We welcome everyone to contribute towards the PlaceholderAPI Project, but doing so will require you to follow specific rules to keep a consistent and welcoming way of contributing.
We have issue templates to help us get the required information more easily. Please follow the provided template when either filing a bug report or feature request.
Your issue may be closed without warning for not following the template.
Opening a separate issue for a bug report or feature request, that already exists on the issue tracker only slows down the process of fixing the bug or implementing the feature.
If an issue with the bug or feature you want to report/suggest exists, comment on it with your info (bug reports) or give it a :thumbsup: (Feature Request) to show that this is important for you.
PlaceholderAPI provides a feature to have expansions (separate jar files) for placeholders. This gives it a possability that an issue you encounter is caused by said expansions or a separate plugin that uses those expansions.
In those cases should you report the issue to the issue tracker of the expansion or plugin.
As an open source project are we welcoming all contributions to improve PlaceholderAPI, being it changes to its code like bug fixes or new features, or contributions to its documentation such as the [Wiki] or the Javadoc.
Any contributions to PlaceholderAPI's code should be done towards the [`development`][dev] branch. Targeting the `master` branch in your Pull request may get it closed without warning.
If your pull request only targets the [wiki] or only changes the javadoc comments of PlaceholderAPI (And not its actual code), it should be to `docs/wiki` branch.