Wrap entire LD loading in a catch and make it check for updates if exception is thrown
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,192 +59,206 @@ public class LibsDisguises extends JavaPlugin {
public void onLoad() {
if (instance != null || !Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds().isEmpty() || !Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().isEmpty()) {
reloaded = true;
getLogger().severe("Server was reloaded! Please do not report any bugs! This plugin can't handle " + "reloads gracefully!");
instance = this;
Plugin plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("ProtocolLib");
if (plugin == null || DisguiseUtilities.isOlderThan(DisguiseUtilities.getProtocolLibRequiredVersion(), plugin.getDescription().getVersion())) {
getLogger().warning("Noticed you're using an older version of ProtocolLib (or not using it)! We're forcibly updating you!");
try {
File dest = DisguiseUtilities.updateProtocolLib();
if (plugin == null) {
getLogger().info("ProtocolLib downloaded and stuck in plugins folder! Now trying to load it!");
plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().loadPlugin(dest);
} else {
getLogger().severe("Please restart the server to complete the ProtocolLib update!");
} catch (Exception e) {
.severe("Looks like ProtocolLib's site may be down! MythicCraft/MythicMobs has a discord server https://discord.gg/EErRhJ4qgx you can " +
"join. Check the pins in #libs-support for a ProtocolLib.jar you can download!");
try {
if (instance != null || !Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds().isEmpty() || !Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().isEmpty()) {
reloaded = true;
getLogger().severe("Server was reloaded! Please do not report any bugs! This plugin can't handle " + "reloads gracefully!");
instance = this;
Plugin plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("ProtocolLib");
if (plugin == null || DisguiseUtilities.isOlderThan(DisguiseUtilities.getProtocolLibRequiredVersion(), plugin.getDescription().getVersion())) {
getLogger().warning("Noticed you're using an older version of ProtocolLib (or not using it)! We're forcibly updating you!");
try {
File dest = DisguiseUtilities.updateProtocolLib();
if (plugin == null) {
getLogger().info("ProtocolLib downloaded and stuck in plugins folder! Now trying to load it!");
plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().loadPlugin(dest);
} else {
getLogger().severe("Please restart the server to complete the ProtocolLib update!");
} catch (Exception e) {
.severe("Looks like ProtocolLib's site may be down! MythicCraft/MythicMobs has a discord server https://discord.gg/EErRhJ4qgx you" +
" can " + "join. Check the pins in #libs-support for a ProtocolLib.jar you can download!");
try {
Class cl = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server$Spigot");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
getLogger().severe("Oh dear, you seem to be using CraftBukkit. Please use Spigot or Paper instead! This " +
"plugin will continue to load, but it will look like a mugging victim");
commandConfig = new DisguiseCommandConfig();
if (!reloaded) {
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
throw throwable;
try {
Class cl = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server$Spigot");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
getLogger().severe("Oh dear, you seem to be using CraftBukkit. Please use Spigot or Paper instead! This " +
"plugin will continue to load, but it will look like a mugging victim");
commandConfig = new DisguiseCommandConfig();
if (!reloaded) {
public void onEnable() {
if (reloaded) {
getLogger().severe("Server was reloaded! Please do not report any bugs! This plugin can't handle " + "reloads gracefully!");
try {
Class cl = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server$Spigot");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
getLogger().severe("Oh dear, you seem to be using CraftBukkit. Please use Spigot or Paper instead! This " +
"plugin will continue to load, but it will look like a mugging victim");
File disguiseFile = new File(getDataFolder(), "configs/disguises.yml");
if (!disguiseFile.exists()) {
File oldFile = new File(getDataFolder(), "disguises.yml");
if (oldFile.exists()) {
} else {
saveResource("configs/disguises.yml", false);
if (reloaded) {
getLogger().severe("Server was reloaded! Please do not report any bugs! This plugin can't handle " + "reloads gracefully!");
YamlConfiguration pluginYml = ReflectionManager.getPluginYAML(getFile());
buildNumber = StringUtils.stripToNull(pluginYml.getString("build-number"));
try {
Class cl = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server$Spigot");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
getLogger().severe("Oh dear, you seem to be using CraftBukkit. Please use Spigot or Paper instead! This " +
"plugin will continue to load, but it will look like a mugging victim");
getLogger().info("File Name: " + getFile().getName());
File disguiseFile = new File(getDataFolder(), "configs/disguises.yml");
getLogger().info("Discovered nms version: " + ReflectionManager.getBukkitVersion());
if (!disguiseFile.exists()) {
getLogger().info("Jenkins Build: " + (isNumberedBuild() ? "#" : "") + getBuildNo());
File oldFile = new File(getDataFolder(), "disguises.yml");
getLogger().info("Build Date: " + pluginYml.getString("build-date"));
LibsPremium.check(getDescription().getVersion(), getFile());
if (!LibsPremium.isPremium()) {
getLogger().info("You are running the free version, commands limited to non-players and operators. (Console," + " Command " + "Blocks, Admins)");
if (ReflectionManager.getVersion() == null) {
getLogger().severe("You're using the wrong version of Lib's Disguises for your server! This is " + "intended for " +
StringUtils.join(Arrays.stream(NmsVersion.values()).map(v -> v.name().replace("_", ".")).collect(Collectors.toList()), " & ") + "!");
String requiredProtocolLib = DisguiseUtilities.getProtocolLibRequiredVersion();
String version = ProtocolLibrary.getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion();
if (DisguiseUtilities.isOlderThan(requiredProtocolLib, version)) {
getLogger().severe("!! May I have your attention please !!");
getLogger().severe("Update your ProtocolLib! You are running " + version + " but the minimum version you should be on is " + requiredProtocolLib +
getLogger().severe("https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/ProtocolLib" + ".jar");
getLogger().severe("Or! Use /ld updateprotocollib - To update to the latest development build");
getLogger().severe("!! May I have your attention please !!");
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
getLogger().severe("!! May I have your attention please !!");
getLogger().severe("Update your ProtocolLib! You are running " + version + " but the minimum version you should be on is " +
requiredProtocolLib + "!");
getLogger().severe("https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target" + "/ProtocolLib" + ".jar");
getLogger().severe("Or! Use /ld updateprotocollib - To update to the latest development build");
getLogger().severe("This message is on repeat due to the sheer number of people who don't see this.");
if (oldFile.exists()) {
} else {
saveResource("configs/disguises.yml", false);
}.runTaskTimer(this, 20, 10 * 60 * 20);
// If this is a release build, even if jenkins build..
if (isReleaseBuild()) {
// If downloaded from spigot, forcibly set release build to true
if (LibsPremium.getUserID().matches("[0-9]+")) {
// Otherwise leave it untouched as they might've just happened to hit a dev build, which is a release build
} else {
YamlConfiguration pluginYml = ReflectionManager.getPluginYAML(getFile());
buildNumber = StringUtils.stripToNull(pluginYml.getString("build-number"));
getLogger().info("File Name: " + getFile().getName());
getLogger().info("Discovered nms version: " + ReflectionManager.getBukkitVersion());
getLogger().info("Jenkins Build: " + (isNumberedBuild() ? "#" : "") + getBuildNo());
getLogger().info("Build Date: " + pluginYml.getString("build-date"));
LibsPremium.check(getDescription().getVersion(), getFile());
if (!LibsPremium.isPremium()) {
.info("You are running the free version, commands limited to non-players and operators. (Console," + " Command " + "Blocks, Admins)");
if (ReflectionManager.getVersion() == null) {
getLogger().severe("You're using the wrong version of Lib's Disguises for your server! This is " + "intended for " +
StringUtils.join(Arrays.stream(NmsVersion.values()).map(v -> v.name().replace("_", ".")).collect(Collectors.toList()), " & ") + "!");
String requiredProtocolLib = DisguiseUtilities.getProtocolLibRequiredVersion();
String version = ProtocolLibrary.getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion();
if (DisguiseUtilities.isOlderThan(requiredProtocolLib, version)) {
getLogger().severe("!! May I have your attention please !!");
.severe("Update your ProtocolLib! You are running " + version + " but the minimum version you should be on is " + requiredProtocolLib +
getLogger().severe("https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/ProtocolLib" + ".jar");
getLogger().severe("Or! Use /ld updateprotocollib - To update to the latest development build");
getLogger().severe("!! May I have your attention please !!");
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
getLogger().severe("!! May I have your attention please !!");
getLogger().severe("Update your ProtocolLib! You are running " + version + " but the minimum version you should be on is " +
requiredProtocolLib + "!");
getLogger().severe("https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target" + "/ProtocolLib" + ".jar");
getLogger().severe("Or! Use /ld updateprotocollib - To update to the latest development build");
getLogger().severe("This message is on repeat due to the sheer number of people who don't see this.");
}.runTaskTimer(this, 20, 10 * 60 * 20);
// If this is a release build, even if jenkins build..
if (isReleaseBuild()) {
// If downloaded from spigot, forcibly set release build to true
if (LibsPremium.getUserID().matches("[0-9]+")) {
// Otherwise leave it untouched as they might've just happened to hit a dev build, which is a release build
} else {
new SoundManager().load();
listener = new DisguiseListener(this);
skinHandler = new PlayerSkinHandler();
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(getSkinHandler(), LibsDisguises.getInstance());
if (DisguiseUtilities.isRunningPaper()) {
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PaperDisguiseListener(), this);
registerCommand("libsdisguises", new LibsDisguisesCommand());
registerCommand("disguise", new DisguiseCommand());
registerCommand("undisguise", new UndisguiseCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseplayer", new DisguisePlayerCommand());
registerCommand("undisguiseplayer", new UndisguisePlayerCommand());
registerCommand("undisguiseentity", new UndisguiseEntityCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseentity", new DisguiseEntityCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseradius", new DisguiseRadiusCommand());
registerCommand("undisguiseradius", new UndisguiseRadiusCommand());
registerCommand("disguisehelp", new DisguiseHelpCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseclone", new DisguiseCloneCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseviewself", new DisguiseViewSelfCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseviewbar", new DisguiseViewBarCommand());
registerCommand("disguisemodify", new DisguiseModifyCommand());
registerCommand("disguisemodifyentity", new DisguiseModifyEntityCommand());
registerCommand("disguisemodifyplayer", new DisguiseModifyPlayerCommand());
registerCommand("disguisemodifyradius", new DisguiseModifyRadiusCommand());
registerCommand("copydisguise", new CopyDisguiseCommand());
registerCommand("grabskin", new GrabSkinCommand());
registerCommand("savedisguise", new SaveDisguiseCommand());
registerCommand("grabhead", new GrabHeadCommand());
new MetricsInitalizer();
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
throw throwable;
new SoundManager().load();
listener = new DisguiseListener(this);
skinHandler = new PlayerSkinHandler();
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(getSkinHandler(), LibsDisguises.getInstance());
if (DisguiseUtilities.isRunningPaper()) {
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PaperDisguiseListener(), this);
registerCommand("libsdisguises", new LibsDisguisesCommand());
registerCommand("disguise", new DisguiseCommand());
registerCommand("undisguise", new UndisguiseCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseplayer", new DisguisePlayerCommand());
registerCommand("undisguiseplayer", new UndisguisePlayerCommand());
registerCommand("undisguiseentity", new UndisguiseEntityCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseentity", new DisguiseEntityCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseradius", new DisguiseRadiusCommand());
registerCommand("undisguiseradius", new UndisguiseRadiusCommand());
registerCommand("disguisehelp", new DisguiseHelpCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseclone", new DisguiseCloneCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseviewself", new DisguiseViewSelfCommand());
registerCommand("disguiseviewbar", new DisguiseViewBarCommand());
registerCommand("disguisemodify", new DisguiseModifyCommand());
registerCommand("disguisemodifyentity", new DisguiseModifyEntityCommand());
registerCommand("disguisemodifyplayer", new DisguiseModifyPlayerCommand());
registerCommand("disguisemodifyradius", new DisguiseModifyRadiusCommand());
registerCommand("copydisguise", new CopyDisguiseCommand());
registerCommand("grabskin", new GrabSkinCommand());
registerCommand("savedisguise", new SaveDisguiseCommand());
registerCommand("grabhead", new GrabHeadCommand());
new MetricsInitalizer();
public void unregisterCommands(boolean force) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user