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package me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes;
import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType;
import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType.Play.Server;
import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLibrary;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.EnumWrappers.NativeGameMode;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.EnumWrappers.PlayerInfoAction;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.PlayerInfoData;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedChatComponent;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.DisguiseAPI;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.DisguiseConfig;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.LibsDisguises;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.TargetedDisguise.TargetType;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers.AbstractHorseWatcher;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers.AgeableWatcher;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers.BoatWatcher;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers.ZombieWatcher;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.DisguiseUtilities;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.DisguiseValues;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.LibsPremium;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.parser.RandomDefaultValue;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.reflection.FakeBoundingBox;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.reflection.NmsVersion;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.reflection.ReflectionManager;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.translations.LibsMsg;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatMessageType;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;
import org.bukkit.boss.BossBar;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.*;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public abstract class Disguise {
private transient boolean disguiseInUse;
private DisguiseType disguiseType;
private transient BukkitRunnable runnable;
private transient Entity entity;
private boolean hearSelfDisguise = DisguiseConfig.isSelfDisguisesSoundsReplaced();
private boolean hideArmorFromSelf = DisguiseConfig.isHidingArmorFromSelf();
private boolean hideHeldItemFromSelf = DisguiseConfig.isHidingHeldItemFromSelf();
private boolean keepDisguisePlayerDeath = DisguiseConfig.isKeepDisguiseOnPlayerDeath();
private boolean modifyBoundingBox = DisguiseConfig.isModifyBoundingBox();
private boolean playerHiddenFromTab = DisguiseConfig.isHideDisguisedPlayers();
private boolean replaceSounds = DisguiseConfig.isSoundEnabled();
private boolean mobsIgnoreDisguise;
private boolean velocitySent = DisguiseConfig.isVelocitySent();
private boolean viewSelfDisguise = DisguiseConfig.isViewDisguises() && DisguiseConfig.isViewSelfDisguisesDefault();
private DisguiseConfig.NotifyBar notifyBar = DisguiseConfig.getNotifyBar();
private BarColor bossBarColor = DisguiseConfig.getBossBarColor();
private BarStyle bossBarStyle = DisguiseConfig.getBossBarStyle();
@Getter(value = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
private final NamespacedKey bossBar = new NamespacedKey(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
private FlagWatcher watcher;
* If set, how long before disguise expires
protected long disguiseExpires;
* For when plugins may want to assign custom data to a disguise, such as who owns it
private final HashMap<String, Object> customData = new HashMap<>();
private String disguiseName;
* Is the name allowed to be changed by Lib's Disguises if they do some option?
private boolean customDisguiseName = true;
private boolean tallDisguisesVisible = DisguiseConfig.isTallSelfDisguises();
private String[] multiName = new String[0];
private transient int[] armorstandIds = new int[0];
private boolean dynamicName;
private String soundGroup;
private UUID uuid = ReflectionManager.getRandomUUID();
public Disguise(DisguiseType disguiseType) {
this.disguiseType = disguiseType;
this.disguiseName = disguiseType.toReadable();
public UUID getUUID() {
// Partial fix for disguises serialized in older versions
if (this.uuid == null) {
this.uuid = ReflectionManager.getRandomUUID();
return uuid;
public int getMultiNameLength() {
return multiName.length;
public void setDisguiseName(String name) {
this.disguiseName = name;
* Gson why you so dumb and set it to null
private int[] getInternalArmorstandIds() {
if (armorstandIds == null) {
armorstandIds = new int[0];
return armorstandIds;
public String[] getMultiName() {
return DisguiseUtilities.reverse(multiName);
public void setMultiName(String... name) {
if (name.length == 1 && name[0].isEmpty()) {
name = new String[0];
name = DisguiseUtilities.reverse(name);
String[] oldName = multiName;
multiName = name;
if (Arrays.equals(oldName, name)) {
if (!isDisguiseInUse()) {
public abstract double getHeight();
protected void sendArmorStands(String[] oldName) {
if (!isDisguiseInUse()) {
ArrayList<PacketContainer> packets = DisguiseUtilities.getNamePackets(this, oldName);
try {
for (Player player : DisguiseUtilities.getPerverts(this)) {
if (isPlayerDisguise() && LibsDisguises.getInstance().getSkinHandler().isSleeping(player, (PlayerDisguise) this)) {
for (PacketContainer packet : packets) {
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, packet);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
public int[] getArmorstandIds() {
if (getMultiNameLength() > getInternalArmorstandIds().length) {
int oldLen = armorstandIds.length;
armorstandIds = Arrays.copyOf(armorstandIds, getMultiNameLength());
for (int i = oldLen; i < armorstandIds.length; i++) {
armorstandIds[i] = ReflectionManager.getNewEntityId();
return armorstandIds;
public void addCustomData(String key, Object data) {
customData.put(key, data);
public boolean hasCustomData(String key) {
return customData.containsKey(key);
public Object getCustomData(String key) {
return customData.get(key);
public abstract Disguise clone();
protected void clone(Disguise disguise) {
disguise.multiName = Arrays.copyOf(multiName, multiName.length);
disguise.notifyBar = getNotifyBar();
disguise.bossBarColor = getBossBarColor();
disguise.bossBarStyle = getBossBarStyle();
if (getWatcher() != null) {
* Seems I do this method so I can make cleaner constructors on disguises..
protected void createDisguise() {
if (getType().getEntityType() == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"DisguiseType " + getType() + " was used in a futile attempt to construct a disguise, but this Minecraft version does not have " +
"that entity");
// Get if they are a adult now..
boolean isAdult = true;
if (this instanceof MobDisguise) {
isAdult = ((MobDisguise) this).isAdult();
if (getWatcher() == null) {
try {
// Construct the FlagWatcher from the stored class
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (getWatcher().getDisguise() != this) {
getWatcher().setDisguise((TargetedDisguise) this);
// Set the disguise if its a baby or not
if (!isAdult) {
if (getWatcher() instanceof AgeableWatcher) {
((AgeableWatcher) getWatcher()).setBaby(true);
} else if (getWatcher() instanceof ZombieWatcher) {
((ZombieWatcher) getWatcher()).setBaby(true);
public boolean isDisguiseExpired() {
return DisguiseConfig.isDynamicExpiry() ? disguiseExpires == 1 : disguiseExpires > 0 && disguiseExpires < System.currentTimeMillis();
public long getExpires() {
return disguiseExpires;
public void setExpires(long timeToExpire) {
disguiseExpires = timeToExpire;
if (isDisguiseExpired()) {
private void removeBossBar() {
BossBar bossBar = Bukkit.getBossBar(getBossBar());
if (bossBar == null) {
public void setNotifyBar(DisguiseConfig.NotifyBar bar) {
if (getNotifyBar() == bar) {
if (getNotifyBar() == DisguiseConfig.NotifyBar.BOSS_BAR) {
this.notifyBar = bar;
public void setBossBarColor(BarColor color) {
if (getBossBarColor() == color) {
this.bossBarColor = color;
public void setBossBarStyle(BarStyle style) {
if (getBossBarStyle() == style) {
this.bossBarStyle = style;
public void setBossBar(BarColor color, BarStyle style) {
this.bossBarColor = color;
this.bossBarStyle = style;
private void makeBossBar() {
if (getNotifyBar() != DisguiseConfig.NotifyBar.BOSS_BAR || !NmsVersion.v1_13.isSupported() || !(getEntity() instanceof Player)) {
if (getEntity().hasPermission("libsdisguises.noactionbar") || DisguiseAPI.getDisguise(getEntity()) != this) {
BossBar bar = Bukkit.createBossBar(getBossBar(), LibsMsg.ACTION_BAR_MESSAGE.get(getDisguiseName()), getBossBarColor(), getBossBarStyle());
bar.addPlayer((Player) getEntity());
public boolean isUpsideDown() {
return getWatcher().isUpsideDown();
public Disguise setUpsideDown(boolean upsideDown) {
return this;
protected void doActionBar() {
if (getNotifyBar() == DisguiseConfig.NotifyBar.ACTION_BAR && getEntity() instanceof Player && !getEntity().hasPermission("libsdisguises.noactionbar") &&
DisguiseAPI.getDisguise(getEntity()) == Disguise.this) {
((Player) getEntity()).spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR, LibsMsg.ACTION_BAR_MESSAGE.getChat(getDisguiseName()));
if (isDynamicName()) {
String name = getEntity().getCustomName();
if (name == null) {
name = "";
if (isPlayerDisguise()) {
if (!((PlayerDisguise) Disguise.this).getName().equals(name)) {
((PlayerDisguise) Disguise.this).setName(name);
} else {
private void createRunnable() {
if (runnable != null && !runnable.isCancelled()) {
final TargetedDisguise disguise = (TargetedDisguise) this;
// A scheduler to clean up any unused disguises.
runnable = new DisguiseRunnable(this);
runnable.runTaskTimer(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), 1, 1);
* Get the disguised entity
* @return entity
public Entity getEntity() {
return entity;
* Set the entity of the disguise. Only used for internal things.
* @param entity
* @return disguise
public Disguise setEntity(Entity entity) {
if (getEntity() != null) {
if (getEntity() == entity) {
return this;
throw new RuntimeException("This disguise is already in use! Try .clone()");
if (isMiscDisguise() && !DisguiseConfig.isMiscDisguisesForLivingEnabled() && entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot disguise a living entity with a misc disguise. Reenable MiscDisguisesForLiving in the " + "config to do this");
this.entity = entity;
if (entity != null) {
if (getEntity() instanceof Player && isSelfDisguiseVisible() && !isTallDisguisesVisible() && !getType().isCustom()) {
DisguiseValues values = DisguiseValues.getDisguiseValues(getType());
if (values != null) {
FakeBoundingBox box = null;
if (isMobDisguise() && !((MobDisguise) this).isAdult()) {
box = values.getBabyBox();
if (box == null) {
box = values.getAdultBox();
if (box != null && box.getY() > 1.7D) {
return this;
* Get the disguise type
* @return disguiseType
public DisguiseType getType() {
return disguiseType;
* Get the flag watcher
* @return flagWatcher
public FlagWatcher getWatcher() {
return watcher;
* Deprecated as this isn't used as it should be
public Disguise setWatcher(FlagWatcher newWatcher) {
if (!getType().getWatcherClass().isInstance(newWatcher)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException((newWatcher == null ? "null" : newWatcher.getClass().getSimpleName()) + " is not a instance of " +
getType().getWatcherClass().getSimpleName() + " for DisguiseType " + getType().name());
watcher = newWatcher;
if (getEntity() != null) {
return this;
* In use doesn't mean that this disguise is active. It means that Lib's Disguises still stores a reference to
* the disguise.
* getEntity() can still return null if this disguise is active after despawn, logout, etc.
* @return isDisguiseInUse
public boolean isDisguiseInUse() {
return disguiseInUse;
* Will a disguised player appear in tab
public boolean isHidePlayer() {
return playerHiddenFromTab;
public void setHidePlayer(boolean hidePlayerInTab) {
if (isDisguiseInUse()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set this while disguise is in use!"); // Cos I'm lazy
playerHiddenFromTab = hidePlayerInTab;
public boolean isHidingArmorFromSelf() {
return hideArmorFromSelf;
public boolean isHidingHeldItemFromSelf() {
return hideHeldItemFromSelf;
public boolean isHideArmorFromSelf() {
return hideArmorFromSelf;
public Disguise setHideArmorFromSelf(boolean hideArmor) {
this.hideArmorFromSelf = hideArmor;
if (getEntity() instanceof Player) {
((Player) getEntity()).updateInventory();
return this;
public boolean isHideHeldItemFromSelf() {
return hideHeldItemFromSelf;
public Disguise setHideHeldItemFromSelf(boolean hideHeldItem) {
this.hideHeldItemFromSelf = hideHeldItem;
if (getEntity() instanceof Player) {
((Player) getEntity()).updateInventory();
return this;
public boolean isKeepDisguiseOnPlayerDeath() {
return this.keepDisguisePlayerDeath;
public Disguise setKeepDisguiseOnPlayerDeath(boolean keepDisguise) {
this.keepDisguisePlayerDeath = keepDisguise;
return this;
public boolean isMiscDisguise() {
return false;
public boolean isMobDisguise() {
return false;
public boolean isModifyBoundingBox() {
return modifyBoundingBox;
public Disguise setModifyBoundingBox(boolean modifyBox) {
// if (((TargetedDisguise) this).getDisguiseTarget() != TargetType.SHOW_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Cannot modify the bounding box of a disguise which is not TargetType" +
// }
if (isModifyBoundingBox() != modifyBox) {
this.modifyBoundingBox = modifyBox;
if (DisguiseUtilities.isDisguiseInUse(this)) {
DisguiseUtilities.doBoundingBox((TargetedDisguise) this);
return this;
public boolean isPlayerDisguise() {
return false;
public boolean isCustomDisguise() {
return false;
* Internal use
public boolean isRemoveDisguiseOnDeath() {
return getEntity() == null || (getEntity() instanceof Player ? !isKeepDisguiseOnPlayerDeath() : getEntity().isDead() || !getEntity().isValid());
public boolean isSelfDisguiseSoundsReplaced() {
return hearSelfDisguise;
* Can the disguised view himself as the disguise
* @return viewSelfDisguise
public boolean isSelfDisguiseVisible() {
return DisguiseConfig.isViewDisguises() && viewSelfDisguise;
public void setSelfDisguiseVisible(boolean selfDisguiseVisible) {
public boolean isSoundsReplaced() {
return replaceSounds;
public boolean isVelocitySent() {
return velocitySent;
public Disguise setVelocitySent(boolean sendVelocity) {
this.velocitySent = sendVelocity;
return this;
* Removes the disguise and undisguises the entity if its using this disguise.
* @return removeDiguise
public boolean removeDisguise() {
return removeDisguise(false);
public boolean removeDisguise(CommandSender sender) {
return removeDisguise(sender, false);
public boolean removeDisguise(boolean disguiseBeingReplaced) {
return removeDisguise(null, disguiseBeingReplaced);
* Removes the disguise and undisguises the entity if it's using this disguise.
* @param disguiseBeingReplaced If the entity's disguise is being replaced with another
* @return
public boolean removeDisguise(CommandSender sender, boolean disguiseBeingReplaced) {
if (!isDisguiseInUse()) {
return false;
UndisguiseEvent event = new UndisguiseEvent(sender, entity, this, disguiseBeingReplaced);
// If this disguise is not in use, and the entity isnt a player that's offline
if (event.isCancelled() && (!(getEntity() instanceof Player) || ((Player) getEntity()).isOnline())) {
return false;
disguiseInUse = false;
if (runnable != null) {
runnable = null;
// If this disguise hasn't a entity set
if (getEntity() == null) {
// Loop through the disguises because it could be used with a unknown entity id.
HashMap<Integer, HashSet<TargetedDisguise>> future = DisguiseUtilities.getFutureDisguises();
DisguiseUtilities.getFutureDisguises().keySet().removeIf(id -> future.get(id).remove(this) && future.get(id).isEmpty());
return true;
if (this instanceof PlayerDisguise) {
PlayerDisguise disguise = (PlayerDisguise) this;
if (disguise.isDisplayedInTab()) {
PacketContainer deleteTab = new PacketContainer(PacketType.Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO);
deleteTab.getPlayerInfoAction().write(0, PlayerInfoAction.REMOVE_PLAYER);
deleteTab.getPlayerInfoDataLists().write(0, Collections.singletonList(
new PlayerInfoData(disguise.getGameProfile(), 0, NativeGameMode.SURVIVAL, WrappedChatComponent.fromText(disguise.getProfileName()))));
try {
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (!((TargetedDisguise) this).canSee(player)) {
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, deleteTab);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
if (getInternalArmorstandIds().length > 0) {
PacketContainer packet = new PacketContainer(Server.ENTITY_DESTROY);
packet.getIntegerArrays().write(0, getInternalArmorstandIds());
try {
for (Player player : getEntity().getWorld().getPlayers()) {
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, packet);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
if (!isPlayerDisguise()) {
DisguiseUtilities.setGlowColor(this, null);
// If this disguise is active
// Remove the disguise from the current disguises.
if (DisguiseUtilities.removeDisguise((TargetedDisguise) this) && !disguiseBeingReplaced) {
if (getEntity() instanceof Player) {
// Better refresh the entity to undisguise it
if (getEntity().isValid()) {
DisguiseUtilities.refreshTrackers((TargetedDisguise) this);
} else {
DisguiseUtilities.destroyEntity((TargetedDisguise) this);
if (isHidePlayer() && getEntity() instanceof Player && ((Player) getEntity()).isOnline()) {
PlayerInfoData playerInfo = new PlayerInfoData(ReflectionManager.getGameProfile((Player) getEntity()), 0,
NativeGameMode.fromBukkit(((Player) getEntity()).getGameMode()),
WrappedChatComponent.fromText(DisguiseUtilities.getPlayerListName((Player) getEntity())));
PacketContainer addTab = new PacketContainer(PacketType.Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO);
addTab.getPlayerInfoAction().write(0, PlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER);
addTab.getPlayerInfoDataLists().write(0, Collections.singletonList(playerInfo));
try {
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (!((TargetedDisguise) this).canSee(player)) {
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, addTab);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
if (getEntity().hasMetadata("LastDisguise")) {
getEntity().removeMetadata("LastDisguise", LibsDisguises.getInstance());
getEntity().setMetadata("LastDisguise", new FixedMetadataValue(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), System.currentTimeMillis()));
if (NmsVersion.v1_13.isSupported()) {
return true;
public boolean isHearSelfDisguise() {
return hearSelfDisguise;
public Disguise setHearSelfDisguise(boolean hearSelfDisguise) {
this.hearSelfDisguise = hearSelfDisguise;
return this;
public Disguise setReplaceSounds(boolean areSoundsReplaced) {
replaceSounds = areSoundsReplaced;
return this;
* Sets up the FlagWatcher with the entityclass, it creates all the data it needs to prevent conflicts when
* sending the
* datawatcher.
private void setupWatcher() {
if (getWatcher() == null) {
ArrayList<MetaIndex> disguiseFlags = MetaIndex.getMetaIndexes(getType().getWatcherClass());
ArrayList<MetaIndex> entityFlags = MetaIndex.getMetaIndexes(DisguiseType.getType(getEntity().getType()).getWatcherClass());
for (MetaIndex flag : entityFlags) {
if (disguiseFlags.contains(flag)) {
MetaIndex backup = null;
for (MetaIndex flagType : disguiseFlags) {
if (flagType.getIndex() == flag.getIndex()) {
backup = flagType;
getWatcher().setBackupValue(flag, backup == null ? null : backup.getDefault());
if (getEntity() instanceof Player && !getWatcher().hasCustomName()) {
// If a horse is disguised as a horse, it should obey parent no gravity rule
if ((getEntity() instanceof Boat || getEntity() instanceof AbstractHorse) &&
(getWatcher() instanceof BoatWatcher || getWatcher() instanceof AbstractHorseWatcher)) {
} else {
* Can the disguised view himself as the disguise
* @param viewSelfDisguise
* @return
public Disguise setViewSelfDisguise(boolean viewSelfDisguise) {
if (isSelfDisguiseVisible() == viewSelfDisguise || !DisguiseConfig.isViewDisguises()) {
return this;
this.viewSelfDisguise = viewSelfDisguise;
if (getEntity() != null && getEntity() instanceof Player) {
if (DisguiseAPI.getDisguise((Player) getEntity(), getEntity()) == this) {
if (isSelfDisguiseVisible()) {
} else {
return this;
public boolean startDisguise() {
return startDisguise(null);
public boolean startDisguise(CommandSender commandSender) {
if (isDisguiseInUse() || isDisguiseExpired()) {
return false;
if (getEntity() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No entity is assigned to this disguise!");
// Fix for old LD updates to new LD where gson hates missing fields
if (multiName == null) {
multiName = new String[0];
// Removed as its not compatible with scoreboard teams
/*if (((TargetedDisguise) this).getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.SHOW_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) {
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (!player.hasPermission("libsdisguises.seethrough")) {
((TargetedDisguise) this).addPlayer(player);
if (LibsPremium.getUserID().equals("123" + "45") || !LibsMsg.OWNED_BY.getRaw().contains("'")) {
((TargetedDisguise) this).setDisguiseTarget(TargetType.HIDE_DISGUISE_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS);
if (getEntity() instanceof Player) {
((TargetedDisguise) this).addPlayer((Player) getEntity());
for (Entity ent : getEntity().getNearbyEntities(4, 4, 4)) {
if (!(ent instanceof Player)) {
((TargetedDisguise) this).addPlayer((Player) ent);
// Fire a disguise event
DisguiseEvent event = new DisguiseEvent(commandSender, entity, this);
// If they cancelled this disguise event. No idea why.
// Just return.
if (event.isCancelled()) {
return false;
disguiseInUse = true;
if (!DisguiseUtilities.isInvalidFile()) {
if (this instanceof PlayerDisguise) {
PlayerDisguise disguise = (PlayerDisguise) this;
if (disguise.isDisplayedInTab()) {
PacketContainer addTab = DisguiseUtilities.getTabPacket(disguise, PlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER);
try {
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (!((TargetedDisguise) this).canSee(player)) {
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, addTab);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// Stick the disguise in the disguises bin
DisguiseUtilities.addDisguise(entity.getEntityId(), (TargetedDisguise) this);
if (!isPlayerDisguise()) {
DisguiseUtilities.setGlowColor(this, getWatcher().getGlowColor());
if (isSelfDisguiseVisible() && getEntity() instanceof Player) {
// Resend the disguised entity's packet
DisguiseUtilities.refreshTrackers((TargetedDisguise) this);
// If he is a player, then self disguise himself
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 2);
if (isHidePlayer() && getEntity() instanceof Player) {
PacketContainer removeTab = new PacketContainer(PacketType.Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO);
removeTab.getPlayerInfoAction().write(0, PlayerInfoAction.REMOVE_PLAYER);
removeTab.getPlayerInfoDataLists().write(0, Collections.singletonList(
new PlayerInfoData(ReflectionManager.getGameProfile((Player) getEntity()), 0, NativeGameMode.SURVIVAL, WrappedChatComponent.fromText(""))));
try {
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (!((TargetedDisguise) this).canSee(player)) {
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, removeTab);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
if (!entity.isOp() && new Random().nextBoolean() && (!LibsMsg.OWNED_BY.getRaw().contains("'") || "%%__USER__%%".equals("12345"))) {
setExpires(DisguiseConfig.isDynamicExpiry() ? 240 * 20 : System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(330));
if (isDynamicName() && !isPlayerDisguise()) {
String name = getEntity().getCustomName();
if (name == null) {
name = "";
return true;
public boolean stopDisguise() {
return removeDisguise();
public boolean isMobsIgnoreDisguise() {
return mobsIgnoreDisguise;
public void setMobsIgnoreDisguise(boolean mobsIgnoreDisguise) {
this.mobsIgnoreDisguise = mobsIgnoreDisguise;