error: console-access-blocked: '&cSorry, but this command is not available via console.' already-teleporting: '&cYou are already being teleported!' hub-not-set: '&cThe hub is not set.' spawn-not-set: '&cThe spawn is not set.' unknown-world: '&cError: world "%w%" does not exist!' wrong-usage: '&cWrong usage! Correct usage is %usage%' no-permission: '&cYou do not have permission: &4%permission%' player-offline: '&cPlayer %player% is offline!' warning: console-access: '&eWarning! You are accessing the plugin command from console.' teleportation-cancelled: '&cYou moved! Teleportation cancelled.' info: global: teleport-delay: '&eYou will be teleported in %delay% seconds!' prefix: '&0[&3HT&0] &f' hub: teleported: '&eYou have been teleported to the hub!' teleported-other: '&eYou teleported &3%player%&e to the hub!' set: '&eYou have successfully set the hub! World: &3%w%&e X: &3%x%&e Y: &3%y%&e Z: &3%z%' spawn: teleported: '&eYou have been teleported to the spawn!' teleported-other: '&eYou teleported &3%player%&e to world &3%world%&e''s spawn!' set: '&eYou have successfully set the spawn for world &3%dw%&e in world: &3%cw%&e X: &3%x%&e Y: &3%y%&e Z: &3%z%' worldtp: teleported: '&eYou have been teleported to world "%w%"!' worlds-list: '&3Worlds List:'