package me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.ReflectionManager.LibVersion; import org.bukkit.Sound; /** * Only living disguises go in here! */ public enum DisguiseSound { ARROW(null, null, null, null, "random.bowhit"), BAT("mob.bat.hurt", null, "mob.bat.death", "mob.bat.idle", "damage.fallsmall", "mob.bat.loop", "damage.fallbig", "mob.bat.takeoff"), BLAZE("mob.blaze.hit", null, "mob.blaze.death", "mob.blaze.breathe", "damage.fallsmall", "damage.fallbig"), CAVE_SPIDER("mob.spider.say", "mob.spider.step", "mob.spider.death", "mob.spider.say"), CHICKEN("mob.chicken.hurt", "mob.chicken.step", "mob.chicken.hurt", "mob.chicken.say", "damage.fallsmall", "mob.chicken.plop", "damage.fallbig"), COW("mob.cow.hurt", "mob.cow.step", "mob.cow.hurt", "mob.cow.say"), CREEPER("mob.creeper.say", "step.grass", "mob.creeper.death", null), DONKEY("", "step.grass", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), ENDER_DRAGON("mob.enderdragon.hit", null, "mob.enderdragon.end", "mob.enderdragon.growl", "damage.fallsmall", "mob.enderdragon.wings", "damage.fallbig"), ENDERMAN("mob.endermen.hit", "step.grass", "mob.endermen.death", "mob.endermen.idle", "mob.endermen.scream", "mob.endermen.portal", "mob.endermen.stare"), GHAST("mob.ghast.scream", null, "mob.ghast.death", "mob.ghast.moan", "damage.fallsmall", "mob.ghast.fireball", "damage.fallbig", "mob.ghast.affectionate_scream", "mob.ghast.charge"), GIANT("damage.hit", "step.grass", null, null), HORSE("", "step.grass", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), IRON_GOLEM("mob.irongolem.hit", "mob.irongolem.walk", "mob.irongolem.death", "mob.irongolem.throw"), MAGMA_CUBE("mob.slime.attack", "mob.slime.big", null, null, "mob.slime.small"), MULE("", "step.grass", "", ""), MUSHROOM_COW("mob.cow.hurt", "mob.cow.step", "mob.cow.hurt", "mob.cow.say"), OCELOT("", "step.grass", "", "", "", ""), PIG("mob.pig.say", "mob.pig.step", "mob.pig.death", "mob.pig.say"), PIG_ZOMBIE("mob.zombiepig.zpighurt", null, "mob.zombiepig.zpigdeath", "mob.zombiepig.zpig", "mob.zombiepig.zpigangry"), PLAYER(LibVersion.is1_7() ? "game.player.hurt" : "damage.hit", "step.grass", LibVersion.is1_7() ? "game.player.hurt" : "damage.hit", null), SHEEP("mob.sheep.say", "mob.sheep.step", null, "mob.sheep.say", "mob.sheep.shear"), SILVERFISH("mob.silverfish.hit", "mob.silverfish.step", "mob.silverfish.kill", "mob.silverfish.say"), SKELETON("mob.skeleton.hurt", "mob.skeleton.step", "mob.skeleton.death", "mob.skeleton.say"), SKELETON_HORSE("", "step.grass", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), SLIME("mob.slime.attack", "mob.slime.big", null, null, "mob.slime.small"), SNOWMAN(), SPIDER("mob.spider.say", "mob.spider.step", "mob.spider.death", "mob.spider.say"), SQUID(), UNDEAD_HORSE("", "step.grass", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), VILLAGER("mob.villager.hit", null, "mob.villager.death", "mob.villager.idle", "mob.villager.haggle", "", "mob.villager.yes"), WITCH("mob.witch.hurt", null, "mob.witch.death", "mob.witch.idle"), WITHER("mob.wither.hurt", null, "mob.wither.death", "mob.wither.idle", "damage.fallsmall", "mob.wither.spawn", "damage.fallbig", "mob.wither.shoot"), WITHER_SKELETON("mob.skeleton.hurt", "mob.skeleton.step", "mob.skeleton.death", "mob.skeleton.say"), WOLF("mob.wolf.hurt", "mob.wolf.step", "mob.wolf.death", "mob.wolf.bark", "mob.wolf.panting", "mob.wolf.whine", "mob.wolf.howl", "mob.wolf.growl", "mob.wolf.shake"), ZOMBIE("mob.zombie.hurt", "step.grass", "mob.zombie.death", "mob.zombie.say", "mob.zombie.infect", "mob.zombie.woodbreak", "mob.zombie.metal", "mob.zombie.wood"); public enum SoundType { CANCEL, DEATH, HURT, IDLE, STEP; } public static DisguiseSound getType(String name) { try { return valueOf(name); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } private HashSet cancelSounds = new HashSet(); private float damageSoundVolume = 1F; private HashMap disguiseSounds = new HashMap(); private DisguiseSound(Object... sounds) { for (int i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++) { Object obj = sounds[i]; String s; if (obj == null) continue; else if (obj instanceof String) { s = (String) obj; } else if (obj instanceof Sound) { s = ReflectionManager.getCraftSound((Sound) obj); System.out.print("Warning, the sound " + obj + " needs to be converted to a string"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Was given a unknown object " + obj); } switch (i) { case 0: disguiseSounds.put(SoundType.HURT, s); break; case 1: disguiseSounds.put(SoundType.STEP, s); break; case 2: disguiseSounds.put(SoundType.DEATH, s); break; case 3: disguiseSounds.put(SoundType.IDLE, s); break; default: cancelSounds.add(s); break; } } } public float getDamageSoundVolume() { return damageSoundVolume; } public String getSound(SoundType type) { if (type == null || !disguiseSounds.containsKey(type)) return null; return disguiseSounds.get(type); } public HashSet getSoundsToCancel() { return cancelSounds; } /** * Used to check if this sound name is owned by this disguise sound. */ public SoundType getType(String sound, boolean ignoreDamage) { if (isCancelSound(sound)) return SoundType.CANCEL; if (disguiseSounds.containsKey(SoundType.STEP) && disguiseSounds.get(SoundType.STEP).startsWith("step.") && sound.startsWith("step.")) return SoundType.STEP; for (SoundType type : SoundType.values()) { if (!disguiseSounds.containsKey(type) || type == SoundType.DEATH || (ignoreDamage && type == SoundType.HURT)) continue; String s = disguiseSounds.get(type); if (s != null) { if (s.equals(sound)) return type; } } return null; } public boolean isCancelSound(String sound) { return getSoundsToCancel().contains(sound); } public void removeSound(SoundType type, Sound sound) { removeSound(type, ReflectionManager.getCraftSound(sound)); } public void removeSound(SoundType type, String sound) { if (type == SoundType.CANCEL) cancelSounds.remove(sound); else { disguiseSounds.remove(type); } } public void setDamageSoundVolume(float strength) { this.damageSoundVolume = strength; } public void setSound(SoundType type, Sound sound) { setSound(type, ReflectionManager.getCraftSound(sound)); } public void setSound(SoundType type, String sound) { if (type == SoundType.CANCEL) cancelSounds.add(sound); else { disguiseSounds.put(type, sound); } } }