package me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities; import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType; import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType.Play.Server; import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLibrary; import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolManager; import; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.BlockPosition; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedBlockData; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedDataWatcher; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedGameProfile; import; import; import; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.DisguiseAPI; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.DisguiseConfig; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.DisguiseConfig.DisguisePushing; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.LibsDisguises; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.*; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.TargetedDisguise.TargetType; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers.AgeableWatcher; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers.PlayerWatcher; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers.ZombieWatcher; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.PacketsManager.LibsPackets; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.json.*; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Strings; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.entity.Ageable; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Zombie; import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team.Option; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team.OptionStatus; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class DisguiseUtilities { public static final Random random = new Random(); private static LinkedHashMap clonedDisguises = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** * A hashmap of the uuid's of entitys, alive and dead. And their disguises in use */ private static HashMap> disguisesInUse = new HashMap<>(); /** * Disguises which are stored ready for a entity to be seen by a player Preferably, disguises in this should only * stay in for * a max of a second. */ private static HashMap> futureDisguises = new HashMap<>(); private static HashSet savedDisguiseList = new HashSet<>(); private static HashSet cachedNames = new HashSet<>(); private static HashMap> runnables = new HashMap<>(); private static HashSet selfDisguised = new HashSet<>(); private static Thread mainThread; private static PacketContainer spawnChunk; private static HashMap preDisguiseTeam = new HashMap<>(); private static HashMap disguiseTeam = new HashMap<>(); private static File profileCache = new File("plugins/LibsDisguises/GameProfiles"), savedDisguises = new File( "plugins/LibsDisguises/SavedDisguises"); private static Gson gson; private static boolean pluginsUsed, commandsUsed; private static long libsDisguisesCalled; public static void setPluginsUsed() { if (libsDisguisesCalled > System.currentTimeMillis()) { return; } pluginsUsed = true; } public static void resetPluginTimer() { libsDisguisesCalled = System.currentTimeMillis() + 100; } public static void setCommandsUsed() { resetPluginTimer(); commandsUsed = true; } public static boolean isPluginsUsed() { return pluginsUsed; } public static boolean isCommandsUsed() { return commandsUsed; } public static void saveDisguises() { if (!LibsPremium.isPremium()) return; if (!DisguiseConfig.isSaveEntityDisguises() && !DisguiseConfig.isSavePlayerDisguises()) return; getLogger().info("Now saving disguises.."); for (HashSet list : disguisesInUse.values()) { for (TargetedDisguise disg : list) { if (disg.getEntity() == null) continue; if (disg.getEntity() instanceof Player ? DisguiseConfig.isSavePlayerDisguises() : DisguiseConfig.isSaveEntityDisguises()) continue; saveDisguises(disg.getEntity().getUniqueId(), list.toArray(new Disguise[0])); break; } } getLogger().info("Saved disguises."); } public static boolean hasGameProfile(String playername) { return cachedNames.contains(playername.toLowerCase()); } public static void createClonedDisguise(Player player, Entity toClone, Boolean[] options) { Disguise disguise = DisguiseAPI.getDisguise(player, toClone); if (disguise == null) { disguise = DisguiseAPI.constructDisguise(toClone, options[0], options[1], options[2]); } else { disguise = disguise.clone(); } char[] alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray(); String reference = null; int referenceLength = Math.max(2, (int) Math.ceil((0.1D + DisguiseConfig.getMaxClonedDisguises()) / 26D)); int attempts = 0; while (reference == null && attempts++ < 1000) { reference = "@"; for (int i = 0; i < referenceLength; i++) { reference += alphabet[DisguiseUtilities.random.nextInt(alphabet.length)]; } if (DisguiseUtilities.getClonedDisguise(reference) != null) { reference = null; } } if (reference != null && DisguiseUtilities.addClonedDisguise(reference, disguise)) { String entityName = DisguiseType.getType(toClone).toReadable(); player.sendMessage(LibsMsg.MADE_REF.get(entityName, reference)); player.sendMessage(LibsMsg.MADE_REF_EXAMPLE.get(reference)); } else { player.sendMessage(LibsMsg.REF_TOO_MANY.get()); } } public static void saveDisguises(UUID owningEntity, Disguise[] disguise) { if (!LibsPremium.isPremium()) return; if (!savedDisguises.exists()) savedDisguises.mkdirs(); try { File disguiseFile = new File(savedDisguises, owningEntity.toString()); if (disguise == null || disguise.length == 0) { if (savedDisguiseList.contains(owningEntity)) { disguiseFile.delete(); } else { return; } } else { Disguise[] disguises = new Disguise[disguise.length]; for (int i = 0; i < disguise.length; i++) { Disguise dis = disguise[i].clone(); dis.setEntity(null); disguises[i] = dis; } PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(disguiseFile); writer.write(gson.toJson(disguises)); writer.close(); savedDisguiseList.add(owningEntity); } } catch (StackOverflowError | Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static Disguise[] getSavedDisguises(UUID entityUUID) { return getSavedDisguises(entityUUID, false); } public static Disguise[] getSavedDisguises(UUID entityUUID, boolean remove) { if (!isSavedDisguise(entityUUID) || !LibsPremium.isPremium()) { return new Disguise[0]; } if (!savedDisguises.exists()) { savedDisguises.mkdirs(); } File disguiseFile = new File(savedDisguises, entityUUID.toString()); if (!disguiseFile.exists()) { savedDisguiseList.remove(entityUUID); return new Disguise[0]; } try { String cached = FileUtils.readFileToString(disguiseFile, "UTF-8"); if (remove) { removeSavedDisguise(entityUUID); } Disguise[] disguises = gson.fromJson(cached, Disguise[].class); if (disguises == null) { return new Disguise[0]; } return disguises; } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().severe("Malformed disguise for " + entityUUID); e.printStackTrace(); } return new Disguise[0]; } public static void removeSavedDisguise(UUID entityUUID) { if (!savedDisguiseList.remove(entityUUID)) return; if (!savedDisguises.exists()) savedDisguises.mkdirs(); File disguiseFile = new File(savedDisguises, entityUUID.toString()); disguiseFile.delete(); } public static boolean isSavedDisguise(UUID entityUUID) { return savedDisguiseList.contains(entityUUID); } public static boolean addClonedDisguise(String key, Disguise disguise) { if (DisguiseConfig.getMaxClonedDisguises() > 0) { if (clonedDisguises.containsKey(key)) { clonedDisguises.remove(key); } else if (DisguiseConfig.getMaxClonedDisguises() == clonedDisguises.size()) { clonedDisguises.remove(clonedDisguises.keySet().iterator().next()); } if (DisguiseConfig.getMaxClonedDisguises() > clonedDisguises.size()) { clonedDisguises.put(key, disguise); return true; } } return false; } public static void addDisguise(UUID entityId, TargetedDisguise disguise) { if (!getDisguises().containsKey(entityId)) { getDisguises().put(entityId, new HashSet()); } getDisguises().get(entityId).add(disguise); checkConflicts(disguise, null); if (disguise.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.SHOW_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS && disguise.isModifyBoundingBox()) { doBoundingBox(disguise); } } public static void addFutureDisguise(final int entityId, final TargetedDisguise disguise) { if (!futureDisguises.containsKey(entityId)) { futureDisguises.put(entityId, new HashSet()); } futureDisguises.get(entityId).add(disguise); final BukkitRunnable runnable = new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { if (futureDisguises.containsKey(entityId) && futureDisguises.get(entityId).contains(disguise)) { for (World world : Bukkit.getWorlds()) { for (Entity entity : world.getEntities()) { if (entity.getEntityId() == entityId) { UUID uniqueId = entity.getUniqueId(); for (TargetedDisguise disguise : futureDisguises.remove(entityId)) { addDisguise(uniqueId, disguise); } return; } } } futureDisguises.get(entityId).remove(disguise); if (futureDisguises.get(entityId).isEmpty()) { futureDisguises.remove(entityId); } } } }; runnable.runTaskLater(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), 20); } public static void addGameProfile(String string, WrappedGameProfile gameProfile) { try { if (!profileCache.exists()) profileCache.mkdirs(); File file = new File(profileCache, string.toLowerCase()); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file); writer.write(gson.toJson(gameProfile)); writer.close(); cachedNames.add(string.toLowerCase()); } catch (StackOverflowError | Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * If name isn't null. Make sure that the name doesn't see any other disguise. Else if name is null. Make sure * that the * observers in the disguise don't see any other disguise. */ public static void checkConflicts(TargetedDisguise disguise, String name) { // If the disguise is being used.. Else we may accidentally undisguise something else if (DisguiseAPI.isDisguiseInUse(disguise)) { Iterator disguiseItel = getDisguises().get(disguise.getEntity().getUniqueId()).iterator(); // Iterate through the disguises while (disguiseItel.hasNext()) { TargetedDisguise d =; // Make sure the disguise isn't the same thing if (d != disguise) { // If the loop'd disguise is hiding the disguise to everyone in its list if (d.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.HIDE_DISGUISE_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) { // If player is a observer in the loop if (disguise.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.HIDE_DISGUISE_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) { // If player is a observer in the disguise // Remove them from the loop if (name != null) { d.removePlayer(name); } else { for (String playername : disguise.getObservers()) { d.silentlyRemovePlayer(playername); } } } else if (disguise.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.SHOW_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) { // If player is not a observer in the loop if (name != null) { if (!disguise.getObservers().contains(name)) { d.removePlayer(name); } } else { for (String playername : new ArrayList<>(d.getObservers())) { if (!disguise.getObservers().contains(playername)) { d.silentlyRemovePlayer(playername); } } } } } else if (d.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.SHOW_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) { // Here you add it to the loop if they see the disguise if (disguise.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.HIDE_DISGUISE_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) { // Everyone who is in the disguise needs to be added to the loop if (name != null) { d.addPlayer(name); } else { for (String playername : disguise.getObservers()) { d.silentlyAddPlayer(playername); } } } else if (disguise.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.SHOW_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) { // This here is a paradox. // If fed a name. I can do this. // But the rest of the time.. Its going to conflict. disguiseItel.remove(); d.removeDisguise(true); } } } } } } /** * Sends entity removal packets, as this disguise was removed */ public static void destroyEntity(TargetedDisguise disguise) { if (mainThread != Thread.currentThread()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread"); try { Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(disguise.getEntity()); if (entityTrackerEntry == null) return; Set trackedPlayers = (Set) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); // If the tracker exists. Remove himself from his tracker trackedPlayers = (Set) new HashSet(trackedPlayers).clone(); // Copy before iterating to prevent // ConcurrentModificationException PacketContainer destroyPacket = new PacketContainer(Server.ENTITY_DESTROY); destroyPacket.getIntegerArrays().write(0, new int[]{disguise.getEntity().getEntityId()}); for (Object p : trackedPlayers) { Player player = (Player) ReflectionManager.getBukkitEntity(p); if (player == disguise.getEntity() || disguise.canSee(player)) { ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, destroyPacket); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void doBoundingBox(TargetedDisguise disguise) { Entity entity = disguise.getEntity(); if (entity == null) { return; } if (isDisguiseInUse(disguise)) { DisguiseValues disguiseValues = DisguiseValues.getDisguiseValues(disguise.getType()); FakeBoundingBox disguiseBox = disguiseValues.getAdultBox(); if (disguiseValues.getBabyBox() != null) { if ((disguise.getWatcher() instanceof AgeableWatcher && ((AgeableWatcher) disguise.getWatcher()).isBaby()) || (disguise.getWatcher() instanceof ZombieWatcher && ((ZombieWatcher) disguise.getWatcher()).isBaby())) { disguiseBox = disguiseValues.getBabyBox(); } } ReflectionManager.setBoundingBox(entity, disguiseBox); } else { DisguiseValues entityValues = DisguiseValues.getDisguiseValues(DisguiseType.getType(entity.getType())); FakeBoundingBox entityBox = entityValues.getAdultBox(); if (entityValues.getBabyBox() != null) { if ((entity instanceof Ageable && !((Ageable) entity).isAdult()) || (entity instanceof Zombie && ((Zombie) entity).isBaby())) { entityBox = entityValues.getBabyBox(); } } ReflectionManager.setBoundingBox(entity, entityBox); } } public static int getChunkCord(int blockCord) { int cord = (int) Math.floor(blockCord / 16D) - 17; cord -= (cord % 8); return cord; } public static PacketContainer[] getBedChunkPacket(Location newLoc, Location oldLoc) { int i = 0; PacketContainer[] packets = new PacketContainer[(newLoc != null ? 1 : 0) + (oldLoc != null ? 1 : 0)]; if (oldLoc != null) { PacketContainer despawn = new PacketContainer(Server.UNLOAD_CHUNK); StructureModifier modifier = despawn.getModifier(); modifier.write(0, getChunkCord(oldLoc.getBlockX())); modifier.write(1, getChunkCord(oldLoc.getBlockZ())); packets[i++] = despawn; } if (newLoc != null) { PacketContainer spawn = spawnChunk.shallowClone(); StructureModifier modifier = spawn.getModifier(); modifier.write(0, getChunkCord(newLoc.getBlockX())); modifier.write(1, getChunkCord(newLoc.getBlockZ())); packets[i++] = spawn; } return packets; } public static PacketContainer[] getBedPackets(Location sleepingLocation, Location playerLocation, PlayerDisguise disguise) { int entity = disguise.getEntity().getEntityId(); PlayerWatcher watcher = disguise.getWatcher(); PacketContainer setBed = new PacketContainer(Server.BED); int bX = (getChunkCord(playerLocation.getBlockX()) * 16) + 1 + watcher.getSleepingDirection().getModX(); int bZ = (getChunkCord(playerLocation.getBlockZ()) * 16) + 1 + watcher.getSleepingDirection().getModZ(); setBed.getIntegers().write(0, entity); setBed.getBlockPositionModifier().write(0, new BlockPosition(bX, 0, bZ)); PacketContainer teleport = new PacketContainer(Server.ENTITY_TELEPORT); StructureModifier doubles = teleport.getDoubles(); teleport.getIntegers().write(0, entity); doubles.write(0, sleepingLocation.getX()); doubles.write(1, PacketsManager.getYModifier(disguise.getEntity(), disguise) + sleepingLocation.getY()); doubles.write(2, sleepingLocation.getZ()); return new PacketContainer[]{setBed, teleport}; } public static Disguise getClonedDisguise(String key) { if (clonedDisguises.containsKey(key)) { return clonedDisguises.get(key).clone(); } return null; } public static PacketContainer getDestroyPacket(int... ids) { PacketContainer destroyPacket = new PacketContainer(Server.ENTITY_DESTROY); destroyPacket.getIntegerArrays().write(0, ids); return destroyPacket; } public static TargetedDisguise getDisguise(Player observer, Entity entity) { UUID entityId = entity.getUniqueId(); if (futureDisguises.containsKey(entity.getEntityId())) { for (TargetedDisguise disguise : futureDisguises.remove(entity.getEntityId())) { addDisguise(entityId, disguise); } } if (getDisguises().containsKey(entityId)) { for (TargetedDisguise disguise : getDisguises().get(entityId)) { if (disguise.canSee(observer)) { return disguise; } } } return null; } public static HashMap> getDisguises() { return disguisesInUse; } public static TargetedDisguise[] getDisguises(UUID entityId) { if (getDisguises().containsKey(entityId)) { HashSet disguises = getDisguises().get(entityId); return disguises.toArray(new TargetedDisguise[disguises.size()]); } return new TargetedDisguise[0]; } public static HashMap> getFutureDisguises() { return futureDisguises; } public static WrappedGameProfile getGameProfile(String playerName) { if (!hasGameProfile(playerName)) return null; if (!profileCache.exists()) profileCache.mkdirs(); File file = new File(profileCache, playerName.toLowerCase()); if (!file.exists()) { cachedNames.remove(playerName.toLowerCase()); return null; } try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String cached = reader.readLine(); reader.close(); return gson.fromJson(cached, WrappedGameProfile.class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static TargetedDisguise getMainDisguise(UUID entityId) { TargetedDisguise toReturn = null; if (getDisguises().containsKey(entityId)) { for (TargetedDisguise disguise : getDisguises().get(entityId)) { if (disguise.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.SHOW_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS) { return disguise; } toReturn = disguise; } } return toReturn; } /** * Get all EntityPlayers who have this entity in their Entity Tracker And they are in the targeted disguise. * * @param disguise * @return */ public static List getPerverts(Disguise disguise) { if (mainThread != Thread.currentThread()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread"); if (disguise.getEntity() == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "The entity for the disguisetype " + disguise.getType().name() + " is null!"); List players = new ArrayList<>(); try { Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(disguise.getEntity()); if (entityTrackerEntry != null) { Set trackedPlayers = (Set) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); trackedPlayers = (Set) new HashSet(trackedPlayers).clone(); // Copy before iterating to prevent // ConcurrentModificationException for (Object p : trackedPlayers) { Player player = (Player) ReflectionManager.getBukkitEntity(p); if (((TargetedDisguise) disguise).canSee(player)) { players.add(player); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return players; } public static WrappedGameProfile getProfileFromMojang(final PlayerDisguise disguise) { final String nameToFetch = disguise.getSkin() != null ? disguise.getSkin() : disguise.getName(); return getProfileFromMojang(nameToFetch, new LibsProfileLookup() { @Override public void onLookup(WrappedGameProfile gameProfile) { if (DisguiseAPI.isDisguiseInUse(disguise) && (!gameProfile.getName() .equals(disguise.getSkin() != null ? disguise.getSkin() : disguise.getName()) || !gameProfile.getProperties().isEmpty())) { disguise.setGameProfile(gameProfile); DisguiseUtilities.refreshTrackers(disguise); } } }, LibsDisguises.getInstance().getConfig().getBoolean("ContactMojangServers", true)); } /** * Pass in a set, check if it's a hashset. If it's not, return false. If you pass in something else, you failed. * * @param obj * @return */ private static boolean isHashSet(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof HashSet) return true; // It's Spigot/Bukkit if (obj instanceof Set) return false; // It's PaperSpigot/SportsBukkit throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object passed was not either a hashset or set!"); } /** * Thread safe to use. This returns a GameProfile. And if its GameProfile doesn't have a skin blob. Then it does * a lookup * using schedulers. The runnable is run once the GameProfile has been successfully dealt with */ public static WrappedGameProfile getProfileFromMojang(String playerName, LibsProfileLookup runnableIfCantReturn) { return getProfileFromMojang(playerName, (Object) runnableIfCantReturn, true); } /** * Thread safe to use. This returns a GameProfile. And if its GameProfile doesn't have a skin blob. Then it does * a lookup * using schedulers. The runnable is run once the GameProfile has been successfully dealt with */ public static WrappedGameProfile getProfileFromMojang(String playerName, LibsProfileLookup runnableIfCantReturn, boolean contactMojang) { return getProfileFromMojang(playerName, (Object) runnableIfCantReturn, contactMojang); } private static WrappedGameProfile getProfileFromMojang(final String origName, final Object runnable, boolean contactMojang) { final String playerName = origName.toLowerCase(); if (DisguiseConfig.isSaveGameProfiles() && hasGameProfile(playerName)) { return getGameProfile(playerName); } else if (Pattern.matches("([A-Za-z0-9_]){1,16}", origName)) { final Player player = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(playerName); if (player != null) { WrappedGameProfile gameProfile = ReflectionManager.getGameProfile(player); if (!gameProfile.getProperties().isEmpty()) { if (DisguiseConfig.isSaveGameProfiles()) { addGameProfile(playerName, gameProfile); } return gameProfile; } } if (contactMojang && !runnables.containsKey(playerName)) { Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { final WrappedGameProfile gameProfile = lookupGameProfile(origName); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (gameProfile.getProperties().isEmpty()) { return; } if (DisguiseConfig.isSaveGameProfiles()) { addGameProfile(playerName, gameProfile); } if (runnables.containsKey(playerName)) { for (Object obj : runnables.remove(playerName)) { if (obj instanceof Runnable) { ((Runnable) obj).run(); } else if (obj instanceof LibsProfileLookup) { ((LibsProfileLookup) obj).onLookup(gameProfile); } } } } }); } catch (Exception e) { runnables.remove(playerName); getLogger().severe("Error when fetching " + playerName + "'s uuid from mojang: " + e.getMessage()); } } }); if (runnable != null && contactMojang) { if (!runnables.containsKey(playerName)) { runnables.put(playerName, new ArrayList<>()); } runnables.get(playerName).add(runnable); } return null; } } return ReflectionManager.getGameProfile(null, origName); } /** * Thread safe to use. This returns a GameProfile. And if its GameProfile doesn't have a skin blob. Then it does * a lookup * using schedulers. The runnable is run once the GameProfile has been successfully dealt with */ public static WrappedGameProfile getProfileFromMojang(String playerName, Runnable runnableIfCantReturn) { return getProfileFromMojang(playerName, (Object) runnableIfCantReturn, true); } /** * Thread safe to use. This returns a GameProfile. And if its GameProfile doesn't have a skin blob. Then it does * a lookup * using schedulers. The runnable is run once the GameProfile has been successfully dealt with */ public static WrappedGameProfile getProfileFromMojang(String playerName, Runnable runnableIfCantReturn, boolean contactMojang) { return getProfileFromMojang(playerName, (Object) runnableIfCantReturn, contactMojang); } public static HashSet getSelfDisguised() { return selfDisguised; } public static Gson getGson() { return gson; } public static void init(LibsDisguises disguises) { GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(MetaIndex.class, new SerializerMetaIndex()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(WrappedGameProfile.class, new SerializerGameProfile()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(WrappedBlockData.class, new SerializerWrappedBlockData()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Disguise.class, new SerializerDisguise()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(FlagWatcher.class, new SerializerFlagWatcher()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(FlagWatcher.class, new SerializerChatComponent()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(PropertyMap.class, new PropertyMap.Serializer()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(ItemStack.class, new SerializerItemStack()); gson = gsonBuilder.create(); try { Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorldServer(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0)); Class chunkClass = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Chunk"); Object bedChunk = null; Object[] biomes = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("BiomeBase"), 256); Class registry = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("IRegistry"); Field biomeRegistry = ReflectionManager.getNmsField(registry, "BIOME"); Iterator itel = ((Iterator) registry.getMethod("iterator").invoke(biomeRegistry.get(null))); for (int i = 0; i < biomes.length && itel.hasNext(); i++) { while (itel.hasNext()) { biomes[i] =; } } for (Constructor constructor : chunkClass.getConstructors()) { if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length != 8) continue; bedChunk = constructor.newInstance(world, 0, 0, biomes, null, null, null, 0L); break; } if (bedChunk == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("[LibsDisguises] Cannot find constructor to create world chunk"); } Field cSection = chunkClass.getDeclaredField("sections"); cSection.setAccessible(true); Object chunkSection = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("ChunkSection").getConstructor(int.class, boolean.class) .newInstance(0, true); Class blockClass = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Block"); Object REGISTRY = ReflectionManager.getNmsField("IRegistry", "BLOCK").get(null); Object minecraftKey = ReflectionManager.createMinecraftKey("white_bed"); Object block = REGISTRY.getClass().getMethod("get", minecraftKey.getClass()).invoke(REGISTRY, minecraftKey); Object blockData = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod(blockClass, "getBlockData").invoke(block); Method method = null; for (Method method1 : blockData.getClass().getMethods()) { if (!method1.getName().equals("set") || method1.getParameterTypes().length != 2) continue; method = method1; break; } Method setType = chunkSection.getClass() .getMethod("setType", int.class, int.class, int.class, ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("IBlockData")); Method setSky = chunkSection.getClass().getMethod("a", int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); Method setEmitted = chunkSection.getClass().getMethod("b", int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class); for (BlockFace face : new BlockFace[]{BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.SOUTH}) { int x = 1 + face.getModX(); int z = 1 + face.getModZ(); Object data = method.invoke(blockData, block.getClass().getField("FACING").get(null), ReflectionManager.getEnumDirection(face.ordinal())); setType.invoke(chunkSection, x, 0, z, data); } Object[] array = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(chunkSection.getClass(), 16); array[0] = chunkSection; cSection.set(bedChunk, array); spawnChunk = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager() .createPacketConstructor(PacketType.Play.Server.MAP_CHUNK, bedChunk, 65535) .createPacket(bedChunk, 65535); Field threadField = ReflectionManager.getNmsField("MinecraftServer", "primaryThread"); threadField.setAccessible(true); mainThread = (Thread) threadField.get(ReflectionManager.getMinecraftServer()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (!profileCache.exists()) profileCache.mkdirs(); if (!savedDisguises.exists()) savedDisguises.mkdirs(); cachedNames.addAll(Arrays.asList(profileCache.list())); for (String key : savedDisguises.list()) { savedDisguiseList.add(UUID.fromString(key)); } } public static boolean isDisguiseInUse(Disguise disguise) { return disguise.getEntity() != null && getDisguises().containsKey(disguise.getEntity().getUniqueId()) && getDisguises().get(disguise.getEntity().getUniqueId()).contains(disguise); } /** * This is called on a thread as it is thread blocking */ public static WrappedGameProfile lookupGameProfile(String playerName) { return ReflectionManager.getSkullBlob(ReflectionManager.grabProfileAddUUID(playerName)); } /** * Resends the entity to this specific player */ public static void refreshTracker(final TargetedDisguise disguise, String player) { if (mainThread != Thread.currentThread()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread"); if (disguise.getEntity() == null || !disguise.getEntity().isValid()) return; try { PacketContainer destroyPacket = getDestroyPacket(disguise.getEntity().getEntityId()); if (disguise.isDisguiseInUse() && disguise.getEntity() instanceof Player && disguise.getEntity().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(player)) { removeSelfDisguise((Player) disguise.getEntity()); if (disguise.isSelfDisguiseVisible()) { selfDisguised.add(disguise.getEntity().getUniqueId()); } ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket((Player) disguise.getEntity(), destroyPacket); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), () -> { try { DisguiseUtilities.sendSelfDisguise((Player) disguise.getEntity(), disguise); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }, 2); } else { final Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(disguise.getEntity()); if (entityTrackerEntry == null) return; Set trackedPlayers = (Set) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); Method clear = ReflectionManager .getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "clear", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer")); final Method updatePlayer = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "updatePlayer", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer")); trackedPlayers = (Set) new HashSet(trackedPlayers).clone(); // Copy before iterating to prevent // ConcurrentModificationException for (final Object p : trackedPlayers) { Player pl = (Player) ReflectionManager.getBukkitEntity(p); if (pl == null || !player.equalsIgnoreCase((pl).getName())) continue; clear.invoke(entityTrackerEntry, p); ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(pl, destroyPacket); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), () -> { try { updatePlayer.invoke(entityTrackerEntry, p); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }, 2); break; } } } catch ( Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * A convenience method for me to refresh trackers in other plugins */ public static void refreshTrackers(Entity entity) { if (mainThread != Thread.currentThread()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread"); if (entity.isValid()) { try { PacketContainer destroyPacket = getDestroyPacket(entity.getEntityId()); final Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(entity); if (entityTrackerEntry != null) { Set trackedPlayers = (Set) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); Method clear = ReflectionManager .getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "clear", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer")); final Method updatePlayer = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "updatePlayer", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer")); trackedPlayers = (Set) new HashSet(trackedPlayers).clone(); // Copy before iterating to prevent // ConcurrentModificationException for (final Object p : trackedPlayers) { Player player = (Player) ReflectionManager.getBukkitEntity(p); if (player != entity) { clear.invoke(entityTrackerEntry, p); ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, destroyPacket); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), () -> { try { updatePlayer.invoke(entityTrackerEntry, p); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }, 2); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Resends the entity to all the watching players, which is where the magic begins */ public static void refreshTrackers(final TargetedDisguise disguise) { if (mainThread != Thread.currentThread()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread"); if (!disguise.getEntity().isValid()) { return; } PacketContainer destroyPacket = getDestroyPacket(disguise.getEntity().getEntityId()); try { if (selfDisguised.contains(disguise.getEntity().getUniqueId()) && disguise.isDisguiseInUse()) { removeSelfDisguise((Player) disguise.getEntity()); selfDisguised.add(disguise.getEntity().getUniqueId()); ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket((Player) disguise.getEntity(), destroyPacket); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), () -> { try { DisguiseUtilities.sendSelfDisguise((Player) disguise.getEntity(), disguise); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }, 2); } final Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(disguise.getEntity()); if (entityTrackerEntry != null) { Set trackedPlayers = (Set) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); final Method clear = ReflectionManager .getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "clear", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer")); final Method updatePlayer = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "updatePlayer", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer")); trackedPlayers = (Set) new HashSet(trackedPlayers).clone(); for (final Object p : trackedPlayers) { Player player = (Player) ReflectionManager.getBukkitEntity(p); if (disguise.getEntity() != player && disguise.canSee(player)) { clear.invoke(entityTrackerEntry, p); ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, destroyPacket); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), () -> { try { updatePlayer.invoke(entityTrackerEntry, p); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }, 2); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static boolean removeDisguise(TargetedDisguise disguise) { UUID entityId = disguise.getEntity().getUniqueId(); if (getDisguises().containsKey(entityId) && getDisguises().get(entityId).remove(disguise)) { if (getDisguises().get(entityId).isEmpty()) { getDisguises().remove(entityId); } if (disguise.getDisguiseTarget() == TargetType.SHOW_TO_EVERYONE_BUT_THESE_PLAYERS && disguise.isModifyBoundingBox()) { doBoundingBox(disguise); } return true; } return false; } public static void removeGameProfile(String string) { cachedNames.remove(string.toLowerCase()); if (!profileCache.exists()) profileCache.mkdirs(); File file = new File(profileCache, string.toLowerCase()); file.delete(); } public static void removeSelfDisguise(Player player) { if (mainThread != Thread.currentThread()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread"); if (!selfDisguised.contains(player.getUniqueId())) { return; } // Send a packet to destroy the fake entity PacketContainer packet = getDestroyPacket(DisguiseAPI.getSelfDisguiseId()); try { ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, packet); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } removeSelfDisguiseScoreboard(player); // player.spigot().setCollidesWithEntities(true); // Finish up // Remove the fake entity ID from the disguise bin selfDisguised.remove(player.getUniqueId()); // Get the entity tracker try { Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(player); if (entityTrackerEntry != null) { Object trackedPlayersObj = ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); // If the tracker exists. Remove himself from his tracker if (isHashSet(trackedPlayersObj)) { ((Set) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry)).remove(ReflectionManager.getNmsEntity(player)); } else { ((Map) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayerMap") .get(entityTrackerEntry)).remove(ReflectionManager.getNmsEntity(player)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Resend entity metadata else he will be invisible to himself until its resent try { ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager() .createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_METADATA, player.getEntityId(), WrappedDataWatcher.getEntityWatcher(player), true) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), WrappedDataWatcher.getEntityWatcher(player), true)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } player.updateInventory(); } public static void removeSelfDisguiseScoreboard(Player player) { String originalTeam = preDisguiseTeam.remove(player.getUniqueId()); String teamDisguise = disguiseTeam.remove(player.getUniqueId()); if (teamDisguise == null || DisguiseConfig.getPushingOption() == DisguisePushing.IGNORE_SCOREBOARD) { return; } // Code replace them back onto their original scoreboard team Scoreboard scoreboard = player.getScoreboard(); Team team = originalTeam == null ? null : scoreboard.getTeam(originalTeam); Team ldTeam = null; for (Team t : scoreboard.getTeams()) { if (!t.hasEntry(player.getName())) continue; ldTeam = t; break; } if (DisguiseConfig.isWarnScoreboardConflict()) { if (ldTeam == null || !ldTeam.getName().equals(teamDisguise)) { getLogger().warning("Scoreboard conflict, the self disguise player was not on the expected team!"); } else { OptionStatus collisions = ldTeam.getOption(Option.COLLISION_RULE); if (collisions != OptionStatus.NEVER && collisions != OptionStatus.FOR_OTHER_TEAMS) { getLogger().warning( "Scoreboard conflict, the collisions for a self disguise player team has been " + "unexpectedly modifed!"); } } } if (ldTeam != null) { if (!ldTeam.getName().equals("LD_Pushing") && !ldTeam.getName().endsWith("_LDP")) { // Its not a team assigned by Lib's Disguises ldTeam = null; } } if (team != null) { team.addEntry(player.getName()); } else if (ldTeam != null) { ldTeam.removeEntry(player.getName()); } if (ldTeam != null && ldTeam.getEntries().isEmpty()) { ldTeam.unregister(); } } public static void setupSelfDisguiseScoreboard(Player player) { // They're already in a disguise team if (disguiseTeam.containsKey(player.getUniqueId())) { return; } DisguisePushing pOption = DisguiseConfig.getPushingOption(); if (pOption == DisguisePushing.IGNORE_SCOREBOARD) { return; } // Code to stop player pushing Scoreboard scoreboard = player.getScoreboard(); Team prevTeam = null; Team ldTeam = null; String ldTeamName = "LD_Pushing"; for (Team t : scoreboard.getTeams()) { if (!t.hasEntry(player.getName())) continue; prevTeam = t; break; } // If the player is in a team already and the team isn't one controlled by Lib's Disguises if (prevTeam != null && !(prevTeam.getName().equals("LD_Pushing") || prevTeam.getName().endsWith("_LDP"))) { // If we're creating a scoreboard if (pOption == DisguisePushing.CREATE_SCOREBOARD) { // Remember his old team so we can give him it back later preDisguiseTeam.put(player.getUniqueId(), prevTeam.getName()); } else { // We're modifying the scoreboard ldTeam = prevTeam; } } else { prevTeam = null; } // If we are creating a new scoreboard because the current one must not be modified if (pOption == DisguisePushing.CREATE_SCOREBOARD) { // If they have a team, we'll reuse that name. Otherwise go for another name ldTeamName = (prevTeam == null ? "No Team" : prevTeam.getName()); // Give the teamname a custom name ldTeamName = ldTeamName.substring(0, Math.min(12, ldTeamName.length())) + "_LDP"; } if (ldTeam == null && (ldTeam = scoreboard.getTeam(ldTeamName)) == null) { ldTeam = scoreboard.registerNewTeam(ldTeamName); } disguiseTeam.put(player.getUniqueId(), ldTeam.getName()); if (!ldTeam.hasEntry(player.getName())) ldTeam.addEntry(player.getName()); if (pOption == DisguisePushing.CREATE_SCOREBOARD && prevTeam != null) { ldTeam.setAllowFriendlyFire(prevTeam.allowFriendlyFire()); ldTeam.setCanSeeFriendlyInvisibles(prevTeam.canSeeFriendlyInvisibles()); ldTeam.setDisplayName(prevTeam.getDisplayName()); ldTeam.setPrefix(prevTeam.getPrefix()); ldTeam.setSuffix(prevTeam.getSuffix()); for (Option option : Team.Option.values()) { ldTeam.setOption(option, prevTeam.getOption(option)); } } if (ldTeam.getOption(Option.COLLISION_RULE) != OptionStatus.NEVER && DisguiseConfig.isModifyCollisions()) { ldTeam.setOption(Option.COLLISION_RULE, OptionStatus.NEVER); } if (ldTeam.canSeeFriendlyInvisibles() && DisguiseConfig.isDisableFriendlyInvisibles()) { ldTeam.setCanSeeFriendlyInvisibles(false); } } /** * Splits a string while respecting quotes. *

* Re */ /*public static String[] split(String string) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\"(?:\"(?=\\S)|\\\\\"|[^\"])*(?:[^\\\\]\"(?=\\s|$))|\\S+").matcher(string); List list = new ArrayList<>(); while (matcher.find()) { String match =; // If the match was quoted, then remove quotes and escapes if (match.matches("\"(?:\"(?=\\S)|\\\\\"|[^\"])*(?:[^\\\\]\")")) { // Replace the match by removing first and last quote // Then remove escaped slashes from the trailing with regex match = match.substring(1, match.length() - 1).replaceAll("\\\\\\\\(?=(\\\\\\\\)*$)", "\\"); } list.add(; } return list.toArray(new String[0]); }*/ public static String[] split(String string) { // Regex where we first match any character that isn't a slash, if it is a slash then it must not have more // slashes until it hits the quote // If any slashes before the quote, they must be escaped. That is, two of them. // Must end with a quote Pattern endsWithQuote = Pattern.compile("^([^\\\\]|\\\\(?!\\\\*\"$))*(\\\\\\\\)*\"$"); // Matches \"message quote, and Pattern removeSlashes = Pattern.compile("^\\\\(\")|\\\\(?:(\\\\)(?=\\\\*\"$)|(\")$)"); List list = new ArrayList<>(); String[] split = string.split(" "); String[] unescapedSplit = new String[split.length]; loop: for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { // If the word starts with a quote if (split[i].startsWith("\"")) { // Look for a word with an ending quote for (int a = i; a < split.length; a++) { // If it's the same word, but only one possible quote if (a == i && split[i].length() == 1) { continue; } // Does not end with a valid quote if (!endsWithQuote.matcher(split[a]).matches()) { continue; } // Found a sentence, build it StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int b = i; b <= a; b++) { Matcher matcher = removeSlashes.matcher(split[b]); // Remove any escapes for escaped quotes String word = matcher.replaceAll("$1$2$3"); // If this is the beginning or end of a quote if (b == i || b == a) { // Remove the quote word = word.substring(b == i ? 1 : 0, word.length() - (b == a ? 1 : 0)); } if (b > i) { builder.append(" "); } builder.append(word); } list.add(builder.toString()); i = a; continue loop; } } // Remove escapes if there, and add as a single word Matcher matcher = removeSlashes.matcher(split[i]); String word = matcher.replaceAll("$1$2$3"); list.add(word); } return list.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * Sends the self disguise to the player */ public static void sendSelfDisguise(final Player player, final TargetedDisguise disguise) { if (mainThread != Thread.currentThread()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread"); try { if (!disguise.isDisguiseInUse() || !player.isValid() || !player.isOnline() || !disguise.isSelfDisguiseVisible() || !disguise.canSee(player)) { return; } Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(player); if (entityTrackerEntry == null) { // A check incase the tracker is null. // If it is, then this method will be run again in one tick. Which is when it should be constructed. // Else its going to run in a infinite loop hue hue hue.. // At least until this disguise is discarded Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), () -> { if (DisguiseAPI.getDisguise(player, player) == disguise) { sendSelfDisguise(player, disguise); } }); return; } setupSelfDisguiseScoreboard(player); // Add himself to his own entity tracker Object trackedPlayersObj = ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); // Check for code differences in PaperSpigot vs Spigot if (isHashSet(trackedPlayersObj)) { ((Set) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry)).add(ReflectionManager.getNmsEntity(player)); } else { ((Map) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayerMap") .get(entityTrackerEntry)).put(ReflectionManager.getNmsEntity(player), true); } ProtocolManager manager = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager(); // Send the player a packet with himself being spawned manager.sendServerPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.NAMED_ENTITY_SPAWN, player).createPacket(player)); WrappedDataWatcher dataWatcher = WrappedDataWatcher.getEntityWatcher(player); sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_METADATA, player.getEntityId(), dataWatcher, true) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), dataWatcher, true)); boolean isMoving = false; try { Field field = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityTrackerEntry").getDeclaredField("isMoving"); field.setAccessible(true); isMoving = field.getBoolean(entityTrackerEntry); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Send the velocity packets if (isMoving) { Vector velocity = player.getVelocity(); sendSelfPacket(player, manager .createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_VELOCITY, player.getEntityId(), velocity.getX(), velocity.getY(), velocity.getZ()) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), velocity.getX(), velocity.getY(), velocity.getZ())); } // Why the hell would he even need this. Meh. if (player.getVehicle() != null && player.getEntityId() > player.getVehicle().getEntityId()) { sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ATTACH_ENTITY, 0, player, player.getVehicle()) .createPacket(0, player, player.getVehicle())); } else if (player.getPassenger() != null && player.getEntityId() > player.getPassenger().getEntityId()) { sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ATTACH_ENTITY, 0, player.getPassenger(), player) .createPacket(0, player.getPassenger(), player)); } sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_EQUIPMENT, 0, ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.HEAD), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(new ItemStack(Material.STONE))) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.HEAD), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(player.getInventory().getHelmet()))); sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_EQUIPMENT, 0, ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.HEAD), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(new ItemStack(Material.STONE))) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.CHEST), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(player.getInventory().getChestplate()))); sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_EQUIPMENT, 0, ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.HEAD), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(new ItemStack(Material.STONE))) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.LEGS), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(player.getInventory().getLeggings()))); sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_EQUIPMENT, 0, ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.HEAD), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(new ItemStack(Material.STONE))) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.FEET), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(player.getInventory().getBoots()))); sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_EQUIPMENT, 0, ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.HEAD), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(new ItemStack(Material.STONE))) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.HAND), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand()))); sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_EQUIPMENT, 0, ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.HEAD), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(new ItemStack(Material.STONE))) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), ReflectionManager.createEnumItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND), ReflectionManager.getNmsItem(player.getInventory().getItemInOffHand()))); Location loc = player.getLocation(); // If the disguised is sleeping for w/e reason if (player.isSleeping()) { sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.BED, player, ReflectionManager.getBlockPosition(0, 0, 0)) .createPacket(player, ReflectionManager .getBlockPosition(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()))); } // Resend any active potion effects for (PotionEffect potionEffect : player.getActivePotionEffects()) { Object mobEffect = ReflectionManager.createMobEffect(potionEffect); sendSelfPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(Server.ENTITY_EFFECT, player.getEntityId(), mobEffect) .createPacket(player.getEntityId(), mobEffect)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getPlayerListName(Player player) { return Strings.isEmpty(player.getPlayerListName()) ? player.getName() : player.getPlayerListName(); } public static Logger getLogger() { return LibsDisguises.getInstance().getLogger(); } /** * Method to send a packet to the self disguise, translate his entity ID to the fake id. */ private static void sendSelfPacket(final Player player, final PacketContainer packet) { final Disguise disguise = DisguiseAPI.getDisguise(player, player); // If disguised. if (disguise == null) { return; } LibsPackets transformed = PacketsManager.transformPacket(packet, disguise, player, player); try { if (transformed.isUnhandled()) transformed.addPacket(packet); transformed.setSpawnPacketCheck(packet.getType()); for (PacketContainer p : transformed.getPackets()) { p = p.deepClone(); p.getIntegers().write(0, DisguiseAPI.getSelfDisguiseId()); ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, p, false); } transformed.sendDelayed(player); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Setup it so he can see himself when disguised * * @param disguise */ public static void setupFakeDisguise(final Disguise disguise) { Entity e = disguise.getEntity(); // If the disguises entity is null, or the disguised entity isn't a player; return if (!(e instanceof Player) || !getDisguises().containsKey(e.getUniqueId()) || !getDisguises().get(e.getUniqueId()).contains(disguise)) { return; } Player player = (Player) e; // Check if he can even see this.. if (!((TargetedDisguise) disguise).canSee(player)) { return; } // Remove the old disguise, else we have weird disguises around the place DisguiseUtilities.removeSelfDisguise(player); // If the disguised player can't see himself. Return if (!disguise.isSelfDisguiseVisible() || !PacketsManager.isViewDisguisesListenerEnabled() || player.getVehicle() != null) { return; } // player.spigot().setCollidesWithEntities(false); // Finish up selfDisguised.add(player.getUniqueId()); sendSelfDisguise(player, (TargetedDisguise) disguise); if (disguise.isHidingArmorFromSelf() || disguise.isHidingHeldItemFromSelf()) { if (PacketsManager.isInventoryListenerEnabled()) { player.updateInventory(); } } } }