"),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_MIGHTWANT("<i>You might want to: %1$s"),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_MIGHTWANT("&c&l[!]&7 You might want to: &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_REVOKED("%1$s<i> revoked your invitation to <h>%2$s<i>."),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_REVOKED("&c&l[!]&7 &7%1$s<i> &crevoked&7 your invitation to &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_REVOKES("%1$s<i> revoked %2$s's<i> invitation."),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_REVOKES("&c&l[!]&7 %1$s&c revoked &7%2$s's&c invitation."),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_DESCRIPTION("Remove a pending invitation"),
COMMAND_DEINVITE_DESCRIPTION("Remove a pending invitation"),
COMMAND_DELFWARP_DELETED("<i>Deleted warp <a>%1$s"),
COMMAND_DELFWARP_DELETED("&c&l[!]&7 Deleted warp &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_DELFWARP_INVALID("<i>Couldn't find warp <a>%1$s"),
COMMAND_DELFWARP_INVALID("&c&l[!]&7 Couldn't &cfind&7 warp &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_DELFWARP_FORDELETE("for deleting warp"),
COMMAND_DELFWARP_FORDELETE("for deleting warp"),
COMMAND_DELFWARP_DESCRIPTION("Delete a faction warp"),
COMMAND_DELFWARP_DESCRIPTION("Delete a faction warp"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CHANGES("You have changed the description for <h>%1$s<i> to:"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CHANGES("&c&l[!]&7 You have &cchanged&7 the &cdescription&7 for &c%1$s&7 to:"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED("<i>The faction %1$s<i> changed their description to:"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED("&c&l[!]&7 The faction&c %1$s<i>&7 changed their &cdescription &7to:"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TOCHANGE("to change faction description"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TOCHANGE("to change faction description"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_FORCHANGE("for changing faction description"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_FORCHANGE("for changing faction description"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION("Change the faction description"),
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION("Change the faction description"),
COMMAND_DISBAND_IMMUTABLE("<i>You cannot disband the Wilderness, SafeZone, or WarZone."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_IMMUTABLE("&c&l[!]&7 &7You &ccannot&7 disband &2Wilderness&7,&e SafeZone&7, or &4WarZone."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_MARKEDPERMANENT("<i>This faction is designated as permanent, so you cannot disband it."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_MARKEDPERMANENT("&c&l[!]&7 This faction is designated as&c permanent&7, so you cannot disband it."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_YOURS("<h>%1$s<i> disbanded your faction."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_YOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 disbanded your &cfaction."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_NOTYOURS("<h>%1$s<i> disbanded the faction %2$s."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_BROADCAST_NOTYOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s<i> &7disbanded the faction &c%2$s."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_HOLDINGS("<i>You have been given the disbanded faction's bank, totaling %1$s."),
COMMAND_DISBAND_HOLDINGS("&c&l[!]&7 &7You have been given the disbanded &cfaction's bank&7, totaling &c%1$s."),
COMMAND_FLY_DISABLED("&cSorry, Faction flight is disabled on this server"),
COMMAND_FLY_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, Faction flight is &cdisabled &7on this server"),
COMMAND_FLY_DESCRIPTION("Enter or leave Faction flight mode"),
COMMAND_FLY_DESCRIPTION("Enter or leave Faction flight mode"),
COMMAND_FLY_CHANGE("&eFaction flight &d%1$s"),
COMMAND_FLY_CHANGE("&c&l[!]&7 Faction flight &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_FLY_DAMAGE("&eFaction flight &ddisabled&e due to entering combat"),
COMMAND_FLY_COOLDOWN("&c&l[!]&7 You will &cnot&7 take fall damage for &c{amount}&7 seconds"),
COMMAND_FLY_NO_ACCESS("&cCannot fly in territory of %1$s"),
COMMAND_FLY_DAMAGE("&c&l[!]&7 Faction flight &cdisabled&7 due to entering combat"),
COMMAND_FLY_ENEMY_NEAR("&cFlight has been disabled an enemy is nearby"),
COMMAND_FLY_NO_ACCESS("&c&l[!]&7 &cCannot fly &7in territory of %1$s"),
COMMAND_FLY_CHECK_ENEMY("&cCannot fly here, an enemy is nearby"),
COMMAND_FLY_ENEMY_NEAR("&c&l[!]&7 Flight has been&c disabled&7 an enemy is nearby"),
COMMAND_FLY_CHECK_ENEMY("&c&l[!]&7 Cannot fly here, an enemy is &cnearby"),
COMMAND_FWARP_CLICKTOWARP("&c&l[!]&7 Click to &cwarp!"),
COMMAND_FWARP_COMMANDFORMAT("<i>/f warp <warpname> [password]"),
COMMAND_FWARP_COMMANDFORMAT("&c&l[!]&7 /f warp <warpname> &c[password]"),
COMMAND_FWARP_WARPED("<i>Warped to <a>%1$s"),
COMMAND_FWARP_WARPED("&c&l[!]&7 Warped to &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_FWARP_INVALID("<i>Couldn't find warp <a>%1$s"),
COMMAND_FWARP_INVALID_WARP("&c&l[!]&7 Couldn't find warp &c%1$s"),
COMMAND_FWARP_DESCRIPTION("Teleport to a faction warp"),
COMMAND_FWARP_DESCRIPTION("Teleport to a faction warp"),
COMMAND_FWARP_INVALID_PASSWORD("&c&l[!]&7 &cInvalid password!"),
COMMAND_FWARP_PASSWORD_REQUIRED("&c&l[!]&c Warp Password:"),
COMMAND_FWARP_PASSWORD_TIMEOUT("&cWarp password canceled"),
COMMAND_FWARP_PASSWORD_TIMEOUT("&c&l[!]&7 Warp password &ccanceled"),
COMMAND_HOME_DISABLED("<b>Sorry, Faction homes are disabled on this server."),
COMMAND_HOME_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, Faction homes are &cdisabled on this server."),
COMMAND_HOME_TELEPORTDISABLED("<b>Sorry, the ability to teleport to Faction homes is disabled on this server."),
COMMAND_HOME_TELEPORTDISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, the ability to &cteleport &7to Faction homes is &cdisabled &7on this server."),
COMMAND_HOME_NOHOME("<b>Your faction does not have a home. "),
COMMAND_HOME_NOHOME("&c&l[!]&7 Your faction does &cnot &7have a home. "),
COMMAND_HOME_INENEMY("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while in the territory of an enemy faction."),
COMMAND_HOME_INENEMY("&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot teleport &7to your &cfaction home&7 while in the territory of an &cenemy faction&7."),
COMMAND_HOME_WRONGWORLD("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while in a different world."),
COMMAND_HOME_WRONGWORLD("&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot &7teleport to your &cfaction home&7 while in a different world."),
COMMAND_HOME_ENEMYNEAR("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while an enemy is within %s blocks of you."),
COMMAND_HOME_ENEMYNEAR("&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot teleport&7 to your faction home while an enemy is within &c%s&7 blocks of you."),
COMMAND_HOME_TOTELEPORT("to teleport to your faction home"),
COMMAND_HOME_TOTELEPORT("to teleport to your faction home"),
COMMAND_HOME_FORTELEPORT("for teleporting to your faction home"),
COMMAND_HOME_FORTELEPORT("for teleporting to your faction home"),
COMMAND_HOME_DESCRIPTION("Teleport to the faction home"),
COMMAND_HOME_DESCRIPTION("Teleport to the faction home"),
@ -310,190 +310,190 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_INVITE_TOINVITE("to invite someone"),
COMMAND_INVITE_TOINVITE("to invite someone"),
COMMAND_INVITE_FORINVITE("for inviting someone"),
COMMAND_INVITE_FORINVITE("for inviting someone"),
COMMAND_INVITE_INVITEDYOU(" has invited you to join "),
COMMAND_INVITE_INVITEDYOU("&chas invited you to join "),
COMMAND_INVITE_INVITED("%1$s<i> invited %2$s<i> to your faction."),
COMMAND_INVITE_INVITED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 invited &c%2$s&7 to your faction."),
COMMAND_INVITE_ALREADYMEMBER("%1$s<i> is already a member of %2$s"),
COMMAND_INVITE_ALREADYMEMBER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is already a member of&c %2$s"),
COMMAND_INVITE_DESCRIPTION("Invite a player to your faction"),
COMMAND_INVITE_DESCRIPTION("Invite a player to your faction"),
COMMAND_INVITE_BANNED("&7%1$s &cis banned from your Faction. Not sending an invite."),
COMMAND_INVITE_BANNED("&c&l[!]&7 &7%1$s &cis banned &7from your Faction. &cNot &7sending an invite."),
COMMAND_JOIN_CANNOTFORCE("<b>You do not have permission to move other players into a faction."),
COMMAND_JOIN_CANNOTFORCE("&c&l[!]&7 You&c do not&7 have permission to &cmove other players&7 into a faction."),
COMMAND_JOIN_SYSTEMFACTION("<b>Players may only join normal factions. This is a system faction."),
COMMAND_JOIN_SYSTEMFACTION("&c&l[!]&7 Players may nly join &cnormal factions&7. This is a &c&lsystem faction&7."),
COMMAND_JOIN_ALREADYMEMBER("<b>%1$s %2$s already a member of %3$s"),
COMMAND_JOIN_ALREADYMEMBER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s %2$s already a member of&c %3$s"),
COMMAND_JOIN_ATLIMIT(" <b>!<white> The faction %1$s is at the limit of %2$d members, so %3$s cannot currently join."),
COMMAND_JOIN_ATLIMIT(" &c&l[!]&7 The faction &c%1$s &7is at the limit of&c %2$d&7 members, so&c %3$s&7 cannot currently join."),
COMMAND_JOIN_INOTHERFACTION("<b>%1$s must leave %2$s current faction first."),
COMMAND_JOIN_INOTHERFACTION("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7must leave&c %2$s &7current faction first."),
COMMAND_JOIN_NEGATIVEPOWER("<b>%1$s cannot join a faction with a negative power level."),
COMMAND_JOIN_NEGATIVEPOWER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7cannot join a faction with a &cnegative power&7 level."),
COMMAND_JOIN_REQUIRESINVITATION("<i>This faction requires invitation."),
COMMAND_JOIN_REQUIRESINVITATION("&c&l[!]&7 This faction &crequires&7 an invitation."),
COMMAND_JOIN_ATTEMPTEDJOIN("%1$s<i> tried to join your faction."),
COMMAND_JOIN_ATTEMPTEDJOIN("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 tried to join your faction."),
COMMAND_JOIN_TOJOIN("to join a faction"),
COMMAND_JOIN_TOJOIN("to join a faction"),
COMMAND_JOIN_FORJOIN("for joining a faction"),
COMMAND_JOIN_FORJOIN("for joining a faction"),
COMMAND_JOIN_SUCCESS("<i>%1$s successfully joined %2$s."),
COMMAND_JOIN_SUCCESS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7successfully joined &c%2$s."),
COMMAND_JOIN_MOVED("<i>%1$s moved you into the faction %2$s."),
COMMAND_JOIN_MOVED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7moved you into the faction&c %2$s."),
COMMAND_JOIN_JOINED("<i>%1$s joined your faction."),
COMMAND_JOIN_JOINED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7joined your faction."),
COMMAND_JOIN_JOINEDLOG("%1$s joined the faction %2$s."),
COMMAND_JOIN_JOINEDLOG("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 joined the faction&c %2$s."),
COMMAND_JOIN_MOVEDLOG("%1$s moved the player %2$s into the faction %3$s."),
COMMAND_JOIN_MOVEDLOG("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7moved the player&c %2$s &7into the faction&c %3$s&7."),
COMMAND_JOIN_DESCRIPTION("\\n &a&l» &7Join a faction"),
COMMAND_JOIN_DESCRIPTION("&a&l» &7Join a faction"),
COMMAND_JOIN_BANNED("&cYou are banned from %1$s &c:("),
COMMAND_JOIN_BANNED("&c&l[!]&7 You are &cbanned &7from &c%1$s."),
COMMAND_KICK_CANDIDATES("Players you can kick: "),
COMMAND_KICK_CANDIDATES("&c&l[!]&7 Players you can kick: "),
COMMAND_KICK_SELF("<b>You cannot kick yourself."),
COMMAND_KICK_SELF("&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot &7kick&c yourself&7."),
COMMAND_KICK_NONE("That player is not in a faction."),
COMMAND_KICK_NONE("&c&l[!]&7 That player&c is not&7 in a faction."),
COMMAND_KICK_NOTMEMBER("%1$s<b> is not a member of %2$s"),
COMMAND_KICK_NOTMEMBER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s<b> is not a member of %2$s"),
COMMAND_KICK_INSUFFICIENTRANK("<b>Your rank is too low to kick this player."),
COMMAND_KICK_INSUFFICIENTRANK("&c&l[!]&7 Your rank is &ctoo low &7to kick this player."),
COMMAND_KICK_NEGATIVEPOWER("<b>You cannot kick that member until their power is positive."),
COMMAND_KICK_NEGATIVEPOWER("&c&l[!]&7 You &ccannot &7kick that member until their power is &apositive&7."),
COMMAND_KICK_TOKICK("to kick someone from the faction"),
COMMAND_KICK_TOKICK("to kick someone from the faction"),
COMMAND_KICK_FORKICK("for kicking someone from the faction"),
COMMAND_KICK_FORKICK("for kicking someone from the faction"),
COMMAND_KICK_FACTION("%1$s<i> kicked %2$s<i> from the faction! :O"), //message given to faction members
COMMAND_KICK_FACTION("&c&l[!]&7 %1$s<i> kicked %2$s<i> from the faction!"), //message given to faction members
COMMAND_KICK_KICKS("<i>You kicked %1$s<i> from the faction %2$s<i>!"), //kicker perspective
COMMAND_KICK_KICKS("&c&l[!]&7 You kicked &c%1$s&7 from the faction&c %2$s&7!"), //kicker perspective
COMMAND_KICK_KICKED("%1$s<i> kicked you from %2$s<i>! :O"), //kicked player perspective
COMMAND_KICK_KICKED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s<i> &7kicked you from&c %2$&7!"), //kicked player perspective
COMMAND_KICK_DESCRIPTION("Kick a player from the faction"),
COMMAND_KICK_DESCRIPTION("Kick a player from the faction"),
COMMAND_LIST_FACTIONLIST("&c&l[!]&7 Faction List "),
COMMAND_LIST_TOLIST("to list the factions"),
COMMAND_LIST_TOLIST("to list the factions"),
COMMAND_LIST_FORLIST("for listing the factions"),
COMMAND_LIST_FORLIST("for listing the factions"),
COMMAND_LIST_DESCRIPTION("\n &a&l» &7See a list of the factions"),
COMMAND_LIST_DESCRIPTION("&a&l» &7See a list of the factions"),
COMMAND_LOCK_LOCKED("<i>Factions is now locked"),
COMMAND_LOCK_LOCKED("&c&l[!]&7 Factions is now&c locked"),
COMMAND_LOCK_UNLOCKED("<i>Factions in now unlocked"),
COMMAND_LOCK_UNLOCKED("&c&l[!]&7 Factions in now&a unlocked"),
COMMAND_LOCK_DESCRIPTION("Lock all write stuff. Apparently."),
COMMAND_LOCK_DESCRIPTION("Lock all write stuff. Apparently."),
COMMAND_LOGINS_TOGGLE("<i>Set login / logout notifications for Faction members to: <a>%s"),
COMMAND_LOGINS_TOGGLE("&c&l[!]&7 Set login / logout notifications for Faction members to: &c%s"),
COMMAND_LOGINS_DESCRIPTION("Toggle(?) login / logout notifications for Faction members"),
COMMAND_LOGINS_DESCRIPTION("Toggle(?) login / logout notifications for Faction members"),
COMMAND_MAP_TOSHOW("to show the map"),
COMMAND_MAP_TOSHOW("to show the map"),
COMMAND_MAP_FORSHOW("for showing the map"),
COMMAND_MAP_FORSHOW("for showing the map"),
COMMAND_MAP_UPDATE_ENABLED("<i>Map auto update <green>ENABLED."),
COMMAND_MAP_UPDATE_ENABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Map auto update &aENABLED."),
COMMAND_MAP_UPDATE_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Map auto update &cDISABLED."),
COMMAND_MAP_DESCRIPTION("Show the territory map, and set optional auto update"),
COMMAND_MAP_DESCRIPTION("Show the territory map, and set optional auto update"),
COMMAND_MAPHEIGHT_DESCRIPTION("&eUpdate the lines that /f map sends"),
COMMAND_MAPHEIGHT_DESCRIPTION("&eUpdate the lines that /f map sends"),
COMMAND_MAPHEIGHT_SET("&eSet /f map lines to &a%1$d"),
COMMAND_MAPHEIGHT_SET("&c&l[!]&7 Set /f map lines to &c&a%1$d"),
COMMAND_MAPHEIGHT_CURRENT("&eCurrent mapheight: &a%1$d"),
COMMAND_MAPHEIGHT_CURRENT("&c&l[!]&7 Current &cmapheight: &a%1$d"),
COMMAND_MOD_CANDIDATES("Players you can promote: "),
COMMAND_MOD_CANDIDATES("&c&l[!]&7 Players you can promote: "),
COMMAND_MOD_NOTMEMBER("%1$s<b> is not a member in your faction."),
COMMAND_MOD_NOTMEMBER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s7 is not a member in your faction."),
COMMAND_MOD_NOTADMIN("<b>You are not the faction admin."),
COMMAND_MOD_NOTADMIN("&c&l[!]&7 You &care not&7 the faction admin."),
COMMAND_MOD_SELF("<b>The target player musn't be yourself."),
COMMAND_MOD_SELF("&c&l[!]&7 The target player&c musn't&7 be yourself."),
COMMAND_MOD_TARGETISADMIN("<b>The target player is a faction admin. Demote them first."),
COMMAND_MOD_TARGETISADMIN("&c&l[!]&7 The target player is a &cfaction admin.&7 Demote them first."),
COMMAND_MOD_REVOKES("<i>You have removed moderator status from %1$s<i>."),
COMMAND_MOD_REVOKES("&c&l[!]&7 &7You have &cremoved&7 moderator status from &c%1$s."),
COMMAND_MOD_REVOKED("%1$s<i> is no longer moderator in your faction."),
COMMAND_MOD_REVOKED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is &cno longer&7 moderator in your faction."),
COMMAND_MOD_PROMOTES("%1$s<i> was promoted to moderator in your faction."),
COMMAND_MOD_PROMOTES("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 was &cpromoted&7 to moderator in your faction."),
COMMAND_MOD_PROMOTED("<i>You have promoted %1$s<i> to moderator."),
COMMAND_MOD_PROMOTED("&c&l[!]&7 You have promoted&c %1$s&7 to moderator."),
COMMAND_MOD_DESCRIPTION("Give or revoke moderator rights"),
COMMAND_MOD_DESCRIPTION("Give or revoke moderator rights"),
COMMAND_COLEADER_CANDIDATES("Players you can promote: "),
COMMAND_COLEADER_CANDIDATES("&c&l[!]&7 Players you can promote: "),
COMMAND_COLEADER_NOTMEMBER("%1$s<b> is not a member in your faction."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_NOTMEMBER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is &cnot a member&7 in your faction."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_NOTADMIN("<b>You are not the faction admin."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_NOTADMIN("&c&l[!]&7 You are&c not&7 the faction admin."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_SELF("<b>The target player musn't be yourself."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_SELF("&c&l[!]&7 The target player&c musn't&7 be yourself."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_TARGETISADMIN("<b>The target player is a faction admin. Demote them first."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_TARGETISADMIN("&c&l[!]&7 The target player is a &cfaction admin&7. Demote them first."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_REVOKES("<i>You have removed coleader status from %1$s<i>."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_REVOKES("&c&l[!]&7 You have removed &ccoleader &7status from&c %1$s&7."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_REVOKED("%1$s<i> is no longer coleader in your faction."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_REVOKED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is no longer&c coleader &7in your faction."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_PROMOTES("%1$s<i> was promoted to coleader in your faction."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_PROMOTES("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 was promoted to &ccoleader &7in your faction."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_PROMOTED("<i>You have promoted %1$s<i> to coleader."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_PROMOTED("&c&l[!]&7 You have &cpromoted &7%1$s to &ccoleader."),
COMMAND_COLEADER_DESCRIPTION("Give or revoke coleader rights"),
COMMAND_COLEADER_DESCRIPTION("Give or revoke coleader rights"),
COMMAND_MODIFYPOWER_ADDED("<i>Added <a>%1$f <i>power to <a>%2$s. <i>New total rounded power: <a>%3$d"),
COMMAND_MODIFYPOWER_ADDED("&c&l[!]&7 Added &c%1$f &7power to &c%2$s. &7New total rounded power: &c%3$d"),
COMMAND_MODIFYPOWER_DESCRIPTION("Modify the power of a faction/player"),
COMMAND_MODIFYPOWER_DESCRIPTION("Modify the power of a faction/player"),
COMMAND_MONEY_LONG("<i>The faction money commands."),
COMMAND_MONEY_LONG("&c&l[!]&7 The faction money commands."),
COMMAND_MONEY_DESCRIPTION("Faction money commands"),
COMMAND_MONEY_DESCRIPTION("Faction money commands"),
COMMAND_MONEYBALANCE_SHORT("show faction balance"),
COMMAND_MONEYBALANCE_SHORT("show faction balance"),
COMMAND_MONEYBALANCE_DESCRIPTION("Show your factions current money balance"),
COMMAND_MONEYBALANCE_DESCRIPTION("Show your factions current money balance"),
COMMAND_MONEYDEPOSIT_DEPOSITED("%1$s deposited %2$s in the faction bank: %3$s"),
COMMAND_MONEYDEPOSIT_DEPOSITED("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7deposited&c %2$s&7 in the faction bank:&c %3$s"),
COMMAND_MONEYTRANSFERFF_TRANSFER("%1$s transferred %2$s from the faction \"%3$s\" to the faction \"%4$s\""),
COMMAND_MONEYTRANSFERFF_TRANSFER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 transferred&c %2$s &7from the faction &c\"%3$s\"&7 to the faction&c \"%4$s\"&7"),
COMMAND_MONEYTRANSFERFP_TRANSFER("%1$s transferred %2$s from the faction \"%3$s\" to the player \"%4$s\""),
COMMAND_MONEYTRANSFERFP_TRANSFER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s &7transferred&c %2$s &7from the faction&c \"%3$s\" &7to the player &c\"%4$s\""),
COMMAND_MONEYTRANSFERPF_TRANSFER("%1$s transferred %2$s from the player \"%3$s\" to the faction \"%4$s\""),
COMMAND_MONEYTRANSFERPF_TRANSFER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 transferred &c%2$s&7 from the player &c\"%3$s\" &7to the faction&c \"%4$s\""),
COMMAND_MONEYWITHDRAW_WITHDRAW("%1$s withdrew %2$s from the faction bank: %3$s"),
COMMAND_MONEYWITHDRAW_WITHDRAW("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 withdrew&c %2$s &7from the faction bank:&c %3$s"),
COMMAND_OPEN_TOOPEN("to open or close the faction"),
COMMAND_OPEN_TOOPEN("to open or close the faction"),
COMMAND_OPEN_FOROPEN("for opening or closing the faction"),
COMMAND_OPEN_FOROPEN("for opening or closing the faction"),
COMMAND_OPEN_CHANGES("%1$s<i> changed the faction to <h>%2$s<i>."),
COMMAND_OPEN_CHANGES("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 changed the faction to &c%2$s&7."),
COMMAND_OPEN_CHANGED("<i>The faction %1$s<i> is now %2$s"),
COMMAND_OPEN_CHANGED("&c&l[!]&7 The faction &c%1$s&7 is now &c%2$s"),
COMMAND_OPEN_DESCRIPTION("Switch if invitation is required to join"),
COMMAND_OPEN_DESCRIPTION("Switch if invitation is required to join"),
COMMAND_OWNER_DISABLED("<b>Sorry, but owned areas are disabled on this server."),
COMMAND_OWNER_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, but &cowned areas &7are &cdisabled &7on this server."),
COMMAND_OWNER_LIMIT("<b>Sorry, but you have reached the server's <h>limit of %1$d <b>owned areas per faction."),
COMMAND_OWNER_LIMIT("&c&l[!]&7 Sorry, but you have reached the server's &climit&7 of &c%1$d&7 owned areas per faction."),
COMMAND_OWNER_WRONGFACTION("<b>This land is not claimed by your faction, so you can't set ownership of it."),
COMMAND_OWNER_WRONGFACTION("&c&l[!]&7 &7This land is &cnot claimed &7by your faction, so you &ccan't set&7 ownership of it."),
COMMAND_OWNER_NOTCLAIMED("<b>This land is not claimed by a faction. Ownership is not possible."),
COMMAND_OWNER_NOTCLAIMED("&c&l[!]&7 This land&c is not &7claimed by a faction. Ownership &cis not &7possible."),
COMMAND_OWNER_NOTMEMBER("%1$s<i> is not a member of this faction."),
COMMAND_OWNER_NOTMEMBER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is &cnot a member &7of this faction."),
COMMAND_OWNER_CLEARED("<i>You have cleared ownership for this claimed area."),
COMMAND_OWNER_CLEARED("&c&l[!]&7 You have &ccleared &7ownership for this claimed area."),
COMMAND_OWNER_REMOVED("<i>You have removed ownership of this claimed land from %1$s<i>."),
COMMAND_OWNER_REMOVED("&c&l[!]&7 You have&c removed ownership &7of this &cclaimed land&7 from &c%1$s&7."),
COMMAND_OWNER_TOSET("to set ownership of claimed land"),
COMMAND_OWNER_TOSET("to set ownership of claimed land"),
COMMAND_OWNER_FORSET("for setting ownership of claimed land"),
COMMAND_OWNER_FORSET("for setting ownership of claimed land"),
COMMAND_OWNER_ADDED("<i>You have added %1$s<i> to the owner list for this claimed land."),
COMMAND_OWNER_ADDED("&c&l[!]&7 You have added &c%1$s&7 to the &cowner list&7 for this claimed land."),
COMMAND_OWNER_DESCRIPTION("Set ownership of claimed land"),
COMMAND_OWNER_DESCRIPTION("Set ownership of claimed land"),
COMMAND_KILLHOLOGRAMS_DESCRIPTION("Kill holograms in a radius, admin command"),
COMMAND_KILLHOLOGRAMS_DESCRIPTION("Kill holograms in a radius, admin command"),
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_DISABLED("<b>Sorry, but owned areas are disabled on this server."),//dup->
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 &cSorry, &7but owned areas are &cdisabled&7 on this server."),//dup->
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_WRONGFACTION("<b>This land is not claimed by your faction."),//eq
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_WRONGFACTION("&c&l[!]&7 This land &cis not&7 claimed by your faction."),//eq
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_NOTCLAIMED("<i>This land is not claimed by any faction, thus no owners."),//eq
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_NOTCLAIMED("&c&l[!]&7 This land is not claimed by any faction, thus no owners."),//eq
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_NONE("<i>No owners are set here; everyone in the faction has access."),
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_NONE("&c&l[!]&7 No owners are set here; everyone in the faction has access."),
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_OWNERS("<i>Current owner(s) of this land: %1$s"),
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_OWNERS("&c&l[!]&7 Current owner(s) of this land: %1$s"),
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_DESCRIPTION("List owner(s) of this claimed land"),
COMMAND_OWNERLIST_DESCRIPTION("List owner(s) of this claimed land"),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_DESCRIPTION("Set a faction to peaceful"),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_DESCRIPTION("&c&l[!]&7Set a faction to peaceful"),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_YOURS("%1$s has %2$s your faction"),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_YOURS("&c&l[!]&7%1$s has %2$s your faction"),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_OTHER("%s<i> has %s the faction '%s<i>'."),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_OTHER("&c&l[!]&7%s has %s the faction '%s<i>'."),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_GRANT("granted peaceful status to"),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_GRANT("&c&l[!]&7 granted peaceful status to"),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_REVOKE("removed peaceful status from"),
COMMAND_PEACEFUL_REVOKE("removed peaceful status from"),
COMMAND_PERM_DESCRIPTION("&6Edit or list your Faction's permissions."),
COMMAND_PERM_DESCRIPTION("&c&l[!]&7&6Edit or list your Faction's permissions."),
COMMAND_PERM_INVALID_RELATION("Invalid relation defined. Try something like 'ally'"),
COMMAND_PERM_INVALID_RELATION("&c&l[!]&7Invalid relation defined. Try something like&c 'ally'"),
COMMAND_PERM_INVALID_ACCESS("Invalid access defined. Try something like 'allow'"),
COMMAND_PERM_INVALID_ACCESS("&c&l[!]&7 Invalid access defined. Try something like &c'allow'"),
COMMAND_PERM_INVALID_ACTION("Invalid action defined. Try something like 'build'"),
COMMAND_PERM_INVALID_ACTION("&c&l[!]&7 Invalid action defined. Try something like &c'build'"),
COMMAND_PERM_SET("Set permission %1$s to %2$s for relation %3$s"),
COMMAND_PERM_SET("&c&l[!]&7 Set permission&c %1$s &7to &c%2$s &7for relation&c %3$s"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_DESCRIPTION("Toggles a faction's permanence"), //TODO: Real word?
COMMAND_PERMANENT_DESCRIPTION("Toggles a faction's permanence"), //TODO: Real word?
COMMAND_PERMANENT_GRANT("added permanent status to"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_GRANT("&c&l[!]&7 added permanent status to"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_REVOKE("removed permanent status from"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_REVOKE("&c&l[!]&7 removed permanent status from"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_YOURS("%1$s has %2$s your faction"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_YOURS("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 has &c%2$s&7 your faction"),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_OTHER("%s<i> has %s the faction '%s<i>'."),
COMMAND_PERMANENT_OTHER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%s &7has &c%s &7the faction &c'%s'."),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_TARGET("You've been %1$s to %2$s"),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_TARGET("&c&l[!]&7 You've been &c%1$s&7 to &c%2$s"),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_SUCCESS("You successfully %1$s %2$s to %3$s"),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_SUCCESS("&c&l[!]&7 You successfully&c %1$s %2$s &cto&7 %3$s"),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_COLEADER_ADMIN("&cColeaders cant promote players to Admin!"),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_COLEADER_ADMIN("&c&l[!]&7 &cColeaders cant promote players to Admin!"),
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_DESCRIPTION("Toggle faction power permanence"), //TODO: This a real word?
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_DESCRIPTION("Toggle faction power permanence"), //TODO: This a real word?
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_GRANT("added permanentpower status to"),
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_GRANT("added permanentpower status to"),
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_REVOKE("removed permanentpower status from"),
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_REVOKE("removed permanentpower status from"),
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_SUCCESS("&c&l[!]&7 You&c %s &7%s."),
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_FACTION("%s<i> %s your faction"),
COMMAND_PERMANENTPOWER_FACTION("&c&l[!]&7 &c%s %s &7your faction"),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_WRONGFACTION("%1$s is not part of your faction."),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_WRONGFACTION("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 is &cnot&7 part of your faction."),
COMMAND_NOACCESS("You don't have access to that."),
COMMAND_NOACCESS("&c&l[!]&7 You don't have access to that."),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_NOTTHATPLAYER("That player cannot be promoted."),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_NOTTHATPLAYER("&c&l[!]&7 That player &ccannot&7 be promoted."),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_NOT_ALLOWED("You cannot promote to the same rank as yourself!"),
COMMAND_PROMOTE_NOT_ALLOWED("&c&l[!]&7 You cannot promote to the same rank as yourself!"),
COMMAND_POWER_TOSHOW("to show player power info"),
COMMAND_POWER_TOSHOW("to show player power info"),
COMMAND_POWER_FORSHOW("for showing player power info"),
COMMAND_POWER_FORSHOW("for showing player power info"),
COMMAND_POWER_POWER("%1$s &a&l» &7Power &a/ &7Maxpower&a: &a%2$d &7/&a%3$d %4$s"),
COMMAND_POWER_POWER("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s » &cPower &7/ &cMaxpower&a » &c%2$d &7/&c%3$d %4$s"),
COMMAND_POWER_DESCRIPTION("\\n &a&l» &7Show player &apower &7info"),
COMMAND_POWER_DESCRIPTION("&a&l» &7Show player &apower &7info"),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_HELP_1("<b>You must specify \"p\" or \"player\" to target a player or \"f\" or \"faction\" to target a faction."),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_HELP_1("&c&l[!]&7 You must specify \"p\" or \"player\" to target a player or \"f\" or \"faction\" to target a faction."),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_HELP_2("<b>ex. /f powerboost p SomePlayer 0.5 -or- /f powerboost f SomeFaction -5"),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_HELP_2("&c&l[!]&7 ex. /f powerboost p SomePlayer 0.5 -or- /f powerboost f SomeFaction -5"),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_INVALIDNUM("<b>You must specify a valid numeric value for the power bonus/penalty amount."),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_INVALIDNUM("<b>You must specify a valid numeric value for the power bonus/penalty amount."),
@ -501,52 +501,52 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_BOOSTLOG("%1$s has set the power bonus/penalty for %2$s to %3$d."),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_BOOSTLOG("%1$s has set the power bonus/penalty for %2$s to %3$d."),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_DESCRIPTION("Apply permanent power bonus/penalty to specified player or faction"),
COMMAND_POWERBOOST_DESCRIPTION("Apply permanent power bonus/penalty to specified player or faction"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_ALLTHENOPE("&c&l[!]&7 &cNope! You can't."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_MORENOPE("<b>Nope! You can't declare a relation to yourself :)"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_MORENOPE("&c&l[!]&7 &cNope! &7You can't declare a relation to &cyourself"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_ALREADYINRELATIONSHIP("<b>You already have that relation wish set with %1$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_ALREADYINRELATIONSHIP("&c&l[!]&7 You &calready&7 have that relation wish set with&c %1$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_TOMARRY("to change a relation wish"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_TOMARRY("to change a relation wish"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_FORMARRY("for changing a relation wish"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_FORMARRY("for changing a relation wish"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_MUTUAL("<i>Your faction is now %1$s<i> to %2$s"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_MUTUAL("&c&l[!]&7 Your faction is now %1$s<i> to %2$s"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PEACEFUL("<i>This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PEACEFUL("&c&l[!]&7 This will have no effect while your faction is peaceful."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PEACEFULOTHER("<i>This will have no effect while their faction is peaceful."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PEACEFULOTHER("&c&l[!]&7 This will have &cno effect&7 while their faction is peaceful."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_DESCRIPTION("Set relation wish to another faction"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_DESCRIPTION("Set relation wish to another faction"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_EXCEEDS_ME("<i>Failed to set relation wish. You can only have %1$s %2$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_EXCEEDS_ME("&c&l[!]&7 Failed to set relation wish. You can only have %1$s %2$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_EXCEEDS_THEY("<i>Failed to set relation wish. They can only have %1$s %2$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_EXCEEDS_THEY("&c&l[!]&7 Failed to set relation wish. They can only have %1$s %2$s."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_1("%1$s<i> wishes to be your %2$s"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_1("&c&l[!]&7&c %1$s &7wishes to be your&c %2$s"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_2("<i>Type <c>/%1$s %2$s %3$s<i> to accept."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_2("&c&l[!]&7 Type &c/%1$s %2$s %3$s&7 to accept."),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_SENT("%1$s<i> were informed that you wish to be %2$s"),
COMMAND_RELATIONS_PROPOSAL_SENT("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 were informed that you wish to be &c%2$s"),
COMMAND_RELOAD_TIME("<i>Reloaded <h>all configuration files <i>from disk, took <h>%1$d ms<i>."),
COMMAND_RELOAD_TIME("&c&l[!]&7 Reloaded &call &7configuration files <i>from disk, took &c%1$d ms<i>."),
COMMAND_RELOAD_DESCRIPTION("Reload data file(s) from disk"),
COMMAND_RELOAD_DESCRIPTION("Reload data file(s) from disk"),
COMMAND_SAFEUNCLAIMALL_UNCLAIMED("<i>You unclaimed ALL safe zone land."),
COMMAND_SAFEUNCLAIMALL_UNCLAIMED("&c&l[!]&7 You unclaimed&c ALL&7 safe zone land."),
COMMAND_SAFEUNCLAIMALL_UNCLAIMEDLOG("%1$s unclaimed all safe zones."),
COMMAND_SAFEUNCLAIMALL_UNCLAIMEDLOG("&c&l[!]&7 &c%1$s&7 unclaimed all safe zones."),
COMMAND_SAVEALL_SUCCESS("<i>Factions saved to disk!"),
COMMAND_SAVEALL_SUCCESS("&c&l[!]&7 &cFactions saved to disk!"),
COMMAND_SAVEALL_DESCRIPTION("Save all data to disk"),
COMMAND_SAVEALL_DESCRIPTION("Save all data to disk"),
COMMAND_SETDEFAULTROLE_DESCRIPTION("/f defaultrole <role> - set your Faction's default role."),
COMMAND_SETDEFAULTROLE_DESCRIPTION("/f defaultrole <role> - set your Faction's default role."),
COMMAND_SETDEFAULTROLE_NOTTHATROLE("You cannot set the default to admin."),
COMMAND_SETDEFAULTROLE_NOTTHATROLE("&c&l[!]&7 You cannot set the default to admin."),
COMMAND_SETDEFAULTROLE_SUCCESS("Set default role of your faction to %1$s"),
COMMAND_SETDEFAULTROLE_SUCCESS("Set default role of your faction to %1$s"),
COMMAND_SETDEFAULTROLE_INVALIDROLE("Couldn't find matching role for %1$s"),
COMMAND_SETDEFAULTROLE_INVALIDROLE("Couldn't find matching role for %1$s"),
COMMAND_SETFWARP_NOTCLAIMED("<i>You can only set warps in your faction territory."),
COMMAND_SETFWARP_NOTCLAIMED("&c&l[!]&7 You can &conly&7 set warps in your faction territory."),
COMMAND_SETFWARP_LIMIT("<i>Your Faction already has the max amount of warps set <a>(%1$d)."),
COMMAND_SETFWARP_LIMIT("&c&l[!]&7 Your Faction already has the &cmax amount&7 of warps set &c(%1$d)."),
COMMAND_SETFWARP_SET("<i>Set warp <a>%1$s and password <c>'%2$s' <i>to your location."),
COMMAND_SETFWARP_SET("&c&l[!]&7 Set warp &c%1$s&7 and password &c'%2$s' &7to your location."),
COMMAND_SETFWARP_FORSET("for setting warp"),
COMMAND_SETFWARP_FORSET("for setting warp"),
COMMAND_SETHOME_DISABLED("<b>Sorry, Faction homes are disabled on this server."),
COMMAND_SETHOME_DISABLED("&c&l[!]&7 &cSorry&7, Faction homes are disabled on this server."),
COMMAND_SETHOME_NOTCLAIMED("<b>Sorry, your faction home can only be set inside your own claimed territory."),
COMMAND_SETHOME_NOTCLAIMED("&c&l[!]&c Sorry&7, your faction home can only be set inside your &cown &7claimed territory."),
COMMAND_SETHOME_TOSET("to set the faction home"),
COMMAND_SETHOME_TOSET("to set the faction home"),
COMMAND_SETHOME_FORSET("for setting the faction home"),
COMMAND_SETHOME_FORSET("for setting the faction home"),
COMMAND_SETHOME_SET("%1$s<i> set the home for your faction. You can now use:"),
COMMAND_SETHOME_SET("&c&l[!]&c %1$s&7 set the home for your faction. You can now use:"),
COMMAND_SETHOME_SETOTHER("<b>You have set the home for the %1$s<i> faction."),
COMMAND_SETHOME_SETOTHER("&c&l[!]&7 You have set the home for the &c%1$s&7 faction."),
COMMAND_SETHOME_DESCRIPTION("Set the faction home"),
COMMAND_SETHOME_DESCRIPTION("Set the faction home"),
COMMAND_SETMAXVAULTS_DESCRIPTION("Set max vaults for a Faction."),
COMMAND_SETMAXVAULTS_DESCRIPTION("Set max vaults for a Faction."),
@ -642,8 +642,8 @@ public enum TL {
COMMAND_TNT_INVALID_NUM("The amount needs to be a number!"),
COMMAND_TNT_INVALID_NUM("The amount needs to be a number!"),
COMMAND_TNT_DEPOSIT_SUCCESS("&cSuccessfully deposited tnt."),
COMMAND_TNT_DEPOSIT_SUCCESS("&cSuccessfully deposited tnt."),
COMMAND_TNT_WIDTHDRAW_SUCCESS("&cSuccessfully withdrew tnt."),
COMMAND_TNT_WIDTHDRAW_SUCCESS("&cSuccessfully withdrew tnt."),
COMMAND_TNT_WIDTHDRAW_NOTENOUGH("&cNot enough tnt in inventory."),
COMMAND_TNT_WIDTHDRAW_NOTENOUGH("&cNot enough tnt in bank."),
COMMAND_TNT_DEPOSIT_NOTENOUGH("&cNot enough tnt in tnt bank."),
COMMAND_TNT_DEPOSIT_NOTENOUGH("&cNot enough tnt in tnt inventory."),
COMMAND_TNT_AMOUNT("&cYour faction has {amount} tnt in the tnt bank."),
COMMAND_TNT_AMOUNT("&cYour faction has {amount} tnt in the tnt bank."),
COMMAND_TNT_POSITIVE("&cPlease use positive numbers!"),
COMMAND_TNT_POSITIVE("&cPlease use positive numbers!"),
COMMAND_TNT_DESCRIPTION("add/widthraw from faction's tnt bank"),
COMMAND_TNT_DESCRIPTION("add/widthraw from faction's tnt bank"),