package wtf.beatrice.hubthat.commands; import wtf.beatrice.hubthat.HubThat; import wtf.beatrice.hubthat.utils.*; import wtf.beatrice.hubthat.utils.files.FileUtils; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.logging.Level; public class SetSpawnCommand implements CommandExecutor { // Initialize the debugger so I can debug the plugin. private final Debugger debugger = new Debugger(getClass().getName()); // Initialize the plugin variable so we can access all of the plugin's data. private final HubThat plugin; // Constructor to actually give "plugin" a value. public SetSpawnCommand(HubThat givenPlugin) { plugin = givenPlugin; } @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender commandSender, Command command, String s, String[] args) { // Log who is using the command. debugger.sendDebugMessage(Level.INFO, "Sender is instance of: " + commandSender.getClass().getName()); // If the command comes from Console, stop it and give a warning. boolean senderIsConsole = (commandSender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender); if(senderIsConsole) { MessageUtils.sendLocalizedMessage(commandSender, LocalizedMessage.ERROR_CONSOLE_ACCESS_BLOCKED); return true; } // Check if the player has permission to set the hub. if(PermissionUtils.playerHasPermission(commandSender, Permissions.SPAWN_SET)) { // Cast player to commandSender so we can get its position. Player player = (Player)commandSender; // Load the player's position. Location playerLocation = player.getLocation(); double x, y, z, yaw, pitch; String currentWorldName, worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf; x = playerLocation.getX(); y = playerLocation.getY(); z = playerLocation.getZ(); yaw = playerLocation.getYaw(); pitch = playerLocation.getPitch(); // We need the world name to be non null. currentWorldName = Objects.requireNonNull(playerLocation.getWorld()).getName(); // Check if there are any args and if they are different from the actual world. if(args.length > 0 && !args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(currentWorldName)) { // We need to set the world you're setting the spawn of to args[0] so we can differentiate between it and it's new spawn destination. worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf = args[0]; } // If there are no args, we are going to use the current player's world as the one with the new spawn. else { worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf = currentWorldName; Objects.requireNonNull(plugin.getServer().getWorld(worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf)).setSpawnLocation((int)x, (int)y, (int)z); } // If the world does not exist... World world = plugin.getServer().getWorld(worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf); if(world == null) { // Warn the player and stop. // Tell the player that the world does not exist. String errorWorldNotExistingMessage = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessage.ERROR_WORLD_NOT_EXISTING, false); errorWorldNotExistingMessage = errorWorldNotExistingMessage.replace("%w%", worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf); MessageUtils.sendColorizedMessage(commandSender, errorWorldNotExistingMessage); return true; } // Set the location to the Yaml file. FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML.yaml.set("" + worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf, currentWorldName); FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML.yaml.set("spawn.x." + worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf, x); FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML.yaml.set("spawn.y." + worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf, y); FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML.yaml.set("spawn.z." + worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf, z); FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML.yaml.set("spawn.yaw." + worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf, yaw); FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML.yaml.set("spawn.pitch." + worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf, pitch); // Edit the vanilla world's spawnpoint. //world.setSpawnLocation(new Location(world, x, y, z, (float)yaw, (float)pitch)); // Save the file to the disk. We don't need to reload the Yaml file because we already set the values in the RAM. FileUtils.saveExistingYaml(FileUtils.FileType.SPAWN_YAML); // Tell the player he set the spawn successfully. String spawnSetMessage = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessage.INFO_SPAWN_SET, false) .replace("%dw%", worldYouAreSettingTheSpawnOf) .replace("%cw%", currentWorldName) .replace("%x%", (int)x + "") .replace("%y%", (int)y + "") .replace("%z%", (int)z + ""); MessageUtils.sendColorizedMessage(commandSender, spawnSetMessage); } else { String errorMessage = MessageUtils.getLocalizedMessage(LocalizedMessage.NO_PERMISSION, true).replace("%permission%", Permissions.SPAWN_SET.permission); commandSender.sendMessage(errorMessage); } return true; } }