@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ PacketsEnabled:
Collect: true
# This disables a fix for when a disguised entity wearing armor dies, if the disguise can wear armor. It drops unpickupable items to anyone watching.
EntityStatus: true
# Entity enquipment is the packets that are sent to ensure that a disguise has or doesn't have armor, and their held item.
# Entity equipment is the packets that are sent to ensure that a disguise has or doesn't have armor, and their held item.
# Disabling this means that any disguises which can wear armor or hold items will show the armor/held item that the disguised is wearing.
Enquipment: true
# This doesn't actually disable the packet. It would introduce problems. Instead it does the next best thing and caches the data.
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
<defaultGoal>clean package</defaultGoal>
@ -90,6 +91,12 @@
@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.ReflectionManager;
import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Horse;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ public class DisguiseAPI {
return constructDisguise(entity, true, true, true);
public static Disguise constructDisguise(Entity entity, boolean doEnquipment, boolean doSneak, boolean doSprint) {
public static Disguise constructDisguise(Entity entity, boolean doEquipment, boolean doSneak, boolean doSprint) {
DisguiseType disguiseType = DisguiseType.getType(entity);
Disguise disguise;
if (disguiseType.isMisc()) {
@ -58,22 +61,18 @@ public class DisguiseAPI {
if (entity.getFireTicks() > 0) {
if (doEnquipment && entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
EntityEquipment enquip = ((LivingEntity) entity).getEquipment();
if (disguiseType.getEntityType().name().equals("HORSE")) {
try {
Object horseInv = entity.getClass().getMethod("getInventory").invoke(entity);
Object item = horseInv.getClass().getMethod("getSaddle").invoke(horseInv);
if (item != null && ((ItemStack) item).getType() == Material.SADDLE) {
((HorseWatcher) watcher).setSaddled(true);
((HorseWatcher) watcher)
.setHorseArmor((ItemStack) horseInv.getClass().getMethod("getArmor").invoke(horseInv));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (doEquipment && entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
EntityEquipment equip = ((LivingEntity) entity).getEquipment();
if (disguiseType.getEntityType() == EntityType.HORSE) {
Horse horse = (Horse) entity;
HorseInventory horseInventory = horse.getInventory();
ItemStack saddle = horseInventory.getSaddle();
if (saddle != null && saddle.getType() == Material.SADDLE) {
((HorseWatcher) watcher).setSaddled(true);
((HorseWatcher) watcher).setHorseArmor(horseInventory.getArmor());
for (Method method : entity.getClass().getMethods()) {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public class DisguiseConfig {
private static String disguiseBlownMessage;
private static int disguiseCloneExpire;
private static int disguiseEntityExpire;
private static boolean enquipmentEnabled;
private static boolean equipmentEnabled;
private static boolean entityAnimationsAdded;
private static boolean entityStatusEnabled;
private static boolean hearSelfDisguise;
@ -105,9 +105,13 @@ public class DisguiseConfig {
return blowDisguisesOnAttack;
public static boolean isEnquipmentPacketsEnabled() {
return enquipmentEnabled;
public static boolean isEquipmentPacketsEnabled() {
return equipmentEnabled;
* @deprecated Spelling mistake.
@Deprecated public static boolean isEnquipmentPacketsEnabled() { return equipmentEnabled; }
public static boolean isEntityAnimationsAdded() {
return entityAnimationsAdded;
@ -262,8 +266,8 @@ public class DisguiseConfig {
public static void setEnquipmentPacketsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (enabled != isEnquipmentPacketsEnabled()) {
enquipmentEnabled = enabled;
if (enabled != isEquipmentPacketsEnabled()) {
equipmentEnabled = enabled;
@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ public class LivingWatcher extends FlagWatcher {
static Method potionNo;
static {
try {
Class mobEffectList = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("MobEffectList");
list = (Object[]) mobEffectList.getField("byId").get(null);
list = (Object[]) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("MobEffectList", "byId").get(null);
for (Object obj : list) {
if (obj != null) {
for (Method field : obj.getClass().getMethods()) {
@ -202,13 +202,9 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
public static void destroyEntity(TargetedDisguise disguise) {
try {
Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(disguise.getEntity().getWorld());
Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world);
Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker);
Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class)
.invoke(trackedEntities, disguise.getEntity().getEntityId());
Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(disguise.getEntity());
if (entityTrackerEntry != null) {
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers")
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers")
HashSet cloned = (HashSet) trackedPlayers.clone();
PacketContainer destroyPacket = new PacketContainer(PacketType.Play.Server.ENTITY_DESTROY);
@ -325,13 +321,9 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
public static ArrayList<Player> getPerverts(Disguise disguise) {
ArrayList<Player> players = new ArrayList<Player>();
try {
Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(disguise.getEntity().getWorld());
Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world);
Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker);
Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class)
.invoke(trackedEntities, disguise.getEntity().getEntityId());
Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(disguise.getEntity());
if (entityTrackerEntry != null) {
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers")
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers")
for (Object p : trackedPlayers) {
Player player = (Player) ReflectionManager.getBukkitEntity(p);
@ -466,17 +458,13 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
public static void refreshTracker(TargetedDisguise disguise, String player) {
if (disguise.getEntity() != null && disguise.getEntity().isValid()) {
try {
Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(disguise.getEntity().getWorld());
Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world);
Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker);
Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class)
.invoke(trackedEntities, disguise.getEntity().getEntityId());
Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(disguise.getEntity());
if (entityTrackerEntry != null) {
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers")
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers")
Method clear = entityTrackerEntry.getClass()
.getMethod("clear", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer"));
Method updatePlayer = entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getMethod("updatePlayer",
Method clear = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "clear",
Method updatePlayer = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "updatePlayer",
HashSet cloned = (HashSet) trackedPlayers.clone();
for (Object p : cloned) {
@ -499,17 +487,13 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
public static void refreshTrackers(Entity entity) {
if (entity.isValid()) {
try {
Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(entity.getWorld());
Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world);
Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker);
Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class)
.invoke(trackedEntities, entity.getEntityId());
Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(entity);
if (entityTrackerEntry != null) {
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers")
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers")
Method clear = entityTrackerEntry.getClass()
.getMethod("clear", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer"));
Method updatePlayer = entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getMethod("updatePlayer",
Method clear = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "clear",
Method updatePlayer = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "updatePlayer",
HashSet cloned = (HashSet) trackedPlayers.clone();
for (Object p : cloned) {
@ -534,16 +518,13 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
public static void refreshTrackers(TargetedDisguise disguise) {
try {
Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(disguise.getEntity().getWorld());
Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world);
Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker);
Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class)
.invoke(trackedEntities, disguise.getEntity().getEntityId());
Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(disguise.getEntity());
if (entityTrackerEntry != null) {
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers")
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers")
Method clear = entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getMethod("clear", ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("EntityPlayer"));
Method updatePlayer = entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getMethod("updatePlayer",
Method clear = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "clear",
Method updatePlayer = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("EntityTrackerEntry", "updatePlayer",
HashSet cloned = (HashSet) trackedPlayers.clone();
for (Object p : cloned) {
@ -599,13 +580,9 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
// Get the entity tracker
try {
Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(player.getWorld());
Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world);
Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker);
Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class)
.invoke(trackedEntities, player.getEntityId());
Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(player);
if (entityTrackerEntry != null) {
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers")
HashSet trackedPlayers = (HashSet) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers")
// If the tracker exists. Remove himself from his tracker
@ -637,11 +614,7 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
if (!player.isValid() || !player.isOnline() || !disguise.isSelfDisguiseVisible()) {
Object world = ReflectionManager.getWorld(player.getWorld());
Object tracker = world.getClass().getField("tracker").get(world);
Object trackedEntities = tracker.getClass().getField("trackedEntities").get(tracker);
Object entityTrackerEntry = trackedEntities.getClass().getMethod("get", int.class)
.invoke(trackedEntities, player.getEntityId());
Object entityTrackerEntry = ReflectionManager.getEntityTrackerEntry(player);
if (entityTrackerEntry == null) {
// A check incase the tracker is null.
// If it is, then this method will be run again in one tick. Which is when it should be constructed.
@ -658,8 +631,7 @@ public class DisguiseUtilities {
int fakeId = selfDisguisesIds.get(player.getUniqueId());
// Add himself to his own entity tracker
((HashSet) entityTrackerEntry.getClass().getField("trackedPlayers").get(entityTrackerEntry)).add(ReflectionManager
((HashSet<Object>) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityTrackerEntry", "trackedPlayers").get(entityTrackerEntry)).add(ReflectionManager.getNmsEntity(player));
ProtocolManager manager = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager();
// Send the player a packet with himself being spawned
manager.sendServerPacket(player, manager.createPacketConstructor(PacketType.Play.Server.NAMED_ENTITY_SPAWN, player)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public class PacketsManager {
ArrayList<PacketContainer> packets = new ArrayList<PacketContainer>();
// This sends the armor packets so that the player isn't naked.
// Please note it only sends the packets that wouldn't be sent normally
if (DisguiseConfig.isEnquipmentPacketsEnabled()) {
if (DisguiseConfig.isEquipmentPacketsEnabled()) {
for (int nmsSlot = 0; nmsSlot < 5; nmsSlot++) {
int armorSlot = nmsSlot - 1;
if (armorSlot < 0)
@ -530,6 +530,7 @@ public class PacketsManager {
Object obj = null;
if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
try {
// Use reflection so that this works for either int or double methods
obj = LivingEntity.class.getMethod("getHealth").invoke(entity);
if (obj instanceof Double ? (Double) obj == 0 : (Integer) obj == 0) {
soundType = SoundType.DEATH;
@ -544,13 +545,11 @@ public class PacketsManager {
boolean hasInvun = false;
Object nmsEntity = ReflectionManager.getNmsEntity(entity);
try {
Class entityClass = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Entity");
if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
hasInvun = entityClass.getField("noDamageTicks").getInt(nmsEntity) == ReflectionManager
hasInvun = ReflectionManager.getNmsField("Entity", "noDamageTicks").getInt(nmsEntity) ==
ReflectionManager.getNmsField("EntityLiving", "maxNoDamageTicks").getInt(nmsEntity);
} else {
hasInvun = (Boolean) entityClass.getMethod("isInvulnerable").invoke(nmsEntity);
hasInvun = (Boolean) ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("Entity", "isInvulnerable").invoke(nmsEntity);
} catch (Exception ex) {
@ -581,18 +580,16 @@ public class PacketsManager {
try {
int typeId = soundLoc.getWorld().getBlockTypeIdAt(soundLoc.getBlockX(),
soundLoc.getBlockY() - 1, soundLoc.getBlockZ());
Class blockClass = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Block");
Object block;
if (LibVersion.is1_7()) {
block = ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("RegistryMaterials")
.getMethod("a", int.class)
.invoke(blockClass.getField("REGISTRY").get(null), typeId);
block = ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod("RegistryMaterials", "a", int.class)
.invoke(ReflectionManager.getNmsField("Block", "REGISTRY").get(null), typeId);
} else {
block = ((Object[]) blockClass.getField("byId").get(null))[typeId];
block = ((Object[]) ReflectionManager.getNmsField("Block", "byId").get(null))[typeId];
if (block != null) {
Object step = blockClass.getField("stepSound").get(block);
mods.write(0, step.getClass().getMethod("getStepSound").invoke(step));
Object step = ReflectionManager.getNmsField("Block", "stepSound").get(block);
mods.write(0, ReflectionManager.getNmsMethod(step.getClass(), "getStepSound").invoke(step));
} catch (Exception ex) {
@ -1130,8 +1127,8 @@ public class PacketsManager {
// Add enquipment packet
if (DisguiseConfig.isEnquipmentPacketsEnabled()) {
// Add equipment packet
if (DisguiseConfig.isEquipmentPacketsEnabled()) {
// Add the packet that ensures if they are sleeping or not
@ -1,10 +1,20 @@
package me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.DisguiseType;
import org.bukkit.Art;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
@ -17,6 +27,7 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedGameProfile;
public class ReflectionManager {
public enum LibVersion {
V1_6, V1_7;
private static LibVersion currentVersion = LibVersion.V1_7;
@ -52,10 +63,126 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
private static String bukkitVersion = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getName().split("\\.")[3];
private static final String bukkitVersion = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getName().split("\\.")[3];
private static final boolean isForge = Bukkit.getServer().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Cauldron");
* Map of mc-dev simple class name to fully qualified Forge class name.
private static Map<String, String> ForgeClassMappings;
* Map of Forge fully qualified class names to a map from mc-dev field names to Forge field names.
private static Map<String, Map<String, String>> ForgeFieldMappings;
* Map of Forge fully qualified class names to a map from mc-dev method names to a map from method signatures to Forge method names.
private static Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> ForgeMethodMappings;
private static Map<Class<?>, String> primitiveTypes;
static {
final String nameseg_class = "a-zA-Z0-9$_";
final String fqn_class = nameseg_class + "/";
primitiveTypes = ImmutableMap.<Class<?>, String>builder()
.put(byte.class, "B")
.put(char.class, "C")
.put(short.class, "S")
.put(int.class, "I")
.put(long.class, "J")
.put(float.class, "F")
.put(double.class, "D")
.put(void.class, "V").build();
if (isForge) {
// Initialize the maps by reading the srg file
ForgeClassMappings = new HashMap<String, String>();
ForgeFieldMappings = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
ForgeMethodMappings = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>>();
try {
InputStream stream = Class.forName("net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge").getClassLoader()
.getResourceAsStream("mappings/" + getBukkitVersion() + "/cb2numpkg.srg");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
// 1: cb-simpleName
// 2: forge-fullName (Needs dir2fqn())
Pattern classPattern = Pattern.compile("^CL: net/minecraft/server/([" + nameseg_class + "]+) ([" + fqn_class + "]+)$");
// 1: cb-simpleName
// 2: cb-fieldName
// 3: forge-fullName (Needs dir2fqn())
// 4: forge-fieldName
Pattern fieldPattern = Pattern.compile("^FD: net/minecraft/server/([" + nameseg_class + "]+)/([" + nameseg_class + "]+) ([" + fqn_class + "]+)/([" + nameseg_class + "]+)$");
// 1: cb-simpleName
// 2: cb-methodName
// 3: cb-signature-args
// 4: cb-signature-ret
// 5: forge-fullName (Needs dir2fqn())
// 6: forge-methodName
// 7: forge-signature-args
// 8: forge-signature-ret
Pattern methodPattern = Pattern.compile("^MD: net/minecraft/server/([" + fqn_class + "]+)/([" + nameseg_class + "]+) \\(([;\\[" + fqn_class + "]*)\\)([;\\[" + fqn_class + "]+) " +
"([" + fqn_class + "]+)/([" + nameseg_class + "]+) \\(([;\\[" + fqn_class + "]*)\\)([;\\[" + fqn_class + "]+)$");
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
Matcher classMatcher = classPattern.matcher(line);
if (classMatcher.matches()) {
// by CB class name
ForgeClassMappings.put(, dir2fqn(;
Matcher fieldMatcher = fieldPattern.matcher(line);
if (fieldMatcher.matches()) {
// by CB class name
Map<String, String> innerMap = ForgeFieldMappings.get(dir2fqn(;
if (innerMap == null) {
innerMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
ForgeFieldMappings.put(dir2fqn(, innerMap);
// by CB field name to Forge field name
Matcher methodMatcher = methodPattern.matcher(line);
if (methodMatcher.matches()) {
// get by CB class name
Map<String, Map<String, String>> middleMap = ForgeMethodMappings.get(dir2fqn(;
if (middleMap == null) {
middleMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
ForgeMethodMappings.put(dir2fqn(, middleMap);
// get by CB method name
Map<String, String> innerMap = middleMap.get(;
if (innerMap == null) {
innerMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
middleMap.put(, innerMap);
// store the parameter strings
System.out.println("[LibsDisguises] Loaded in Cauldron/Forge mode");
System.out.println("[LibsDisguises] Loaded " + ForgeClassMappings.size() + " Cauldron class mappings");
System.out.println("[LibsDisguises] Loaded " + ForgeFieldMappings.size() + " Cauldron field mappings");
System.out.println("[LibsDisguises] Loaded " + ForgeMethodMappings.size() + " Cauldron method mappings");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("Warning: Running on Cauldron server, but couldn't load mappings file. LibsDisguises will likely crash!");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Warning: Running on Cauldron server, but couldn't load mappings file. LibsDisguises will likely crash!");
private static final Class<?> craftItemClass;
private static final Field pingField;
private static final Field trackerField;
private static final Field entitiesField;
private static final Method ihmGet;
private static Method damageAndIdleSoundMethod;
private static Class itemClass;
private static Field pingField;
static {
for (Method method : getNmsClass("EntityLiving").getDeclaredMethods()) {
@ -74,21 +201,31 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
try {
itemClass = getCraftClass("inventory.CraftItemStack");
pingField = getNmsClass("EntityPlayer").getField("ping");
} catch (Exception e) {
craftItemClass = getCraftClass("inventory.CraftItemStack");
pingField = getNmsField("EntityPlayer", "ping");
trackerField = getNmsField("WorldServer", "tracker");
entitiesField = getNmsField("EntityTracker", "trackedEntities");
ihmGet = getNmsMethod("IntHashMap", "get", int.class);
Method m = getNmsMethod("Item", "getItemOf", getNmsClass("Block"));
private static String dir2fqn(String s) {
return s.replaceAll("/", ".");
// ===
public static Object createEntityInstance(String entityName) {
try {
Class entityClass = getNmsClass("Entity" + entityName);
Class<?> entityClass = getNmsClass("Entity" + entityName);
Object entityObject;
Object world = getWorld(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0));
if (entityName.equals("Player")) {
Object minecraftServer = getNmsClass("MinecraftServer").getMethod("getServer").invoke(null);
Object minecraftServer = getNmsMethod("MinecraftServer", "getServer").invoke(null);
Object playerinteractmanager = getNmsClass("PlayerInteractManager").getConstructor(getNmsClass("World"))
if (LibVersion.is1_7()) {
@ -113,7 +250,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static FakeBoundingBox getBoundingBox(Entity entity) {
try {
Object boundingBox = getNmsClass("Entity").getField("boundingBox").get(getNmsEntity(entity));
Object boundingBox = getNmsField("Entity", "boundingBox").get(getNmsEntity(entity));
double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
int stage = 0;
for (Field field : boundingBox.getClass().getFields()) {
@ -153,7 +290,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static Entity getBukkitEntity(Object nmsEntity) {
try {
return (Entity) ReflectionManager.getNmsClass("Entity").getMethod("getBukkitEntity").invoke(nmsEntity);
return (Entity) getNmsMethod("Entity", "getBukkitEntity").invoke(nmsEntity);
} catch (Exception ex) {
@ -162,7 +299,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static ItemStack getBukkitItem(Object nmsItem) {
try {
return (ItemStack) itemClass.getMethod("asBukkitCopy", getNmsClass("ItemStack")).invoke(null, nmsItem);
return (ItemStack) craftItemClass.getMethod("asBukkitCopy", getNmsClass("ItemStack")).invoke(null, nmsItem);
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -173,7 +310,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
return bukkitVersion;
public static Class getCraftClass(String className) {
public static Class<?> getCraftClass(String className) {
try {
return Class.forName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit." + getBukkitVersion() + "." + className);
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -184,8 +321,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static String getCraftSound(Sound sound) {
try {
Class c = getCraftClass("CraftSound");
return (String) c.getMethod("getSound", Sound.class).invoke(null, sound);
return (String) getCraftClass("CraftSound").getMethod("getSound", Sound.class).invoke(null, sound);
} catch (Exception ex) {
@ -194,8 +330,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static String getEnumArt(Art art) {
try {
Class craftArt = Class.forName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit." + getBukkitVersion() + ".CraftArt");
Object enumArt = craftArt.getMethod("BukkitToNotch", Art.class).invoke(null, art);
Object enumArt = getCraftClass("CraftArt").getMethod("BukkitToNotch", Art.class).invoke(null, art);
for (Field field : enumArt.getClass().getFields()) {
if (field.getType() == String.class) {
return (String) field.get(enumArt);
@ -207,6 +342,13 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
return null;
static Object getEntityTrackerEntry(Entity target) throws Exception {
Object world = getWorld(target.getWorld());
Object tracker = trackerField.get(world);
Object trackedEntities = entitiesField.get(tracker);
return ihmGet.invoke(trackedEntities, target.getEntityId());
public static WrappedGameProfile getGameProfile(Player player) {
if (LibVersion.is1_7()) {
return WrappedGameProfile.fromPlayer(player);
@ -235,10 +377,22 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static Class getNmsClass(String className) {
if (isForge) {
String forgeName = ForgeClassMappings.get(className);
if (forgeName != null) {
try {
return Class.forName(forgeName);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
} else {
// Throw, because the default cannot possibly work
throw new RuntimeException("Missing Forge mapping for " + className);
try {
return Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + getBukkitVersion() + "." + className);
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
return null;
@ -254,13 +408,70 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static Object getNmsItem(ItemStack itemstack) {
try {
return itemClass.getMethod("asNMSCopy", ItemStack.class).invoke(null, itemstack);
return craftItemClass.getMethod("asNMSCopy", ItemStack.class).invoke(null, itemstack);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public static Field getNmsField(String className, String fieldName) {
return getNmsField(getNmsClass(className), fieldName);
public static Field getNmsField(Class clazz, String fieldName) {
if (isForge) {
try {
return clazz.getField(ForgeFieldMappings.get(clazz.getName()).get(fieldName));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
} catch (NullPointerException ignored) {
try {
return clazz.getField(fieldName);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
return null;
public static Method getNmsMethod(String className, String methodName, Class<?>... parameters) {
return getNmsMethod(getNmsClass(className), methodName, parameters);
private static String methodSignaturePart(Class<?> param) {
if (param.isArray()) {
return "[" + methodSignaturePart(param.getComponentType());
} else if (param.isPrimitive()) {
return primitiveTypes.get(param);
} else {
return "L" + param.getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ";";
public static Method getNmsMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class<?>... parameters) {
if (isForge) {
try {
Map<String, String> innerMap = ForgeMethodMappings.get(clazz.getName()).get(methodName);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Class<?> cl : parameters) {
return clazz.getMethod(innerMap.get(sb.toString()), parameters);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
} catch (NullPointerException ignored) {
try {
return clazz.getMethod(methodName, parameters);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
return null;
public static double getPing(Player player) {
try {
return (double) pingField.getInt(ReflectionManager.getNmsEntity(player));
@ -272,9 +483,9 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static float[] getSize(Entity entity) {
try {
float length = getNmsClass("Entity").getField("length").getFloat(getNmsEntity(entity));
float width = getNmsClass("Entity").getField("width").getFloat(getNmsEntity(entity));
float height = getNmsClass("Entity").getField("height").getFloat(getNmsEntity(entity));
float length = getNmsField("Entity", "length").getFloat(getNmsEntity(entity));
float width = getNmsField("Entity", "width").getFloat(getNmsEntity(entity));
float height = getNmsField("Entity", "height").getFloat(getNmsEntity(entity));
return new float[] { length, width, height };
} catch (Exception ex) {
@ -284,7 +495,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static WrappedGameProfile getSkullBlob(WrappedGameProfile gameProfile) {
try {
Object minecraftServer = getNmsClass("MinecraftServer").getMethod("getServer").invoke(null);
Object minecraftServer = getNmsMethod("MinecraftServer", "getServer").invoke(null);
for (Method method : getNmsClass("MinecraftServer").getMethods()) {
if (method.getReturnType().getSimpleName().equals("MinecraftSessionService")) {
Object session = method.invoke(minecraftServer);
@ -319,7 +530,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static WrappedGameProfile grabProfileAddUUID(String playername) {
try {
Object minecraftServer = getNmsClass("MinecraftServer").getMethod("getServer").invoke(null);
Object minecraftServer = getNmsMethod("MinecraftServer", "getServer").invoke(null);
for (Method method : getNmsClass("MinecraftServer").getMethods()) {
if (method.getReturnType().getSimpleName().equals("GameProfileRepository")) {
Object profileRepo = method.invoke(minecraftServer);
@ -346,8 +557,8 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static void setAllowSleep(Player player) {
try {
Object nmsEntity = getNmsEntity(player);
Object connection = nmsEntity.getClass().getField("playerConnection").get(nmsEntity);
Field check = connection.getClass().getField("checkMovement");
Object connection = getNmsField(nmsEntity.getClass(), "playerConnection").get(nmsEntity);
Field check = getNmsField(connection.getClass(), "checkMovement");
check.setBoolean(connection, true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
@ -356,7 +567,7 @@ public class ReflectionManager {
public static void setBoundingBox(Entity entity, FakeBoundingBox newBox) {
try {
Object boundingBox = getNmsClass("Entity").getField("boundingBox").get(getNmsEntity(entity));
Object boundingBox = getNmsField("Entity", "boundingBox").get(getNmsEntity(entity));
int stage = 0;
Location loc = entity.getLocation();
for (Field field : boundingBox.getClass().getFields()) {
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