# This config file is for settings that effects combat! # This prevents disguised players from being targeted by monsters. # This doesn't prevent their targeting you if already targeting when disguised # They will just ignore you unless provoked. MonstersIgnoreDisguises: false # Should PvP be disabled when disguised? DisablePvP: false # Should PvE be disabled when disguised? (Eg, fighting zombie) DisablePvE: false # This works only for players, disguised monsters and the like will not be undisguised # Should the player's disguises be removed if they attacks something? # Blown Disguise message can be changed in translations # Message can be hidden with an empty translation BlowDisguisesWhenAttacking: false # Should the player's disguises be removed if they're attacked by something? BlowDisguisesWhenAttacked: false # This works with 'DisablePvP' that if attacked by another entity, they have 'PvPTimer' amount of time # to attack back. Timer is reset with every successful attack RetaliationCombat: false # If pvp or pve is disabled, this takes effect. # If RetaliationCombat is false, or it's true but they haven't fought back in PvPTimer seconds, then they can't fight back. # This also controls it so they can't fight back PvPTimer seconds after applying a disguise PvPTimer: 5