/* * This file is part of PlaceholderAPI * * PlaceholderAPI * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2021 PlaceholderAPI Team * * PlaceholderAPI free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PlaceholderAPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package me.clip.placeholderapi.commands.impl.local; import java.io.File; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.logging.Level; import me.clip.placeholderapi.PlaceholderAPIPlugin; import me.clip.placeholderapi.commands.PlaceholderCommand; import me.clip.placeholderapi.expansion.PlaceholderExpansion; import me.clip.placeholderapi.expansion.manager.LocalExpansionManager; import me.clip.placeholderapi.util.Futures; import me.clip.placeholderapi.util.Msg; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Unmodifiable; public final class CommandExpansionRegister extends PlaceholderCommand { public CommandExpansionRegister() { super("register"); } @Override public void evaluate(@NotNull final PlaceholderAPIPlugin plugin, @NotNull final CommandSender sender, @NotNull final String alias, @NotNull @Unmodifiable final List params) { if (params.size() < 1) { Msg.msg(sender, "&cYou must specify the name of an expansion file."); return; } final LocalExpansionManager manager = plugin.getLocalExpansionManager(); final File file = new File(manager.getExpansionsFolder(), params.get(0)); if (!file.exists()) { Msg.msg(sender, "&cThe file &f" + file.getName() + "&c doesn't exist!"); return; } Futures.onMainThread(plugin, manager.findExpansionInFile(file), (clazz, exception) -> { if (exception != null) { Msg.msg(sender, "&cFailed to find expansion in file: &f" + file); plugin.getLogger() .log(Level.WARNING, "failed to find expansion in file: " + file, exception); return; } if (clazz == null) { Msg.msg(sender, "&cNo expansion class found in file: &f" + file); return; } final Optional expansion = manager.register(clazz); if (!expansion.isPresent()) { Msg.msg(sender, "&cFailed to register expansion from &f" + params.get(0)); return; } Msg.msg(sender, "&aSuccessfully registered expansion: &f" + expansion.get().getName()); }); } @Override public void complete(@NotNull final PlaceholderAPIPlugin plugin, @NotNull final CommandSender sender, @NotNull final String alias, @NotNull @Unmodifiable final List params, @NotNull final List suggestions) { if (params.size() > 1) { return; } final String[] fileNames = plugin.getLocalExpansionManager().getExpansionsFolder() .list((dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".jar")); if (fileNames == null || fileNames.length == 0) { return; } suggestByParameter(Arrays.stream(fileNames), suggestions, params.isEmpty() ? null : params.get(0)); } }