package me.libraryaddict.disguise; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.Disguise; import; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.comphenix.protocol.Packets; import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLibrary; import; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedDataWatcher; public class DisguiseAPI { // Store the entity IDs instead of entitys because then I can disguise entitys even before they exist private static HashMap disguises = new HashMap(); private static boolean hearSelfDisguise; private static boolean hidingArmor; private static boolean hidingHeldItem; // A internal storage of fake entity ID's I can use. // Realistically I could probably use a ID like "4" for everyone seeing as no one shares the ID private static HashMap selfDisguisesIds = new HashMap(); private static boolean sendVelocity; public static boolean canHearSelfDisguise() { return hearSelfDisguise; } /** * Disguise the next entity to spawn with this disguise. This may not work however if the entity doesn't actually spawn. */ public static void disguiseNextEntity(Disguise disguise) { if (disguise == null) return; if (disguise.getEntity() != null || disguises.containsValue(disguise)) { disguise = disguise.clone(); } try { Field field = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Entity").getDeclaredField("entityCount"); field.setAccessible(true); int id = field.getInt(null); disguises.put(id, disguise); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Disguise this entity with this disguise */ public static void disguiseToAll(Entity entity, Disguise disguise) { // If they are trying to disguise a null entity or use a null disguise // Just return. if (entity == null || disguise == null) return; // Fire a disguise event DisguiseEvent event = new DisguiseEvent(entity, disguise); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); // If they cancelled this disguise event. No idea why. // Just return. if (event.isCancelled()) return; // The event wasn't cancelled. // If the disguise entity isn't the same as the one we are disguising if (disguise.getEntity() != entity) { // If the disguise entity actually exists if (disguise.getEntity() != null) { // Clone the disguise disguise = disguise.clone(); } // Set the disguise's entity disguise.setEntity(entity); } // If there was a old disguise Disguise oldDisguise = getDisguise(entity); // Stick the disguise in the disguises bin disguises.put(entity.getEntityId(), disguise); // Resend the disguised entity's packet refreshTrackers(entity); // If he is a player, then self disguise himself setupPlayerFakeDisguise(disguise); // Discard the disguise if (oldDisguise != null) oldDisguise.removeDisguise(); } /** * Get the disguise of a entity */ public static Disguise getDisguise(Entity disguiser) { if (disguiser == null) return null; if (disguises.containsKey(disguiser.getEntityId())) return disguises.get(disguiser.getEntityId()); return null; } /** * Get the ID of a fake disguise for a entityplayer */ public static int getFakeDisguise(int id) { if (selfDisguisesIds.containsKey(id)) return selfDisguisesIds.get(id); return -1; } /** * Is this entity disguised */ public static boolean isDisguised(Entity disguiser) { return getDisguise(disguiser) != null; } /** * Is the plugin modifying the inventory packets so that players when self disguised, do not see their armor floating around */ public static boolean isHidingArmorFromSelf() { return hidingArmor; } /** * Does the plugin appear to remove the item they are holding, to prevent a floating sword when they are viewing self disguise */ public static boolean isHidingHeldItemFromSelf() { return hidingHeldItem; } public static boolean isInventoryListenerEnabled() { return PacketsManager.isInventoryListenerEnabled(); } /** * Is the sound packets caught and modified */ public static boolean isSoundEnabled() { return PacketsManager.isHearDisguisesEnabled(); } /** * Is the velocity packets sent */ public static boolean isVelocitySent() { return sendVelocity; } /** * The default value if a player views his own disguise */ public static boolean isViewDisguises() { return PacketsManager.isViewDisguisesListenerEnabled(); } /** * @param Resends * the entity to all the watching players, which is where the magic begins */ private static void refreshTrackers(Entity entity) { try { Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(entity.getWorld()); Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world); Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker); Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class) .invoke(trackedEntities, entity.getEntityId()); if (entityTrackerEntry != null) { HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); Method getBukkitEntity = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Entity").getMethod("getBukkitEntity"); Method clear = entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getMethod("clear", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer")); Method updatePlayer = entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getMethod("updatePlayer", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer")); for (Object player : trackedPlayers) { if (entity instanceof Player && !((Player) getBukkitEntity.invoke(player)).canSee((Player) entity)) continue; clear.invoke(entityTrackerEntry, player); updatePlayer.invoke(entityTrackerEntry, player); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private static void removeSelfDisguise(Player player) { if (selfDisguisesIds.containsKey(player.getEntityId())) { // Send a packet to destroy the fake entity PacketContainer packet = new PacketContainer(Packets.Server.DESTROY_ENTITY); packet.getModifier().write(0, new int[] { selfDisguisesIds.get(player.getEntityId()) }); try { ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, packet); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Remove the fake entity ID from the disguise bin selfDisguisesIds.remove(player.getEntityId()); // Get the entity tracker try { Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(player.getWorld()); Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world); Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker); Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class) .invoke(trackedEntities, player.getEntityId()); if (entityTrackerEntry != null) { HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers") .get(entityTrackerEntry); // If the tracker exists. Remove himself from his tracker trackedPlayers.remove(ReflectionManager.getNmsEntity(player)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }// Resend entity metadata else he will be invisible to himself until its resent PacketContainer packetMetadata = new PacketContainer(Packets.Server.ENTITY_METADATA); StructureModifier mods = packetMetadata.getModifier(); mods.write(0, player.getEntityId()); packetMetadata.getWatchableCollectionModifier().write(0, WrappedDataWatcher.getEntityWatcher(player).getWatchableObjects()); try { ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, packetMetadata); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } player.updateInventory(); } } /** * Can players hear their own disguises */ public static void setHearSelfDisguise(boolean replaceSound) { if (hearSelfDisguise != replaceSound) { hearSelfDisguise = replaceSound; } } /** * Set the plugin to hide self disguises armor from theirselves */ public static void setHideArmorFromSelf(boolean hideArmor) { if (hidingArmor != hideArmor) { hidingArmor = hideArmor; } } /** * Does the plugin appear to remove the item they are holding, to prevent a floating sword when they are viewing self disguise */ public static void setHideHeldItemFromSelf(boolean hideHelditem) { if (hidingHeldItem != hideHelditem) { hidingHeldItem = hideHelditem; } } public static void setInventoryListenerEnabled(boolean inventoryListenerEnabled) { if (PacketsManager.isInventoryListenerEnabled() != inventoryListenerEnabled) { PacketsManager.setInventoryListenerEnabled(inventoryListenerEnabled); } } /** * Set if the disguises play sounds when hurt */ public static void setSoundsEnabled(boolean isSoundsEnabled) { PacketsManager.setHearDisguisesListener(isSoundsEnabled); } /** * Setup it so he can see himself when disguised */ private static void setupPlayerFakeDisguise(final Disguise disguise) { // If the disguises entity is null, or the disguised entity isn't a player return if (disguise.getEntity() == null || !(disguise.getEntity() instanceof Player) || !disguises.containsValue(disguise)) return; Player player = (Player) disguise.getEntity(); // Remove the old disguise, else we have weird disguises around the place removeSelfDisguise(player); // If the disguised player can't see himself. Return if (!disguise.viewSelfDisguise() || !PacketsManager.isViewDisguisesListenerEnabled() || player.getVehicle() != null) return; try { // Grab the entity ID the fake disguise will use Field field = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Entity").getDeclaredField("entityCount"); field.setAccessible(true); int id = field.getInt(null); // Set the entitycount plus one so we don't have the id being reused field.set(null, id + 1); selfDisguisesIds.put(player.getEntityId(), id); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } PacketsManager.sendSelfDisguise(player); if (disguise.isHidingArmorFromSelf() || disguise.isHidingHeldItemFromSelf()) { if (PacketsManager.isInventoryListenerEnabled()) { player.updateInventory(); } } } /** * Disable velocity packets being sent for w/e reason. Maybe you want every ounce of performance you can get? */ public static void setVelocitySent(boolean sendVelocityPackets) { sendVelocity = sendVelocityPackets; } public static void setViewDisguises(boolean seeOwnDisguise) { PacketsManager.setViewDisguisesListener(seeOwnDisguise); } /** * Undisguise the entity. This doesn't let you cancel the UndisguiseEvent if the entity is no longer valid. Aka removed from * the world. */ public static void undisguiseToAll(Entity entity) { Disguise disguise = getDisguise(entity); if (disguise == null) return; UndisguiseEvent event = new UndisguiseEvent(entity, disguise); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return; disguise.removeDisguise(); } public HashMap getDisguises() { return disguises; } public void refreshWatchingPlayers(Entity entity) { refreshTrackers(entity); } public void removeVisibleDisguise(Player player) { removeSelfDisguise(player); } public void setupFakeDisguise(Disguise disguise) { setupPlayerFakeDisguise(disguise); } }