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# FactionsUUID by drtshock
# Report issues
# Live support
# Made with love <3
# Debug
# Turn this on if you are having issues with something and working on resolving them.
# This will spam your console with information that is useful if you know how to read the source.
# It's suggested that you only turn this on at the direction of a developer.
debug: false
# Prevent find factions exploit
# This will help limit how many times a player can be sent a map of factions.
# Set this to the cooldown you want, in miliseconds, for a map to be shown to a player.
# If you want to log when a player violates this (only happens on chunk enter so it shouldn't be too spammy),
# set log to true and it will be logged to console as "player tried to show a faction map too soon and triggered exploit blocker."
cooldown: 2000 # in miliseconds. 2000 = 2 seconds.
log: false
# Configuration section for Scoreboards
# This will allow you to completely customize how your scoreboards look.
# Make sure that no lines are duplicates of each other otherwise only the first will display.
# Use &0-9a-f for colors and include messages in "quotes"
# How long do we want scoreboards to stay if set temporarily.
expiration: 7
# FInfo scoreboard is displayed when a player walks into a new Faction's territory.
# Scoreboard disappears after <expiration> seconds.
# Things to be replaced in this:
# {power} - faction's power. {chunks} - total claimed chunks. {members} - total members.
# {online} - online members. {leader} - faction's leader. {open} - shows either true or false if open.
# {raidable} - true if the faction can be claimed over, otherwise false.
# The title of the scoreboard will be the Faction's tag and colored according to the relation with the player's Faction.
# Commenting this section out will cause the info to appear in chat as the plugin originally did.
2014-09-01 21:56:32 +02:00
finfo-enabled: false # Default to false to keep original functionality.
- "&6Power"
- "{power}"
- "&3Members"
- "{online}/{members}"
- "&4Leader"
- "{leader}"
- "&bTerritory"
- "{chunks}"
# Default board that will always show up if a player wants it to.
# This can show any arbitrary text or you can use a lot of variables to replace things.
# Replace {name} - player's name. {faction} - player's faction title, factionless if none.
# {totalOnline} - total players on the server. {balance} - player's balance.
# {maxPower} - player's max power.
default-enabled: false # Default to false to keep original functionality.
default-title: "i love drt" # Can use any of the values from above but this won't update once it's set (so don't set {balance}).
default-update-interval: 2 # in seconds.
- "&6Your Faction"
- "{faction}"
- "&3Your Power"
- "{power}"
- "&aBalance"
- "${balance}"