Clean up the disguise runnable a bit for some more sanity, it's so ugly.
This commit is contained in:
@ -171,6 +171,10 @@ public class LibsDisguises extends JavaPlugin {
new MetricsInitalizer();
new MetricsInitalizer();
private void startTask() {
public void unregisterCommands(boolean force) {
public void unregisterCommands(boolean force) {
CommandMap map = ReflectionManager.getCommandMap();
CommandMap map = ReflectionManager.getCommandMap();
Map<String, Command> commands = ReflectionManager.getCommands(map);
Map<String, Command> commands = ReflectionManager.getCommands(map);
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;
import org.bukkit.boss.BossBar;
import org.bukkit.boss.BossBar;
import org.bukkit.entity.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.*;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
private transient boolean disguiseInUse;
private transient boolean disguiseInUse;
private DisguiseType disguiseType;
private DisguiseType disguiseType;
private transient BukkitRunnable runnable;
private transient Entity entity;
private transient Entity entity;
private boolean hearSelfDisguise = DisguiseConfig.isSelfDisguisesSoundsReplaced();
private boolean hearSelfDisguise = DisguiseConfig.isSelfDisguisesSoundsReplaced();
private boolean hideArmorFromSelf = DisguiseConfig.isHidingArmorFromSelf();
private boolean hideArmorFromSelf = DisguiseConfig.isHidingArmorFromSelf();
@ -66,8 +68,6 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
private boolean playerHiddenFromTab = DisguiseConfig.isHideDisguisedPlayers();
private boolean playerHiddenFromTab = DisguiseConfig.isHideDisguisedPlayers();
private boolean replaceSounds = DisguiseConfig.isSoundEnabled();
private boolean replaceSounds = DisguiseConfig.isSoundEnabled();
private boolean mobsIgnoreDisguise;
private boolean mobsIgnoreDisguise;
private transient BukkitTask task;
private Runnable velocityRunnable;
private boolean velocitySent = DisguiseConfig.isVelocitySent();
private boolean velocitySent = DisguiseConfig.isVelocitySent();
private boolean viewSelfDisguise = DisguiseConfig.isViewDisguises();
private boolean viewSelfDisguise = DisguiseConfig.isViewDisguises();
@ -350,7 +350,36 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
return this;
return this;
private void doActionBar() {
if (getNotifyBar() == DisguiseConfig.NotifyBar.ACTION_BAR && getEntity() instanceof Player &&
!getEntity().hasPermission("libsdisguises.noactionbar") &&
DisguiseAPI.getDisguise(getEntity()) == Disguise.this) {
((Player) getEntity()).spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR,
new ComponentBuilder(LibsMsg.ACTION_BAR_MESSAGE.get(getDisguiseName())).create());
if (isDynamicName()) {
String name = getEntity().getCustomName();
if (name == null) {
name = "";
if (isPlayerDisguise()) {
if (!((PlayerDisguise) Disguise.this).getName().equals(name)) {
((PlayerDisguise) Disguise.this).setName(name);
} else {
private void createRunnable() {
private void createRunnable() {
if (runnable != null) {
final boolean alwaysSendVelocity;
final boolean alwaysSendVelocity;
switch (getType()) {
switch (getType()) {
@ -382,39 +411,24 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
final TargetedDisguise disguise = (TargetedDisguise) this;
final TargetedDisguise disguise = (TargetedDisguise) this;
// A scheduler to clean up any unused disguises.
// A scheduler to clean up any unused disguises.
velocityRunnable = new Runnable() {
runnable = new BukkitRunnable() {
private int blockX, blockY, blockZ, facing;
private int blockX, blockY, blockZ, facing;
private int deadTicks = 0;
private int deadTicks = 0;
private int refreshDisguise = 0;
private int actionBarTicks = -1;
private int actionBarTicks = -1;
private long lastRefreshed;
public void run() {
public void run() {
if (!isDisguiseInUse() || getEntity() == null) {
runnable = null;
if (++actionBarTicks % 15 == 0) {
if (++actionBarTicks % 15 == 0) {
actionBarTicks = 0;
actionBarTicks = 0;
if (getNotifyBar() == DisguiseConfig.NotifyBar.ACTION_BAR && getEntity() instanceof Player &&
!getEntity().hasPermission("libsdisguises.noactionbar") &&
DisguiseAPI.getDisguise(getEntity()) == Disguise.this) {
((Player) getEntity()).spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR,
new ComponentBuilder(LibsMsg.ACTION_BAR_MESSAGE.get(getDisguiseName())).create());
if (isDynamicName()) {
String name = getEntity().getCustomName();
if (name == null) {
name = "";
if (isPlayerDisguise()) {
if (!((PlayerDisguise) Disguise.this).getName().equals(name)) {
((PlayerDisguise) Disguise.this).setName(name);
} else {
// If entity is no longer valid. Remove it.
// If entity is no longer valid. Remove it.
@ -429,6 +443,8 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
if (getEntity() instanceof Player && expired.length() > 0) {
if (getEntity() instanceof Player && expired.length() > 0) {
} else if (!getEntity().isValid()) {
} else if (!getEntity().isValid()) {
// If it has been dead for 30+ ticks
// If it has been dead for 30+ ticks
// This is to ensure that this disguise isn't removed while clients think its the real entity
// This is to ensure that this disguise isn't removed while clients think its the real entity
@ -436,177 +452,158 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
// death animation
// death animation
// This is probably still a problem for wither and enderdragon deaths.
// This is probably still a problem for wither and enderdragon deaths.
if (deadTicks++ > (getType() == DisguiseType.ENDER_DRAGON ? 200 : 20)) {
if (deadTicks++ > (getType() == DisguiseType.ENDER_DRAGON ? 200 : 20)) {
deadTicks = 0;
if (isRemoveDisguiseOnDeath()) {
if (isRemoveDisguiseOnDeath()) {
} else {
deadTicks = 0;
// If the disguise type is tnt, we need to resend the entity packet else it will turn invisible
if (getType() == DisguiseType.FIREWORK) {
if (refreshDisguise == 40) {
deadTicks = 0;
refreshDisguise = 0;
// If the disguise type is tnt, we need to resend the entity packet else it will turn invisible
if (getType() == DisguiseType.FIREWORK || getType() == DisguiseType.EVOKER_FANGS) {
} else if (getType() == DisguiseType.EVOKER_FANGS) {
if (lastRefreshed < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
lastRefreshed =
System.currentTimeMillis() + ((getType() == DisguiseType.FIREWORK ? 40 : 23) * 50);
if (refreshDisguise == 23) {
refreshDisguise = 0;
} else if (getType() == DisguiseType.ITEM_FRAME) {
Location loc = getEntity().getLocation();
int newFacing = (((int) loc.getYaw() + 720 + 45) / 90) % 4;
if (loc.getBlockX() != blockX || loc.getBlockY() != blockY || loc.getBlockZ() != blockZ ||
newFacing != facing) {
blockX = loc.getBlockX();
blockY = loc.getBlockY();
blockZ = loc.getBlockZ();
facing = newFacing;
if (isModifyBoundingBox()) {
if (isModifyBoundingBox()) {
if (getType() == DisguiseType.BAT && !((BatWatcher) getWatcher()).isHanging()) {
if (getType() == DisguiseType.BAT && !((BatWatcher) getWatcher()).isHanging()) {
// If the vectorY isn't 0. Cos if it is. Then it doesn't want to send any vectors.
doVelocity(vectorY, alwaysSendVelocity);
// If this disguise has velocity sending enabled and the entity is flying.
if (isVelocitySent() && vectorY != null && (alwaysSendVelocity || !getEntity().isOnGround())) {
Vector vector = getEntity().getVelocity();
// If the entity doesn't have velocity changes already - You know. I really can't wrap my
if (getType() == DisguiseType.EXPERIENCE_ORB) {
// head about the
PacketContainer packet = new PacketContainer(Server.REL_ENTITY_MOVE);
// if statement.
// But it doesn't seem to do anything wrong..
if (vector.getY() != 0 &&
!(vector.getY() < 0 && alwaysSendVelocity && getEntity().isOnGround())) {
// If disguise isn't a experience orb, or the entity isn't standing on the ground
packet.getIntegers().write(0, getEntity().getEntityId());
if (getType() != DisguiseType.EXPERIENCE_ORB || !getEntity().isOnGround()) {
try {
PacketContainer lookPacket = null;
for (Player player : DisguiseUtilities.getPerverts(disguise)) {
if (getEntity() != player) {
if (getType() == DisguiseType.WITHER_SKULL &&
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, packet, false);
DisguiseConfig.isWitherSkullPacketsEnabled()) {
} else if (!isSelfDisguiseVisible()) {
lookPacket = new PacketContainer(Server.ENTITY_LOOK);
StructureModifier<Object> mods = lookPacket.getModifier();
lookPacket.getIntegers().write(0, getEntity().getEntityId());
Location loc = getEntity().getLocation();
mods.write(4, DisguiseUtilities.getYaw(getType(), getEntity().getType(),
(byte) Math.floor(loc.getYaw() * 256.0F / 360.0F)));
mods.write(5, DisguiseUtilities.getPitch(getType(), getEntity().getType(),
(byte) Math.floor(loc.getPitch() * 256.0F / 360.0F)));
if (isSelfDisguiseVisible() && getEntity() instanceof Player) {
PacketContainer selfLookPacket = lookPacket.shallowClone();
selfLookPacket.getIntegers().write(0, DisguiseAPI.getSelfDisguiseId());
try {
.sendServerPacket((Player) getEntity(), selfLookPacket, false);
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
PacketContainer selfPacket = packet.shallowClone();
selfPacket.getModifier().write(0, DisguiseAPI.getSelfDisguiseId());
try {
try {
PacketContainer velocityPacket = new PacketContainer(Server.ENTITY_VELOCITY);
.sendServerPacket((Player) getEntity(), selfPacket, false);
StructureModifier<Integer> mods = velocityPacket.getIntegers();
// Write entity ID
mods.write(0, getEntity().getEntityId());
mods.write(1, (int) (vector.getX() * 8000));
mods.write(3, (int) (vector.getZ() * 8000));
for (Player player : DisguiseUtilities.getPerverts(disguise)) {
PacketContainer tempVelocityPacket = velocityPacket.shallowClone();
mods = tempVelocityPacket.getIntegers();
// If the viewing player is the disguised player
if (getEntity() == player) {
// If not using self disguise, continue
if (!isSelfDisguiseVisible()) {
// Write self disguise ID
mods.write(0, DisguiseAPI.getSelfDisguiseId());
(int) (8000D * (vectorY * ReflectionManager.getPing(player)) * 0.069D));
if (lookPacket != null && player != getEntity()) {
.sendServerPacket(player, lookPacket, false);
.sendServerPacket(player, tempVelocityPacket, false);
catch (Exception e) {
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// If we need to send a packet to update the exp position as it likes to gravitate client
// sided to
// players.
if (getType() == DisguiseType.EXPERIENCE_ORB) {
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
PacketContainer packet = new PacketContainer(Server.REL_ENTITY_MOVE);
runnable.runTaskTimer(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), 1, 1);
private void doVelocity(Double vectorY, boolean alwaysSendVelocity) {
// If the vectorY isn't 0. Cos if it is. Then it doesn't want to send any vectors.
// If this disguise has velocity sending enabled and the entity is flying.
if (isVelocitySent() && vectorY != null && (alwaysSendVelocity || !getEntity().isOnGround())) {
Vector vector = getEntity().getVelocity();
// If the entity doesn't have velocity changes already - You know. I really can't wrap my
// head about the
// if statement.
// But it doesn't seem to do anything wrong..
if (vector.getY() != 0 && !(vector.getY() < 0 && alwaysSendVelocity && getEntity().isOnGround())) {
// If disguise isn't a experience orb, or the entity isn't standing on the ground
if (getType() != DisguiseType.EXPERIENCE_ORB || !getEntity().isOnGround()) {
PacketContainer lookPacket = null;
if (getType() == DisguiseType.WITHER_SKULL && DisguiseConfig.isWitherSkullPacketsEnabled()) {
lookPacket = new PacketContainer(Server.ENTITY_LOOK);
StructureModifier<Object> mods = lookPacket.getModifier();
lookPacket.getIntegers().write(0, getEntity().getEntityId());
Location loc = getEntity().getLocation();
mods.write(4, DisguiseUtilities.getYaw(getType(), getEntity().getType(),
(byte) Math.floor(loc.getYaw() * 256.0F / 360.0F)));
mods.write(5, DisguiseUtilities.getPitch(getType(), getEntity().getType(),
(byte) Math.floor(loc.getPitch() * 256.0F / 360.0F)));
if (isSelfDisguiseVisible() && getEntity() instanceof Player) {
PacketContainer selfLookPacket = lookPacket.shallowClone();
selfLookPacket.getIntegers().write(0, DisguiseAPI.getSelfDisguiseId());
packet.getIntegers().write(0, getEntity().getEntityId());
try {
try {
for (Player player : DisguiseUtilities.getPerverts(disguise)) {
if (getEntity() != player) {
.sendServerPacket((Player) getEntity(), selfLookPacket, false);
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, packet, false);
} else if (isSelfDisguiseVisible()) {
PacketContainer selfPacket = packet.shallowClone();
selfPacket.getModifier().write(0, DisguiseAPI.getSelfDisguiseId());
try {
.sendServerPacket((Player) getEntity(), selfPacket, false);
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
try {
PacketContainer velocityPacket = new PacketContainer(Server.ENTITY_VELOCITY);
StructureModifier<Integer> mods = velocityPacket.getIntegers();
// Write entity ID
mods.write(0, getEntity().getEntityId());
mods.write(1, (int) (vector.getX() * 8000));
mods.write(3, (int) (vector.getZ() * 8000));
for (Player player : DisguiseUtilities.getPerverts(this)) {
PacketContainer tempVelocityPacket = velocityPacket.shallowClone();
mods = tempVelocityPacket.getIntegers();
// If the viewing player is the disguised player
if (getEntity() == player) {
// If not using self disguise, continue
if (!isSelfDisguiseVisible()) {
// Write self disguise ID
mods.write(0, DisguiseAPI.getSelfDisguiseId());
mods.write(2, (int) (8000D * (vectorY * ReflectionManager.getPing(player)) * 0.069D));
if (lookPacket != null && player != getEntity()) {
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, lookPacket, false);
ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket(player, tempVelocityPacket, false);
catch (Exception e) {
// If we need to send a packet to update the exp position as it likes to gravitate client
// sided to
// players.
@ -821,8 +818,8 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
* Internal use
* Internal use
public boolean isRemoveDisguiseOnDeath() {
public boolean isRemoveDisguiseOnDeath() {
return getEntity() == null ||
return getEntity() == null || (getEntity() instanceof Player ? !isKeepDisguiseOnPlayerDeath() :
(getEntity() instanceof Player ? !isKeepDisguiseOnPlayerDeath() : getEntity().isDead());
getEntity().isDead() || !getEntity().isValid());
@ -886,9 +883,9 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
disguiseInUse = false;
disguiseInUse = false;
if (task != null) {
if (runnable != null) {
task = null;
runnable = null;
// If this disguise hasn't a entity set
// If this disguise hasn't a entity set
@ -1122,13 +1119,8 @@ public abstract class Disguise {
disguiseInUse = true;
disguiseInUse = true;
if (velocityRunnable == null) {
if (!DisguiseUtilities.isInvalidFile()) {
if (!DisguiseUtilities.isInvalidFile()) {
task = Bukkit.getScheduler().
runTaskTimer(LibsDisguises.getInstance(), velocityRunnable, 1, 1);
if (this instanceof PlayerDisguise) {
if (this instanceof PlayerDisguise) {
@ -1280,6 +1280,10 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
public static void doDisguiseTick(Disguise disguise) {
public static void removeSelfDisguise(Disguise disguise) {
public static void removeSelfDisguise(Disguise disguise) {
if (!Bukkit.isPrimaryThread())
if (!Bukkit.isPrimaryThread())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread");
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify disguises on an async thread");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user