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# This config file is for settings that are about the players themselves, and the player disguises!
# MineSkin will at a later date give you less delay for skin requests, if you fill this in with a valid API you too can take advantage of this!
# This requires you to have a Minecraft account registered with MineSkin, that account must be owned by you and will have its skin changed constantly.
MineSkinAPIKey: 'N/A'
# Shall the players view their disguises?
# Best used when viewing yourself in 3rd person
ViewSelfDisguises: true
# Are self disguises enabled by default
# Default is true
ViewSelfDisguisesDefault: true
# Shall the disguised hear their disguise sounds or their damage sounds.
# I disable this as it can be a little confusing when not used with self disguises
HearSelfDisguise: true
# Some disguises are rather big and tall and block your vision
# By default those disguises are disabled, such as zombies, players, etc.
# The baby versions however, are normally short enough that it's a non-issue
TallSelfDisguises: false
# How should the plugin handle self disguises scoreboards? It disables pushing in whichever team they're assigned.
# If you want them to be able to push again when they undisguise, set this to CREATE_SCOREBOARD
# I have to disable pushing or you will be pushed around by your own self disguise
# MODIFY_SCOREBOARD - Modifies the player's current team if possible, otherwise assigns them to a new scoreboard team.
# IGNORE_SCOREBOARD - Doesn't touch scoreboards at all, effectively means that if you didn't disable pushing in their scoreboard team; They will still be pushed around
# CREATE_SCOREBOARD - Creates a new team which copies the attributes of their previous scoreboard team which they are then assigned to. This means they keep nametag color and other options.
SelfDisguisesScoreboard: MODIFY_SCOREBOARD
# Hide players in tab when disguised? This means a disguised player cannot be seen when you press tab! This can be toggled on/off per disguise
HideDisguisedPlayersFromTab: false
# Always show player disguises in tab? The names will continue to appear in tab until the disguise is removed.
ShowPlayerDisguisesInTab: false
# On player disguise, a fake player is added to tablist so the skin can load properly.
# This option is ignored if 'ShowPlayerDisguisesInTab' is enabled.
# How many ticks before tab packet is sent to remove from tablist. This shouldn't need to be touched
TablistRemoveDelay: 3
# To prevent skins from defaulting to alex/steve, there is a timer that only expires after X ticks or when the player moves
# You shouldn't actually touch this, but eh. Your server.
# Default is 5 seconds
PlayerDisguisesTablistExpiresMove: 100