--- name: Bug Report about: Report bugs of PlaceholderAPI with this template --- [Request change (Wiki)]: https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/issues/new?template=change_request_wiki.md [Request change (PlaceholderAPI)]: https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/issues/new?template=change_request_placeholderapi.md [Spigot]: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/6245/ [Jenkins]: http://ci.extendedclip.com/job/PlaceholderAPI/ [issues]: https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/issues ## Please read This template is only for reporting bugs of PlaceholderAPI! If you want to request changes to the code of PlaceholderAPI, use the [Request change (PlaceholderAPI)] template. For changes to the wiki use the [Request change (Wiki)] template. Please also make sure that you use the [latest release][Spigot] or the latest [developement build][Jenkins] and that your bug isn't already reported on the [issues] page. **Please report issues with expansions/placeholders to the corresponding issue tracker! Only report it here if you can't find any place to report it!** ### Issue > What is the issue? Describe it like you would tell a friend. ### Expected behaviour > What should PlaceholderAPI do? ### Actual behaviour > What does PlaceholderAPI actually do? ### How to reproduce > What steps did you made, to get this bug? 1. ### Installed expansions > Please list all expansions that are displayed when running `/papi list`