package me.libraryaddict.disguise; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FieldAccessException; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedDataWatcher; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedWatchableObject; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.commands.*; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.*; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers.*; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.*; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand; import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter; import org.bukkit.entity.*; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; public class LibsDisguises extends JavaPlugin { private static LibsDisguises instance; private DisguiseListener listener; @Override public void onEnable() { instance = this; saveDefaultConfig(); getLogger().info("Discovered MC version: " + ReflectionManager.getBukkitVersion()); if (!new File(getDataFolder(), "disguises.yml").exists()) { saveResource("disguises.yml", false); } PacketsManager.init(this); DisguiseUtilities.init(this); registerValues(); DisguiseConfig.initConfig(getConfig()); PacketsManager.addPacketListeners(); listener = new DisguiseListener(this); Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(listener, this); registerCommand("disguise", new DisguiseCommand()); registerCommand("undisguise", new UndisguiseCommand()); registerCommand("disguiseplayer", new DisguisePlayerCommand()); registerCommand("undisguiseplayer", new UndisguisePlayerCommand()); registerCommand("undisguiseentity", new UndisguiseEntityCommand()); registerCommand("disguiseentity", new DisguiseEntityCommand()); registerCommand("disguiseradius", new DisguiseRadiusCommand(getConfig().getInt("DisguiseRadiusMax"))); registerCommand("undisguiseradius", new UndisguiseRadiusCommand(getConfig().getInt("UndisguiseRadiusMax"))); registerCommand("disguisehelp", new DisguiseHelpCommand()); registerCommand("disguiseclone", new DisguiseCloneCommand()); registerCommand("libsdisguises", new LibsDisguisesCommand()); registerCommand("disguiseviewself", new DisguiseViewSelfCommand()); registerCommand("disguisemodify", new DisguiseModifyCommand()); registerCommand("disguisemodifyentity", new DisguiseModifyEntityCommand()); registerCommand("disguisemodifyplayer", new DisguiseModifyPlayerCommand()); registerCommand("disguisemodifyradius", new DisguiseModifyRadiusCommand(getConfig().getInt("DisguiseRadiusMax"))); infectWithMetrics(); } private void infectWithMetrics() { Metrics metrics = new Metrics(this); final String premium = LibsPremium.isPremium() ? getDescription().getVersion().contains("SNAPSHOT") ? "Paid Builds" : "Paid Plugin" : "Free Builds"; metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("premium") { @Override public String getValue() { return premium; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("translations") { @Override public String getValue() { return LibsPremium.isPremium() && DisguiseConfig.isUseTranslations() ? "Yes" : "No"; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("custom_disguises") { @Override public String getValue() { HashMap map = DisguiseConfig.getCustomDisguises(); return map.size() + (map.containsKey("libraryaddict") ? -1 : 0) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No"; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.MultiLineChart("disguised_entities") { @Override public HashMap getValues(HashMap hashMap) { for (HashSet list : DisguiseUtilities.getDisguises().values()) { for (Disguise disg : list) { if (disg.getEntity() == null || !disg.isDisguiseInUse()) continue; String name = disg.getEntity().getType().name(); hashMap.put(name, hashMap.containsKey(name) ? hashMap.get(name) + 1 : 1); } } return hashMap; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.MultiLineChart("disguises_used") { @Override public HashMap getValues(HashMap hashMap) { for (HashSet list : DisguiseUtilities.getDisguises().values()) { for (Disguise disg : list) { if (disg.getEntity() == null || !disg.isDisguiseInUse()) continue; String name = disg.getType().name(); hashMap.put(name, hashMap.containsKey(name) ? hashMap.get(name) + 1 : 1); } } return hashMap; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("disguised_with_commands") { @Override public String getValue() { return DisguiseUtilities.isCommandsUsed() ? "Yes" : "No"; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("disguised_with_plugins") { @Override public String getValue() { return DisguiseUtilities.isPluginsUsed() ? "Yes" : "No"; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("using_disguises") { @Override public String getValue() { return !DisguiseUtilities.getDisguises().isEmpty() ? "Yes" : "No"; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("self_disguises") { @Override public String getValue() { return DisguiseConfig.isViewDisguises() ? "Yes" : "No"; } }); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("spigot") { @Override public String getValue() { try { Class.forName("org.spigotmc.SpigotConfig"); return "Yes"; } catch (Exception ex) { return "No"; } } }); } @Override public void onDisable() { DisguiseUtilities.saveDisguises(); } private void registerCommand(String commandName, CommandExecutor executioner) { PluginCommand command = getCommand(commandName); command.setExecutor(executioner); if (executioner instanceof TabCompleter) { command.setTabCompleter((TabCompleter) executioner); } } /** * Reloads the config with new config options. */ public void reload() { reloadConfig(); DisguiseConfig.initConfig(getConfig()); } /** * Here we create a nms entity for each disguise. Then grab their default values in their datawatcher. Then their sound volume * for mob noises. As well as setting their watcher class and entity size. */ private void registerValues() { for (DisguiseType disguiseType : DisguiseType.values()) { if (disguiseType.getEntityType() == null) { continue; } Class watcherClass; try { switch (disguiseType) { case SPECTRAL_ARROW: watcherClass = ArrowWatcher.class; break; case PRIMED_TNT: watcherClass = TNTWatcher.class; break; case MINECART_CHEST: case MINECART_COMMAND: case MINECART_FURNACE: case MINECART_HOPPER: case MINECART_MOB_SPAWNER: case MINECART_TNT: watcherClass = MinecartWatcher.class; break; case SPIDER: case CAVE_SPIDER: watcherClass = SpiderWatcher.class; break; case ZOMBIE_VILLAGER: case PIG_ZOMBIE: case HUSK: watcherClass = ZombieWatcher.class; break; case MAGMA_CUBE: watcherClass = SlimeWatcher.class; break; case ELDER_GUARDIAN: watcherClass = GuardianWatcher.class; break; case WITHER_SKELETON: case STRAY: watcherClass = SkeletonWatcher.class; break; case ILLUSIONER: case EVOKER: watcherClass = IllagerWizardWatcher.class; break; default: watcherClass = Class.forName("me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.watchers." + toReadable( + "Watcher"); break; } } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { // There is no explicit watcher for this entity. Class entityClass = disguiseType.getEntityType().getEntityClass(); if (entityClass != null) { if (Tameable.class.isAssignableFrom(entityClass)) { watcherClass = TameableWatcher.class; } else if (Ageable.class.isAssignableFrom(entityClass)) { watcherClass = AgeableWatcher.class; } else if (Creature.class.isAssignableFrom(entityClass)) { watcherClass = InsentientWatcher.class; } else if (LivingEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(entityClass)) { watcherClass = LivingWatcher.class; } else { watcherClass = FlagWatcher.class; } } else { watcherClass = FlagWatcher.class; // Disguise is unknown type } } if (watcherClass == null) { System.err.println("Error loading " + + ", FlagWatcher not assigned"); continue; } disguiseType.setWatcherClass(watcherClass); if (DisguiseValues.getDisguiseValues(disguiseType) != null) { continue; } String nmsEntityName = toReadable(; switch (disguiseType) { case WITHER_SKELETON: case ZOMBIE_VILLAGER: case DONKEY: case MULE: case ZOMBIE_HORSE: case SKELETON_HORSE: case STRAY: case HUSK: continue; case PRIMED_TNT: nmsEntityName = "TNTPrimed"; break; case MINECART_TNT: nmsEntityName = "MinecartTNT"; break; case MINECART: nmsEntityName = "MinecartRideable"; break; case FIREWORK: nmsEntityName = "Fireworks"; break; case SPLASH_POTION: nmsEntityName = "Potion"; break; case GIANT: nmsEntityName = "GiantZombie"; break; case DROPPED_ITEM: nmsEntityName = "Item"; break; case FIREBALL: nmsEntityName = "LargeFireball"; break; case LEASH_HITCH: nmsEntityName = "Leash"; break; case ELDER_GUARDIAN: nmsEntityName = "Guardian"; break; case ARROW: case SPECTRAL_ARROW: nmsEntityName = "TippedArrow"; break; case ILLUSIONER: nmsEntityName = "IllagerIllusioner"; break; default: break; } try { if (nmsEntityName.equalsIgnoreCase("Unknown")) { DisguiseValues disguiseValues = new DisguiseValues(disguiseType, null, 0, 0); disguiseValues.setAdultBox(new FakeBoundingBox(0, 0, 0)); DisguiseSound sound = DisguiseSound.getType(; if (sound != null) { sound.setDamageAndIdleSoundVolume(1f); } continue; } Object nmsEntity = ReflectionManager.createEntityInstance(nmsEntityName); if (nmsEntity == null) { getLogger().warning("Entity not found! (" + nmsEntityName + ")"); continue; } Entity bukkitEntity = ReflectionManager.getBukkitEntity(nmsEntity); int entitySize = 0; for (Field field : ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Entity").getFields()) { if (field.getType().getName().equals("EnumEntitySize")) { Enum enumEntitySize = (Enum) field.get(nmsEntity); entitySize = enumEntitySize.ordinal(); break; } } DisguiseValues disguiseValues = new DisguiseValues(disguiseType, nmsEntity.getClass(), entitySize, bukkitEntity instanceof Damageable ? ((Damageable) bukkitEntity).getMaxHealth() : 0); WrappedDataWatcher watcher = WrappedDataWatcher.getEntityWatcher(bukkitEntity); ArrayList indexes = MetaIndex.getFlags(disguiseType.getWatcherClass()); for (WrappedWatchableObject watch : watcher.getWatchableObjects()) { MetaIndex flagType = MetaIndex.getFlag(watcherClass, watch.getIndex()); if (flagType == null) { System.err.println("Error finding the FlagType for " + + "! Index " + watch .getIndex() + " can't be found!"); System.err.println("Value is " + watch.getRawValue() + " (" + watch.getRawValue() .getClass() + ") (" + nmsEntity.getClass() + ") & " + watcherClass.getSimpleName()); System.err.println("Lib's Disguises will continue to load, but this will not work properly!"); continue; } indexes.remove(flagType); if (ReflectionManager.convertInvalidItem(flagType.getDefault()).getClass() != ReflectionManager .convertInvalidItem(watch.getValue()).getClass()) { System.err.println("Mismatch of FlagType's for " + + "! Index " + watch .getIndex() + " has the wrong classtype!"); System.err.println("Value is " + watch.getRawValue() + " (" + watch.getRawValue() .getClass() + ") (" + nmsEntity.getClass() + ") & " + watcherClass .getSimpleName() + " which doesn't match up with " + flagType.getDefault().getClass()); System.err.println("Lib's Disguises will continue to load, but this will not work properly!"); } } for (MetaIndex index : indexes) { System.out.println(disguiseType + " has MetaIndex remaining! " + index.getFlagWatcher() .getSimpleName() + " at index " + index.getIndex()); } DisguiseSound sound = DisguiseSound.getType(; if (sound != null) { Float soundStrength = ReflectionManager.getSoundModifier(nmsEntity); if (soundStrength != null) { sound.setDamageAndIdleSoundVolume(soundStrength); } } // Get the bounding box disguiseValues.setAdultBox(ReflectionManager.getBoundingBox(bukkitEntity)); if (bukkitEntity instanceof Ageable) { ((Ageable) bukkitEntity).setBaby(); disguiseValues.setBabyBox(ReflectionManager.getBoundingBox(bukkitEntity)); } else if (bukkitEntity instanceof Zombie) { ((Zombie) bukkitEntity).setBaby(true); disguiseValues.setBabyBox(ReflectionManager.getBoundingBox(bukkitEntity)); } disguiseValues.setEntitySize(ReflectionManager.getSize(bukkitEntity)); } catch (SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | FieldAccessException ex) { System.out.print("[LibsDisguises] Uh oh! Trouble while making values for the disguise " + disguiseType .name() + "!"); System.out .print("[LibsDisguises] Before reporting this error, " + "please make sure you are using the latest version of LibsDisguises and ProtocolLib."); System.out .print("[LibsDisguises] Development builds are available at (ProtocolLib) " + " and (LibsDisguises)"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } private String toReadable(String string) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : string.split("_")) { builder.append(s.substring(0, 1)).append(s.substring(1).toLowerCase()); } return builder.toString(); } public DisguiseListener getListener() { return listener; } /** * External APIs shouldn't actually need this instance. DisguiseAPI should be enough to handle most cases. * * @return The instance of this plugin */ public static LibsDisguises getInstance() { return instance; } }