diff --git a/src/main/java/me/clip/placeholderapi/commands/impl/local/CommandHelp.java b/src/main/java/me/clip/placeholderapi/commands/impl/local/CommandHelp.java index c1a56de..ef2b352 100644 --- a/src/main/java/me/clip/placeholderapi/commands/impl/local/CommandHelp.java +++ b/src/main/java/me/clip/placeholderapi/commands/impl/local/CommandHelp.java @@ -47,28 +47,28 @@ public final class CommandHelp extends PlaceholderCommand Msg.msg(sender, "&b&lPlaceholderAPI &8- &7Help Menu &8- &7(&f" + description.getVersion() + "&7)", " ", - "&b/papi &fversion", - " &7&oView plugin info/version", - "&b/papi &freload", - " &7&oReload the config of PAPI", - "&b/papi &flist", - " &7&oList active expansions", - "&b/papi &finfo &9", - " &7&oView information for a specific expansion", - "&b/papi &fparse &9 ", - " &7&oParse a message with placeholders", "&b/papi &fbcparse &9 ", " &7&oParse a message with placeholders and broadcast it", - "&b/papi &fparserel &9 ", - " &7&oParse a message with relational placeholders", "&b/papi &fcmdparse &9 ", " &7&oParse a message with relational placeholders", + "&b/papi &fdump", + " &7&oDump all relevant information needed to help debug issues into a paste link.", + "&b/papi &finfo &9", + " &7&oView information for a specific expansion", + "&b/papi &flist", + " &7&oList active expansions", + "&b/papi &fparse &9 ", + " &7&oParse a message with placeholders", + "&b/papi &fparserel &9 ", + " &7&oParse a message with relational placeholders", "&b/papi &fregister &9", " &7&oRegister an expansion by the name of the file", + "&b/papi &freload", + " &7&oReload the config of PAPI", "&b/papi &funregister &9", " &7&oUnregister an expansion by name", - "&b/papi &fdump", - " &7&oDump all relevant information needed to help debug issues into a paste link."); + "&b/papi &fversion", + " &7&oView plugin info/version"); } }