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package me.libraryaddict.disguise;
import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.PacketsManager;
public class DisguiseConfig {
private static boolean blowDisguisesOnAttack;
private static String disguiseBlownMessage;
private static boolean entityAnimationsAdded;
private static boolean hearSelfDisguise;
private static boolean hidingArmor;
private static boolean hidingHeldItem;
private static boolean modifyBoundingBox;
private static boolean removeUnseenDisguises;
private static boolean sendVelocity;
private static boolean showNameAboveHead;
private static boolean showNameAboveHeadAlwaysVisible;
private static boolean targetDisguises;
public static boolean canHearSelfDisguise() {
return hearSelfDisguise;
public static String getDisguiseBlownMessage() {
return disguiseBlownMessage;
public static boolean isDisguiseBlownOnAttack() {
return blowDisguisesOnAttack;
public static boolean isEntityAnimationsAdded() {
return entityAnimationsAdded;
* Is the plugin modifying the inventory packets so that players when self disguised, do not see their armor floating around
public static boolean isHidingArmorFromSelf() {
return hidingArmor;
* Does the plugin appear to remove the item they are holding, to prevent a floating sword when they are viewing self disguise
public static boolean isHidingHeldItemFromSelf() {
return hidingHeldItem;
public static boolean isModifyBoundingBox() {
return modifyBoundingBox;
public static boolean isMonstersIgnoreDisguises() {
return targetDisguises;
public static boolean isNameAboveHeadAlwaysVisible() {
return showNameAboveHeadAlwaysVisible;
public static boolean isNameOfPlayerShownAboveDisguise() {
return showNameAboveHead;
public static boolean isSelfDisguisesSoundsReplaced() {
return hearSelfDisguise;
* Is the sound packets caught and modified
public static boolean isSoundEnabled() {
return PacketsManager.isHearDisguisesEnabled();
public static boolean isUnusedDisguisesRemoved() {
return removeUnseenDisguises;
* Is the velocity packets sent
public static boolean isVelocitySent() {
return sendVelocity;
* The default value if a player views his own disguise
public static boolean isViewDisguises() {
return PacketsManager.isViewDisguisesListenerEnabled();
public static void setAddEntityAnimations(boolean isEntityAnimationsAdded) {
entityAnimationsAdded = isEntityAnimationsAdded;
public static void setDisguiseBlownMessage(String newMessage) {
disguiseBlownMessage = newMessage;
public static void setDisguiseBlownOnAttack(boolean blowDisguise) {
blowDisguisesOnAttack = blowDisguise;
* Can players hear their own disguises
public static void setHearSelfDisguise(boolean replaceSound) {
if (hearSelfDisguise != replaceSound) {
hearSelfDisguise = replaceSound;
* Set the plugin to hide self disguises armor from theirselves
public static void setHideArmorFromSelf(boolean hideArmor) {
if (hidingArmor != hideArmor) {
hidingArmor = hideArmor;
PacketsManager.setInventoryListenerEnabled(isHidingHeldItemFromSelf() || isHidingArmorFromSelf());
* Does the plugin appear to remove the item they are holding, to prevent a floating sword when they are viewing self disguise
public static void setHideHeldItemFromSelf(boolean hideHelditem) {
if (hidingHeldItem != hideHelditem) {
hidingHeldItem = hideHelditem;
PacketsManager.setInventoryListenerEnabled(isHidingHeldItemFromSelf() || isHidingArmorFromSelf());
public static void setModifyBoundingBox(boolean modifyBounding) {
modifyBoundingBox = modifyBounding;
public static void setMonstersIgnoreDisguises(boolean ignore) {
targetDisguises = ignore;
public static void setNameAboveHeadAlwaysVisible(boolean alwaysVisible) {
showNameAboveHeadAlwaysVisible = alwaysVisible;
public static void setNameOfPlayerShownAboveDisguise(boolean showNames) {
showNameAboveHead = showNames;
* Set if the disguises play sounds when hurt
public static void setSoundsEnabled(boolean isSoundsEnabled) {
public static void setUnusedDisguisesRemoved(boolean remove) {
removeUnseenDisguises = remove;
* Disable velocity packets being sent for w/e reason. Maybe you want every ounce of performance you can get?
public static void setVelocitySent(boolean sendVelocityPackets) {
sendVelocity = sendVelocityPackets;
public static void setViewDisguises(boolean seeOwnDisguise) {
private DisguiseConfig() {