package wtf.beatrice.hubthat.utils; import wtf.beatrice.hubthat.HubThat; import wtf.beatrice.hubthat.utils.files.FileUtils; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.util.logging.Level; public class TeleportUtils { private static HubThat plugin; public TeleportUtils(HubThat givenPlugin) { plugin = givenPlugin; } // Initialize the debugger so I can debug the plugin. private static final Debugger debugger = new Debugger(TeleportUtils.class.getName()); // Method to teleport a player, given the location coordinates, the world name and the player's name. public static void teleportPlayer(double x, double y, double z, double yaw, double pitch, String worldName, String playerName) { Location location = new Location(plugin.getServer().getWorld(worldName), x, y, z, (float)yaw, (float)pitch); Player player = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(playerName); if(player == null) return; fixInvisibilityBefore(location); plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(plugin, () -> { player.teleport(location); fixInvisibilityAfter(player); }, 1); } // Method to teleport a player, given its username and defined if it's a hub or a spawn. public static void teleportPlayer(CommandSender sender, Player player, FileUtils.FileType type, String currentWorldName, boolean sendMessage) { // Get the Player object from his playername. //Player player = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(playerName); // If the player is null, give a warning and stop the method. if(player == null) { debugger.sendDebugMessage(Level.SEVERE, "Error: player who tried to teleport is NULL!"); return; } // Initialize various needed variables. String worldName; double x, y, z, yaw, pitch; // Check if the given file type is a hub file. if(type == FileUtils.FileType.HUB_YAML) { // Load hub location. x = type.yaml.getDouble("hub.x"); y = type.yaml.getDouble("hub.y"); z = type.yaml.getDouble("hub.z"); yaw = type.yaml.getDouble("hub.yaw"); pitch = type.yaml.getDouble("hub.pitch"); worldName = type.yaml.getString(""); } // Check if the given file type is a spawn file. else if(type == FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML) { // Load the spawn location. x = type.yaml.getDouble("spawn.x." + currentWorldName); y = type.yaml.getDouble("spawn.y." + currentWorldName); z = type.yaml.getDouble("spawn.z." + currentWorldName); yaw = type.yaml.getDouble("spawn.yaw." + currentWorldName); pitch = type.yaml.getDouble("spawn.pitch." + currentWorldName); worldName = type.yaml.getString("" + currentWorldName); } // Else, set the world to null because there was a problem. else { worldName = null; x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; yaw = 0; pitch = 0; } // Check if the world name is null. if(worldName == null) { // Send a debug message about it. debugger.sendDebugMessage(Level.SEVERE, "Error: could not find world!"); if(type == FileUtils.FileType.HUB_YAML) { // send a message about the hub being not set if(sendMessage) MessageUtils.sendLocalizedMessage(sender, LocalizedMessage.ERROR_HUB_NOT_SET); } else if(type == FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML) { // send a message about the spawn being not set. if(sendMessage) MessageUtils.sendLocalizedMessage(sender, LocalizedMessage.ERROR_SPAWN_NOT_SET); } else { if(sendMessage) MessageUtils.sendColorizedMessage(sender, "&cError in code. Contact the developer!"); } // Stop. return; } else { debugger.sendDebugMessage(Level.INFO, "Found world name: " + worldName); // Check if the hub is not set. if(worldName.equals("__UNSET__") && type == FileUtils.FileType.HUB_YAML) { // Warn the player about the hub not being set. if(sendMessage) MessageUtils.sendLocalizedMessage(sender, LocalizedMessage.ERROR_HUB_NOT_SET); // Stop. return; } } // Check if the world actually exists. World destinationWorld = plugin.getServer().getWorld(worldName); if(destinationWorld == null) { // Tell the player that the world does not exist. if(sendMessage) { String errorWorldNotExistingMessage = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessage.ERROR_WORLD_NOT_EXISTING, false); errorWorldNotExistingMessage = errorWorldNotExistingMessage.replace("%w%", worldName); MessageUtils.sendColorizedMessage(player, errorWorldNotExistingMessage); } return; } // Store the location in a variable and teleport the player to it. final Location finalLocation = new Location(destinationWorld, x, y, z, (float)yaw, (float)pitch); fixInvisibilityBefore(finalLocation); plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(plugin, () -> { player.teleport(finalLocation); fixInvisibilityAfter(player); }, 1); // Check if the player is teleporting to the hub. if(type == FileUtils.FileType.HUB_YAML) { // Send a message to the player about him being successfully teleported. if(sendMessage) MessageUtils.sendLocalizedMessage(player, LocalizedMessage.INFO_HUB_TELEPORTED); if((sender != player) && (sendMessage)) { String message = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessage.INFO_HUB_TELEPORTED_OTHER, true).replace("%player%", player.getName()); sender.sendMessage(message); } } else //if(type == FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML) // left here but commented, for easy understanding { if(sendMessage) MessageUtils.sendLocalizedMessage(player, LocalizedMessage.INFO_SPAWN_TELEPORTED); if((sender != player) && (sendMessage)) { String message = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessage.INFO_SPAWN_TELEPORTED_OTHER, true).replace("%player%", player.getName()).replace("%world%", worldName); sender.sendMessage(message); } } } public static void teleportPlayer(CommandSender sender, Player player, FileUtils.FileType type, String currentWorldName) { teleportPlayer(sender, player, type, currentWorldName, true); } public static void teleportPlayer(CommandSender sender, Player player, FileUtils.FileType type, boolean sendMessage) { teleportPlayer(sender, player, type, null, sendMessage); } public static void teleportPlayer(CommandSender sender, Player player, FileUtils.FileType type) { teleportPlayer(sender, player, type, null); } public static void fixInvisibilityAfter(Player player) { if(PluginCache.invisibilityFix) { debugger.sendDebugMessage(Level.INFO, "Invisibility fix enabled!"); player.getInventory().addItem(PluginCache.AIR); } } public static void fixInvisibilityBefore(Location destination) { destination.getChunk().load(); } }