
151 lines
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package net.mindoverflow.hubthat.commands;
import net.mindoverflow.hubthat.HubThat;
import net.mindoverflow.hubthat.utils.*;
import net.mindoverflow.hubthat.utils.files.FileUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class HubCommand implements CommandExecutor
// Initialize the debugger so I can debug the plugin.
private static final Debugger debugger = new Debugger(HubCommand.class.getName());
// Initialize the plugin variable so we can access all of the plugin's data.
private final HubThat plugin;
// Constructor to actually give "plugin" a value.
public HubCommand(HubThat givenPlugin) { plugin = givenPlugin; }
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender commandSender, Command command, String s, String[] args)
// Log who is using the command.
debugger.sendDebugMessage(Level.INFO, "Sender is instance of: " + commandSender.getClass().getName());
// Store the commandSender name for easy access.
String username = commandSender.getName();
if(args.length > 0)
// Check if the player has permission to teleport to the hub.
if(PermissionUtils.playerHasPermission(commandSender, Permissions.HUB_TELEPORT_OTHERS))
String teleportingPlayerName = args[0];
Player teleportingPlayer = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(teleportingPlayerName);
if(teleportingPlayer == null)
String errorMessage = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessages.ERROR_PLAYER_OFFLINE, true).replace("%player%", teleportingPlayerName);
return true;
teleportToHub(commandSender, teleportingPlayer);
return true;
// Warn the player he doesn't have permissions to teleport others to the hub.
String errorMessage = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessages.NO_PERMISSION, true).replace("%permission%", Permissions.HUB_TELEPORT_OTHERS.permission);
return true;
// If the command comes from Console, stop it and give a warning.
boolean senderIsConsole = !(commandSender instanceof Player);
MessageUtils.sendLocalizedMessage(commandSender, LocalizedMessages.ERROR_CONSOLE_ACCESS_BLOCKED);
return true;
// Check if the player has permission to teleport to the hub.
if(PermissionUtils.playerHasPermission(commandSender, Permissions.HUB_TELEPORT))
// Check if the player has permission to skip the teleport delay.
if(PermissionUtils.playerHasPermission(commandSender, Permissions.NO_HUB_DELAY))
teleportToHub(commandSender, (Player)commandSender);
return true;
// If the player doesn't have permission to skip the teleport delay...
// Check if he's not already teleporting.
// Put the player in the ArrayList of players waiting to be teleported.
// Load the teleportation delay.
int delay = FileUtils.FileType.CONFIG_YAML.yaml.getInt(ConfigEntries.HUB_DELAY.path);
// Warn the player about the delay.
String delayMessage = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessages.INFO_TELEPORT_DELAY, false);
delayMessage = delayMessage.replace("%delay%", delay + "");
MessageUtils.sendColorizedMessage(commandSender, delayMessage);
// Start a timer.
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new Runnable()
public void run()
if(!CommonValues.cancelRunnable.contains(username) && CommonValues.teleporting.contains(username))
teleportToHub(commandSender, (Player)commandSender);
}, delay * 20); // Convert seconds to ticks.
return true;
// If it's already teleporting...
// Send a message to the player stating it, and do nothing.
MessageUtils.sendLocalizedMessage(commandSender, LocalizedMessages.ERROR_ALREADY_TELEPORTING);
return true;
// Warn the player he doesn't have permissions to go to the hub.
String errorMessage = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessages.NO_PERMISSION, true).replace("%permission%", Permissions.HUB_TELEPORT.permission);
return true;
// Method to teleport the player to the hub.
public static void teleportToHub(CommandSender actor, Player player)
String username = player.getName();
// Teleport the player to the destination.
TeleportUtils.teleportPlayer(actor, player, FileUtils.FileType.HUB_YAML);
// Remove it from the "teleporting" list - so it won't get teleported if it's waiting the spawn delay.