Thank you for taking your time and opening a Bug Report.
In order for us to process this Bug Report as fast and efficient as possible do we ask you to read the form carefully and provide any requested information.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk symbol (`*`)
Also, always make sure to use the latest Release from [Spigot]( or the latest Development Build from our [Jenkins Server]( to make sure that your issue isn't already fixed.
Please execute the `/papi dump` command and provide the generated URL from it.
If you can't execute the command (i.e. PlaceholderAPI doesn't start up) can you put N/A here and mention the issue in the `Additional Information` field.
Please share any exceptions, errors and stack traces that PlaceholderAPI may print in the console.
For smaller errors can you use code blocks but it's recommended to use either, or another hastebin/pastebin site for larger errors.
Add any extra info you think is nessesary for this Bug report.
- If you selected `API Bug` will you need to include code-examples here to reproduce the issue.
- If you selected `Plugin/Server Incompatability` should you include extra Server info such as a Timings or Spark-Report or info about the plugin in question.